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S34.E08: There's A New Sheriff In Town (Double Episode)

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Ugh.  Debbie is just unpleasant to watch.  She's entirely too impressed with herself, so maybe the editors are setting up a takedown, but I'm afraid it's just that they think she's entertaining. 

I knew Ozzy was gone as soon as he fell off that pole, but it's not as if he was gonna stick around for long.  Sorry to see him go, but at the end he managed to remind me that he can be a douche sometimes, so I'll get over it.

I love Michaela, but her lack of social game was making me cringe.  I hope Cirie's mentoring helps her out.

Kudos to Tai for hanging onto that pole for over an hour and a half.  

Best moment of the episode was when everyone was congratulating Andrea for winning the challenge and she started to explain that you have to hold the block in place really hard with your head - as if nobody else understood the intricate strategy involved in that challenge.  But with this crowd, maybe they didn't.

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19 minutes ago, double-elvis said:

First vote: I was sorry to see Hali go. It was strange because she said she was going to try to work with Michaela but other than that little whispered conversation we didn’t really see anything. I was hoping the two of them would band together with Cirie and vote out Sierra and her stupid eyebrows.

Zeke better be careful because he is already in overplaying mode.


I was hoping that those three ladies would get together and do something, but no. I really don't get why Hali or Michaela were the two options, did they do something to these people? 

Other than that I thought the first episode was totally zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's. I was kinda bored. Perked up when Hali had the whispered conversation with Michaela, and the Cirie/Michaela mentory conversation was good too.

Also liked the fact that Cirie was shown playing the game finally!! Good decision by her to pretend like she was down with voting Michaela while making sure she didn't actually go home. Good episodes for the most part for Cirie.


17 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

Really, because I think it's stupid. Ozzy focusing on catching fish and feeding the tribe told me that he still has a very old-school mentality and truly only plays the game one way. Ozzy has zero strategy far as I can tell and so he would loyal. He will stay steady until you don't need him anymore.  Zeke showed how erratic and unpredictable he is in the game because you can't trust him worth a damn. He and Andrea had been together since the beginning and he was ready to gun for her just because he didn't like feeling like he wasn't the one at the top of the throne. These kind of players are dangerous because they will blow up your game in a second. Andrea's speech when she voted for Zeke was hilarious - "hope to see you never" is one of my favorite shady comments.

Yep, Ozzy has no game play, can get rid of him any time he loses a challenge, and he does lose them. Zeke is the dangerous one with lots of relationships.


16 minutes ago, BryroseA said:

Man, that was a weird way to use an extra vote, don't you think? I mean, its Debbie, so logic not so much, but wouldn't you save it for a situation where you might be in danger?

Also this ^^^^. Your going to use your extra vote this early? Voting out Ozzy is the one your going to use it on? Everyone will be up for voting him out down the line. I would have saved it.


Second tribal council votes were weird. Why did Cirie vote Sierra? Maybe she was indirectly voting Ozzy out. Also who the hell voted for Aubry, like what is going on?


Why is Sierra acting like she's like some strategic mastermind? She annoys me so much. I didn't even like the way she was laying on the beach at the second immunity challenge when Andrea walked over, like she's some queen or something. When she gets voted out it will be delicious.

5 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I could not get over the nasty coded language that idiots like Sierra used about Michaela tonight: "shifty," ""blunt," "don't get a good vibe from her." I think I even heard "scary" in there. It made last season's "She's so intelligent" and "She's such a big threat" look enlightened compared to Sierra and her ilk.


I'm glad you posted this @Eolivet, I was picking up on this too but was thinking that maybe I was being oversensitive.

Edited by dkb
Response to Eolivet
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53 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I feel like Ozzy is going to look like Troyzan in 20 years.

Oh jeez...now that you say it, that's completely true. I can't unsee that image.

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Weird how the "cool kids" pivoted so quickly from wanting to get rid of the outsiders (Hali and Michaela) to going after "big threats" so quickly after they voted out Hali.  

Michaela went from having her head on the chopping block to being completely off the radar.  I think Michaela was smart to bow out of the challenge, rather then hang there for around an hour, remind everyone what a challenge threat she is and come in 3rd.

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1 hour ago, dkb said:


I was hoping that those three ladies would get together and do something, but no. I really don't get why Hali or Michaela were the two options, did they do something to these people? 

