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S07.E08: Hearts Still Beating


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1 hour ago, MostlyContent said:

I keep thinking about the threatening note.  

Could the note-writer have sabotaged those supplies in some way?  And now those supplies are going straight back to Negan's camp? 

I'm thinking the same. I wonder how this will play out: a) Negan discovers Daryl's (Lucillesque) escape and goes back to Alexandria to find him; b) the Saviors eat some of the food right away and get sick, some possibly dying, and Negan goes back to Alexandria out for blood; or c) Negan discovers Daryl's disappearance, goes back to Alexandria to find him, and returns to a bunch of half-dead Saviors. Either way, I hope that Tara "subtly suggests" (inspired by the Mobile-Home-Park-Amazonians she found last episode) they leave town, at least until they take care of the Saviors.  They have Daryl back.  Now, Negan's only leverage is "I know where you and your children sleep." But if they pack up and hit the road (there are only about a dozen Alexandrians left anyway), they can disappear into the woods, regain their footing, and hatch up a plan to take down the Saviors.

Negan would go back to Alexandria, get pissed they ditched out on him, but he's grown attached to the same first-world amenities that's had CDB hanging on to Alexandria despite the troubles it brings.  He wouldn't burn it down like the mattresses.  He'd probably move right in.  Make it the next 'satellite branch' of the Saviors and take up head office in a cush McMansion.   If the food Aaron and Rich just found isn't poisoned, the move would still would split a lot of the Savior's group up and make them easier to wipe out.  If the food is poisoned, even better, though they might have kick to their retreat into high gear until Negan's worn out his war path.  Then let him get comfortable again.  Let him think they're gone.  Rendezvous with Hilltop and the Kingdom and get them to keep supplying like nothing's wrong.  Get the Saviors' guard down, then go after the head of the snake.  And they'll know where he sleeps.

Edited by jaigurudeva
  • Love 5

Did anyone else notice that Negan was freshly shaved when he started playing pool with Spencer, then when he stabbed Spencer he suddenly had stubble, which got spattered with Spencer's blood, and then when Rick showed up Negan's face was freshly shaved again, but now with the blood spatter.  So their makeup people very carefully repainted the blood spatter to try to match it to the earlier shots but nobody noticed his stubble coming and going.  

  • Love 7

I'm so over The Saviors. They are nothing but a bunch of bullies. Like seriously, if one person had stood up to Negan in the beginning things would have been different. But the bullied just take on the characteristics of the bully and go around bullying other people. Rosita is an idiot but I also admire her gumption; too bad she is such a shitty shot. Sasha would have made that shot. 

  • Love 16
7 minutes ago, ShellsandCheese said:

I'm so over The Saviors. They are nothing but a bunch of bullies. Like seriously, if one person had stood up to Negan in the beginning things would have been different. But the bullied just take on the characteristics of the bully and go around bullying other people. Rosita is an idiot but I also admire her gumption; too bad she is such a shitty shot. Sasha would have made that shot. 

 Rosita got lucky she missed. Its the only reason her and everyone there is still alive

  • Love 1

I think Boots is female.  The hands on the binoculars seem small and female.  I think it's one of the Amazonians.

I was surprised that Michonne killed Red; that doesn't seem like her.  But I think Michonne believes they're at war with the Saviours and she had to make sure Red kept her mouth shut.

It was nice to hear Michonne express what she wanted and even nicer that Rick actually listened to her.  I wish that Michonne had told Rick how important it was to her for him to stand up and fight, because her partner didn't and she lost her child.  But I think Michone talking about her past life would be a bit too much to ask.

Being with Negan might actually be the making of Eugene.  He'll be valued for his skills and he'll need to use those skills to stay alive.  There won't be any compassion or sympathy.

I'm still surprised that Rosita was with the group.  I guess they decided that somebody else can look after the pantry and Judith can get another babysitter, so see ya Olivia.  And I guess Tara is in the inner circle now.  Aaron was probably not in any shape to make the trip and Eric probably wouldn't have let him anyway.  Aaron and Father Gabriel are probably running things now.

