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S08.E16: Tranquilo, Doc Spartan, Peaceful Fruits, F.F.T.O.B


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A firefighter and his wife hope the Sharks make a smoking hot deal for their durable bags made from gear that protects on the front lines of firefighting; a vibrating mat that can calm a crying baby in seconds was born from the experiences of a pediatric nurse from Boston, Massachusetts; a former Army intelligence officer and his business partner from Portsmouth, Ohio, have made it their mission to heal America's wounds with an ointment made from essential oils; and a Peace Corps volunteer from Peninsula, Ohio, was inspired by his time in the Amazon rain forest to produce a natural fruit snack made with acai. Also, a follow-up with R. Riveter, which provides jobs to military spouses that Mark Cuban invested in during season 7.

Mr. Acai Fruitsnack was so obnoxious and kept talking over everyone.  I rolled my eyes at his Peace Corps photos featuring nothing but photos of himself dressed up in ridiculous outfits.  I'm glad he walked out deal-less.

I share Mark's skepticism about the efficacy of the essential oil-based healing lotion; the photo they showed of the knee replacement scar looks like a typical photo of a post-op knee after surgical staples are removed and its relatively normal self-healing.  Because it's marketed as an OTC remedy, it wouldn't have to pass FDA inspection and go through double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.  I don't foresee safety issues; I just think it would be no more effective than any other non-prescription moisturizing ointment.

Next week: the return of Chris Sacca.  Maybe if he stays gone for longer, we'd actually appreciate his return (who am I kidding).

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, rhys said:

Good luck, Lori. You are going to need it working with exhausting fire fighter wife. Man, she would not shut up or listen.

I kinda liked the baby soother. 

Firefighter's wife was as annoying as the Milk Box woman from a few episodes ago. I had to fast-forward through most of her crying and over-talking. I can't believe she got two offers at a $500k valuation for what is essentially a craft project with discarded firefighter gear. Lori's offer is a dream set-up, since the woman can focus completely on design while Lori's team takes care of everything else, and the woman is still an equal partner.

I kinda want an adult-sized soother for myself. I struggle with insomnia and I wonder whether a vibrating mattress topper could help me fall asleep.

5 hours ago, Fabricationary said:

I share Mark's skepticism about the efficacy of the essential oil-based healing lotion; the photo they showed of the knee replacement scar looks like a typical photo of a post-op knee after surgical staples are removed and its relatively normal self-healing.  Because it's marketed as an OTC remedy, it wouldn't have to pass FDA inspection and go through double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.  I don't foresee safety issues; I just think it would be no more effective than any other non-prescription moisturizing ointment.

 That, plus every health food store already sells "all-natural" healing ointments, at least in my area.

5 hours ago, Fabricationary said:

Next week: the return of Chris Sacca.  Maybe if he stays gone for longer, we'd actually appreciate his return (who am I kidding).

They need to stop trying to make Chris Sacca happen. He's not going to happen.

Shallow observation: is just my TV screen, or is Lori always wearing grey-ish tinted hose? She's obviously trying to look "hot" with her tight dresses and massive hair extensions, but the hose looks like something an 80-year old woman with varicose veins would wear. It makes no sense - there are many great hosiery options in the higher price range, which she could easily afford. On a related note, I think she would look a thousand times better in a sharply tailored pantsuit and with a lob or shoulder-length hair. 

  • Love 3

Firefighter's wife was crazy.

Wife: They can't throw the uniforms away.

Sharks: Oh? What happens to them?

Firefighter: They go into landfills.


How is she getting enough old uniforms if firefighters are replacing them every 10 years? Why would a fire station send them to her - or does she pay them for the old uniforms? There was a lot that didn't add up.

$350 is a lot for a bag that doesn't look that well made. You could get a leather bag or a bag with a lifetime warranty.

And Lori was complementing her style? The fuck?

