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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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You do make a good point @stillshimpy.  (Oh cool, when you type someone's name a handy edit-helper-thingy comes up and bolds it for you!)

I haven't read the Trump-is-Jesus thing but someone did note on Twitter yesterday that we are being systematically desensitized to outrageous crap so that eventually, we'll just shrug when Trump starts making us wear arm bands or whatever. But I don't know which is worse: deliberate outrageous crap that they at least know is outrageous crap, or actual outrageous crap that they think is just fine and not outrageous at all. It would actually be marginally reassuring if they secretly knew that Baby Jesus Trump is a batshit crazy notion.

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31 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

And note people accepting that it is fake despite wanting it to be true, rather than ignoring the facts and continuing to talk about it as if it's true. 

Many years ago, a business acquaintance emailed me some phony "FWD: FWD: Re: Re: Hillary Clinton is the Devil" kind of bullshit email. (And this was 2004!) Anyway, I Snopes'd it, and sent him the link debunking the information it contained. I received his response which, more or less, amounted to: "Yeah, it might be fake, but it's real enough for me to believe she did those things." Insofar as that concert, it pinged my radar because I'm usually up on the news (and also news about Bruce Springsteen) and I hadn't seen any of that info reported anywhere besides this thread. So I Google'd it and the Snopes link came up.  

If one is incapable of critical thinking, one is incapable of actually thinking at all. 

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1 minute ago, rallymantis said:

I'm not very religious but there is almost nothing funnier than secular leftists attempting to interpret Christian text.


The interpretation has nothing to do with trying to interpret the Bible. Of course everyone knows he's talking about Jesus (and being the GOP I'm sure a large part of the message is to make the point that Jesus is most certainly the King of the World because that's the only real religion). Making the leap from "new King" to "Trump" has nothing to do with being secular. It's not like the GOP would be above a little joke about the Bible themselves.

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On 24/12/2016 at 11:26 PM, stewedsquash said:

Reichshshshshshshshshshshsh can be the boyfriend of anyone who wants him, I will keep my cutie Tucker, as long as he does his adorable puppy head tilt when he lets a guest do the work of melting down on their own:



"Cutie Pie" gave up his bow ties because randos on the street would call him a fag/faggot. I am a fag/faggot so I can say these words. 

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44 minutes ago, rallymantis said:

I'm not very religious but there is almost nothing funnier than secular leftists attempting to interpret Christian text.

He wasn't talking about Trump.

Seriously, guys.  Give it a rest.  It's Christmas.

A statement released by Priebus and Day, or anyone affiliated with the Trump administration, might not be Jesus approved Christian text. What is the correct interpretation of the statement?

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Current English betting odds:

Donald Trump Specials

To leave office via impeachment or resignation before end of 1st term


NOT to be re-elected as President in 2020


To serve full term


Obama still to be sitting President on Feb 1 2017


Nigel Farage to be next UK Ambassador to the US


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On 12/24/2016 at 10:26 AM, stewedsquash said:

Reichshshshshshshshshshshsh can be the boyfriend of anyone who wants him, I will keep my cutie Tucker, as long as he does his adorable puppy head tilt when he lets a guest do the work of melting down on their own:



Meltdown?   That young lady was unshakeable.    Carlson should start thinking twice about who he books on his show.   It can't be good for him when the guest calmly slices and dices his Bill O'Reilly impression right there on national TV.    Lauren Duca regarding him with something like pity and calling him a "partisan hack" was an effective reminder that it's been 12 years since John Stewart called him that and Carlson still hasn't learned his lesson.   

The moment that made me feel genuinely embarrassed for Carlson was when he tried to belittle Lauren Duca's point of view by ridiculing the nature of other articles she has written and telling her to go back to writing about thigh-high boots.  I bet he had visions of the guys at the bar slapping him on the back and buying him a beer when he shared that zinger with them.   Instead it blew up in his face and led to all sorts of criticism after the broadcast.

