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S11.E17: Puppet Strings And Tamra's Wings

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I remember hearing a couple of OC producers who handle Vicki discussing her on Andy Radio.  They said that Vicki does not plan out anything.  That she enters every season with the intention of not making any waves and staying neutral on everything.  And that things just happen.  Frankly, I  believe that when the rest of the women snubbed her at the beginning of the season, she aligned herself with Kelly.   And what do you do when you are trying to quickly create an alliance and when the rest of the women are snubbing you?  You exchange secrets.  I think Vicki and Kelly did gossip extensively about the other women.   The problem is that Kelly never apologizes when she first annoys someone.  Instead she attacks and apologizes later. And she drinks too much.  Vicki never spoke on air about David even after the fight with him at the 60's party.  But the moment Kelly thought Vicki didn't have her back, she spilled everything.   And Shannon freaked.  Frankly, I don't know why Tamra was upset.  All that Eddie stuff has been discussed on line for years.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

 Does she not realize that her behavior is not what people look for when hiring someone?  

A good lesson to remember when one votes for those running our country.

3 minutes ago, Pattycake2 said:

Vicki never spoke on air about David even after the fight with him at the 60's party.

We don't know this.  There is A LOT of tape on "the cutting room floor."

  • Love 4

I can only presume the guy can read and figure out what Brooks was all about-and not the glossed over person Vicki presents. 

Yeah, I'm side-eyeing this new guy HARD.


I believe what crushed Shannon is the incident was mischaracterized.   In Shannon's mind there is a difference between beating the shit/crap out of someone and what happened in 2003.

Oh, definitely. (I should've also said the form in which it was brought up, as well.)

Edited by jaync
  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

When Vicki realizes she won't be asked back.


NotNowImBusy...I can't quote you without adding the photo you posted.   This picture epitomizes everything PERFECT about Vicki's appearance...hair, nose, teeth, taste in jewelry, and most of all, one of her "ain't I cute" facial expressions.  Can't say I like this as much as "this is SPICY."



  • Love 7
2 hours ago, MatildaMoody said:

Brianna wanted to move back. She hated OK claiming that she didn't have any friends there. There was also the fact that her health was an issue and she wanted to be near her original doctors. Those were her initial reasons. But, I have a hard time liking Brianna because she is Vicki. She has that same smug attitude about working. She has horrible taste in men. She loves getting involved in the gossip happening on the show.

The thing that bugs me the most about her is that she is quick to put her mother on blast on television, but when her husband gets backlash for being a raging asshole, she has no problem with her mother whisking her out of the country until the fury dies down. It's a pattern with her, trash her mother and then depend on her mother to foot the bill for something. She needs Vicki on this show as much as Vicki needs the show. It's why as much as she pretends that she is over it, she will always come back and even participate in the reunions - which no other housewives child has ever done.  

Briana and Vicki do have a codependency going, but Briana is different in that she is aware that other people matter and their feelings need to be addressed - while Vicki doesn't really see others as real.

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, Pattycake2 said:

I remember hearing a couple of OC producers who handle Vicki discussing her on Andy Radio.  They said that Vicki does not plan out anything.  That she enters every season with the intention of not making any waves and staying neutral on everything.  And that things just happen.  Frankly, I  believe that when the rest of the women snubbed her at the beginning of the season, she aligned herself with Kelly.   And what do you do when you are trying to quickly create an alliance and when the rest of the women are snubbing you?  You exchange secrets.  I think Vicki and Kelly did gossip extensively about the other women.   The problem is that Kelly never apologizes when she first annoys someone.  Instead she attacks and apologizes later. And she drinks too much.  Vicki never spoke on air about David even after the fight with him at the 60's party.  But the moment Kelly thought Vicki didn't have her back, she spilled everything.   And Shannon freaked.  Frankly, I don't know why Tamra was upset.  All that Eddie stuff has been discussed on line for years.

Nahhhh, Vicki makes sure she spreads her lies/gossip/others secrets so that others (Tamra in the past/Kelly now) use them as weapons for her and so she can claim innocence when they are fired at her intended target, much like she did when she told her brother/GF about David cheating on Shannon last season even though it was told to her in strict confidence. Also, saying that Eddied cheated on Tamra, that he was gay and that David beat the shit out of Shannon gives these rumors legitimacy because she, Vicki, claims that Tamra/Shannon told her these things in confidence.  

  • Love 4

If I were Shannon I'd be more upset over the chin hair comment than the attack on David.    She's aware of what happened w/David & the police, so this didn't come as a shock - just a really low blow.  But the chin hair!  OMG how did she miss that?   I have a strict medical directive - my SIL has been told should I become incapacitated, in a coma, whatever, she is to immediately go to the hospital with a pair of tweezers! 

When my SIL was extremely ill with West Nile Virus, and in the hospital, I was there for her with a razor.   Same w/my MIL when she was dying and in a coma - tweezers at hand.   I bet the entire flight home, Shannon was feeling for that (those hairs), and couldn't wait to get her hands on tweezers.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

The difference, and a big one at that, is that Shannon stands by her initial explanation, that David never hit her. Shannon isn't claiming that the DV incident never happened, she is saying that Vicki is lying when she claims that David in fact "hit her/beat the shit out of her". And, sorry, I do think claiming a man hits/beats a woman./his wife is up there with the surrogacy reveal, especially since 1 was true and the other a harmful lie.