  • Love 8

I will buy that balm.  I use tea tree oil for many things, it is very effective for healing skin and infections. 

The baby soothing pad, if it works, will make her millions if she lowers the price. $20 to produce and $99 retail price is way too high.  Scrub Daddy made the creator a millionaire @$3.59 a piece.  She only showed one video of of one baby being calmed.  Why didn't she show many babies and in different stages of upset?  I am surprised a shark did not pick up on that.  I am not convinced it works well. 

  • Love 2

I give Lori make overs in my mind frequently.  I agree, @chocolatine.  Lose the extensions, shoulder length hair and dress in current fashion. Her dresses are straight out of a soap opera wardrobe.  She is my least favorite shark.  

I miss Barbara when she is not there. 

Chris Sacco, go away. It is clear he is not well liked by this cast. 

  • Love 6

I would want proof the baby calmer works and that it is safe for newborns to be on a vibrating mat many times a day. The firefighter lady had something that can only work as a small business. I think there has to be a limit to how many uniforms she is getting and it seems her real goal is to make replicas. I can't see a big market for expensive replica firefighter bags. And she was obnoxious.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, loki310 said:

Firefighter's wife was crazy.

Wife: They can't throw the uniforms away.

Sharks: Oh? What happens to them?

Firefighter: They go into landfills.


How is she getting enough old uniforms if firefighters are replacing them every 10 years? Why would a fire station send them to her - or does she pay them for the old uniforms? There was a lot that didn't add up.

$350 is a lot for a bag that doesn't look that well made. You could get a leather bag or a bag with a lifetime warranty.

And Lori was complementing her style? The fuck?

Totally agree!! That woman must be hell to live with, husband probably has a running supply of tranqulizers. The bags are not attractive enough (to me) to warrant that price. And it took Lori to bring up the idea of donating some of the profits to firefighters. Good luck, Lori, you're going to need every fiber of your being to put up with the woman.

2 hours ago, wings707 said:

$20 to produce and $99 retail price is way too high

I agree. Did you hear her say "but we're marketing it as a premium item." What's to stop someone else from making something similar and selling it for a whole lot less? She's got a patent, but I can see someone doing a knockoff by making it a different shape, different vibration settings. I'd see one that wraps partially around the baby, cuddling it, as being more desirable. 

  • Love 4

I disliked firefighter gear lady the second she did her stupid little twirl "I'm on Shark Tank". Yes you are, and that was supposed to be your inner monologue. Way to look unprofessional the second you walk in the door. And then she just wouldn't shut up insisting she was great at everything. She's delusional.

On 2/11/2017 at 5:56 AM, Madding crowd said:

I would want proof the baby calmer works and that it is safe for newborns to be on a vibrating mat many times a day. 

When they asked her about bringing the price down she said something about making sure she kept it safe. It read to me like they edited out more discussion of the safety issue and I'm hoping it's been tested in some way? I understood what she meant about the pricing. She said they did testing and thought they could bring the price up. I have a feeling with this sort of device, if it were cheaper (even if they didn't change it at all from what she's now calling safe) people might assume it isn't. It's not the same as when people go "premium product" just for branding. I can imagine people associate the cost of this thing with quality. Plus if it ends up on registries...man, people will pay for baby stuff.

  • Love 9

I completely agree with the recapper's take on the baby blanket lady. I thought she was so incredibly rude to Kevin, who gave her a very generous offer and who has contacts in the baby/children industry. To toss off that final, completely unwarranted insult made my blood boil. I'm kind of sorry she got a deal at all.

Off to watch the second half of the episode - had to start it over again so my mom missed the first half last night.

  • Love 7

I'm a pediatric nurse and there are a lot of things out there already like this. I thought she  should have taken Kevin's deal; he's very good in that market.

Anyone who has ever taken an aromatherapy class could make that balm....it's crazy over priced. Topical vitamin E can cause dermatitis in a lot of people. Not impressed. 

