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S13.E01: Week 1

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Diggy's hand-shaking dog stole the show for me. Absolutely adorable.

Lucas isn't the least bit funny and I feel bad for Rachel that she has to keep him around for at least a week. She's great so far, by the way. Well-spoken (especially for this show), confident and nice. I think she's going to be a classy and fun Bachelorette. Josiah and Peter are my favorites so far, Peter is quite pretty. 

  • Love 17

Why does Jack Stone get a last name--or is that his first name like Jack Stone Smith?

Bollywood dance competitions > wrestling, though I liked the wrestler guy better than the Bollywood guy.

Oh, no, Lucas "Whaboom" has got to go! My vote for first to go even before the rose ceremony.

My almost 21-year-old daughter and I both think Diggy is cute. She was impressed with his Yeezy sneakers. He's going to be this season's Marquel with the fashion!

Josiah--OMG--best sob story to life-altering change. Another attorney on par with Rachel. He's a contender! I'll put him in my top 3.

Josiah with the lawyer jokes! "No reasonable doubt...See you later, litigator!"

Bryan the Colombian guy is cute.

Uriel Will, lol.

Break the ice guy was funny!

DeMario was kind of suave...but then ruined it a bit bragging to the guys. Interesting that Raven says he's There for the Wrong Reasons.

I don't think Blake the marching band guy wanted to be referred to as "the little drummer boy."

Fred and Rachel went to school together?!?! Ooh, he was a bad kid!

No, Jonathan Tickle Monster! Leave with Whaboom! Take this next guy with the guitar with you!

Adam Jr?!? What the hell?! Creepy as hell. 

Um, the bottom half of the penguin's face is attractive. Can't tell what the top half looks like. (Added later: Oh, no! Cover your face back up!!)

Kind of missed a handful of dudes...

Ugh, Whaboom again. Loved the guys' reaction to him: [blank stares in disbelief] then a unanimous "That's the crazy one!"  OMG! Lucas! I'm thinking why he was familiar... He was on a different dating show with a group of exes on an island that couldn't really get over each other, so the premise was them dating other people on the island or getting back together! He was immature/annoying on that show but not THIS bad! He hooked up with a few girls and I think got back together with the ex. "Ex Isle"--that's what it was called! Second reality dating show, so obviously There for the Wrong Reasons.

Whoa! Bryan making out with Rachel already!! Guess we know who's getting that first impression rose!

Josiah is going down in my estimation a bit with his braggadocio. I might need to take him out of my top picks. Kenny the wrestler is rising a bit.

No surprise about Bryan getting the rose. Mo's face seeing them kiss! Bwhahaha!
Jeez, these guys are leaving during bright daylight! I mean, I know they always film this all night, but I would never survive. No wonder why Corrine always napped last season.

Yeees! A jilted girlfriend comes back with text messages!

The reaction to the beeped out rap--lol!

  • Love 5

Go away, Lucas. Go away right now.  He’s such a blatant producers' pick, and it sucks. I’m counting down the minutes until he leaves.

I don’t usually fall for the trap of the single dad, but Kenny seemed like such a sweetheart in his intro and during his conversation with Rachel.

WTF is an aspiring drummer? Is it similar to the way I’m an aspiring lottery winner?

So wait, there’s an Iggy and a Diggy? 

Demario could have been a contender, but he lost me the moment he said “Her and I.” I can’t deal with an entire season of hearing that come out of the contestants’ mouths.

Sad he didn’t stick around, but I still want to have a Bollywood dance party with Mohit and his family.

I get the sense Adam Jr. is a creeper. LOL. I know that sequence shouldn't have cracked me up, but it did.

  • Love 20

I didn’t particularly care for Rachel on Nick’s season.  I didn’t think I’d like her as the Bachelorette, because I thought her devoid of personality.  So far, she is exceeding my expectation.  This appears to be a decent group of guys.  Vanessa on “Second Chances” must be envious.   I would have kept Kyle and Milton over Lucas and Penguin guy.  I am rooting for Eric and Kenny, which means they’ll be eliminated next week. I believe the majority of them are auditioning to be the next Bachelor. 

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 2

Diggy is so cute.
The story with Fred was so romantic to me.  (I probably tuned out all the parts where it wasn't.)  I actually was once involved with a guy that I had a crush on when we were in the 3rd grade.  We met up during the height of Facebook's popularity and by that point I hadn't seen him in 15 years.  So I was so smitten with that story.
And I like the wrestler Kenny.

