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S33.E03: Your Job Is Recon

Tara Ariano
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Ahhh, I just love to see unsuspecting arrogance get booted!  Loved the look on his face changing as it dawned on him. 

They are being WAY too heavy handed with the theme. WE GET IT!  Millennials are spoiled dreamers with poor texting grammar, and Gen X are hard working, out of touch oldsters. Now let's move on! 

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Well between the whole "I am shy" last week and the "Ken & Barbie" thing this week Ken seems to have a lot of issues. With that said though I like the guy and feel like in most seasons he would be in a leadership role. I can't fathom what's up with this season that he's cast way down with the underdogs.

Random comments on Gen X-Every time Brett is on the screen I keep thinking he looks like Greg Grunberg's slightly thinner brother. Then there is Sunday who give me a vibe that she's sneaky and not trustworthy. Granted I don't have a lot of evidence...but something tells me. Hopefully Lucy lack of screen time means she will take prominence later in the season because right now she a cypher with some really, really nice arms.

Michelle went from a starring role last week to a walk on this week. Didn't see that coming. Then there is Hannah who can't take a hint to get lost but Zeke also loses points because when she was about to leave he had to throw in one more comment that drew her back into NOT leaving. I feel there is something very Sherin like about her and don't see her lasting long at all.

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Sunday sound like she walked right off the set of Fargo to play Survivor this season.  You betcha!

Oh and speaking of accents how about Bret!  I hope he catches a shahk!

Edited by LanceM
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1 hour ago, ShadowSixx said:

Hannah is setting herself to be the loser of Survivor with the whole "use me" thing.

Not to mention pairing it with the opening and closing of the legs fidget/gesture in the same talking head. Yikes. Girl is a mess. I know you don't want to talk but I have to tell you one thing before we 'don't talk' oh and one other thing... and another.

I really hated how Probst went from talking about things on the tribe etc. as usual and then with no "in" for it just pulls out the texting convo... so forced! It was like "So there are things going on in your camp yada yada but how about that crazy texting fad?" Ugh.

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4 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

Not to mention pairing it with the opening and closing of the legs fidget/gesture in the same talking head. Yikes. Girl is a mess. I know you don't want to talk but I have to tell you one thing before we 'don't talk' oh and one other thing... and another.

I really hated how Probst went from talking about things on the tribe etc. as usual and then with no "in" for it just pulls out the texting convo... so forced! It was like "So there are things going on in your camp yada yada but how about that crazy texting fad?" Ugh.

And texting seemed like a weird thing to pick. I think most people these days text. My parents are baby boomers and they text. He should have mentioned Twitter or Snapchat or something.

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Poor Hannah. First we heard Michelle at last TC tell that she would tell her later about the vote for Mari.  We are never shown this conversation

Then, we have Zeke and Adam saying they would talk to her later about the vote.  And once again we were not shown this conversation.

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Oh, Hannah. She is one of those people who doesn't yet understand that different people have different communication styles and ways of dealing with emotions. Clearly she wants to talk about problems right now, and she doesn't grasp that other people need space to process before they can talk about things in their own time. Pushing them to talk now now now is a disaster. Them asking for space is not a rejection. Hopefully she'll learn this as she has more social experiences and get better at dealing with it, but man, that scene was awkward. *facepalm* 

Paul's comeuppance was beautiful. I'm enjoying how calmly Jessica handles everything and how she thinks things through before making a move. (She and Sunday both got their bags across in a reasonable time. Chris actually went three times, carrying not only his own bag, but also Lucy's and Paul's.)

I like Ken with what the editing has shown so far, but as @Lamima (I think?) said, there does seem to be an undercurrent of contempt there, and I'm a little wary to see if he is one of those folks who demonizes anyone he sees as not on his side.

Sunday's accent is fine for me. I have a bit of Great Lakes accent going on myself. It's the screechy quality to the tone of her voice that grates (and stopped my father in his tracks in episode one).

The millennials aren't bugging me the way they are some people. A few of them seem a bit carefree and maybe not as strategic as they could be since they're in Survivor, but I found Paul more overbearing.

As to Michaela's comment about "if they were our parents," that was exactly her point. She said something like, "If they were our parents, they would have given us the fishing gear, but they aren't, and they didn't want to make us stronger. Which I guess makes sense." and then shrugged. She pretty much acknowledged the Gen Xers did the strategic thing rather than treating the Millennials like their children. Somehow people seem to have missed the second part of her statement...

