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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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7 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Well said. I think that's similar to their view of dating: that dating = having sex, and also dating = "giving away pieces of your heart" whatever that means.

I'm sure that JB and Michelle may know better, having not grown up sequestered from the world, but I really do wonder what their kids think. Didn't one of them say something on a recent episode that equated dating to a "one night stand"? 

Yes, that was Josiah. He called it a “one-night shag.”

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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

I wonder how reticent Derick's classmates will be about him, especially if he acts like a d*ck or Jilly turns up with his lunch every day (kids in tow of course).

I don't think Derick is going to faze them. The state college I've attended/worked for the last 12 years has 4,000 students and it's easy enough to avoid dealing with d*cks, except during group projects. Nobody on my campus would think twice about a spouse showing up daily for lunch, even with kids in tow. It's not a work environment, with a set lunchtime and one breakroom.  I'm sure that the university has its own subset of closed-minded Evangelical Christians for Derick to hang out with and if Jill is bringing his lunch on a daily basis, they're more likely to admire her devotion to her husband and his needs than to think she's a barnacle who can't function without his constant attention.

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Shall we start the guessing about when he'll drop out?  I'm not sure he'll make it through the first month, much less the first semester.  And I doubt that the law school has a lounge or place where Jilly and the kids can hang out--maybe study areas, but the kids won't be welcome.  So she may wind up at the student union, which happens to be right next door to the law school, and which even has a Chick-Fil-A!  She'll feel right at home.

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6 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Derick graduated, and is now officially in law school. Lettuce in a bowl gets space on their blog, but these things aren’t mentioned. So strange.

I don’t think Jim Bob has anything to do with financing this. I don’t think he will exchange tuition for Derick’s services if he makes it through. Derick does not have a history of discretion.

I do wonder where they will live. He starts soon:


Boy, orientation is next week. Would be interesting to know where they will be living. How far away is the U of  Ark in reference to the TTH?  I cant imagine Derelict trying to study with toddlers & clingy wife around.   How will Jill deal if Derelict has some night classes?

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10 hours ago, Heathen said:

Cathy may well have some money, but does she have "pay cash for loser son's law degree" kind of money? I still think it's either federal loans or Jim Bob loans. Jim Bob didn't make his money by being stupid -- I'm sure he sees the value of having his own personal peon lawyer. 

Is it confirmed that Derelict went to college on a full scholarship? I don't remember hearing that before, although I don't pay attention as closely as I could. 

Since Derrick's income is non-existent, wouldn't he qualify for a free ride with a Pell Grant?  Do they still have those?

Cathy should never jeperdize her retirement income by spending it on grown children. It's the main reason seniors have no money in their old age.  And Medicare will not pay all of her medical bills.

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20 minutes ago, louannems said:

Since Derrick's income is non-existent, wouldn't he qualify for a free ride with a Pell Grant?  Do they still have those?

Cathy should never jeperdize her retirement income by spending it on grown children. It's the main reason seniors have no money in their old age.  And Medicare will not pay all of her medical bills.

A Pell grant is only worth $5,920, maximum.  Not enough to get through the first semester of law school.

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19 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Heartbreaking to see such bad parenting and no one intervening.

Izzy is a fearful child like his mother.

Well no one intervened with the original recipe Duggars.  In fact, they got a goddam show!  Bad parenting celebrated and given umpteen seasons.  If any of the Duggar children turn out to be good parents it will be because of who they married and not because they were shown how to be good parents.  With both Dickweed and Jill being horrible parents (from where I am sitting anyway) Cathy isn't looking too good.  The Duggar kids have next to no education, had their basic needs neglected, were forced to live with/spend time with/travel with/wait on their molester, and depend on their father for their adult paychecks.  Most suffer from failure to launch.  These Duggar kids having kids in my mind isn't much different than a 15 year old parent.  Take THEIR parents out of the picture and could ANY of these kids (minus Jeremy, MAYBE) be able to support themselves?  They don't have the education, book or experience wise.  I think they would be just like Jill and David R or possibly rise to the pre money Bates status and still depending on love offerings.  

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41 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Boy, orientation is next week. Would be interesting to know where they will be living. How far away is the U of  Ark in reference to the TTH?  I cant imagine Derelict trying to study with toddlers & clingy wife around.   How will Jill deal if Derelict has some night classes?

