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S07.E06: Swear

Tara Ariano
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I really wish I wasn't so loyal to this show. I appear to live in hope that it will get good again. I no longer feel the need to watch it live, but I will still watch it within 2 days of recording. I got caught up, and then this episode happened. A non-episode that could have been dealt with as a side story. And this episode had extra time??

Seriously self indulgent show.

I have fallen out of love with TWD and moved to like-it-as-a-friend. I really hope I don't slip further away. 

  • Love 19
23 minutes ago, apollonia666 said:

Can we please stop body-shaming a woman who was doing her own damn stunts while filming a few months after having a baby?  Actually, can we stop body-shaming altogether?   

Not body shaming HER..didnt seem like good casting to have someone who just gave birth to run around the ZA for weeks with no food...and look twice as big as last time we saw her...thats just silly

  • Love 18

Frankly beside having bigger breasts I didn't notice her size.  They could/should have given her a better bra to wear but beside that it didn't come off "ridiculous" to me.

That said there was no reason to take 71 minutes to tell this story.  They could have done in half the time and give some time to other stories.

Never a fan of one character episodes no matter who it is..

I do not think they would have even picked Tara and Health to be scavenging partners in the first place tbh.

Edited by tom87
  • Love 10

You know, I didn't mind the episode.  That may be damning it with faint praise, but it wasn't unpleasant.  I, like many of you, see what they are telegraphing with the dividing up characters and gaining allies (though, I don't know how much Tara did that tonight), but they are taking a serious gamble.  The pacing on this show continues to be, IMO, one of the biggest issues it has.  You go from the crazy last couple of episodes of the prior season and the "screw you ppl" cliffhanger into the premiere of horror and sadness and pain to...whatever these last few episodes have been. I get that world building is important at this point in the story, but people are rapidly losing patience (see ratings, which while still strong for a Sunday on cable, are not going in the direction TWD ppl probably want to see heading shortly into the season break).  It would have been nice if we saw glimpses/clues of these different worlds last season to start introducing the new communities (like they did with Hilltop).  These stories without the larger community are less compelling to me.  Yeah, it is a zombie show, but for me, the character pieces, when done well, are where the show shines and I'm missing that these days.

Now the good:  I liked seeing Tara.  Eugene's face at the gate broke my heart.  The Oceanside community is so very pretty; that set design is lovely.  The sand walkers were very, very cool.

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

All I could think when Tara was galloping around was "ouch"! Tara, sweetheart, I know well-made foundation garments are scarce now, but please try and find a lingerie store somewhere and get a better bra.

My favorite parts of this episode were Tara running away. Glenn_Quagmire.png

Say, if she and Heath had been driving for two weeks, just how long did it take her to walk back? Also, was there significance to the sort-of roman numerals tattooed on her wrist that I'm forgetting?

  • Love 7
48 minutes ago, laffytaffy997 said:

If the Oceansiders are going to be killing anyone they come across, they better get better aim. There was what? Like 5-10 people shooting Tara and no one hit her?

It's a cliche Hollywood thing. The "bad" guys are just lousy shots even when having 10 people shooting at one person, they gain the uncanny ability to all miss their target. The "good" guy on the other hand can take out 10 people and have perfect aim. 

  • Love 4

I had decided to not watch this season live because I have zero interest in enduring Negan little by little. So I have no clue of how this episode works in terms of the overall season. But I'm glad I decided to go ahead and watch this one when I read it was supposed to be about Tara.

I liked it a lot. Alanna is not the strongest cast member by a long shot, but I thought she did a good job here. I find Tara really cute and I liked to see her being her cute self. I liked the community of women and I liked Cindy a lot. Overall I liked all of the women, save the annoying little girl.

I imagine this was all about finding a potential ally for later, so I don't think it was simply a filler episode that could have been discarded.

It was sad to see Tara talking about the girlfriend she was gonna go back to and to see her get the little gift for Denise. :'( I wonder what her place will be now that the people she was most connected to, save Eugene, are either dead or elsewhere. I guess she can do stuff with Rosita? Just, don't kill Tara, TWD. Thanks.