Lauren Duca used her "girly" demeanor as a trap and Carlson fell right into it.   He underestimated her from the start and dropped his guard early on.   By the time he realized he was up against a highly intelligent and very articulate person she was already licking his blood off her claws.   So Carlson started flailing, trying to talk over her, to belittle her, and cut to break.

What a big man.

Carlson already lost one show this way.   He should be more careful.  

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7 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Ehh, Carlson will be fine.  Based on what my gf showed me of comments on Facebook, Fox watchers claim Tucker won that exchange.  :eyeroll:

Well, that's because most of them think pointing out that she writes fashion articles is a "zinger", rather than making him look like the knuckle dragging idiot he is. 

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Regarding Reince's statement comparing Trump a/k/a Prince of Let's ramp up the arms race to Jesus Christ a/k/a Prince of Peace. Maybe he was drunk. He does realize that Trump would be more at home in theTemple with the money lenders, looking for funds for his latest business failure, having just stiffed Joseph a/k/a The Independent Contractor. 

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He does realize that Trump would be more at home in theTemple with the money lenders, looking for funds for his latest business failure, having just stiffed Joseph a/k/a The Independent Contractor. 


That and theologians don't actually believe that Christ was born on December 25th, so there's an awful lot of ignorance about ....you know Christ going on in there.  Not limited to the "watch as I randomly bring up America and Kings....because that's not in the least contradictory to our entire democracy or anything...."   I'll be over here buying both Jesus and the founding fathers some kleenex to help stop the flow of tears all around, I guess. 

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47 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Note that writing for fashion makes you incapable of writing about politics, but writing about sports is fine.

It's not what you write about; it's how you write it. Ms. Duca writes about fashion with maturity and professionalism. Chicks on the Right write about politics and social issues like a bunch of spoiled, vapid mean girls updating their social media feeds.

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It's not what you write about; it's how you write it. Ms. Duca writes about fashion with maturity and professionalism. Chicks on the Right write about politics and social issues like a bunch of spoiled, vapid mean girls updating their social media feeds.


Forgive me for speaking for you, sistermagpie, but I absolutely guarantee beyond a shadow of any doubt that sistermagpie was actually referring to "In Tucker Carlson's limited grasp of the world and women...." not in any definitive, "If you write about fashion, you cannot write about...." overall because that's a daft notion and she's best described as having a keen grasp.   

I am willing to bet chocolate on that one.  Lots and lots of chocolate.  She was just pointing out that the Tucker Carlson is a fucking moron.  

ETA:  Since it is Christmas, I will throw our right leaning friends a bone and let them smile and say, "I fucking knew it...."  ....excuse me while I go remove the meatless, stuffed "Turk'y" that I have baking in the oven.   Merry Christmas, season's greetings and yes, the theory is that they set December 25th because of the solstice, in case you were wondering,  to us all.  

Edited by stillshimpy
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5 hours ago, random chance said:

I haven't read the Trump-is-Jesus thing but someone did note on Twitter yesterday that we are being systematically desensitized to outrageous crap so that eventually, we'll just shrug when Trump starts making us wear arm bands or whatever.


Trump and his followers have reminded me of the lines from Julius Caesar, "A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;"

Edited by auntjess
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Catholic leftist here, sorry to blow apart anyone's preconceived boxes.  Heaven knows all of us lefties are supposed to be Godless heathens and all.  

Reince was pretty clearly trying to draw some parallel lines between the birth of Christ (which, as noted, by those before me, is not actually 12/25) and the rise of Trump as our new leader (King).  He would not, by any means, have posted this exact same sentiment if Hillary had won and we were in the countdown to her inauguration.  Whether he was literally intending to say "Trump equals Jesus" is debatable, but it's beyond clear that he was trying to paint a picture of Trump's ascension to the Oval Office as this spiritual rebirth of the nation - that we're all supposed to feel hope and joy because the "dark" days of President Obama as POTUS are coming to an end and our new savior is coming to Make America Great Again.  Reince absolutely believes we've all been "saved" by Trump's election.  That is what he was referencing in that statement. 