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I was happy to see Gen X recognize a threat and kick him off, unlike last week when for reasons I still don't understand the power couple was allowed to stay intact.  I almost never succeed at predicting who's going to go far in the game, don't always see the game someone is playing, but I can't see how letting those two keep running things is a good thing for anyone else.  I remember when Boston Rob intimidated everyone into not even talking to each other, and they all let him stay until they were all gone and he had won.  Dummmmmb.

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Ugh, Probst. That texting discussion was from 2008. Most phones autofill/autocorrect now, so I don't even know millennials who type "u" for you. If anything, I see older people doing it on occasion, and it just looks silly. Like 50-year-olds who tell you their eyebrows are on fleek.

On a separate note, millennials are definitely the better team due to, duh, team work. I don't know if that will get them to the end, but it's a better start.

The saddest part is that Ken is only 33. He is a millennial, by almost any definition of the word. Without him, the Gen X team would be faring far worse, I hate to say.

On the other hand, Survivor has laden the Gen X team with a fair number of unathletic, unintellectual people. There are plenty of slugs in both generations in the real world, so I don't know why the show felt the need to stack the deck.

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I bet Hannah is one of those girls that when she gets broken up with, she keeps contacting the guy asking for reasons why he broke up with her. She clearly does not understand when someone says to go away.

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9 hours ago, Knuckles said:


My hopes are riding on Ken...and rooting for the ejection of Figgy and her doofus boyfriend. 

It wouldn't ruin my day if "Tayls" fell into the campfire.

Edited by millennium
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1 hour ago, Knuckles said:


David revealed himself to be a fool at strategy. He gave away too much information at the meet, while gathering none.  He id'd the alpha male, and offered to ditch his whole tribe in return for a ride on their coattails. Which would tell me he has no loyalty, and is someone they can use and dispose of, without a second thought. Could he not attempt to find out how the power structure in the other tribe works, and id the weaker players there who might be good allies after the merge? Nope. 

David's desperate solicitation of Taylor the doofus reminded me of George Costanza's man-crush on Tony, the "cool guy."

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As thrilled as I am that Paul is gone, I don't understand why the three women in his alliance were so off-put by the perception that they are "the bottom" of the six.  Hello????   There are three men (Paul, Blonde Lawyer, Overweight Cop) and three women (Eye Infection, Ice Cream Sundae, Asian Woman who just joined the game) in that alliance.  Why is it so upsetting to think that if it got down to the six, the three men are close and would stick together?  Seems like the three women would stick together as well.  Neither side would have majority.

I do think that Eye Infection made her move too soon.  To ensure her own endgame, I think she should have stuck with Paul and voted out Ceci.   Then next tribal, align with Ken and Dave and then take out Paul.  Then they have an alliance of the three women with Ken and Dave against Blonde Lawyer and Overweight Cop.   Within the five, they have the majority against Ken and Dave.  Of course, K/D could then team with the other two men, but you would hope that Ken would want to get rid of one of the two stronger men in case there is a challenge that depends on strength.

Ken is becoming the star of this season.  Very few others have made a strong positive impression.

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I was wondering why Ken wasn't the most popular guy in his tribe and then he started on the value of language in text messaging and vinyl is the only way to listen to music, and I got it. He's a huge cheeseball. Like a nice, well-meaning cheeseball but a cheeseball nonetheless. It's hard to really mesh with someone who takes himself so serious. 

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Well that was boring.  When they actually show an intro now I know it's going to be a weak episode that needs the filler, but even I could not expect Probst's excruciatingly inane texting question.  Not much going on this episode at all.  The challenge was a boring blowout.  The "summit" was a big nothing.  I thought at least they'd do like Amazon and the people who met together would have to pick new tribes.  Or there would be an idol, or idol clues, like the Exile Alliance had in Tocantins.  Or something!  Instead of just random-draw reward for no reason.  I don't even think that David/Taylor "conversation" (David, that was not a conversation, that was you talking) will have anything to do with anything, but the editors needed to make it seem like anything happened with it.

5 hours ago, LanceM said:

I must be in the minority here because i love the Millenniel tribe.  Everyone is bringing something to the table.

