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S34.E03: Survivor Jackpot

Tara Ariano
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I was quite tickled by Sarah's reaction of stunned delight as she learned of her nemesis Tony's ouster, ha ha. I hope she is more of a presence in this game.

Culpepper... did somebody replace this guy with a clone or what? I remember an obnoxious sexist jerk and now we see a self-described antiquer and home decorator who describes a female tribe member as a "budding attorney"?

I am so totally over Tai's flip-flopping accompanied by massive amounts of angsting over it. Spare us the angsting please.

I know I'm not the first but I was ready to boycott this show if they killed the goats!!! Sandra, how could you?? When you already have so much food!! And trying to get someone else to do the killing but telling them how to prepare the carcasses!

Malcolm skipping was great! And he is so pretty :)

I missed Debbie :)

Edited by PerfidiousAmber
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Candice is so bland you forgot about her for the purposes of this post.  Also Andrea is the best

I would had picked Candice over Andrea in a heartbeat just to watch her lose her shit at Culpepper again.  I've never seen anything out of Andrea that could match that fierceness.      


I liked that Michaela gently stood up to Sandra, and said what everyone else was thinking by suggesting they eat chicken instead. 

Michaela is slowly getting better at this game.



Malcolm skipping was great! 

He has a good sense of humor that comes out.

Edited by vb68
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54 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Sandra only held the vote since, as she admitted, she didn't know how to kill the goats and needed someone to get their hands bloody.

I used to love her, but now she can't go home soon enough!

Wannabe Lady Macbeth...... she fucking called for other people to commit murder... but she was too cowardly to do it herself.

We have Caribbean food places here in Canada.  I get that people eat goat, lamb.  But to kill an animal in THAT situation.  For goodness sakes.  So extremely cruel and stupid.

@vb68 - thank you.  I never remember anything Andrea ever did.  To me she is extremely bland.  Extremely overhyped.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Honestly a very disapointing vote. IT remeinds me of last season when those two scumbags who will remain nameless voted off their strongest player Michalea when there was no guarantee the merge was happening in the next episode.. For two people who have played the game before Sierra and Culpepper do not seem very smart. They are playing way too far ahead. Now is NOT the time to be worrying about after the merge. Now is the time to remain as strong as possible. Speaking of Culpepper are we seriously going to have to hear Monica named dropped every week?

Happy about the switch only because it benefits Michalea. In the first episode her tribe was very sketch and seemed to be seriously isolating her and marking her as a potential boot and I haven't forgotten that. She is probably my most favorite player since Twinnie Natalie and I want her to have a good run this time.


I'm  not PETA person but I found myself disturbed at the possiblity of one or both of the goats being killed. I' m glad it didn't happen.

Lastly a couple of the casting choices are questoinable. I've seen every episodes even the dreary recaps they use to do and I have memory of Hali. I guess they just needed a pretty face and grabbed the first one they could find.


SURVIVOR  isn't working out for Caleb so he needs to high tail it back to a BIG BROTHER all stars.

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This is the 2nd week where the "tribal" music has been really prominent--almost overwhelming at times.

If Sandra wanted to eat a goat, then maybe she should've gotten off her ass, caught one then killed it.  I have no idea why they're giving her so much power.  That Queen title got really old really fast.  I still cant believe she's been Sole Survivor twice.

I was happy for Troyzan finding that clue.  I laughed when he thanked God for "no puzzle solving" being included in getting that Idol.  I've always suspected if I ever played Survivor, puzzles would be my undoing.  That Immunity challenge was a nail-biter!  I think I would've chosen the spices.

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I never liked Andrea much in previous seasons although I can't remember exactly why (old brain trying to remember 34 seasons ha ha) but I was pretty unimpressed by her ridiculously transparent attempt to set Troyzan's mind at ease. A child could see through that. Hali and Sierra, on the other hand, I remember dismissing as mindless fluffballs but they both spoke well tonight. I thought Hali did quite well for herself at tribal.

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32 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

I hate the way chickens are treated on this show and I hate with a burning passion that Sandra was ready to kill a baby goat and its Mama.  She is dead to me.  

I haven't even watched tonight's episode yet, but "me too!".   The idea of it is awful.