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2 hours ago, BBDi said:

For today in Bethlehem, unto us a 70-year old child is born. 

your post reminded me of Yeats:

The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

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This sounds like Putin almost (even though it seems like it's supposed to represent the Sphinx):


A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,

The blank and pitiless gaze. 

This quote here sounds like our situation:


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

The second and third line sound like some of the public not heeding the warnings about Drumpf and the Republicans. 

And due to that, anarchy rises.

The best all lack conviction sounds like the Dems and the Moderates and the worst full of passionate intensity sounds a lot like the far right.

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51 minutes ago, millennium said:

your post reminded me of Yeats:

The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

This never fails to give me the chills. Thank you for posting it.

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Not sure if this has been posted before, but a psychologist did a study about Drumpf's personality.

Source: theatlantic.com

I'm in the middle of reading it right now and it's concerning to say the least. This man should not be President.

One thing he came across:


I might have phrased Singer’s question this way: Who are you, Mr. Drumpf, when you are alone? Singer never got an answer, leaving him to conclude that the real-estate mogul who would become a reality-TV star and, after that, a leading candidate for president of the United States had managed to achieve something remarkable: “an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.”

That sounds like a sociopath to me.

Just double checked... he's definitely one.

Source: healthguidance.org

He's not all of those things listed in the article, but he's a lot of them and that's very worrisome.

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3 hours ago, BBDi said:

For today in Bethlehem, unto us a 70-year old child is born. 


I can't wait for Easter! ("And The MEssiah said unto Bannon, "Whatever I do to the least hot babe amongst us, I do unto all babes - and it's terrific when I grab those pussies, let me tell you!" and he manhandled the crotch of The Magdalene and asked her where the nearest thirteen year old girl layeth,  but The Magdalene slapped the MEssiah, who waved his small hands as if casting unto her a spell; but lo, the Holy Spirit descended in the shape of a white dove and lifted high to heaven all the Nasty Woman who ever lived, where they sit at the left hand of the one true God, the Goddess herself, who doesn't take sadassed crap from loser pimp-dicks like Trump.  And thus endeth the lesson.")

Edited by film noire
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16 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

The plane thing I do give to Ivanka.  You dont harass people especially on airplanes.  I don't care who or what they are.  It's not just douchy it's dangerous.  Its not a political issue with me.  It's a safety issue.  I don't care if the plane hasn't taken off yet.  You don't get into a fight with someone in a confined space that can easily explode with other people around.  Some things you just don't do.

I'm surprised the Secret Service didn't intervene. As far as I know, like all incoming/sitting Presidential children, she's under, or supposed to be under, protection by the Secret Service--as are all of her siblings & half siblings--until her father's no longer POTUS. I know Trump has said something about putting his private security team, which already protects him, in charge of his protection instead of the Secret Service; but I'm not sure how that's worked out yet, or if his kids were also supposed to be included in that. So there should've been an agent/a detail traveling with her/her family, who would've/should've intervened in the situation... Or better yet, she & her family/whomever she was traveling with probably should've been flying by private/chartered plane instead of a regular airline flight. If there was an Air Marshal onboard, I don't think he or she would've gotten involved so as to maintain his/her anonymity for future trips.

They were going to Hawaii? I also heard they were going to Florida (presumably to join Trump for Christmas; he spent Christmas at Mar-a-Lago, just like he did Thanksgiving).

Edited by BW Manilowe
To fix a sentence that got messed up when my device crashed during writing/posting.
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16 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Hahahahaha It's fake?? So easily done it seems.

Merry Christmas! I have to cook, just finished the last rise of the yeast rolls and they are making the house smell great.  I hate my mother yet tolerate her. Can't wait to open presents later when everyone gets here. Then tomorrow I will check my daily news to see if Trump has caused WWIII and then I am off on an 1 1/2 one way road trip by myself to the adorable town of Wilmington to just get the heck away from the house. I am going to go down to the beach and watch the waves over at Wrightsville Beach. Hope everyone has a great day, whatever you will be doing today. 

Merry Christmas to you, too.   Have a safe trip, and enjoy the East Coast while it lasts.