It was a good episode but I'm not raising my hopes too much.  I think this episode is the exception that proves the rule.  Gimple knew better than to have a cliffhanger.  This episode was probably a bone thrown to the fans to get them to come back for the second half of the season.

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, J----av said:

 Rosita got lucky she missed. Its the only reason her and everyone there is still alive

Nah. The Saviors are all followers. They would fall apart without Negan to lead them. They'd simply line up behind some other common bully. It would just take one person, saying I'm in charge now and they'd get in line. Or they make thank whoever takes out Negan; the men in particular impotent against Negan (he'll take your wife if he wants her); they are all just a bunch of cowards. Comfortable cowards. They'd rather let Negan treat them like shit and in turn abuse other people because they are convinced that he alone can keep them safe. 

  • Love 9

Best episode of a pretty lousy half-season, with the possible exception of the Kingdom episode. Which isn't saying much. Let's hope next half-season redeems this mess. Not holding my breath.

  • Negan's theatrics aside, he was actually by far the most "reasonable" of the Saviors on site. What is WITH the henchmen? I've said it before, but it bears repeating. This aimless bullying and pointless antagonism is fucking ridiculous. One person acting this way, sure, but they act like that as a collective. There's no benefit in it. It doesn't even work from a power dynamics/gratification perspective because they're already firmly in control. It's horrendous mustache twirling of the first order, and rather than making me hate the Saviors it's making me hate the writers. Imagine if the Saviors behaved like a normal oppressive regime, instead of a pack of cartoon jackasses. Imagine how much more compelling that would be. Good grief.
  • The apple scene with Maggie was plonky as hell. Speaking of cartoon jackasses, I'm still waiting for my explanation as to the behavior of Hilltop's "mayor". Jesus hand-waving it with "he's always been in charge" is insufficient.
  • No problem with Daryl's escape, that compound is packed with people randomly rattling about and he had a change of clothes. The one person in charge of watching him (Dwight) clearly chose to let him slip the leash.
  • Speaking of Dwight, his betrayal has been getting telegraphed for quite some time now (due to the nigh endless scenes of Negan dangling his wife in front of him), but I hope he has more of a plan than "let Daryl go". 
  • Rosita snapping and taking her shot, however ill advised, is reasonably within the confines of her character. Also liked her scene with Gabriel, who has been delivering in all his scenes lately.
  • JDM's patented "Negan lean" where he's sizing someone up is getting way too much play. Dial it back, buddy. Find a different physical tick to express the character. It's starting to seem like Negan has back problems.
  • Speaking of telegraphing, Spencer's death could be seen coming a mile away. I thought we might have a mutual betrayal situation set up with Spencer and Dwight but once he showed up with his bottle and his ingratiating I knew he was done for.
  • So I guess that was Olivia who died? I'm just now learning her name. Farewell Olivia, you fulfilled your redshirt duty.
  • It will be interesting to see which Carol we get next half-season, of the half dozen varieties offered up to us over the last two seasons. Maybe the writers will finally decide on a personality for her. That would be keen. Usually you don't need to wait until the 7th/8th season of a television show for one of it's longest running characters to get a consistent personality but hey...Walking Dead!
  • I thought the Kingdom guy was hiding a bunch of guns in that secret RV, but it seems like all he has is some glass bottles. Maybe he was just in it for the camping, and damn the sign.
  • Nice optimistic ending with a bunch of gormless smiling and resolutely standing in a circle. I was mildly verklempt at Daryl's show of emotion on seeing Rick. Although the scene I'd have LIKED to see was Daryl first seeing MAGGIE. Way to skip the big emotional payoff scene your stupid Daryl sub-plot set up, writers.
  • If they decide to go to war and Tara doesn't spill the beans about the secret fishing village full of guns that character is SO DEAD to me. I was half-hoping she'd be one of Negan's victims, as the baby seems to have siphoned away Masterson's ability to convincingly portray her.
  • Back to the original bullet, I seriously cannot even with the Saviors. Remember when Dwight poured out Rosita's water? Why? Why are they beating up Aaron? Why are they antagonizing Rick? Why are they punching Kingdom guys and generally acting absurdly antagonistic everywhere they go? It's like someone has a "how to incite a revolt" handbook and is going through it point by point. That Negan is apparently AWARE of the danger of revolt and does nothing to mitigate any of this behavior is just terrible, terrible writing. TERRIBLE WRITING. 

