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S01.E02: The Big Three

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Kate is furiously working hard to shed her unwanted pounds as she continues to struggle with impatience and discouragement. She receives support from her new boyfriend, Toby, as he helps her let loose and enjoy herself. Beth begins to question the motives of Randall's biological father, William, and takes action in getting answers on his activities. Randall has a lot more on his mind with the new life-changing addition of having his biological father in his life. Marriage and raising three 8-year-old children is beginning to take its toll on Rebecca and Jack as they start to feel distant from one another. Kevin faces the aftermath of quitting his job as he deals with his agent, Lanie, and has to figure out how to move forward.


There is something irritating about Kate that I can't put my finger on for some reason.  But her relationship with Kevin saves her.

 Katey Sagal AND Brad Garrett in the second episode? Nice work, casting people.  

So in the end Mandy marries Miguel long enough for Randall's kids to refer to him as "grandpa." Iiiiiinteresting.

Normally I give a new show 3 shows before I commit for the season.  Considering it got the full season pick up today, it has one more shot to hook me completely.  So far...I'm wavering.  I hope they really build on the siblings relationships as a whole. 

  • Love 11

Aw I like this show. The Rebecca/Jack scenes are my favorite ones so far. I'm guessing Jack died and Rebecca remarried, not Jack and Rebecca divorced and she got married.

Really feeling a lot of sympathy for Kate, but Toby is so grating that their scenes kind of drag for me.

Damn, Randall. Please be shirtless on the treadmill more often.

  • Love 18

Im already ride or die for Randall & Beth.  But I still think Beth should hire a detective to check ouy bio dad and his story.

Toby has got to go.  He's quickly replacing OUaT's Rumple as the character I yell "shut the fuck up" to.

They did a really good job with the casting of young Kate, but young Kevin and young Randall looked nothing like JH and SKB respectively.

I loved Rebecca calling Jack on his crap.  I cant wait to see Miguel becoming "grandpa" unfold.  Especially because I no longer thinm Jack is dead.  I'm thinking dementia or maybe a long estrangement.

  • Love 5


Damn, Randall. Please be shirtless on the treadmill more often.


Are we not allowed to talk about the previews like for other shows?  Because damn WTF BBQ.

I actually like Toby, but I'm snarky like him and I feel like he is trying to win Kate over and he's being sweet with her.  I do not like that comma shaped lock of hair on his forehead though.  Not his fault.

I was more annoyed with the woman in the support group who lost three pounds than I was with Madison the anorexic and the Wendy's litterer.

I like the juxtaposition with present day and flashbacks.  But how old is Rebecca?  Because they said the kids were 8, which would make it 1987, so Jack is 44, but she must be younger?  Because she does not look 44.

I hope Kevin does move to NY and Kate goes too so everyone is in relatively the same area.

Webster.  Jesus.  Kids are assholes.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 11
30 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Maybe it is just me, but why in the world doesn't actor guy just suck it up for two years and collect his $3 million a year and continue with the sitcom? And then move on to more serious roles? Just be happy to be employed! 

I know, right? I've read that being on a sitcom is a pretty easy gig when it comes to a time commitment. Less than 40 hours a week, and only about 25 weeks a year? For 3 million dollars. Shut up and do serious stuff in the summer. Everyone has to do stuff they don't like for their jobs.

I am thinking Jack is dead because Rebecca was still wearing the necklace in the future scenes. To me that suggests that she's honoring his memory, even though she moved on. If they divorced she'd take it off.

  • Love 20
21 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Maybe it is just me, but why in the world doesn't actor guy just suck it up for two years and collect his $3 million a year and continue with the sitcom? And then move on to more serious roles? Just be happy to be employed!

Seriously! If the writers expect me to care that he doesn't like his $3 million  job, they're on drugs. I don't care if it's soul-sucking! Plenty of people who have minimum-wage soul-sucking jobs want to beat the crap out of you!

I don't like the Big Three chant, it's stupid. Especially the end where Randall doesn't even get a Whee or Gee, he's just the Three.

