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S02.E16: Star-Crossed

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A new villain comes to National City, putting Supergirl on high alert. Meanwhile, Winn's girlfriend, Lyra, gets Winn in trouble with the law. Maggie attempts to help Winn but old loyalties get in the way. The Music Meister attacks Supergirl.


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Wow, Mon-El Wonderbread is actually the prince, who saw that coming?? </sarcasm>

They teased all episode that Mon-El would be leaving to go back. And then the break-up scene (I CHEERED!) It was all so perfect for him to leave… and then…. Nope, he’s staying. Bummer.

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What a waste of Lois Lane and Dylan Hunt. 

I enjoyed Winn's plot and all the associated hijinks especially that warehouse having convient glass panes just so James could get thrown through them.

Monel and Kara were awful as usual. Poor Supergirl being reduced to the girlfriend role on her show.

Edited by dippydee
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Poor Winn. I'm glad his girlfriend wasn't just a cold hearted con artist, but I'm not thrilled that they added the whole thing with her conning him, even if she did have her reasons. I really liked them, WAY more than any of Kara's love stories, and I'm not sure how I feel them now having this shadiness behind it. I did enjoy the criminal hijinks, and I guess it gave him a bit of drama to play, which he's quite good at, so I guess I'm ok with it. I also wish that they hadn't been so cheerful about going off to find his girlfriend when they found out she played him. I'm all fine with friend stuff, but they could have shown a little more sympathy for the guy. He really liked her, and he thought she had totally used him. Also, by the end of that fight, it seemed like Winn had more of an upper hand than James did. That's just sad.

If I was Kara, I would be less angry about Mon-El lying, and more upset that he apparently left the woman he was sleeping with, those random injured people, that Kryptonian guy (yeah he told the guard not to shoot him, but he didn't exactly try too hard to stop him) and the guard all to die without hardly a glance back. Maybe he feels bad internally, but I've never gotten much angst about him being a dick in the past, just sad that his life changed so much when his planet got torn up. And, I still feel like he only became a good guy because she was into Kara. Maybe now he can actually change. But that kind of callousness is a big thing to let go.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Bahahahaha, since we now know that Alex is right there when it all went down, the idea that Alex would let Mon-El and J’onn trot off to another universe with a comatose Kara is the worst character assassination in a season that’s been full of some pretty poor characterization. Speaking of poor characterization—Kara not caring that she got fired and is unemployed? Yeah, NO, no way in hell Kara would be so chill about getting fired from the job Cat gave her as a parting gift.

That all said, surprisingly for an episode that had the most unsurprising “secret reveal” in the history of television (I am just...so...stunned that Mon-El is the prince, said no one ever), this episode was decent, though the first half was much stronger than the second. Not nearly as good as 2x15 but miles better than 2x13-14. I think it’s because for once in the Kara/Mon-El storyline, the storyline was actually about KARA. All the previous shitty episodes were all about Mon-El’s manpain, but finally the show remembered it’s called Supergirl and that it should focus on, you know, KARA. The show is infinitely better when it remembers that Kara's should be the point of view through which we view the storylines, and explores their consequences on/for her, rather than making her a footnote in Mon-El’s story. (And again, based on that first scene, I say—I could begin to get behind Kara/Mon-El if they portray them as a more sweetly supportive couple, and him less like a sexist disrespectful douche.)

For me, the highlight of the episode was Kara’s conversation with Rhea (the Queen) on the balcony, for a number of reasons. Teri Hatcher was quite good there, she hit all the right notes, and you could SEE how much Kara wishes she could get a second chance like that with Alura—it was written all over her face. One of the most poignant lines in the episode was when she straight-up told Mon-El that he should take advantage of this second chance because other people don't get gifts like that in their lives. That rang incredibly true for me. But I also thought the conversation with Rhea did WAY more to make Kara confront all her own Daxamite prejudices than every single episode of Mon-El being a fuckboy did. Mostly because it was Kara talking to someone who seemed like an adult and equal. But anyways, that was a good scene, and I enjoy that this show continues to cast DC alums in fun roles.

On the other hand, the Lyra storyline was a big meh for me. Two twists too many, and I was way more interested in Winn dating an alien and the societal prejudices they’d face than some silly half-baked crime storyline, though I appreciated the shoutout to Fort Rozz and I do enjoy Alex/James/Winn teaming up. I also kind of can’t believe they’re back together—I could see Winn forgiving Lyra, but still being together? Nah. I also liked seeing Maggie get to do some actual police work, and damn, her wardrobe was ON POINT this episode. I am seriously coveting that first outfit she had on, and Floriana Lima looked fiiiine in it. I wish the show would explore jurisdictional issues with the NCPD and DEO more, because I want more of Alex and Maggie fighting over their jobs. Also I want more Alex and Maggie lounging on the sofa in their PJs.

“I love being a hero because it lets me spend every day by your side”—yeah, no, you’re STILL missing the point of being a hero, Mon-El, and it encapsulates the problem with the character in a nutshell. Chris Wood gave that last speech his all, but the writers wrote such a poor “redemption” arc for Mon-El earlier this season that it fell flat. It could have been a touching speech had his reformation been better, but it was just unconvincing as-is. I wish the break-up would last, but I’m 99.9% sure it’ll be undone on the Flash tomorrow. How many times will this make Kara saying “It’s over!” and then pretty immediately taking Mon-El back?

Solid enough episode that sets up the Daxamite royal family to be major players down the stretch run of the season--they clearly are not going to just let Mon-El go back and hang out on Earth. Wish the DEO would just send him packing with them, but I don't think I'm that lucky!


That car Supergirl landed in front of had amazing brakes.

That's what I said!

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So . . . who's sadder? Mon or Winn? Mon is basically a more handsome George Constanza, running over people to escape a fire. Y'know, only if it was planet-wide and a clown didn't put it out. No chance his bedmate came back like Sara Lance, right? Meanwhile, Winn got played by his hot girlfriend. I don't think anybody at the DEO took bets on how long they'd last because it was so inevitable.

Actually, James might be sadder than both of those bozos. "Your girl framed you for theft of a Van Gogh? Okay, first of all, it rhymes with 'lock,' not 'low.' But yeah, you've been there for me in my idiot quest to be a man's man. I will gladly get thrown around like a rag doll by aliens while you puff out your chest and try to look like you're packing a spare testicle. What are friends for?"

Cute that Winn wants to meet Cisco. He needs a rebound. And I'm still sold on the idea that Barry Allen is Kara's soulmate. Insane chemistry, and we know he digs blondes in glasses.

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Poor Supergirl being reduced to the girlfriend role on her show.

