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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!

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4 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I don’t see how fewer clothes owned equals less laundry in total. But I suppose if you let your kid wear dirty clothes for a couple days in a row, then there’s less laundry. Plus we’ve seen that vomit on bedsheets doesn’t bother Jessa, another way to reduce laundry.

Its not doing less laundry that Jessa is aiming for. She lacked the discipline to do laundry regularly - as evidenced by the mountain of clothes on the guest bed a while back. If they all have less clothes, Jessa is forced to get the laundry done on a regular basis, leaving her without huge piles of dirty, or clean, clothes to wash and fold.

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Jessa and Jill grew up in a home with 20 people...that should have been 20 bath towels every day; 20 sets of clothing & underwear. How is it that a small family of 4, with a stay at home mother can't get the laundry done, folded and put away in the hours between 7am and 3pm? Laundry for a family of 4 is usually done, maybe twice a week? I know, I did mine like that; once a week I washed the sheets for 3 beds too. The closing loads were also IRONED before being put away. Jill and Jessa need to develop the skill of staying focused and get the job done. After all, isn't this what Mother of the Year trained them to be...traditional housewives. Michelle failed in many areas of motherhood.

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This conversation about the Duggars doing chores is so interesting to me, because when I think of what distracted me from chores when my kids were little, the Duggars don't do them.

If I was procrastinating, I might pick up the phone for a chat with someone, watch a TV show, read a book, work on a hobby, meet up with another stay at home parent for a play date, etc. Jill and Jessa do none of these things.

Which always leads me back to the question of what do they do all day?

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11 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Its not doing less laundry that Jessa is aiming for. She lacked the discipline to do laundry regularly - as evidenced by the mountain of clothes on the guest bed a while back. If they all have less clothes, Jessa is forced to get the laundry done on a regular basis, leaving her without huge piles of dirty, or clean, clothes to wash and fold.

I don’t see Jesse being motivated to get the laundry done, I see her motivated to let her kids wear the same dirty clothes day after day once they run out of clean stuff. This is a woman too lazy to walk dirty diapers out to the trash, who slept on vomit stained sheets for weeks. And actually thought that sharing this info with the public was endearing.

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3 hours ago, floridamom said:

Jessa and Jill grew up in a home with 20 people...that should have been 20 bath towels every day; 20 sets of clothing & underwear. How is it that a small family of 4, with a stay at home mother can't get the laundry done, folded and put away in the hours between 7am and 3pm? Laundry for a family of 4 is usually done, maybe twice a week? I know, I did mine like that; once a week I washed the sheets for 3 beds too. The closing loads were also IRONED before being put away. Jill and Jessa need to develop the skill of staying focused and get the job done. After all, isn't this what Mother of the Year trained them to be...traditional housewives. Michelle failed in many areas of motherhood.

That's exactly why they struggle with things like laundry. I think there is so much pent-up resentment about their childhoods spent in the laundry room that they have a mental block about these basic household chores. 

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The jurisdiction system probably didn't help much either, when you think about it. As a grown up (or wife, in Gothard Land), you have to do all the everyday jobs (cooking, laundry, putting things away) and you have to do them regularly and half-decently to keep the wheels on the bus. For the Duggar girls, they had one huge job all the time and they learned to cut as many corners as you could get away with (see communal closet and frozen lasagna). They never learned to chuck a load of laundry in and leave it while you go start supper. 

The stupid thing is, the way the Duggars do it didn't even set the girls up for success in Gothard world. Even if they were perfectly quiverful, got pregnant on the wedding night and popped out a blessing (starting with a bunch of girls) every year thereafter, they were always going to be at least 6-10 years of escalating cooking, laundry etc. before they could delegate as effectively as Mechelle. 

Edited by satrunrose
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2 hours ago, satrunrose said:

The jurisdiction system probably didn't help much either, when you think about it. As a grown up (or wife, in Gothard Land), you have to do all the everyday jobs (cooking, laundry, putting things away) and you have to do them regularly and half-decently to keep the wheels on the bus. For the Duggar girls, they had one huge job all the time and they learned to cut as many corners as you could get away with (see communal closet and frozen lasagna). They never learned to chuck a load of laundry in and leave it while you go start supper. 

I hadn’t thought about this but it’s true. My friend’s husband is one of 4 (big enough in the 90s) and his Mom was one of 10- growing up they rotated chores each month so no one got stuck doing something they hated all the time. 