I'm with you.  Even Adam was less annoying today (though still annoying; I was dreading that he was going to find that idol coconut) and made a good solid case to Hannah and Michaela.  Hannah was awful with Zeke at the top of the episode but perhaps she'll get the hang of that stuff, and anyway I still <3 her.  I liked Figgy going all Abi-Maria ("Vote for Figgy and you're going home!") and I don't really understand why people hate Taylor so much.  With Adam chilling out with the CONSTANT SHOUTING and hustling for votes, I like every single person on that tribe, and I liked Mari too.  So I guess I'm with Probst on that one!  GOOD TRIBE.

On the contrary, this from tumblr captures my feelings on the other tribe:


Even though I'm a Gen-X, according to the show.  I don't really get it; many of my favorite players have been "older" by Survivor standards, yet between this and Nicaragua, I have to say I find "old-person" tribes pretty boring.  Meathead alliance has nothing to recommend them.  David has not redeemed himself.  Cece is just a lump on a log, praying instead of playing.  I want to like Ken but I feel like he's not much less self-absorbed than Paul; just because he delivers doesn't make his self-aggrandizing any more palatable to me.  He, at least, was trying to play and flip the vote, but honestly in Season 33 the old "I'll keep the tribe strong" argument is just over.  Ken, it doesn't matter who catches fish or builds shelters anymore.  Don't get blinded by the Robinson Crusoe flim-flam, tell her she needs your vote for xyz, tell her why it's strategically helpful for her game.  Ask Michelle and Jay how to do it.

That leaves us only Purple Lucy, Sunday, and Jessica.  Good for them for playing, though Paul handed his own head to them on a silver platter with one of the dumbest own goals I can remember.  "Hey, don't worry, I will totally rub it in your face if we're going to vote you out!"  Smooth.  I agree they possibly made their move too soon, though who knows when they will go to tribal next and what will have happened in the meantime, and Paul had pretty much just laid it out there that he was bros over hos, and he sucks, so why not.  I certainly don't mind losing him.  And this does open up the game some, which is great.  I may say this episode was boring, but after all, better a slightly boring episode than one of those many boring "Day-One-Five-Person Alliance Pagongs Them All" seasons.  We've got a bunch of factions (dare I say....voting blocs??): Figgy/Taylor/Jay/Michelle, Lucy/Jessica/Sunday, David/Ken/Cece, Meathead Duo Whose Names I Do Not Know, Zeke/Adam/possibly Hannah?, etc.  Plenty of room for some real Survivor action!

Plus my fave's edit tonight was perfectly in line with winning the game, so I'm happy~

Edited by KimberStormer
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37 minutes ago, blackwing said:

As thrilled as I am that Paul is gone, I don't understand why the three women in his alliance were so off-put by the perception that they are "the bottom" of the six.  Hello????   There are three men (Paul, Blonde Lawyer, Overweight Cop) and three women (Eye Infection, Ice Cream Sundae, Asian Woman who just joined the game) in that alliance.  Why is it so upsetting to think that if it got down to the six, the three men are close and would stick together?  Seems like the three women would stick together as well.  Neither side would have majority.

The women were so upset because they agreed to one kind of alliance and found out they were in a different kind. Paul revealed that instead of a group of six who would protect each other to the end even if the teams got shuffled, only the three men had that deal. (I don't think it helps that many women over 40 have had similar experiences in the workplace - 1. finding out they're at the bottom of the pyramid and 2. being expected to fall in line anyway.)

Jessica made the right move, I think. This week, Paul was blindsided. By the following council, he could've found out her plans and turned one of the weaker players. (Gen X could easily win the next challenge(s), making that even more likely.)

The point is, she thought she was invulnerable for quite a while, which kept her from allying with the much more useful Ken. Paul let her know, not so much.

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Hannah was beyond annoying not giving Zeke space when he asked for it repeatably.  She made it worse by not respecting his wishes when he asked half a dozen times.

Glad Paul is gone, I like Ken did not understand the rest thinking he was a leader when he couldn't do anything at all.  His talking about the 6 vs 3 so publicly at tribal was dumb so early in the game.

Jeff really advocated shorthanded testing of "u". Jeff, people growing up not knowing how to spell the simplest words isn't a good thing.