No, what I meant was that the surrogacy reveal was truly a secret. Something that wasn't known to most of the cast and certainly not known to the audience. It also had nothing at all to do with what was going on during the season. I didn't mean to infer that revealing one thing would be worse than the other. Just that Shannon has talked about this more than once, has interviewed about it, etc., so the fact that it was brought up on the show should hardly be shocking to her. Her marriage and the difficulties involved have been her major storyline since her very first appearance on our TV. She acts like she cannot believe it has happened which is just beyond strange to me. Regardless of what story Shannon and David tell now, there is a segment of the population that is going to read the headline of what happened all of those years ago and assume that David was aggressive towards Shannon. They will assume this because Shannon called the police on her husband and told them she was in danger. 

We have zero idea what happened between Shannon and David all of those years ago. We have zero idea what Shannon told Vicki back when they were close and Shannon was angry and hurt by David. Everyone would have their own feelings about this, but I find it nearly impossible to believe that Shannon actually called the police because she wanted an argument to stop, which is what she is saying. I do think she is fairly dumb, incredibly needy, and does not possess the ability to cope with many things. She needs to run to Dr. Moon 3 times a week for absolutely no good reason except that she thinks she needs to. She needs a certain amount of lemons around to properly exist.  She needs her husband to fish things out of her ass. She is needy times 10. It is just hard for me to know what the truth is here, but harder to understand why someone who has talked so much about honesty is surprised that her husband's arrest for domestic abuse was brought up on her reality TV show. The arrest she herself has talked about. 

  • Love 8

My thoughts!

I think Kelly's husband was shaking his head because Kelly said it wrong, "Heather is puppet, and EVERYONE else is the master." Oh no. The other way. She got it right the next time she said it.

I can't believe Tamra is cozying up to Kelly! It's a great show of how she really doesn't give a shit about Heather. If anyone is the master, it's Tamra. She starts all the shit and no one holds anything against her ever. She must be super fun.

Eddie did seem gay at first. The gingerly lighting of candles, and the sips of wine... he seems less gay now. Is that PC? Probably not. But he has Tamra now who has the body of a man, so maybe he's happy.

Kelly is a fighter. I give her that. She doesn't back down, and I love how she just kept up her stamina and kept going, not caring or letting what the other ladies say affect her. That's pretty cool, though I do hate Kelly. If she was smarter, she could be a great lawyer. Like DUI court.

Tamra "You are judged on how you look in a bikini."

No, your judged on how healthy you look. That said, I felt bad the white lady won over the black lady. Priviledge?

I wanted more reaction from the other women that Kelly was there. Whoever Tamra likes, so does Heather.

  • Love 4

Y'all can say what you will about Briana, but I cannot get enough of her not only REFUSING to swallow her mother's bullshit, but actually coming back at her with what she knows (from life-long experience dealing w/ this psychopath) was probably really happening, and then letting her mother know right up front, in no uncertain terms, and to her face that she's not buying it.  For a second.    <applause for Briana>  

  • Love 22
37 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

Y'all can say what you will about Briana, but I cannot get enough of her not only REFUSING to swallow her mother's bullshit, but actually coming back at her with what she knows (from life-long experience dealing w/ this psychopath) was probably really happening, and then letting her mother know right up front, in no uncertain terms, and to her face that she's not buying it.  For a second.    <applause for Briana>  

Yeah but will Briana change her tune when Vicki isn't asked back - and she has to lose the house and "gasp" either move in with Vicki or back to Oklahoma???   As horrible as Vicki is, and believe me, she's horrible, she gave every advantage to her kids - who always seem to bad mouth her  - or cut her down.  Vicki is so screwed up she will tolerate anything if she can get any kind of love.  She pays her kids to love her, which is sad.   If, by a long shot, Vicki loses her HW job, she wont have the money for the big family vacations, the house down payments, etc.  Her house doesn't have the "cache" it had 11 years ago - so selling it has been  hard.  There are always better, newer homes in more fashionable areas.   Vicki is on a downward spiral that is only held together by her role on HW.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

NotNowImBusy...I can't quote you without adding the photo you posted.   This picture epitomizes everything PERFECT about Vicki's appearance...hair, nose, teeth, taste in jewelry, and most of all, one of her "ain't I cute" facial expressions.  Can't say I like this as much as "this is SPICY."



How old is that blouse? Looks like it is from the 80's all poofy sleeves and shoulder pads.

  • Love 4

My daughter immediately jumped on Kelly using an unreferenced Will Ferrell ism as her own. And here is how she described Terry Dubrow 'He looks like one of the 7 dwarves. No! He looks like the FATHER of the 7 dwarves' Love this. It's stuck with me. 

When Gunvalson is called to account as she was in the bus trip to the airport, all of last season when the outrage and casserole expectations weren't working and especially the entire way through the last reunion, she pulls that face. The blank, numb, clocked out mask. I'm so entirely sick of it. She's going to do exactly this at the upcoming reunion, with a brief hiatus maybe when they roll Brianna out. So far this has worked for her because Andy and her castmates have let it. I'm really hoping that they are all as fed up as we are and push for accountability or at least a reaction. I'm simply not going to watch another 3 parter where Gunvalson is permitted to sit there earning a cheque and dodging all questions because she's employed this mask technique she has perfected. And is also permitted back up in the form of Brianna. That crew: Vicki, Brianna, Ragey Ryan and Michael and any of Vicki's latest plus ones need to be cut off the Bravo teat STAT. I think the same of Teresa Giudice who employs the same device when avoiding anything uncomfortable and is allowed to get away with it. 