Here's hoping next half-season is better. Maybe the CGI tiger will CGI eat someone. That'd be neat.

Edited by BloatedGuppy
  • Love 21

Well, let's say that Maggie, Rick, Eugene and Gabriel were sent on a quest to get Lucille from Negan.   Say Negan set fire to Eugene's hair, and Maggie threw water on it to put it out, and some splashed on to Negan.  I think he would start to smoke and then say , 'I'm melting, I'm melting', and soon be  pile of nothing, and all of Negan's henchmen look at each other and say 'she killed him!!'.   Then they all say 'all hail to Dorothy ... err, I mean Maggie!! "  

Well, I could go on, but I think you get where I'm going.  My only point is it seems to me like a lot of the Saviors would be glad to see Negan overthrown. 

  • Love 4

Well, then!  Fare thee well, Spencer!  That was a bad idea on so many levels.  As soon as he showed up to the porch with that bottle, it was already so obvious that Negan knew he was trying to run something, and everything following that was him just toying with him.  And while Negan is a violent, boring (IMO) psychopath, I do think in his own weird way, he does respect Rick on a strange level, and Spencer trying to basically ask Negan to get rid of him, was a huge no no.  So, bye, dumbass.  You weren't totally wrong about how death follows Rick and Camp Dinner Bell wherever they go, but you had your own flaws that made it clear you wouldn't last long in this world.  Had it not been Rick and crew showing, someone else would have.

So, Rosita ends up not being able to shoot for shit, and just hits Lucille, instead of Negan.  Naturally, Negan doesn't kill her, but has a lacky pick someone at random, and it happens to be Olivia.  Should have known that her getting a decent amount of screen time was setting her up for doom!  Negan also takes Eugene, after he confesses that he was the one that made the bullet.  I do think he won't be completely harmed.  I'm going to guess Negan will try and use those skills to his own gain.

But, hey: at least Daryl escaped!  I'm still thinking it was Negan's "wife" that helped out.  Although, he sure made sure Fat Joe didn't come back!  Jesus randomly showing up and being like "WTF?!" was hilarious.

Maggie is making herself right at home at Hilltop.  At fun as it might be to lord over Gregory, I wouldn't underestimate that little weasel.  Many people have underestimated Xander Berkley characters and paid for it!

Finally check in on Carol and Morgan again.  No Ezekiel, but his first in command or whatever is trying to convince the two to launch a attack on The Saviors, because he knows it will only be a matter of time.  They refuse, but I'm guessing something will change their minds come finale time.

Rick and Aaron have the worst boat ride ever.

I know it was suppose to be a horrific moment, but I was cracking up over Rick's reaction when sees the aftermath of everything that transpired with Negan, because it almost looked like he was thinking "The hell?!  I was gone for only a few hours, and suddenly the neighborhood is going to shit!"

Michonne... finds the Savior's camp, I guess?

Probably my second favorite episode this season, behind The Kingdom episode, and everyone finally reuniting and uniting to take on Negan is good, but they better pull out all stops for the second half, because this is still on track to being one of the worst seasons of this series.  Of course, the main issue is that I don't think I'll ever find Negan interesting, despite Jeffery Dean Morgan's best efforts.  

  • Love 15

Yay another 90 minutes of Negan thuggery.  Let's beat and shoot more people and guffaw all through it.  This half-season sure ended with a thud.  The stupid part is how easy he makes it for someone to take him out.  Like when he's sitting at the dining table and you have knives in the kitchen.  Nothing like cutting off the head of the snake to send the Saviors scurrying back under their rocks.  But no, we need to have the big story arc where all the good and decent folk rise up against their mighty oppressor.  What a chore this series now is.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

So begins the revolution. 

Nice hopeful ending, I guess Gimple and co. saw the ratings too.