How much WORD can I add to this?  Because it's pretty damn sad that the heroine of the show is being reduced to the girlfriend who now has to deal with her lying cheat of a boyfriend.  Chickie, you're actually stronger than him.  I wanted you to literally kick his ass at his deception! 

Upside: Teri Hatcher is looking good.  She didn't get to do much but her main scene with Kara on the balcony was probably the high point. 

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5 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Cute that Winn wants to meet Cisco. He needs a rebound. And I'm still sold on the idea that Barry Allen is Kara's soulmate. Insane chemistry, and we know he digs blondes in glasses.

Who doesn't?

So Lyra is a vampire? She does sound like one of the Originals.

That Music Meister bit surprised me. It was WORSE than I imagined.

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That thrice baked art theft crime story was the laziest piece of shit writing I've seen in some time. I knew the second Lyra broke the lock to the museum, that it was a set up; more ????when she told Winn he was just a mark. Oh wait! She's being blackmailed!Quelle Shock!! Except NOT. I fast forwarded through most of it, it was so predictable.

I literally cheered when Maggie set Alex straight about how Alex needs to keep her nose out of how Maggie does her job. Really? Just because they're involved, Maggie has to "talk" to Alex before arresting anyone, if said anyone is someone Alex knows or is Alex's friend? Just stop with that bullshit now.??

And Mon-Douche still has NO IDEA what it means to be a hero; or that him not coming clean with Kara, wasn't that serious. He actually compared it to what happens on television, and by now (a day later?) expects Kara to have forgiven him and they can forget about it all?!

The worst part is that Kara has been reduced to being defined by the guy she's boinking, and not a woman or person in her own right. Or that losing her job was some great relief-a place she found so tiresome, and filled with such drudgery. I blame Mon-Douche for ALL of that.  OR, that now that everyone in her life is in a relationship, she has no right to feel hurt, or be angry at being deceived or lied to, because "there must have been a GOOD reason for it!"?????

And though I liked Kara kicking his crying ass out the door, I know it won't last. But I'll enjoy it for the next 23 hours. The FACT that he didn't know if he would ever have told her about his past or come clean would be a major red flag for me. But since it's THIS GUY, it should be waved away and understood. BULLSHIT.??

Then there was his apparent lack of hesitation, or barely, to leave Daxam, without even giving the woman he'd just boinked, a second thought, yep. A real Prince.

I want my old show back, and I hope Mon-Douche is gone by season's end.

And I also want a horsie.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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9 minutes ago, mtlchick said:


Upside: Teri Hatcher is looking good.  

They're real, and they're spectacular.

(Second SEINFELD reference of the night :)  )

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19 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

that now that everyone in her life is ina relationship, she has no right to feel hurt, or be angry at being deceived or lied to, because "there must have been a GOOD reason for it!"?????

James is still single but other than that, it's kind of creepy how everyone has hooked up.  Or in Snapper's case, dropped.  I guess Lena is still single though.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

James is still single but other than that, it's kind of creepy how everyone has hooked up.  Or in Snapper's case, dropped.  I guess Lena is still single though.

Well, crap. Now the idea of James and Lena having their own story arc/scenes together is in my head, and I know it's NEVER going to happen. ::SIGH::

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13 minutes ago, Trini said:

Well, crap. Now the idea of James and Lena having their own story arc/scenes together is in my head, and I know it's NEVER going to happen. ::SIGH::

I'd want it to happen just so Lena can tell her mother. Or brother. "You're going out with Superman's Pal. Great. Stab me in the neck, why don't you?"

J'onn is a cooler boss than I could ever be. I'd fire lead bullets at Mon and shove Winn off the roof. Stupid guys. Stupid, stupid guys.

ETA: Has Kara worn eyeshadow before? I did not notice such a thing until the final scene.

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Well, I guess this episode could have been worse. It's still not as great as the last episode, for the sole reason that there was still too much on Mon-El's manpain. Even when he wasn't in the scene! We know more about Mon-El and his history than we do of Winn or James. And there lays my problem; I am fine with Mon-El as a character. Chris Wood is charming and he's truly trying with his redemption arc. But he has somehow become the main character in a show about Supergirl. Even when it's Kara's POV, it's still more about Mon-El. I want more of J'onn or Winn and all I'm seeing is heaps of Mon-El. I'm sick of him at this point. I really would be able to enjoy his presence if he wasn't in the spotlight of every other episode. I liked him a lot last episode, but this one has me rolling my eyes that we get a secret revealed that everyone knew. 

That being said, I find it interesting that they didn't have Kara forgive Mon-El and that she only proved Queen Rhea right by doing exactly what she said Kryptonians do. I actually love that they followed through with it, because it does add a layer to Kara that makes her a little flawed. Not that I think she should be forgiving Mon-El, because she seriously needs to be questioning how much he's changed in the little time he's been away from Daxam and on Earth while just realizing his mistakes. I'd say that he needs a lot more than a few months to change his ways (I see a redemption by sacrifice or almost-sacrifice coming soon), and he said that he was going to tell Kara, until he couldn't tell her when or if he actually would have. I am thrilled that she broke things off because she really does need to figure out if she can really trust Mon-El to be a changed alien. I do think she was a bit harsh in immediately disliking him BECAUSE he was the Prince. I get why, since she knows how bad that family is and she's heard the stories, but it was an immediate blame thing just because she found out about his royal blood. 

I'm on Kara's side ultimately, but I do find it intriguing that she's so hateful of Daxamites and she immediately turned on Mon-El without giving him a chance to explain. 

I do think they have to reevaluate Mon-El's role on the show because it shows that when he's away, the screen time between Kara and others becomes infinitely better. Look! Kara actually shared a scene with Winn! Actually, two scenes! And her, James, and Winn remembered that they were all once friends! 

James? Surprisingly, he's getting back in my good books. I didn't actively hate him and I actually enjoyed his fight scenes. This is the first since his Guardian arc started. Even if he did get beat in the end, I thought they utilized his character pretty well. 

Oh, show. Of COURSE you went there with Winn/Lyra. I actually like those two, but then you go and throw that stupidity onto it! It's a good thing it gave me Winn/Kara scenes, or else I'd be more pissed. As much as I enjoy them, I can't help but think she's going to die at some point. Not sure why; just a feeling that I'm getting. Maybe because Winn's too into Lyra and on this kind of show, nobody can stay this happy for too long. He even forgave Lyra easily. 

Stupid moment of the episode?

"Supergirl's trapped in a bubble! We need to go help!"

"I'll go too, even though I can't fly!"

