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S42.E18: Jimmy Fallon / Harry Styles

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Alec Baldwin performed in Seattle Friday evening, and said he needed to return to NYC because he would be in tonight's SNL episode.






Edited by jjj
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I hadn't been paying attention to who this week's host would be and just saw it's Jimmy when looking at the guide on the TV. Hopefully it will be a decent episode in spite of the host.

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Cold Open: Of course we start with Trump. Steve Bannon, of course, again, is the Grim Reaper. And Jared Kushner is Jimmy Fallon, getting all the attention. This was one of the best Trump sketches in a while, making the whole sketch like the ending to the Apprentice seems obvious in retrospect, but they finally got to do it.

Monologue: Jimmy tends to bring in good shows, regardless of what you think of him as a comedian or Tonight Show host. Of course he was gonna sing. 

Celebrity Family Feud Time Travel Edition: Team 1977 vs Team 2017 is an inspired angle. Liza Minelli, Diana Ross, Mick Jagger (Harry Styles...) and of course Jimmy as John Travolta vs Kristen Stewart (Kate, amazing as always), Gwen Stefani, David Blaine, and Present John Travola (also Jimmy somehow). The impressions were great (Liza Minelli impressions will not be funny to me), but Kenan as Steve Harvey reacting to everyone was clearly the best part.

School Musical: This had to be autobiographical, right down to the awful singing. Very reminiscent of that great Date Night sketch from a while back.

Ex: Jimmy turning out to be one of the guys that dragged that guy off that United flight was a great twist that made sitting through that dumb song worth it, as was Beck turning out to be the EXACT same character from the Pepsi sketch last week was the perfect capper.

A Message From The WH Easter Bunny: Sean Spicer is back! And was great once again. And even he is realizing that truth is something far stranger than anything a writers room could come up with.

WU: Ben Carson jokes will also never fail with me. And yeah, there was no shortage of news this week, the Ben Carson stuff was downright pleasant in comparison. Bruce Chandling was back but man, was his bit a slow burn. 

Old New York: Was not feeling this one. I'm guessing everyone was singing to a One Direction song?

Turtle Shirt: This was great, I need one of these.

Boston Teens(?): Here's a blast from the past. It's good to see that not only are Sully & Zazu still together, but they now have a college-aged dollar. Damn, I'm old. 

Movie Shoot: Yeah, that's totally how I play basketball.

Well, I'm gonna give an honest opinion here: I think SNL has moved on from Jimmy Fallon's brand of humor, and I think that's a good thing. For the most part, Jimmy seemed to drag down every sketch he was in, taped ones aside.

The show returns May 6th with Chris Pine.

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2 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

Well, I'm gonna give an honest opinion here: I think SNL has moved on from Jimmy Fallon's brand of humor, and I think that's a good thing. For the most part, Jimmy seemed to drag down every sketch he was in, taped ones aside.


The sketches have tightened up a lot since he left, but he definitely made them drag like it was 2003 again.

If this ends up being Bobby Moynihan's last show I will be really sad.

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And the role of Justin Timberlake will be played (or filled) tonight by Harry Styles. 

And boy in case anyone missed it, Jimmy likes to sing.

Great to see Rachel. Love her.

Spicey forever!

8 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

The show returns May 6th with Chris Pine.

Let's hope.... there could be a writers' strike.

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6 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Have you heard something?  Geez, I hope not.  I love Bobby.

He has booked a pilot...I think we were talking about it in the Cast Discussion thread.   And I agree. For him to leave on this episode would be sad.

I missed this, but I guess Jacob gave a little shoutout to his "best friend Seth".  Aww.   (I honestly thought they had retired this character.)

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I can only imagine the depravity of photographs Fallon must possess of Lorne Michaels that allow him to hold a job with NBC...  The human equivalent of Gerber's Carrot Puree. 

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Whoever had to sit through a high school play this week and turned around and rage-wrote their sweet revenge, Kudos! And good on the cast who were like a bunch of theater kids (as we saw in the cast party skit earlier this year) be good sports.

Speaking of the cast, good on them for looking for other avenues if this is how Lorne's going to play them. Again with Baldwin and McCarthy, and throw in Dratch? Screen-time is hard enough to come by in a cast of this size, and now they're recycling bits that don't even include the cast.