Get rid of Kelly. Although given how bff Vicki is going to behave come reunion, Kelly lacks any self restraint and may yet again start spewing anything that enters her wetbrain. Her going to 'shoot the messenger' to justify barfing up any vile gossip she's been fed by Gunvalson in the last season plus any other racist or other crap she concocts just shows how truly morally retarded she is. 

Vicki is a dead end. Kim Richards should have been one and done and I hope Bravo think of her when they assess Kelly's future with the show. I didn't mind Brandi, unpopular opinion, I know, but Brandi had a strong friendship going with LVP and then with Yolo and she was smart and fast. Below the belt yes, trashy, yes but she also was linked with the messy Eddie Leanne thing too, so there was pop culture relevance at that time. And she was attractive. Kelly's got nothing. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Eddie did seem gay at first. The gingerly lighting of candles, and the sips of wine... he seems less gay now. Is that PC? Probably not. But he has Tamra now who has the body of a man, so maybe he's happy.

Idk about PC, but your comment could be rather offensive to gay people.  And yet you may have a valid point -- about Eddie seeming pretty "gay-ish", and maybe being turned onto Tams' now muscular bod.

I have to say -- there is something really, really, really bothering me about Vile Vicks bringing up the Eddie-is-gay stuff.  First off, I thought Satan Andy talked about this topic (on WWHL) until it was a tiresome subject.  I figured it was dropped because either nobody believed it or nobody cared one way or another.  OK, so Vile Vicks decided to bring it back up.  Why?  Uh, is Vile Vicks bringing it back up because she's a homophobic asshole & she thinks it's the biggest insult she can hurl at Tams (and Eddie), supposedly cutting down his manhood by saying he's gay?  Oh Vile Vicks, if that's your motivation for doing this, then you truly are the vilest person in Satan Andy's employ -- which says a lot.

Now, there could also be something else going on.  Look, I've always had my theories on Eddie.  I thought for sure he was gay.  Then I just forgot about it because I don't especially care.  Maybe he is gay or maybe he's bi or maybe he's "sexually fluid" or maybe he's totally straight.  In any case, he says he's straight -- so I think it's merely decently respectful to take him at his word.  And besides, it's their marriage & their business what goes on in it.  Whatever.  But here's the thing . . . why is Vile Vicks bringing up this tired shit again?  Could it be that she knows something we don't?  Is she spilling Tams' secrets?  Sheesh, how vile and lowball would that be?

In the end, none of your nasty bullshit matters, Vile Vicks.  Eddie seems like a nice guy.  He works hard & he's responsible.  He treats Tams well & they seem like they have a real marriage, where they live together & positively support each other -- whatever his sexuality is, even if it is different from what he says.  Vile Vicks is pea-green jealous because she can't get someone like Eddie.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, notnowimbusy said:

If I were Shannon I'd be more upset over the chin hair comment than the attack on David.    She's aware of what happened w/David & the police, so this didn't come as a shock - just a really low blow.  But the chin hair!  OMG how did she miss that?   I have a strict medical directive - my SIL has been told should I become incapacitated, in a coma, whatever, she is to immediately go to the hospital with a pair of tweezers! 

When my SIL was extremely ill with West Nile Virus, and in the hospital, I was there for her with a razor.   Same w/my MIL when she was dying and in a coma - tweezers at hand.   I bet the entire flight home, Shannon was feeling for that (those hairs), and couldn't wait to get her hands on tweezers.

Shannon said on WWHL last night that she didn't shave/pluck or remove her chin hair but that Tamra and Vicki or Kelly did as well. LOL

1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

No, what I meant was that the surrogacy reveal was truly a secret. Something that wasn't known to most of the cast and certainly not known to the audience. It also had nothing at all to do with what was going on during the season. I didn't mean to infer that revealing one thing would be worse than the other. Just that Shannon has talked about this more than once, has interviewed about it, etc., so the fact that it was brought up on the show should hardly be shocking to her. Her marriage and the difficulties involved have been her major storyline since her very first appearance on our TV. She acts like she cannot believe it has happened which is just beyond strange to me. Regardless of what story Shannon and David tell now, there is a segment of the population that is going to read the headline of what happened all of those years ago and assume that David was aggressive towards Shannon. They will assume this because Shannon called the police on her husband and told them she was in danger. 

We have zero idea what happened between Shannon and David all of those years ago. We have zero idea what Shannon told Vicki back when they were close and Shannon was angry and hurt by David. Everyone would have their own feelings about this, but I find it nearly impossible to believe that Shannon actually called the police because she wanted an argument to stop, which is what she is saying. I do think she is fairly dumb, incredibly needy, and does not possess the ability to cope with many things. She needs to run to Dr. Moon 3 times a week for absolutely no good reason except that she thinks she needs to. She needs a certain amount of lemons around to properly exist.  She needs her husband to fish things out of her ass. She is needy times 10. It is just hard for me to know what the truth is here, but harder to understand why someone who has talked so much about honesty is surprised that her husband's arrest for domestic abuse was brought up on her reality TV show. The arrest she herself has talked about. 

Again, I don't think Shannon was surprised or upset that the DV was brought up on the show but that it was used to hurt her and that in doing so Vicki also told Kelly a lie instead of the truth. She said it was just like when Vicki claimed that her, Shannon's, MIL had dinner with David's affair because according to Shannon, not only wasn't there any family dinner including the affair but that her MIL has never even met the woman. Her point was that Vicki has no problems inventing things/lying to hurt/humiliate her or the others as payback for Brooks leaving her and none of them rushing to console her with casseroles. LOL 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I don't know if David hit Shannon.  He didn't have to in order to be arrested.  I highly doubt he beat the shit of her because he probably would have been charged with a felony.  He may have pushed her.  He may have thrown something across the room.  Keep in mind the victim does not have to have any visible injury for arrest or conviction.  He may have grabbed her.  He may have grabbed her clothing. 