"Wait, I'm going to break out myself! Even though if I can't, I'll smash onto the ground and it's better if you come as a Plan B, just wait at the DEO instead!"


Maybe not a majorly stupid moment, but one I noticed. 

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12 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I'd want it to happen just so Lena can tell her mother. Or brother. "You're going out with Superman's Pal. Great. Stab me in the neck, why don't you?"

J'onn is a cooler boss than I could ever be. I'd fire lead bullets at Mon and shove Winn off the roof. Stupid guys. Stupid, stupid guys.

ETA: Has Kara worn eyeshadow before? I did not notice such a thing until the final scene.

I keep hoping Mon-El is slowly contracting lead poisoning from all the time he spends in the lead-lined DEO.

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God can they stop hitting us over the head with the romance in this show.

For Mon-Els parents to just show up along with like 5 other Daxamites, he and Kara really arent that surprised or happy. 

I can already see how this is going to go as far as Karas characterization....not very well

This whole Winn subplot is such a snoozefest. I am tempted to just fastfoward through it.

I appreciate them going old school makeup with these aliens but they really need to start doing a better job of showing us that these aliens are just like us humans and are able to live fairly normal lives amongst humanity.

Even if I wanted to like Monel/Kara, I wouldnt be able to actually grow an emotional attachment to them. They've dated all of what? 2 episodes?And it is constant issue after issue after issue.

So the Music Meister puts people to sleep to live a broadway dream? 

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So, yeah, in most unsurprising news ever, Mon-El is actually not just some guy from Daxamite, but the Prince of the entire planet, and Alien Teri Hatcher and Alien Kevin Sorbo are his parents, and they want him back home!  Yeah, that was shocking.  At least this finally lead to Kara ending it with him, but it still feels like this show wants me to think he is just a misunderstood bad boy, who is trying to reform.  But, again, despite Chris Wood's best efforts, the writing isn't backing him.  I mean, I know Mon-El still has a lot to learn, but he really should be at the point where he knows that movies shouldn't be followed to how you handle relationships, so his "This is the part where the girl forgives the guy who messed up, right?" bit was so dumb.  And even in his final speech, he never once talks about how being a hero means he helps people, rights wrong, etc., but how it is all because he can be close to Kara.  Do the writers not realize that this is still making him come off like a selfish dolt, and isn't progress at all?  Man, this is dumb.  And that is saying something, since it's like the DC CW shows have never been great at this.

But, anyway, the main plot is actually more about Winn and Lyra.  Of course, it ends up being too good to be true, and Lyra was actually pulling a con on Winn.  But, fear not!  It was all because she just happened to have a brother, and needed to steal a painting for him!  But she truly does love Winn, still!  He forgave her way too easily, but whatever.  I'm all for Hot Alien Tamzin Merchant sticking around, and I do like her chemistry with Jeremey Jordan.  Again though, its their talents vs. the stupid writing.

At least Maggie and Alex are still going strong.  I like that Maggie put a strong foot down when Alex was all "Why did you give us a heads up?!", and Alex respected it.  I get their relationship is different, but there are some boundaries!  Just because Winn is a bigwig in the DEO, doesn't mean he's above the law!

Tonight's "David Harewood does a lot with little" moment: when Winn mentions the "bruises" he got with Lyra, J'onn had a great side glance, where it seem like a perfect mixture of uneasiness, but like he really wanted to know more about how Winn got those bruises. 

At least James had some stuff to do, even it it was him getting his ass kicked again.  At least he apparently fared better then most according to the alien, so yay?

Get a teaser for tomorrow with the Music Meister, I see.  I guess he's still into the old-timey musicals.  Kind of surprised they didn't try to cash into the La La Land craze.  But, hey, after all this Mon-El stuff, I'm down with Kara interacting with Barry again (especially since he's lately at his best around her too.)

Seriously, Kara.  Maybe you should actually give Mick Rory a call.  Could you really do any worse?

Edited by thuganomics85
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Loved seeing Darren Criss's entrance and his reaction of seeing Kara. Kind of a nod to Glee with his first line.

Kara's reaction to Mon-El being a prince was a tad over dramatic. She kind of proved his mother right that she can't forgive.

I really need Mon-El's mom to return and interact with Kara's father. I need a Lois&Clark reunion.

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1 hour ago, mtlchick said:

How much WORD can I add to this?  Because it's pretty damn sad that the heroine of the show is being reduced to the girlfriend who now has to deal with her lying cheat of a boyfriend.  Chickie, you're actually stronger than him.  I wanted you to literally kick his ass at his deception! 

Upside: Teri Hatcher is looking good.  She didn't get to do much but her main scene with Kara on the balcony was probably the high point. 

Yup, it's almost painful to watch at this point.  As someone whose love of Supergirl started with the comics when I was a kid, it's pretty awful to see the strong, confident, intelligent woman that we met in season 1, be reduced to the girlfriend who has to deal with the selfish, lying, arrogant, man-child, that for some reason she thinks is worthy of being  her boyfriend.  Where in the heck is Kara Zor-El? Because honestly, I miss her.

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It does make me laugh that almost every time Kara has gone after Mon-El, it's taken some significant pep talkage from the people in her life to make her give him a chance (or another chance). Like, bb, if you need a bunch of different people to tell you to do something before you can overcome your natural reservations, maaaaybe it's a sign that you shouldn't be doing it.

Bizarrely enough, Kara seemed to me to be the only person who reacted normally to betrayal in this ep--everyone else was too chill about it. Winn was too forgiving of Lyra, and I'm not sure that Alex--who doesn't like Mon-El to begin with--would so easily handwave how much he hurt Kara.

Rewatching the episode and I gotta say, Floriana Lima makes some hilarious facial expressions while Maggie is interrogating Winn. Also seriously, who the hell did David Harewood piss off??? Because I really, REALLY miss J'onn and the Kara/Alex/J'onn Holy Trinity.

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Ugh man pain to left,man pain to the right,everywhere you turned tonight it was all about the guys and you women just have to accept it.Boooo the fate of the Daximite girl summed up this episode for the women on the show,or at least Kara and Lyra. Kara is going to be made a romantic unforgiving fool after Flash tomorrow and go running back to Mon El who hasn't learned a thing about actual relationships and takes his ques from movies and TV. Honestly James understood her way more and encouraged her independence. Sadly Chris Wood seems to be a favourite of the CW so they are going to push this on us forever.

I liked Kara standing up for herself but the way they framed it you could just see they were setting her up to look bad. All the references to the unfeeling,superior Kryptonians set Kara up as the worse person on earth and that she was kicking poor little puppy Monel unfairly for just a misunderstanding. Then to have Alex take his side instead of propping Kara up was like seeing her literally stab Kara. 