Humans have their preferences, so I’m not knocking Jill for not liking laundry, but I haven’t seen ANY of the Duggar girls excel at any domestic skill. With a family that large, yes some kids would be better at cooking, others at shopping, others a cleaning etc etc. It would make sense to me if 1 or 2 older girls was an excellent cook, and another an immaculate housekeeper, another be able to organize all of the family parties. 

When you grow up in a larger family I would imagine things are delegated to who has the talent and temperament for them. But if there aren’t people to shift the burden to, it still has to get done- that’s why I have noticed men that grow up with only brothers or a single mom*** sometimes have a better handle on domestic stuff because there was no sister or at home Mom to handle it for them. 

***I am generalizing here of course. 

1 hour ago, ozziemom said:

Jurisdictions and the buddy system were designed only to help Meechelle. Apparently her only interest was in being pregnant and then nursing for 6 months. None of this was to train the Jslaves in anything but obedience and subservience to their parents. So really, it’s no wonder they now struggle with tasks that seem simple or easy to us. But the smugness of Jessa is still annoying.

You’re right. Michelle didn’t teach the girls anything. There’s no reason with two adults and 2 kids in the house the laundry would be overwhelming to Jill. If I were her I would just rotate, one day each week for each person (maybe do the boys together since their clothes are small) and one day for linens/cleaning rags etc. And then if she got lazy or got a cold, or they had fun stuff going on- if she fell a week behind it would not be the end of the world. 

  • Love 14
6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Your right. Michelle didn’t teach the girls anything. There’s no reason with two adults and 2 kids in the house the laundry would be overwhelming to Jill. If I were her I would just rotate, one day each week for each person (maybe do the boys together since their clothes are small) and one day for linens/cleaning rags etc. And then if she got lazy or got a cold, or they had fun stuff going on- if she fell a week behind it would not be the end of the world. 

I think this is the issue really. No one in the house was taught how to do any domestic job properly. I'm sure there was a lot of manipulating of the younger ones by the older girls to get some of the chores done as well.

And, other than Jinger, none of the kids washed and folded the clothes. First it was the Special Friend who started doing it early on, after Michelle's breakdown, and then Grandma Mary took over.

I think the girls thought Michelle made all 'her hard work' look easy, when she actually did very little around the house. Apparently Jinger is the only one who has it figured out. Jessa was woken up by the response to her 'the dust can wait, I'm raising kids' post, and her reaction was to get rid of everything. 

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9 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

If I was procrastinating, I might pick up the phone for a chat with someone, watch a TV show, read a book, work on a hobby, meet up with another stay at home parent for a play date, etc. Jill and Jessa do none of these things.

I respectfully disagree. I think Jill does meet with other moms for play dates, and we’ve also learned that she has been reading more. Wasn’t she also trying her hand at gardening? It seems like she is slowly branching out. 

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7 minutes ago, Lukeysboat said:

I respectfully disagree. I think Jill does meet with other moms for play dates, and we’ve also learned that she has been reading more. Wasn’t she also trying her hand at gardening? It seems like she is slowly branching out. 

I agree, Jill likely is evolving and she does leave the house on occasion, but from what she posts, its few and far between. Since they've lived in that home Jill's posted maybe 5 or 6 play dates for the kids and maybe 3 library visits. I realize we're all basing our assumptions on SM posts so she could be doing these things more often, but they seem more like special events than the norm to me.

As for they garden, I suspect it was neglected after the initial excitement wore off, because Jill never posted her bounty.

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

. If I were her I would just rotate, one day each week for each person (maybe do the boys together since their clothes are small) and one day for linens/cleaning rags etc.

I do not understand the concept of doing each person's laundry separately.   To me that is a waste of water and electricity.    Granted now there is just me and my husband but when I was a kid and my parents split up, laundry fell to me.   I did mine, my older sister's and my dad's laundry once a week.   All together.    I sorted by color and got it done.   All the underwear, regardless of whose it was was done in the whites.   Light colored shirts were another load.   Etc.    Otherwise, what happens if someone has only one red t-shirt that week?   Does it get washed all by its lonesome so as not to stain anything else?   

I think the jurisdictions did not help.    I also think they are having trouble scaling down.   If you are used to do laundry for 20+ people, suddenly doing it for 4 is hard.   You THINK it should be easier, then the next thing you know you let it go for a bit because "how long could it take to do laundry for 4 people?" and then you are staring at Mt. Washmore.   Same with dusting, cooking, etc.    Moving from industrial scale organization to family size organizing takes a different mind set.