Since they already filmed this without ratings knowledge, I would assume that it was always the plan to have Rick want to throw down at the half way mark. This first half was about evaluating the new status quo, how the world operates for Rick and company now and more world building for future teaming up.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, ShellsandCheese said:

Nah. The Saviors are all followers. They would fall apart without Negan to lead them. They'd simply line up behind some other common bully. It would just take one person, saying I'm in charge now and they'd get in line. Or they make thank whoever takes out Negan; the men in particular impotent against Negan (he'll take your wife if he wants her); they are all just a bunch of cowards. Comfortable cowards. They'd rather let Negan treat them like shit and in turn abuse other people because they are convinced that he alone can keep them safe. 

 Nope. Simon just takes over and not much changes. Also they had everyone at gunpoint when Rosita shot at Negan. Safe to say, if she got him the Saviors just open up fire on everyone. What do you think would happen? Rosita shots Negan then all the Saviors lay down their weapons and leave lol?

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, mishap said:

Well, let's say that Maggie, Rick, Eugene and Gabriel were sent on a quest to get Lucille from Negan.   Say Negan set fire to Eugene's hair, and Maggie threw water on it to put it out, and some splashed on to Negan.  I think he would start to smoke and then say , 'I'm melting, I'm melting', and soon be  pile of nothing, and all of Negan's henchmen look at each other and say 'she killed him!!'.   Then they all say 'all hail to Dorothy ... err, I mean Maggie!! "  

Well, I could go on, but I think you get where I'm going.  My only point is it seems to me like a lot of the Saviors would be glad to see Negan overthrown. 

 Most of them seem pretty content besides a couple

3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

In a way, this episode would be a good way to end the series.   Most of the group is together, they have hope, they're ready to fight.  And the mystery of who the person in the boots is would keep fans guessing for years.

Uh...no. people would be shitting on the finale for years. Ending on yet another reunion as if we never had that before, people if no consequence dying and the big bad still standing tall? Nah.

And to those supporting Spencer's narrative. Did we not just learn or see what happened to that all female group? It's just a matter of time before shit hits the fan in this world and they had zero way of actually defending themselves from the actual human danger outside those walls. This world brings shit to your door. It's just matter of time 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, MattDuffysCat said:

Negan: "I just bent over backwards to show you how reasonable I am..."

WE KNOW NEGAN. You freaking keeping bending backwards, it's hurting my back just watching you. I hate this show right now. I hate it so much. To think I used to so eagerly anticipate Sunday nights. 

ETA: Ok, not that eagerly. Since the next day is Monday. 

I get so annoyed by the way JDM stands.  I almost can't listen to him because I am too busy trying to figure out why he is  leaning like that.  Then again, I would like to not listen to him since he won't shut up.   

  • Love 16

West Coast checking in here.

Dang - it's taken 90 minutes at Pacific Time plus 13 pages of comments to catch up with this ep.

Agree - much better than the rest of this very disappointing season.  And best of all - we got rid of Spencer, the obnoxious PITA.

I was worried about Aaron, because I like his character and his off-screen persona.  Those of you who watch The Talking Dead know Ross Marquand is an amazing impressionist IRL.  At least the writers got something right by offing Spencer (yuk) and saving Aaron.

Believe it or not, I didn't notice a Boots character until reading this board.  Must've been refilling my wineglass.  Will have to rewind and keep an eye out.  (Sorry, Kurl.)

Michonne seemed kinda odd in this ep.  I wasn't sure what her scenes were about other than having a birds eye view of Negan's compound.  Did she shoot the redheaded driver?  (Another possible wine-pouring moment.)

I'm tired of plus-sized women being randomly shot.  Could'nt they shoot (fill in your favorite annoying character here) instead?

OK - off to review and watch for The Boots.

  • Love 5

The last two scenes are why I'll still watch in February. After reading recaps, since the show is still on probation here.

I loved the Rick and Michonne scene, I mean I loved it even more than I usually love Rick and Michonne scenes. They're a unit. Both actors gave a great emotional performance. Kudos to A.Lincoln especially: He subtly showed Rick's evolution in the little airtime he got since somehow TPTB chose to focus on torture and humiliation porn centered around a scenery-chewing clown as this half-season's central storyline instead of showing characters the audience knows getting to the conclusion they had to fight. I wish I had seen more discussions like the Rosita/Gabriel one instead of not watching a dick ironing the face of another dick. 