Fire duds bag woman was so annoying. Had to mute her most of the time. 

  • Love 1

I'm surprised that it took Lori to bring up the idea of fire fighter charities.  That seemed so obvious.  But my issues with those bags, after the price because I would never pay that much, is how heavy they would be.  Those outfits are heavy and I, for one, don't want to be carrying around a bag that weighs 10lbs before I put anything in it.  And really the only plus for those bags is that they were from outfits that had been worn in fires.  once you start making them from brand new fabric, then they have nothing going for them.

And how come no friend of that ointment guy told him to change his fucking clothes?  Those shorts were an embarrassment on so many levels.

  • Love 9

For the baby "soother" I would need to see a slew of safety tests and studies before I invested -- or even bought.  What about electrical shorts?  Would the vibrations shake the baby too violently, like shaken baby syndrome?  Would the vibrations make the baby throw up?  Just because one nurse (not even a doctor) endorses it doesn't mean it would be a standard in pediatrics.

  • Love 1

Eh, I laughed when the nurse got out that last zinger. I'll admit that the recurring theme of "no one wants to take Kevin's money" entertains me, especially when it's so obvious that someone will deal with ANY other shark just to avoid him. I admit I don't exactly have a mind for business, but with all the talk about how Kevin was giving her the same exact valuation, she'd still be giving up more equity, right? I didn't think it was the greatest deal ever, even as some sharks encouraged her to take it. I also didn't mind her price point because as others have said, stick that thing on a baby registry and someone's going to buy it. (And if they don't, most places have registry completion discounts.)


We in the Fourth household have said "don't be a dick" to the TV on numerous occasions when it comes to the sharks' offers (especially toward Kevin), but part of me would have been delighted if Lori offered to take 51% of obnoxious fire gear bag lady's company. Also, the bags were ugly.


As soon as they showed acai guy breathing and stretching backstage, I said to Mr. Fourth "this guy's gonna be douche-y". He actually didn't irritate me as much as I expected, though. Oh well.


I'm a little surprised the ointment people got a deal. Like Mark, as soon as I hear "essential oils", my shoulders go up around my ears. And I thought Lori made very good points about the packaging.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, sadiegirl said:

And how come no friend of that ointment guy told him to change his fucking clothes?  Those shorts were an embarrassment on so many levels.

I'm hardly the most patriotic person, but I thought those shorts were in bad taste (not only because of the (lack of) length). I like to think a former soldier would have more respect for the American flag.

  • Love 10

I actually didn't hate the acai guy, and I ordinarily get hives when someone says the word "superfood."  

I know I'm a bad American, but I'm starting to hate the vets who come to pitch almost as much as I hate the mom.  Thanks for your service, that's awesome.  It also doesn't grant you business superpowers.

I think we need to start a running tally of Kevin's malapropisms.  He mentioned that the baby shaker was an "eloquent" solution.

The biggest problem with fireman lady (aside from the fact that I thought those bags were ugly) was her hair.

Edited by starri
  • Love 11
32 minutes ago, questionfear said:

The fire company also has competition-Duluth Trading Company has sold "fire hose" clothes and bags made from fire hose material. Not quite the same, but still very rugged and at a better price. 

Do the Sharks not do any research before taping? I mean, they have to know what products and pitches are coming. Or Lori just doesn't care and thinks she can sell anything.

  • Love 1

The nurse may had been a bit snippy, and Kevin's offer sounded good, but I'm glad she got a deal. And I hope the Tranquilo hits the mark when it comes to proper safety regulations. And seriously, I would love to have a Tranquilo mat for adults. I suffer from insomnia, depression and anxiety (damn, I sound like a basket case), and I would love something like that mat.

Instead of the Acai fruit roll up, just eat Acai berries and other assorted fruits. 

As for the healing ointment? I just use aloe vera, tea tree oil or Neosporin. Don't need a buy a special balm from a guy in "patriotic" hot pants.