Other than that I thought the first episode was totally zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's. I was kinda bored. Perked up when Hali had the whispered conversation with Michaela, and the Cirie/Michaela mentory conversation was good too.

Also liked the fact that Cirie was shown playing the game finally!! Good decision by her to pretend like she was down with voting Michaela while making sure she didn't actually go home. Good episodes for the most part for Cirie.


Yep, Ozzy has no game play, can get rid of him any time he loses a challenge, and he does lose them. Zeke is the dangerous one with lots of relationships.


Also this ^^^^. Your going to use your extra vote this early? Voting out Ozzy is the one your going to use it on? Everyone will be up for voting him out down the line. I would have saved it.


Second tribal council votes were weird. Why did Cirie vote Sierra? Maybe she was indirectly voting Ozzy out. Also who the hell voted for Aubry, like what is going on.


Why is Sierra acting like she's like some strategic mastermind? She annoys me so much. I didn't even like the way she was laying on the beach at the second immunity challenge when Andrea walked over, like she's some queen or something. When she gets voted out it will be delicious.

I hope she's blindsided or idoled out, not rocked out (though almost as satisfying).  Zeke voted Aubry because that's who Brad's alliance said they were voting for.  He was totally in the dark about Ozzy going home.

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Survivor Sideline...

What is it about the cameramen videoing snakes?  Can't recall an episode this season that doesn't show a snake hanging out on a tree or a piece of background used in the TC. They also like iguanas and most wildlife but snakes seem to be their primary focus. Does the producer just tell someone "Hey, I need background...go shoot some snakes and whatever other fauna you can find". Actually it doesn't sound like a bad job. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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That was all fun.  

Well said Sara.  this freaking out over trans people is just silly.  Good for you Zeke.  The neverending whining is not productive.

Uh oh! Cirie reappears

Starving eyebrows whining she's hungry.  wah!

Twist!  Volunteer  for martyr.   First thought, take it you will grt something better eventually

Of course, Alpha Culpepper doing his thing   He disgusts me.  Tai does the same to maintain rep.

Thanks Brad, you can go tonite

Cirie stepping up her game, is she out.?   This Brad Tai love team is really grossing me out.

Interesting strategy Debbie.  Faking drunken craziness, sucks up to Brad.

The last boss i had was named Brad and was a total bastard.

Women  should bounce immunity loser, Oz or culpepper or even tai

I hate this mikhala bashing.  fuck you Sierra.  tension

Smart hali.  7 is the magic number.  don't explode mik.  good advice cirie. perception really is reality in our bizzaro world today.  Feeling better or just a nasty tease burnett?

Tough challenge. "we'll" work on our tans" oy.

Well done Andrea, but I might have let tai win.  Unless he's the target.

"it's about who's going to take control of this game"  Until next week.

Idol?  I hate you Sierra.  Hush Mikala.

Why is nobody targeting tai or ozzy or brad. He's such a loser he's not even top ten of most obnoxious  players, yet seems to think he's just all that.  

Tribal Council Strip search LOL!  I hate you more Sierra. I don't understand Cirie voting Mikala.  I guess to keep her street cred as part of the Brad gang.

Ah well, Sorry Hali

"We are soldiered up!"  Maybe not...

EZ Zeke.  EVERYBODY is trying to CONTROL THE GAME including YOU.

You need your own soldiers and Brad and Sierra are not your friends.  Oz and Troy appear with them too, so you can get to #5?

Yet more luxury.  whoops!  And the scheming begins.  Good mea culpa Cirie.  playing?

Zeke is foolish going for Cirie/Andrea.  We shall see.

The Dreaded Pole Cling challenge. 

Cirie, tough as always, down firsy, bye brad, bye aubrey, bye, skinless 


zeke, eyebrows down, Troy, Sara, bummer Mikala, Andrea falls hard, Tai vs. Oz.  

Loser needs to go tonight, hope springs eternal.

Pipppi Lognstocking is going to be very unhappy.

Timing is everything...Debbie throws a curve   forgot she has an extra vote.

Quite a set up for tribal Shifting sands..........