I wanted to see Rosita resist, Spencer die etc. so I had to endure some Negan, although I FF'd as much as I could, and I can't believe no one realized how unbearably annoying both character and portrayal are during the production process. Or were those who saw it too afraid to speak out? I'm not too keen on focus groups but maybe for once they should have tested the audience response  (which seems pretty loud and clear everywhere, including in the ratings) before giving so much airtime and importance to a new character, and even more to a character of the psychopath kind.

I'm on the side of everyone who stands against Lurch, no matter how "idiotic" it is. Negan and his cronies are responsible for the people they hurt and kill, they're responsible for oppressing the other known communities. They're Nazis and collaborationists. Their system works on fear of unfair retribution and putting the blame on the resistants. Daryl, Carl and Rosita resisted openly, tried to take down the source of evil, and I love them for it.

And Richard...oh, Richard, I hope you don't have red shirts in your closet because I lurve you. I was as disappointed by Morgan and Carol's reaction as I was initially happy to see them; and since the last time I saw them was 6 episodes ago, it was all the more complicated to understand their state of mind. It didn't seem to evolve, but again they're original characters so who cares because Lurch cooking is so much more interesting than developping them, right? So Ezekiel still visits Carol and brings groceries...hmm.

Spencer, I thought you had potential at first, I gave you a chance, but you were just a little shit so you go the shitty death you deserved.

I'm going to keep all the hugs of the last scene and hope it's an official trailer for 7B. Thank you for not showing only bro hugs but sister hugs, too. Maggie and Michonne, yeah! Aw, Daryl got Rick's gun back...see, I'm easy to please as a viewer. I know that characters have to be separated in order to reunite. But, again, the focus should have stayed on them and I feel that it didn't.

Edited by Happy Harpy
  • Love 17
5 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

C'mon, what the fuck did Rosita think was going to happen?

I expect Rosita thought about 7.5 grams of jacketed hollowpoint lead would come out of the end of her pistol at approx. 1,250 feet per second and travel in an uninterrupted fashion through the air until it intersected Negan's head - at which point the lead would mushroom, punch a hole through Negan's skull (a hole roughly the size of the end of a pool cue, ironically), and tear a gaping cavity through his brain.

And it would've worked too, if Lucille hadn't gotten in the way.  Which was also pretty much bullshit.  Negan looks, sees half a bullet sticking out of Lucille, and goes apeshit.  Repeat - bullshit.  Even if the round didn't crack the bat in two, it would at least be buried enough in the wood to not be visible.

Not that such an outcome would've been the best thing to happen for the Alexandria group, because I'm virtually certain the kneejerk response of the Negan-less Survivors would be to kill every ASZHat in sight.  Many more than Olivia would have died in the resultant carnage.


4 hours ago, bosawks said:

Man, the Zombie Apocalypse really turned Fonzie into a dick!

Other than a Craig Johnson novel I'm working on, best thing I've read tonight.


4 hours ago, wait.what said:

What you think Negan is going to do/think when he finds out Daryl escaped? 

He's going to punish Rick & co, right? Will they have time to prepare for Negan's return to Alexandria? 

Actually I wouldn't necessarily expect Negan to punish CDB for Daryl's escape:

  • From the Saviours' perspective it looks like Daryl got out of his cell, clubbed Fat Joey to death, hot-wired a cycle and took off.  No collusion with CDB is directly indicated; the opposite, in fact, since any indication would point to an inside job.
  • I doubt Negan will immediately advertise Daryl's escape.  Captive Daryl has proven an effective tool in controlling CDB in general and Rick in particular.  No reason for Negan to discard that tool unless he's certain he has to.

Sole caveat for that would be, of course, if the Saviours find Daryl hiding in Alexandria. 


3 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

Daryl's escape from The Saviors on a motorcycle couldn't have been that easy. Some of them were at ASZ but when the lady took Michonne to the camp and Michonne's view there was a lot of them still around. I can understand Jesus escaping because he's great at being stealthy.