I knew the bio dad was going to say he was feeding his cat, and I loved that. I appreciate when a cat isn't the butt end of some stupid TV joke.

  • Love 13

"Well now I feel like a bitch." Heh. I like Beth. I understand why Randall might not want to ask the tough questions but they needed to be asked. I'm glad to see she has her husband's back. (And chest. Rowr.)

The flashbacks to Randall's childhood were rough. Realistic but rough. I'm glad the show isn't pretending that a white family in the 80s isn't going to be prejudice and/or bow to social pressures and that having adopted a black child wouldn't necessarily change that. Damn though, Kevin's not a very good brother. Randall's nicer than me, I would've told him I'd been sleeping and bid him goodnight, not stayed up to give him a pep talk.

TBH almost everything with Kate made me cringe. I was actually with her when she told off the slim woman because I've heard about women like her attending support groups for people with weight issues, knowing damn well those groups are primarily for people who are overweight and there are groups specifically for people with disordered eating. But the rest...is she going to be humiliated often? If so I'm not sure I can watch that. I mean, yeah, society is cruel to anyone larger than a size 12 and I fully expected her storyline to deal with that but so far it's been pretty much the be all end all for Kate as a character. 

The actor who plays Toby gets on my nerves. He does this thing where he keeps his mouth open that drives me nuts.

The TV exec was...some kind of guy. On the one hand I laughed at "my favorite wife" but "I Nagasaki'd him"? Yikes.

It's weird but I kind of expected to find out that Mandy Moore left Jess for Esposito (I don't remember their character's names, sorry). Something about the way Esposito was talking about her at the bar kind of telegraphed it for me. I'm thinking Milo dies because Randall having three living dads is just weird.

  • Love 18
5 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Are we not allowed to talk about the previews like for other shows?  Because damn WTF BBQ.

In general, the rule here is that the preview for the next episode shouldn't be discussed in the thread for the previous episode (meaning the preview for S1.E03 shouldn't be discussed in the S1.E.02 thread), but you can discuss the preview in the S1.E03: Kyle thread or in the spoiler thread.

  • Love 3

"Well now I feel like I bitch."  Ha!

And actually i did too because I was like Beth giving William the hairy side-eye.  And then he went and told his story about his ugly cat.  Dammit.

Anyway that kitchen scene was fantastic and Beth really stepped up to the plate here.  And how refreshing it is for someone on a tv show just to come out say stuff straight out.  "You are over staying your---"  She was totally about to lay it on the line.  Love it.

Actually Both Mandy Moore and Susan K-W were great in their scenes as wives protecting their husbands, Rebecca's more of a tough love and Beth's more a fierce one.

Very fascinated by the relationship between the siblings, even moreso than last week.

And I knew Miguel had a thing for Rebecca.  You don't talk about your friend's wife in just that way if you didn't have a thing for her.

  • Love 18
9 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Ahh! This show and the twists! There's going to be one every week I'm guessing

Yep, the showrunner has confirmed that there will be. If the show runs season after season and we're still finding out shockers about the past, it could get contrived.

Beth is either right to suspect that dying William the cat-feeder is too good to be true or she is simply opposed to him insinuating himself into their family.  Either way trouble lurks.

My guess is that Rebecca and Miguel had an affair but she and Jack reconciled. He pined for her until Jack died and then they got back together. 

  • Love 4

And I knew Miguel had a thing for Rebecca.  You don't talk about your friend's wife in just that way if you didn't have a thing for her.

Yeah unlike the first twist, I saw this one coming and I'm not sure I'm okay with it. They certainly suggested in this episode that Jack was an alcoholic or getting there and so who knows how shitty a husband and father he may have turned out to be. But still, Miguel's rhapsodizing about Rebecca and now them being together just makes it feel like he was really hanging around, waiting for his moment to move in on Rebecca.

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Cardie said:

My guess is that Rebecca and Miguel had an affair but she and Jack reconciled. He pined for her until Jack died and then they got back together. 

