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S33.E12: Slayed the Survivor Dragon

Tara Ariano
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It's interesting that so many perceive David as this huge threat and don't get me wrong, I get it and think David has played a pretty decent game. However, I don't think people liked David very much. I may be wrong but I don't get the impression people like Michelle, Taylor the turd, Chris, even Sunday now, would vote for him.

I think those four are all guaranteed Jay votes if Jay makes it to the final tribal council. I think if Ken ends up on the jury, he and Jessica may be solid David votes. And I almost forgot about Zeke - who speaking of, things seemed to get really bitter and almost personal between him and David at the end (more so on his end) so I'm not sure he'd vote for him either. 

Of course, jurors have a way of surprising in the end but for right now, I'd say the biggest threats left in the game are Adam and Jay, with Jay having the biggest odds to win. I thought so when Brett and Sunday were talking to Adam about getting rid of Jay, David and Will because they were the biggest threats. Because I was like Will, really? Is he serious? The third biggest threat was the guy he was talking to. 

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Another episode with astonishingly bad gameplay. Since I think there's no way Jay can win now (without a miracle), I have to root for David. I don't like David, but he's not Adam. It's not a coincidence that his name is Adam and his famous namesake is associated with a snake. Adam is such a snake. And gross. God I wanted to punch his arrogant ass in the face tonight. I remember people stating that with the idiotic moves he was making in the middle of the game, he couldn't win. But not I. This asshole winning has always seemed a very real possibility, and it just gets more and more plausible with each passing day.

Can we cue the dodo music for Hannah? Another delusional snowflake that must have gotten dropped on her head as a child. They most likely see her as the same goat that Sunday was. She should have held on to Sunday with all her might because that was probably the ONLY person she could beat. What a dumbass. 

This season is just so bad. Especially coming off a Top 10-15 season in Kaoh Rong which had so many colorful characters and compelling moments. Again, the only player left I want to see win is Jay, and that will take a bigger miracle than Mike winning WA.

Edited by delicatecutter
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A pity that Jay played his idol but if I were him, I would have played it as well because better waste it then get voted out with the idol in your pocket.

I'm kind of digging the love/hate relationship between Adam and Jay. They really like each other but can't seem to work with each other.

Edited by waving feather
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I feel like we have been watching long enough by now to know that the editors don't put something in that doesn't mean anything so I cannot for the life of me figure out why they subtitled Taylor whispering to Michelle that sitting in the rainstorm was the driest the remaining Survivors were going to be that night.

Was he being petty, that he was going back to dry Ponderosa and they weren't?  Because that would be pretty stupid, to crow about that because it means, you know, that he LOST.

It's bothering me how much this bothers me, that I can't figure it out.

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10 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I feel like we have been watching long enough by now to know that the editors don't put something in that doesn't mean anything so I cannot for the life of me figure out why they subtitled Taylor whispering to Michelle that sitting in the rainstorm was the driest the remaining Survivors were going to be that night.

Was he being petty, that he was going back to dry Ponderosa and they weren't?  Because that would be pretty stupid, to crow about that because it means, you know, that he LOST.

It's bothering me how much this bothers me, that I can't figure it out.

I think it was a just a reminder, in case we'd somehow forgotten, how annoying and how much of a tool Taylor was. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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19 minutes ago, delicatecutter said:

I don't like David, but he's not Adam. It's not a coincidence that his name is Adam and his famous namesake is associated with a snake.

I thought it was Eve associated with the snake. She listened to the snake and then Adam listened to her.

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15 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I may be wrong but I don't get the impression people like Michelle, Taylor the turd, Chris, even Sunday now, would vote for him.

Thank you. I get a real Aubrey vibe from David, except David is male. Jay was in the "cool kids" alliance in the beginning, and has connections with the majority of people on the jury. They also just sent Jay's boy, Will, and Sunday -- Jay's interim camp alliance -- there to be votes for him, too.