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That was definitely the right vote for the women in the tribe. Paul was all talk and no action. I loved his bros' reaction to the vote. Ken is awesome at challenges and fishing. Because of his challenge ability, he's likely a goner as soon as he makes it to the merge.  CC did absolutely nothing to save herself so I expect she'll be the next Gen X boot. I'm hoping for a Millenial tribal council next week so Figgy can, hopefully, get the hell off my tv.  Of the Millenials, I really like Michaela.  She's athletic and seems much smarter than most of that tribe.

Edited by uoflfan
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Poor Zeke got his feelings hurt because things didn't go his way. Seriously, fuck you, dude. If he had gotten his way, pouting by the people who lost would have been, y'know, pouting. Why so angry that he needed to cool off? And his yippy lapdog was as annoying as Hannah. Not quite as smart as they thought, I guess. 

Loved seeing the women make a move. There's a damned good reason for women to stick together. As default humans, dudes who stick together are just helping another player. Women who stick together are in a nefarious "women's alliance".  Glad they saw the writing on the wall. 

David is a weasel. 

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5 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I can't fathom what's up with this season that he's cast way down with the underdogs.


I usually don't pause to question whatever story they decide to tell me, but for once I'm highly suspicious someone is getting a primo edit. 

There's just something wrong with the Ken picture and I don't know what it is.    They're showing him to have all kinds of Nice Guy/Football Hero/Homecoming King vibes.  Since when has that guy, who's also handsome, catches fish and throws bean bags like a boss EVER been one of the "underdogs"?

(Speculation:  He took that walk with __________? where he was saying that Paul's status was undeserved and her response was just blank-faced "uh-huh, uh-huh" like she'd heard this partyline about 50 times before.  I think it's possible Ken is a whiner who alienates people or brings them down with his chronic complaining about how things "ought to be.")

I need a peek at that ten miles of footage lying all over the floor.

Edited by candall
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On 10/5/2016 at 9:51 PM, Lamima said:

Have contempt for the other fellas? Paul was obnoxious but the other 2 haven't been all that bad...yet.

I saw all three giving mocking looks to Ken during the vinyl and language speech.  That's enough for me to want them out.

On 10/6/2016 at 1:48 AM, loki567 said:

I was wondering why Ken wasn't the most popular guy in his tribe and then he started on the value of language in text messaging and vinyl is the only way to listen to music, and I got it. He's a huge cheeseball. Like a nice, well-meaning cheeseball but a cheeseball nonetheless. It's hard to really mesh with someone who takes himself so serious. 

I don't know what the hell a cheeseball is but if it means one who cares enough about the beauty of language and knows vinyl has more warmth and cares about both to wax poetic about same?  Then bravo for the cheeseballs of the world!  May their numbers multiply!  And may the shallow fluffies (I can invent terms too) who don't care about anything and never take anything seriously except to mock those who do care have their numbers decrease quickly both here on Survivor and beyond.

22 hours ago, candall said:

I usually don't pause to question whatever story they decide to tell me, but for once I'm highly suspicious Ken is getting a primo edit. 

There's just something wrong with the Ken picture and I don't know what it is.    They're showing him to have all kinds of Nice Guy/Football Hero/Homecoming King vibes.  Since when has that guy, who's also handsome, catches fish and throws bean bags like a boss EVER been one of the "underdogs"?

(Speculation:  He took that walk with __________? where he was saying that Paul's status was undeserved and her response was just blank-faced "uh-huh, uh-huh" like she'd heard this partyline about 50 times before.  I think it's possible Ken is a whiner who brings people down with his chronic complaining about how things "ought to be.")

I'll always be for the people who envision how things ought to be over the status quo old fogies so again, go Ken.  And yes he is getting a very good edit.  I'm not sure it is a winner's edit though.  Maybe an invite to come back for another season edit though.

But I do also think he is an underdog on this tribe at this time.  He said he had trouble with social interactions and in his youth had a speech impediment that probably caused same.  Now we see he is far smarter and thinks more deeply then the "bros" who seem more interested in dumbing themselves down for national TV so they seem like real manly man "bros".  At least I can't believe all three of those men are that stupid in real life but I could be wrong.

But now with the Gen-X women revolting against the Bros 3 inside the alliance alliance, Ken's position in the tribe has most likely flipped.

Ah Jeff "u" went out with flip phones.  We now have "smart" full keyboards on our cell phones that guess correctly 99% of the time the next word we want is "you" and where "u" is not an option.  And if we ignore our wise keyboards they will secretly auto-correct us when we aren't looking.

