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S07.E20: Fake Out

Tara Ariano

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Nice to see leah do some actual parenting. 


And it is becoming increasingly obviously that Uncle ID Network is very controlling with Janelle. That whole text versus calling thing to get on the same page clearly shows it. And he has to drop get Kaiser from Nathan. What is he afraid Janelle will fall on his dick? She's scared to poke the bear and get buried in a ditch on their new land. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 18

I find it really weird that UBT brings up Nathan so much. I mean, what guy constantly brings up his girlfriend's ex? Granted, I don't have a child with any exes, but my boyfriend really only knows the bare bones about what happened, and I even sometimes say, "I went here with a friend once" instead of his name, etc. Now, some girls like Leah bring up their exes constantly, but why would their boyfriend bring it up? Major. Red. Flag. 

  • Love 10

Jenelle  was probably thrilled that she had two guys fighting over her. She's such a narcissist. I hate that UBT was once again baiting Jave with asking his questions about where he wants to be and bribing him with being able to ride the bikes if he lived full time with them. 

Im glad Vee stood up for herself. I'm also glad Jo is the voice of reason and they are all doing what's in the best interest for Isaac. 

I thought the Dr. Said Ali would get weaker, so why is he now saying she's getting stronger. Did I miss something? Shouldn't they also be testing Addie and Corey's other daughter? 

I have the teen Mom special on for background noise. Deborah is going to perform or show her music video. Oh lawd this should be a trainwreck! And they just called Leah an amazing Mom?! I just threw up a little bit in my mouth! 

  • Love 12

I had to laugh at Leah's phoniness. She's got Ali in the willchair, all prim and proper, wearing knee pads no less when she goes to see Dr. Tsao. The rest of the time Ali's running around doing strenuous activities without any type of protection at all. 

Leah couldn't even handle three girls at the playground for the three minutes we saw filmed. Addie almost got beaned! How in the world does she think she's such a great mom.

  • Love 23

Something just really scared me when they were sitting in that car. UBT started grilling Jenelle about Nathan, and then yelled out about him being a little bitch, and Jenelle had the balls to speak up, for once, and say, "not in front of the kids." I think he also kind of said, "oops," like it was an ongoing issue they're having. Something in his body language scared me at that moment, like he kind of jerked and glowered before grunting that it happened too fast to stop. It really, really bothered him that Jenelle stood up to him, and that dangerous impulse is there. That scene was very telling of what's to come. Run, Jenelle. Run!

it also broke my heart to see happy Kaiser playing with Nathan, and then the camera cut to a sad-looking Jace. It seemed to accentuate the message that Kaiser has one parent who loves him, and poor Jace has zero. It also struck me in this episode how little time any of Jenelle's kids are in her direct care. It would terrify me to trust kids with any of these people, except Barbara!

  • Love 17

Jenelle....Dave is continuing with his controlling ways.  I did find Nathan's oversharing with him by text to be strange, but then again, it's Nathan.  I did laugh at Nathan driving away as soon as he could.....leaving dust by David and the kids.  Peace out buddy.   Poor Jace.  He always seems so excited to leave Jenelle's place.  And of course Kaiser runs around looking for him...because without Jace he's stuck with just David and Jenelle.  I am sure Jace parents that kid more than anyone else in that house.  

Leah:  Another adult really needs to go with her to these doctor appts....so she can remember everything he said.  He did say Ali is getting better, however as she continues to get older...she may get worse.  It isn't saying she is magically cured because she is stronger and falling less.  However, celebrate the small joys.  

Kail:  I do like how well she and Jo are co-parenting and talking to each other right now.  Them going together to bring Isaac to school was sweet.  I did laugh at Jo laughing at how young they will be when Isaac is in high school cause he knocked her up so young.  I also like that Jo can give her a little bit of shit about how shitty she has been to him in the past.  I was impressed Kail didn't yell and scream when he just brought up custody.  Teeny tiny baby steps.  