I genuinely don't see any David votes on the jury yet, unless he's sitting there with Bret or Hannah. Chris doesn't like him because He Voted Out Paulie That One Time, and no one else really has strong personal connections with him. The David votes are still in the game -- Hannah and potentially Adam, and possibly Jay. To me, that's not a great position to be in on day 30-whatever.

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1 hour ago, pinkelephant3 said:

Am I the only one who finds pulling the cancer card to be despicable? made me really want Adam to not win it. 

I actually thought it was much worse than Fairplay making up dead grandma. No one will ever convince me that Adam didn't tell Jay that information in order to get Jay to trust him. Using real suffering for that seems a lot skeevier than just making shit up for an in-game reward. 

As for the love-hate between Jay and Adam, Jay has been complimentary and understanding towards all of his adversaries. He has congratulated them on their moves, even when his alliance was on the losing end. He just seems to be a level headed guy. Or an entitled cool kid. Whichever. 

I couldn't figure out if I would be more upset to see David or Jay go. Probably Jay, but I am glad that I did not have to find out tonight. I am either indifferent or hostile to everyone else. 

At least Jay can console himself with the fact that he only had one more TC to use his idol, anyway. Still sucks that he wasted it. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
Jay and Adam's relationship
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16 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I feel like we have been watching long enough by now to know that the editors don't put something in that doesn't mean anything so I cannot for the life of me figure out why they subtitled Taylor whispering to Michelle that sitting in the rainstorm was the driest the remaining Survivors were going to be that night.

Was he being petty, that he was going back to dry Ponderosa and they weren't?  Because that would be pretty stupid, to crow about that because it means, you know, that he LOST.

It's bothering me how much this bothers me, that I can't figure it out.

Could be when that hurricane came in????

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I don't think I hate anyone left, but I'm not sure I'm liking anyone but Jay right now. I think if Hannah were my coworker, she'd drive me absolutely nuts. David's a sad sack, Bret comes across as a bit obnoxious, I go back and forth on Adam, Ken is pretty, but playing terribly...

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Will's out, you can tell from his confessional at the very beginning. Yup.  You can't brag about how you're running the game.

God, Brett, stfu, you are such a tool.

Hey, Jay, even if you have immunity, shouldn't you talk to people about strategy?

Yay, Ken.  Now if they would only vote off Jay ...

Jesus, Brett, SHUT. UP.!!!!!

Wow, Hannah strategizing.

Damn, Jay and Adam are working together now, huh?

At least they got rid of Jay's idol.  But now I suppose it's going to be hidden again.

I hope Brett is next.

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1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

This may be my favourite season ever. They cast actual fans and they're all playing hard. They even know to get rid of the goat! And they're all relatively nice and likable people. It just goes to show that you don't have to cast a Russell or a Dan Foley to get a dramatic season. As a fan, I find it so refreshing to have a season where there isn't a hateful person who was clearly cast because they're an asshole.  

I absolutely love the relationship between Jay and Adam. I wish they both could win. But I also want Ken, David and Hannah to win. I don't know, I'd be happy with any of them winning at this point except Brett.

Pretty pretty Ken won a puzzle challenge! He has a brain! Nice of Adam to watch Ken's ball (hee!) towards the end there.

This season is up there for me.  Brains vs. Braun has to be tops but this one is up there for me.....although I liked the season with Dan Foley.  That was a golden cast of characters.  Not a one was good at the game, but man.  They were entertaining as people.

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55 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I feel like we have been watching long enough by now to know that the editors don't put something in that doesn't mean anything so I cannot for the life of me figure out why they subtitled Taylor whispering to Michelle that sitting in the rainstorm was the driest the remaining Survivors were going to be that night.

Was he being petty, that he was going back to dry Ponderosa and they weren't?  Because that would be pretty stupid, to crow about that because it means, you know, that he LOST.

It's bothering me how much this bothers me, that I can't figure it out.


45 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I think it was a just a reminder, in case we'd somehow forgotten, how annoying and how much of a tool Taylor was. 