Edited by green
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7 hours ago, wallflower75 said:

Uh-oh.  I'll bet she winds up winning, because that's what a lot of us thought whenever we thought about Michele last season.

A lot of you did.  I was calling her one of the best players ever when nearly half the contestants were still in the game.

6 hours ago, Squirrely said:

I will type out the word "you" in texts until the day I die. And I will continue to use punctuation, even though I hear that's the latest way to wear your old fogey badge. The dumbing down of society is nothing to boast about. 

I use full capitalization and punctuation in texts too.  But I'm not as fiercely adamant about it.  I often think as I'm doing this that I'm wasting valuable time that adds up.  I just feel too uncomfortable to let it look "improper", but I actually wish I could lighten up about that.

6 hours ago, LanceM said:

Sunday sound like she walked right off the set of Fargo to play Survivor this season.  You betcha!

I really hate her grating Northern Vowel Shift intonation, but as a former Minnesotan I really wanted to say she sounded more like a Wisconsinite to me.  Alas, looking it up it appears she is indeed actually from Minnesota.  Sigh.

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2 hours ago, uoflfan said:

CC did absolutely nothing to save herself so I expect she'll be the next Gen X boot.

Au contraire! She prayed about it and received divine guidance that she wasn't going home and all was good.

I was just thinking that what really annoyed me about Zeke in that scene with Hannah was that he was laying there and they showed his head caked with sand. I imagine he had sand in his hair for days. But I guess he was having a 'sackcloth' mourning for the loss of his game. Too bad Hannah kept trying to break up their pity party. (She was totally in the wrong but looking back it was kind of funny.)

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We have seen a lot of Dave. I won't be surprised if we see him in a future episode of Survivor.

I want Ken to win......he's pretty to look at and does more than his fair share around camp and in challenges.

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I have to agree with @loki567 that Ken's a bit cheesy.  Sincere, but cheesy.  I like him, but there's just something about him that I can't quite put my finger on that's keeping me from loving him.  Oh and David looks like Professor Quirrel from Harry Potter with that purple buff on his head.

Good riddance to Paul and his hideous yellowing braid.  All I could think of whenever I saw him was this guy: MV5BMjE5MTA5MDk1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDUw

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Hannah made me want to slap her last night. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when people want to "talk" when I clearly want to be left alone. How many times did Zeke need to express his need for some space??? It wasn't about her. It was about the fact that the game he thought he had going on was whisked out from under him. And, ooooh, what I hate even more than people insisting we "talk" when I need to decompress is people who make it all about them. My son does this. If he gets in trouble for doing something mean to his brother or sister, he gets all, "I know, I'm an idiot. Everyone hates me". Oh STFU, this isn't about YOU. Her martyr shit was insanely annoying. 

And Figgy can go any day now, with her "Anyone who writes down Figgy goes home". I can't WAIT until the day they ALL write her name down. (Please, let that happen.)

I was very pleased with the way things went down on Gen X. Paul was an arrogant douche and I was not sad to see him, or his nasty underwear, go.

I will say, CeCe's performance at the challenge was insanely frustrating. I hate to get into all the generational stereotyping, but it did make me wonder if older people are more likely to be stubborn and independent, and younger people aren't too prideful to admit when they need help. Because she really should have let someone else take those bags. But, at the same time, was anyone ASKING to take her bags. It seemed pretty silent during all that. Maybe if someone had offered....

At any rate, the simple fact that she's working with David and Ken made me want her to stay. And kadooz (tm Ramona Singer) to those 3 for flipping the girls in the power alliance and breaking up the Old Dude Crew. It will be interesting to see how things go moving forward, because while Paul was surely useless, sending the other two home might hurt their tribe physically. Christ, at least, seems to be very capable at challenges. 

I am just loving Ken, though. I might have my first legit Survivor crush in a LONG time. And he's not really my typical type; he's a bit too thin and muscular for me. I prefer larger guys, who have muscles from hard work not the gym. At any rate, he has a handsome face, but beyond that - I'm just digging him as a person. He IS humble. He's pulled his fair share for his tribe and then some, but you never see him bossing people around or acting like he's owed anything. And when he countered Jeff's point at tribal, about our language changing, with how poetic the written word can be? Gah, I just died. And he loves vinyl!!!! Not your standard model, I'm sure. I hope he sticks around a long, long time. 