I hope Cindy makes it back to Tara either as a friend or more, but I hope the way to making that happen doesn't include killing off the amazon village.

9 minutes ago, whiskeyandfeet said:

Also, was there significance to the sort-of roman numerals tattooed on her wrist that I'm forgetting?

I was confused by that. I thought maybe they were counting the days they had been gone, but she was up to like 26 or something. And they were supposedly gone only two weeks. So I don't know. I don't know what PPP means either.

I thought for sure they were gonna kill off Heath, but I guess we're supposed to think that given his rant before about how everyone is out for themselves he left Tara behind when he saw he couldn't help her anymore. Or maybe not, cause then he just would've gone back home. I don't know. Or care, frankly.

  • Love 6

Seems to be par for the course for the season... once again my fast forward button got a workout.  This episode was just so boring.  Is it bad that Tara has barely registered with me that when they showed her on the beach I was all "hey... isn't that... that girl?"   And then when we saw her in what was apparently a flashback scene with Heath, I wasn't even sure it was the same girl???

Cannot fathom why the writers would think centering an episode around a character most people seem to have forgotten about was a good idea.   I did find the community of women to be slightly interesting.  Although I thought it was because they were all lesbians, and had either killed all of the men or kept them chained up in the dungeon.

This season sucks donkey balls.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, HighMaintenance said:

The laugh out loud moment was Tara seeing what we thought would be a Walkerized Heath, and it turns out to be Heath in drag!  Hehe!  Good times, good times.  C'mon show! Can't you can't come up with better fake outs than that?? Every walker in that scene is a desiccated sand walker except for the completely random appearance of zombie Alicia Keys who just happened to have her hair did just like Heath.

Yes that was hilarious that it turned out to be a woman because you just know they must have used a woman's wig for that monstrosity on top of Heath's head. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

And what is with Negan executing all of their young boys and men? Why would he do that when he didn't do it elsewhere? None of this makes sense. 

I think the idea is that he uses the same method everywhere when people get out of line: he murders some of them in a way that traumatizes the others so much that they're too scared of him to ever try anything again. Maybe this was before he came up with Lucille, which is more brutal and more visually stunning and so he has to kill less people to make his point or something, I don't know.

3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Heh. It would have been a bit on the nose for Alexandria's only surviving lesbian to manage to stumble into a lesbian separatist commune, but is it wrong that I was kind of hoping for it?

I would have loved it. LOL.

  • Love 5

At last!  An episode centered around a character even less charismatic than Carl!

Why does Tara always have her mouth hanging open in close-ups?  I get she was running around hiding behind trees at the beginning, but it bugged me throughout the EXTENDED show.  What made this boring entry a candidate for expansion?  More commercials?

I agree - after a tremendous S6 finale that left us giddy with anticipation over who would buy it in the S7 kickoff, this seasonnette has been a tremendous disappointment.

Hey showrunners - Westworld is eating your lunch this year.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, leisawoo said:

I guess Alana's boobs stole the show since they're a hot topic, lol. As a fellow heavy breasted woman, I salute! She may be nursing but anywhoooo doesn't this topic say a laawwwt about the writing and this episode?

Remember, that movie Mother, Jugs and Speed. Tara and the actress encompassed it all this episode. 

Tyresse, Eugene, Abraham and a few others all have weight above an apocalyptic setting. However I don't expect every actor to do the Christian Bale thing so I can hand wave it.

Anyone else notice how the walkers would lose their attention span at just the right moments? At the end, a bunch just stop pursuing Tara when she slipped behind a barrier.

TPTB, don't have your trip prone character magically avoid machine gun fire all through the woods, through the home camp and at a zombie tied up in the woods as a stationary target. Don't do it. Choreograph scenes worthy of the fan base you've built. You did that crap on Fear of the Walking with Nick and the Cholos and it stunk and now you're bringing it back here.