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34 seasons, every episode watcher here and I would have been gone if the goats bit it.  Hell, I was worried Sandra was going to toss the cute kid into a pot of boiling water!  They're 9 days in, not 30. Queen is taken down by a kid. 

I'd rather never again watch Culpepper go island antique shopping, thanks show. Is he auditioning for HGTV? "Island Decor with Brad". 

Does anybody else think that Debbie looks like Iggy Pop?

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RobC said on his podcast that when he was on his season production told them they could not kill and land based animals for food mainly due to the backlash that Survivor took when Mike killed the boar in season 2. He suspects, as I do, that those goats were not in any danger at all of being eaten.

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I haven't read any of the posts here because I'm only 1/3 of the way through this episode and turned it off immediately after they caught the baby goat and its mother.

I need to know, do they kill them or let them go?    If they kill them, I think I'm done with this show.

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4 minutes ago, millennium said:

I haven't read any of the posts here because I'm only 1/3 of the way through this episode and turned it off immediately after they caught the baby goat and its mother.

I need to know, do they kill them or let them go?    If they kill them, I think I'm done with this show.

They voted to spare the goats and eat Sandra instead. :)

Seriously, they let the goats go.  

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I can't believe production was going to let them kill the goats. There would have been an uproar with a call to boycott the show and CBS.  I'm sure that whole discussion was for the drama.

Probably if they had killed the goats, we would never have seen it,

2 hours ago, my tiffany said:

Trozan 'randomly' finds a clue to the an immunity idol that just so happens to be applicable to the next immunity challenge

The immunity idol  is "randomly" stored only on Trozan's tribe puzzle table.  (So noone else could 'randomly' find one at their station.)

How do you know there was only one clue?  There may have been a clue at every tribe, but since only Troyzan found it, they only planted the HII on their table.

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Yeah I am not sure what the confusion is about the idols. Troy found the clue to the idol and so that idol was placed exactly where the clue said it would be.  Since no one on the other tribes found the idol clues those idols were never placed at the challenge.

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2 hours ago, my tiffany said:


If they only hid the idol for teams where the clue was found means there is some collusion between the filming team and production - which  does imply to me manipulation based on what transpires outside of the contests and tribal council.   What if someone had found the idol clue outside of the filming crew?   Shouldn't be a surprise I guess.

I don't understand that at all.  They monitor what's going on.  They know if anybody found the clue, so they know to put the idol on the table of the team which found the clue.

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Someone should have said that if Sandra wanted to eat goat then she would have to kill it. She had  no such intentions and in fact stated that "someone" would have to clean it properly...some nerve.

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Urgh,  A tribe switch and three teams this early just confuses me! I didn't get enough time to figure out where the loyalties lie within the original tribes, much less within past relationships from previous seasons! 

So glad troyzan wore the cargo shorts at the immunity challenge, and not that tight green underwear! 

Tai  looks so much younger in these glasses! He looked at least 20 years older in the round glasses from the previous season! 

The mama and baby goat thing was terrible. Geez people, it's ONE MONTH!  

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2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I'm glad the goats got to live.

I wasn't a fan of Caleb's but I thought they should have kept him around a little longer for the physical challenges. Tai needs to stop being so Wishy-washy. 

I'm glad Troyzan was able to get that idol. Why do they always find those clues/idols when the camera is around? Coincidence?  

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Why do they always find those clues/idols when the camera is around? Coincidence?

2 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

  The cameras are on them constantly.  We see the edited version.  When has anyone ever found an idol not on camera?

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I think the goats were a plant for a storyline. 

Sandra is getting way too cocky and bring vocal and obvious about it. That doesn't bode well. 

Does sierra actually draw her eyebrows on each morning on the island?

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 They really needed to cut that goat conversation down/out.   The whole thing was ridiculous and a waste of time.  People were boycotting the show because someone ate a rat.  Did they really think the show would let them kill a goat, much less a baby one.  The time would have been better used for a separate reward challenge.

 What the hell are Caleb and Cullpepper wearing?  Caleb is bad enough with his denim rolled up knee high looking like he's about to go to the crick to hunt some crawdads but what as up with Cullpepper's mauve capri pants?  Did he think since they had Blair from Facts of Life on one season that Gidget would show up and he was ready for the bonfire on the beach with the groovy gang? 

