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S11.E07: Something's Fishy

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I tuned out last season and tuned back in for this fight after watching the fight in costumes whenever that was, so I can't claim to be scandalized. I sought this out, and I was entertained by the awfulness. Probably one of my favorite fights on one of these shows. 

I believed Heather. At first it seemed fake, and as others have said I changed my mind when she mentioned not wanting to be associated with this. That I'll buy, but it doesn't seem like she's quit, so...must have just been a moment. 

Vicki is still terrible. The slap comment, absurd.

Kelly turns it on and off quite quickly. I'd never want to encounter her in real life, but I think she's great trash tv, though I will agree that she brings the show down to, like, VH1 levels. Actually she feels like someone I'd see on a commercial for The Bachelor, or on the old Flavor/Rock of Love shows. Just raw, desperate, volatile energy that pops when mixed with cameras and alcohol. I have to admit I enjoy watching that for a couple episodes (after that it gets repetitive and sad, it's harder to see it as just an interesting tv character). 

My favorite was Tamra, though. She's evolved into quite the savvy shit stirrer. Much smarter about it than before. It's interesting to see that, um, growth. 

  • Love 19
4 minutes ago, phoenix780 said:

Kelly turns it on and off quite quickly. I'd never want to encounter her in real life, but I think she's great trash tv, though I will agree that she brings the show down to, like, VH1 levels. Actually she feels like someone I'd see on a commercial for The Bachelor, or on the old Flavor/Rock of Love shows. Just raw, desperate, volatile energy that pops when mixed with cameras and alcohol. I have to admit I enjoy watching that for a couple episodes (after that it gets repetitive and sad, it's harder to see it as just an interesting tv character). 

She would definitely not be out of place on the Rock of Love bus. 

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Kelly comes across as legit crazy/bad to me - not "wacky."  She is really distasteful. Not sure I can stomach another season if she's in it. Surely there are more interesting women in the OC.

And then insisting 20 times over that she's educated and a multi-millionaire. My 14 year old son (who happened to be in the room) said "Wait a minute. Did she just say notrocious? She's so dumb."  I told him I know and the worst part is she has way more money than we'll ever have. lol  

What the hell was that bragging about being a rich collegiate all about?


7 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

1. Vicki saying that David scared her because " if I slapped him across the face he would do the same thing" made me want to slap HER in the face repeatedly. Women do not have the right to put their hands on men ( or anyone!), and if she did slap David and he slapped her back in self defense, well tough shit Vicki! Don't assault people.

2. Kelly needs to go from 0 to 50 not zero to 100. I don't blame for everyone being disgusted with her but Heathers freak out was weird- I think Heather is VERY aware that her career and success is too tied up in the show and probably has pressure from Terry to act a certain way

  1. Didn't Vicki say the same thing about Brooks, that he got physical with her? She seemed OK with that... What is her problem with David? She keeps going back to her haranguing him at the 1970's party and how he looked like a pedophile. She's been extra nasty this season, I noticed. Is the mask slipping?
  2. I did get the impression that Heather realized staying at the restaurant with Kelly ranting and foaming at the mouth would not be good for her image.


7 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

From what I have seen of Sarah this season (which is not much), she seems like a decent enough person and is very pretty. WTF does she see in Ryan? Just an opportunity to be on TV?

Is that who the extra blond girl at the restaurant was? I had no idea who she was or why she was there with Tamra.

6 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

So now we know Vicki wants casseroles to travel and have sex, look out EHarmony!

I don't think casseroles are capable of doing either.


5 hours ago, ivygirl said:

The heck with the GONG as they entered the restaurant? I was expecting Long Duk Dong to pop out.

I didn't notice the gong sound but I cringed when Vicki (or was it Kelly?) harangued the people working there about not wanting her shoes stolen while she dining in the other room. Who says things like that?


4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

You would think having the event at a sushi restaurant Vicki wouldn't come because what is she going to eat? I seriously don't understand how she was confused by the concept of a seaweed salad. If Vicki and Kelly come back next year, I can see their alliance being split because Vicki is such a rube and Kelly likes to think she is worldly.

I was waiting for Vicki to start making gagging and choking and vomiting noises at the Japanese restaurant.