It's very possible. Rewatching the ending scene (and then piecing together that Miguel was Jack's best friend), Randall did not sound happy to see him there (but he was perfectly happy with Rebecca), so I do think there was a falling out between Jack and Miguel. 

1 minute ago, truthaboutluv said:

Yeah unlike the first twist, I saw this one coming and I'm not sure I'm okay with it. They certainly suggested in this episode that Jack was an alcoholic or getting there and so who knows how shitty a husband and father he may have turned out to be. But still, Miguel's rhapsodizing about Rebecca and now them being together just makes it feel like he was really hanging around, waiting for his moment to move in on Rebecca.

I don't think he was a shitty father, if only for the fact that Kate, Kevin, and Randall have said nothing but good things about him, and Randall's hostile reaction toward seeing Miguel. But maybe he just couldn't stop drinking, no matter how hard he tried, and that led to either his death, or the separation from Rebecca. Her wearing the necklace still, though, makes me think that they ended things amicably (possibly before his death). I take back what I said about Miguel being a good friend, though. 

I'm kind of wondering if Jack is truly dead, though. Most of the signs point to yes, and it would be less of a dick move for Rebecca to divorce Jack and get together with his best friend, but her moving on WITH Miguel after Jack's death might suck more. I'm still debating on which. 

But this season will unfold the whole story, so I'm going to withhold judgment until we get a better idea of what happened there. 

  • Love 6

Interesting how the preview for next week changes things.  I think the show did itself a disservice by jumping 8 years ahead to the Big 3 in school, and going straight to Jack-as-an-alcoholic, but it looks like they're going to flash back to when they were babies.  I'm glad, because I want to see how Jack and Rebecca handle raising Randall.  That couldn't have been the first time comments like "Webster" were thrown around.

Beth really shone this week.  Her love for Randall is evident, and their relationship is beautiful to watch.  The actors have great chemistry, and I can believe they've been together 17 years.  Glad William was just feeding his cat instead of using, although I think Beth might be feeling a bit usurped in the household.  I also hope William isn't up to anything screwy, because you can see Randall becoming more and more attached to him.

While I understand why Kevin wanted out of the show, I'm baffled at his reaction, post-freak out.  What did he expect?  We live in a world of social networking where your failures will be posted online only minutes after you have them.  Furthermore, he insulted the viewers along with his bosses.  But the show is simple and makes money, of course they weren't going to let him off easy.  Wake up, Kevin. 

Also, I didn't like how he was completely oblivious to Kate's reticence about going to the party.  People who aren't overweight would be nervous at a party like that.  Kevin was too wrapped in his own stuff to realize that Kate was uncomfortable, but he came off even more poorly because he knows her so well.   I wonder if that's the writers' way of saying that Kevin is more "Hollywood" than he realizes.

I like Toby.  He's not everyone's cup of tea, and fwiw, I think he's just as insecure as Kate, he just hides it better.  But he's really into her and wants her to enjoy life instead of dreading it.  And he rocked that fedora.

Considering that there are support groups for nearly everything, I'm surprised that girl isn't in a support group for Anorexia or Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  I'm sympathetic to her, but Kate can't be the only person who wants to go off on her.  Her being there feels like a dumb attempt at humor, and it's not funny.  The other girl, not Kate.

I'm betting Rebecca and Miguel have an affair, break it off, but resume their relationship when/if Jack dies.  Just my theory.

Edited by Amethyst
Rebecca, not Kate.
  • Love 7

OMG Miguel? The kids are calling him Grandpa! Was not expecting that with the kids saying Grandma and Grandpa were there. I was actually thinking of Beth's parents.

 I loved Beth' line calling herself a bitch, it was so funny and real.

Jack is dead. Didn't Randall say that in the pilot? 


I don't know anyone's name yet, but why is the grandpa sleeping in one of the granddaughter's bedrooms when they have a huge home? Isn't there a guest room he could stay in?

I agree that house is way too huge for just 4 bedrooms. I thought the same about having the treadmill in the master bedroom, there has to be a spare room/area/basement to put exercise equipment.