Was it just me, or did Jessica's eyes still look a bit red???

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I thought episode one established the division on the GenX tribe when they first arrived at their beach and Ken followed up Paul's speech about how spoiled and entitled the Millennials are by suggesting that maybe it wasn't a great idea to underestimate them. For someone like Paul, who was clearly angling for Alpha position right away, that was enough to draw in a group of followers and put Ken on the outs. 

That Paul's posturing was revealed to be just that, along with the socially inept comment about cutting the women out of his alliance of 6, was more than enough to justify his blindside. It struck me as the right move, strategically, for all of those who made it, especially since David didn't have to rely on his Idol to save one of his two solid allies.

I'lol admit that I have little patience for the Millennials based upon the number of them I have to supervise IRL, but Hannah was especially painful in this episode. I find myself liking Michaela a lot, though, because she seems level-headed and pragmatic. 

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10 hours ago, Squirrely said:


I will type out the word "you" in texts until the day I die. And I will continue to use punctuation, even though I hear that's the latest way to wear your old fogey badge. The dumbing down of society is nothing to boast about. 


Preach! Jeff claimed it's more efficient to write "u" over "you". We're talking milliseconds here. Plus, I use Swype on my phone, so it's pretty darn fast anyhow. 


10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Then there is Sunday who give me a vibe that she's sneaky and not trustworthy. Granted I don't have a lot of evidence...but something tells me.

I don't know why, but I get that feeling from her too! I can't explain it, but I don't trust her at all. 


10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Michelle went from a starring role last week to a walk on this week. Didn't see that coming.

I think Michelle is smart. She dove in and made moves when her group was in danger. Now they are sitting more pretty, so she's going to lean back and just see how things unfold. I see her being super stealth and really going the distance. 


9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

And texting seemed like a weird thing to pick. I think most people these days text. My parents are baby boomers and they text. He should have mentioned Twitter or Snapchat or something.

My Mom is 65 and she texts, uses Facebook and Instagram, and sends me daily Snapchats! I don't know if she's some anomaly, but I didn't think there was anyone out there that would be a big shock if they texted. 


8 hours ago, Knuckles said:

David revealed himself to be a fool at strategy. He gave away too much information at the meet, while gathering none.  He id'd the alpha male, and offered to ditch his whole tribe in return for a ride on their coattails. Which would tell me he has no loyalty, and is someone they can use and dispose of, without a second thought.

Yup. I was literally shouting at him during that segment - "Don't be Cochran 1.0!" He's ready to throw over Gen X in a heartbeat, but there ARE people on Gen X who like him and are loyal to him. Not to mention, that group is pretty tight on Millennials, which he would know if he'd bothered to try and get info from them. So you'd just be at the bottom of THEIR totem pole. It wouldn't save you at all. 


35 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I thought Zeke did the exact right thing.  He acknowledged to the group that he was upset, but not in an over the top way, and then went to be alone with Adam to decompress and get over it so he could then go back and put it behind him.  He kept it away from everyone and Hannah needed to get away.

I agree. I don't see anything wrong with quietly going off by yourself for a minute, in order to get your head back in a game that has just changed for you. And that's what he did. There was no "throwing a fit" until Hannah came over and insisted upon talking despite his requests to let him be for a minute. 

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4 hours ago, candall said:

There's just something wrong with the Ken picture and I don't know what it is.   

It's a worry to me, too, because I really like his seemingly modest  work ethic and his poetic "beauty of language," stuff.  I think, though, that as you suggested, there might be some humble bragging and humorless grumbling on the cutting room floor.  My son gets asked about his unusual name on a daily basis and he takes it with a chuckle and a nod and a kidding, "Gee, I never hear that before."  Ken acted really sour toward Cece who was just trying to pass along a compliment with the Ken doll thing.  Also, Ken ought to know that no one who says it is thinking about what Ken-doll has  or doesn't have inside his tiny jeans.  Barbie doesn't have nipples either and most women don't mind being compared with her.

Thinking about Hannah, now that Zeke and I have cooled down, and I think he should really work on her to make a secret alliance with   Adam and himself.  While we were trying to tune her out she said she voted Michelle's way because she, "didn't want to be on the bottom of the alliance."  Zeke should point out that if she wasn't approached till TC then she clearly already is on the bottom and will remain there no matter how she votes so she should await any opportunity to flip the script.