  • Love 12

I had a really hard time taking Kelly seriously on the whole "my daughter's going to hear me being called a whore!" rant.  This from the chick who allowed her 9 year old be the butt of a tossed salad joke and forbade dance lessons, lest same child end up on the stripper pole.  Hell, Jolie probably has heard her mother called worse by the other 3 adults living in the house.  Actually, any HW can just drop the "don't say X because what if my children hear" argument.  I'm pretty sure the kids (for the most part) are already mortified just by their mothers' presences on the various shows. 

The whole ending to the fight seemed rather disjointed to me.  I'm going to have to rewatch it, because I didn't quite get why Heather left but Shannon stayed behind.  I thought Shannon would have taken off with Heather since they came together and Shannon was the target of the explosive insult.  Heather's crying was just too fake; I had a good laugh at that.  I don't doubt she was pissed, the the faux crying was OTT.

Vicki needs to actually watch this show; Terry tried the "David is scary" crap 2 seasons ago and it didn't work.   I will say that the editors are stepping up their game this season with flashbacks; that side by side of Shannon's and David's wild eyes expressions was priceless.

I'm no Sarah fan, and tend to think she must be as stupid as a box of hair for hooking up with 'Roid Ryan, but her look at the restaurant table after the fight exploded and she was left with Kelly, Vicki, and Meghan, was one of "I'm not getting paid enough for this level of crazy."  And I'd have to agree; I'd need a lot of cash to sit at that table.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

The whole ending to the fight seemed rather disjointed to me.  I'm going to have to rewatch it, because I didn't quite get why Heather left but Shannon stayed behind.  I thought Shannon would have taken off with Heather since they came together and Shannon was the target of the explosive insult.  Heather's crying was just too fake; I had a good laugh at that.  I don't doubt she was pissed, the the faux crying was OTT.

I wondered why Shannon wasn't leaving with Heather since she was her ride as well, but Shannon left and it appeared that Heather had left without her, unless that was just creative editing.


Vicki's lunch visit with Kelly was odd, the part with Vicki being unable to exit the kitchen elevator and Kelly being oblivious to the wackiness that ensued seemed a tad fake to me.

  • Love 10

Kelly is reality gold. She wil get down and dirty. Kelly was clearly brought in to be the villian. Vicks and Tamara are villian-lite, they say shit but they they want to be loved by the audience and they have a history with the show and the audience. So they do bad shit and then try to redeem themselves. Coming on the show and immediately chewing all the furniture like Kelly has will not win her the audience or her castmates. Except for Vicks, who needs a buddy this season. Kelly also knows that RH franchises are about the fights, so she cam in with that as her objective, in order to make sure she becomes a regular. I also think that she has fallen for an old HW producer mechanism to create drama, the flowing booze at filming. I think she likes to drink, and she is one of those drunks who gets louder as they get drunker.

As much as I detest Kelly, if it wasn't for her, what the hell would be the storyline this season?? Meaghan's IVF? Snore. Tams bodybuilding? snore. Heather's mall house and "busy life"? Snore. Brianna moving to the OC? Snore. Shannon doesn't even have a storyline this season, other than visiting every alternative heath guru in the OC. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

I've never been a huge fan, but Heather D. earned some respect from me tonight. These shows have always been ridiculous and trashy, but Kelly is a whole different level and I don't blame Heather for bowing out of that shit. Her breakdown in the limo was weird at first, but then when she said, "I don't want to be associated with this" it suddenly made more sense. She was never a household name but Heather had a legitimate acting career for a time and I know she came on the show hoping to help her get back into the game. That doesn't usually work out well and most of these women end up hawking their own products instead (including the Dubrows), but nothing will permanently dash her hopes of being taken seriously as an actress again like being associated with someone like Kelly Dodd. 


I have never quit a RH show before. I will tolerate a lot of bullshit and a lot of terrible people but I won't be back if Kelly is. She is gross. It's hard to take her apology seriously when she's making fun of Heather again 5 minutes later and standing by all of her nonsense in her TH. Girl, bye. Putting aside for a moment the fact that I don't buy Tamra's compassion, Shannon is right that it isn't everyone else's responsibility to fix Kelly's crazy. You can love people and give grace to people and still have boundaries and keep toxic, nasty people who see no problem with their behavior at arms' length. And again, it's hard to take the compassion seriously when Tamra is actively setting Kelly off and stirring shit up again. 


