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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Jesus Christ, even Michelle and Jim Bob lets their kids play outside. She can't claim ignorance on this one. Is she depressed?


Next blog post: There's this thing Jill discovered, called oxygen, that kids need.

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Jill's blog posts are always the same.  She gives credit to some (probably made up) person who either gave her great advice or a not so great recipe for an army.  She dispenses the newfound information in what she considers a friendly way, then sums it up with what she's learned or how delicious the recipe is and adds a photo or two.  This is all to get hits on her blog.  I guess it's her "job"

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7 hours ago, Mojitogirl said:

I refuse to believe that she has never thought of taking her kids to play outside.  She’s kidding, right?

At the university where I work, all visitors have to pay for parking as each student can only buy one parking permit.  I wonder if they offer swim lessons, art classes, musictime for kids as they do here that she can register the kids for so she can be “close”

to the best hubby ever.  

Things could have changed since I was there, but I'm pretty sure when I was a student, the U of A tied parking to vehicles instead of students. So, you could pay for permits for more than one vehicle, but I don't think anyone did that. I know a couple of times I had to borrow someone else's vehicle because mine was out of commission for whatever reason, and I had to pay to park like a visitor on those days. Truthfully, it was much closer to the campus that way, but it is so expensive, I couldn't imagine doing that regularly.  

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I hurt myself rolling my eyes at that Instagram post... Jilly just figured out about kids playing outside??  Good God. I've taken my twin toddlers and my son (he'll be 8 on Halloween) outside to play since they could walk.  We play outside every day. Unless it's too cold or too much snow. Which happens in North Dakota. Even today, we were out enjoying the first snow. Yes, it snowed last night. Not much and it's pretty much melted already. Sometimes I wonder if Jilly is just trolling us. She can't possibly be this dense. Can she? ?

Edited by QuinnInND
Because proper spelling matters.
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8 hours ago, scriggle said:

Wait, she needed a friend to tell her taking kids outside to play is something she could do to tire the kids out? Seriously?

We all know what horrible parents JBoob and Clown Car are and how badly they’ve screwed up their kid’s lives, but I’ve got a feeling we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. ?

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25 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

I hurt myself rolling my eyes at that Instagram post... Jilly just figured out about kids playing outside??  Good God. I've taken my twin toddlers and my son (he'll be 8 on Halloween) outside to play since they could walk.  We play outside every day. Unless it's too cold or too much snow. Which happens in North Dakota. Even today, we were out enjoying the first snow. Yes, it snowed last night. Not much and it's pretty much melted already. Sometimes I wonder if Jilly is just trolling us. She can't possibly be this dense. Can she? ?


Jilly is too transparent to troll (unlike her moron spouse). Yes, I think she's that dense. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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On September 28, 2018 at 2:09 PM, tabloidlover said:
She brought the kids AND dinner to him at school.

Derick could have eaten at the cafeteria for probably less then the gas for Jill to drive to and from the campus, pay for parking and more.  Add in the fact that that table has been moved to it's position - Izzy's chair is blocking the doorway - and that's a fire violation.  I'm guessing they moved the table to give his other law students "quiet" time while they were eating their snack.

On September 28, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Westiepeach said:

I love Sammy’s perpetual side eye ...

And he's eyeing the food.  Notice Jill, Derick and Izzy have plates and drinks, Sammy has nothing.  Not a sippy cup, not a bottle, not a bowl or plate.  Did he even get to eat???

On September 29, 2018 at 3:22 AM, floridamom said:

"Late night study session"? Should the boys be at home in their pj's ready for BED?

THIS!  1000 times!

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12 hours ago, QuinnInND said:

I hurt myself rolling my eyes at that Instagram post... Jilly just figured out about kids playing outside??  Good God. I've taken my twin toddlers and my son (he'll be 8 on Halloween) outside to play since they could walk.  We play outside every day. Unless it's too cold or too much snow. Which happens in North Dakota. Even today, we were out enjoying the first snow. Yes, it snowed last night. Not much and it's pretty much melted already. Sometimes I wonder if Jilly is just trolling us. She can't possibly be this dense. Can she? ?