Chelsea:  Yep.  Still very cute.  I don't see the point of hiding the gender from MTV since she has had Watson already, so the audience would know she had a boy.  I guess she was worried about it being leaked...so I can understand that.  I would think that MTV would keep it under wraps though.  That blowup doll and Aubs immediately seeing it was naked....and Chelsea having to say it was naughty.  Oops.  Oh well, the kid will live.  

AfterShow:  Umm, Debz OG and her rapping?  No.  And she is once again wearing a trainwreck of an outfit.  I always get the sense that there is something fundamentally wrong with Deb.  It's uncomfortable to watch her.  

  • Love 8
  On 2/11/2017 at 1:04 AM, Fosca said:

Actually, if it's a single-gene recessive, she has a 66% chance of being a carrier, and a 33% chance of being completely in the clear.  Adderall has a 50% chance of carrying the gene.  If Ali managed to have a child, that child would definitely be a carrier.  I suspect the genes are rare enough that it was just very bad luck that Corey and Leah had kids.  Are they related at all?  

Hi, former biologist here!  <waves>


I was thinking the same thing about them being distantly related.

  • Love 5
  On 2/14/2017 at 3:13 AM, Straycat80 said:

Jenelle  was probably thrilled that she had two guys fighting over her. She's such a narcissist. I hate that UBT was once again baiting Jave with asking his questions about where he wants to be and bribing him with being able to ride the bikes if he lived full time with them.


 What a crock of shit that was. During "family time" Jace said he wanted to ride the bikes and UBT says "maybe we'll have time for you to ride for a minute" which really means ain't gonna happen. And it didn't happen. UBT is a shithead.

Did anyone else catch Nathan saying that he's listed as Uncle Douche Bag in his contacts? Haha!

  • Love 15

That Isaac  is so so cute. Can't take it. He reminds me of a little guy iat a non profit preschool were I volunteered for 3 years. Sweet good hearted compassionate. Hope he's one of those that come out ok despite a bad parent. 

Out here in California we have a mystery spot (house)  in Santa Cruz  like the girls visited  

Thanks for the warning on Debbie. I don't think,even fast forwarding so  do the trick.

I've used a recorder while getting important info from specialist. When I was a young pregnant mother I would have my mother an RN listen on other line. 

  • Love 4
  On 2/14/2017 at 6:58 AM, athousandclowns said:


Out here in California we have a mystery spot (house)  in Santa Cruz  like the girls visited  



Yep, it looked almost the same. There was also one at Knott's Berry Farm years ago. It is no longer there.

WTF was that mess Kail said to Jo about her still having certain feelings towards Vee? Are you seriously still hating on Vee? This bitch makes me sick.

Leah, if you are going to follow the time-out method of Jo Frost then learn to do it right. When you put your child in time-out you aren't supposed to talk to her.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 12
  On 2/14/2017 at 3:30 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:


I feel like Jo threw Vee under the bus and if I were her, I would be looking into taking my child and moving back to NJ. 


He totally threw her under the bus. Jo is so happy to have time with Isaac, he's not seeing the big picture. Kail is only sweet and nice now because she needs someone to dump her kids on so she can vacation and chase dick. Vee's point is that Kail's moods change on a dime and she doesn't want Jo getting into a pattern where he's dropping everything to cater to Kail's whims. If you give Kail an inch, she takes a mile. 

I cringe every time I see Leah's kids mainlining sugar in the backseat of that SUV. They're going to need dentures by high school. My interpretation of what Dr. Tsao told Leah was that Ali would have a period of time where she'd get stronger and better, but it would only be temporary. 

Jenelle needs to stop pouring cans of gasoline on the raging fire that is Dave. As much of a dick as UBT is, Jenelle is the one making things worse by sharing text messages and claiming Nathan wants to get back with her. Just leave it alone before you end up dead in a ditch, ffs. I feel bad for Jace and Marissa. Both of them seem so deeply unhappy. They always look like they're on edge. 