Add Vicki to the mix and it gets even worse. Listening to the two of them bitch about Shannon over Kelly's shitty cooking was downright painful, and it seems we're in for more next week when they lament about the other women hating them because they ain't them. Right. 


Ugh. I can't even get into the rest of the episode. This fucking show. 

I have room at the table with me.  I have this show on DVR and am debating just deleting it and saying goodbye.  There's no point in dealing with Kelly's inability to behave like a normal human being, but the C word is a dealbreaker.   Sorry, Andy, but this isn't funny or interesting.

  • Love 7

Maybe, it is the recurrent theme this year for the housewives, the newbies are in bad marriages and on the verge of divorces.

Heather calling Terry crying is ridiculous.

What is it with these so called grown women having to run to their husbands at the first sign of trouble???/.

What a bunch of fake, pearls clutching, over indulged women! LOL

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  I'm being picky.  It's Tamra, not Tamara. 

I admit it.  It's annoying to me.  She's been on the show for almost forever.  Her name is 'Tamra'.  That doesn't mean I like her but really? 

In my defense my name and one of my best friends name combines to be Tamara and so autocorect often changes it because of friends and I can't be bothered to correct it. Hell it was only recently that my autocorect learned that all e's is an acceptable way to spell Bethenny.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, njbchlover said:

1.  Why did Kelly even call Shannon a C-U-Next Tuesday (I have a hard time even typing that word.)?  As far as I could see, Shannon basically sat quietly throughout the whole of Kelly's meltdown, and only calmly replied - never once raised her voice, never once sounded confrontational.  Granted, Shannon did throw a little jab with the college comment, but it did not deserve the nasty that spewed from Kelly's mouth.  I actually expected to see foam coming out of Kelly's mouth, like some kind of rabid animal.  Anyway, shouldn't that anger be directed at that Nina woman?  

This is why I think a lot of people found Kelly's behavior so repulsive. Yes, we've heard bad language coming from these ladies before. That's not really the whole issue. But Shannon wasn't really doing anything. Kelly just seemed totally out of control, and would just hurl insults across the table at women out of nowhere. I think there's a real concern of, "what will she do next?"


7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

You would think having the event at a sushi restaurant Vicki wouldn't come because what is she going to eat? I seriously don't understand how she was confused by the concept of a seaweed salad.

The only place they should allow Vicki to eat his McDonalds, because clearly her palate can't handle anything more sophisticated than a Big Mac. I'm seriously so sick of seeing her retch over every damn thing she puts into her mouth. I'm actually kind of a picky eater myself, but I know how to use self control when I taste something I don't like. Hell, even Troy has better manners. He just says, "No thank you" and doesn't make a big production about it. 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Ubiquitous said:

Hokey smokes! Did you see that gawd awful wine bottle opener on Kelly's kitchen counter?

And Meghan's womb being compared to an oven?


Oh yeah, we had a sighting of Heather's hired help this week when she told us about how very busy she is.

That was one of the most ostentatious things I have ever seen.  Looked like she stole it from a gaudy Las Vegas high roller suite.  What was worse was that she didn't even have it attached to the bar/countertop, so there was no leverage, which was why Vicki was having trouble with it.

Tacky, tacky, tacky!!!  

  • Love 9

once again these bitches do not fail to be culturally insensitive at every opportunity. no, adding an o to every word doesn't make it Japanese. At least they didn't start screaming "gross" when the food arrived. Why is it funny in RHousewives land when people are not exactly like you?

I will never forget one of the first episodes  I watched of this show. They were traveling and of course the food was GROSS and Vicks was gagging, so they just wanted french fries. Hello, ugly americans.  

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

I don't think casseroles are capable of doing either.

I think I may love you. Not as much as the Oxford comma. But still. 


26 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Heather calling Terry crying is ridiculous.

What is it with these so called grown women having to run to their husbands at the first sign of trouble???/.

I don't know. My husband is my best friend. He's the first one I turn to when I need to vent about someone pissing me off. I think Heather just needed to get it all out, not that she needed Terry to save her or anything. 

  • Love 21
9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Of course, I remember that part, LOL!!  But, I also think that the c-word was thrown around, too, during her meltdown when Joe pulled Teresa away from the table.  