I thought it was an unfortunate reminder that the editors seem to love that creep, and we are probably going to be stuck with him at least once more :(

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1 hour ago, wallflower75 said:

I will consider Adam "playing a cancer card" only if he makes it to FTC and talks about it then.

To me, it is the editors/producer playing this "card".  I didn't like it, but I suppose we will find out if this "moment" has any impact on the game.  

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22 minutes ago, candall said:

LOL at Will solemnly informing us he had been a child, but he left Tribal Council as a Man.

He actually said that he left TC as "THE Man" which I find even more amusing.

I think the editors sometimes subtitle things that they just think are amusing. They subtitled Hannah and Zeke when they were talking about Ken and his brother for some reason too.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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4 minutes ago, princelina said:


I thought it was an unfortunate reminder that the editors seem to love that creep, and we are probably going to be stuck with him at least once more :(

Taylor?!  That dude was yummy.  Like bongwater.  Why would they waste a returning player spot on him?  Remember the millennial who pouted when his girlfriend got kicked?  He's back!

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Granted, I can't even remember who won last season (okay, let's be real - I can't even remember who played last season), but this had to be one of the most boring double eliminations ever. Which is bizarre considering both votes were so up in the air and unpredictable going into tribal. 

And I agree with those above who think Jay, Adam or David are going to win. I said the exact same thing to my family during the episode. They'd certainly make for a great final tribal if they were all sitting there together. 

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Gawd, I can't stand Hannah.   Eliminate one goat, leave two threats.  What an idiot.

What I can't understand is why Adam went along with it after a full episode of targeting Jay and David. 

After this episode, I like Jay more and dislike David more.   His perpetual weasel smile is hard to take.

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I am so sad that my crush Ken is so terrible at this game. But, I am liking David more and more. I do think Adam is a weasel, but an entertaining one, if he would only stop crying. And I remain firmly opposed to Jay. I feel he is the inevitable winner...and I am resisting his coronation with all my power. Hannah can't put a strategic thought together...Adam was right...target Jay. He is the strongest competitor, and if he wins immunity next week, it is game over. Brett is as terrible at this game as Ken is...but is not as easy on the eye.  And Sunday is happily gone, as is Will.

I am liking this season...though I found I missed Zeke's gamesmanship...he made TCs a lot of fun. 

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2 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

And then they punted twice instead of taking out the only people who are doing any thinking.

That is really how I felt about it too, that they punted. Seemed odd to me but I'm glad both tribals were in one show because going through a whole episode just to get rid of Sunday would be wholly undeserved.

2 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

As a fan, I find it so refreshing to have a season where there isn't a hateful person who was clearly cast because they're an asshole.

It is certainly (in my eyes, YMMV) a redemptive season after some lean years that have stuck out amongst a few solid ones, that the game can be interesting and fun when there isn't anyone you want to reach through the teevee and snuff their torch (so to speak). And a break to the 'bring a goat to the final' string/thinking would be wonderful. but they don't often let us have nice things so I have some doubts that I'll only be more firm on when I see how it all plays out.

This is certainly the 'dirtiest' season of Survivor in a while, with Hannah leading the dirty faced charge, though we lost Will who was a challenger for that title.

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3 hours ago, enlightenedbum said:

I still think Ken is getting an edit that explains exactly what he did to win (kinda like Natalie White) that will make much more sense in retrospect.

Difference is Cirie wins against anybody else on that season in FTC.  So it made sense for her to remove someone who was a lock to make FTC because that was genuinely dangerous to her game.

Who can Hannah beat?  I contend that when the Sunday vote happened, the only triplet where Hannah wins is Hannah, Brett, and Sunday.  Jay, David, and Ken beat her for sure.  Adam probably beats her.

I am not sure but the fact that they gave the entire credit to Hannah for being able to switch the votes to Sunday was quite interesting to me.  I think she has a better shot at winning than people are giving her credit for though it would all come down to who she was sitting with in the end, of course.  