We also don't know what Shannon said to the police.  Maybe she was afraid he was going to hit her.  Maybe she said he threatened her.  Maybe she said he pushed.  My problem with this is that people are drawing conclusions without all the facts and that just isn't fair.  It's interesting that two tabloids stated they obtained the court documents.  One says that David pleaded guilty, the other says David pleaded not guilty:


If I was married to Shannon I'd probably slap her across the head at least once a day and be happy to be confined to prison and away from her screeching voice for a few years.  Just kidding of course, but my brain doesn't like her voice at all especially in Ireland when she insisted on trying to speak with an Irish accent which wasn't even close to an Irish accent but she felt if she said it louder each time it might work.  'top of the MORNIN!' Her angry voice just reaches decibels that only certain dogs can hear.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Idk about PC, but your comment could be rather offensive to gay people.  And yet you may have a valid point -- about Eddie seeming pretty "gay-ish", and maybe being turned onto Tams' now muscular bod.

I have to say there is something really, really, really bothering me about Vile Vicks bringing up the Eddie-is-gay stuff.  First off, I thought Satan Andy talked about this topic until it was a tiresome subject.  I figured it was dropped because either nobody believed it or nobody cared one way or another.  OK, so Vile Vicks decided to bring it back up.  Why?  Uh, is Vile Vicks bringing it back up because she's a homophobic asshole & she thinks it's the biggest insult she can hurl at Tams (and Eddie) to supposedly cutting down his manhood by saying he's gay?  Oh Vile Vicks, if that's your motivation for doing this, then you truly are the vilest person in Satan Andy's employ -- which says a lot.

Now, there could also be something else going on.  Look, I've always had my theories on Eddie.  I thought for sure he was gay.  Then I just forgot about it because I don't especially care.  Maybe he is gay or maybe he's bi or maybe he's "sexually fluid" or maybe he's totally straight.  In any case, he says he's straight -- so I think it's merely decently respectful to take him at his word.  And besides, it's their marriage & their business what goes on in it.  Whatever.  But here's the thing . . . why is Vile Vicks bring this tired shit up again?  Could it be that she knows something we don't?  Is she spilling Tams' secrets?  Sheesh, how vile and lowball would that be?

You answered your own question, she IS that "vile and lowball". All she wants is to hurt Tamra, Shannon, Heather and Meghan for the simple fact that Brooks broke up with her, it's all their fault in her opinion. This is a woman that lied to the Bravo TV world about her BF having cancer, no lie is too big/low in her mind.

  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, notnowimbusy said:

Mini Mani Moo    http://www.clayedwardspr.com/vgminimanimoo  

OMG she's calling it WooHoo Gel.   UGH!

Oh Good Grief! The woman has no shame, none! Did this company have any idea about the cancer lie last season and did they know about her failed cancer charity scheme this year before they decided to use her as a paid spokesperson? I wonder how long before they drop her after getting feedback from viewers? LOL

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, WireWrap said:

You answered your own question, she IS that "vile and lowball". All she wants is to hurt Tamra, Shannon, Heather and Meghan for the simple fact that Brooks broke up with her, it's all their fault in her opinion. This is a woman that lied to the Bravo TV world about her BF having cancer, no lie is too big/low in her mind.

I know, but this is exactly why I find this show so difficult & unpleasant to watch now.  It would be one thing if I thought Vicks was wronged & was seeking revenge on those who wronged her.  That might be fun to watch.  But that's not at all what's going on here.  We know, from watching her being outed by these women for lying to us about Brooks' cancer (or rather -- FAKE CANCER, which she knew ALL along was FAKE CANCER) right thru ALL of last season, she was definitely NOT wronged.

OK, so what is Satan Andy throwing at us here?  Vile Vicks the Cancer Scammer getting back at the women who outed her cancer scam.  Really?  Ick, yuck, blech & feh.  This is almost as painful & awful to watch as Bethenny's Frankelstein monster routine.  Idk, maybe I'm just over Satan Andy & Bravo.

Bring on Vanderpump Rules.  This shit can't go off soon enough for me.  I can't stand Vile Vicks' disgusting crap anymore.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 11
52 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I know, but this is exactly why I find this show so difficult & unpleasant to watch now.  It would be one thing if I thought Vicks was wronged & was seeking revenge on those who wronged her.  That might be fun to watch.  But that's not at all what's going on here.  We know from watching her being outed by these women for lying to us about Brooks' cancer for ALL of last season, she was definitely NOT wronged.

OK, so what is Satan Andy throwing at us here?  Vile Vicks the Cancer Scammer getting at back at the women who outed her cancer scam.  Really?  Ick, yuck, blech & feh.  This is almost as painful & awful to watch as Bethenny's Frankelstein monster routine.  Idk, maybe I'm just over Satan Andy & Bravo.

Bring on Vanderpump Rules.  This shit can't go off soon enough for me.  I can't stand Vile Vicks' disgusting crap anymore.

I am hoping that Andy/Bravo gave Vicki just enough rope to hang herself for good this time. I am probably wrong but well...... LOL

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Team Meghan.  Everyone else at this point sucks.  And that includes Brianna.

Can we please not have any political references whatsoever here?  I can't check my FB without being inundated by them.  Gah.