The TTH is ten miles or so from campus. Very commutable.

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5 hours ago, scriggle said:

Wow. Making students' email addresses public seems like asking for trouble. I'm surprised UofA does that. I could understand a directory that was accessible to UofA students and staff but open to the general public? I wouldn't want my email address out like that.

There is a directory at our school that you may opt out of but it does show phone # and email address.  I certainly wouldn't post mine but if one if using the email address given by the school it can also be looked up in the online directory.  Most of my students use gmail or yahoo and NOT their school address.  The school one is primarily for admin's to contact you.

4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I am surprised he is listed under his own name. I would have thought that the University would have listed him with a pseudonym. I’ve seen it done for celebrities( teen stars, etc). 

Their IT department isn’t going to be happy. The flood of emails,viruses, spam will overwhelm their email system. 

Gwyneth Paltrow, Michael Douglas, Benjamin Bratt (called Benji when he was here according to my friend who was his adviser) are all listed in our student database by their real names.  

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57 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

Boy, orientation is next week. Would be interesting to know where they will be living. How far away is the U of  Ark in reference to the TTH?  I cant imagine Derelict trying to study with toddlers & clingy wife around.   How will Jill deal if Derelict has some night classes?

Maybe she might enjoy his being in school all day or in the evening. As long as she has her own transportation, she’ll have a bit of freedom to come and go as she pleases without having to deal with him all day. She might enjoy spending time with her kids more than she does her husband. 

I wonder if they’d have the opportunity to live in an area with other married students. Even if she’s not a student, maybe she’ll get the college experience or a piece of it. She might decide that she wants that for her kids one day and make more of an effort in regards to her sons’ educations. 

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I think they have changed the rules when it comes to student aid especially for post four year degrees. I think it is harder to get student loans and grants for graduate school and law school now, and a student only can get grants for a certain period of time aka how long it takes to get a degree etc. etc. I could be completely wrong, but it is not cheap to go to law school even with some type of financial aid and/or scholarships. I wonder how he will support himself, Jill and two kids. He better hope Jilly Girl does not get pregnant while he is in school.

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

If any of the Duggar children turn out to be good parents it will be because of who they married and not because they were shown how to be good parents.

Or because somehow, despite all odds, they developed the ability for independent and/or critical thought. It's possible. It doesn't all have to come down to the spouse. I don't believe Jessa is a better mother than Michelle because of Ben. She has agency in her own life to do and think differently.

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54 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I desperately want to be in the back of the room to witness the first time he has to argue point and counter-point with a female fellow student and realizes she's not going to just roll over, give in and concede the case to him based solely on his superior status as the godly alpha male headship.  Bonus fun points if the teacher is female also.  Triple bonus shits and giggles points if the teacher, the student or both are gay and out.   

I don't care if he already went to college and had the "experience", I believe the person he was then has since been fully suppressed and is dead and gone.  In that person's place is the current Derrick who has become further and further closed off and fundie.  Let's see how his new narrow view of the world (which he feels is justified) jibes with current campus diversity.

Quadruple points if the argument is about something mentioned in the Bible, yet he can't use it as a source! Or if he has to defend Roe vs. wade for an activity. 

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2 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Quadruple points if the argument is about something mentioned in the Bible, yet he can't use it as a source! Or if he has to defend Roe vs. wade for an activity. 

I need to see this, and wish that TLC would bend their "no Derick" policy for just a few moments because that would make for some pretty spectacular TV.

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16 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

What do we think his excuse will be when he drops out?

My guess is they'll do another mission trip. The Lord led him in another direction, their services are desperately needed elsewhere, please donate, yada, yada, yada.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

My guess is they'll do another mission trip. The Lord led him in another direction, their services are desperately needed elsewhere, please donate, yada, yada, yada.

Combine this with the law school/students being too ungodly for his almost-a-minister-God-spoke-to-me self, and you have my guess.  Bonus points for Jill being pregnant and needing his help.

I do wonder if they'll move back to the TTH; I think if they do Jill will be ecstatic and Derick will spend even less time at "home" than he might otherwise.