I think the biggest problem is that he really does nothing that is not Kara centric/ self centred. He has never been portrayed as trying to be a hero, even this ep he had to make a withering comment to her when she went to confront the ship. It's disturbing that what he is doing mimics an abuser,whether emotionally or physically. This is what I got from this ep, that he is very much trying to manipulate Kara on an emotional level because he doesn't have a clue how to treat people any other way. I mean they kept people intoxicated etc and made them slaves which means he raped that woman at the palace,or was that implication lost on any one?

I just don't get the hard on the writers and producers have for this character.

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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

If I was Kara, I would be less angry about Mon-El lying, and more upset that he apparently left the woman he was sleeping with, those random injured people, that Kryptonian guy (yeah he told the guard not to shoot him, but he didn't exactly try too hard to stop him) and the guard all to die without hardly a glance back.

Actually, while I agree with the others, I was thinking "I'm glad he didn't give the pod to the guard to use to escape; that guy was an asshole."

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for Mon-El to say that he'll rebuild Daxam as a better place.

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So sad that this season turned into the Dating Game season. I think Snapper is the only character in the show that didn't get paired up romantically. Yet, anyway.

The Prince of Daxam reveal finally is out in the light since being telegraphed as early as the first episode with Mon-El. Still kind of surprised they didn't make him Lar-Gand, but in better news, he wore something resembling his classic red shirt. Didn't look too bad, either. Maybe they'll give him a costume by season's end?

As others noted, the whole "I want to be a better man because of you" speech still misses the point, because he's still acting out of selfishness. The standing on his own speech to his parents at the end is a (small) step in the right direction. They do not know how lucky they are to have Chris Wood in this horribly written, poorly realized character. He's the only thing redeeming about Mon-El's arc.

Teri Hatcher was largely wasted, though I did really enjoy her talk with Kara. It was remarkably more insightful than I felt they were going with the Daxamite characters, who initially seemed like they were going to be very one-dimensional and wooden (like Mon-El). She pointed out some definite and painful truths to Kara, and seemed somewhat more self-aware of her own shortcomings. Hopefully Mon-El's departure from them doesn't make them turn into stereotypical cartoonish villains, trying to kill Kara in order to reclaim their son. Plus, I can't stand Kevin Sorbo, so wouldn't be too sad if he doesn't pop up again.

19 minutes ago, MarkHB said:

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for Mon-El to say that he'll rebuild Daxam as a better place.

Where Daxamites and White Martians can live together in peace and harmony.

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

"Wait, I'm going to break out myself! Even though if I can't, I'll smash onto the ground and it's better if you come as a Plan B, just wait at the DEO instead!"


Maybe not a majorly stupid moment, but one I noticed. 

You're not the only one. I was thinking "Okay- why don't they mobilize just in case Supergirl can't break out of it? You know, so you'll be ready to help before she goes splat?"

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Okay, this is a little better, Mon-El having an identity beyond simply being Kara's boyfriend is a step in the right direction, but a tiny one. Yet again instead of the writers making the episode about Mon-El dealing with the fact that he's a prince, his parents are alive, and his race isn't extinct, the whole thing just comes down to Mon-El's relationship with Kara, he doing whatever he can to screw up that relationship before worming his way back into Kara's good graces... again. It's the same thing with Lyra, the writers had a chance to give both characters depth, a purpose on the show beyond simply being in a relationship with the mains and they blew it by just tying everything right back to Mon-El and Lyra's relationship with Kara and Winn respectively. It's been said that Supergirl has been reduced to just being a girlfriend to Mon-El and reacting to him, but Mon-El and Lyra have it even worse, they EXIST solely to serve as love interests and always have, Maggie too (it was nice to see Maggie actually doing her job for once though) while the writers keep blowing opportunity after opportunity to give these characters reason to be that doesn't have something to do with forced relationship drama.

3 hours ago, stealinghome said:

“I love being a hero because it lets me spend every day by your side”—yeah, no, you’re STILL missing the point of being a hero, Mon-El, and it encapsulates the problem with the character in a nutshell. Chris Wood gave that last speech his all, but the writers wrote such a poor “redemption” arc for Mon-El earlier this season that it fell flat. It could have been a touching speech had his reformation been better, but it was just unconvincing as-is.

Agreed. I get that the writers are trying to show Mon-El evolving from an stereotypical arrogant frat boy Daxamite to a true hero, but 9/10ths of his scenes are him simply trying to get into Kara's pants, even any of his "heroic" actions just tie back to that, even here his refusal to leave Earth and be a hero is because he wants to be with Kara, not out of disgust for his heritage or desire to do the right thing. When Mon-El starts fighting crime and kicking evil alien butt just because it's the right thing to do, THEN I might be able to start buying that he even has a clue what the hell a hero even is.

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2 hours ago, Trini said:

Well, crap. Now the idea of James and Lena having their own story arc/scenes together is in my head, and I know it's NEVER going to happen. ::SIGH::

That would be awesome, so of course the writers won't go there. Mehcad deserves better than what he's been getting, but tonight he had some good action scenes. 

I actually like Kara and Mon-El, so didn't want them to break up. Now we will get more angst that is not needed. At least Winn and Lynn had minimal angst and are back together. I do miss J'onn and wonder why he's been on the backburner the last few episodes. Him, Kara and Alex were golden together. I also miss Kara, Winn, and James together. Their high five was adorable, but she wasn't even involved in their scenes which sucked. 

Teri Hatcher is still hot.

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Hey Kevin Sorbo from Hercules, that made the episode for me right there.  I still miss those more innocent days of cable in the 90s when you would look forward every week to shows like Hercules, Xena, Star Trek TNG.

Okay so I have to watch the Flash to continue with the stupid ending from this episode?  I don't watch the Flash.  Meh.

Edited by Dobian
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2 hours ago, MarkHB said:

Actually, while I agree with the others, I was thinking "I'm glad he didn't give the pod to the guard to use to escape; that guy was an asshole."

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for Mon-El to say that he'll rebuild Daxam as a better place.

Yeah, I'm still sure he's leaving at the end of the season since it will be the "right" thing to do.  

I actually thought this was a pretty good episode for Mon-el.  There was a line about him not realizing how awful he'd been until he left Daxum and it rang true to me that in his bubble as the Prince where everyone would have constantly reinforced his poor behavior as normal or expected or even encouraged, he really might not have been completely responsible for his actions.  Yes, he's still wrapping up being a hero with getting to be with Kara but I'm m ore willing now to cut him a break since really he's only had about five months of good role models and actually being shown what really is right and wrong.  