I agree with Meghan's commentary about what was taking place on the bus.  The other women were trying to take Kelly down, calling her trash, insane, saying she was having a psychotic break etc.  I also agree with Meghan calling Heather conniving.  As far as what Kelly said, meh.   If someone said my husband was gay, I'd laugh.  Who cares?  I certainly wouldn't scream fuck you at the person.  As far as Shannon goes, it's a matter of public record that her husband was arrested for DV. So Vicki exaggerated and said he beat the shit out of her.  Shannon didn't deny that he hit her.  Vicki was just saying that David was intimidating and she was afraid around him.  He did get into her personal space at the '70's party while speaking aggressively.  He shouldn't do that with women, no man should, but especially a not man who's been arrested for violence against his wife.  Shannon really really wants to keep her family's dirty laundry off the show, good luck with that.

More shots of Kelly eating, both with Meghan and Tamra.  Somebody likes the way you look eating Kelly!

Kelly always looks great.  Her clothes and handbags are  fabulous, jewelry too.  And her hair and makeup are always on point.  I wonder if she has a stylist.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I believe what crushed Shannon is the incident was mischaracterized.   In Shannon's mind there is a difference between beating the shit/crap out of someone and what happened in 2003. It was idiot Vicki who deemed it a secret and she had the key and could unlock it and hurt Shannon's family.  Vicki should have stuck by her good deed- encouraging Shannon and David to stay together.  That was being a good friend-although Vicki's reason for doing so-the dating world for the over 50 is tough-was less than magnanimous.

I felt for Shannon she was defending her marriage, we worked on it, we renewed our vows, she was really crushed over the allegation.  Vicki sees no one else's pain.  Last night on WWHL, when asked who was more at fault between Vicki and Kelly, Tamra immediately said, "Vicki" and Shannon said, "Kelly, well maybe Vicki,"  Vicki won by a landslide. 

I think idiot Vicki categorized it as a lie told by Shannon.  In any event, I don't think Shannon told Vicki any revelation about the night of the domestic dispute.  Just as I don't believe Tamra told Vicki that Eddie was gay or having affairs.  IMO, it was a case of melding gossip with a friendship and then implying things to Kelly.  Kelly, the 'college graduate' melded it even further with more hyperbole for a more dramatic effect. 

On another note, it seems that whatever Vicki gives her children, it comes with a caveat.  I bought you a car.  Wonderful mom.  You make the payments.  I bought you a house. Wonderful mom.  Of course you have to pay me back when your other house is sold.  I'm not crazy abut Brianna but I can't blame her for wanting to come back to the area where she grew up and is familiar with plus she seemed to really loved her job there.  Add to that, she seemed very pleased with the medical care she was given (and she obviously has medical problems), it does give her children the opportunity to have a relationship with their grandmother (and I have a feeling their step grandfather) and she probably gets a decent paycheck that gives her more time to be with her children.  Yeah, Ryan is back in OK but as a military wife, being separated for periods of time is not something new.  It's a way of life and it's easier to accept.  And maybe it's easier to accept on my part because I know so many military contractors (including my own family) that have spent long periods of time away from one another including working in other states. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I think idiot Vicki categorized it as a lie told by Shannon.  In any event, I don't think Shannon told Vicki any revelation about the night of the domestic dispute.  Just as I don't believe Tamra told Vicki that Eddie was gay or having affairs.  IMO, it was a case of melding gossip with a friendship and then implying things to Kelly.  Kelly, the 'college graduate' melded it even further with more hyperbole for a more dramatic effect. 

The Eddie-is-gay stuff is mostly a yawner.  Tams should give it zero attention.  It seemed to get under her skin.  Eddie probably couldn't care less.  One thing about Eddie -- he's pretty upfront on what he thinks about Vicks.  Exactly the same as what most of us think of her.  She's awful.  So who cares what she says?  Everyone should just ignore her.

And yet, the stuff Vicks said about David beating up Shannon was particularly cruel -- nearly to the level of the Frankelstein monster's cruelty . . . and that's pretty damn freakin' cruel.  Idk, to me, Shannon & David seem like they're in an alternate universe of denial about the real state of their marriage.  But I give them BOTH credit on how hard they're trying to make the marriage work & continue on -- for whatever their reasons.  True, it's kinda sad to watch how they BOTH seem to be walking on eggshells with each other.  That marriage is holding on by a very thin thread.  

Vile Vicks bringing up this bit of their past (which is now irrelevant to their present, but enough to cause them considerable pain to think about & defend against) was exceptionally nasty & insensitive.  Sorry, I just can't even look at Vile Vicks anymore.  And I don't think any better of Kelly either.  They could kick her off the show & I wouldn't miss her (or that ugly horrible husband of hers) one bit.

OK, so what's the scoop with Heather now?  Seriously, it's like she's flailing.  I mean it.  I expect her to just flap her arms like a bird & screech, "Don't forget about me, producers.  I'm over here.  Don't forget me.  I'm the actress.  I'm the supposedly rich one.  I'm the one building the bed & breakfast inn.  Don't forget me.  Focus those cams on me!!!!!!"  

We've seen some desperate gals in Housewives-land, desperate for cam time, but wowza.  WTF is goin' on with Heather?  Maybe she knows she has absolutely no reason to be on the show?  She serves NO purpose here.  Her telling Kelly to shut up or sit down like she's a kindergarten teacher is beyond ridiculous.  I get that she wants to hold onto her dignity & I absolutely respect her for that.  But at the same time, it pretty much eliminates her as someone who should be part of a show like this.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, queenjen said:

I didn't mind Brandi, unpopular opinion, I know,

I liked Brandi more than I didn't.  She was cute and enjoyable...when not drunk.   Kelly is not cute or enjoyable...drunk or sober.  She always has a bitchy look on her face and her mouth always reminds me of those red wax lips.  