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I also think that Jill would be thrilled to move back to the TTH.  Did Grandma Mary move out so that her room would be available to Jill and Derick.  But then would Izzy and Sammy be relegated to the unwashed beds in the boy's dorm?  Jill would have family around her all the time and Jana to raise her kids.  She could leave them at the TTH while meeting up with Derick having lunch in the car.  But I think Derick would be against it.  There's nowhere at the TTH for him to have a quiet study moment and get his homework done.  Not to mention Boob would probably try to keep him on the path of the super fundie land by telling him every night most of the folks at the law school are heathens and satan.  And I'm not sure how TLC would film them if Derick were around.  

Does U of A have married student housing?  Perhaps they are going to get in there?  But yes, I think Jilly is in for a huge surprise at the amount of work involved in law school for her #besthubbyever.  And I'm sure he'll have *gasp* morning classes to attend.  And she's going to have to be ready to hoof like a mile probably from parking to the student union to hang out with the boys while waiting for him to get a break and have chick-fil-a with her.  And i think she's going to be uncomfortable hanging out there because you have all these ungodly people in NIKE wear.  People cursing, watching tv, people in other religious type t-shirts - I'm thinking Pagan and proud or something like that.  Folks with totally different political views that she'd have to overhear or see flyers, etc and not only would she be freaking out, I'm guessing she won't want the boys exposed to that.  On the other hand, I hope she gets exposed to a lot and grows at least a little.

Should we take a poll of how many folks are going to laugh at Derick's ill fitting suit and those god awful brown shoes!

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I wonder what his plan is. He’s always all about Jesus. I don’t think he’s given up on that. What kind of Law does he want to practice? Does he want to defend the poor persecuted Christians? Does he want to find a way to make laws that reflect his Christian conservative values? Does he want to take away the rights of the LGBTQ community or women’s rights to abortion?

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4 minutes ago, Future Cat Lady said:

I wonder what his plan is. He’s always all about Jesus. I don’t think he’s given up on that. What kind of Law does he want to practice? Does he want to defend the poor persecuted Christians? Does he want to find a way to make laws that reflect his Christian conservative values? Does he want to take away the rights of the LGBTQ community or women’s rights to abortion?


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A blog post of July pictures is up.


July Pictures and Videos

Aug 10, 2018 | Family Blog, Photos | 0 

July is always a fun month with lots of summer activities and Independence Day celebrations. Samuel turned one and now has eight teeth (working on numbers nine and ten)…as you can see in his one year/12 month photos!  We also enjoyed a quick trip to Oklahoma to visit Derick’s extended family and Derick has helped with several church events as part of the Cross Church School of Ministryprogram. Here are some fun pics and videos from the month that haven’t already been included in other posts.





Israel enjoying some tomatoes from our garden!


Derick and Israel enjoying our relatives’ place


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12 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Derick graduated, and is now officially in law school. Lettuce in a bowl gets space on their blog, but these things aren’t mentioned. So strange.

This is what most puzzles me. Getting into law school is the biggest accomplishment this bunch of rubes have seen in a good long while. Why aren't they smugly shouting it from the rooftops? Derick seems to be aware that online people like us think he's an self-righteous unemployed preening fraud. You'd think he'd get a lot of satisfaction by proving he could do this one thing. Maybe the announcement is forthcoming.

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Anybody else ever been to Falls Creek summer camp in Oklahoma? Derick & his parents grew up going, so we love to watch online during the summer when we get a chance! Israel is “taking notes” in this pic as we watch a sermon by Ed Newton.


Derick with a local judge and representatives of Red Friday, an organization that serves our military.


Israel helping Derick’s mom cook


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10 hours ago, scriggle said:

Wow. Making students' email addresses public seems like asking for trouble. I'm surprised UofA does that. I could understand a directory that was accessible to UofA students and staff but open to the general public? I wouldn't want my email address out like that.

That's his email address given to him by the school.  Virtually all students at large universities have them and they're used for school related email.  I presume Derick has a private email account for personal stuff.  I work for a large hospital system and every employee has an assigned email address at work.  They're all set up the same way using a portion of our names, so, even if I don't know someone's email, I can figure it out.  Even if they didn't publish his school addy, looking at their website and seeing the format for emails of staff would allow anyone to figure it out.