  • Love 19
3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I hadn’t thought about this but it’s true. My friend’s husband is one of 4 (big enough in the 90s) and his Mom was one of 10- growing up they rotated chores each month so no one got stuck doing something they hated all the time. 

Humans have their preferences, so I’m not knocking Jill for not liking laundry, but I haven’t seen ANY of the Duggar girls excel at any domestic skill. With a family that large, yes some kids would be better at cooking, others at shopping, others a cleaning etc etc. It would make sense to me if 1 or 2 older girls was an excellent cook, and another an immaculate housekeeper, another be able to organize all of the family parties. 

When you grow up in a larger family I would imagine things are delegated to who has the talent and temperament for them. But if there aren’t people to shift the burden to, it still has to get done- that’s why I have noticed men that grow up with only brothers or a single mom*** sometimes have a better handle on domestic stuff because there was no sister or at home Mom to handle it for them. 

***I am generalizing here of course. 

You’re right. Michelle didn’t teach the girls anything. There’s no reason with two adults and 2 kids in the house the laundry would be overwhelming to Jill. If I were her I would just rotate, one day each week for each person (maybe do the boys together since their clothes are small) and one day for linens/cleaning rags etc. And then if she got lazy or got a cold, or they had fun stuff going on- if she fell a week behind it would not be the end of the world. 

I am ashamed to admit that the only household task I really like is cooking. Someone else can wash the dishes! And I am neutral about laundry, but can’t fold or put anything away on a regular basis. I just wouldn’t advertise any of this on SM.

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8 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

I do not understand the concept of doing each person's laundry separately.   To me that is a waste of water and electricity.    Granted now there is just me and my husband but when I was a kid and my parents split up, laundry fell to me.   I did mine, my older sister's and my dad's laundry once a week.   All together.    I sorted by color and got it done.   All the underwear, regardless of whose it was was done in the whites.   Light colored shirts were another load.   Etc.    Otherwise, what happens if someone has only one red t-shirt that week?   Does it get washed all by its lonesome so as not to stain anything else?   

I think the jurisdictions did not help.    I also think they are having trouble scaling down.   If you are used to do laundry for 20+ people, suddenly doing it for 4 is hard.   You THINK it should be easier, then the next thing you know you let it go for a bit because "how long could it take to do laundry for 4 people?" and then you are staring at Mt. Washmore.   Same with dusting, cooking, etc.    Moving from industrial scale organization to family size organizing takes a different mind set.

I don’t see it as a waste of water and electricity- a full sized adult wearing clothes for a week is a full load for my machine. (Maybe 10 days in the summer when you wear fewer layers) I wash all of my things on cold, I don’t sort by color or anything like that. 

I think Jill would find it easier to one person’s laundry at a time so you don’t have to sort it all again later. Wash it, dry it (machine or line) put it away in their own clothing system. 

Of course there are many ways to do things like this that are effective- but I find it odd Jill doesn’t have a system! Especially coming from a huge family where they prided themselves on “systems”. 

Taking the discussion of laundry systems to small talk. 

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2 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I sort of feel bad for the Dillards when the rest of the family is gathered at the Farmland/corn maze place. The excuse used to be that they were filming and maybe Jill had no interest in going but it must still be hurtful to see everyone else  there enjoying themselves. 

Well, some people were enjoying themselves. The women folk had to take care of the babies and small children as usual, and the little girls were battling heatstroke from the unnecessary layers of clothing. Jim Bob and Michelle were there telling everyone what to do, when, and how. 

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43 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I sort of feel bad for the Dillards when the rest of the family is gathered at the Farmland/corn maze place. The excuse used to be that they were filming and maybe Jill had no interest in going but it must still be hurtful to see everyone else  there enjoying themselves. 

Or they look at them and see a super spreader event. And then give thanks that they weren’t a part of it!

Edited by Cinnabon
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Jill and the kids seemed to have fun visiting Derick’s family in Oklahoma for the long weekend. Jill didn’t have to wear that swimming dress abomination, or leggings under her dress. I think the Dillards got the better deal. JMHO.

It was good to see how much Sam missed Fenna and how Jill greeted her with obvious affection. 

  • Love 21
42 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

Or they look at them and see a super spreader event. And then give thanks that they weren’t a part of it!

Oh I’m sure the Dillards had a much nicer weekend but it probably does still hurt a bit to see the rest of the family together doing something that could  be fun. And I think the Duggars know how to take the fun out of things, so there’s that. 