  • Love 5

I like this....the writing is hokey at times though.  I just don't like when writers think it's clever for a character to give a long speech to someone in metaphors like Rebecca's about being a 9 and not lowering her score.  I can relate to Kate and it always being about weight and feeling self conscious....granted I've never struggled with as much weight as her but have with 25, 30, and up to 50 extra lbs at different times and feeling like nothing fit or looked good on me.  

Edited by Laurie4H
  • Love 13

I like Toby, but I'm also really sarcastic.   Different strokes.  

I didn't love the scene with the cantalope because having her eating the a big piece of fruit while she watches everybody else in the family go about their regular business may be realistic in that she not her brothers need a modified diet but it just makes you feel crappy and different and singled out.   The whole family needs to make changes like that so I did appreciate that mom at the end was like we'll find balance together.

Those Webster scenes were tough but I appreciate that the strained relationship between the brothers is being explored and am interested in seeing it evolve hopefully.  

I really want to see all three sibs interact so I'm hoping Kate finds a reason to go to NY or Philly or somewhere east cost but we'll see.  

The chant was corny but my dad was all about that kind of corn and we still give an eye roll and do that sort of thing and everybody mocks it but not.  It felt corny in a kind of realistic way.  

More treadmill Randall!   And more Beth!  She hasn't had a whole lot to do but she's had some of the most endearing moments for me.  From the 1st episode rooting on the daughter who was braiding as hard as she was the one who was kicking ass.   And in this episode the getting real with William and then saying she felt like a bitch.   I hope William is on the up and up but I love that Beth is going to be looking out for Randall and their girls.

  • Love 9

Yes, the writing is so hooky, but the twists are what I think are going to keep me in for the time being.  I don't know, Rebecca was still wearing the necklace, I know she said she would take it off, but if they went though a divorce, I doubt she would still wear it. 

Also.. I don't see that Jack ever became a bad dad. They talk about him fondly. They do that chant. They talk about the lemons story..in fond ways. 

I don't know how I feel about the Miguel story. There's an article on ew.com where Mandy and Milo talk about it and even Mandy says it was like a gut punch for her too, since she's also rooting for Rebecca and Jack. So, grain of salt.

I think I'm here for this show. 

  • Love 7

 I figured future Jack was probably dead after last week, but still, finding out future Rebecca is married to Jack's best friend and he's Grandpa took the wind out of my sails a bit. Jack was less than stellar this episode, but I like him and Rebecca. It's kind of depressing to see Rebecca with Miguel.

I like Randall and Beth, and I liked learning more about the dynamic between the siblings.

  • Love 8
58 minutes ago, Pickles said:

I don't know anyone's name yet, but why is the grandpa sleeping in one of the granddaughter's bedrooms when they have a huge home? Isn't there a guest room he could stay in?

There's definitely a den with a sleeper sofa, which is where Beth made up his bed at the end of last week's episode. Realistically he should have stayed there, but I think having him sleep in one of the girls' rooms was supposed to signify increased familial closeness since that way William is sleeping on the same floor as the rest of the family.

I was really mad at Rebecca for putting 8-year-old Kate on a diet and forbidding her to eat the foods that her brothers were eating right in front of her. That set her up for a lifetime of disordered eating, and obviously did more harm than good since adult Kate is a lot more overweight than 8-year-old Kate. BTW, I had no problem with Kate dressing down the woman in the Lululemon jacket. She probably just goes to that support group meeting so that she can be the thinnest person in the room (she would have a lot more "competition" at an anorexics' meeting). And the Wendy's litterer, too. She could have given that meal to a homeless person.

I'm with those of you who have no sympathy for Kevin. Why not finish out the contract, set himself up for life, then do whatever the hell he wants with the rest of his career? Almost everyone has to suffer indignities and swallow their pride to some extent in order to earn a living, and it would actually be good television to see him going back and trying to make things right. I loved Katey Sagal telling him he was the most unfunny person on the planet and mocking his beanie.