  • Love 7

Tara is one of my favorite characters, so I've been waiting impatiently for her to reappear. Yeah, I was a little underwhelmed by the pacing of the episode - this story did not require 71 minutes - but overall I was good with it, and I'm very happy to have my goofy, big-hearted, fist-bumping girl back in the picture. Also, it was great to have an episode with zero Negan/Savior sightings.

As to the disproportionate punishment that the Saviors dealt out to the Oceanside clan, I  believe that everything Negan does is only about power, not logic. He doesn't care that killing half the group makes it harder for the others to scavenge up the amount of stuff that he's demanding; hell, I'd guess that he doesn't need a lot of the things he takes. He nuked all of the beds that the Saviors took from ASZ. Nah, it was a show of power from him while also throwing red meat to that pack of animals who make up the Saviors.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of Oceanside, and I'm already making a mental list of the ambassadors that ASZ should send back to talk truce with them. Tara, of course, but also Michonne, Rosita, and Enid. No guys; not yet, and sure as hell not Rick.

  • Love 6

I was okay with this episode, actually.  It was nice to see Tara again after all this time, and I liked seeing her finally get her own storyline.  What I didn't get, though, was why Kathy and Beatrice were sent with her.  Were they going to kill her all along?  And if so, how did Tara figure that out so quickly?  It seemed a bit random to me.

I liked Cyndie (correct spelling, according to the closed captions), and I liked Natania, her grandmother.  And I do hope we see the Oceanside ladies again soon.

As for Negan being back next week . . . I don't think it's that bad.  And at least it looks like we're getting multiple storylines next week, not just staying in one place, so that should be a plus, right?

Edited by Michel
  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Christi said:

Guess Tara just had a baby IRL...whatever. ..we didn't NEED her right now...and she looks "udderly" ridiculous ?

Okaaay okaaay but couldnt they at least put a baggy jacket on or something??

This is two comments you've made about the episode, only to complain about Tara's appearance. I'm sorry this woman doesn't meet your post-apocalyptic beauty standards. 

Oops, sorry- you also wondered why Eugene was sad when Tara returned because you thought she'd been at the Negan line-up. Maybe you should focus on plot instead of criticizing the body of a woman who just had a baby. Personally, I like seeing different, realistic body types on this show. Not only the trim and Hollywood-perfect survive.

RE the actual episode- it was a slower episode. I like Tara, but I think this could have been woven in with Alexandria plot, much like last week's episode was. I'm having flashbacks to the Terminus season, in terms of pacing; lots of "bottle" episodes before everyone comes together. For me that slows the momentum of the actual plot.

It does seems a bit like they're damned if they do, damned if they don't, though. If the episode advances the Saviors plot, people complain about Negan being on their screen. If it doesn't, it's slow and boring and time was wasted. 

placate, we don't know if Heath is dead or not. He and Tara got separated, and when she went back to the bridge, she found only his broken glasses and a plastic card with PPP on it, along with some tire tracks. I think it was silly for her to think he'd still be hanging out at the bridge, unless she was expecting to find his shambling corpse, but the implication when she didn't find him was that he got away, or was taken away by a third party. I suspect he'll pop up at some point later in the season.

Edited by cryptaknight
  • Love 17

Tara should be killed off because she's not very compelling and the cast is becoming large.   Rosita could have carried that episode better.  The actress's delivery of the snarky lines was cringeworthy.  I have no idea why she's still on the show. 

I will say that it's annoying that Eugene still looks so tubby being on the run all the time.  Chubby characters on a show that has people scavenging for three cans of vegetables in two weeks does bug me.  Overweight may be the norm, but not in that world.  And yes, I expect prettier and fitter people than me on tv, especially on a show about survival.   The solution was to not have a weak actress carry an hour show where she (who was previously a clutz) was evading multiple captors (in noticeably better shape).  It just didn't work for me.  

  • Love 6

.and look twice as big as last time we saw her...thats just silly

The last time we saw her, they were attempting to hide her noticeable pregnancy with baggy clothes.  She is not twice as big now as she was then.