  • Love 7
On 10/24/2016 at 7:53 PM, VedaPierce said:

Omg! Thought same. No elasticity anymore :( she may be the hottest grandma in oc, but still, grandma. Not that there's anything wrong with that. We should all be so lucky one day :)

Tamrat looked good. Don't mind the missing belly button. Many people are walking around missing more obvious body parts. It's not like she got rid of it on purpose. 

  • Love 12

I am strongly agreeing with a couple of themes that are emerging here:

Vicki is on a downward spiral. She hasn't recovered from Brooks dumping her. She is jealous to the point of insanity of anyone else's relationship and will try to undermine, disrespect or destroy those relationships. 

Question: who thinks that Vicki would still be with Brooks if he hadn't ended their relationship and what does that tell us about Vicki Gunvalson? 

I think Vicki and Kelly should have adjoining, no a shared room, in a state mental facility.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

Tamra "You are judged on how you look in a bikini."

No, your judged on how healthy you look. That said, I felt bad the white lady won over the black lady. Privilege?

The only privilege I saw was one of them was a "famous" TV celebrity. 

2 hours ago, queenjen said:

Question: who thinks that Vicki would still be with Brooks if he hadn't ended their relationship and what does that tell us about Vicki Gunvalson? 

I have no doubt she's still be with him; in fact, earlier in the season, she said she chased after him when he left and collapsed in a sobbing heap in the street, then later she called him on speed-dial after Shannon's 1970's party.

On ‎10‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:45 AM, Tara Ariano said:

The Ireland trip ends with a bus ride from hell; back in Orange County, the women try to make sense of their war on foreign soil; after months of diet and exercise, Tamra is ready to flaunt her body onstage at her long-awaited fitness competition.

"flaunt"? ha ha!

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm totally torn on the Ireland trip, particularly that last night, and haven't commented on that specifically.  The whole thing was very uncomfortable, and I did feel for Kelly.  If she wasn't being set up, someone (her producer, Vicki) was telling her she was.  And I'm still unsure about the Shannon comment to double the shots.  At the time, I thought they were showing it to portray Shannon as an alcoholic.

That's not really upper crust European, it's European in general.  In fact, I think the majority of countries eat in that fashion.  It's also a manner affected by many upwardly mobile Americans.  I'm not a stickler for table manners, but after watching people clutch their fork like a toddler, and stab into their meat as they cut, I wish grade school would include basic table manners.  Maybe it would cut down on those who impale their meat with their fork, then hold it in the air as they eat off of it. 

I eat in a modified version of "European" style.  I've never figured out how to eat peas and other small items in this manner.  It is fun to watch non-American actors accidentally out themselves when playing Americans.  I noticed Mathew Rhys doing so on The American.




So sorry, jumped inside the post again and no way to get out on mobile.


 Etiquette class taught me to do as my host so I eat like the table I'm sitting at be it European, Thai, Arab or whatever.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

If I were Shannon I'd be more upset over the chin hair comment than the attack on David.    She's aware of what happened w/David & the police, so this didn't come as a shock - just a really low blow.  But the chin hair!  OMG how did she miss that?   I have a strict medical directive - my SIL has been told should I become incapacitated, in a coma, whatever, she is to immediately go to the hospital with a pair of tweezers! 

When my SIL was extremely ill with West Nile Virus, and in the hospital, I was there for her with a razor.   Same w/my MIL when she was dying and in a coma - tweezers at hand.   I bet the entire flight home, Shannon was feeling for that (those hairs), and couldn't wait to get her hands on tweezers.

Haha! We have the same pact! I'm glad to see that others here (who I didn't quote) do as well!



Mini Mani Moo    http://www.clayedwardspr.com/vgminimanimoo

OMG she's calling it WooHoo Gel.   UGH!

Is Vicki Vodka still a thing? Do they still have their wine line?

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Shannon has denied that David hit her and I suspect she did do it that night but they edited it out. As for the bolded part, Vicki walked over to the table David  was at with his friend, someone Vicki did not know, and started to speak badly about Shannon, loudly so that David was sure to hear every single word she said. Then she walked over to him and invaded his personal space as he was telling her to knock it off/shut up. LOL


This isn't what happened per the vid clip, which is on Bravo's site. All we see is Vix standing at a table with David and 2 anonymous men and she says, "Shannon's in her glory." David, IMO, then gets far too angry and aggressive in response to this comment. Neither invades the other's personal space -- the table is between them through a good part of the exchange. Shannon interrupts to say people are being mean to her -- well, actually, she whines. From the camera angle, it looks like Vix and David have moved toward each other to go nose to nose. Eventually, Vix walks away with Kelly and Michael. Vix remains the calmer one through the whole messy little incident. Here's the clip for those of you who desire to relive it (naturally, if other more damning evidence exists, by all means post it):



8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


OK, so what's the scoop with Heather now?  Seriously, it's like she's flailing.  I mean it.  I expect her to just flap her arms like a bird & screech, "Don't forget about me, producers.  I'm over here.  Don't forget me.  I'm the actress.  I'm the supposedly rich one.  I'm the one building the bed & breakfast inn.  Don't forget me.  Focus those cams on me!!!!!!"  

