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S01.E17: What Now?

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Come on Beth, you had a smoke up with William!  He wasn't going to forget you, boo!  


but Ron Howard calling him and offering him a role was

I was hoping it was for the Arrested Development movie, he would be perfect for a slightly older Steve Holt! 


I don't think Jack dies driving to see her since the preview in Canada sort of gave it away...I think he dies after a fight there and driving back. 

  • Love 15


Drinking and driving?! Oh God, I so hope that no one else dies as a result of this. Poor Kate, no wonder she feels so guilty.

But at least Jack didn't screw the secretary. He had me worried til he told her off. That was awesome.

Wven more awesome? Randall telling his boss to take the job and shove it. Long overdue. That "gift" was so inconsiderate.

The fun-ral was so cute. And Ron Howard! What a surprise!

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 18

Jack driving away filled me with dread…I was like are they going to do it now!

I really felt for Beth in her expression of grief that she didn’t get to say goodbye to William, glad she got her postcard. But yeah, they were laying it on thick with how William touched all the lives of those around him.

That chick from Jack’s job…back the eff off. I can’t STAND women like that. She knows he’s married. Pathetic. She was embarrassing herself and she should be wholly ashamed of herself. Miguel is single, go sniff over there.

KATE……Oh my god, if Jack dies because he’s trying to fix the trouble between him and Rebecca, no wonder she crumbles whenever she thinks about it.

Happy Randall quit. I wonder if that was what he was planning to do the whole time or did something change when he saw them? That's what I thought; that he saw the "team" and though to himself, I'm done with this. The poisonous pears didn't help!

  • Love 20

Yesss Randall, peace Sanjay.  I had a feeling he would be done with that place.  Freedom.

Really liked Beth's tribute, and the postcard.  And Jack and William laughing together over Randall.  Finally we got to see Rebecca explain herself, and Randall telling her that he had time enough with William to know that he was loved.  Well done.

Sophie and Kevin, I just can't care about.  Ron Howard was twist-y and fun, but wasn't it established that Kevin can't work in t.v. or film for 2 years? 

  • Love 19

Kate is such a good sister.  I find the things she says and does for Kevin and Randall very touching.  She offered to learn how to do wills online for Randall.  That's so sweet and funny.  And she is so supportive of Kevin's stupid play.  

I love how Beth always says her piece but basically lets Randall do what he wants when his face looks like he means business.  

Wouldn't that sophisticated kid of theirs be sadder about their grandfather dying?  I wouldn't be having 'fun' at the -eral whatsoever personally.  Balloons?  I agree, the stuff about the mailman was cheesy but the Jesse stuff was good.  Is the actor British or what?  He's American on The Good Wife.  

I tried to put myself in Randall's place and I personally couldn't forgive Rebecca like that, not that easily, no way.  I tried to put myself in Rebecca's place but of course it's much harder to understand.  I don't know.  Complex issue.  Mandy did a good job with the speech.  But then when she congratulated Kevin, it sounded sarcastic.  Haha.  It probably wasn't meant to but it didn't feel genuine.

I don't find Justin Hartley a good actor as Kevin, let alone a good actor as Kevin being a good actor.  LOL.  He's like the Joey Tribbiani of the show....   I just realized that Jack and Rebecca were originally going to name their kids K-K-K.  So dumb.

Why does Sophie forgive Kevin?  It makes it seem like Kevin cheated on her and the only thing breaking them apart was Kevin leaving.  The only thing that's happened so far is a stretch of time.  Weird story.

@SueB I cried a lot too.

If anyone is interested in the 1990s song playing while Jack was in the bar, it was "Possum Kingdom" by The Toadies.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5

Geez, I wish they wouldn't drag out the suspense as to how Jack dies for another week.  How is it going to happen?  A heart attack?  A gunshot wound?  A bite from a rabid dog?  I don't know if I can wait another week!  Please there must be some place where I can find spoilers! 

My thought process as to William's postcard.  1.  That is so sweet.  Sniffle.  2.  How did William find a stamp in his condition?  I can never find postcard stamps when I'm on vacation and have to wait and mail them when I get back. 

I must have missed something about Kevin.  Did he abandon Sophie for a role on the west coast, and that is why he can't go work for the incredibly inconsiderate Ron Howard?  I would think she would understand, but I don't know. 

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, talktoomuch said:

Not the pears specifically. I meant the dispassionate impersonal gift + card that businesses tend to send for occasions. 

FWIW my company sends edible arrangements all the time for these things.

Sometimes something edible like fruit is often more appreciated than flowers.  As far as the impersonal card, that is typical to send something from the large group and then people can either get together to send something more personal or send something just themselves.