Rachel is so pretty!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 8

Of course Corrine, who was last season's focus of the Bachelor, is back to 'advise' Rachael. I knew we weren't finished with her... I'm glad there wasn't champagne involved.

Had to pause this one a few times for a bit to let the 2nd hand embarrassment dissipate. For example: Whaboom: He's all the annoying parts of Jim Carey, without the funny. I'll take a pass on Adam Jr. by the same token. Okay, and poking your eyes out isn't an option, what's worse the bouncy castle or the kids sandbox with play toys?

Loved the hammered Bollywood dancer guy literally screaming NOOOO!!!! As she kissed the first impression rose guy.

Josiah referring to himself in third person is not a good sign.

"Lucas... the producers tell me that you will be receiving my final rose."

  • Love 23
4 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

I get the sense Adam Jr. is a creeper. LOL. I know that sequence shouldn't have cracked me up, but it did.

I normally don't watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows but I was curious about Rachel.  Is the show always this funny?  I uber loved the French confessionals from AJ.   I thought that was good stuff.  Whaboom?  Less so.  But I did love how the Bollywood dancer came off as a stalker when he was staring at Rachel with Bryan.

These guys seemed more decent than their bios. 

  • Love 7

Man, this is a LOUD group of guys. I've only watched the last 3 seasons, but it seems first impression rose wins/final 3 every time-and winner seems to always be in first limo 

echo the lol at the other guys reactions to pink tie rap. I can't learn Their names til their down to like 6. 

Feel sorry for Rachel for having to keep psycho dude; at least it doesn't look like he'll be around long. 

  • Love 2

Rachel is so poised and really socially adept.  I like that she was genuinely nice and appreciative to all the guys.

I am sad Blake went. 

Lucas was an obvious producer pick.  Manufactured drama.  Her face just didn't sell him as her pick.

Diggy was cute.  Love his outfit.

Bryan was smooth, but is he peaking too soon? He's got swagger.

I laughed my ass off at the doll segment.  He was creepy but I love that the show had a little fun with him acting "jealous". 

If I were her, I don't know if I could have picked Fred, having disciplined him when he was 3 years old.  That would be in the back pf my mind all the time.

I wonder if Tickle Monster guy appreciated that that is how he is identified?

  • Love 16

First impressions - I actually did not find these guys very good looking. To be honest, I think only Peter was good looking to me. Kenny was sweet but I wasn't attracted to him and everyone else was kind of blah and/or annoying. 

I'm surprised Rachel seems so into Bryan because I find him smarmy and gropey - two huge no-no's for me. The cock of the head, the half smile, the tongue down the throat in seconds. It was a little much. I cracked up at the one guy's reaction when he saw them through the window when she gave Bryan the rose. That guy's reaction was mine.

Also, watching the way Rachel and Bryan went at it on Night One and remembering how Nick kept insisting he had all this passionate chemistry with Rachel, I'm wondering now if the editors just never showed those makeouts or he was never that into her or she was never that into him. Because she made it all the way to F3 and I don't think I ever saw that level of spit and tongue between them that I did with her and Bryan tonight. 

These guys are really freaking LOUD. I literally had to turn the volume down on my television because it started to feel very manic and like a scream-fest. Especially looking at you Josiah and DeMario. Take it down like ten notches. 

No comment on the Wha-Boom guy other than of course he stayed because no way the producers were going to let her get rid of him so easily. Do feel bad for the guys eliminated though because yeah, what does it say when you get beat out by a guy in a penguin suit and one screaming out Wha-Boom like a nut.

As annoying as Wha-Boom guy was, Blake E. was equally annoying. Like dude, so what if the guy is just there for camera time? No one appointed you arbitrator of the house and people's motives. Take a seat, sip your drink and shut up. No idea who that guy is in the previews that's clearly going to be the season's villain. Did he say two words in the premiere episode? And surprised to see that Bryan doesn't seem like he'll be a villain of sorts. His smarm made me think he would be. 

  • Love 8

Rachel is so lovely, best 'ette  in a long long time. Genuine, friendly, smart

I can tell who the darn show likes and who she has connected with.

Waboom guy, omg..everyone is annoyed with him, TPTB must love that nitwit. Imagine living with him?

Josiah is funny( some great one liners tonight) I liked Kenny, Peter, quite a few good looking men. She is going to have some fun! :)


I laughed my ass off at the doll segment.  He was creepy but I love that the show had a little fun with him acting "jealous"

They need to get rid of that creepy doll LOL.