We've seen some desperate gals in Housewives-land, desperate for cam time, but wowza.  WTF is goin' on with Heather?  Maybe she knows she has absolutely no reason to be on the show?  She serves NO purpose here.  Her telling Kelly to shut up or sit down like she's a kindergarten teacher is beyond ridiculous.  I get that she wants to hold onto her dignity & I absolutely respect her for that.  But at the same time, it pretty much eliminates her as someone who should be part of a show like this.


Five or six weeks ago I caught Heather and Terry's segment on evine pushing their skincare products and Heather came across like someone beyond thrilled to be in the spotlight -- the segment hostess barely finished introducing her before Heather wrenched the mic away (figuratively speaking) and started blathering -- kind of:

Hostess: ... and we love it when they join us and tonight they have wonderful things to tell us about so please welcome Terry and Heather Du--

Heather: THANK you so much and I'm, um, we're, thrilled to be here and we have such amazing things to share and I'm a professional actress wonk wonk wonk.

I feel like Heather would flee the HWs instantly should a spot as a talk show panelist (or even better her own talk show where she can lecture viewers on how to improve and behave) or some manner of hosting gig be offered.

Edited by steelcitysister
  • Love 3

So it looks like she did give up on Kill all Cancer - since it was pretty much immediately outed as a scam.  But I bet she still has all the insurance leads she got from it in her rolodex... LOL.


She claims it wasn't HER charity. She was just the spokesperson.  It's never her!  It's always someone else! She is just trusting and believes people.  LOL.  Sure, sure, that's why on her son's FB page he used to say he was President at Kill All Cancer, and now there is no reference to it whatsoever on his FB page.

I saw the Nail Polish ad on my Instagram.  Just another thing she is trying to peddle like Wines By Wives, Vicki's Vodka, Vicki Jeans, etc.  Desperate.  This Nail Polish isn't going to pay for her Coto house.  She needs the big Bravo paycheck for that.

I do have to say, Tamra looks amazing.  For being 47 years old, she has a killer body.  I am only a couple years younger than her but I am motivated to keep up my workouts.

Kelly - unlikable. This show just has not worked out for her.  She is not coming off well, in any way.  It's not just the scenes where she is drunk and yelling swear words at people, it's also her scenes at home, with her hubs and extended family, it's just not working out that well for her.  If I were her I would cut my losses.

Tamara got it 100% right - Vicki sees it like they all attacked "her Man" so to retaliate she has to put their men down.  As if this would somehow elevate her?  

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 6

We are seeingTamra's coach only giving her half a lesson on forgives. I was taught you forgive immediately as God would forgive you so as to let it go and not be dragged down by all the baggage but you don't have to keep going back for seconds, thirds and fourths. If you can't trust a friend not to hurt you it is not going against any commandment to walk away from the abuse or shield yourself from it. 

It is Christian to say and feel "I forgive her but I need to change the relationship or give it up and do it with a kind heart."

  • Love 9
On 10/24/2016 at 9:53 PM, VedaPierce said:

Omg! Thought same. No elasticity anymore :( she may be the hottest grandma in oc, but still, grandma. Not that there's anything wrong with that. We should all be so lucky one day :)

In fairness, she had been on a high protein low fat and very little carbs diet.  That is not a good diet for aging skin.  It dehydrates the skin leaving one looking dry, lined and wrinkled.  I give her a lot of kudos for putting in the hard work to get there.  

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, nexxie said:

Briana and Vicki do have a codependency going, but Briana is different in that she is aware that other people matter and their feelings need to be addressed - while Vicki doesn't really see others as real.

Unless those people happen to be little old ladies who put their feet on the couch. Then Brianna couldn't care less about that person, their feelings, or whether or not they matter. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, steelcitysister said:


This isn't what happened per the vid clip, which is on Bravo's site. All we see is Vix standing at a table with David and 2 anonymous men and she says, "Shannon's in her glory." David, IMO, then gets far too angry and aggressive in response to this comment. Neither invades the other's personal space -- the table is between them through a good part of the exchange. Shannon interrupts to say people are being mean to her -- well, actually, she whines. From the camera angle, it looks like Vix and David have moved toward each other to go nose to nose. Eventually, Vix walks away with Kelly and Michael. Vix remains the calmer one through the whole messy little incident. Here's the clip for those of you who desire to relive it (naturally, if other more damning evidence exists, by all means post it):




Five or six weeks ago I caught Heather and Terry's segment on evine pushing their skincare products and Heather came across like someone beyond thrilled to be in the spotlight -- the segment hostess barely finished introducing her before Heather wrenched the mic away (figuratively speaking) and started blathering -- kind of:

Hostess: ... and we love it when they join us and tonight they have wonderful things to tell us about so please welcome Terry and Heather Du--

Heather: THANK you so much and I'm, um, we're, thrilled to be here and we have such amazing things to share and I'm a professional actress wonk wonk wonk.

I feel like Heather would flee the HWs instantly should a spot as a talk show panelist (or even better her own talk show where she can lecture viewers on how to improve and behave) or some manner of hosting gig be offered.

Vicki walked over to the table that David was standing at and started to bitch about Shannon to strangers who were friends of David's, she did not know them. Also, your clip clearly shows Shannon pulling him slightly away from the table trying to get him to handle Kelly/Michael but he is still telling Vicki to "shut up", Heather comes over to calm Shannon and Vicki walks up to David, getting in his face/space, not the other way around. Vicki started in on David, he could have handled it better, used better language but Vicki was the instigator not David.