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On December 24, 2016 at 7:32 PM, Lunata said:

Well isn't it just too bad that Ivanka and Jared got harassed on a plane. They get no mercy from me. Tucker Carlson (with his furrowed worried brow) asked his guest Lauren Duka, "Screaming at a mom with her kids on a plane seems like a violation of privacy, decency and good manners and raises the question, What are the venues that you shouldn't scream your political views at people? Would a funeral be out of bounds, church, her son's Bris? What are the rules on that?"

I would ask Tucker Carlson, what are the venues that a person shouldn't be screamed at for being who they are whether it's an immigrant, a Hispanic, a woman wearing a hajib walking down a public street or even someone speaking with an accent? Why is it unacceptable for Ivanka to experience what hundreds of others experience every single day of their lives? Has anyone thought to walk in those shoes to see what that's like for a day to be singled out, harassed and threatened? It's not right for Ivanka just as it's not right for any person to be heckled, spoken to with hostility and treated like dirt because they speak with an accent or dress differently. Ivanka Trump has already been using her father's election for personal profit and gain. I think she can put up with a little harassment every now and then. There's a big payoff for tolerating it.

I just am not down with the "poor put upon Ivanka" narrative.  Because I am "that bitch" today, I also fail to see all this beauty folks rhapsodize about.  She's a surgically enhanced female version of her father with a little more polish.  She functions as her father's twisted version of Evita inserting herself into national security issues that could get us all killed.  And like the rest of her trifling clan, she isn't above using the presidency to line her pockets.  It's who she is and it's her hustle.  I just wish folks would quit trying to elevate her into some kind of feminist icon and legitimize her in other ways.  

Now,  of course, children should never be attacked.

And in answer to Carlson's question, children definitely shouldn't be attacked by school personnel and other students to the point they are in tears.  But I seriously doubt that Carlson's butt hurt and anger extended to those particular children.

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7 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

I'm surprised the Secret Service didn't intervene.

The fact that the SS didn't intervene makes me believe the eyewitnesses who said it was more along the line of the guy just saying things about the Trumps loudly in his seat, so iow he wasn't harassing or yelling at her, really. (This story also makes me think of that anti-Hillary guy who yelled at the whole plane and only later with pressure got into some trouble, iirc.)

My family members tried to bring up the other children of presidents to me with regards to the incident, saying the Bush girls and Chelsea etc. weren't treated like this, but I'm with MulletorHater here. Ivanka just isn't the daughter of the president, she's running the country with him and lining her own pockets too. TC was trying to play that too in the interview, acting like Ivanka was being attacked for just passively supporting her father instead of ruling and grifting by his side.

Also in agreement that I don't get why even Lauren Duca felt the need to call her beautiful and accomplished etc. when I don't see why that was necessary for her case. Basically what she was saying was thatbecause Ivanka runs a company and is confident and successful in the world of business (with no little help from Daddy and all her connections) and has presented herself as a modern, successful woman she comes across like a feminist and is now using that reputation to promote anti-feminist, anti-woman and all around terrible, bigoted policies for her father.  For that she doesn't need to be given more credit than she's actually earned, as if she's some major icon of feminists in general or the most beautiful woman ever. 

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7 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

My family members tried to bring up the other children of presidents to me with regards to the incident, saying the Bush girls and Chelsea etc. weren't treated like this, but I'm with MulletorHater here. Ivanka just isn't the daughter of the president, she's running the country with him and lining her own pockets too. TC was trying to play that too in the interview, acting like Ivanka was being attacked for just passively supporting her father instead of ruling and grifting by his side.

I agree.  We've never had a child of a POTUS who was an active part of his administration.  She's essentially being put forth as the de facto FLOTUS.  Not to mention that most First Kids have been school age when their fathers took office, so there's been the added caveat that you should not trash kids.  Ivanka is an adult, married, a mother, and a business owner.  She's not a school girl.  She is not only acting as his advocate and part of his administration, but she is also utilizing his upcoming Presidency to enhance her business interests.  She's fair game.  Barron?  Off limits.  I feel Tiffany is off limits, as well, even though she is over 18, because she has contained her participation in his campaign and administration to the kind of roles previous children of candidates have maintained - she appeared with him at big events and spoke for him at the RNC, but she hasn't been actively involved in his transition and isn't taking on a visibly active public presence centered on his campaign or upcoming Presidency.  But Ivanka and her brothers are grown ass adults and business owners who have inserted themselves into his transition team and administration to varying degrees.  Eric and Junior actively attack Trump detractors on Twitter, in addition to the whole "profiting off the Presidency" angle.  His three oldest children have made themselves fair game through their own choices and behavior.  