Secret Agent Oz.  Turmoil!! Provider gambit.  Aubry being the intellectual.  glasses are a nice touch.  Zeke wtf.  Tai .  The AF Auxiliary LOL  Cirie voting on "trust"

Debbie pulls her Xtra Exile Vote!

Boom!  Bye Ozzy.  So pretty (except in those pigtails), but will never know how to win this game.  at least he gets to spread the pretty around Ponderosa.

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55 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I feel like Ozzy is going to look like Troyzan in 20 years.

Speaking of Troyzan, man his game sure turned around quickly didn't it? He was one Challenge loss away from being sent home and now he seemingly is sitting pretty with Culpepper and Sierra AND he has an idol. Seems like he's positioned to go far. 

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Sarah wins with her comment about how it's like everyone is single in a bar looking for someone to hook up with. Perfect.

I predicted dumb Debbie would use that extra vote to send herself home. And she did. She should have saved it until she was in trouble.

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1 minute ago, double-elvis said:

Speaking of Troyzan, man his game sure turned around quickly didn't it? He was one Challenge loss away from being sent home and now he seemingly is sitting pretty with Culpepper and Sierra AND he has an idol. Seems like he's positioned to go far. 

And he's flying under the radar! I could see him going far as well unless the alliances get shaken up.

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Anyone notice that Tai has a tendency to touch and kiss just about any man on that damn island. All over Caleb when Caleb was around, touching Culpepper *shudder*, and all over Ozzy after the IC. He sure does like to touch.

I knew Zeke wasn't trustworthy, you can't trust him at all. Just going around yakking is never a good strategy. He's starting to irritate.

Glad Michaela is still in the game and realizes she can't fly off the handle and basically has to stay as under the radar as humanly possible if she wants a shot at winning because they already know she's a challenge beast.

Boy did I jump for joy when Ozzy was eliminated. Saying he won't catch any fish and they'll starve if he doesn't win. What the fuck ever bitch. Get the hell on somewhere.

Don't know how I feel about Sierra just yet, those eyebrows are still killing me though. When she said that Michaela is always around when she's talking strategy, well I think the hair on those eyebrows are calling Michaela over.

I really didn't realize that Andrea was competent during challenges. I guess I didn't pay that much attention to her and she picked her team better than the other girl. Don't know what her strategy was when she was picking teams for the rewards challenge.

It would have been better to see them fight over cheese & crackers and wine.

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15 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Zeke just can't seem to help playing too hard.  He made that stupid speech about how he would regret not making a move soon enough but wouldn't regret making a big move that got him voted out.

It reminds me of something Spencer said in Second Chances - big moves are great but don't mean shit if all it does is succeed in blowing up your game. 

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1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Sarah wins with her comment about how it's like everyone is single in a bar looking for someone to hook up with. Perfect.

I predicted dumb Debbie would use that extra vote to send herself home. And she did. She should have saved it until she was in trouble.

Well, Dan Foley said it best: Survivor superfans can't do math.  Of course, it might not have mattered because Debbie might get voted out in a majority (which is my guess).  I wonder if people will start questioning her about EI and find out she's lying, since she didn't say anything about the advantage.  Sierra looked kind of worried.  

I'm actually liking Sarah, minus her siding with Brad.  However, her odds are probably better winning with that side, assuming they don't get rid of her first.  So that might have been a smart move.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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First of all I'd take Hali up on the strip search offer, ya know, just to take one for the team... oh and Andrea by the same token. They looked amazing tonight. I'm not one to go "Full Malcolm" on any Survivor females but yeah, that was my takeaway from tonight's episode.

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17 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I'm actually liking Sarah, minus her siding with Brad.  However, her odds are probably better winning with that side, assuming they don't get rid of her first.  So that might have been a smart move.  

Sarah could actually gain some ground if she starts to try slowly working her way up through the ranks of Brad's alliance and supplant a few of the other castaways already in it.  That could make her move even smarter.

Edited by Vyk
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First episode - Andrea remains a badass.  Amazing how the only two cool smart people are tight and I am instantly rooting for them.  Troy is a perv.  Cirie remains a psychic who gets other people to do what she wants without even getting her hands dirty.  Hali's muddled strategy/desperation continues to remind me of Eliza.  And now she's the first juror, just like Eliza.  Followed by Ozzy, just like Eliza.  Interesting.  What I don't get is why Andrea/Cirie/Sarah/Zeke/Ozzy didn't grab Hali and Michaela and boot say, Sierra?  Seemed like they ignored that possibility.  Though as we saw those five weren't actually super tight.