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On 9/5/2021 at 6:01 PM, Cinnabon said:

I am ashamed to admit that the only household task I really like is cooking. Someone else can wash the dishes! And I am neutral about laundry, but can’t fold or put anything away on a regular basis. I just wouldn’t advertise any of this on SM.

We must be siblings! I will literally cook and serve three meals a day, but rarely do dishes. My mom lives with me so she handles that.  I also hate folding laundry, but mom doesn’t mind doing it for me since I work and she’s retired. I was my own laundry twice a week though. My mom also grew up in a house of 13 so she said no amount of dishes or laundry we generate will phase her. 

I think part of Jill’s problem is laziness, part of it is not managing time wisely, and part of it is being disorganized.

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
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3 hours ago, ozziemom said:

I sort of feel bad for the Dillards when the rest of the family is gathered at the Farmland/corn maze place. The excuse used to be that they were filming and maybe Jill had no interest in going but it must still be hurtful to see everyone else  there enjoying themselves. 

Maybe, maybe not. 

Even under the best and most agreeable circumstances, in a family that large with so many adult children there are going to be events which some branches miss out on. Assuming Jill was having fun doing what she was doing she might not have felt like she missed out on anything. 

From what we see on social media Jill still has a great relationship with James and Jennifer (her buddies, Joy being an adult with her own family now) and that is good. 

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

From what we see on social media Jill still has a great relationship with James and Jennifer

Have there been sm posts with Jennifer? The only time I can recall seeing them together is the rare occasions Jill gets together with Michelle and multiple sisters, which is sad, since Jill was basically Jenni's mom. They don't seem to get any one-on-one time; I don't think JB and M trust Jill not to "taint" Jenni. 

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2 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Have there been sm posts with Jennifer? The only time I can recall seeing them together is the rare occasions Jill gets together with Michelle and multiple sisters, which is sad, since Jill was basically Jenni's mom. They don't seem to get any one-on-one time; I don't think JB and M trust Jill not to "taint" Jenni. 

Didnt she come for Izzy’s last bday party? Or was that just James and the fire truck?

3 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Didnt she come for Izzy’s last bday party? Or was that just James and the fire truck?

It was Jana and James.  Jill was shown on Jessa's Christmas video via face time with James. She had sent gifts to Jenni and who was opening them so Jill could see. I think the boys where watching with Jill.  I think James visits but Jenni is probably not allowed to go. 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Just James. I haven't seen Jenni with Jill in forever. I agree that Boobchelle are paranoid.


1 minute ago, auntieminem said:

It was Jana and James.  Jill was shown on Jessa's Christmas video via face time with James. She had sent gifts to Jenni and who was opening them so Jill could see. I think the boys where watching with Jill.  I think James visits but Jenni is probably not allowed to go. 

Thanks for clearing that up for me!

I will never forget how Jennifer cried for Jill when Anna was having Mackenzie, “DILL, DILL!”

I am glad James can visit with her. 

  • Love 8
45 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:


Thanks for clearing that up for me!

I will never forget how Jennifer cried for Jill when Anna was having Mackenzie, “DILL, DILL!”

I am glad James can visit with her. 

She also was so heartbroken when Jill went to Central America and was so joyful when she returned.  Ugh, what awful parents, Michelle was fine pushing her babies off on her girls yet now JB doesn't want that same baby to be around the girl who actually raised her. 

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On 9/1/2021 at 8:07 PM, BradandJanet said:

I don't feel especially sorry for Derick. It's a difficult test on purpose, and I don't think he put as much effort into his study as he should have. However, I hope he does a better job of preparing the next time and passes. He needs to explain to Jill what he needs to do, and what her sacrifices will be during that time. 

Same. Many of us posted after graduation commenting how he seemed to have a lot of free time for someone studying for the bar. Seems to me like he probably thought he was smart enough to not prep as hard as others and he was proven wrong. 

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14 hours ago, ozziemom said:

I sort of feel bad for the Dillards when the rest of the family is gathered at the Farmland/corn maze place. The excuse used to be that they were filming and maybe Jill had no interest in going but it must still be hurtful to see everyone else  there enjoying themselves. 

She is probably relieved she doesn't have to do the forced events anymore.   The family was all together because they HAD to be for filming.    Now that the show is cancelled, the adults have more say in what they do with their time.   The ones NOT dependent on the Head Idiot can actually say No to all the enforced togetherness.  