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Brad, you sly devil.  Hali was half out the door till Brad manipulated Tai into turning on his friend. Brad did this quietly, with Tai actually thanking him for his invaluable advice.  That's the way to play Survivor IMO.  btw, I believe it's impossible for Tai ever to win Survivor. 

So did JT find anything?  Just because we saw Troy find the clue and idol doesn't mean JT didn't do the exact same thing.  i.e. maybe two idols were found at the IC. 

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Brad, you sly devil.  Hali was half out the door till Brad manipulated Tai into turning on his friend. Brad did this quietly, with Tai actually thanking him for his invaluable advice.  That's the way to play Survivor IMO.  

Exactly. Brad really does seem like he has learned something and is playing a very different game this time.

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I don't have a problem with people eating goat meat, I have a problem with a bunch of amateur famewhores with a blunt machete trying to kill goats of various sizes.  Serious eye roll.  I mean if that's what it's coming to then show the whole thing and alienate a solid portion of the audience?  I loathe the live chickens as well...the whole killing chicken thing has been done...make them catch wild ones or just feed them at the Survivor Auction and be done with the chicken slaughtering drama.  I think we've talked about the importance of honoring the animals we slaughter for our food.  I don't need to see any more beheaded chickens on TV.  


Seriously Survivor...enough.  Starvation doesn't play well on tv...can u just give them more food at reward challenges and stop with the beheading crap?  I hate every minute of it.

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1 hour ago, MostlyContent said:

You're safe to watch, milennium!  :)



1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

They voted to spare the goats and eat Sandra instead. :)

Seriously, they let the goats go.  

What a relief.   

Sandra can go home anytime now.    

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If they had killed those goats, especially the little baby, that would have been the end of my Survivor viewing. Sandra is seriously cold hearted.

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10 minutes ago, kikaha said:

Brad, you sly devil.  Hali was half out the door till Brad manipulated Tai into turning on his friend. Brad did this quietly, with Tai actually thanking him for his invaluable advice.  That's the way to play Survivor IMO.  btw, I believe it's impossible for Tai ever to win Survivor. 

So did JT find anything?  Just because we saw Troy find the clue and idol doesn't mean JT didn't do the exact same thing.  i.e. maybe two idols were found at the IC. 

I think Tai votes according to whatever the last person he spoke to before Tribal Council tells him.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm not thrilled to see all these guys running around in their underpants. 

I'm enjoying it immensely from the shallow end. It's no different than when they have top heavy girls falling out of their bikini tops. I'm just glad the censors seem to have stepped back from the blur tool to allow some equal opportunity male objectification.

3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Just stick that idol down your shorts, Troy. I mean, that is the logical place to go, but how would he explain the new bulge? "Guys . . . I'm just really happy we're not going to Tribal. Really, really, really happy. Cirie, I'll let you know if it doesn't go down after four hours. Try not to giggle."

Troy is really working those green undies and every last one of my gay nerves. I'm surprised his bulge hasn't been blurred by censors already. There was one side shot earlier in the episode that looked like he had already stuffed the HII down his undies before ever going to that IC. I know he's not the typical pretty boy looks that Malcom has, but he's rocking mine and some people's world.

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Just curious . . . in the "taste" package, was mint jelly there? Really wouldn't put it past Burnett to throw in the ultimate side for goat meat.

I imagine Sandra getting tired of the others' lack of spine, going into the woods with the goats. "Listen to me. Momma, you bit me on the nose and got away with your kid. In one week, I want you to bring three of the biggest males you can find to our camp. If they're assholes, all the better. Do we have an understanding?" Seriously, I'm still holding out hope Sandra wasn't really craving goat. Also, I'd expect her to tell Tai that the chickens committed suicide. "Hey, I didn't see the blade until it was too late. Nothing could've been done."

3 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I predict SIA will show up at the reunion show to hit Sandra in the face with a bag of quarters 

And then Sandra would evade and feed Sia her wig.

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3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Tai is really bad at this game.  Nice guy, but so bad at Survivor.

3 hours ago, Eolivet said:

wow, has Tai ever met an alliance he couldn't screw over?

Ack and double ack... I really really despise Tai because what he supposedly values he continually shits upon. "I love trees they are all living beings!" Then he tears three or four straight out of the ground looking for an idol. He 'domesticates' a chicken and then abandons it to the wild once the season is over. He instantly does the bidding for anyone with 'power' over him, like he became so 'tainted' by the Brotherhood of Terrible Tats that he drown the camp's fire just to be like his heroes.