Edited by F. M.
  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

WTF is an aspiring drummer? Is it similar to the way I’m an aspiring lottery winner?

I am wondering if whatever person is responsible for the chyrons is shading some of these dudes?

I did like that the guys who saw him enter with the marching band had to give him his props, though.

18 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think it was 3rd grade.

Ha!  You're right.  See I am so weirded out by it I subconsciously made it worse. 


I may watch this season because Rachel is awesome. She is so likable and went with everything those guys threw at her, all with a smile on her face. 

I like most of the guys- so far they seem to be friendly with each other and were creeped out accordingly with the crazy guys. I'm sure they get mean and catty as the season goes on but so far, I'm in. 

Bummed that Blake is gone already. He seemed nice, and was hot. 

Edited by twoods
  • Love 17

I came in during the cocktail party. Was busy for half hour taking it in, figuring out what I thought about Rachel (adorable! articulate and smart! and--unlike Andi or Katilyn-- she seems genuinely nice.) It was after quite a while that I realized there were a lot more black people on than usual. Love that it didn't stand out somehow from the beginning.  Seemed a very natural mix.

Didn't get to form many impressions of most of them. Have no idea why Little Adam is there, but I got a kick out of him narrating his talking head comments in French. I think dolls are creepy, too, but I kind of liked that bizarreness.

The only one who stood out to me negatively (other than the weirdo with the "impression") was Peter,  I was surprised, as he is very handsome. But he just seemed fakely suave--maybe time will tell, but  I would have probably considered sending him home. Penguin-guy could have gone immediately, too. I liked the lawyer with the "redemption arc" and Rachel's reaction to the "bad camper" who she still found attractive as an adult. Also that the guy who so aggressively kissed her when she hadn't planned to do any of that, got a "wow" kind of reaction. Guys whining about not getting time with her despite his "$2000 suit" was annoying. He'd go home ASAP, too.  I liked two of the guys she dismissed, one was Bruce K who made a gracious speech. Iggy appealed to me for some reason, too.

Overall, the group is large, but seem off to a good start and Rachel seems like she could be one of the best b-ettes. Plus, from the preview, it looks like lots of travel porn, too.  Maybe they will go all out for their first AA b-ette. Hope so.  What they showed tonight was gorgeous.

Edited by Padma
  • Love 2

"The word 'whaboom' grew from the word 'boom', but it has a lot more energy behind it". Profound stuff.

Despite the obligatory stinkers like Whaboom, Tickle Monster, and Adam with the creepy French doll there seem to be some good guys in the bunch, certainly more than in JoJo's or Kaitlyn's seasons. I liked Kenny, Peter, Will, and Jack. Also liked the cute EMT who got booted. Brady the male model miscalculated his entrance shtick because a guy who looks like American Psycho should never bring a sledgehammer on a date. Bryan does the thing that I hate - going in for a full-on makeout session without any buildup. Rachel seems to like it though.

Something about Josiah telling the whole world that he cut his brother from a tree, while presumably standing in front of that tree, made me deeply uncomfortable. Good for him for turning his life around though.

Really liking Rachel as Bachelorette so far and hope she gets what she wanted out of the show.

  • Love 12

It actually was a good premiere. Rachel is killing it!! I love her already!

My 3 favorites without really not knowing much about them are Kenny the wrestler, Josiah and Peter. I actually got some laughs from Adam Jr, and laughed when Rachel gave a rose to Adam and said "only Adam". Bryan definitely is a smooth talker but sloppy kisser. Jeez, talk about sucking face!! Drummer boy is the sex guy.....all the sex talk in his intro was plain old creepy! Creepier than the doll! If Whaboom getting a rose was not producer driven, I will eat my hat! Dean seems like he is going to be fun. 

  • Love 12

I dont know if Im more woke than I used to be, or if the men were more agressive, or what.  But The two instances of Rachel being touched/kissed eithout permission set me off a bit.  First: tickle monster? No.  dont touch me in sensitive places without permission. Thats not a laugh, thats fear.   Two: Bryan, kiss guy? You need to be invited to kiss a woman. Not explicitly, but when Rachel said she hadnt planned on kissing anyone tonight, I just had this awful flash of Rachel's preferences being ignored in a way that really struck me as problematic, made worse by our culture's history of sexualization and abuse of women of color.  