I don't care if Jesus was wearing a brand new pair of Hush Puppies, ain't nobody escaping stealthy on a motorcycle - not unless they push it halfway to the next county before trying to start it, at least.

  • Love 7
51 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Other than a Craig Johnson novel I'm working on, best thing I've read tonight.


Boy howdy, Nashville!

This show has been long mired in hopelessness for me. Have watched the first six episodes with either the mute button or the fast forward button depressed. After reading this forum, I'll do the the same with  the last two eps.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Jobena said:

He can swin, the walkers just floats.

Yes. He had the brains to go under the water and swim away from them. 

If Rick and Co. hadn't turned up at Alexandria, the mega herd that was growing in the quarry would have broken away (as was shown) but had no one to lead any of them away, and Alexandria would have been eaten to bits.

Doesn't Rosita have gorgeous lips?

  • Love 8

It's weird because everything in these eight episodes was leading up to that last scene and yet it still felt unearned to me. Like we really needed a, "breaking point," scene for Rick and the group. If Glenn and Abraham's deaths weren't enough to get the group fighting the Saviors, why would Spencer and Olivia's deaths be enough? 

The disjointed aspect of the season was definitely a problem. Not enough time for character development. Going back to my previous point, considering the revolving PoVs nature of the season, Alexandra and the Saviors actually had very little interaction this season. Maybe three episodes out of eight? Not enough time to build to a satisfying, "Fuck you, it's war." 

  • Love 6

Rosita's been a good shot up until this episode. Not a sniper but a good shot - yet now she misses a relatively stationary target at two yards away, max? Also, wouldn't Negan have been more furious? I actually thought he took it easy on them considering that made TWO assassination attempts within the same day. The writing for these villains is so weak. They aren't even consistent in their own villainy. I WANT Negan and the Saviors to be so badass and legitimately terrifying and the writing for them is simply not working.

Pissed Negan rattled off one last fat joke after Olivia was killed. Har de fucking har. 

Oddly miffed at the female Neganite calling Eugene "haircut" when "mullet" would have been so much more awesome. In my head I refer to him as "Business In The Front" because I'm not always into the whole brevity thing. Speaking of, I'm so proud of him for stepping up. If I weren't so exasperated with the writing on this show this season (and last), I'd say his time with the Saviors is going to be very interesting and he could experience some serious character growth.  

Admittedly happy to FINALLY see the end of Spencer though I feel a bit cheated Rick didn't get to do the honors. Rick stabbing Spencer's quickly reanimating corpse just wasn't as cathartic. 

Yay, we finally get to see Eric (Aaron's boyfriend) again! It's only been like a year! How you doing, buddy? Join the storyline once in a while, won't you? 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, BloatedGuppy said:


  • JDM's patented "Negan lean" where he's sizing someone up is getting way too much play. Dial it back, buddy. Find a different physical tick to express the character. It's starting to seem like Negan has back problems.

That's from all the bending over backwards. ?

I'm beyond irritated with the cop-out of people not shooting Negan when they could have and would have in any other situation.  From Carl last week, there to shoot Negan but just watches him walk in the open, to Rosita this week, who manages to shoot zombies from a distance but suddenly can't hit a man standing still 5 feet away.  Poor storytelling is getting old.  

  • Love 16
29 minutes ago, Tesla said:

That's from all the bending over backwards. ?

I'm beyond irritated with the cop-out of people not shooting Negan when they could have and would have in any other situation.  From Carl last week, there to shoot Negan but just watches him walk in the open, to Rosita this week, who manages to shoot zombies from a distance but suddenly can't hit a man standing still 5 feet away.  Poor storytelling is getting old.  

Shooting him, grabbing the straight razor and slitting his throat--Judith at least looked like she might have been contemplating that--bashing him over the head with that heavy glass pitcher of lemonade...something, anything!! I can't suspend the disbelief anymore either. I guess they're afraid of the henchmen, too? Still, I think I'd take one for the team and do it anyway. Altho that does just tend to get someone ELSE killed.