Wasn't it Joe that called Theresa a  **nt (I can't type it either) when he was on the phone with his alleged mistress during the wine tasting trip?

39 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think I may love you. Not as much as the Oxford comma. But still. 


I don't know. My husband is my best friend. He's the first one I turn to when I need to vent about someone pissing me off. I think Heather just needed to get it all out, not that she needed Terry to save her or anything. 

The dialog irked me. The dubrows act like they are above the fray while signing over and over on a cheesy made for cable tv show.

she is a big whinner who needs to realize that without this craptastic show, there would be no evine, no botched and no hotel dubrow,imo

miss fancypants is taking herself a wee bit too seriously.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, LIMOM said:

Maybe, it is the recurrent theme this year for the housewives, the newbies are in bad marriages and on the verge of divorces.

Heather calling Terry crying is ridiculous.

What is it with these so called grown women having to run to their husbands at the first sign of trouble???/.

What a bunch of fake, pearls clutching, over indulged women! LOL


15 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

The dialog irked me. The dubrows act like they are above the fray while signing over and over on a cheesy made for cable tv show.

she is a big whinner who needs to realize that without this craptastic show, there would be no evine, no botched and no hotel dubrow,imo

miss fancypants is taking herself a wee bit too seriously.

I also think that we got the shortened clip of Kellys drunken tirade so I can see why Heather maybe was more emotional. She totally had that really stressed out whine in her voice lol. I don't think I could sit there through all of that and not be stressed out lol

I would also call my husband, IDK who else would you call and vent to about your crazy ass friends/coworkers?  Hes probably the most appropriate choice because he understands the reality tv game and knows them lol. 

I agree with aPP who said it was more Kellys behavior than the actual words spoken. For whatever reason I am not horribly offended by the C you next tuesday ( not that I would call anyone that) or any other swear words to be honest but the fact that she was damn near rabid and her over all drunkenness would unnerve anyone.  

  • Love 15
19 hours ago, b2H said:

Cannot wait to find out if this is Kelly's last hurrah. She has no place on this show.

ETA:. The media thread says she will be back.  Signed contract and all.  I am out after this season.

That article linked in the media thread actually states that Kelly had originally signed on for season 8.  This is season 11.  She ended up not doing it because her husband did the same thing Simon Barney did and blocked their daughter from being filmed.  This was during the time that they were separated and Kelly was engaged to someone else.

So no Kelly next season...yet.  They usually don't send out contracts this early anyways.  But I agree, if Kelly is back next season I'm done with this show.  I am 100% in Heather's corner with her reaction to Kelly's vile behavior and I absolutely would have asked Kelly to leave the party as well, whether it was "my" party or not.  No one deserves to be called that or screamed at like Kelly did to Shannon and Tamra. 

  • Love 17


I think it is not so much the words Kelly's utters (although they are terrible) that I think disturbing but that it doesn't seem to take much provocation for her to go there and it goes left and escalates quickly.  I mean quickly! She is like a landmine - a feather landing on her can make her explode in such an ugly way. Who the hell wants to be around that? Even garbage person Brandi had a good season or 2 where she came off as likable and fun. 

I cringed during Heather's crying scene and I mean 'scene' literally. When the camera faded to black, I honestly believe someone, maybe even Heather herself, said "and .... SCENE!" Watching her face try to strain and contort while the botox and fillers fought to keep everything tight and immobile was like some kind of science special where two polar forces fight against each other - which one will assert its dominance? Hard to tell, but those veins on her forehead might quite the showing under the strain.  I think Heather wouldn't mind getting back into acting, however, it seems like she is going in the tv hosting direction as mentioned loving it. I think she is good at it and as Sophie Petrillo once said to Rose Nylon: she has the most important quality in a anchor - hair that doesn't move.

No wonder Kelly and Vicki get along so well. They both think they can speak other languages if they add vowels to the end of words. Kelly thinks adding an "Os" to the end of everything makes it Japanese, which what!?!? And Vicki thinks adding "Es" makes it Spanish - 'no scratchie the woodie' A match made in culturally insensitive paradise. Idjits! 

I know that Tamra is now team God but it is taking some getting used to and I am reserving judgement until the reunion. 