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24 minutes ago, kib said:

I can only imagine the depravity of photographs Fallon must possess of Lorne Michaels that allow him to hold a job with NBC...  The human equivalent of Gerber's Carrot Puree. 

Fallon was pretty popular while on SNL and the Tonight Show stint was also popular (until the last year although I have a feeling he will end up regaining the top spot the way Leno usually did), so I can see why they keep pushing him. I think the main problem with him is that this type of golly gee humor doesn't wear well when you get past a certain age. 

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3 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Old New York: Was not feeling this one. I'm guessing everyone was singing to a One Direction song?

Nope, it was a song they made up for the sketch. If it's similar to anything it's to "Good Time" by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen:

I kind of liked the song in the sketch and admit I can't get the hook out of my head. "Oh oh, oh, oh there's a party at my parents house!" I like that that it celebrates how fun pop songs can be.

The sketch with Jimmy as the guy trying to win back his ex through song was just okay until that great punchline dig at United this week "You dragged a man off a plane Doug!"

The school play sketch is basically like "Girl's Halloween" with the flash forwards. I've been in school plays and I was never this optimistic before one, but then again I was never a die hard "theater geek".

Cecily's Liza Minelli impression was hilarious.

Also liked Jimmy playing both "Barbarino" era John Travolta and current Travolta.

I love physical comedy that happens in the background so I liked the final basketball sketch.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I find it amusing that the Cold Open seemed designed to raise Trump's ire at his son in law Jared Kushner just like the previous one reportedly had him furious that Bannon was seen as the real president.

Per Mike Ryan's twitter, Nikki Haley sat in front of him at dress rehearsal.  That must have been fun for the cast. 

Edited by vb68
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4 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

Fallon was pretty popular while on SNL and the Tonight Show stint was also popular (until the last year although I have a feeling he will end up regaining the top spot the way Leno usually did), so I can see why they keep pushing him. I think the main problem with him is that this type of golly gee humor doesn't wear well when you get past a certain age. 

As a certified oldster, I enjoyed last night's show a lot. 

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The Jimmy Fallon hate surprises me.....I like him and he never fails to make me smile and laugh out loud.  The monologue was happy and fun.  After all the bad stuff of the past week it was nice to have a "celebration" and I was singing along.

The Liza impression was soooo good, as was KStew. Am I the only one that whenever Spicer does his pressers all I see is MMc as Spicy?? 

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Some fun topical stuff. But this show really need to get past "it's funny because it's from New Yawk." The Jewish kid, the comedian, the old school wicked Bostonians.... it's not funny unless they say something funny. The accents and the provincial perspectives are more annoying than anything.

"Take that, Africa." Wow. 

Weird choice for the opening song. Jimmy says the show is live coast to coast... and the he dances through the set. Why not the song Bowie did with Jagger... Dancin in the Streets? 

Edited by Ottis
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17 minutes ago, Ottis said:

Why not the song Bowie did with Jagger... Dancin in the Streets? 

I'm a huge Bowie fan as well as a Stones fan and while I tend to love everything Bowie did, I think the general popular consensus of that song was that it was a low point for both involved. (IIRC they did it to promote Live Aid.)

19 minutes ago, Ottis said:

"Take that, Africa." Wow

One of the rare Che lines that worked for me.

4 hours ago, vb68 said:

Per Mike Ryan's twitter, Nikki Haley sat in front of him at dress rehearsal.  That must have been fun for the cast. 

Ugh. I know that SNL's countercultural cred ran out, like, 35 years ago, but it never seeks to amaze me when such uncool people go to this show. And, NBC/Lorne's willingness to suck up shouldn't surprise me by now.

I actually took to reviewing Timberlake's twitter and instagram feeds before the show for any clues that he would be appearing, just to mentally prepare myself to be irritated. His absence was a pleasant surprise.

I am in a minority here but I was glad to see Bruce Chandling. A throwback to when I didn't have cable and would be stuck watching brick-wall comedy shows late at night because nothing else was on. But I think Che plays it all wrong opposite with him, he's too hostile at first, so when he starts feeling bad for him, it's too jarring.  I just don't think Che has good comedic instincts.

