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LIVE CHAT: Election Night 2016 (11/8/2016)

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Just now, Apprentice79 said:

Steven Schmidt said on MSNBC that this is the rural white populace taking their vengeance on the elitist, Urban, educated class that has treated them with derision and condescension for so long.

Yup. So, to show us they don't like being called stupid, they do the stupidest thing imaginable.

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In fact, no state has been called for Trump yet that he wasn't projected to win anyway.

Yeah, I'm feeling like I'm in a bit of an alternate universe right now, and I keep thinking I've missed an upset.  HAS a state that was expected to go for Hillary gone to Trump?

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Just now, Keepitmoving said:

OMG, Trump is going to be president.

Aside from hoping we don't die from nuclear attacks, and watching ALL of our global allies abandon us and our economy tank, and that stupid fucking wall, I just don't GET how we have a President that has 30 court cases coming up in the next year (before he's even served a single day in office). 

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Just now, Apprentice79 said:

Steven Schmidt said on MSNBC that this is the rural white populace taking their vengeance on the elitist, Urban, educated class that has treated them with derision and condescension for so long.

Because this has become such an urban, elitist, educated country when "they" ruled it. I mean, look at our education system: children learning Latin and French and trigonometry, poets making more money than athletes, symphonies outselling Lady Gaga... It's about damn time we get those bums out.

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Just now, Bastet said:

Yeah, I'm feeling like I'm in a bit of an alternate universe right now, and I keep thinking I've missed an upset.  HAS a state that was expected to go for Hillary gone to Trump?

NH (4) possibly.

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18 minutes ago, muessigkeit said:

Since you guys are all so frustrated by Florida's flip flopping might I suggest an exchange with Bavaria? Bavarians are ultra conservative nitwits but at least they're very consistent about it. Think about the offer; no need to hurry. As long as the deal's done before our general elections next September we're good.


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Just now, WhitneyWhit said:

I think we're all panicking because the swing states..every single one of them...are looking more and more like they're going for Trump.

Doesn't she need swing states? Especially since Michigan looks like it's acting stupid.

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Just now, WhitneyWhit said:

I think we're all panicking because the swing states..every single one of them...are looking more and more like they're going for Trump.




And it only took one for her to win.

Lord. Good lord. 

This is going to court. We all know it.

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Just now, Keepitmoving said:

Doesn't she need swing states? Especially since Michigan looks like it's acting stupid.

I didn't even notice Michigan. Frankly it's close to game over if he wins that. 

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23 minutes ago, kassa said:

I've  changed my sheets, scrubbed 2 toilets, and done a load of laundry.

The projection of each state's winner on the Empire State Building is eerily reminiscent of the dead tribute projections in the sky in The Hunger Games. 

Feel free to come over to my house and continue your stress-relieving cleaning... 

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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Yeah, I'm feeling like I'm in a bit of an alternate universe right now, and I keep thinking I've missed an upset.  HAS a state that was expected to go for Hillary gone to Trump?


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Just now, HumblePi said:

Don't be surprised if Trump goes up to the 170 electoral votes quick and easy and then up to a surprising 210 electoral votes, that's his ceiling right now
210 electoral votes

What are you saying? Don't panic? As I'm watching this unfold, I'm also watching my retirement account drain as the market freaks out. 

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1 minute ago, Keepitmoving said:

Doesn't she need swing states? Especially since Michigan looks like it's acting stupid.

Yes, she needs one, assuming PA stays dem, she must have one of Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire, or Nevada 

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4 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

I feel sick to my stomach.  Going to bed.  Saying tons of prayers.  



2 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I can't do this. I think I'm going to go to bed and try to sleep. If I stay up I'm just going to drive myself crazy.


No, no, don't go to bed!  There's James Carville being all "oh shucks" on MSNBC and we'll get NextIteration to post every third comment to keep the lid on our panic.

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I'm just jumping in for the coverage. I'm not in the right mood for Fox News tonight so I'm just listening to Keepin' It 1600's live check ins. Their nervousness isn't making me happy but I still feel like we'll get through this. 

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Well, I just too two beta-blockers.  That should hopefully make me a little less jittery.

My husband continues to tell me it will be okay.

A lot of great stuff happened in the last eight years, but the best thing was being able to get married.  I can give up just about everything, but not that.

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