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The idea that the Gen Xers are all broken down old fogeys, going to the Early Bird Special and yelling at those damn kids to get off their lawn, cracks me up.  As if using "you" instead of "u" is an indication of youth and hipness.  <eyeroll>  They (for the most part) are in their 40s!  (And the median just went down with Paul gone.)  As a boomer I see them as still pretty young.

48 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Was it just me, or did Jessica's eyes still look a bit red???

Yes.  Much better than it had been though.

Zeke wouldn't have seemed so overly dramatic if Hannah had just shut.up.  What an annoying gnat she was!

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33 minutes ago, ghoulina said:



Yup. I was literally shouting at him during that segment - "Don't be Cochran 1.0!" He's ready to throw over Gen X in a heartbeat, but there ARE people on Gen X who like him and are loyal to him. Not to mention, that group is pretty tight on Millennials, which he would know if he'd bothered to try and get info from them. So you'd just be at the bottom of THEIR totem pole. It wouldn't save you at all. 


I agree. I don't see anything wrong with quietly going off by yourself for a minute, in order to get your head back in a game that has just changed for you. And that's what he did. There was no "throwing a fit" until Hannah came over and insisted upon talking despite his requests to let him be for a minute. 

Yep. I was thinking similar. David just spilled too much and the Millennials were very tight lipped, as one should be.

But, if Taylor ends up being the only one of his group (say Figgy gets voted off next week) that ends up on a tribe after merge (so say Micelle and the other surfer guy and Will ends up together) with say Zeke, Adam and Michaela or something...and with David. Then Taylor will be all about that deal they made. And if David loses Ken post-merge he will need a new strong guy to hide behind.

Edited by Lamima
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5 hours ago, candall said:

They're showing him to have all kinds of Nice Guy/Football Hero/Homecoming King vibes.  Since when has that guy, who's also handsome, catches fish and throws bean bags like a boss EVER been one of the "underdogs"?

Mike, the winner of Blue Collar/White Collar/No Collar. I remember the edit (at least the late game edit) well.

Totally random, but I think Jessica might have Zika virus. It was endemic to Fiji at the time of filming, and one of the main symptoms is conjunctivitis. They wouldn't exactly be testing for it, and by the time she got home, it wouldn't be in her system. But I wonder...

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33 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. I was literally shouting at [David] during that segment - "Don't be Cochran 1.0!" He's ready to throw over Gen X in a heartbeat, but there ARE people on Gen X who like him and are loyal to him. Not to mention, that group is pretty tight on Millennials, which he would know if he'd bothered to try and get info from them. So you'd just be at the bottom of THEIR totem pole. It wouldn't save you at all. 

Turning from 'fraidy cat into weasel was bizarre.  David seems to have received quite a bit of patience and acceptance for his anxieties--nobody's been shown sneering about "weaksauce."  Last night at TC, someone even said "David tells you exactly what he thinks.  If a bug lands on him, he screams, he doesn't try to hide it."  Woof, talk about a positive spin!  David should thank his lucky stars he wasn't cast with the douchebros from last year.

Why go out of his way offering to backstab his tribe?  I'm thinking "Double Agent!" must be a bullet item on his Survivor Bucket List.


33 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

It's a worry to me, too, because I really like his seemingly modest  work ethic and his poetic "beauty of language," stuff. 

Same page, J.  I like him, too.  Everyone seems to find him more agreeable and likeable than his tribemates do.  Hmm. . . .

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Hannah made me want to slap her last night. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when people want to "talk" when I clearly want to be left alone. How many times did Zeke need to express his need for some space??? It wasn't about her. It was about the fact that the game he thought he had going on was whisked out from under him. And, ooooh, what I hate even more than people insisting we "talk" when I need to decompress is people who make it all about them. My son does this. If he gets in trouble for doing something mean to his brother or sister, he gets all, "I know, I'm an idiot. Everyone hates me". Oh STFU, this isn't about YOU. Her martyr shit was insanely annoying. 


Between Zeke and Adam, they told Hannah 11 times that. ELEVEN. FREAKIN. TIMES! Hannah went from awkward and endearing to annoying and self-absorbed in this ep for me. I was triggered, as Fishbach would say.

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Didn't Ken and David have a conversation in the very first episode during which Ken talked about his intense social anxiety and how he even lived completely off the grid for a while? He seems very introverted, a loner, someone who would be very uncomfortable with the macho posturing of typical blowhard alpha males. So I don't see any conflict at all between his looks and his ability and his being on the outs of his tribe. After all, Survivor is still first & foremost a social game.