It SNOWED?! Here's in NC, it's still 90 degrees; 80 degrees after the sun goes down. ??‍♀️

I don't get the playing outside thing ever. In the very first special, it showed the kids playing outside a lot. It definitely seems like something Jill grew up doing!

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Two things come to mind here.

1. The whole kids play outside thing. When I was a kid, the worse thing ever was not being allowed to go outside and play even when it was cold with snow outside. I do not get the whole kids cannot play outside or letting the kids outside to play. I can understand if it is a bad neighborhood, the kid is in trouble, weather is too nasty, no one around to watch the kids, or the child is sick, but come on Jilly Girl.

2. If Deredick is sick, why the heck is he eating the stuff Jill makes. I know diet can play a major part in your digestive health issues. My Acid Reflux Disease is kicking in big time since I caught a blasted cold, and I should have known better because I ate some pizza the other day causing me to feel like crap after I ate it (trying to stay away from tomato based products or food with tomatoes in it which is hard because I love tomatoes.) You would have thought they would get it, but obviously they do not.

Edited by bigskygirl
Can not cannot
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23 hours ago, Mojitogirl said:

I refuse to believe that she has never thought of taking her kids to play outside.  She’s kidding, right?

At the university where I work, all visitors have to pay for parking as each student can only buy one parking permit.  I wonder if they offer swim lessons, art classes, musictime for kids as they do here that she can register the kids for so she can be “close”

to the best hubby ever.  

At our university all staff/faculty/students/visitors pay for parking.  The only people that don't are the top executive staff or emeritus.  Our students get to ride the bus for free sort of.  They pay fees for that honor.  Everyone else only gets to ride one bus line for free and that just takes you off campus to food areas.  

We have some people that bring kids to campus and there is a daycare enter affiliated with the school but its not on campus.  Its semi close and super expensive except for students.  

I hope for their sake since its costing an arm and a leg that Dickweed does well in law school.  If he does't wonder what he would do next?  

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I wonder if Jill’s issue is not that she doesn’t know to take the boys outside, but maybe that she is uncomfortable taking them anywhere alone. Other than to Chik-fil-A in Colorado, has she taken them anywhere without Derick or one of her siblings?  (I don’t watch the show.) She seems incapable of being alone in general (tagging along with Derick at work and school) so maybe when Derick is at school, she lacks confidence to take them out of the house alone. It might not be that simple for her if they don’t have a yard where they are living and she has to take them to a park. Also, she doesn’t seem like someone who has a lot of original ideas. She grew up being told what to do to an extreme degree, so without Derick to suggest an outing, she just keeps the boys in the house entertaining themselves.  Maybe this supposed friend’s phone call gave her the push she needed to take them out alone. 

Like I stated, I don’t watch the show. I was trying to come up with another theory besides depression. 

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2 minutes ago, EVS said:

I wonder if Jill’s issue is not that she doesn’t know to take the boys outside, but maybe that she is uncomfortable taking them anywhere alone. Other than to Chik-fil-A in Colorado, has she taken them anywhere without Derick or one of her siblings?  (I don’t watch the show.) She seems incapable of being alone in general (tagging along with Derick at work and school) so maybe when Derick is at school, she lacks confidence to take them out of the house alone. It might not be that simple for her if they don’t have a yard where they are living and she has to take them to a park. Also, she doesn’t seem like someone who has a lot of original ideas. She grew up being told what to do to an extreme degree, so without Derick to suggest an outing, she just keeps the boys in the house entertaining themselves.  Maybe this supposed friend’s phone call gave her the push she needed to take them out alone. 

Like I stated, I don’t watch the show. I was trying to come up with another theory besides depression. 

They have a deck and a fenced in yard.

After 3 years of having her own children, taking them outside shouldn’t have been such a big deal. Needing a friend to suggest it, is just strange.

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4 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

They have a deck and a fenced in yard.

After 3 years of having her own children, taking them outside shouldn’t have been such a big deal. Needing a friend to suggest it, is just strange.

I agree. It’s definitely strange, especially if they have a yard. (Thanks for that clarification.) It’s so odd and kind of disturbing that I was trying to come up with some possible explanation. Jill (and Derick) are just so extremely strange to me. I feel bad for their boys. 