The firefighter bags were several layers of fug and the wife was both obnoxious and stupid.

  • Love 4

FireBag woman was as tightly wound as her hair.

I'm such an old fogey that I remember when Abbie Hoffmann wore a US flag t-shirt on Johnny Carson's show, the camera did not show him at all.   No, they did not black out or pixilate the t-shirt, when the camera turned to Abbie, THE WHOLE FRAME WAS BLACK.  Now, with that guy, vet or no vet, showing off his assets barely covered, that seems more disrespectful than Abbie.  And I don't know that it would have tickled Barbara.

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

Do the Sharks not do any research before taping? I mean, they have to know what products and pitches are coming. Or Lori just doesn't care and thinks she can sell anything.

No, they don't, but the behind the scenes folks ought to. But yeah, Lori thinks she can sell anything that she can stick on a BB&B end cap.

Bags made from recycled vintage canvas are so common I can't even find the site where I got mine. A dozen Etsy sellers have just made notes to go check out their nearest firestation.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, loki310 said:

Firefighter's wife was crazy.

Wife: They can't throw the uniforms away.

Sharks: Oh? What happens to them?

Firefighter: They go into landfills.


Technically, what she said is "Fire departments don't want to throw this stuff away." And then to the landfill part she added "or they store them". ITA on her being annoying, but what she actually said there wasn't a contradiction.

1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Someone somewhere here told us about their son (I think) trying out for the show and Daymond was going to be there to oversee the tryouts. So I think they must have some inkling of who's on deck.

Interesting. I'm wondering if there might be some connection to one of the shows he won't be on. Because multiple Sharks have said in interviews that they know nothing ahead of time.

The balm might be amazing, I don't know, but the branding was way off to me. You've got this product where what makes it special is that it's all natural and made with essential oils, and you put it in tins with skulls and SPARTAAAA and shit on the front? You're taking an earth-mother product and marketing it to badass gym rats? At a really high price point? I'm a personal trainer. I know all the unpleasant skin conditions you can get from lifting weights and such (chafing, blisters, minor cuts, etc). Almost all of them can be "cured" with plain petroleum jelly at $2 a tub, which will last 6 months or so.

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, Fabricationary said:


I share Mark's skepticism about the efficacy of the essential oil-based healing lotion; the photo they showed of the knee replacement scar looks like a typical photo of a post-op knee after surgical staples are removed and its relatively normal self-healing.  Because it's marketed as an OTC remedy, it wouldn't have to pass FDA inspection and go through double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.  I don't foresee safety issues; I just think it would be no more effective than any other non-prescription moisturizing ointment.

Plus, since she stood there and told everyone all the ingredients, we can now all rush out and make our own! Seriously, though. In my small town we have all kinds of people who set up at festivals selling the same thing. It's "in" right now to get on Pinterest and find these recipes. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, loki310 said:

Firefighter's wife was crazy.

Wife: They can't throw the uniforms away.

Sharks: Oh? What happens to them?

Firefighter: They go into landfills.


How is she getting enough old uniforms if firefighters are replacing them every 10 years? Why would a fire station send them to her - or does she pay them for the old uniforms? There was a lot that didn't add up.


There were a few things not adding up for me. She said it was costing her $60 to make each one. She must be paying to take the uniforms away. If not, then where is the cost coming from? I repurpose clothing into bags all the time. Never spent that much, not even for a nice liner. 

The baby thing reminded me of the Sex and the City episode where Samantha put her vibrator in the bed with Brady to get him to stop crying. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Do the Sharks not do any research before taping? I mean, they have to know what products and pitches are coming. Or Lori just doesn't care and thinks she can sell anything.

I think the research comes in during the due diligence stage, which is after the deal is done. I'm sure a lot of deals have fallen apart behind the scenes. 