I popped in to prepare myself for whatever Jack reveal was coming, so I was prepared for the scene with the mailman.  I was not prepared for my reaction.  Went and got two more kleenex boxes for the rest of the show.


Jessie - I needed that.  And that story was perfect.  Very well acted scene.

A soft armrest for weary souls

Wish I knew about a "fun"-eral when planning my mom's memorial.

Edited by elle
  • Love 11

I'm calling it right now; Jack doesn't die during this Rebecca on tour arc, but he dies a little later under different circumstances. I doubt they'd end the Jack mystery this early. We'd know pretty much how he dies and when, and I know they would want to spend more time with Jack. Having his story pretty much end now kills the mystery that they insist is needed. I'd rather it ended with the finale and we spend the rest of the series seeing Jack's life instead of wondering about his death, but it probably won't. The show is trying a bit too hard to make us believe that this arc is when he dies. I'm not convinced until we see his death scene and the date. 

The show really does have some good moments. I actually liked William's memorial throughout the episode. The mailman was a nice touch that did get to me. I've accepted that this show is going to be overdramatic so might as well enjoy it before it gets worse. 

The one thing I never doubted was Jack never cheating on Rebecca. He's always loved her and the show has always made it clear that he loves her more than anything, much like she does for him. So I never thought that he'd cheat, even during a rough patch.

Beth getting her chance to mourn William was a surprisingly poignant touch. I love that they did it.

Rebecca/Randall and Randall/Kate get a moment! Now, if this show could let Kevin have a damn moment with his own family, then that would be great. I did love Rebecca's praise after Kevin's play, though. 

Aww, Jesse. They didn't forget about him!

I figured Randall was going to quit from the beginning of the episode. Looking back, they have been setting it up all season. 

Kevin and Sophie are actually the cutest. I really did love her bringing that crutch. It's the sense of humour that I have, but she actually went through with it. I enjoy that she has a personality. And Kevin got a call from Ron Howard. I wonder if we will be making the move back to LA with Kevin and Kate, or if Kevin/Kate will move to New York. I'd actually be impressed if it was the former. With all the talk about LA this episode, I do think it's the latter. Sophie will probably not want to move to LA, which is totally understandable, and Kevin will probably choose to not move to LA without her. But that means ruining a career changer. 

That dream about William and Jack? That almost broke me. 

  • Love 12

I found it so cute that the girls had M&Ms represent William's pills.

I'm glad that we got to see Jesse again.

The mailman, that I don't think we've ever seen before,  getting upset about William was a little eyeroll worthy imo (though I did enjoy how it was incorporated in Randall's speech, when he quit his job) However, the rest of the William stuff was great. I'm so glad about all the focus they dedicated to Beth's feelings and her relationship with William, because their relationship was so great. I also loved seeing Randall's dream of his two dads talking and him quitting his job in the end.

I was a little annoyed with present-day Rebecca's speech to Randall. I'm glad that she completely knows and owns up to the fact that she should have told Randall about William sooner, but a lot of her speech also seemed like her choosing the wrong time to try and do repair on her relationship with Randall. That being said I loved their, "I love you" "I love you more" I love you most" exchange. Kevin's  reaction to it in the past and Randall stopping it in the present were both great.

I loved all the sibling moments this episode: Randall comforting Kate, Kate cheering on Kevin and how excited she was about him succeeding, and Randall saying he has never been prouder of Kevin.

I'm also really glad that Jack didn't cheat.

Edited by betweenthebanter
  • Love 14

Randall mentioning Sanjay as he left his job made his resignation look petty. Like it was all about that. Actually, the whole thing annoyed me. I don't think Miss Manners has a gift giving guide that includes death of your bio dad who you never met til he was dying.

Looks like Jack is dying in the most predictable way. I think many of us started predicting this about episode 3.  But poor Kate. :(

5 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I must have missed something about Kevin.  Did he abandon Sophie for a role on the west coast, and that is why he can't go work for the incredibly inconsiderate Ron Howard?  I would think she would understand, but I don't know.

IIRC, when Kevin was trying to persuade Sophie to give him another chance, we found out from their dialogue that while they were married, Kevin had gone out to L.A. to look for acting work while Sophie stayed in the NYC area for the time being -- and that's when he started cheating on her. So Ron's offer practically re-creates that situation, or so it might appear to Sophie.

  • Love 9

I absolutely adored the kids doing up William's memorial..and I know he would have loved it..I love Randal and Beth together...They make an amazing couple..They are the best TV couple in years...