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This is what I'm thinking - stay with me as this may be a journey ...

When my firstborn was starting to eat toddler foods, I would by specific foods for him including cheerios, baby crackers, etc. My sister was over one day and ate one of the baby crackers. It took me a minute to process this and it dawned on me that I had categorized certain foods for 'only my son'. Very silly - I grocery shopped every week and money wasn't an issue. (BTW, I can't remember then name, but damn those baby crackers were good)

Could Jill possibly be thinking that the backyard is Derick's for growing vegetables and hosting BBQs? And that going outside is a family activity, not a mommy and son activity?

Not sure I'm making much sense and not sure any sense can be made of Jill's post either.

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On 9/28/2018 at 12:17 PM, awaken said:

But still.  Why?!  I’ve never heard of attending grad school with ones significant other. It never would have occurred to me to do that. Why would a prof encourage it unless it was for a special presentation or reason?  

I spent nearly a decade in graduate school (two degrees; one done part-time whole working) and I NEVER saw someone's significant other accompany them to class. NEVER.

That said, if Derrick showed up in my class with Jill, I'd probably be okay with letting her stay for a class or even two just because I'd hope maybe - just maybe - she'd learn something that might expand her world and narrow way of thinking just a tiny bit.  However, if bring-your-spouse-to-class became an every class occurrence, I would not be cool with it. That would open the doors to everyone in the class bringing a significant other or guest...which could lead to overcrowding the classroom, distractions, and you know...the whole fact that actual students are paying to be there (and will be paying off those loans for a long time). There are a few (5, and Arkansas isn't one) states that allow you to become a lawyer without going to law school (although you have to do a kind of apprenticeship with a lawyer or judge) and I could see people trying to work around paying for law school by attending classes as someone's "plus one" and then going on to try to become a lawyer in one of those states...so letting guests attend law school classes regularly probably isn't the best idea. Plus, it's just weird and not how academia operates.

Who was watching the boys when she went to class with them? Surely it was Cathy or Jana...because I can't imagine them having the money to pay for childcare. Must be nice to have no job and free childcare to do whatever you want. 

17 hours ago, Gweilo said:

I still feel so sorry for Jill. Everything she touches turns to shit.

My partner and I are both battling post natal depression after the birth of our first baby this year. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And we have great mental health support, family help, etc. If Jill is struggling in any way, my heart aches for her to have to effectively deal with it alone.

@Gweilo, sending you love & light. I had prenatal depression and it was, well, you know.... Hoping things get easier for ya'll soon. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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23 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

This is what I'm thinking - stay with me as this may be a journey ...

When my firstborn was starting to eat toddler foods, I would by specific foods for him including cheerios, baby crackers, etc. My sister was over one day and ate one of the baby crackers. It took me a minute to process this and it dawned on me that I had categorized certain foods for 'only my son'. Very silly - I grocery shopped every week and money wasn't an issue. (BTW, I can't remember then name, but damn those baby crackers were good)

Could Jill possibly be thinking that the backyard is Derick's for growing vegetables and hosting BBQs? And that going outside is a family activity, not a mommy and son activity?

Not sure I'm making much sense and not sure any sense can be made of Jill's post either.

Were they Arrowroot crackers?  I loved sharing those with my daughter, and they were yummy.

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My theory:

Jill didn't think about toddlers outdoors because when she was one, there were no sister moms to supervise. Then, when the smaller kids wanted to go out (probably less often since they have all that room to run around the TTH) there were older kids to supervise.  So living in an apartment, her boys are too cooped up and climbing the walls. She mentions this to another young mom who says, bing them outside! Jill: "they're so little what can they do out there?"  Friend: Uh, play with a ball?"  Jill: "It's so crazy it JUST MIGHT WORK."

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11 hours ago, Christina87 said:

It SNOWED?! Here's in NC, it's still 90 degrees; 80 degrees after the sun goes down. ??‍♀️


Yes, it snowed! Lol. I love the weather here. I had my fill of heat in Vegas and Louisiana and Texas. It's a bit early this year though for snow. It's in the 50s the last couple days. 