JDM really needs the beard. He looks old, scrawny, saggy and dorky without it.

  • Love 23
8 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

Daryl's escape from The Saviors on a motorcycle couldn't have been that easy. Some of them were at ASZ but when the lady took Michonne to the camp and Michonne's view there was a lot of them still around. I can understand Jesus escaping because he's great at being stealthy.

Yeah, Jesus can walk on water, but how stealthy can you be on a motorcycle, for Christ's sakes? I mean, is that place like the Hogan Heroes concentration camp, where the prisoners just traipse into Paris for a late night meeting?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Nashville said:


9 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

C'mon, what the fuck did Rosita think was going to happen?

I expect Rosita thought about 7.5 grams of jacketed hollowpoint lead would come out of the end of her pistol at approx. 1,250 feet per second and travel in an uninterrupted fashion through the air until it intersected Negan's head - at which point the lead would mushroom, punch a hole through Negan's skull (a hole roughly the size of the end of a pool cue, ironically), and tear a gaping cavity through his brain.



I totally read this in Eugene's voice. ?

  • Love 24

I just don't want to see Eugene naked and eating dogfood sandwiches next Feb.  Thanks, writers.

Was that really the Sanctuary where the redhead brought Michonne?  On my tv it looked more like a random campus.  Isn't the Sanctuary some kind of factory?  I thought Red was just leading Michonne on.  (And did Michonne shoot Red?)

About the threatening note, I don't think the food is tainted (too bad) but "you lose" meant that the owner (boots person) was going to follow them and exact some kind of punishment.  It would be cool if that were a woman since the women are the only ones with guts nowadays.  (No offense, Spence.)  

Speaking of notes, so who was it that urged Daryl to run?  Jesus?  Dwight?  Sherri?

Why did Rick leave Judith back in Alexandria?  Seems kind of risky, although Little Ass Kicker may be able to take care of herself.  

I can't wait for Carol to snap out of her bittercakes and rejoin the group.  Poor Melissa and Lennie had so little to do this first half, they really deserve some better writing in the back half.

  • Love 10

Well, a mid season finale where I didn't give a flying fuck about either of the deaths. Not only that, but I was thrilled with one of them. Buh-bye, Spencer! What a waste of flesh. I was so glad to see him gutted. And with his parting, he made me hate him even more - because it almost made me like Negan, just for taking that whiny bitch out. I totally understood Negan's logic there. Spencer was sucking up to him like a Hoover, expecting to be able to manipulate him into doing his dirty work. But Negan ain't stupid. 

Olivia's death didn't surprise me at all. We know what happens to Judith's nannies. I don't see anyone stepping up to fill that position. Not any time soon. 

Rosita is a fucking moron, and I wouldn't have been mad if she got killed as well. I know she's all pissed off, but use your head, woman. What kind of timing was that? Just whip out your gun and try and shoot Negan in front of a giant crown, WHILE he's swinging his stupid bat around? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. It's called biding your time and studying your victim, catching them off guard. She could learn some lessons from Carol. 

I'm just glad her stupidity didn't get Eugene killed. It does make more sense to keep him alive, though, if he knows how to make bullets. 


Speaking of Carol, I was hoping we'd get more of the actual KINGDOM, and not just visitors at Carol's Sulk Shack. Carol has been my favorite since Hershel was killed, but damn. I am so bored of her little emo routine. Here's a thought - if you truly want to be left alone, don't bunk down at a house that's just a stone's throw away from where people who know you are staying. 

I found it very "coincidental" that Tron Knight dude just happened decide it's time to take Negan down, around the same time Sasha and Rosita and Michonne, etc. etc. are all wanting to go for it as well. 


Back at the Hilltop - Gregory is still a giant douche. Loved Maggie forcing him to give up his Gala apple. She is clearly going to take over that place, and I kind of can't wait. 

I did cheese out pretty hard during the CDB reunion. Ricks' face when he hugged Daryl? Gah. The nod between Sasha and Rosita? Nice. I kind of like that the crew is now Rick and Daryl with a bunch of chicks and kids. I just hope they come up with a serious plan this time and don't go rushing off half-cocked. FULL cock. (tm Better Call Saul)


So the secret scene - that's the guy that owns the place Rick and Aaron raided, right? Why wouldn't he just scare them off when they showed up? Why allow them to take all his stuff then follow them? 