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5 hours ago, vb68 said:

Per Mike Ryan's twitter, Nikki Haley sat in front of him at dress rehearsal.  That must have been fun for the cast. 

What? Why? Honestly -- and I'm going to sound like a conspiracy theorist -- I think Drumpf directed her to go to the show in order to intimidate them.


1 hour ago, Cupcake04 said:

The Jimmy Fallon hate surprises me.....I like him and he never fails to make me smile and laugh out loud.  The monologue was happy and fun.  After all the bad stuff of the past week it was nice to have a "celebration" and I was singing along. 

I kinda felt the same way. At first I kept expecting funny stuff to happen along the way, but then I just found myself enjoying the song. It's a great song.

But I didn't enjoy very much in this ep. I did like the return of the gag with Drumpf at a little desk playing with that expanding toy.

I love Melissa McCarthy as Spicy, but this sketch didn't do much for me. I agree with a previous poster that this needs the press corps.

Celebrity Family Feud just went on and on and on. I realize part of the reason was to give Jimmy Fallon time to get made up as each Travolta, but it wasn't worth it for me. The other impressions were ok. Oh, I thought Harry Styles was horrible as Jagger. I also FF'd past his songs, so tell me if they were any good so I can go back and watch.

For the first time, the Bar Mitzvah Boy didn't work for me. For one thing, Michael Che's interactions with him are awful. (I'm getting more and more irritated with Che.) I also knew the Boy -- whose name I can't recall -- was going to wipe away a tear, so that bit wasn't funny. 

However, my favorite line in the whole show was from Che. "First off, you don't know what cakes I've seen." That deserved the applause it got. Loved it.

The other thing I really enjoyed was the basketball players. Made me laugh out loud.

And that's about it. Disappointing.

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This is probably a "duh" thing to ask, but would Fallon be hosting SNL if he was still No. 1*? Lorne is trying to recapture his mojo, right?

(*Fallon is still No. 1 in the ratings that matter -- the 18-49 demo. Total ratings don't matter -- unless Stephen Colbert is beating you.)

I see Fallon as basically Jay Leno. He's the perfect successor. Leno was seen as hip and cool for years, then he became seen as being lame. Fallon's act just got tired and out of date.

Edited by nowandlater
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1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

I'm a huge Bowie fan as well as a Stones fan and while I tend to love everything Bowie did, I think the general popular consensus of that song was that it was a low point for both involved. (IIRC they did it to promote Live Aid.)

I don't think SNL has considered those sorts of factors in its decisions for decades. Also, Bowie has said the entire "Let's Dance" album was purposefully made (distastefully) commercial to make money, so I'm not sure it's much better.

12 minutes ago, nowandlater said:

Leno was seen as hip and cool for years,

That is news to me!

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I see Fallon as basically Jay Leno. He's the perfect successor. Leno was seen as hip and cool for years, then he became seen as being lame. Fallon's act just got tired and out of date.

Good point and I think if anything Leno gets the short end of the comparison. When Leno was doing only standup, he was a giant. Not particularly hip or cutting edge but consistently funny. Even Letterman looked up to him. The Tonight Show made him into a hack. If anything Fallon didn't even have a history of being a great comedian.


 What? Why? Honestly -- and I'm going to sound like a conspiracy theorist -- I think Drumpf directed her to go to the show in order to intimidate them.

Ymmv but I can't think of *anyone* in the Trump clown show who is remotely intimidating, the least of all that dim bulb Haley.

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Generally, I've been a fan of Jimmy's through the years, but IMO he went to the singing well too often last night—it's not Saturday Night Live: The Musical!

Nice continuity from last week with Beck as the director from the Pepsi commercial! He seemed enthusiastic to mention it; maybe he's still hoping to find people who think it's a good idea.

I thought Styles' impression of Jagger could have been toned down a few notches: he seemed committed, at least, but it was a bit much. Though after watching the video for "Miss You" and seeing late 1970s Mick in action , hmmm, maybe it wasn't! :)  Since Styles is in the upcoming Dunkirk, I wondered if there might be a war sketch but wasn't totally surprised to see it featured a different conflict. Impressed with how he rolled with that fake beard half detaching itself during the sketch—things like that can even fluster regular cast members! If this solo career isn't a flash in the pan, he'll probably be back as a dual host/musical guest.  Of Harry's songs, I was more drawn to the second ("Ever Since New York"). 