I still can't believe Jilly is hanging out at the college so much. Poor girl. She's lost and hopeless. I'm surprised she hasn't been run off. Derelict can't be doing much studying with her and the kids around. 

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4 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:


Who was watching the boys when she went to class with them? Surely it was Cathy or Jana...because I can't imagine them having the money to pay for childcare. Must be nice to have no job and free childcare to do whatever you want. 


Who wants to bet she took the kids too? And forced them to sit quietly on the floor or something. 

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17 minutes ago, QuinnInND said:

Yes, it snowed! Lol. I love the weather here. I had my fill of heat in Vegas and Louisiana and Texas. It's a bit early this year though for snow. It's in the 50s the last couple days. 

I still can't believe Jilly is hanging out at the college so much. Poor girl. She's lost and hopeless. I'm surprised she hasn't been run off. Derelict can't be doing much studying with her and the kids around. 

I wanna move where you live! ? I hate this heat. 

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15 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I wanna move where you live! ? I hate this heat. 

C'mon up! Lol. Join the Air Force and put Minot on your dream sheet. Or have a job with the B52. Why not Minot? Freezins the reason! Lol. It's beautiful here if you like winter. 

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Today it RAINED for the first time since like late March/early April - we danced and cheered and did crazy stuff.  Snow?  What's that again - LOL.  I do miss it.  We use to hunker down in the ice, um with some snow, storms and do jigsaw puzzles and a ton of sewing and crafts and I totally miss that now.  

Jilly - I was procrastinating last week and was watching some youtube videos of the old shows and Jilly took her Buddy group to the store to make pickles.  She used the internet *gasp* to look up recipes, decided which one they wanted to use, went to the store as the only adult, then came back and made the pickles.  And now, she can't look up recipes or try a new recipe it seems.  She can't leave the house with her OWN children and go shopping.  Literally her intelligence seems to have taken a major dive from where it was.  Is it possible, I have no clue on this so I'm asking, that during Sam's birth, which we really don't know a lot about, that she also suffered complications? - like unconsciousness, or reduced oxygen?  I'm not joking here.  I totally get postpartum depression as well as regular depression - been there and done that, but Jill really seems that she's had quite a bit of a setback mentally from when the show started.  Could something have happened during the ungodly labor of Sammy and she suffered from it more than we have expected.  I mean there is footage of the Duggar kids playing outside and inside and Jilly only now discovers with the help from a friend that taking kids outside with a ball is fun????

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11 hours ago, Booking It said:

My theory on the "kids play outside" post is that she is trying desperately to be a lifestyle/mommy blogger. She felt that she HAD to tell a story to set up a simple time of playing outside, because that's what good bloggers do. The story probably isn't even true. She's just trying to sell the idea that she swaps advice with other "busy" moms to diversify her blogging portfolio.

It's like the contestants on Food Network Star. They aren't allowed to present a dish just because it's good. They have to tell a story behind it. In the beginning, we get the awkward stories like, "My mom loved this soup. The last time I made it for her, she choked on the chickpeas and died. I think of her every time I make this soup, and that's why it's special to me. Enjoy!" 

That's my take, as well. Of COURSE Jill takes her kids outside to play. She just needed a story to tell but is too stupid to understand the implications of the shit she makes up.

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Something like: I was talking with my friend in Danger America, she's cooped up inside with her kids right now because it's the rainy season. ?☔ It's so nice to be able to bring the kids out to play and enjoy the nice weather in NWA. ? And there's nothing like fresh air to tire out little ones. ? ? Izzy is a little explorer right now and I love to see his imagination at work, ? Yay! Sam on the other hand is happy pushing a ball around and trying out his taste buds of various pieces of nature, ⚽? LOL. The cold weather is around the corner. What do y'all do when you're cooped up inside with toddlers? ???? #dohashtagsbelongonablogpost? #lookIusedemojisYAY! @I'mabiggirlnow

I find hashtags incredibly annoying.  Over on the Sister Wives forum, I bitch endlessly about what I think is overuse of the hashtags.

Jilly could take lessons from you on blogging!  Seriously, your version is at least fun to read.  I don't mind emojis like I do hashtags.