Second episode - Zeke is the kind of idiot that's really come to the forefront of Survivor recently with the emphasis on "big moves!"  He's in a good spot as part of a core alliance of four with three hangers on (Ozzy, Michaela, Aubry) with 12 left, but Cirie and Andrea are more in charge so we have to blow things up and join an alliance where I'm on the bottom.  I want to hear why Cirie voted for Sierra, just to create chaos.  And she disguised her handwriting, which I love.  Or is she playing both sides and controlling everyone because she's the best strategic player ever even though she's too likeable for her alliance to ever allow her near a jury (honestly, Parvati's worst move was letting Cirie get to F3, she got lucky the format was weird that year).  Good on Debbie for taking some control, and you can also see that Sierra is no genius with how she's like "let's say it's Aubry!"  Why Aubry?  And Zeke following that plan is how you know he's not great at the game.  Sarah's vote confuses me.  Ozzy is too much of a dick to actually win, unless you have really petty stupid people who hate the smart person that's their other option.  And this cast for all their flaws, isn't really full of petty dicks.  They're just kind of dull idiots.

Hoping Cirie can mind control everyone to get her and Andrea deep in the game but not optimistic.

And Hali needs to step up her jury game as New Eliza.

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35 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I could not get over the nasty coded language that idiots like Sierra used about Michaela tonight: "shifty," ""blunt," "don't get a good vibe from her." I think I even heard "scary" in there. It made last season's "She's so intelligent" and "She's such a big threat" look enlightened compared to Sierra and her ilk.

THIS. She and JT can just fuck right off. How dare Michaela try to converse with others about strategy, she's supposed to enjoy getting voted off by Sheriff Sierra!

Did Ozzy actually threaten Tai that he wouldn't fish for the tribe if he didn't win the immunity challenge? He may be a challenge beast but like others have said there's absolutely nothing upstairs. No charisma, no strategy, zero social game. So a wasted vote tonight basically. Though I'm rooting hard for Andrea. 

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I really didn't realize that Andrea was competent during challenges. I guess I didn't pay that much attention to her and she picked her team better than the other girl. Don't know what her strategy was when she was picking teams for the rewards challenge.

Definitive evidence on this one is the challenge that almost killed Rob in RI.  She nearly beat him and Grant on one of the most brutal challenges they've ever run.  It was like a 60 or 80 step pyramid puzzle thing where they had to go up with one puzzle piece at a time in blazing heat.  She's a total badass athletically.

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Thank you SURVIVOR for dealing with the Zeke fallout early on and moving past it quickly so I will honor their descicion and do like wise with three quick comments.

Zeke is the best advertisement his transition doctor could ever have as had it not been for the debacle last episode I never would have guessed.

Sarah continue to bug by making it all about hereself.

What is Andrea's deal...she was in tears for the outing and by the end of this episode she never wants to see him again?

Okay, other stuff. I was feeling sick during that five minute segment that was literally nothing but one big "Michaela Pile on"....they way they were talking about her bore out my fear in my post last week about her being an easy mark with no bonds. I'm glad she hooked up with Cirie and started forming one. I was nervous Hali was going to blow the plan when she volunteered to be searched.

On a related note I absolutly hate Sierra now...with her having it for Michaela so badly. I will happily await the episode where the "New Sheriff in Town" gets buried in the Ponderosa boot hill.

I hated to lose Ozzy as he was on a team against Sierra but don't worry Ozzy fans because Jeff will bring his friend back yet again and don't be surprised if they tailor an entire themed season around an excuse to have him play again.

Speaking of Ozzy if you are a producer/challenge planner...why on earth would you hand a particular player a challenge they  have proven so well at twice now. Where is the fairness in that? Jeff's hand in it maybe to protect Ozzy but Tai foiled it by winning.

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30 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Sarah continue to bug by making it all about hereself.

What is Andrea's deal...she was in tears for the outing and by the end of this episode she never wants to see him again?

As was said last week by many others, I don't see how Sarah made any of that about herself, but whatever you say, @North of Eden.