I think Shannon was both right and wrong with her advice prediction. Yes, Vicki will screw Tamra over but let's not act that that hasn't been a 2 way street in the past. Tamra has screwed Vicki over in the past many a time. 

Am I supposed to be more interested in Meghan's ovaries than her own husband?

Meghan's flip flopping over inviting Vicki to the party was ridiculous. Her "I think so" after being asked str8 out the 2nd time whether Vicki was invited after telling Tamra to invite her was just the worst. 

Let us all take a moment to blow taps over Shannon's pre-divorce ceremony next week ... aka vow renewal. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 15
5 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:


I didn't notice the gong sound but I cringed when Vicki (or was it Kelly?) harangued the people working there about not wanting her shoes stolen while she dining in the other room. Who says things like that?

It was subtle but there -- Tamra and Sarah arrive, the camera shows a line of ladies in Japanese dress, then GONG. Then Tamra says hi, and then GONG and they bow. Bow, GONG. Bow, GONG. EYE ROLL. Surprised they didn't play the Asian riff too.

And it was Kelly who said the thing about her shoes being snake, don't let them be stolen. So apparently Kelly says things like that. Why am I not surprised?

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 10

Ok so three things are blatantly obvious:

1. Tams needs to give up hosting parties. Remember the naked wasted party? The Cut Fitness party when she threw Alexis out? Now this sushi/last drinks for Meghan party disaster? 

2. Kelly is one of those people that NEVER needs to drink alcohol. 

3. Heather is the worst actress on the planet. She must be cringing watching the playback of herself weeping in the car with her dry eyes...

Oh, there is a #4- Tams is desperately trying to keep Ryan's baby mama on the show so she can collect some type of money so she doesnt run back to her home town in northern CA. Tams wants grand baby Tams to stay close by.  How does that girl even know any of those people? 

  • Love 4

I thought something was off with Heather's phone conversation with Terry.  We didn't get the whole thing because his responses seeded like they had been edited out of order.   Heather going nuclear with Kelly was a good one though.   I kind of like Ms. Fancy Pants, and think she would be a better fit for RHOBH.

Do you think Kelly is mixing medicine with alcohol?    And her house is beyond tacky. 

Vicky continues to give out ick vibes.  She is still a horrible person for lying about cancer. 

  • Love 7

I love all these conversations about guest lists and the parties these ladies throw.  We KNOW both Vicki and Kelly will always be invited because all the ladies are contracted to associate with each other whether they like each other or not.  That is the whole point of the show. Plus as others have said....this show is boring as hell EXCEPT when they all get together (ala the Atlanta women and most likely all these RH shows....haven't seen any of the others).

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

Once again these bitches do not fail to be culturally insensitive at every opportunity. no, adding an o to every word doesn't make it Japanese. At least they didn't start screaming "gross" when the food arrived. Why is it funny in RHousewives land when people are not exactly like you?

I wondered about that as well, but then realized they probably didn't show them reacting to the food to make room for Kelly's antics.


34 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

It was subtle but there -- Tamra and Sarah arrive, the camera shows a line of ladies in Japanese dress, then GONG. Then Tamra says hi, and then GONG and they bow. Bow, GONG. Bow, GONG. EYE ROLL. Surprised they didn't play the Asian riff too.

And it was Kelly who said the thing about her shoes being snake, don't let them be stolen. So apparently Kelly says things like that. Why am I not surprised?

Ah, I was too distracted by what I call the "Japanese bowing trope" to notice the gong sound: the Japanese bow, the occidentals bow in response, prompting the Japanese to bow in response, etc. until it becomes awkward and the occidentals break the cycle of bowing by walking away in embarrassment.


Well, Vicki and Kelly arrived together so I can see why I thought Vicki was the one telling them to make sure her shoes won't get stolen.

  • Love 1

Kelly is an abusive, racist alcoholic with a documented history of violence.  If she were a man she would be off the show and there would be more viewer expounding.

I'm over Pastor Tamra stirring shit from the pulpit then guilt sermonizing others for their honest reactions and feelings. Her fake "shame on you Kelly" with a smirk tells me where her heart lies. She is a new Christian so she is like a puppy, I understand she is excited about her new outlook on life but until she has a few years behind her as a Christian and life has pressed itself upon her while being a one don't grab the microphone and start scolding. Giving up tequila and wine for a few months doesn't count as a trial of life. Maybe for Kelly it does.