Edited by Dejana
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Yeah, I'm not usually very critical of this show. Especially this season, which in my opinion has been really strong overall. For 42 seasons SNL has been "hit or miss" and that's just baked in, it's part of the deal. So unless the show is consistently terrible (the Chris Kattan/Will Ferrell/Cheri Oteri era) I tend to give them a lot of rope and not get too put off when they have a weak week. Even moreso when the show in general is on a bona fide roll, which in my opinion it has been the last couple of years. I adore this whole cast, including Baldwin and McCarthy. Not a whole lot to complain about lately.

That being said, I was surprised to find that this particular episode isn't being pretty much universally shit upon in this here thread. Mileage varies, as always, but I was surprised because in my opinion holy crap did this episode suck. And I was not at all expecting it to.

Fallon's not my favorite by any means, but as a former cast member and a current late night live talk/variety show host, it's hard to find someone for whom doing SNL should come more naturally. And he does have an uncanny knack for doing musical impersonations, which aren't exactly "funny" per se, but do usually fall somewhere between impressive and mindblowing (for me, anyway) which is why I actually enjoyed a musical monologue for once. And Celebrity Family Feud is always good for a chuckle, Kenan as Steve Harvey never fails for me. And I'll confess to being one of the few who think Jost and Che are usually fantastic on WU.

But even WU and Celebrity Family Feud were particularly weak this week, in my opinion. They never even went back to Melissa/Gwen and Pete/Blaine for a second joke, and those were the two I was most interested in hearing from (besides Kenan/Harvey, of course.) It was all about the dual Travoltas gimmick, and Harry Styles making faces. And I agree with @peeayebee that "...you don't know what cakes I've seen!" was the only think about WU that gave me a genuine chuckle. In my world, when even WU is a letdown, they're having a really bad week.

Turtle Shirt, Legally Blonde The Musical, the Ex Boyfriend, and the Civil War sketches were all actively bad and made me audibly groan. I know I said before that Fallon's musical impressions are impressive to me, but that requires that I have the slightest clue who he's impersonating and/or what the hell he's trying to do. That was not the case in the Ex Boyfriend and Civil War sketches. It's one thing when he's doing Bono or Bowie or whomever, but that? Also, FOUR musical numbers? (Including the Legally Blonde stuff.) Four? Really? Four? Sheesh.

On a related note, FOUR pre-taped bits? Really? Four out of eleven? For the second week in a row? (I'm counting Spicey, which may or may not have actually been "live" but it wasn't live in studio in any case, and for all I know it was in fact pre-taped.) Whatever happened to Saturday Night LIVE? I mean, I don't necessarily have a problem with pre-taped bits in general. I mean, SNL has always done 'em. But if you're gonna do 'em, they better be extra funny. And they need to account for significantly less than damn near 40% of the whole freakin' show. I'd be frustrated as hell if I were in the studio audience. But even setting that aside, "LIVE" is a big part of SNL's DNA. "LIVE" leads to hilarious fuck ups, unexpected studio reactions, improv, all kinds of fun stuff. Taped bits are fine when they're great, when they're short, and when there's only one or two of 'em. But four out of eleven? Two weeks in a row? That's just "cheating" in my opinion. Even worse in a week when you made a big deal of the show being "LIVE" across all time zones for the first time ever.

Lastly, while I've been a big fan of Baldwin's Trump and McCarthy's Spicey, this week was the first week in which I started feeling like their bits are becoming repetitive and stale.

Poor effort this week, SNL.

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16 minutes ago, pennben said:

Apparently Melissa was live from Los Angeles. Which, on the one hand, good to know she's 'on-call', on the other, sad to know she essentially has to be because of that guy. 

And, potential writers strike notwithstanding, she's slated to host the season finale, right? I know she's hosting next month.

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I just don't think Che has good comedic instincts.

I don't think either of the guys doing Weekend Update have comedic instincts. They are just awful. Weekend Update used to be my favorite thing but with these 2, ugggh I just can. Not.