This episode was okay.  I thought Cyndie was a good character.  As for the murder of all the males ten and older, I thought Natania said that their group had tried fighting the Saviors (gone to war against?), and so that was a special punishment. 

I do think the writers of this show should learn how to weave multiple stories into a single episode. 

  • Love 13

Oh look. Another community who managed to build a working social group, with a sense of security and cooperation. Rick has got to be the worst leader ever. No wonder they kill every stranger they see. They must have heard about Rick and his streak of fucking up every settled community he come into contact with. 

At least this new group remembers their elementary school history.  There's a reason why people settled around bodies of water.  Access to water and an abundant food source, and only having to defend two or three sides of your settlement?  No thanks.  We'd rather wander through zombie infested woods looking for cans of pudding and hoping to find some potable water.  Who needs fresh fish, crabs and oysters when you can have Alpo?

  • Love 24

I do think the writers of this show should learn how to weave multiple stories into a single episode. 

I was complaining to Hubby about how drawn out these one character/one plot episodes are and noted how little filming each actor actually probably  does per season, and he theorized that the actors may be getting paid per episode.

  • Love 4

ANOTHER new group? So now we have ASZ, the Saviors, Hilltop, The Kingdom, and Oceanside. How did none of these groups know about each other, yet the Saviors have come across all of them? Next week - a feral kid group, living in caves. 

Seriously. I like Tara. I find her very relateable. She's awkward and dorky, but incredibly loyal and determined. It was nice to see what she and Heath have been up to. I found the Oceanside group interesting as well. I loved her reunion with Eugene. She brings some much needed comedy to the show. Flipping off the little kid was hilarious. 

But damn, this show sucks at pacing. All these stand alone episodes are really making the show drag, IMO. We haven't seen Carol and Morgan 4 weeks. I seriously think they believe the lurking threat of big bad Negan is enough to sustain people, and it's simply not. 

I'm grudgingly holding on, waiting for the 3 or 4 groups to unite and finally take the Saviors down. Because we all know that's where this is going. Yawn. 

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

What struck me this episode is that Tara and Heath were out for two weeks and found nothing. 1) How is it that they didn't run into any of the hundreds of Saviors supposedly around the area? 2) If there is nothing to scavenge, that makes trying to find food for the Saviors a dicier proposition 3) You can walk from the ocean to Alexandria? 4)Where are all these communities in proximity to each other? 5) Seriously, how did Aaron never run into a Savior on his quest to find new people for Alexandria and how did Negan NOT know about Alexandria before Rick & Crew attacked them? 

All very good questions.  The answer is... because.

Unless this season ends with all the separate communities joining together to take down Negan this has been a humongous waste of time.  Having to go weeks before we see certain people again not only makes continuity difficult but it's boring as hell.

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, Johnny Dollar said:

Oh look. Another community who managed to build a working social group, with a sense of security and cooperation. Rick has got to be the worst leader ever. No wonder they kill every stranger they see. They must have heard about Rick and his streak of fucking up every settled community he come into contact with. 

At least this new group remembers their elementary school history.  There's a reason why people settled around bodies of water.  Access to water and an abundant food source, and only having to defend two or three sides of your settlement?  No thanks.  We'd rather wander through zombie infested woods looking for cans of pudding and hoping to find some potable water.  Who needs fresh fish, crabs and oysters when you can have Alpo?

I like that Oceanside was near the water.Fresh fish is good for you. Couldn't the settlement be attacked from the Ocean? Someone could get a boat. In Fear the Walking Dead, the Walkers come from the ocean onto the beach.  