Troy has Vicki's number when Nana is talking about buying a boat he's shaking his head, when Nana's talking about finding a man  he knows it's time to leave. Vicki is so desperate for a man in her life if Donn called she would get a flutter of hope just seeing his name come up on her phone.


None of the vitriol not even Kelly getting in Heather's face about throwing her out merited Heather's breakdown in the limo. It rang false. Her anger at the baseness of the evening yes, the crying...no.

  • Love 11

Here is Kelly giving maybe the most pathetic explanation for her despicable behavior, oh and what is she wearing?  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kelly-dodd-meghan-king-edmonds-dinner-party-reaction-regret-video

First off Shannon didn't bring Nina to the party, Shannon's neighbor brought her as a plus one.  Perhaps if Kelly not arrived blasted, her husband not flashed the loser sign, there would have been no need to discuss Kelly.  Second no one called her a prostitute and with her college education she should be able to break down the comment.  Why would anyone, let alone Shannon, stick up for Kelly with her drunken ass behavior?  The idea that she is somehow owed chance after chance because she has anger management issues is just inane.  If she is wondering about model behavior for her daughter she should check her mouth. 

Most of all where was Kelly's good friend Vicki in comforting or defending her when she went nuts? 

I have a problem with the good Christian Tamra writing everything off to someone being in pain.   Maybe if Tamra didn't run and tell Kelly what others were saying about her she could spare Kelly some pain.   Tamra was a nasty ass for many seasons and it wasn't Simon's fault.  She was very nasty to Alexis when she was with Eddie.   

  • Love 20
13 hours ago, chewycandy said:


Kelly is Latina and is taking the Mexican spitfire stereotype waaaay too far.

There is a 'Mexican spitfire' stereotype and THAT was nothing of the sort.

She was in her 'gangbanger chic' mode.

(Someone should intro Kelly to the fucking faux gangsters, bettheny frankhell and carole raduzwell to give them some pointers)

THAT is the way you go gangster on a person.

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:


I think it is not so much the words Kelly's utters (although they are terrible) that I think disturbing but that it doesn't seem to take much provocation for her to go there and it goes left and escalates quickly.  I mean quickly! She is like a landmine - a feather landing on her can make her explode in such an ugly way. Who the hell wants to be around that? Even garbage person Brandi had a good season or 2 where she came off as likable and fun. 

I cringed during Heather's crying scene and I mean 'scene' literally. When the camera faded to black, I honestly believe someone, maybe even Heather herself, said "and .... SCENE!" Watching her face try to strain and contort while the botox and fillers fought to keep everything tight and immobile was like some kind of science special where two polar forces fight against each other - which one will assert its dominance? Hard to tell, but those veins on her forehead might quite the showing under the strain.  I think Heather wouldn't mind getting back into acting, however, it seems like she is going in the tv hosting direction as mentioned loving it. I think she is good at it and as Sophie Petrillo once said to Rose Nylon: she has the most important quality in a anchor - hair that doesn't move.

No wonder Kelly and Vicki get along so well. They both think they can speak other languages if they add vowels to the end of words. Kelly thinks adding an "Os" to the end of everything makes it Japanese, which what!?!? And Vicki thinks adding "Es" makes it Spanish - 'no scratchie the woodie' A match made in culturally insensitive paradise. Idjits! 

I know that Tamra is now team God but it is taking some getting used to and I am reserving judgement until the reunion. 

I think Shannon was both right and wrong with her advice prediction. Yes, Vicki will screw Tamra over but let's not act that that hasn't been a 2 way street in the past. Tamra has screwed Vicki over in the past many a time. 

Am I supposed to be more interested in Meghan's ovaries than her own husband?

Meghan's flip flopping over inviting Vicki to the party was ridiculous. Her "I think so" after being asked str8 out the 2nd time whether Vicki was invited after telling Tamra to invite her was just the worst. 

Let us all take a moment to blow taps over Shannon's pre-divorce ceremony next week ... aka vow renewal. 

Uh, I think we're all more interested in Meghan's ovaries than her own husband...........