So I find myself surprisingly sympathetic to him.  I also think he shouldn't be dating right now when all his beliefs are in flux (kind of like someone newly in AA) but oops, too late for that. 

I was pleasantly surprised in how they used Terri Hatcher. I was expecting way less and waaay worse.  Kevin Sorbo was pretty much just there but TH had at least one great scene with MB on the balcony.  

And I am so there for the super corny  Music Meister/Flash crossover.  Clearly Winn with his "Celebration" solo is looking forward to it as well.  

Oh and about Funny Face.  I love Fred Astaire, I love Audrey Hepburn.  I love musicals.  I do NOT think Funny Face is a great example of a romantic musical.  It was a beautiful to look at but I actually remember watching the movie the first time and being SURPRISED at the end when there was supposed to be real feelings between them. I cringed when they kissed.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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4 hours ago, stealinghome said:

 I wish the show would explore jurisdictional issues with the NCPD and DEO more, because I want more of Alex and Maggie fighting over their jobs. Also I want more Alex and Maggie lounging on the sofa in their PJs.

Right?  Their jobs give them a perfect reason to have conflict rather than tiramisu and roses.  

For me that scene on the sofa was a perfect intimate moment between them.  I realize they might not want to write a lot of kissing etc scenes given that both actresses are straight, but I would take a million sofa scenes than another one of those awful side hug scenes they keep trying to pull off. 

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So the powerful alien laser guns cut a camper trailer in half, but bounce right off the Guardian's shield. How was this armor forged, created and the shield shaped if an alien laser can't penetrate it? And I am really tired of Jimmy going up against aliens who toss him around like a rag doll and being able to stand toe to toe with them.

This whole season was brought to you by Oprah. You get relationship angst and you get relationship angst and you get relationship angst. Everyone gets relationship angst. Except Jimmy because you don't matter on the show anymore.

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Say, isn't James the head of a massive media corporation who presumably has a lot of work to do, especially after mysterious aliens hijack the airwaves?  Or perhaps he uses the Oliver Queen approach and lets other people do all of his work.

How incredibly convenient for the Music Meister to be led in just when Kara happened to have Cisco's doohickey with her. 

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I like Mon-El's arc and evolution and also think that he will evolve to a full superhero and the right romantic partner for Kara, but definitely he is not there yet.

I also despise the kind of person that Mon-El was in Daxam.  But I couldn't say that if I had been raised as a the crown prince in a society with slavery, arranged marriages, meaningless sex and a medieval monarchy, I would have noticed on my own that it was a cruel, selfish, shallow and hedonist way of living and would try to change things and be a better human being (I don't think that Oliver Queen was very different before the island -his family didn't own slaves, but wasn't bothered about ruining the lives of their workers- and he even became a remorseless killer after that). Mon-El is truly ashamed now of what he was (he said that it makes him physically ill) and has said that he wants to be a better person, even if he is not with Kara. He has definitely said no to going back to his life of privilege and has chosen his life as a bartender and DEO agent. He has started this path inspired by Kara, but I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing (many people in the Flarrowverse started their path to heroism inspired by others).

I really believe that people can change and atone for their previous life choices and I love watching hero redemption arcs. As long as Mon-El keeps evolving to a better selfless person, risking his life to fight for other people, and being a better partner (in case that Kara decided that he is worth another try), I will be there rooting for his/ their success. I find him highly relatable.

I also agree that Mon-El still has many flaws that he has to work on. He has only been in Earth for a few months so it is quite believable to me that he keeps screwing up and trying to figure up the right way to do things. I even relate to his way of trying to figure out how things work in this completely new world. I have been an immigrant for several years now and I still cannot pronounce correctly some words and use TV / movies / newspapers to try to understand cultural differences (and I moved from a Western country to another, not from a Medieval monarchy to the USA).

He is really trying to be a hero and help others but his motivations are not pure and selfless (yet). He is not doing it because he wants to protect people. Everything is his head is mixed up with his feelings about Kara. I also think that there is a component of shame about his previous life (he said in 2x09 that the prince was not worth admiring) and trying to prove to himself that he can be a better person and atone for his previous life (he also said that he wants to prove that he was spared for a reason). The development of their romantic relationship has stalled his evolution as a hero and DEO agent, so this break up can be a good thing for his character development.


We know because of the interview with Chris Wood in Sci-Fi Magazine that his evolution to a full developed hero and better person will continue in season 3.

I predict that we will witness a very selfless heroic action before the end of the season. This may be the moment when he gets a hero name (Valor?) and a supersuit, that for interviews we know that he will get.

I also see that Mon-El loves Kara a lot but he doesn't know what to do with that. He still does not understand how to be a good partner to her. Not surprising if everyone had arranged marriages and meaningless sex relationships in Daxam. I doubt that he ever witnessed how good relationships work before arriving to Earth. He has been a coward and should have told Kara the truth once he knew that he could trust her (and particularly she had a right to know when they started dating). Said that, Rhea was right - Kara definitely was not happy about him being the prince so she might have ended up the relationship because of who he was (still hiding the truth was not the right thing to do). I agree that they had to break up at this point because honesty is important in a relationship.

So yes, this break up is a good thing for both characters. Being apart from her would be excellent for him to make his own choices and for Kara to understand her prejudices against Daxam and her feelings about Mon-El. I would like them not to be together for some episodes as this would allow character development for both of them. I would like to watch his evolution on his own so it would be separated from his feelings with Kara.


But I don't think that it is going to happen. This interview with Andrew Kreisberg makes me think that they will be together again soon after the end of the Flash Duets episode.


In the Variety interview with Candice Patton (Iris) she said that in the alternate reality in the musical episode she plays a character named Millie who is madly in love with another character named Tommy (played by Chris Wood, Mon-El) and they would have to fight for their love because they are from rival gangster families who don't want them to be together. It has also been mentioned in interviews that they wanted Kara / Barry to be in parallel situations regarding their romantic lives. and that one of the inspirations for the musical alternate reality is West Side Story. My speculation based on that is that Tommy and maybe Millie will die in this reality and Barry/ Kara will witness it. I think that they both will then decide that love is worth fighting for.

Final comment: Chris Wood is a gem. It is complicated to sell this messy character and storyline (which I believe have been written like that in purpose to create conflict, plot points and drama), but he has managed to sell it to me with his charm and superb acting. He is definitely making Mon-El's arc worth watching to me.

Again, I respect and understand that others have different views about this character and his relationship with Kara, but these are my thoughts as a viewer.