Now he really really loves his reunion with Caleb but votes him off at first suggestion from Culpepper. And now we get to see oh. so. conflicted. Tai again. Oh the handwringing. Give me a break.

Somewhere Sia is PISSED about the goat scene. Heh. But really saying they were going to eat the baby goat was heartless, I was so afraid the way Sandra was holding it that she'd snap it's neck and go "oops I guess we better eat it now". Of course then devil horns would have sprung from her head as whatever demons she has running around in her would have manifested themselves like a bad Manga novel.

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I for one will miss Caleb. I was so excited to have him return this season. Tai is a pipsqueek. Shame on him. Caleb would have gone home anyway without his vote.I was looking forward to see their relationship blooming. Lol

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2 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

I don't understand that at all.  They monitor what's going on.  They know if anybody found the clue, so they know to put the idol on the table of the team which found the clue.


Plus: editing. 

Yes, it always appears someone finds an Idol on their first try. Because the tries that fail make bad TV, so they get cut. 

Also, everyone who needs an Idol is the one that finds them. Because the editors know who finds the Idol and edit the show to make that person appear to be in trouble. If Ozzy found the idol, all the post-swap editing would be all his tribemates calling him a physical threat. So it would look like he needed it and found it. 

It isn't an impartial documentary. 

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3 hours ago, PerfidiousAmber said:


I know I'm not the first but I was ready to boycott this show if they killed the goats!!! Sandra, how could you?? When you already have so much food!! And trying to get someone else to do the killing but telling them how to prepare the carcasses!

To be honest, I thought everyone out there except Sandra was a hypocrite. They will kill chickens, but not goats? Michaela, especially, was perfectly happy to kill the chickens because "they are for eating". Whatever, Michaela.  It was as bad as people who buy Big Ag meat, but get uptight about those who kill their own. 

Sandra said she didn't know how to kill it, but she would help dress it. She didn't tell anyone how to do anything. 

Truth is, the young goat would be ready for slaughter quite soon, especially if it's male. If these people have ever eaten meat, they have eaten young animals. The responsible thing to do for any animal population is to let adult females live and take young males. Adult females are the most important for reproduction. This is true if you are raising livestock or hunting. 

I was very pleased to see Tai make a game decision that wasn't based on friendship or "energy". Good for him. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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3 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I don't remember JT having such a strong Southern drawl in his previous season. You can hardly understand what he's saying.


Also, I think it was something about a squinty/scruffy/mumbly JT that reminded me of Robert De Niro who shares the same characteristics:


Edited by Wandering Snark
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I agree with you azshadowwalker. There is no pleasant way to kill animals for human consumption. If you didn't want to see the goats die in this episode (I didn't) then don't order a hamburger, BLT, or chicken salad tomorrow. Out of sight, out of mind isn't a good enough philosophy on this issue.

I laughed at the "Andrea is bland" opinions above. I can see people thinking that about her. Nevertheless, I think she is absolutely beautiful and sneakily quite funny, so I'm in the "Vote off anyone but Andrea!" camp for now.

I hate tribal mixups that create almost impossible situations for outnumbered people. It's just so unfair and has nothing to do with social skill or strategy. This game is so much more about luck than most people give it credit for. Troyzan and JT are trying, but they're probably in deep trouble, while Caleb and/or Hali didn't seem to stand a chance. Meanwhile, a lot of the double losers from the first episode got an undeserved reprieve from their horrible start.

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I'm glad they didn't vote Hali off, but in a way it would have been amazing: it would have created my least favorite tribe of all time.  Caleb, Brad, Tai, Sierra, and Debbie?  An amazing powerhouse of suckitude.  I would have enjoyed Hali surviving more if she had done fuck-all to keep herself alive.  (Or the editors had chosen to show us this.)  We didn't see one second of her trying to convince anyone, play anyone, make her case, scramble, look for the idol, anything, between challenge and tribal.  OK, OK, "sometimes that's the right move" I don't care, I want to see people working and playing.  At least, at the very least, to say "the only thing I can do right now is lay low", or whatever, so it looks intentional instead of just "here's Hali in the water doing nothing, but she's got a cute butt right?"