If Hillary had won and Chelsea and her husband were even half as involved in the transition as Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don Jr have been, I can't even imagine the level of vitriol that would be lobbed her way.  Someone sitting in his seat on the plane badmouthing Trump is child's play compared to what would be thrown at Chelsea.  Hell, what happened on that plane was a love letter compared to how the right has treated the Obama girls over the past 8 years.  

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11 hours ago, film noire said:

right wingers attempting to interpret the Constitution are way funnier

I'm not sure I would characterize that as "funny".

9 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

I'm surprised the Secret Service didn't intervene. As far as I know, like all incoming/sitting Presidential children, she's under, or supposed to be under, protection by the Secret Service--as are all of her siblings & half siblings--until her father's no longer POTUS.

Ivanka has had Secret Service protection since September, but I don't know if Uday and Qusay currently have protection - it's not automatic, the Secretary of Homeland Security makes the decision and directs the Secret Service to provide protection.

9 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

They were going to Hawaii? I also heard they were going to Florida (presumably to join Trump for Christmas; he spent Christmas at Mar-a-Lago, just like he did Thanksgiving).

The first reports I saw did say they were flying to Florida, but later reports did say they were flying to San Francisco, then on to Hawaii on a private jet.


"The president-elect's daughter was on a flight to San Francisco, but was ultimately headed to Hawaii, a public relations representative for Ivanka Trump told NBC News."

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23 hours ago, auntjess said:

Trump and his followers have reminded me of the lines from Julius Caesar, "A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter’d with the hands of war;"

Oh man, as if I wasn't having bad nightmares about this already....

20 hours ago, AntiBeeSpray said:

This sounds like Putin almost (even though it seems like it's supposed to represent the Sphinx):

The blank and pitiless gaze. 

This quote here sounds like our situation:

The second and third line sound like some of the public not heeding the warnings about Drumpf and the Republicans. 

And due to that, anarchy rises.

The best all lack conviction sounds like the Dems and the Moderates and the worst full of passionate intensity sounds a lot like the far right.

Amazing. How was Yeats so prescient...?

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The U.S. Ambassador to Israel is probably one of the most politically sensitive appointments in the world. Donald Trump's choice for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has said that he does not believe Israeli settlement activities in the West Bank is illegal and opposes a ban on construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The U.S. viewpoint in the past has been that these are settlement projects are illegitimate and they are actually obstacles to peace. David Friedman is in favor of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, again going against previous administrations. He has even questioned the need for a two-State solution The Palestinians are left wondering where this will lead, what will happen to the peace process especially if there's not going to be a two-State solution. This will make a very dangerous situation in Israel and in the Palestinian territories.

President Obama’s decision on Friday not to block a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements laid bare all the grievances the two men have nursed since shortly after they took office in 2009. For Mr. Netanyahu, it was the final betrayal by a president who was 'supposed to be an ally but never really was'. For President Obama, it was the inevitable result of Mr. Netanyahu’s own stubborn defiance of international concerns with his policies.

In an article published by AWDNews on Tuesday December 20, former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon was quoted as threatening to destroy Pakistan if it sent troops into Syria. “We will destroy them with a nuclear attack,” the article quoted Yaalon as saying. There is no evidence Yaalon ever said those words. Pakistan Defense Minister Khawaja Asif responded to the fake news article on his official Twitter as if it were real. He warned Israel that it was not the only nuclear power. “Israeli (defense minister) threatens nuclear retaliation presuming (Pakistan) role in Syria against Daesh. Israel forgets Pakistan is a Nuclear State too,” Asif wrote late on December 23.