Edited by emarasmoak
spelling, grammar
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Since pretty much everyone has known that Mon-El was the Prince Of Daxim for a while now, the only question that needed to be answered was, when does Kara find out, and how? The show pretty much got that out of the way pronto.  So there's some semblance of progress on that plot-everyone knows now.  Thank God for that.

I do agree that Kara seemed to be the only one acting appropriately to Mon-El's deception-everyone else seemed a tad too cool with it. I can let that slide. I did also like that Kara stood her ground and ended things with Mon-El at the end. If she stands her ground and makes Mon-El prove himself-consistently-before she even thinks about being with him again, that would work.  However, if Kara backs off immediately next episode because Mon-El has a part in reviving her, I might throw shit at the screen.

I want to like Mon-El-I've seen redemption arcs done well (see Root's transition from villian to ally in 2 1/2 seasons on Person Of Interest, or Detective Fusco). I did like that he was not altogether happy with his parents being alive.  I liked that he stood up to them and said no way in hell was he going back to Daxim with them, and that's that. But then stuff happens like his "I've researched relationships on this planet, and this is around the time the girl forgives the guy for what he's done" line, and that completely ruins it.

In other areas, I liked how Maggie creeped out Winn just because she could. I also liked everyone's dislike of hearing anything about Winn's sex life ("please don't point out where those bruises are..")

Edited by StarBrand
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I was surprised that the parents of Mon-EL came across as a lot more reasonable than I expected. I was kinda expecting that they would go full on evil step mother and to tell the truth I was kinda looking forward to maybe getting a set of total cheesy moustache twirling villains to cause some chaos. 

But the more reasonable his parents look (well, outside of the slavery topic...) the weaker Mon-El's "It's not my fault, Daxam was terrible, I don't want to go back" argument becomes. 

I also noted Mon-El still missing the point about heroism, but I'm not convinced that that isn't intentional by the writers. guess only time will tell. 

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28 minutes ago, emarasmoak said:

I like Mon-El's arc and evolution and also think that he will evolve to a full superhero and the right romantic partner for Kara, but definitely he is not there yet.

I also despise the kind of person that Mon-El was in Daxam.  But I couldn't say that if I had been raised as a the crown prince in a society with slavery, arranged marriages, meaningless sex and a medieval monarchy, I would have noticed on my own that it was a cruel, selfish, shallow and hedonist way of living and would try to change things and be a better human being (I don't think that Oliver Queen was very different before the island -his family didn't own slaves, but wasn't bothered about ruining the lives of their workers- and he even became a remorseless killer after that). Mon-El is truly ashamed now of what he was (he said that it makes him physically ill) and has said that he wants to be a better person, even if he is not with Kara. He has definitely said no to going back to his life of privilege and has chosen his life as a bartender and DEO agent. He has started this path inspired by Kara, but I don't think that this is necessarily a bad thing (many people in the Flarrowverse started their path to heroism inspired by others).

I really believe that people can change and atone for their previous life choices and I love watching hero redemption arcs. As long as Mon-El keeps evolving to a better selfless person, risking his life to fight for other people, and being a better partner (in case that Kara decided that he is worth another try), I will be there rooting for his/ their success. I find him highly relatable.

I also agree that Mon-El still has many flaws that he has to work on. He has only been in Earth for a few months (4-5?) so it is quite believable to me that he keeps screwing up and trying to figure up the right way to do things. I even relate to his way of trying to figure out how things work in this completely new world. I have been an immigrant for several years now and I still cannot pronounce correctly some words and use TV / movies / newspapers to try to understand cultural differences (and I moved from a Western country to another, not from a Medieval monarchy to the USA).

He is really trying to be a hero and help others but his motivations are not pure and selfless (yet). He is not doing it because he wants to protect people. Everything is his head is mixed up with his feelings about Kara. I also think that there is a component of shame about his previous life (he said in 2x09 that the prince was not worth admiring) and try to prove to himself that he can be a better person and atone for his previous life (he also said that he wants to prove that he was spared for a reason). The development of their romantic relationship has stalled his evolution as a hero and DEO agent, so this break up can be a good thing for his character development.

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We know because of the interview with Chris Wood in Sci-Fi Magazine that his evolution to a full developed hero and better person will continue in season 3.

I predict that we will witness a very selfless heroic action before the end of the season. This may be the moment when he gets a hero name (Valor?) and a supersuit, that for interviews we know that he will get.

I also see that Mon-El loves Kara a lot but he doesn't know what to do with that. He still does not understand how to be a good partner to her. Not surprising if everyone have arranged marriages and meaningless sex relationships in Daxam. I doubt that he ever witnessed how good relationships work before arriving to Earth. He has been a coward and should have told Kara the truth once he knew that he could trust her (and particularly she had a right to know when they started dating). Said that, Rhea was right - Kara definitely was not happy about him being the prince so she might have ended up the relationship because of who he was (still hiding the truth was not the right thing to do). I agree that they had to break up at this point because honesty is important in a relationship.

So yes, this break up is a good thing for both characters. Being apart from her would be excellent for him to make his own choices and for Kara to understand her feelings and her prejudices against Daxam and her feelings about Mon-El. I would like them not to be together for some episodes as this would allow character development for both of them. I would like to watch his evolution on his own so it would be separated from his feelings with Kara.

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But I don't think that it is going to happen. This interview with Andrew Kreisberg makes me think that they will be together again soon after the end of the Flash Duets episode.


In the Variety interview with Candice Patton (Iris) she said that in the alternate reality in the musical episode she plays a character named Millie who is madly in love with another character named Tommy (played by Chris Wood, Mon-El) and they would have to fight for their love because they are from rival gangster families who don't want them to be together. It has also been mentioned in interviews that they wanted Kara / Barry to be in parallel situations regarding their romantic lives. and that one of the inspirations for the musical alternate reality is West Side Story. My speculation based on that is that Tommy and maybe Millie will die in this reality and Barry/ Kara will witness it. I think that they both will then decide that love is worth fighting for.

Final comment: Chris Wood is a gem. It is complicated to sell this messy character and storyline (which I believe have been written like that in purpose to create conflict, plot points and drama), but he has managed to sell it to me with his charm and superb acting. He is definitely making Mon-El's arc worth watching to me.

Again, I respect and understand that others have different views than me about this character and his relationship with Kara, but this are my thoughts as a viewer.

THANK YOU, Emaras - I agree with everything you said.  Chris is excellent.  A poster above said the CW likes him, so that's why he will continue to stay on the show.  I say what's wrong with that?  He's a hunk, AND he can act.  I guess I should have reversed that to not appear sexist, LOL.  He and Melissa's chemistry is off the charts.  I watch how they do it, and you really see two pros in action when they are doing simple scenes together.  It's the little things they do beyond the script, like a gesture, a smile, that really sells it, and Chris in particular is a delight. 