I liked this episode overall (though Fallon didn't impress me much) esp the Trump and Spicey bits (I continue to wish Bannon wasn't just a dude dressed as death).

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1 hour ago, Ottis said:
3 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I'm a huge Bowie fan as well as a Stones fan and while I tend to love everything Bowie did, I think the general popular consensus of that song was that it was a low point for both involved. (IIRC they did it to promote Live Aid.)

I don't think SNL has considered those sorts of factors in its decisions for decades. Also, Bowie has said the entire "Let's Dance" album was purposefully made (distastefully) commercial to make money, so I'm not sure it's much better.

It kind of astonished me in the commentary of the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower which used the song "Heroes" that the guy who directed it(and who wrote the book it was based on) hadn't heard of the song until he was a teenager in the early 90s (the time period the movie was set in). Him and his peers only knew Bowie from "Let's Dance"!


1 hour ago, Ottis said:

That is news to me!

Oh yeah. Leno was genuinely a cool comedian. Watch any guest appearance on Letterman's old NBC show and he had this kind of cynical, jaded, IDGAF attitude as he rips into all kinds of pop culture and stuff of the day. One time he really ripped into the second Rambo movie.  It's what made him trying to kiss people's asses on the Tonight Show and celebrating mediocrity and the status quo so disappointing.


58 minutes ago, Uncle Benzene said:

For 42 seasons SNL has been "hit or miss" and that's just baked in, it's part of the deal. So unless the show is consistently terrible (the Chris Kattan/Will Ferrell/Cheri Oteri era) I tend to give them a lot of rope and not get too put off when they have a weak week.

That's one of my favorite eras actually, especially when Adam McKay was head writer.

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3 hours ago, nowandlater said:

This is probably a "duh" thing to ask, but would Fallon be hosting SNL if he was still No. 1*? Lorne is trying to recapture his mojo, right?

If there's one thing to be said about Fallon is he's a good company man and can be trusted not to go off the reservation on a live broadcast from sea-to-shining-sea.  You have to keep in mind, this thing aired at 8:30 West Coast time so as far as the network was concerned it was imperative that nothing approaching 'questionable' or 'blue' material grace the screens of Left Coast viewers at that hour.  Fallon was just the guy to serve up a lukewarm Twinkie...

Edited by kib
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2 hours ago, Uncle Benzene said:

That being said, I was surprised to find that this particular episode isn't being pretty much universally shit upon in this here thread. Mileage varies, as always, but I was surprised because in my opinion holy crap did this episode suck. And I was not at all expecting it to.


I was also expecting a lot more from this episode, and I too thought it was pretty bad. Truth be told, I wasn't trusting my own impressions because, yes, I have become that turned off by Jimmy Fallon to the point that his schtick doesn't land for me at all anymore. I agree that both Alec Baldwin and Melissa McCarthy's impressions have lost a lot of their luster, but that's mainly because it feels like the writing for the impressions is getting lazier and lazier. I groaned out loud at the fat joke in the monologue, because with everything else there's no reason whatsoever to having to resort to that.

Edited by RinaX
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making the whole sketch like the ending to the Apprentice seems obvious in retrospect, but they finally got to do it.

Actually, it was an almost perfect, word-for-word imitation of Tyra Banks at the end of every America's Next Top Model panel judging for 22 seasons/cycles. I snickered all the way through it.

Now I'm starting to wonder if Trump copyrighted his Apprentice shtick so it wasn't worth a lawsuit to use it.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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1 hour ago, kib said:

If there's one thing to be said about Fallon is he's a good company man and can be trusted not to go off the reservation on a live broadcast from sea-to-shining-sea.  You have to keep in mind, this thing aired at 8:30 West Coast time so as far as the network was concerned it was imperative that nothing approaching 'questionable' or 'blue' material grace the screens of Left Coast viewers at that hour.  Fallon was just the guy to serve up a lukewarm Twinkie...

Yep, I think that's exactly why SNL didn't launch into this "Live Coast-To-Coast" gambit when the show came back with new episodes last week. It's frowned upon and edited out, if someone drops an F-bomb when the show airs at 11:30. Before 10:00 PM on a network? It could be huge fines on a per-affiliate basis if the FCC really wants to make an example of someone, and SNL is not an administration favorite at the moment. Lorne obviously liked Louis CK well enough to ask him back, but he wasn't going to leave the first ever Super Live! SNL in just anyone's hands.