As for Andrea, Zeke just went against her and Cirie for pretty much no reason to try and get her tossed, despite her thoughts that they were working together, and she found out about it.  I'd be pissed enough to not want to see him again, too.

Edited by Vyk
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27 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

First of all I'd take Hali up on the strip search offer, ya know, just to take one for the team... oh and Andrea by the same token. They looked amazing tonight. I'm not one to go "Full Malcolm" on any Survivor females but yeah, that was my takeaway from tonight's episode.

I really hated all the strip search talk as it undermines the strategy and mystery around idols.  That said, now I would love to see someone who really has an idol pull the "go ahead and strip search me!" bluff and then use the idol.

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3 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

What is Andrea's deal...she was in tears for the outing and by the end of this episode she never wants to see him again?



Zeke's outing was on a personal level that she didn't like but Zeke was telling Sierra their plans on voting her out so it upset Andrea that Zeke is ruining her gameplay and she thought her and Zeke were working together. 

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What is Andrea's deal...she was in tears for the outing and by the end of this episode she never wants to see him again?

They made up based on her after show thing.  But she's a gamer and gamers get really annoyed when people make irrational moves that blow up their spot.

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I love Ozzy, the Ozzy thats at one with nature. His social game sucks, but I'd rather weird Debbie had gone, or Zeke or (..fill in the blank.).honestly two hours seemed long and boring. I'm not really invested in anyone..:(

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Well,  for my money, Debbie was the star of the second hour.  She flipped the narrative on its ass, and got Ozzy booted out of nowhere.  As poorly as she played several episodes ago, she reversed that 180 degrees.  Even sucked up to Brad. 

I still can't imagine she wins, but this episode was a major leap forward for her. 

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3 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

WHY IS THE BACKGROUND MUSIC THIS EPISODE SO FRICKING LOUD??? It's like they are talking in a noisy bar with bad music.  We don't NEED all that music, CBS?  I'd rather hear the contestants TALK without the annoying sound effects.  The music is actually taking away from the COMMENTS.  Less is more, CBS.  

It hasn't been this CONSTANT and ANNOYING until this week.  Who is the director???  

I know! At one point, I thought we were listening to the soundtrack from 'Deadwood', and it was getting louder by the minute.

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I think Debbie overplayed... for something that would have happened naturally. It's a thing. At some point there comes a cry to get Ozzie out and people say "Yeah we could do that..." you don't have to push for it so hard or use an advantage to get it done. I mean what does getting Ozzy out really get you? Glory that you're calling shots? Or just a bigger target on your own head?

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I enjoyed these episodes, if just because I finally got to see Cirie do her thing. And I'm loving that she's aligned with my other two favorites left in the game, Michaela and Andrea. I really wish she had decided to pull Hali in and save both her and Michaela, but I'm guessing there were things going on preventing that from being a logical option. Maybe just because she wanted to stay under the radar with helping Michaela, which I'm assuming was her reason for voting for her still.

Zeke's motivations are a complete mystery to me, he just blew up his game for no logical reason.

Cirie said in her confessional during the second vote that her vote was to "spice things up" so I guess she knew they didn't have the numbers to get Zeke out? Ozzy would've gone regardless of Debbie's extra vote, so.

31 minutes ago, enlightenedbum said:

Definitive evidence on this one is the challenge that almost killed Rob in RI.  She nearly beat him and Grant on one of the most brutal challenges they've ever run.  It was like a 60 or 80 step pyramid puzzle thing where they had to go up with one puzzle piece at a time in blazing heat.  She's a total badass athletically.

I forgot about that one. I knew she was very solid (though doesn't seem to ever get the credit for it that others do), but that one slipped my mind somehow, despite being her most impressive performance, I think.

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Apparently this cast has decided that the point of Game Changers is to see who can blow up their own game in the stupidest possible way. Yes, Zeke, I'm looking at you and your abyssmal lack of timing. You don't take out your own allies when that will leave you all alone, untrusted, and easy pickings. 

Nice job by Cirie to keep Michaela in the game. I agree with @Bryce Lynch that Cirie voted Michaela because she didn't want people to know she'd told Michaela (or was working with her). Same reason Michaela voted for Zeke. Cirie and Zeke just used their pull to get the vote switched to Hali, who they apparently feared could conceivably join the other alliance if left in the game. By not directly going for a member of Brad's posse, Cirie maintained the bonds she's started to build with people in all alliances.