The danger of World War III happening are not only increased by tensions between the U.S., Israel and Palestine but they are becoming even greater by fake news. Welcome to the age of technology, communication and 'progress'.



2008 White House Easter Egg Roll presided over by George and Laura Bush. The man in the bunny suit was Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's press secretary.



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17 minutes ago, Lunata said:


2008 White House Easter Egg Roll presided over by George and Laura Bush. The man in the bunny suit was Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's press secretary.



Funny stuff.   To demonstrate his antipathy towards the media, Trump should order Spicer to wear that outfit to every White House press briefing.   Spicer would not only do it, but also defend wearing a bunny suit as being in the service of making America great again.      

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3 hours ago, Lunata said:

The man in the bunny suit was Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's press secretary.

He should've kept the bunny head on. Man's about as ugly as the rest of the goons in this upcoming administration.

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4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Just saw a spot on CNN. If Obamacare goes away so might Black Lung monthly benefits for miners and their widows. Coal country was Trump country- they aren't so supportive now. 

I saw that.  The woman they spoke with will lose $600 a month of widow's benefits if the ACA is abolished.  And she voted for Trump who has been saying for a year and a half that he would abolish it.  Unbelievable.

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30 minutes ago, backformore said:

To be fair, that didn't come from Obama, or the DNC  - it came from Newsweek magazine.

Yep -- completely different situation-- but in a post-truth alt. right world, facts don't matter.

Edited by film noire
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19 hours ago, Lunata said:

The U.S. Ambassador to Israel is probably one of the most politically sensitive appointments in the world. Donald Trump's choice for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has said that he does not believe Israeli settlement activities in the West Bank is illegal and opposes a ban on construction in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The U.S. viewpoint in the past has been that these are settlement projects are illegitimate and they are actually obstacles to peace. David Friedman is in favor of moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, again going against previous administrations. He has even questioned the need for a two-State solution The Palestinians are left wondering where this will lead, what will happen to the peace process especially if there's not going to be a two-State solution. This will make a very dangerous situation in Israel and in the Palestinian territories.

President Obama’s decision on Friday not to block a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements laid bare all the grievances the two men have nursed since shortly after they took office in 2009. For Mr. Netanyahu, it was the final betrayal by a president who was 'supposed to be an ally but never really was'. For President Obama, it was the inevitable result of Mr. Netanyahu’s own stubborn defiance of international concerns with his policies.

In an article published by AWDNews on Tuesday December 20, former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon was quoted as threatening to destroy Pakistan if it sent troops into Syria. “We will destroy them with a nuclear attack,” the article quoted Yaalon as saying. There is no evidence Yaalon ever said those words. Pakistan Defense Minister Khawaja Asif responded to the fake news article on his official Twitter as if it were real. He warned Israel that it was not the only nuclear power. “Israeli (defense minister) threatens nuclear retaliation presuming (Pakistan) role in Syria against Daesh. Israel forgets Pakistan is a Nuclear State too,” Asif wrote late on December 23.

The danger of World War III happening are not only increased by tensions between the U.S., Israel and Palestine but they are becoming even greater by fake news. Welcome to the age of technology, communication and 'progress'.



2008 White House Easter Egg Roll presided over by George and Laura Bush. The man in the bunny suit was Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's press secretary.



If Obama wanted to make a statement about the settlements he should have abstained from the resolution in 2011. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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8 hours ago, rallymantis said:

You guys are right.  Who on earth would compare a president to the Lord?


Ha! Interesting. I find that distasteful as well, and I think Obama's the best president we've ever had. But then, I find any comparison of a political leader to Christ ridiculous and off-putting. I'm an atheist, but I came to that after studying the Bible. I was forced to because I got my Bachelor's from a Nazarene university. I don't remember everything from my Religious studies, but I do know I've never seen any politician that should be compared to Christ. Not even my boo, Obama. 

In any case, I find that any comparison of this sort lends self to encourage a cult-like following, and that makes me very nervous. No matter who it is! Trump or anyone. 

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