Mainly I feel for Rachel, but its also not what I want when I turn on this show.  

Im glad she liked it, that eased it for me, but it concerns me that the season is starting to head this way already. Please show, dont abuse lovely Rachel.  

/soapbox.  Sorry for being all pc

  • Love 16
11 minutes ago, fib said:

Two: Bryan, kiss guy? You need to be invited to kiss a woman. Not explicitly, but when Rachel said she hadnt planned on kissing anyone tonight, I just had this awful flash of Rachel's preferences being ignored in a way that really struck me as problematic, made worse by our culture's history of sexualization and abuse of women of color.  

YMMV but I didn't see the moment that way. Yes, Bryan was forward in the way he grabbed her face and moved forward but Rachel clearly moved in and met him half way and fully took part in the makeout (because that wasn't a kiss, it was a makeout). And then she was unbothered enough by it to validate him with the FIR, even saying how important she knew the FIR was because she remembered how it made her feel when Nick gave it to her. So she willingly gave that moment to Bryan and then fully participated in makeout number two. I personally find Bryan smarmy and handsy but I got no indication that Rachel wasn't a willing participant in everything he did and this is about her, not me and my feelings about handsy men.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 16
21 minutes ago, fib said:

I dont know if Im more woke than I used to be, or if the men were more agressive, or what.  But The two instances of Rachel being touched/kissed eithout permission set me off a bit.  First: tickle monster? No.  dont touch me in sensitive places without permission. Thats not a laugh, thats fear.   Two: Bryan, kiss guy? You need to be invited to kiss a woman. Not explicitly, but when Rachel said she hadnt planned on kissing anyone tonight, I just had this awful flash of Rachel's preferences being ignored in a way that really struck me as problematic, made worse by our culture's history of sexualization and abuse of women of color.  

Mainly I feel for Rachel, but its also not what I want when I turn on this show.  

Im glad she liked it, that eased it for me, but it concerns me that the season is starting to head this way already. Please show, dont abuse lovely Rachel.  

/soapbox.  Sorry for being all pc

Unfortunately in past seasons there have been some touchy feely guys right out of the gate, I remember in Desiree's season there was one who stepped out of the limo and tried to kiss her and after this other guy who kept trying to drag her to a secluded area he had set up. Totally inappropriate.

Saying all that there is just something about Bryan that bugs and he is totally giving me player vibes. But with that kiss and first impression rose he is probably going to be around for awhile.

Edited by roses
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Padma said:

The only one who stood out to me negatively (other than the weirdo with the "impression") was Peter,  I was surprised, as he is very handsome. But he just seemed fakely suave--maybe time will tell, but  I would have probably considered sending him home.

Hmm, interesting. Did he even say much? I just remember thinking he was one of the best looking guys (which isn't saying much since I found half of those unattractive) but I would also forget he was there at different points of the night. He and Rachel's one on one time was sort of adorably awkward though. First he strikes out on the chocolate, then she tried to help him out with pointing out the shooting star and he responds in this pretty lame way. 


The best impression I had all night was honestly Rachel herself. Not that I thought she wouldn't do a good job but she exceeded my expectations. I found myself smiling a lot and really enjoying her ease, wit, and maturity.

As far as the men I like Peter and Eric the most. I thought Alex and Bryan were attractive but Alex didn't really stand out to me unless you count him pulling around that vacuum cleaner. With that I thought at first introduction he would say something like he was there to "sweep her off her feet" or something to that effect. But no so I'm not sure what that was about. Bryan came on a little too strong but I admit he's very attractive. To me Peter had a laid back, not trying to hard charm about him and Eric seems so sweet and charming.

Hope Rachel has a good season. Seems to be off to a great start. 

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 11

Poor Milton.  He is now kicking himself for growling in her neck.  She really did not like that!  Bet he never does that again.  

Her talk with Peter was brief but we saw it continued in a shot from behind.   

Best bachelorette ever!  Her confidence and poise are stellar.  

10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

"Lucas... the producers tell me that you will be receiving my final rose."

Ha!  As was tickle monster, creepy guy.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, JenE4 said:

DeMario was kind of suave...but then ruined it a bit bragging to the guys. Interesting that Raven says he's There for the Wrong Reasons.

That was Whitney not Raven. I think Raven actually said she thought he gave a good first impression. Granted at that point all she had to go on was the little bit at the ATFR. 