But yes, I like him. And his talk at tribal about the beauty & poetry of language cemented that. Like my dyslexic wife, I'm guessing his early problems with speaking made him love language all the more, esp. since it didn't come easy to him.

The Paul blindside was glorious, esp. since I thought the editors were doing their usual tease. More like this, please!

And yeah, they can stop with the stupid outdated generational generalizations anytime. It adds nothing to the show.

ETA: David is playing way too hard way too early. He's flailing. If he survives a while, it's only because he's a threat to no one.

Edited by Gummo
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In that texting conversation, Jeff clearly betrayed that he's still using a flip phone without autofill.

I'm about Paul's age, and to me he seems like he's about 70.  In fact, I have male friends who are 70 who seem younger then he does.  What a maroon, telling the women that he'd drop them like a hot potato for a bro-lliance.  And I think he was proud of having said that, like they should have said,  "well thanks, Paul, it would be so big of you to give us a heads-up when you plan to betray us."

Poor Ken, a millennial, stuck on a tribe with all these parents.  I kind of love him.  I agree that language is important, and Jeff seems oblivious to the fact that vinyl is once again cool.   He is killing it on the strength part of the challenges not to mention the fish.  He mentioned earlier that he had a speech impediment as a child, which could explain his sometimes awkward pronunciations, and his introversion.

Still liking Jessica of the eye infection.  I think she has a cool head and is smart.  All those ladies, including especially CeCe, did an amazing job bluffing during Tribal Council.  An important Survivor skill so few can handle.

Michaela is showing incredibly good sense and maturity in her talking heads.

As a contrast, Hannah is so immature, it's ridiculous.  Zeke was right.  She was playing the victim, unable to stop herself from begging for reassurance from the actual victims of her action when all they really wanted was to cool off.  I hate people like that.  Fortunately, you don't encounter so many of them in adult life.

I'm strangely fond of Will's adenoidal voice. 

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1 hour ago, TaraS1 said:


Good riddance to Paul and his hideous yellowing braid.  All I could think of whenever I saw him was this guy: MV5BMjE5MTA5MDk1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDUw

Funny, I kept seeing this guy (which is a bit of a disservice to this guy):




Edited by millennium
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The only person I'm rooting for right now is Michaela. I really think she's going to be a lioness. She's slowly waiting and watching all the prey get closer before pouncing and making her move. Hopefully she targets Figgy and Taylor first.

Ken I'm waiting further episodes to determine whether or not I wanna root for him. He's cute but not the hottest IMO. Still love my Jeremiah from season 28.

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It annoyed me that Zeke and possibly Adam were claiming *they* were blindsided.  Mari was the one blindsided.  Those two are simply now aware that they didn't vote with a majority last tribal.  I don't think that's a blindside really.  That's them making a stupid assumption.  

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1 hour ago, omophagia said:

I thought episode one established the division on the GenX tribe when they first arrived at their beach and Ken followed up Paul's speech about how spoiled and entitled the Millennials are by suggesting that maybe it wasn't a great idea to underestimate them. For someone like Paul, who was clearly angling for Alpha position right away, that was enough to draw in a group of followers and put Ken on the outs. 

This, I think, was the initial reason for Ken being on the outs with the he-man woman-hater's bro-alliance.  Ken had the audacity to interrupt Paul's initial "listen to me" speech.  Throw in some social anxiety on Ken's part and perhaps he's just not hanging around with the big boys, preferring to spend his time with David - who we know the Big Three enjoy making fun of.  I am so #TeamKen right now, it's not even funny.

I'm also rather gobsmacked at my lack of intense hatred for any of the players right now.  I'm so used to being consumed with rage these past few seasons (Rodney, Will, Dan with the stupid hat, Kyle and Scott and their awful tattoos, etc.) that I'm not sure what to do with my currently chill attitude towards this show.  I am really enjoying this season so far, with my only annoyance being Figgy - who seems to think that she alone proclaims the next person to be voted out and it's done, because - well, she's Figgy and she said so.  Can't wait to see her knocked off her pedestal.  Also want to see poor Tayls cry a little when she's gone.

Bye, Paul.  Go back to the Keys and have fun not catching any fish.

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