Chelsea's bachelorette party was cute, especially the accidental gender reveal. She seems to have a solid bond with her small group of friends, like they all truly care for one another and aren't just showing up for the MTV check. 

  • Love 18
  On 2/14/2017 at 3:30 AM, FlowerofCarnage said:

I feel like Jo threw Vee under the bus and if I were her, I would be looking into taking my child and moving back to NJ. 


I think Jo and Vee know that Kail pissed at Vee is safer than Kail pissed at Jo. He didn't want to set off Kailyn's hairtrigger temper (especially when she's under the pressure of her divorce) and go back to difficulty in seeing his kid. Vee was pointing out that he wouldn't have such an issue if he had more parental rights. Vee is right to push on <I>her and Vivi's</I> time being at the whim of Kailyn. But... let's face it, they're really at the mercy of the MTV money. Jo and Vee would have a lot more power if they could lean on a stricter schedule because they had work hours.

  • Love 10

Kail knows Jo's soft spot is to have more time with Isaac.

One of the few things that is in Jo's favor is, the current child visitation schedule. That is binding. No matter what, no matter where he lives, Kail has to make sure Jo gets his visitation. The second thing in his favor is he is not required to live in Delaware. If Jo and Vee were to move elsewhere, Kail would have the sole responsibility of getting Isaac to his dad with no Javi around to do it for her.  Another factor in Jo's favor is, Javi's child visitation schedule which may have a clause about Kail needing to stay near Javi and/or his family's residence due to his military career. If he is overseas again, his mother would get Lincoln for his visitation time. I can see Javi ensuring that Kail doesn't move so far away that it makes things difficult for drop-offs. Kail once used that to her advantage along with the 'no significant others' at drop-offs. I'd laugh my ass off if Javi requested that same clause and it became part of his child visitation order. It makes it easier for Jo who currently lives in Delaware. Jo doesn't have to make that request (Kail stay put in Delaware) in any possible future modification of child visitation order.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7
  On 2/10/2017 at 2:45 PM, poopchute said:

I gotta say, I was a little envious when Chelsea was dropping Aubree off and picking her up from school.  How I would love to be able to do that.  It just seems like the most wonderful thing, to have your whole afternoon free to pick up your child from school and then go to the park or do whatever it is you want to do with her.  Sigh.  These girls are so lucky that they don't have to work real jobs right now.  I think most of them are idiots for having no future plan for employment but Chelsea seems to have planned for that at least. The rest of them are fucked.


I think it's only been since she's been with Cole that Chelsea hasn't been working /going to school. In the past when Aubrey was younger Chelsea always seemed busy with school trying to get licensed for this or that.  I agree all these girls should plan for the future and they all got very lucky. 

Even without this show I think Chelsea would be good.  Cole and Chelsea seem level headed... Plus we all know Randy would help them if they  need it. 

Did it seem like Jenelle was purposely trying to get David jealous? Nathan is an idiot,  but he made me laugh when he texted David that he (Nathan) was a little jealous and bitter,  haha. 

I get were Vee was coming from.  Everything is on Kail's schedule. Plus as others pointed out I'm sure vee is waiting for the other shoe to drop. Kail is good with Jo because she needs Jo,  once she decides he's in her life too much,  watch out.  I can see kail getting nasty if for some reason Vee and Jo had plans and couldn't jump to go get Isaac when she ordered them to. 

  • Love 18

Jo is a real asshole for sacrificing Vee to the KailSmash beast.  Kail is going to fuck Jo over the minute he's no longer useful to her.  In the process of catering to Kail, he's destroying his relationship with Vee.  There needs to be a firm parenting plan in place. Kail's moods change with the wind. Even healthy parents benefit from adherence to parenting plans. Jo is playing a dangerous game. If he's not careful, Vee and the baby will end up in Jersey and then Kail will go wherever trolls go to be famous.  He'll have to pick one child. 