Edited by Dejana
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7 hours ago, Inquisitionist said:

As a certified oldster, I enjoyed last night's show a lot. 

I'm sorry if you thought I was being ageist. I'm not that young myself, and I don't really mind Jimmy Fallon. I don't think he made SNL worse as the show hasn't been that great for me in a long time anyway. I just think that his comedy suited him when he was about 15 years younger. I meant his age, not the age of the viewer. 

Edited by Pete Martell
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I lived in New York for a year and one of two musicals I saw was Legally Blonde, so I enjoyed that sketch more than I should have (I remember it being a cute show but I can only recall the opening number).

I liked seeing Sully and Denise again, even though Dratch and Fallon as parents of a college freshman makes me feel really old.

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I thought this episode was really funny, surprised some did not like it. Every time there is a Family Feud skit, I am game, they never dissapoint. Jimmy Fallon does not bother me and the rest was rather good and on topic

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This is probably a "duh" thing to ask, but would Fallon be hosting SNL if he was still No. 1*? Lorne is trying to recapture his mojo, right?

I don't think so, as Jimmy is still running away with the desired demographic.  I don't mind Jimmy overall, BUT his act can get tiring pretty fact because he's stuck in one mode.  I'm not asking him to be Walter Cronkite in his interviews, but I wish he would they would have more bite.  And I admit, the way he was with Trump left a sour taste.  

I am always down for Family Feud, and while Jimmy did fine with the dual Travolta impressions, I wish we got to see more of Melissa's Gwen Stefani.  I think Melissa is on track to be the next great impersonator on this show, she needs to be given more to do. 

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4 hours ago, Pete Martell said:

I'm sorry if you thought I was being ageist.


Oh, no offense taken at all.  I just find myself scratching my head more and more these days about what passes for funny.  Don't get me started on musical guests.  I can't recall that last one I didn't fast-forward through. 

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11 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Loved Spicey as the Easter Bunny. But I'm so freaked out over the North Korea stuff that the last line about this probably being our last Easter ever wasn't funny. God help us.

Yeah I know.  Then Harry comes on and one of the first phrases he sings is about this being the last show.  WTF.

I have never heard Harry Styles sing before.  I was shocked by his voice - it did not fit his face.  That's a voice that has seen a couple of decades of hard drinking and nicotine addiction.

I was surprisingly impressed. 

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I loved the Legally Blonde skit. As a parent who has sat through decades of school performances and as a former high school theatre dork who literally fell of the stage during an awards ceremony, I saw it almost as a documentary.

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The most surprising thing in the episode for me was how much I enjoyed Harry Styles's songs, especially the first one. I also wouldn't be opposed to him pulling double duty as host/musical guest some time in the future. 

I thought this was an OK episode - I didn't find anything terrible, and some things were great. I actually really enjoy when there are just musical bits for the cast to do, because everyone in the cast always looks so happy - I thought it was so cute in the monologue that Vanessa looked like she was having the time of her life dancing and singing (her smile was huge) and that when Bobby noticed how happy she looked, he turned and gave her a hug. 

There were also some little moments I enjoyed - Kyle yelling "THATS what you did??" at the end of the United/Pepsi sketch cracked me up, as did Kenan's "You sound like if a pizza learned how to talk" in Family Feud. 

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15 hours ago, peeayebee said:

However, my favorite line in the whole show was from Che. "First off, you don't know what cakes I've seen." That deserved the applause it got. Loved it.

Between this and "that cake's not going to bake itself", Che seems to be the best at cake-based humor.

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15 hours ago, peeayebee said:

wever, my favorite line in the whole show was from Che. "First off, you don't know what cakes I've seen." That deserved the applause it got. Loved it.


I thought the line was good, but what I actually most enjoyed was the audience absolutely loving it.  I didn't think the line was extremely funny, just a solid joke to make me smile, but it was a pleasant surprise that the audience appreciated it that much.

My personal favorite line of the show was in the basketball sketch when the director was asking the extras about their sports experience:  "I took a sports movement class at Julliard."  Haha.

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