I don't think Jack and Rebecca got divorced, because that's not congruent with what Kate said last episode about wanting to "marry a guy like Dad and be a mom like Mom". She wouldn't have felt that way if she had been a child of divorce. Also, yes, the necklace. Rebecca said she would never take it off, and she stuck to her word.

  • Love 23
2 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

I can relate to Kate and it always being about weight and feeling self conscious....granted I've never struggled with as much weight as her but have with 25, 30, and up to 50 extra lbs at different times and feeling like nothing fit or looked good on me.  

Yeah, at that weight your whole life would be about the extra fat. Not just finding clothes, but getting in and out of a car or taking a bath or going on a job interview. You'd think by now with all the other marvels of this age (3D printed guns! self-driving cars!) we'd have some better way for people to lose weight than dieting or surgery, but nope. Some day but not yet.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Tiger said:

Im already ride or die for Randall & Beth.  But I still think Beth should hire a detective to check ouy bio dad and his story.

Toby has got to go.  He's quickly replacing OUaT's Rumple as the character I yell "shut the fuck up" to.

They did a really good job with the casting of young Kate, but young Kevin and young Randall looked nothing like JH and SKB respectively.

I loved Rebecca calling Jack on his crap.  I cant wait to see Miguel becoming "grandpa" unfold.  Especially because I no longer thinm Jack is dead.  I'm thinking dementia or maybe a long estrangement.

I actually think the dementia or Alzheimer's might be it.  It would explain why Randall is hostile to Miguel and why Rebecca remarried but the kids still talk about Jack so positively. If Jack is still alive and in a home somewhere I can see the big three not liking Miguel much. I think if Jack truly was a drunk it would come up in Randall dealings with his William. If his adoptive father was a drunk I think he would have had a very different reaction to Williams addict stories.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Pickles said:

Maybe it is just me, but why in the world doesn't actor guy just suck it up for two years and collect his $3 million a year and continue with the sitcom? And then move on to more serious roles? Just be happy to be employed! 

Two years isn't a long time to me either, but in Hollywood years, it can be very long, especially if you're "aging" out of certain demographics and roles.  Kevin will be 38 by the end of his contract, and he said they could extend it.  I think he's just feeling the time pass and he wants to do serious roles instead of the cheesy family-fare stuff like The Manny.  If he was 26, it wouldn't be so bad, but he's doesn't have youthful arrogance on his side anymore.  Did they say how long he'd been doing the show?

They just did a lousy job of fleshing him out this week.  For example, this plot would have a lot more significance if he had to turn down a good role because of the show, instead of him just whinging his way through the problem and asking everyone what he should do.  I mentioned it above; I think he's more self-centered than he realizes.  His conversation with Randall said a lot.  By nature, Randall is compassionate and works hard for anything he has, but I'm betting Kevin glided his way through a lot in his youth and finally has to fight for something he wants.

Still, he works in a shallow industry where you're screwed the moment you show a wrinkle or a gray hair, (multiply this by 1000 if you're a woman) and it sounded like he finally realized last week that this was all there was to the show.  It would be better if there were more meaty scenes like the one with Alan Thicke, but the writers of The Manny aren't obligated to give Kevin's character any lasting depth, and they know exactly what they want to air and how they want to air it, so two years can feel like a long time if you're miserable.  It happens all the time, actors get burned out on lousy roles but take them because they don't have anything else.  Or they can't leave because of contractual obligations.  It's easy to sign on the dotted line when you're desperate, but you read the fine print later on and realize they basically own you.  

Kevin took a gamble walking away, because they can ruin his name and make sure he doesn't get any film/TV work because of it.  He'll probably be in some kind of debt and have to work his way up again doing small theater gigs, but I hope it makes him happy.

  • Love 17

My guess is that Jack is dead. For how long, we'll have to wait and see. I read somewhere that we would see Jack's and Rebecca's courtship at some point as well as many episodes with infants, young children and even teens. Not sure why Randall is hostile to Miguel. Maybe he just cannot imagine his mother with anyone other than his father, no matter how long Jack has been gone. I hope Miguel and Rebecca don't have an affair, that is if Jack and Rebecca separate at some time. That would not sit well with me. Good friends do not do that to each other no matter what the circumstances are.