  • Love 3

Vicki has a meal at Kelly’s under-cooked  over-garliced cauliflower. Muy vomito

Kelly apparently has the same tutor as Gretchen

In her TH… how could somebody say these things about me that are so NO-trocious and lies and vicious. I have a daughter and this could get back to her.

What is the verdict? Was Kelly trying to say atrocious, nutritious, notorious or supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus?


  • Love 10

OMG. Run Vicki. If Vicks hooks her wagon to Kelly then the OG may go au revoir. Kelly is gross. 

I too did enjoy Vicki stuck in the elevator.

SO MUCH Heather love for what she did and said about EVERYTHING esp the Vicki hand wave away then when she was in the car crying and I went UGH. 

Part of Heather's horror last night, versus not being quite so horrified in other situations was that this was filmed in a very high end, very CONSERVATIVE, traditional Japanese restaurant. Heather's level of horror was the embarrassment of being associated with that mess at that place. It wasn't in someone's backyard it was in a very conservative place and I am sure the servers and management were absolutely appalled. As I would have been.

Does Brianna's son have a speech impediment or is just at the age he is gaining speech? I can't tell them apart. 

So Brianna has a $50,000 budget of her OWN money to put in VICKI'S investment house? Can someone explain this to me. Brianna's goofy grin in her TH tells me she thought she was auditioning as a cast member with an orange. Brianna is so much more valuable to highlight Vicki's dysfuction, she aughta stay in that role. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 6

I think Heather just got completely overwhelmed I believe the breakdown because no matter what she tolerated in the past everyone has their breaking point.  

Kelly is disgusting and classless (Vicki - FYI this is when those words are appropriate they are not a defense to be used when someone is questioning a con man's lies.) On the brighter side her daughter does not seem very fond of her school and I think that display last night will be the catalyst to her going to a new school,.

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, chewycandy said:


Kelly is Latina and is taking the Mexican spitfire stereotype waaaay too far.

As hypocritical as she is and also a racist, I bet Kelly would immediately throw down if somebody, not Mexican, made fun of her Mexican heritage. She dishes it but can't take it. One can imagine what is said by her or those around her off camera, it rolls too easily off her tongue.

She sets a shining example for her daughter, that of a freshly expelled dog turd glistening in the sun.

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13 hours ago, Sarcastica said:

They need to return Kelly to whatever dumpster they found her in. She is just vile. 

I have to admit, I laughed at Heather crying on the phone to Terry. What a mess. 

This is one bad side of botox!  Face doesn't move despite all efforts to emote and that ginormous vein in the middle of the forehead was distracting.  I WANTED to feel for her but laughter got in the way.  

Kelly is a giant mess.  I suspect there is a ton of cruelty in that household between both Michael (Voldemort lookalike) and Kelly.  I also suspect raving alcoholism.  Hey Bravo, if I wanted to watch Bad Girls Club I would mosey over to Oxygen.  If Kelly comes back next season I am not sure I can take it.  I DO have to give props to Shannon for letting Kelly show who she is without poking the bear.  She certainly didn't have to.  Sake was handling THAT quite well.

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11 hours ago, ivygirl said:

The heck with the GONG as they entered the restaurant? I was expecting Long Duk Dong to pop out.

What did ever happen to "Long Dong Silver"?

I thought the Kelly's imitation of the 'champs' swilling pleather to be funny.


I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, for a few reasons.

Kelly's tirade WAS something you'd see at a REAL gathering of simpletons.

Again, the hostess loses control of the event - and a guest tries to establish peace.

One "C" word and the party is over? Shit I have been to events where people have threatened to kill each other - along with any family yet to be born.

When shit like that happens, You don't stand up and personalize your disgust.

You pick up your belongings and bow out - No one cares about YOUR feelings, this is between two other people - getting up and becoming part of the circus is stupid and you deserve to get whatever comes your way.

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5 minutes ago, Giselle said:

As hypocritical as she is and also a racist, I bet Kelly would immediately throw down if somebody, not Mexican, made fun of her Mexican heritage. She dishes it but can't take it. One can imagine what is said by her or those around her off camera, it rolls too easily off her tongue.

She sets a shining example for her daughter, that of a freshly expelled dog turd glistening in the sun.

DAMN YOU! Now when I walk the dog and he drops a deuce, I'll be looking for that characteristic?

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