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10 minutes ago, green said:

I can't think of any other explanation for 6 players entering the finale episode.

Maybe they'll squeeze in an extra quick IC and TC like tonight's episode. Or Ken's LA will somehow affect the numbers. 

And I could not agree more with your entire post!

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In a 20 person season a final six in the finale seems to be par for the course. It comes down to a numbers game at this point as they have to get down to a final 3 by day 39 which is why we had a double boot episode tonight.

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On 12/8/2016 at 1:14 AM, GaT said:

Anybody know why there were 2 TCs tonight?

Their finally is never right before Christmas and traditionally ends this coming week.  In the past they have had double elimination episodes when there was a twist like when there are three tribes and the two losers have to go to tribal or whatever.  Or someone is evacuated out plus someone voted out.  This season they saved that episode for elimination of the two dullest people this season and got through their boring eliminations nice and quickly.

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It's an interesting season all right. Like I can't say I'm particularly rooting for anyone and because of that,  I can't quite get into the season like when I have favorites and there's some suspense. But is fun to watch a cast that seems to be playing their hearts out and all seem to be huge fans. Like a lot of the game conversations tonight were conversations that I've seen in the Survivor fandom and it's great to have a cast that's thinking next level like that.

I get the feeling tonight was the night that Adam lost the game (which is not bad considering I thought he was a goat for the past four weeks). I think he would have been in a way better position with David gone and a F4ish group of himself/Hannah/Sunday/Brett, using Ken and Jay to take each other out. Now the power shifts to Hannah and she seems really close to David and Ken. I wouldn't be shocked if she turns on Adam at the very end of the game. 

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Forgot to ask: who had the title quote?

I was wondering the same thing. The title quote had me thinking one of the big threats was going, so a Will/Sunday boot was a surprise. 



I really feel like this has been the best season in quite some time.

It really is possible to cast nice people who aren't assholes or bullies. These people are playing hard and I love it.

Even the challenges seem to be fresh and different. I absolutely loved that maze/puzzle. Genius!


I think this is the best season in a long while too, so much so that I'm fairly furious that my office Christmas party is scheduled for next Wednesday until 9:30. 

I've really liked that people could play hard and switch allegiances amongst groups while still being decent to each other at camp. 




Hannah's thinking was strategically sound. It was the Cirie strategy from Panama. If someone on your tribe is planning on bring a goat to the final that means they are not bringing you.  You solve this dilemma by voting out the goat. 

Difference is Cirie wins against anybody else on that season in FTC.  So it made sense for her to remove someone who was a lock to make FTC because that was genuinely dangerous to her game.

Who can Hannah beat?  I contend that when the Sunday vote happened, the only triplet where Hannah wins is Hannah, Brett, and Sunday.  Jay, David, and Ken beat her for sure.  Adam probably beats her.


In this case, I think she was fighting Sunday for the 3rd (and very remotely possibly 2nd) place money. I don't see Hannah beating anyone, but there is prize money attached to being in the final 3, so she had a definite incentive for getting rid of Sunday, who also couldn't win. 

It still feels like a hell of a lot of people left for a finale. 

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I don't believe Adam shared about his mom's illness as a strategy at all. Sometimes when you have to keep a horrible secret for so long, you just want to share it with someone you trust on a personal level and that's what he did. I just watched his secret scene confessional about it and geez, I have dust in my eyes now. These boys. Basically, he said he was relieved to share this nightmare he was living in with someone he trusts... Not in the game but in life and he believes they will be brothers forever.

ETA: Jay's confessional. Forget Taylor and Figgy, this is the true love story of this season, lol.

Edited by waving feather
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Gotta love any pre-finale episode that eliminates two people who didn't have a hope of winning.  Now we're going into the last episode with six people left and it's still very much up in the air about who wins.  Jay and David are the favourites in my book, Ken has an outside shot, Hannah mayyyyyy have a small chance, I think Adam is toast and a Bret victory would be the single most oddly-edited Survivor winner's tale ever.