Finally, when Aaron and Rick were rowing around, anyone else start singing, "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas? Just me? Okay then. 

  • Love 6

So, after all that, Rick leaves Judith (with who...FPP? Who else is left...Tobin?) in ASZ so he can go see his buddies at Hilltop. True, Rick didn't know Daryl had escaped. But -----

How long does it take to get to Hilltop on foot? How long does it take Negan to get home (via truck)? And once he finds Daryl's gone, he'll move like greased lighting back to ASZ, and he might even send some of his men to Hilltop, not that he knows anything yet, but tactically it'd be smart.

And then Negan will rain down holy hell!!!  Because let's not forget: Rick and crew have no bullets.

So Rick and team will have to plan something pretty big and pretty damn fast.

I'm not sure of the workaround here.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Gulftastic said:

Yes. He had the brains to go under the water and swim away from them. 

If Rick and Co. hadn't turned up at Alexandria, the mega herd that was growing in the quarry would have broken away (as was shown) but had no one to lead any of them away, and Alexandria would have been eaten to bits.

Doesn't Rosita have gorgeous lips?

Rosita has a gorgeous everything.  I like the character, and think the actress is doing s a good job with her.

  • Love 11

Loved that Maggie was standing post because she was waiting for Rick and company to show up. Guess she knew he'd come around sooner or later.

And how...please somebody tell me how is there any gasoline left to drive vehicles? Its a stupid thing that nags the crap out of me.

Daryl, I will alllllwayyyyyys looooooooove youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but please...please for the love of God, take a note from Jesus and borrow some of his hair products. I beg you.

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Rosita has a gorgeous everything.  I like the character, and think the actress is doing s a good job with her.

As Maggie has drifted into moderate irrelevance and Carol has been degenerated into a catastrophe by terrible and inconsistent writing, Rosita has emerged as arguably my favorite female character on the show. Be a shame if she's slated for redshirt status, she's always felt like a second-stringer at best.

  • Love 4

Note to Rick and company: Negan is unpredictable. The reason they were at Alexandria is because he brought back Carl and why not do some collecting while he is there? Don't yah think it would be a good idea to hide some stuff from Boots' place a little ways down the road "in case" the Saviours are there?  Just a little precaution just in case?  (like the gun he found). Now in this specific instance, I suspect that there will be something really wrong with the food or items in those tubs, however, they should always approach their gates as if Negan and crew has unexpectedly just showed up. Hide some stuff FIRST! 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I was surprised that Michonne killed Red; that doesn't seem like her.  But I think Michonne believes they're at war with the Saviours and she had to make sure Red kept her mouth shut.

I think Red also was kind of asking to be killed. 


1 hour ago, luna1122 said:

JDM really needs the beard. He looks old, scrawny, saggy and dorky without it.


  • Love 13
2 hours ago, loki567 said:

It's weird because everything in these eight episodes was leading up to that last scene and yet it still felt unearned to me. Like we really needed a, "breaking point," scene for Rick and the group. If Glenn and Abraham's deaths weren't enough to get the group fighting the Saviors, why would Spencer and Olivia's deaths be enough? 

The disjointed aspect of the season was definitely a problem. Not enough time for character development. Going back to my previous point, considering the revolving PoVs nature of the season, Alexandra and the Saviors actually had very little interaction this season. Maybe three episodes out of eight? Not enough time to build to a satisfying, "Fuck you, it's war." 

Don't forget that Carl broke curfew!!!!  There's only so much one man can stand........

  • Love 4

As a parent, don't you hate watching your kid be publicly reprimanded?

In a small way, I laughed when Negan told Rick that Carl had broken in and machine-gunned down some of his men. So, Negan had to bring back Carl to ASZ. Did anyone else see Rick cut a stink-eye at Carl?

I could almost hear Rick: "Damn it, Lori. I thought you trained him better?!?"

  • Love 22

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