5 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Do these people have no brains?  I am (as a former Big Brother watcher) happy to see the back of Caleb, but why did the decision come back to Caleb and Hali?  The two of them, Tai and the bring in Debbie.  Then they choose either Culpepper or Sierra.

I agree, I always want them to do this, but they almost never do.  They almost always revert to panic and throwing each other under the bus, unless they are very close.  Very very occasionally you see people like Tasha and Savage, who realize the strength they have even on the bottom if they resolutely work together, and flip the game.  But it's incredibly rare, which is super-disappointing. 

4 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

Speaking of Troyzan, I haven’t seen his season, haven’t heard anything good about it which is probably why I haven't—was it ever revealed why he calls himself Troyzan?  I refuse to believe his parents actually named him that. 

His name is Troy, he likes being out in the 'jungle', he calls himself Troyzan.  One World is not a beloved season but it does have the best player ever to play, or thereabouts!  (If Sandra wins this one then of course she will have moved into some otherworldly realm of greatness no one else will ever touch.)

4 hours ago, my tiffany said:


If they only hid the idol for teams where the clue was found means there is some collusion between the filming team and production - which  does imply to me manipulation based on what transpires outside of the contests and tribal council.   What if someone had found the idol clue outside of the filming crew?   Shouldn't be a surprise I guess.

Do you............not realize that the filming team is production?

3 hours ago, absolutqt said:

This is the 2nd week where the "tribal" music has been really prominent--almost overwhelming at times.

Yes, especially the leadup to tribal -- the shouting music was so loud it was hard to hear what people were saying in their talking heads!

As a long-time, unsentimental vegetarian, I'm always baffled by people's reaction to killing/eating animals on Survivor.  We're not supposed to talk politics on the board, so I won't, but...

Tai is, as usual, a flailing RNG of Survivor.  Basically anyone else in the entire world would have seen through Culpepper's ham-handed "manipulation" but it worked perfectly on Tai.  Still, good for Brad for getting what he wanted, doing it in a smart way -- getting Tai to change his mind, rather than telling him what to do.

The idol-at-challenge thing really works well as TV.  If I wasn't quite as excited as I was with Kelley Wentworth it's just because I dislike Troy.  Even despite that, I was on the edge of my seat whether he'd get it and whether he'd get caught getting it.  I thought he was gonna give up after his first no-look attempt!  Good idea, the "exhausted falling on the table" thing.

I also liked JT marooning his tribe, Malcolm skipping, both of them not wanting to kill the goats...my crushes being crushworthy.  JT already looks much slimmer, somehow.  If he makes it, he will soon be in HvV trim and I will be quite content!  And I would sort of love an Ozzy/Cirie team-up, just because it could really catch people unawares.

But in general I feel like this is something of a joyless season, so far.  Much as Ciera was no Ciera-style fun and went glumly to the slaughter, Hali was subdued and lacked the pizzazz of the past (maybe thanks to the lack of Jenn, a robust free spirit indeed).  Her performance at tribal was effective enough I suppose (though of course it was all decided long beforehand) but where were the rousing speeches about MERICA that made her so hilarious last time?

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Hey...I'll admit it.  I'm a total hypocrite.  I'm an omnivore, but other than fishing, crabbing, and clamming, I have zero interest in harvesting my own protein.  Wait.  "Zero interest" indicates apathy.  No.  I am actively squeamish and loathe to kill chickens, pigs, cows etc. for my consumption.  But I'll eat 'em--after I decently purchase them from the store.  But I'm not starving.  If I were, then I could probably do it--snivelling and crying and begging forgiveness the whole way.

The point is, these people aren't starving either.  They can source food from the sea, beach, and jungle.  They have chickens and eggs, and supplies left from the first day. There was no need to kill a goat, and Sandra continually pushing to do so was ugly.  She was holding the baby!  If she was starving, she could have broken the baby goat's neck right there, ended the debate, and had dinner. But she didn't.  

I hope that scene opened eyes on her new tribe.  I hope they realized they were whipped into that awkward blood frenzy by Sandra, and gain some realization that she inexplicably holds control over that tribe.  I saw cracks, but her hypnotism will probably carry her past this.

Wouldn't it be a better idea to try and domesticated the mama and baby goat so they could get her milk?  Yo, farmer boy JT...duh.