I loved that immunity challenge.  You take a simple puzzle and make things very difficult by putting the plinko timer on the process.  If Adam hadn't been helping Ken, I honestly wonder if that challenge could've gone on for way longer, it looked like everyone was having trouble with it.


Who can Hannah beat?  I contend that when the Sunday vote happened, the only triplet where Hannah wins is Hannah, Brett, and Sunday.  Jay, David, and Ken beat her for sure.  Adam probably beats her.

It's times like this when I wonder if this is a case of a goat knowing she's a goat, and trying to arrange things to help her friend win.  Hannah is nothing if not lacking in confidence, so she might not feel she has a shot of winning any FTC scenario.  If that's her mindset, she'll try to help out her friends David, Ken and I guess technically Adam.

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1 hour ago, Trick Question said:

Gotta love any pre-finale episode that eliminates two people who didn't have a hope of winning.  Now we're going into the last episode with six people left and it's still very much up in the air about who wins.  Jay and David are the favourites in my book, Ken has an outside shot, Hannah mayyyyyy have a small chance, I think Adam is toast and a Bret victory would be the single most oddly-edited Survivor winner's tale ever.

I loved that immunity challenge.  You take a simple puzzle and make things very difficult by putting the plinko timer on the process.  If Adam hadn't been helping Ken, I honestly wonder if that challenge could've gone on for way longer, it looked like everyone was having trouble with it.

It's times like this when I wonder if this is a case of a goat knowing she's a goat, and trying to arrange things to help her friend win.  Hannah is nothing if not lacking in confidence, so she might not feel she has a shot of winning any FTC scenario.  If that's her mindset, she'll try to help out her friends David, Ken and I guess technically Adam.

Yeah they need more interesting challenges like that plinko one.

As far as goats go, I've thought before that anyone could at any time during the game when they are honest with themselves and realize they don't have much of a shot as others who have been more visibly active...that they alter their strategy to go for goat! Or even before the game starts, theoretically, one could plan to play the goat game the whole way through, always willing to please everybody, never leading always following.

The reason is that the second and third place money awards are still nothing to sneeze at. $100,000 and $85,000 last time I checked. So one could enter the game targeting one of those awards, at least have a plan to shift your strategy once you realize you are not one of the shakers and movers. And it would be a lazy easy way. Because you would want to be perceived as lazy and easy. Maybe this has been done and we just haven't known it.

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I'm in the camp of those really enjoying this season.  I too don't have a favorite.  I like Ken but I don't think he's playing a very good game unfortunately.  So I've been able to just sit back and just enjoy all the blindsides and the strategy.  At this point, I can't tell who I really want to win next week so I'm really looking forward to the finale.  I admit it won't be as satisfying as seasons where I am deeply invested in a player but it's more relaxing.  

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I think this episode pointed out why David is so good at this game and what has kept him in the game.

First, he never panics. He knew that he should be the number one target in both tribal councils yet didn't freak out trying to save himself. He presented ideas to his allies - will, Bret - and made sure everyone had their say even though he must have been scared inside. In that last meeting with Hannah and Ken, he let Hannah switch the target to Sunday and then asked Ken if he could get onboard with that. Never pushy at all.

But what is saving him is his social game.

ken said his goal was coming back from tribal with DAVE because he was his closest friend and ally in the game. That's loyalty which is vital in this game.

Hannah said she loves David and really didn't want to vote him out. I think she needed to come up with a reason to keep David which is why she suddenly made Sunday a threat. Also she knows voting out DAVE would tick off Ken.

and even though it wasn't shown this episode, there seems to be a real bond of friendship with Adam and DAVE that I think made Adam give it to Hannah.

if he makes it to the end, it is the genuine friendship between these four that will have gotten him there. It is the big difference between him and Zeke. They were both strategic players but David built closer bonds with a few while zeke was the social butterfly with all. 

Edited by Irishsecra
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