Speaking of which I thought it was kind of sweet for all the girls to come back for her like that. I think it was more a show of support then giving her some supposed sage advice. Just shows how much she was really liked in the house.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, AudreyHorne said:

Um.  I'm experiencing this weird and unfamiliar feeling.  Could it be that I'm actually watching for the RIGHT REASONS?!

I was charmed last night by Rachel and a few of the guys (Kenny is #1 for me.  Don't disappoint us, Kenny!).  I found myself not even missing the usual delicious train wreck!

Someone on Afterbuzz said Kenny danced with the Chippendales during the week and wrestled on the weekends. He has a Wikipedia page too, which said he was on another dating show.


  • Love 1
1 hour ago, truthaboutluv said:

YMMV but I didn't see the moment that way. Yes, Bryan was forward in the way he grabbed her face and moved forward but Rachel clearly moved in and met him half way and fully took part in the makeout (because that wasn't a kiss, it was a makeout). And then she was unbothered enough by it to validate him with the FIR, even saying how important she knew the FIR was because she remembered how it made her feel when Nick gave it to her. So she willingly gave that moment to Bryan and then fully participated in makeout number two. I personally find Bryan smarmy and handsy but I got no indication that Rachel wasn't a willing participant in everything he did and this is about her, not me and my feelings about handsy men.

Yeah - it made me feel a lot better that she said she liked it. I think my radar is just going off cause I'm worried for how the shows awful producers may hurt her to create drama. 

15 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

Someone on Afterbuzz said Kenny danced with the Chippendales during the week and wrestled on the weekends. He has a Wikipedia page too, which said he was on another dating show.


Ha! He's this season's Magic Mike! Good for him.  I thought he would be a goner pretty quickly, cause I kinda think Rachel & wrestling don't mix, but he appears to be a pretty good narrator and may stick around a lot longer than I would have imagined the way Evan did, since the producers always need someone who can explain what is going on in talking heads. Plus his background kinda says "Invite me to Paradise". 

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, AudreyHorne said:

Um.  I'm experiencing this weird and unfamiliar feeling.  Could it be that I'm actually watching for the RIGHT REASONS?!

Haha! I completely agree!  I found Rachel completely relatable and very likeable.  She showed a lot of charm and wit when meeting all the guys (my favourite line was "that was a just a glimpse?" after the whaboom guy did his thing).  I have a feeling she'll be one of the best Bachelorettes, and I hope she finds happiness. 

  • Love 12

I thought Kenny was great. Cute, well-spoken, sweet and funny. I hope he stays a while.

I like confidence but DeMario and Josiah are way over the top for me. Dial it back guys

Peter is good looking. Couldn't quite get a read on him yet. 

The "aspiring drummer" was definitely producer fun because it was clear from the intro that he is a physical trainer (aka penis guy).

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, fib said:

Yeah - it made me feel a lot better that she said she liked it. I think my radar is just going off cause I'm worried for how the shows awful producers may hurt her to create drama. 

I'm seeing this sentiment many places and a lot of it is tied to Rachel's being black and concern over the negative stereotypes that already exist of black men and black women. That said, I'll just say this. This show is manipulative. It always has been. No matter what they say, the producers aren't truly these people's friends. They are in it for their ratings and advertising dollars. If a great couple comes out of the show, awesome, they will happily celebrate that but at the end of the day, they don't really care about these people. 

That said, nothing I have seen and heard about Rachel indicates to me that she's an idiot. Many said she didn't really know much about the show and the franchise before doing Nick's season and if that is true, she certainly knows more about it now. The woman is a highly educated, professional attorney. I'm willing to bet, she read the fine print on her contract and understands just how much power she and all these people are giving up to these producers. And she agreed to do it - to do it twice. I like Rachel, I think she seems like a really cool woman and her enthusiasm in all her interviews talking about her fiance certainly gives me hope that this may be one of those seasons that works out in the long run.

But she is no wide eyed little innocent that may be harshly manipulated by the evil producers in my opinion. I have a feeling she was well aware what she was getting herself into. I have always said that no matter how much I like or dislike any contestant from this franchise, in my opinion, they're all a little side-eye worthy for agreeing to put their lives out on this batshit crazy show. So all that said, will the producers manipulate the edit - yes, like they always do. Will they create situations to increase the potential for drama, yes, like they always do. But by all accounts, Rachel seems more than fine and quite happy in her media interviews so I'd say she's doing just fine. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 8

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