  • Love 1

Oddly I liked the episode because I thought it was going to be a Negan one and was surprised he wasn't in it. I saw the preview last week and just assumed it was FTWD commercial so I tuned it out.  I loved how we see how far the Saviors reach is but the problem is I didn't think it needed a whole episode. I think this could have been a webisode online only or just showed the last 15 minutes. Since they waited 8-9 episodes to catch up with Heath and Tara who really cares. Health is on staring in a new show so we know he won't be back. I too just assumed it was a lesbian community before the truth was revealed and I was like okay sisters are doing it for themselves lol.  Do the writers not think there is a correlation between a drop in the ratings and the pacing of the show? I love a good bottle episode but I doubt anyone was clamoring to see Tara. Too much filler since they started doing more episodes. I really think this will be Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira  and maybe Norman Reedus' last season so I wanted the show to focus on the core group have their possible last season be great. (I guess there is always fanfiction)

  • Love 1

By itself, the episode wasn't terrible and had it been in a season that was otherwise cohesive and well-paced and well thought out where it wasn't painfully obvious that the show is just trying to stretch out the whole Negan is the biggest baddest evil to ever evil thing to ridiculous lengths, it wouldn't have been my favorite episode but I wouldn't have minded it.  I generally enjoy the snippets we get of how people other than our wrecking crew are trying to ride out the ZA. I also generally like Tara for the sorely needed off-beat humor she brings even if I don't think she's a lead actress to carry an episode by herself.

The problem yet again is the pacing (Just how many groups Negan has fucked over are we going to have sit through?), a completely overstuffed cast, and the sheer number of plot holes this episode once again highlighted.  Two weeks out and all they could find were a few rusty cans?  Then we can probably assume the entire region is probably already picked clean and everyone we've met this season has a bigger problem in that there's nothing left to get.  Just how far did they go?  I keep coming back to our first introduction to Alexandria when we were told they'd cleared 55 miles out.  Yet they never came across any of these people?  Not the Saviors, not the Kingdom, not Hilltop, nothing?  They're apparently all close enough together than Carl and Enid can rollerskate from Alexandria to Hilltop and Tara can walk home from Oceanside but they otherwise can't find each other? 

And that's before you get to the utter stupidity of Negan's "management" in killing so many of the people he expects to produce for him.  I understand that Oceanside was meant to be an example of what happened to a community who did try to fight back.  But this method only guarantees that eventually all of the producers are going to be dead and all of his mustache twirling henchmen are going to have to stop wasting time moving heavy furniture to burn and setting up elaborate Wile E. Coyote roadblocks to grow or scavenge something themselves.  Or in the faux Waterworld crew's case, they've all run away and hid and you still get nothing from them.

It doesn't help that as I was watching these women open their arsenal, I could only think that eventually Rick and crew are going to roll up with the justification that they need it and at least half these women are going to end up dead and their community in ruins.  Because that's what always happens.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 12
10 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

All I could think when Tara was galloping around was "ouch"! Tara, sweetheart, I know well-made foundation garments are scarce now, but please try and find a lingerie store somewhere and get a better bra.

I think we need to give her a break.  She's probably nursing.  A good bra would make her look like Anna Nicole Smith, which is why I'm guessing she wasn't wearing a good bra.  And all of that had to be uncomfortable.  

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Eugene's face when Tara returned. Ouch.

I figured Heath would meet his maker because of Corey Hawkins' 24 lead role, and it's nice to see a talented young actor go on to bigger and hopefully better things, but it's really irritating that he died as a direct result of Tara's stupidity, pretty much sacrificing himself for Tara's worthless ass in the process, and that Tara strolled back to the Alexandria gates with a smile on her face wearing dumb novelty sunglasses. Really, bitch? Really?

How do you know he's dead? His corpse wasnt walking around and the little rv was missing. Just because he wasnt at ASZ when Tara got there doesnt mean he's dead.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Well that's a little fucking unfair to a pregnant actress.  Pregnancy means being fired, or sidelined without pay for a year.  Pretty sure the actors' union wouldn't approve, but the 1950s would. 

I didn't hear this much bitching and moaning when Hurley remained obese for season after season on Lost.

Really? Because I did. That was even stupider. They even ended up lampshading it in the show so people would shut up about it.

  • Love 4

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