Edited by cyberfruit
  • Love 3

She also failed to mention that every baby is different, and yes, there will be babies out there who will do nothing but spit up and poop on the vibrating mat and refuse to be soothed by it. (I mean, I can understand why she didn't mention it...but yeah.)


She reminded me about a couple a number of years ago who were on claiming to have created the best! swaddle! ever! for newborns and infants, and it would soothe even the scream-iest baby. I completely forgot about them by the time I had kids, but I did get some similar swaddles. My own anecdata for "every baby is different" - I have twins who came early and had to spend time in the NICU. One was allowed to come home five days before the other; that one LOVED to be swaddled, and woe unto the rest of the house if her swaddle wasn't tight enough at any given moment. (And she TESTED. Grandma failed a few times.) I ran out and bought a ton of the velcro swaddles both for her and in anticipation that her sister would be the same. (lol new parents) When her sister did come home, I think it took us two completely sleepless nights before it occurred to me to take the swaddle off. She happily kicked her feet up in the air until falling asleep, and we also managed to get some sleep, which was lovely.


Kids, man.

  • Love 8

It's not that doctors don't know what makes the babies cry- it's that sometimes babies cry for no particular reason.... but parents want there to be a reason so they can fix it, hence all of the million baby products out there, including all of the stuff with vibrating settings and heartbeat settings etc.

I think the mat thing might work for some kids, sure... but a bouncy seat with a vibrating setting might do the same thing...or the vibrating might make the baby more upset. Or it will work one night but not all the time. I think it will sell, because baby products sell... but I don't think it's the end all/be all of baby crying.

  • Love 2

Nurse Pitch: Every time I hear a nurse saying that she took an oath I think of the Cathy Moriarty line from Soapdish "I took an oath!  A nurse's oath!"

Veteran Pitch: Why do we keep seeing these? Just because you're a veteran doesn't mean you have a great idea. Veteran coffee? No. Veteran ointment? Has it even been tested in any way? Is it sterile? Do they have insurance?

Peace Corps Pitch: Another snack some American kid learned about while they were in the Peace Corps.  Eye roll.

Fire Fighter Purse Pitch: They are ugly as all get out. They're ugly. Not cute. Also, don't those outfits have toxic chemicals on them? Otherwise, you all covered the crazy.

  • Love 5

I had totally forgotten that the fire suits are covered in fire retardant chemicals they get after being involved in a fire fighting episode. All homes and businesses are filled with fire retardant chemicals. I guess the Sharks didn't think of that either, because I am guessing that stuff doesn't wash out.

Studies have been done on the high incidence of cancer among firefighters who have inhaled and/or been covered with fire retardant material while doing their job. Lori's in for a world of hurt if she continues with this crazy lady, and someone who buys a bag develops cancer as a result of handling it.

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, scootypuffjr said:

I completely agree with the recapper's take on the baby blanket lady. I thought she was so incredibly rude to Kevin, who gave her a very generous offer and who has contacts in the baby/children industry. To toss off that final, completely unwarranted insult made my blood boil. I'm kind of sorry she got a deal at all.

Off to watch the second half of the episode - had to start it over again so my mom missed the first half last night.

So much this. I even paused the episode and said to my wife that I couldn't understand why Kevin didn't go out and that I would have gone out because it's very clear she didn't want to work with him. And it's not like he couldn't have come back in if all the others decided to go out. I thought he would have been a good shark for her, too. 

  • Love 1

Oh, and the R. Riveter segment.... Ugh. Their whole deal was based around giving military spouses a job they could do from home and take with them pretty much anywhere their spouse was stationed. That segment didn't showcase any of that! It just showed they now have people working in a warehouse assembling their stupid bags. And I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE that the name of their company invokes Rosie the Riveter. It just feels like "Oh, we know someone in history who really inspired people. So, let's co-opt their name into inspiring people to buy our shit." It just feels cheap and disrespectful and I would have the same opinion if the person they were co-opting wasn't American.