  • Love 22

Chelsea's scenes = too much penis. I really never understood the need for penis everything at a bachelorette party. I mean, I like my husband's, but I'm not a huge lover of just the penis, in general. Anywaaaaay. I do think it's nice of her to respect that Cole is going through all these stages of life as well, and doesn't want to share so much with the world. She's going to be a good wife. 


Did I seriously hear Leah tell the girlses she's going to be livid if she finds trash in the car? Bahahahaha! This coming from the woman who had an avalanche of stuff falling on her baby's head just a few seasons ago. And let's just state the obvious - if Leah doesn't want trash in her car, maybe she should.....

Is it just me, or is Leah not understanding why they want to test Gracie? As I see it, it's not because they're worried SHE has MS, it's to see if she's a carrier. If she carries the gene, potential future children would be at risk, right? I felt like Leah was thinking they wanted to see if Gracie is going to have the same problems as Ali. I also didn't think she understood what the doc was saying about Ali getting stronger - that children with this condition often have a period of getting stronger BEFORE things start to really go downhill. And she didn't seem to relay it to Cory that way either, which will just fuel his belief that Ali can get "better". Sigh.....


Kail really seemed to be inserting herself in Jo's life this week. Why was she riding around with him in his car? I kind of felt for Vee, because I understood where she was coming from with concerns about Kail. Obviously no one should make Jo choose between his children, but they literally moved to be closer to Isaac, and I can see how she could worry that Jo would always put Isaac first. Now, I don't think Jo would ever intentionally do that, but the issue here is Kail. She is so self-centered and demanding. As it is now, she calls, and Jo comes running. I'm sure he doesn't MIND having extra time with Isaac, but I get why Vee would think it would be better to make some official changes, so Kail doesn't take advantage in the future. I mean, this is Kail we're talking about.


Jace hates family time. Tell us how you really feel, buddy. 

Jenelle and David sure think a lot of themselves. Nathan is trying to co-parent, and apparently that's code for trying to get back with Jenelle. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think it's impossible that crazy Nathan still has a thing for her on some level, or is just being a macho, territorial dude. But how is sending a text asking her if they can discuss discipline techniques a signal that he's trying to rekindle things? So delusional. And they pretty much admitted they let Kaiser do whatever he wants!!! So Nathan has a valid concern. But no, Jenelle's not allowed to talk to her ex. Did you see how quickly David shut that shit down??? He is totally isolating her and it's complete BS. Parents needs to be able to communicate about their child, period. 

And it's also quite possible that Nathan leaves his kid with his parents during his weekends. Maybe the whole time. Maybe he just goes out at night, when the kid goes to bed. Maybe he lets Grandma take Kai to church, because it means a lot to HER. But he's not into church. Maybe he is out boozing and banging the whole time, while they watch Kai. Who really knows? But I had to laugh so hard when Jenelle was wondering, "why does he need to go out all the time?" Oh, I don't know...why did YOU? Why did you repeatedly leave your child to go partying, sometimes out of state on a stolen credit card??? Bitch. Please. 

She only parents her kids now because there are men around to help her, and she can act like they're some big, happy family. But she doesn't give a shit about them, really. Notice she told David that she texted Nathan at 6 pm the night before, to ask how Kaiser was, and she FORGOT that he hadn't texted her back until just that moment in the car. If I were a mom, I'd worry rather quickly. But Jenelle ain't no mom. 

  • Love 23

I agree with Vee's sentiment. BTDT. But to file some paperwork or ask Kail to sign something while the Javi crap is blowing up would probably be asking for trouble. I don't think Jo is paying child support, or at least it's under what the court-ordered amount would be. Now that Javi's income is gone, you know Jo's got to be worried that Kail will try to get more support out of hime. Isaac is still very young, and that's a LOT of years to pay. Jo may actually have to get a job. Horror! 