Speaking of script, I so wished to see a scene with Chris and Kevin Sorbo, where Mon-El's father tells his son in no uncertain terms that he is royalty and as such his duty is to his country over anything else .  You can't tell me this is all we are going to get from Sorbo.  What a waste.  On the opposite end, loved Loved LOVED Teri Hatcher's scene with Melissa.  Not just their acting together, but how the writers showed the different opinion of Krypton that you never see in the comics or from Smallville or whatever.  Like Queen Rhea said, Mon-El will never be good enough in Kara's eyes because she's from Krypton and they have always looked down on Daxam. 

For me, there was way too much Winn this episode, and I love the character.  But with Winn's increasing screen time, there is less and less for James and Hank.  Lyra was just introduced...what...two episodes ago?  And she got lots more scenes.  Before you complain that it's Mon-El hogging everything, this was his big episode.  They've touted this for weeks. 

Hoping that the season finale has Mon-El going with his parents to try to resurrect Daxam and be the leader.  Not because I don't want him on the show anymore, quite the opposite.  But you could see in Mon-El's attempt to fix things with Kara that while he loves her, he is also clinging desperately to what she represents.  He has her up on a pedestal so high there's no way he could ever measure up.  And that's a big problem.  Neither Mon-El or Kara, if she's honest with herself, thinks he's good enough for her.  He needs to be away from her and find his own self worth...not what he thinks Kara wants.  And she needs to take it down a couple notches because she's too rigid and judgmental. 

One last thing...I agree with the poster above about Funny Face.  Of all the musicals out there, that's her favorite???  I saw it once years ago and thought...what's that young girl doing with that old man...and I love Fred Astaire. 

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9 minutes ago, JapMo said:

For me, there was way too much Winn this episode, and I love the character.  But with Winn's increasing screen time, there is less and less for James and Hank.  Lyra was just introduced...what...two episodes ago?  And she got lots more scenes.  Before you complain that it's Mon-El hogging everything, this was his big episode.  They've touted this for weeks. 

I totally understand that this was Mon-El's big episode. Just like 2x14 was his big episode, just like 2x13 was his big episode, etc. And I get that this was actually his episode more so than Kara's, because we got to see his backstory. But he's been a major player in at least ten episodes this season. He's taking screen time away from others just so he can have this Big Romantic Arc with Kara. Winn gets his first major storyline this season. Otherwise, he's had more of a subplot role. I do agree that J'onn and James have had significantly less screen time this season. That makes me upset, but it wasn't Winn's fault, it's Mon-El's. You can blame Mon-El for taking screen time away and taking Kara away from interactions with others. It's only when Kara's pissed at Mon-El that she even gets to have conversations with others (besides Lena, but she's not a main character). Look at 2x11, the episode where Mon-El was in two minutes of the episode. Kara got so many interactions with Alex, J'onn, and others that they didn't get left out. 

Trust me, I like Mon-El and I love Chris Wood. What I don't like is the overuse of his character and the insistence that they need to throw every romantic issue at them at lightning speed. I care when he takes away time from J'onn, from Alex, and from other characters. Mon-El needs to be more of a supporting character now that his secret's out. Season 3 needs to have him as a supporting character and not taking Kara away from her sister or from J'onn. 

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16 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Season 3 needs to have him as a supporting character and not taking Kara away from her sister or from J'onn. 

Season 3 needs to have Mon-El put on a ship and sent far, far away from EVERY Earth. Ever. Or directly into a sun.

There's been no growth. Every single thing he does is because he thinks he's in love with Kara. He isn't a hero to make a difference. He's trying to be a hero because Kara's a hero. This is more a case study of borderline personality disorder, wherein someone experiences ALL THE EMOTIONS EVER, at lightning-fast speed, patterns themselves after someone else and thinks that person can do no wrong -- until they get tired of them.

Chris Wood is cute, and he's trying. But I didn't tune in for Mon-El's man pain. I can't even recognize this show anymore. Season 1 had a lot of problems, but I vastly preferred the days of Kara being mentored by a strong woman like Cat, as opposed to eight to 10 episodes about this man child.

Edited by jmonique
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This was the big reveal, whether they telegraphed it in episode 3 or not.  So yeah, to me it needed a lot of Mon-El.  However, the show has a problem with balance.  Last week it was all Alex.  Last night, J'onn could have been featured more with Mon-El.  He could/should have been transported up to the ship along with or instead of Kara (at least for awhile).  Like an emissary, only you know he would have butt heads with the king.  Or maybe he already had dealings with them.  Whatever.  There was an opportunity, and the writers didn't take it.  

While we have an difference of opinion over the use/overuse of the Mon-El character, Kara was ready for a romance, IMO.  I know some here don't think that's necessary, and I don't know what the ratings are since they hooked them up, but I thought the show was starting to get stale, and now I'm loving it.  JMO

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34 minutes ago, jmonique said:

I vastly preferred the days of Kara being mentored by a strong woman like Cat, as opposed to eight to 10 episodes about this man child.

Respecfully disagree. For me, Kara in season 1 was bullied every episode by Cat Grant (she didn't even want to use her real name for the full season) so I didn't find that Cat showed Kara as an independent person at all. She was just there to be told what to do and wish. Also she spent a lot of time pining for the love of a man who didn't want to break up with his girlfriend but didn't want Kara to look elsewhere either (see his reaction in the Barry episode).

I see Kara as a much more independent, confident and strong woman in season 2. And I think that a big part of this is her relationship with Mon-El when she is clearly being the hero leader and the one telling the other what to do.

I also see that Mon-El has changed a lot for the better from his first episode. Others may think that it is not enough, but there has been evolution.

Regarding lies, a lot of people in this show has lied to their loved ones and were later forgiven. Alex about being a DEO agent and killing Astra. Jonn about being a Martian. Kara about being an alien and Supergirl (some close friends such as Cat or Lena have not been told yet). James/ Winn about Guardian. M'Gann about being a White Martian (this is a very similar situation as both were from races/ cultures that were enemies and she initially collaborated with crimes against his people). Yes, the lie is worse when you are in a relationship and this is why she had to break up with him, but I can see a future when she decides to forgive him and give their relationship another try.

I don't want Kara/ Mon-El to go back together immediately, but I definitely want to see them together in a not very far away future. I also think that now that there is truth between them they have the chance to improve their relationship as friends and partners.


As per spoilers, we know that Chris will be in season 3, that Mon-El will still be developing his hero arc, and that Andrew Kreisberg has said that Kara and him will deal with things together after the musical episode, so I think that Mon-El is here to stay, we will get more character development, and that they will continue their romantic relationship soon.