  • Love 5
Just now, MrSmith said:

And I hate, hate, hate, hate, HATE that the name of their company invokes Rosie the Riveter. It just feels like "Oh, we know someone in history who really inspired people. So, let's co-opt their name into inspiring people to buy our shit." It just feels cheap and disrespectful and I would have the same opinion if the person they were co-opting wasn't American.

Still not as bad as the coffee guy.  Emphasis on guy.

  • Love 1
On 2/10/2017 at 10:11 PM, Fabricationary said:

.Because it's marketed as an OTC remedy, it wouldn't have to pass FDA inspection and go through double-blind, placebo-controlled trials.  I don't foresee safety issues; I just think it would be no more effective than any other non-prescription moisturizing ointment.

But the FDC does have strict rules about claiming efficacy on a label. As a soapmaker, we go through the bends just with the labeling rules for a simple soap--if you claim health or medical benefits, your product is characterized as a drug or a cosmetic, whereupon you have to jump through FDA hoops, registering your ingredients and process, and go through an approval process.

There probably are no safety issues with their formula. Beeswax, vitamin E, coconut oil and essential oils are the components of a billion handmade lotions and lip balms. There's absolutely nothing new or special here, and many EOs (spices, like cinnamon and clove and some herbs) can irritate the skin, many citruses are photosensitizing and can worsen burns exposed to sunlight. They did not talk about, and were not asked about, their research in formulating the ointment, so it all may be safe, but I was rolling my eyes in tandem with Mark. My lip balm sells for 4 bucks, btw, and I make a profit. $15 forsooth!

  • Love 3

I'm incredibly sick of Mark telling entrepreneurs that they "have a product, not a business".  This is the guy who invested in Dude Wipes.  How on earth is that a business and not a product?  I think he said that to the firemen bag lady, and her company is much more of a business than a bunch of wet wipes for guys.  I personally thought her bags were pretty ugly, but I thought his dropping out for that reason was nonsense.  If you don't want to work with a crazy person who makes ugly bags, just say so.

Edited by marny
  • Love 3

Wow, I really didn't like any of the presenters in this episode.  The firewife really had a high opinion of herself-I knew she would be a pain as soon as I saw the name of her company with the "by whatever her name is" underneath the name.  My father was a firefighter (and his father before him).  I really have the highest respect for firefighters, but I would not buy any of her designs.  I appreciate the poster above who noted that the fabric would have fire retardant chemicals all over it.  If I was going to buy something because it was made from firefighters' uniforms, I would never buy the knock-off fabric she wants to create.  I loved that Robert just wanted to buy the whole company as he realized that she would be really difficult to work with; I laughed when Lori made an offer that made them equal partners.  Good luck with that Lori.  I think this will definitely die during due diligence.

I did not like the nurse "expert baby crying beyond what any doctor knows."  Also, there was never any reference to her actual credentials.  As those of us who watch Judge Judy and The People's Court know, anyone who works in health care regardless of educational and experience levels claim to be 'nurses.'  Maybe she really is a pediatric nurse, and maybe she is an aide that works in pediatrics.  Kevin's product lines would really be the best fit, but I'm actually glad that he dodged that bullet as she had such a haughty attitude towards him.  I think the electric components will be a bigger issue than they realize.  I also do not understand how with just $75,000 in sales the Sharks accepted her value of $1 million, and Robert even increased it.

  • Love 2

The nurse may had been a bit snippy, and Kevin's offer sounded good, but I'm glad she got a deal. And I hope the Tranquilo hits the mark when it comes to proper safety regulations. And seriously, I would love to have a Tranquilo mat for adults. I suffer from insomnia, depression and anxiety (damn, I sound like a basket case), and I would love something like that mat

Get a few and velcro them together!

One of my concerns about the safety is knowing where it's made.  Chinese goods are often perfect for the tests, then cheaper materials and processes are used in mass production.

Edited by AuntieDiane6

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