  • Love 8

I keep thinking that Kevin is standing in not for actors stuck in stupid roles but for the writers who may have had to churn out this sort of crap but are now congratulating themselves on doing "serious" TV drama like This is Us. Another problem is that Justin Hartley is not a great actor and wouldn't have roles if not for his looks. Randall at least turns his dysfunction outward toward being the best for everyone. The twins are so self-absorbed.

  • Love 5

It is hard to find sympathy for Kevin. His story is the one I want to fast forward the most, unless it's a flashback or it's more centered on his siblings. It's hard to feel bad when all his job as an actor was asking him to do was his job and then he made a scene on the set and since he's locked into a contract, he has to stay at his job. A job that pays him a lot more money than what the average american makes. I get that it isn't Oscar level work and that being locked in on a show would prevent him at times from doing other roles and that most networks or studios wouldn't cast him because of this, but..again, I can't feel bad when the real world situations are worse. I don't think his show was asking him to do anything other than what his show's character was supposed to do. 

  • Love 5

- Agree that Kevin whining on the phone about his "issue" was ridiculous.  I felt some empathy last episode, but if he's really going to wallow like that?  Hahaha... oh dear.

- Randall had temporary blindness from not sleeping enough, or something?

- Twitter (I love Twitter, but it is horrible for some things. People love to spoil television shows and I have to block all of them) spoiled for me (actually it was Previously.TV's twitter feed, which I have now blocked) that there was ALSO a twist this episode. God, I really, really, really wish I hadn't known that going in.  I spent the entire episode thinking about it and it ruined my enjoyment, and I knew there'd be a twist in the last few frames.  I was 100% convinced that Katey Segal was the grown up mother/Mandy Moore character.  And as his agent/manager/whatever she just wasn't acting maternally towards Kevin and it was a misdirect.

Anyways, I guess EVERY episode will have a twist LOL which is so weird because I hope I'll be able to "sit back and enjoy" -- I'm worried I won't be able to?  I obviously have anxiety issues.  It's like how every episode of LOST ended with a major cliffhanger, but I still enjoyed every episode so hmm. I don't know.  Just typing aloud.

Katey Segal spent a lot of time on Married with Children, a show I DEARLY hated, and I've always held some jealousy towards her for somehow being able to land a part in literally every single quality show on Earth (Lost , Futurama, sons of anarchy, This is us, 1000000 more shows - SHE ALWAYS SHOWS UP.)  (I know her husband is the creator of SOA).  I've never been really impressed with her.) Anyways, she's like the real life Kevin I guess.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 8

Yeah, I was a goner with the Big Three chant.  We do goober stuff like that in my family all the time, and my darling dad was as much a part of it as anyone.  

I'm fine with the brothers having issues to work out, too, and I get a sense that Kate is the glue in that relationship.  Maybe "peacemaker" is her thing?

Kevin's decision doesn't annoy me at all.  It's not just pretty-boy, barely-talented actors, walk away from that kind of money.  An extreme, TCMish example, but...Bette Davis.  Olivia deHavilland.  In their time, they both told the studio heads to go fuck themselves.  It's the Jerry Maguire moment Tom Cruise had in the 1st act of that film.

  • Love 9
6 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

The most obvious example of an actor leaving a hit tv show way before their contract was David Caruso on NYPD Blue. Was there an actor who wanted out but the network refused to release them?

Katherine Heigl of Greys sort of made a big thing of wanting to leave, enough that the show finally granted her wish. But they totally had to change the story, she was supposed to come back but she made a big thing and there have always been conflicting reports from the magazines on how she was on set and  stuff that has painted her in a not good light.   She wanted to leave before all that though I believe, she had signed a years contract but then started to get into movies more and wanted to break it. Like I said, eventually they granted her wish. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 5

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