  • Love 23
15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Nahhhh, Vicki makes sure she spreads her lies/gossip/others secrets so that others (Tamra in the past/Kelly now) use them as weapons for her and so she can claim innocence when they are fired at her intended target, much like she did when she told her brother/GF about David cheating on Shannon last season even though it was told to her in strict confidence. Also, saying that Eddied cheated on Tamra, that he was gay and that David beat the shit out of Shannon gives these rumors legitimacy because she, Vicki, claims that Tamra/Shannon told her these things in confidence.  

I gotta say that I don't believe this about Vicki.  To say that Vicki spreads gossip with the plan that others will spread her lies and she looks innocent requires someone who is calculating, crafty, shrewd and wily. In short, this is some Machiavellian type shit.  Vicki may be many things but Machiavellian ain't one of them. To be Machiavellian requires a person to actually think about others, their weaknesses, their loves/dislikes, their personality and how they will likely react to things. This would require that Vicki think about someone other than herself. She can't do that. Vicki is a textbook narcissist. Everything she thinks and does is about her own self aggrandizement and ego. I mean who else thinks that a cancer diagnosis of a loved one is a good idea because people would be more sympathetic to her and bring her casseroles? Who?!?!  Vicki that's who!  I believe she told Kelly those secrets to appear to have been such a good friend to Tamra and Shannon that they would confide such deep dark secrets to her. To paint herself as having a very sympathetic ear and supportive to these women that make such poor choices.  Also to make herself feel better that even if she doesn't have a man, her friends that do all have men that suck.  And she probably enjoyed talking shit about the girls because she felt excluded after they failed to accept her non-apologies. Classic Vicks.

My analysis isn't an excuse. Vicki is a terrible person. I don't think she plans to do or be evil, she just is due to her personality defect. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 13
2 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

So it looks like she did give up on Kill all Cancer - since it was pretty much immediately outed as a scam.  But I bet she still has all the insurance leads she got from it in her rolodex... LOL.


She claims it wasn't HER charity. She was just the spokesperson.  It's never her!  It's always someone else! She is just trusting and believes people.  LOL.  Sure, sure, that's why on her son's FB page he used to say he was President at Kill All Cancer, and now there is no reference to it whatsoever on his FB page.

I saw the Nail Polish ad on my Instagram.  Just another thing she is trying to peddle like Wines By Wives, Vicki's Vodka, Vicki Jeans, etc.  Desperate.  This Nail Polish isn't going to pay for her Coto house.  She needs the big Bravo paycheck for that.

I do have to say, Tamra looks amazing.  For being 47 years old, she has a killer body.  I am only a couple years younger than her but I am motivated to keep up my workouts.

Kelly - unlikable. This show just has not worked out for her.  She is not coming off well, in any way.  It's not just the scenes where she is drunk and yelling swear words at people, it's also her scenes at home, with her hubs and extended family, it's just not working out that well for her.  If I were her I would cut my losses.

Tamara got it 100% right - Vicki sees it like they all attacked "her Man" so to retaliate she has to put their men down.  As if this would somehow elevate her?  

Actually Vicki was an officer of the corporation under the State of Florida corporate filing.  So she can't really say, just a spokesperson."  The idea of a spokesperson is they believe and endorse the product.

Last year it was Vicki Perfume.  Anybody see her advertise it?  The year before it was Diamonds by Vicki and her peddling $800.00 necklaces.  With a seemingly endless number of nail polish lines, why would Vicki's be the one to buy? 

Tamra is 49, and she has done an incredible job of sculpting her body.  She is inspirational in the willpower department and resolve.  Another little Tamra fact, the other night on WWHL, there was a drummer from Quiet Riot as the bartender and she had sold him his house.  Shocking. . . I didn't think she was pursuing her real estate career.

Kelly is guilty most of all of not being funny.  She seems to think she has a stellar sense of humor-she is just not that much of a cut up.  She has absolutely no sense of decorum, even by the low bar set by the RH.  What makes things ironic with Kelly is she gets so offended the others don't find her funny. From her "MC Hammered" to her nose flicking, no real humor.  Just a bunch of recycled really old jokes.

As to Vicki the first few season she was all over Jeana about not divorcing Matt, then it was her palatable jealousy over Lauri landing George (a rich guy), then it was about breaking up Tamra and Simon-because he was too controlling, Jim Bellino was a bad guy, Slade of course was a bad guy (okay she got that right), dying Jeff was phony who bought Gretchen a pink motorcycle and didn't buy life insurance from his deathbed,  cheating Vicki dumps her cheating husband and all of a sudden she is the great advisor of keeping marriages together.  Three seasons of Brooks of doing everything from insulting her daughter, to hooking up with prostitutes and faking cancer and all she can do is point out her cast mates husbands' faults?  How does she expect to continue to film with these people? 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Vicki walked over to the table that David was standing at and started to bitch about Shannon to strangers who were friends of David's, she did not know them. Also, your clip clearly shows Shannon pulling him slightly away from the table trying to get him to handle Kelly/Michael but he is still telling Vicki to "shut up", Heather comes over to calm Shannon and Vicki walks up to David, getting in his face/space, not the other way around. Vicki started in on David, he could have handled it better, used better language but Vicki was the instigator not David.

I don't see Vix bitching at all. All I see is her saying, "Shannon's in her glory", which is hardly bitching, IMO -- it seems more a "here-we-go-again" comment than anything. And I don't see her walking up to David and getting in his face -- it looks like they've both moved toward each other after the dispute begins. And I stand by my original statement that David's reaction was over the top and far too aggressive for whatever Vix said.

  • Love 6

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