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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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7 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

What a pathetic life. Derick and Jill have two kids, no “real” income, and they are choosing to pretend they bought a house. Feeling insecure much? 

And why not just wait until after he's graduated from law school (and presumably gets a job). This just doesn't make sense for someone in their first year if law school with a wife who doesn't work.

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4 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Jill certainly does have a talent for finding the most unflattering clothes she can. She has a knack for making herself look bigger and dumpy-er than she actually is. 

Got to look fumpy and dumpy because she cannot attract the attention of the male heathen species. Michele does not want to give up her I tempt my heathen male neighbor to leave his wife title.

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Would it really kill her to brush her hair and swipe on some lipstick before taking these promo pictures?   The jumpsuit is neutral and could look nice if she only made a little effort in styling it.  Even a bright color instead if the gray in the headband.

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6 hours ago, BetyBee said:

Well, I don't care if they rent or buy (though I did notice that Jill said they were moving, with no mention of buying), but I'm glad the boys will be in a nice neighborhood and maybe they'll have friends to play with.  Maybe Jill will even find a friend or two!

I'm thinking they bought the house. Unless the builders are Fundy I don't think they'd be okay with them writing (and posting pics) scripture all over the studs.

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If I didn’t know better, I’d think that Jana made Jill a copy of the model’s dress from an extra large potato sack.

Edited by EVS
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2 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

Citrus and Lemon has to be trolling her at this point. "Oh just throw it on , no need to iron! "

Even on the model that jumpsuit is really hideous. Im a rare person who loves rompers, but that cut color odd looking buttons..it looks like a piece of furniture?? Like a dresser. LOL

Additionally, if you put your personal life on social media, you invite in scrutiny. If you don't want people to wonder how you finance your life, keep off social media. I don't feel bad snarking or wondering how the hell they pay for anything.

Citrus and lemon have some hideous clothes that their official models in a highly stylized photoshoot can make look good.   Many of their styles are intentionally made larger than necessary.  There is one dress that I am waiting to see jill model.  It looks like something out of the mail order catalogs that my grandmother got in the 80s or 90s.

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Poor Jill.  It appears that she is actually blind.  That is a nasty, rumpled, ill-fitting jumpsuit that over-emphasizes her ample bust that rather than having a sexy effect, is only matronly.  It also stays with her color theme in food and clothes - everything in gray or beige.

To complete the look - ratty hair and and squinty eyes.  Yes indeed, that's going to pay for the new house.

1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:
Edited by Suzn
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2 minutes ago, Suzn said:

Poor Jill.  It appears that she is actually blind.  That is a nasty, rumpled, ill-fitting jumpsuit that over-emphasizes her ample bust that rather than having a sexy effect, is only matronly.  It also stays with her color theme in food and clothes - everything in gray or beige.

To complete the look - ratty hair and and squinty eyes.  Yes indeed, that's going to pay for the new house.

She's a new candidate on America's Next Top Fundie

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If the Dullards didn't want the scrutiny, they should have deleted their social media when they left the show. They may claim they stay online for some concocted "ministry," but IMO, they bask in the glow of the attention. I hope that IG decides to do away with the "likes." It might shut down famewhores like Derelict and Jill.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm thinking they bought the house. Unless the builders are Fundy I don't think they'd be okay with them writing (and posting pics) scripture all over the studs.

It will be covered up with drywall pretty soon (which makes it even sillier in my mind) but still...

My bet is it’s a rent-to-own deal with builder holding the loan and Mama Dillard co-signing.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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44 minutes ago, Suzn said:

Poor Jill.  It appears that she is actually blind.  That is a nasty, rumpled, ill-fitting jumpsuit that over-emphasizes her ample bust that rather than having a sexy effect, is only matronly.  It also stays with her color theme in food and clothes - everything in gray or beige.

To complete the look - ratty hair and and squinty eyes.  Yes indeed, that's going to pay for the new house.

There’s something wrong with her, and I say that w/o one ounce of snark.  She’s either so depressed that she’s just half-ass going through the motions and really doesn’t give a damn about how things look or what people think, OR she’s mentally and intellectually way below average with zero common sense to boot, so she truly can’t do any better.  It could be some combination of the two OR it might be neither.  She may just be a lazy slob, who doesn’t give a rat’s ass, and is only there for the $$.

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1 hour ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

There is one dress that I am waiting to see jill model.  It looks like something out of the mail order catalogs that my grandmother got in the 80s or 90s.

Oh please share a link to this dress! 😂

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7 minutes ago, Zella said:

I think it could definitely be a mixture or either/or for depression or ignorance. I don't necessarily get the not giving a rat's ass vibe from her, like I do Jessa.

Jill reminds me  a lot of a puppy who is eager to please but doesn't understand why you're mad because it shit in the floor.

So, I think she sincerely thinks she is doing some great cooking and housekeeping and parenting and fashioning and is completely bewildered when people make fun of her, so she keeps adjusting, but she's still so clueless that it just leads to more ridicule. 

Delusions of grandeur?

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16 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

There’s something wrong with her, and I say that w/o one ounce of snark.  She’s either so depressed that she’s just half-ass going through the motions and really doesn’t give a damn about how things look or what people think, OR she’s mentally and intellectually way below average with zero common sense to boot, so she truly can’t do any better.  It could be some combination of the two OR it might be neither.  She may just be a lazy slob, who doesn’t give a rat’s ass, and is only there for the $$.

Yes, seriously. These efforts that make most of us cringe do not come from a normally functioning adult. We can only speculate whether she is mentally or emotionally impaired.  If I were a nicer person, I would pity her.

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1 minute ago, BrianJ1962 said:

Delusions of grandeur?