On another note, I absolutely hated Caleb on Big Brother.   But...I think there is something about that show that messes people up in the head.  I like Survivor Caleb.  Maybe he's more self-aware or mature.  Maybe open horizons and purpose help him escape his inner asshole.  Maybe I'm just naive, but I was sad to see him go.  I how they have physical comps for the next bit and Hali or Debbie tanks to show them strong but dim Caleb would have been better to keep around than weakish but strategizing (Hali) or weakish but scattered (Debbie).

Plus...first place tribe gets tacky midget diving helmet, but second place gets the  rusty pipe helmet stand?  Ooooh...  Niiiiice.....

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I knew the baby goat and its mama were in no danger throughout the whole scene. No way would they have allowed them to kill Bambi or his mother.

Sandra really is serving as this season's villain. Although people who eat commercially produced meat have little room to feel morally superior to those who eat meat that they hunt, a mama and baby are not usually considered legitimate targets by hunters. Sandra may not have known that before, but she should have been able to figure it out without her whole tribe having to tell her. Read the room, woman! I agree that this scene, like the "queen" speech last week, was included to set the stage for her ouster. I'm going to miss her when she's gone.

 I hope this season is the last we see of Tai. He may actually be smart and practical in real life, but on Survivor, he's a ditzy invertebrate. Allowing himself to be so transparently manipulated confirms that he should not win, even if he makes it to the end.

It's interesting that so far, two of the three people eliminated have been physically strong males. Perhaps the players are finally coming around to my way of thinking: If having physically strong people means you win challenges, then why did you lose the last one? Many factors need to be considered when voting for a boot, not just challenge prowess.

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The goat issue wasn't a big deal to me. I mean Goats are not naturally found in Fiji anyways (Island after all).....plus they eat Everything! On the other hand, couldn't they keep the goats for milk? ((could waste food)) I still should congrats them for catching them. [I would still disapprove if they ate them because they had plenty like chickens. I just wouldn't be disgusted by it] 


Mana was an hot mess tonight! I'm not satisfied by the game play by some player but some shined I guess. In every situation I can conceive, this vote out only benefits two players in Mana, Culpepper and Sierra. (let's be honest Sierra did nothing but vote though) Culpepper is now the only physical member of that team and he eliminated a possibility in power dynamic (Debbie, Caleb, and Tia).  Although, I still don't get how this benefit Hali other than surviving an extra moment until next time. She still is out of the mix and could be in danger next time!

How Mana could look and how it looks now: 

(if Hali was able to manipulate herself into the Season 32 group)- Tai, Debbie, Caleb, and Hali [on the outs of the alliance]; Sierra and Culpepper would be in danger. This would of put Tai, Caleb, and Hali in a better position in their camp. Tai would have a better leader position too.....too bad he is a follower. (actually too much of one that he can be manipulated to flip and flop anyway)

(If they voted out Hali)- Tai and Caleb would have a strong alliance and Debbie could be easily a third wheel. One of those three could easily have a strong leader role while Sierra and Culpepper are on the outs. (Oh Tai, You could of been in a great position if you just kept Caleb)

(Reality)- Brad seems to have a stronger leadership role. He has plenty of moves he can make like vote out Hali (still on the outs), vote out another season 32 player...(Debbie more than Tai because he has Tai in his pocket), or move closer to the season 32 group and take caleb's place. (vote out Sierra or Hali)


5 hours ago, vb68 said:

Michaela is slowly getting better at this game.

  Yeah, she talked back to Sandra but Michaela speaks her mind all the time. (or shows it) This doesn't show that she has improved gameplay just focuses on what people like about Michaela. She is very opinionated and that can be received beneficially towards  viewers who have the same belief/opinion. (aka not killing a baby goat) I see no change in her gameplay....She could be perfecting her last gameplay by not speaking gameplay. (reason why she was voted off is because she showed that she was able to come up with a strategy and be strong in competition.) 

Edited by Euriph
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5 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

I don't remember JT having such a strong Southern drawl in his previous season. You can hardly understand what he's saying.


5 hours ago, PerfidiousAmber said:

Good god, I had to keep rewinding to make out what he was saying...

What in tarnation are y'all going on about?  I understood the boy just fine.  ;>

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