A few years ago, I was looking for an old med school classmate who is now Dean at another med school. I took a look at the website, saw how they built email addresses for the staff and emailed him.  Got a reply from him about 10 minutes later, so I guessed correctly with minimal effort.

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Dreck will be ostracized because he is a weirdo...disturbing and odd behaviors bubble to the surface fast enough.

Am waiting for all the LAME-O excuses he will shovel out for why he left law school.

Jilly will act/dress inappropriately at all the law parties and events. 

She will ignore the inappropriateness of bringing her kids because they are her shield to NOT have to talk to adults...

It's not like there aren't a dozen or so adults, teens, preteens on the compound who will watch/ignore her kids....

Edited by humbleopinion
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I still don't understand the radio silence on Derick's *cough* graduation *cough* and his getting into law school.

Quick look down that rabbit hole.  UofA says that they do have a small section of married and family housing and it's on a first serve first come basis.  Haven't found pics or a price on that yet.

Law school - 1st year tuition just over $16,000.  Books, just over $1,000.  Parking $100.  They do have a nice dining meal plan so Derick could just eat there, you know if he had money to put on his dining card  - about $2,000 a semester, and Jill wouldn't even have to bring him lunch, and pay for a 2nd parking pass.

Law school says that attendance and punctuality are important.  Jill's gonna hate that.  They extremely discourage 1st year law students from working any job. - No problem there Derick, and after 1st year no more than 20 hours a week.  

Yes, I can totally see Jill bringing the kids to the law school mixers and people looking at her like she's crazy.  She will have NOTHING to discuss with the other students and their partners.  Derick and fam are gonna be looked at as an crazy freak show within the first semester.

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Jilly will be so jealous of ALL and ANY female he sits next to, talks to, works on projects with, studies with, has a laugh at an inside joke with, is standing next to and so on...

Her insecurities will be through the roof when he turns his phone off for class...

Unfortunately, she will take it out on Izzy because he looks like Dreck.

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1 hour ago, DragonFaerie said:

I also think that Jill would be thrilled to move back to the TTH.  Did Grandma Mary move out so that her room would be available to Jill and Derick.  But then would Izzy and Sammy be relegated to the unwashed beds in the boy's dorm?  Jill would have family around her all the time and Jana to raise her kids.  She could leave them at the TTH while meeting up with Derick having lunch in the car.  But I think Derick would be against it.  There's nowhere at the TTH for him to have a quiet study moment and get his homework done.  

I think Laura lives in Mary's room now. If the Dillards have to move back to the compound, JB could move Laura to the room that Ben stayed in, or evict her from the compund and turn Ben's old room into Derick's study area.

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3 minutes ago, Triple P said:

I think Laura lives in Mary's room now. If the Dillards have to move back to the compound, JB could move Laura to the room that Ben stayed in, or evict her from the compund and turn Ben's old room into Derick's study area.

I thought, at least at first, Laura was in the girl's dorm.  There was a shot at some point of her name on one of the beds, made with the fancy typing paper and crayons/markers I think.

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35 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

I still don't understand the radio silence on Derick's *cough* graduation *cough* and his getting into law school.

Derick can't mention the graduation without having to explain how he:

a) did so poorly at Cross Church' fake ministry program that he

b) got no job offers whatsoever to actually work as a minister.

All of this after bragging about how great things were going for him and how Jesus had called him away from mission work into the ministry.  I guess Jesus got a wrong number.  Anyway, if he posts pictures of graduation, even the most faithful leg humpers are going to be asking what he is going to be doing to further his ministry career.

As for law school, I think once he realized his prospects as a minister were dismal, he needed to find another gig.  He loves telling others how to think and undoubtedly feels that his religious views should be written into the law of the land.  I am sure he pictures himself arguing against Roe V Wade and marriage equality before the Supreme Court and having all 9 justices rise to their feet in a standing ovation at his brilliance.  He really is that delusional, IMO.  I figure he thinks if FRC could hire a dunderhead like Josh and give him $90,000 a year; they will surely be thrilled to have him on their legal staff and pay him big bucks to bring his wisdom to their cause.

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 I would actually consider watching this show if they showed Jill and Derick trying to deal with the demands of law school. That would actually be different and interesting (not to mention extra snark worthy) compared to the usual boring courtship, wedding, babies crap. Too bad Derick pissed off tlc. 

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