4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I don’t normally quote Pickles, but after the post about taking the boys outside, she said Jill now refers to herself as a certified park ranger, and has printed a certificate. ?

LOL.  What's this Pickles person like?  I hear her referenced quite a bit here.

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Since I'm brand new to this group, this is a little past topic, but I'm going to give Jill a break on bringing the boys to meet Derick for dinner.  She could have met him at the typical dinner time, knowing he wouldn't be home until late.  When my daughter was small, my husband worked some crazy hours, and we would sometimes go meet him for dinner as it was the only time DD would see her dad that day.  And DD and I both needed a change of scenery and looked forward to a quick dinner with DH.  Of course, Jill has proven herself to be much more clingy but I can't fault her for grabbing a quick dinner so Derick could spend some time with the boys/they could see their dad if he did plan on being at school late into the night studying.  Now if she did it every day, I would feel differently.

MeChelle and Jim Blob should (but of course won't) be so ashamed for sheltering those kids to the point that they don't quite know how to function in the real world.  No part time jobs as teenagers, no chance to take a simple walk or bike ride by themselves, no permission to go anywhere by themselves.  So much potential in those kids that may or may not ever be reached.  I really wish one would hit the age of 18, move to an apartment, take college courses or get a job, make friends outside the cult, etc.  But they've been so brainwashed to believe that all of that is evil that I can't see it happening any time soon.

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18 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Who was watching the boys when she went to class with them? Surely it was Cathy or Jana...because I can't imagine them having the money to pay for childcare. Must be nice to have no job and free childcare to do whatever you want.

In the photo of Jill in the classroom with Derick (I think it was on Instagram, and I think Derick posted it), they thanked Jessa for looking after the boys so Jill could visit Derick's class. And I think (could be mistaken, can't remember sh*t sometimes) that around that same time Jessa posted photos of Iz and Sam playing with her kids, or something like that. Which could have been that occasion, although of course it might have been another time. 

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1 hour ago, Tigregirl said:

Since I'm brand new to this group, this is a little past topic, but I'm going to give Jill a break on bringing the boys to meet Derick for dinner.  She could have met him at the typical dinner time, knowing he wouldn't be home until late.  When my daughter was small, my husband worked some crazy hours, and we would sometimes go meet him for dinner as it was the only time DD would see her dad that day.  And DD and I both needed a change of scenery and looked forward to a quick dinner with DH.  Of course, Jill has proven herself to be much more clingy but I can't fault her for grabbing a quick dinner so Derick could spend some time with the boys/they could see their dad if he did plan on being at school late into the night studying.  Now if she did it every day, I would feel differently.

MeChelle and Jim Blob should (but of course won't) be so ashamed for sheltering those kids to the point that they don't quite know how to function in the real world.  No part time jobs as teenagers, no chance to take a simple walk or bike ride by themselves, no permission to go anywhere by themselves.  So much potential in those kids that may or may not ever be reached.  I really wish one would hit the age of 18, move to an apartment, take college courses or get a job, make friends outside the cult, etc.  But they've been so brainwashed to believe that all of that is evil that I can't see it happening any time soon.

When I was an infant, my dad worked long hours, sometimes coming home late in the evenings.... my mom used to keep me up so I could sit with him while he ate and he could spend time with me. It also worked for her as she liked to sleep late and if I was up late, I would too. Everyone won! 

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1 hour ago, Tigregirl said:

MeChelle and Jim Blob should (but of course won't) be so ashamed for sheltering those kids to the point that they don't quite know how to function in the real world. 

Absolutely!  This made me think of being a teen riding my bike to school or going to the mall without parents for the first time.  I felt so free and grown up.  It's really sad those kids will never experience that along with lots of other little amazing milestones.  And don't get me started on their lack of education.  Sad, sad, sad, all the way around. 

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I don't think Jill is planning anything with or for her boys.  I think she's sitting around all day reading the Bible & watching sermons on her laptop looking for that happy promised land that she was told would be her life once she got married.  I do think she's suffering from depression, but in her limited world, the only solution for that is more Bible, more God, more preaching.  I think she's throwing together a quick & easy dinner so she can get back to trying to find her happy place in the Bible. 

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