I loved that Beth got to say her goodbye..and then William got to say goodbye to her....and I wept openly at the dream of Jack and William..and Kate's comment "Sorry you had to go through this twice"..

As for the corporate gifts..when my aunt died..the realty company she worked for..35 years..sent one person...and some flowers....believe me, the family felt the sting...and it was a small business.....So, I don't blame Randall one bit...I just hope he has a sweet golden parachute...

I seriously don't want it to just be ONE MORE episode? 

  • Love 21
5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Kevin deciding not to tell the film critic about why he didn't make his opening night out of respect to Randall, and then sticking with it, letting the critic think that he did choke. That was a nice, subtle moment. 

Kevin and Randall had some great brother moments together. This which showed Kevin putting his brother over himself. Then Randall telling Kevin how proud he was of him after the play.

  • Love 14

So Jack dies in an accident caused by his DUI? Well, that sucks. It seemed Jack had his priority straight when he left the bar but I guess he couldn’t stop himself from drinking since he started that habit after he quit for so long. Addiction is a terrible thing.

Still kind of meh about Kevin. It seems like everything still comes so easily for him and he doesn’t have to work too hard or doesn’t suffer any major setbacks. Ex-wife was dating another man but Kevin shows up and she drops that guy, whom she said was a good guy, to get back with Kevin. Kevin blows off opening night of the play (with an understandable reason) but doesn’t suffer any setback since Ron Howard is calling for him to be in a movie.

The card Randall’s company sent seems standard but sending pears seems a stretch. Wouldn’t apples be more common and no sympathy flowers? The scenes with Randall and his job is still a little jarring. In the pilot, it seems Randall’s coworkers knew him and liked him. They sang Happy Birthday to him. Now with his job being part of the storyline, it doesn’t seem anyone really knew him or even cared; they relied on him to take care of everything. Even his boss seeing Randall show up, is pleased Randall’s there because he thinks Randall is going to help them instead of wondering why he showed up at work since he’s not working due to bereavement. I think Randall had a secretary in the pilot. I would think she would be in charge of taking of sympathy arrangements for the company.  

I know Kate was trying hard to do the one thing her nieces wanted but I laughed seeing the balloons going in the air and someone saying, "They're not coming back" or something along those lines. With the hints of Jack's death, it seems Rebecca and Kate were hit the hardest in terms of guilt. Next season I hope they delve more into Rebecca and Miguel to see how that affected the kids, especially Kate.

I think Rebecca should've waited approaching Randall about William and her guilt over it. I know she wanted to apologize but the timing wasn't right to me.

I thought the dream sequence of Jack and William was touching.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, talktoomuch said:

Was it? I thought it was pretty corporate standard. Except for the whole "Randall could die if he eats these pears" thing, of course.

Seems like Randall was practically one of the founders of the company, though.  I can see sending an informal condolence card for a new employee that people hardly know, but not someone who's been there 10 years.  You could handwave the pear incident (assuming Tyler forgot that Randall was allergic) but that pathetic card would have been an insult to anyone.  It was just a quick throwaway note that had no real thought or consideration, and Randall was right to call Tyler out for it.  You don't have to be best friends with your coworkers to show decency.

It was nice to see how affected Beth was by William's death, and how much his postcard meant to her.  Someone give her a hug!

On paper, Kevin and Sophie work, but in reality, they don't.  There's no sense of real history between them, nor any real chemistry.  They could have just met and gone on a few dates and their relationship would be no different.  And as charming as Kevin is, their reconciliation so quickly after a 12 year split is a stretch, not to mention infidelity.

Jack's drinking doesn't work for me either, because they've only shown brief (very brief) glimpses into it.  It's like the writers realized that they only had a few episodes left to show any real flaws, so he's suddenly a jealous spouse with a drinking problem.  And possibly a gf on the side!


15 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

wasn't it established that Kevin can't work in t.v. or film for 2 years?

Yeah, they made it sound like Kevin would never work again if he ditched The Manny, but those fears appear to be unfounded.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if Kevin ended up taking the role and ending it with Sophie (again) but I seriously doubt that will happen.  Looks like they're trying to play off Kevin and Sophie like this Great Romance that it isn't, and they're not going to backtrack with it.  Just like I doubt Kate and Toby will stay in LA.  I think the next season will have the siblings interacting more, and living closer together.  So unless Randall moves to LA (technically he could, now that he's not rooted to the company) I have a feeling that all three siblings will end up staying in New Jersey or NY.