So wait, Jenelle and David are upset because Nathan's mother took Kaiser to church but Nathan wasn't there? That's it? I was waiting for more to that story, like Nathan dropped Kaiser off for the whole weekend. "I just found out that Nathan took a shit while Kaiser was there. He should be shitting on his own time, that's not how you spend your visitation!" 

FF'd through Chelsea's stuff. Who cares.

Leah at least seems sober. 

  • Love 11

I really felt bad for Vee and completely agreed with her; if Jo had joint custody, then they would all have a stable schedule and wouldn't have to conform to Kail's needs. I think Jo knows Vee is right, but he's afraid to rock the boat and piss off Kail. When he mentioned it to Kail, you could see it come across her face how pissed she was that Vee dared question the situation. Kail is happy only when everything is done on her terms. And unfortunately for Vee, Jo doesn't have enough backbone to do anything other than what Kail wants. If Vee stays with Jo, then she better get used to him prioritizing Kail's needs, because he knows life is easier when Kail is placated.

  • Love 19

How is it that Karl was on the show for like 30 seconds and still managed to piss me off? She wants to say she has a problem with Vee? Bitch please, that woman shows Isaac more love and affection in a minute than you do in an entire day. 

I'm glad Vee is telling it like it is: everything is on Karl's terms. She kind of mumbled that Kail's mood can change in an instant..or something to that effect. I was like YES!!! I'm sure Jo knows that, but of course, would rather keep Hulk under control, even if it means letting crap like that slide. 

I think what Vee really wanted to say was, Jo shouldn't be paying all this child support when he has the kid for more time than the agreement would show.  He's probably paying based on Karl having Isaac 75% of the time when really she only has him 50% of the time. 

  • Love 15
  On 2/14/2017 at 2:49 PM, CofCinci said:

Kail didn't even bother to get off her laptop while Jo attempted his passive-aggressive "serious" conversation.


That bothered me as well. Also, the light from the laptop was making her face look even worse than it usually does. She looks like a 60 year old, washed up, socialite who just got back from a poor Botox session. 

  • Love 7
  On 2/14/2017 at 2:21 PM, SaveLevi said:

So wait, Jenelle and David are upset because Nathan's mother took Kaiser to church but Nathan wasn't there? That's it? I was waiting for more to that story, like Nathan dropped Kaiser off for the whole weekend. "I just found out that Nathan took a shit while Kaiser was there. He should be shitting on his own time, that's not how you spend your visitation!" 


It's like she doesn't get the concept of grandparents wanting to spend time with their kids. They're just there for babysitting duties. And only Jenelle can utilize that option. 


  On 2/14/2017 at 2:49 PM, CofCinci said:


Kail didn't even bother to get off her laptop while Jo attempted his passive-aggressive "serious" conversation.



The girl has no manners. Last week she opened the door when Isaac arrived, ignored Jo, and just walked towards the back of her house, with him letting himself in and saying, "Hi, Kail". No manners. 

  • Love 14

Kail: It's nice that you and Jo are being civil. 


Chelsea: The same as always. Lovey-Dovey. I wonder what the bachelorette party would've been like if she hadn't been knocked up.


Leah: Wouldn't they know by now if Aleeah had what Ali does?  Also, nice attempt at trying to discipline your child.


Jenelle: I love how she bitches about Nathan going out, but is okay with leaving her newborn. Dave annoys the crap out of me. He's dirty, and needs to go away, and focus on his own kids.  Also, wouldn't 'Family Time' include more than bashing Kaiser's father? 

  • Love 6

So much to say about the shenanigans of this show. My brain already hurts. 

1) Leah Leah Leah. I don't care what anyone says. This chick is still on drugs. It may not be the same drugs as before (maybe she's "coping") but she's on something! Believe it now so there isn't pie on your faces later ppl lol. MONKEY! 