I was slightly impressed with Debbie's suggestion to go for Ozzy. It was good timing. I was not impressed by her need to preen over it. Pride's a bitch.

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2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Every time Sierra speaks, I can't help thinking, "why are you here again?" I'd hardly call most of these people game changers but she was such a non-entity. 

And if she and those eyebrows aren't voted off soon, I may go postal.

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23 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

This language is truly vile.  That whole segment just dripped with racist contempt.  Then these racists will defend it by saying they never used the "N" word so it's all OK and ya'all just know how those people are.  disgusting.

I don't get that at all. So basically you're saying they aren't allowed to say anything bad against Michaela because she's black and any criticism is racist. 

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OK, why don't people just wrap their legs around the pole (heh) for that 2nd challenge? I was thinking it wasn't allowed but they showed a shot of someone doing that?

Also, anyone else hate that f**king music they play as they walk into tribal?

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Debbie sucks.  Her deep delusions make me want to punch a tree.  A coconut tree.

bye Ozzy.  They should stop bringing him back.  He clearly hasn't evolved as a game player.  Funny how ozzy is perceived as a threat yet Tai is just as good in those yoga based challenges and he's sitting on a cache of immunity idols with his skinny butt.

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Just now, sadiegirl1999 said:

OK, why don't people just wrap their legs around the pole (heh) for that 2nd challenge? I was thinking it wasn't allowed but they showed a shot of someone doing that?

Because unless you have amazing thigh muscles that you can clamp reeeally tightly for over an hour, you'll just slide down the pole.

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Cirie,Andrea, or Aubrey please win this game! I loathe Sierra. She is truly a waste of a cast member. If she and Brad run the rest of this game I will be sickened. 

I think Sara and Troyzan are flying under the radar. I expect at least one of them to make final tribal council. Zeke has shown himself to be playing too hard. His blunder may help save him for a while, but I can't see people taking him to the final. I really am only rooting for the three women I listed at the start. Michaela is okay too. Basically anyone but eyebrows and Brad. 

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I loved the return of Cirie FINALLY happened tonight. Then I immediately worried all the focus on her meant she was about to be voted out so I'm glad she survived two tribal councils. If this is the quiet beginning to her running this game, I fully support it! 

This was also the first episode where I really noticed they are losing weight. I know they get a lot of food rewards but Cirie and Aubrey were looking especially thin in the face. 

I think it's amazing that at least twice Zeke has told the person in trouble of going home the truth and an alternative plan and they immediately do not believe him! The kid must not be as strategically saavy as he thinks he is.  And now he's blown up his own game since I am assuming that he was not included in the Ozzy plan since he voted for Aubrey. Or was that to fool his own former alliance into thinking he was still with them? But that didn't make sense since they were voting for Sierra originally. So he got played by Sierra, right? 

Ugh. And Sierra can go yesterday. She thinks she is way too important when the fact of the matter is she wouldn't even be on this season if Natalie hadn't cancelled. I agree with the others who think Brad is letting her do his dirty work and keeping his hands somewhat clean. 

Sorta sad to see Ozzy go but it was obviously going to happen sooner rather than later. 

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As for wrapping your legs, yeah you'd need to use your body weight to provide the clamping but hanging down would make all the blood rush to your head and then you'd fall to the sand onto your head and that's not a good look.

2 minutes ago, colorbars said:

There's such a thing as coded language, and almost everything Sierra said was full of it. Racism comes in many forms, some a lot more subtle than others.

And then, there are also people that see racism in everything...

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12 minutes ago, sadiegirl1999 said:

OK, why don't people just wrap their legs around the pole (heh) for that 2nd challenge? I was thinking it wasn't allowed but they showed a shot of someone doing that?

Also, anyone else hate that f**king music they play as they walk into tribal?

This is the way to do that challenge. I think Ozzy came closest to trying it tonight.


Edited by LanceM
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They all know this is not the last endurance comp.  Ozzy did not help the ground swell against him by going for it.  

10 minutes ago, UGAmp said:


I loved the return of Cirie FINALLY happened tonight.


Yes, it was great to see her back!  Love that girl. 

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