Possibly! I don't know if Jill thinks she is the greatest housekeeper ever, but I get the impression she vastly overrates her abilities. 

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All the Duggars overrate their abilities to some extent and they also tend to believe that the world criticizes them, because they're so holy. That seems common for fundies. 

Edited by Temperance
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24 minutes ago, Zella said:

Possibly! I don't know if Jill thinks she is the greatest housekeeper ever, but I get the impression she vastly overrates her abilities. 

I freely admit that I suck at housekeeping

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2 minutes ago, BrianJ1962 said:

I freely admit that I suck at housekeeping

I'm no Martha Stewart myself (even though we rather ironically share a birthday)! But I also don't post pics of my handiwork--or lack thereof--for the world to see and judge. 

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4 hours ago, Trillium said:

There are no words. Except, hopefully that new house has an iron...and a brush. 


Wow. Just... wow.

There is so much wrong with this outfit that I don’t know where to start. Its color is unflattering, it makes Jill (who is in no way overweight) look chubby, and the obviously cheap fabric is weirdly sheer and easy to wrinkle. But the outfit pales in comparison to her styling. She can’t wash or brush her hair? Iron the jumper? Stop squinting? Does citrus and lemon think she’s making their clothes look good?

I really think she must be depressed. To be this half-assed about her only arguably profitable enterprise is just bizarre. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if she was the one who insisted on the move. Being isolated in Fayetteville with Derick at school all the time must have been hard. She doesn’t seem to have developed a friend network there. This way she’ll be closer to her family and it will be harder for Derick to spend time at school on weekends or days off. 

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That awful jumpsuit....oh my God. It looks like she just took it out of the shipping plastic bag and put it on....Jill....IRON THE DAMN THING FIRST! Quit showing off you all too long hair. Pull you hair out of the way so you can actually SHOW the garment if you are trying to SELL IT, girl.

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9 hours ago, BrianJ1962 said:

I freely admit that I suck at housekeeping

Me too! In my case, cleaning can make me sick because of the smell of cleaning products. Sometimes getting the energy to start cleaning can be hard especially when my thyroid levels are off or other medical issues act up.

Jill thinks she is special. She probably wants Jana or another family member to come over to clean her place and take care of her children because it is just too hard to do it on her own. I also think she is depressed and cannot function in the real world without someone holding her hand.

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I am not a fashionista by any means and genuinely not trying to be snarky here. I don't understand how Jill looks so thick and chubby in the clothes she "models". Is it that the clothing is ill fitting, the fabric....both?  She looks awful.

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She’s so simple and so complicated all at the same time. 

She’s trying to be all things, and she needs to back off. She wants to be the perfect wife, mother, homeschool teacher, influencer. Maybe still trying to be the perfect daughter and buddy team leader. 

Her marriage has been a complete whirlwind with very little security of what will happen next.

I wish she would enroll her boys in her church’s preschool and let her catch a breath a few mornings a week.

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4 hours ago, whydoiwatch said:

I am not a fashionista by any means and genuinely not trying to be snarky here. I don't understand how Jill looks so thick and chubby in the clothes she "models". Is it that the clothing is ill fitting, the fabric....both?  She looks awful.

I think the clothing is too big. Wearing too big OR small clothes makes most people look bigger. Jill has a cute figure- she’s pretty well proportioned with a nice pear shape- she can wear most styles, but she’s not so skinny that wearing the “hanging over sized look” works for her. 

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I think of all the girls who were molested by Smugs she was the one who was most affected. Instead of getting her the help she might needs, JB marries her off to Deredick who seems one or more short of a six pack himself. He is not happy with the way his life has went after they got married. I cannot stand her, but I feel a little bad for her.

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I had a very similar style  jumpsuit like that back in the 80's.  Same color, same gauzy material & I wore similar brown sandals.  But mine fit me, I ironed or steamed mine & I  wore a contrasting jute belt with it.   Oh, I also washed & combed my hair. 

BTW, I can't imagine having to deal with that mop every day but then again I don't think Jill likes to deal with it either. I remember how scraggly it looked on her wedding day 5 years ago.  There was a shot of Jill & D walking in the church showing their backs before they changed to their wedding duds & hers was a  scraggly mess then, just shorter. 

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10 minutes ago, Lunera said:

This is probably the worst one yet.Screenshot_20190420-085611_Instagram-720x1280.thumb.jpg.94e4260b4d0f665af7192729840caf20.jpgScreenshot_20190420-090201_Instagram-720x1280.thumb.jpg.6b0469152a57a2a672ae5cba4c0fdeb4.jpg

OMG I am cringing! I don't like Jill but I honestly feel bad for her. Who is telling her this looks good? Derick? Is he telling her this shit looks good to be mean? 

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47 minutes ago, Oldernowiser said:

Well, at least it fits a little better.

It also makes her look like she’s 45 and running a crystals and shakra healing booth* at the Farmers Market, but maybe she was going for that.

(* Seriously. Add a pair of pink reading glasses on a chain and some Birkenstocks and she’s reiki-ing all over you.)

I don't actually hate the entirety of this one. I'd probably actually wear something with a similar top part - I like the color and the sleeves. And I'd probably hope it might make me look 45! LOL

I think it might actually be rather pretty as a shorter dress, but the length just makes it look so weighed down and frumpy.

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2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

She looks like she is wearing a bridemaid dress gone bad. Paging Clinton and Stacy! Paging Clinton and Stacy!


At least her hair is braided in this one, so it looks better kept. 

I think that deep down if she had not been enmeshed in Gothardism, she would likely embody New Age beliefs, although Amy had likened her to a hippie. I see her as being much more spiritual than Jinger or Jeremy, who appear to fall more on the organized religion side of the spectrum.

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