2) someone needs to go to these appts with Leah because she is putting Ali in so much harm and unnecessary pain just so she can "fit in" with the other girlses. Fuck that! There is no reason why Ali can't also be put in extracurricular activities catered to her abilities while Grace is in Cheer. I know Leah has the money! But no, she would rather sit in a parking lot while the kids roll over the backseat. She is making it so clear to Ali that shit is "different" which in turns makes Ali not want to use her chair or life vest or whatever else she needs. Ugh I can't stand Leah! I'm not a mom but I've taken care of children in daycare, schools, public service, children services etc and I'm appalled. This is beyond risky behavior. You have a SPECIALIST giving you instructions and you (Leah and company) still want to do their own thing. Pray the MD away I guess. Smh disgrace 

3) Kail is such a damn Hulk! No idea how she birthed such a sensitive soul Isaac. Jo needs to get his head out of the clouds and remember what a manipulative person Kail is. I understand exactly what Vee is saying because she has been there to see how Kail reacts and I don't think Kail has matured at all! Look at how she was seething after hearing what Vee said. It sucks to hear the truth Kail. No amount of throw pillows will make ppl forget your past and present antics. Sadly Jo did throw her under the bus but I think it's because he is still scared of the She Hulk. 

4) I'm happy for Chelsea but I HATE her baby voice. I have a natural baby voice that makes me sound prepubescent (sucks to be on the phone) so to hear someone make their voice like that is so annoying to me. Please stop! Congrats to you and the family though! 

5) Jace DOES NOT want to live with Janelle and he DOES NOT care about this new baby. I love kids and their honesty. No sugar coating, no mixed words. You always see the kids playing by themselves. No parental interaction, no dress up or pretend play.Those kids deserve more. No one asks for No Shit parents. Try harder Janelle and please leave Dave. That relationship looks like a Lifetime movie in the making. 

I have more thoughts but the headache has moved to the front of my head.

happy watching everyone lol (trust that that was said DRIPPING in sarcasm) 

  • Love 15

I know that Jo doesn't want to rock the boat in terms of visitation, but Vee is 100% right, what if Kail decides her new penis is Jo's father and she starts cutting him out. There is no reason why Kail and Jo do not have a custody agreement that is articulated and filed with the court. That way, when Kail gets pissed or changes her mind, Jo has legal standing. Remember the debacle that happened when Kail and Javi moved and didn't consider Jo? There is no guarantee that won't happen again. And I wish someone in authority would tell Kail that Jo has a legal right to his son. This has gone on way too long. And Kail is one temper tantrum away from ripping Isaac from Jo.   

  • Love 14

@SaveLevi Jo pays support. The difference is now he gets Isaac for a lot more time than before. Support is calculated on the amount of time each parent has the child and the income of both parents.

Where did Leah get the specialized van? Suddenly, she has a van that allowed the willchar (tm @AhFillAck) to be situated inside with Ali sitting in it.


Leah: Wouldn't they know by now if Aleeah had what Ali does?  Also, nice attempt at trying to discipline your child.


@Ljohnson1987 Dr. Tsao said they wanted to test to see if she would be a carrier of the gene. They already tested her to see if she has the actual disease.


  On 2/14/2017 at 3:35 PM, ghoulina said:

It's like she doesn't get the concept of grandparents wanting to spend time with their kids. They're just there for babysitting duties. And only Jenelle can utilize that option. 


The girl has no manners. Last week she opened the door when Isaac arrived, ignored Jo, and just walked towards the back of her house, with him letting himself in and saying, "Hi, Kail". No manners. 


No manners, no class, no credibility.

  • Love 3
  On 2/10/2017 at 2:52 AM, MissMel said:

I hope Vee might be seeing it for what it is, too.  She's in a tough place.  She might know the legal aspect where Joe wouldn't because his parents were together.  Kail wouldn't because her dad wasn't involved.