Edited by emarasmoak
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2 hours ago, jmonique said:

Season 3 needs to have Mon-El put on a ship and sent far, far away from EVERY Earth. Ever. Or directly into a sun. 

The Sun is the source of their power, remember.  It would be like throwing Popeye into a spinach field. In the comics (at the end of the Red Daughter storyline), a bad guy tried to throw Supergirl into the Sun to kill her.  It just made her stronger (and p.o.'ed).   The last thing you want is more Mon-El.

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This episode was the first time Lyra made sense to me. She walked up to him in the bar and kissed his face off. She's fun! She likes sex! She likes sex with Winn! Okay, awesome, apparently good enough. Do they have anything in common? (Besides chemistry.) That she chose him as a mark and dazzled him with sex to take the fall for stealing art makes so much more sense. But then I'm not a fan of the manic pixie dream girl trope, and that's about all we've seen of her. I'd have liked the end more if either Winn accepted he'd been played and walked away, or if he said he wanted to find out who she actually is because he doesn't really know her. Personally, I'd pick any random Doctor Who cosplayer as a better match for him, but he's still in luv. 

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I don't even know why they had to go this direction with Lyra. I was fine her and Winn dealing with the issues of being in an intergalactic interracial relationship, her issues as an immigrant to this country, and maybe some cross cultural issues in their relationship. That would be more interesting, and let the writers add in the political stuff they love to throw in. Plus, I don't have any trouble believing a hot girl would be into Winn, beyond him being a mark. Yeah he's a nerd, but he's cute, a decent dresser, smart with a decent job, and is a nice person, why wouldn't a woman like him?

I like Chris Wood, and Mon-El is a good idea for a character, but I just wish his arc worked a bit better. I want to see him actually working to become a better person because he wants to help people, not just because he likes Kara. I want to see him realizing that he was a spoiled asshole back then who benefitted from an exploitative system, but until this episode, I've never seen much of that. Not that I want more of Mon -El, I just want his screen time to be used better. I don't hate him like some people do, I just wish they would show and not tell with his development. I also don't mind that much that Mon-El lied to Kara. From what we have seen, Kara probably would have told him to fuck off instantly if she found out he was the prince, and I do buy that he wanted a fresh start without his prince baggage, and that's fine. I can appreciate that he seems to be basically alright with being a normal guy instead of royalty. Besides, this show is a part of the Arrowverse now. Everyone lies to their family, friends, and partners literally all of the time. I'm kind of numb to it. Like I said, if I was Kara, I would be more concerned that he left so many people behind to die without much of a care (as someone else said, that guard seemed like a dick though. Are their staff raised to be fanatic about protecting the royals being totally loyalty to their planet?), especially that woman he screwed, then left as she was screaming for him not to leave her. That was cold, dude. Is she sure he's fully moved past that? I think he probably has, but its a doubt she would certainly have.

Edited by tennisgurl
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10 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Are their staff raised to be fanatic about protecting the royals being totally loyalty to their planet?), especially that woman she screwed, then left as she was screaming for him not to leave her. That was cold, dude. 

The Royal Guard probably thought they were as superior as the royalty they guarded, and above the general populace.

And I think you meant "the woman HE screwed," because I don't think the woman screwed herself.

And I guess I'm just not with it or something because Chris Wood is just a blandly good looking actor and his acting is okay. Nothing to rave about-for me. Or maybe I've just been spoiled by being exposed to much better looking actors, as well as better skilled actors. *shrugs*

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With one exception, I can't think of a core character on now or last year that I think hasn't been a terrific actor.  And the exception for me is James.  I think Mehcad is a decent actor, but I think he plays the character too casual.  Maybe it's the direction, maybe it's the writing, but he plays James too laid back.  Even when he is supposed to be mad, you don't feel it.  He looked mildly upset when Snapper hijacked his first staff meeting, when he should have punched his lights out.  When he supposedly had feelings for Kara last year, it was hard to really see it (although it was actually hard to believe that he was dumping Jenna Dewann Tatum for her).  His explanations of why he needs to fight crime translates for me to 'I want to get away from the office for awhile'.  You talk about bland, it's James. 

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I totally understand that this was Mon-El's big episode. Just like 2x14 was his big episode, just like 2x13 was his big episode, etc. And I get that this was actually his episode more so than Kara's, because we got to see his backstory. But he's been a major player in at least ten episodes this season. He's taking screen time away from others just so he can have this Big Romantic Arc with Kara.....Trust me, I like Mon-El and I love Chris Wood. What I don't like is the overuse of his character and the insistence that they need to throw every romantic issue at them at lightning speed. I care when he takes away time from J'onn, from Alex, and from other characters. Mon-El needs to be more of a supporting character now that his secret's out.

That's exactly how I feel. I get why this episode had to have to be about him but there have been others where it did not feel necessary to make him such a big part of the plot.I think Chris Wood is talented and brings a lot of charm to the role but I do wish they would tone it down and reduce his screentime a little. Kara needs more time to interact with others, especially Alex. 



 I realize they might not want to write a lot of kissing etc scenes given that both actresses are straight

 I think they would probably still write it the same if the actresses weren't straight.

Edited by Oreo2234
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I agree that they turned Kara into a colossal hypocrite in that scene.  And it comes off even worse when you compared it to Winn's reaction to what Lyra did.

Which could be potentially interesting as a character trait to explore with her.  The problem is, I cannot tell for sure if its INTENTIONAL on the writer's part, of if it's just sloppy and inconsistent writing.

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3 minutes ago, Oreo2234 said:

I think they would probably still write it the same if the actresses weren't straight.

Agreed. I suspect the lack of Alex/Maggie kisses is less because of the actress' sexualities and more due to censorship from the network/S&P/maybe even the show self-censoring (since it wants to be a "family" show and some families might flip their shit at the gay, eyeroll to the nth degree). I don't think Alex and Maggie have ever kissed more than once in an episode, and in many of those episodes the straight couples have had multiple kisses. And in other TV roles, FL, at least, has gotten way more physical with a female screen partner.... I'm kind of over the side hugs too, though. Let them hold hands instead.

As far as acting goes, I find Melissa Benoist, David Harewood, and especially Chyler Leigh to be significantly better than anyone else on this show (shout-out to Calista Flockhart, who was in this group last season too). I agree with @GHScorpiosRule that Chris Wood is okay. He's not great, he's not terrible, he's a blandly good-looking guy with serviceable acting and some charisma. So basically he's the basic bitch of actors. ;)

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