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Jill spoke for appreciatively of her parents during their Q & A videos. I have no doubt that she wishes she was in the thick of things. I'm sure she'd loved to hang with her siblings and would love to have her boys hang with their cousins.

Unfortunately, she's between a rock and a hard place, well, more accurately, she's between Derick and JB. I find it sad for her, but it's likely better this way, for now and in the long run.

  • Love 13

I’ve  just been catching up on the bar exam discussion on previous pages. It’s unfortunate, if Derick took it and didn’t pass, but there’s no shame to that. Plenty of people don’t pass the first time.  There were a couple of students in my class, who I believe were ranked higher than me, who didn’t pass the first time.  Sometimes, I think nerves can hurt you.  I saw people throwing up outside the test site building before the exam.  It’s pretty brutal.  

I didn’t take it in Arkansas though….I’m licensed in NC.  I hope Derick asked for advice. I asked quite a few friends who had recently passed the bar their advice and then I took it.  The best advice that worked for me  was to treat Bar exam prep like a full time job.  I had worked full time jobs before, so I knew how. Lol. My roommates and I read, studied and quizzed each other 7 days a week all day into late night. Few breaks to eat and use the bathroom.  We attended Barbri prep classes five days a week, as well.  Someone upthread mentioned Derick took this. 

I wish him success on his next attempt.  Trying to study with lots of distractions would be challenging.  I hope he figures out a solution.  

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On 9/5/2021 at 2:01 PM, ozziemom said:

Jurisdictions and the buddy system were designed only to help Meechelle. Apparently her only interest was in being pregnant and then nursing for 6 months. None of this was to train the Jslaves in anything but obedience and subservience to their parents. So really, it’s no wonder they now struggle with tasks that seem simple or easy to us. But the smugness of Jessa is still annoying.

Undeniably the perfect mate to the JB system that was designed to ensure he's in control in perpetuity, with the indentured servants/children rendered completely unable to pursue making their own way in the world, or even having the capacity to imagine they could possibly do so.   Establishes the legacy and image of JB to forever loom large in the minds of his offspring.

21 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’ve  just been catching up on the bar exam discussion on previous pages. It’s unfortunate, if Derick took it and didn’t pass, but there’s no shame to that. Plenty of people don’t pass the first time.  There were a couple of students in my class, who I believe were ranked higher than me, who didn’t pass the first time.  Sometimes, I think nerves can hurt you.  I saw people throwing up outside the test site building before the exam.  It’s pretty brutal.  

I didn’t take it in Arkansas though….I’m licensed in NC.  I hope Derick asked for advice. I asked quite a few friends who had recently passed the bar their advice and then I took it.  The best advice that worked for me  was to treat Bar exam prep like a full time job.  I had worked full time jobs before, so I knew how. Lol. My roommates and I read, studied and quizzed each other 7 days a week all day into late night. Few breaks to eat and use the bathroom.  We attended Barbri prep classes five days a week, as well.  Someone upthread mentioned Derick took this. 

I wish him success on his next attempt.  Trying to study with lots of distractions would be challenging.  I hope he figures out a solution.  

Recently had an interesting conversation regarding the unique challenges of taking the LSAT remotely under Covid provisions.   If the bar is also being offered remotely and is accompanied by a similar list of security measures I'd have to imagine the failure rate could be higher than normal.

As an example, imagine undertaking an academically rigorous exam while needing to maintain your head and face position within narrow confines of camera frame every single moment -- and that's only one of the measures being used to maintain security on the remote LSATs.   Younger DD's Covid college semesters meant remote exams via software with security measures for monitoring and recording so that professors could go through them later as "proctors" as part of grading.   Apparently it was discovered immediately that perfectly normal human behavior was triggering the software to flag every single students' account as suspected cheating, including sneezing, moving closer to the screen to read a question, needing to look down to the keyboard to type or moving lips while reading questions.   Professors gave up because they were spending dozens of extra hours monitoring "cheating" that didn't exist.       

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I can barely imagine taking online licensing exams due to the stringent requirements on body placement and eye direction.  I’ve been told that the NC Real Estate licensing exam has gone that way due to covid.  It’s done through PSI and it’s pretty hardcore.  I’m not sure how they allow for looking down to draw diagrams or do math.  I relied on that when solving real estate questions with multiple parties…..plus math. Ugh…all my real estate broker updates and continuing hours are on line now, too. That part I like.  

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