The court would look at Kail calling Jo to 'take up her slack' as she can't handle primary responsibility anymore.  Jo is available to 'take up the slack'.  Therefore, Jo is the parent in the best position to be primary.  Kail would be better off to call the neighbor but she calls Jo.  It seems like the right thing to do but the court sees it as you can't fulfill your commitment to your time.

I think Vee knows this.  And she doesn't want to step on anyone's toes but, she gets burned too when it all goes to shit again.  


This is true.  Jo should definitely go to court and request 50/50 custody.  He probably is taking care of Issac more than Kail is.  I mean she didn't even get her son ready for his first day of school! Since Jo is keeping Issac so much he shouldn't have to pay child support. Right now is the best time  emote Kail graduates because if Jo gets 50/50 then if Kail wanted to move to California or something a judge would most likely make Jo the parent with primary custody since Isaac's school is where Jo lives and Kail is the one choosing to move.  Otherwise vee and Jo will be stuck following Kail around the country. 


David is an idiot.  At lunch Jace asks to ride dirt bikes.. Oh we don't have time today Jace. When David drops Jace off to barb he tells him hey Jace if you lived with us we could ride dirt bikes every day.  Um you don't even do that when he's with you for the weekend now! 


I kinda suspect that Kail was never a very hands on mom.  She was proly like Amber and Janelle who have the kids around for camera time.  I think Javis family spent a lot of time watching the kids because I don't see how a parent could go from being around their kids all the time to pawning them off on their dads for a week at a time.  

Chelsea was boring.  

  • Love 7

I just watched this episode.


Vee: I totally get where she was coming from, having to live your life around Kail must be awful especially now that you also share a child with Jo. She was very accurate when saying you never know with Kail's moods. Why wait for her to switch her mood and take Isaac from you when you can get it on paper? Who cares if Kailyn is playing nice right now that's how manipulators work, she's using you again and needs your help so she can go to school and date, when she's through with you, she'll regain her power and control by holding Isaac from you.

I don't see it as Jo threw vee under the bus because he knew this would air and Kailyn would eventually see that it WAS Vee who ignited the conversation about custody agreements. He probably didn't want Kailyn to find out while watching the episode and start drama with Vee and he'd rather any issue to be resolved IRL timeline versus when the show airs.


Leah: She didn't piss me off this episode, even thought she kids were inhaling sugar pops, she actually parented the girls in some scenes. I also liked her outfit at the doctor's appointment. This is probably the ONLY time I don't have anything bad to say about Leah. I must've missed something, I'll rewatch later in the week. Surely there's got to be something I can snark on about her.

Gracie is a brat. I'm trying to remember she's just a little girl, but daaaang, she's a brat.

Jenelle: Stop telling Uncle ID EVERYTHING when you know he gets upset easily, quit trying to make him jealous.

Nathan: Nathan, your couch buddy is a tryhard. He's always trying to be funny and "too cool for school" and thanks for telling us you surf these forums when saying you don't want to film every episode on the couch - too funny - Nathans friend reads our discussions. And yes Nathan, you're jealous. Quit shaving your shiny legs. I like hair on men so I may be the only one that finds his shaved legs annoying.

Chelsea: Nothing to say. I'm happy for her. I like her friends they seem genuine. Except, Chelsea has a weird relationship with her mother, it's almost like Chelsea finds her annoying and doesn't really chit chat like she does with Randy.  A lot of episodes with her mom she's usually annoyed by something her mom is saying or doing. Weird.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 6

GreatKazu I was just coming to post about the wheelchair, it annoyed me enough when the wheelchair was in the car on the way to pick up the girls so it obviously was not at school with Ali but I gasped to see Ali seated in it while the car was moving. The wheelchair was strapped in better while empty. Not sure of the laws in the USA but in Australia the wheelchair has to secured to the floor of the car and the person still requires to were a proper seatbelt as the lap belt on the wheelchair is not made to withstand the forces exerted in an accident.




  • Love 1
  On 2/14/2017 at 4:16 PM, Calm81 said:

I just watched this episode.