I did question Rebecca's motives a bit when it came to that speech.  I think she was just as worried that Randall would fall in love with his biological father, not just Randall being angry with her.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, aw86 said:

Good Lord even the mailman thinks William is a saint.  I don't know that I can take the cheesiness of this show much longer 

I assume it was written to show the people in Randall's neighborhood have come around to accept and even like William since in the beginning they were nervous with William walking in the neighborhood in the morning to the point they had to call security.

Edited by Arcadiasw
  • Love 21
3 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Jack's drinking doesn't work for me either, because they've only shown brief (very brief) glimpses into it.  It's like the writers realized that they only had a few episodes left to show any real flaws, so he's suddenly a jealous spouse with a drinking problem.  And possibly a gf on the side!

THIS ^^^^^ all day long and into the night! You mean to tell me they knew all along they were going to show Jack with a drinking problem but they onlyw took 5 minutes of one episode to foreshadow it? Guess they didn't have time with all the Deifying and Mommy Shaming.

  • Love 16
37 minutes ago, msani19 said:


Happy Randall quit. I wonder if that was what he was planning to do the whole time or did something change when he saw them?

I think seeing Kevin do so well in his play after he quit the Manny for himself, because he wanted a new path pushed him to quit.

Wow the real Ron Howard appeared. Kevin would be a fool to say no. 

I teared up at Jack and William sitting together swapping stories dream sequence. 

  • Love 9

It would be almost impossible to top the last episode (Memphis) because that one was spot on perfection....but I did love this episode, cheesy or not....I cried as I usually do when I watch this show...I am 65 and have watched a LOT of TV through the years.....this show has made to my short list of all time favorites....but I just cannot care about Kevin and his girlfriends or his career at all, tho, I have tried!  Thought the Ron Howard cameo was a nice touch, tho....I enjoy reading all of the great comments on here!

Edited by sandyskyblue
spelling, I'm a perfectionist!
  • Love 14

The 2-year anniversary of my dad's unexpected passing is approaching, and I feared this episode so much I almost didn't watch.

I am glad Randall threw down to his boss.  That was not quite the "Quitting My Job" porn it might have been, but I admired him so for doing it.  Control freaks fantasize about such things, but more often than not, can't relax their grip enough.  Something inside you needs to irrevocably shatter, and obviously, for Randall, it did.  His new career path will be an intriguing one to follow. 

Beth's speech to the medicine cabinet suited that character to the ground.  But her best moment was showing her husband how to tilt. That.  HAT!  Exactly right, my dear.

  • Love 15

I didn't cry, this show doesn't make me cry, ever, and my eyes nearly rolled out of my head yet again over the mailman. But I did like the hats, and the walk, at Williams' funeral, that was very sweet and charming. And Beth's eulogizing did not make me cry, but I really did like the postcard.

I knew, as we all did, I imagine, that Kate was bearing guilt over Jack's death cuz she encouraged him to go make up with Rebecca. I guess we'll find out what finally, actually happened next week, tho with this show, they just might drag it out into the next season.

Rebecca finally looked nearly 60 something in the scene with Randall tonite, wearing the silly hat. tho Randall, OTOH, looked ludicrously handsome wearing William's hat.  His quitting scene was show boaty and annoying, tho...for one, maybe quitting the family's sole source of income is something you discuss with your wife before you do it and for another...do it privately. Breaking into a late night work session to publicly berate your boss in front of your co workers is just overwrought and inconsiderate and douchey.

Opie Cunningham!

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

Seems like Randall was practically one of the founders of the company, though.  I can see sending an informal condolence card for a new employee that people hardly know, but not someone who's been there 10 years.  You could handwave the pear incident (assuming Tyler forgot that Randall was allergic) but that pathetic card would have been an insult to anyone.  It was just a quick throwaway note that had no real thought or consideration, and Randall was right to call Tyler out for it.  You don't have to be best friends with your coworkers to show decency.


It really depends on the company, the people and how they value that person. What happened to Randall was very realistic to me. My first corporate job out of college, I worked in a department of about 20. One of my coworker's mother died. We all signed a card and sent flowers. A few of us put our money together to send a fruit basket, too. The last company I worked with had a staff size close to Randall's and a Director who died suddenly. He was with the company for 19 years. We were not given a card to sign to give to his family. When I inquired what our department will be doing or sending, I was told the company sent a card probably similar to what Randall got and nothing else. No flowers. No fruits. Nothing. With the exception of the pilot, the show made it appear Randall was only wanted for the skills he brought to the company and how he made everyone else's job easier by working so hard and more than anyone else and sacrificing time from his family for the company. No vacation in three years? If his boss really cared about Randall, he would've forced him to take some time off but no one at Randall's job seem to care about him but only wanted to use him until he burnt himself out or worse die on the job for them.

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