Vee: I totally get where she was coming from, having to live your life around Kail must be awful especially now that you also share a child with Jo. She was very accurate when saying you never know with Kail's moods. Why wait for her to switch her mood and take Isaac from you when you can get it on paper? Who cares if Kailyn is playing nice right now that's how manipulators work, she's using you again and needs your help so she can go to school and date, when she's through with you, she'll regain her power and control by holding Isaac from you.




I definitely felt Vee's frustration.  I'm sure she doesn't mind having Isaac around at all, but she almost can't plan her and Vivi's days the way she wants to,  because Kail might suddenly decide she needs for them to watch Isaac on a whim.  I think she expressed herself very well.

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  On 2/14/2017 at 1:10 PM, luvbadtv said:

Same with Kaiser.  At the drop off, he was carrying a giant bag of gummies.  Then gets in he car and is drinking a bottle of sugar crap.


Last summer I decided I was consuming entirely too much sugar.  Between gummies and Buttered Popcorn Jelly Bellies?  I was like a crack addict.  The sugar withdrawal was horrendous - the migraines were sooo bad.  I haven't bought candy since then, but that bag of gummies had my mouth watering. I had a serious flashback. Luckily it was raining so hard there was a severe thunderstorm warning locally. Otherwise I might have woken up in the middle of the night with empty gummy bags all over my bed. Thanks Mother Nature. Otherwise, that could have been eight months of sugar sobriety right down the crapper!

  • Love 9
  On 2/14/2017 at 4:14 PM, kira28 said:

This is true.  Jo should definitely go to court and request 50/50 custody.  He probably is taking care of Issac more than Kail is.  I mean she didn't even get her son ready for his first day of school! Since Jo is keeping Issac so much he shouldn't have to pay child support. Right now is the best time  emote Kail graduates because if Jo gets 50/50 then if Kail wanted to move to California or something a judge would most likely make Jo the parent with primary custody since Isaac's school is where Jo lives and Kail is the one choosing to move.  Otherwise vee and Jo will be stuck following Kail around the country. 

I kinda suspect that Kail was never a very hands on mom.  She was proly like Amber and Janelle who have the kids around for camera time.  I think Javis family spent a lot of time watching the kids because I don't see how a parent could go from being around their kids all the time to pawning them off on their dads for a week at a time.  



Bolding mine - But we don't know if Javi has secured a clause in his child visitation order that Kail must stay put in Delaware due to his military status. Kail did it to Jo, for all we know Javi may have done it to her. HA!

@crazychicken the willchar sure didn't look secure. It was moving around. I think it was also a different willchar. Leah had posted Ali's char had been broken by the airlines.

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  On 2/14/2017 at 4:26 PM, teapot said:

I definitely felt Vee's frustration.  I'm sure she doesn't mind having Isaac around at all, but she almost can't plan her and Vivi's days the way she wants to,  because Kail might suddenly decide she needs for them to watch Isaac on a whim.  I think she expressed herself very well.


I agree. I think a huge part of Vee's frustration is she knows Kail is a user and a hypocrite. It's perfectly fine for Kail to dump Isaac on Jo when she has something else to do on "her" custody time, but could you imagine if the situation was reversed? Let's say Jo had an appointment or emergency and asked Kail if she could take Isaac for a few hours. Her head would freaking explode and she'd accuse him of being irresponsible, lazy and a bad father. It's like she cuts herself all the slack in the world, but everyone around her must be perfect at all times. I understand why Jo doesn't want to rock the boat, but I can doubly understand why Vee doesn't want to spend the next twenty years tap dancing to Kail's tune.

  • Love 23

Vee is right. Jo is blind about this issue. Or maybe he's not saying what he really thinks in front of the cameras.  But I can't imagine being tied to that woman's whims. 

Debz OG.  OMG.  WTF. She has a great body, but she can't move it for shit. She dances like she's terrified of falling. Watching the girls' reactions to the video was classic.  

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