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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Old news? Oh well. Maybe they took it so the People cover will be instantaneously released when the real announcement comes. It's a pretty racy picture for a non-pregnancy announcement.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I guess people who thought she looked a bit fuller were right. I bet People will get to release the news first. They must have known this whole time.

Then they're idiots. That picture was part of a larger photospread that People did when they taped the tour of their house. Like I said, it was like posed by the photog, and had absolutely nothing to do with her current state of fecundity (although she may well have been in early stage pregnancy and not known it herself). 


Like I said, we'll find out how many weeks and be able to do the math back to this photoshoot soon enough. 


eta: Here is the online article. The pics were part of their cover spread. eta: Article was dated 2/18. I bet the pictures were done on Valentine's Day, which could logically explain such a dorky pose. As could their virulent pro-life stance. At any rate, they didn't say no, did they? But strangely, they didn't get any attention for this at the time that I remember, although I admit that I don't spend time trolling Duggar fan pages, or even their official ones. Can't stand the leghumpers. 



Edited by Sew Sumi

Negative sizes?? When did that even become a thing? I've never seen or heard of them. That's just ridiculous. Why would a clothing manufacturer not just label the smallest size they make a "0" and work from there? As I've said, the vanity sizing is getting nuts. I find I'm wearing a smaller size in many brands these days than I did a number of years ago even though I've gained way too much weight. But if I find something that looks good on me, I don't care if they call it a 14, an 18 or a 95. I'm 5'3", weigh about 190, and don't see the point to clothing being made into negative sizes just so I can claim I got into a size 10.


Yeah I know... it's ridiculous. I don't know how popular or how much of a "thing" it is, but I know my cousin-in-law has had to buy negative-sized clothes for about 13 years now.  It's either that or buy the smallest she can find and pay a fortune to get things altered.


Separate note... that picture of Jessa and Ben made me so sad!  It sure implies she's pregnant even if she's not. I guess she must not be if that pic's old, but it sure made my heart drop. I didn't even realize how much I was hoping they'd wait awhile.

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Then they're idiots. That picture was part of a larger photospread that People did when they taped the tour of their house. Like I said, it was like posed by the photog, and had absolutely nothing to do with her current state of fecundity (although she may well have been in early stage pregnancy and not known it herself). 

Maybe People had them take it for insurance, so if she got pregnant soon after they'd already have a picture ready to go. It's like when they prepare obituaries for old celebs who aren't dead yet, lol.

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If they are on the parenthood train already, Bin better figure out how to start making money doing something other than being Boob's lackey. I think he fancies himself a preacher, but he has absolutely no public speaking skills. I have no idea what else he's qualified for. Maybe Derick can help him get a job stocking shelves or cashiering at Walmart. If he thinks he can coast along on TLC money indefinitely, he'll be in for a rude awakening when the show is cancelled and the public loses interest. Jessa's been brought up to think she has no other option but to pop out babies whether she truly wants to or not. She's just doing what's expected.

Indifferent mother. Teenage father who scrubs toilets for Boob. What a depressing situation to be born into.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 6

Maybe People had them take it for insurance, so if she got pregnant soon after they'd already have a picture ready to go. It's like when they prepare obituaries for old celebs who aren't dead yet, lol.

But they didn't save it! That kind of negates that insurance. :D 


Jill seems to have a direct contact to People with her pics. I imagine that Jessa has a gallery of selfies that she's spending all that free time she has trying to choose which one will be her "pregnancy" shot to accompany the People announcement (look for it either 3/30 or 3/31 - if the latter is the date of her wedding episode :D ). 

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Can someone explain Jessa's engagement ring? When they were first engaged, her ring had what we thought was a dinged band & there was speculation it was second-hand. Then later on she was shown wearing another ring, possibly Joy's purity ring because the jewellers needed the original one when he made the wedding band? There was one at the jewellers that had a lot of diamonds on it. But then it looked like she had the original one on when she was describing how the wedding band would fit. Are there pictures out there with her wearing the set together? I would really like to see how the Ben designed wedding band turned out.

I like that Ben designed her wedding band. It's a shame he's not using his creative/artistic side in a profession. I guess Jill should have gone for a more elaborate band. When they were picking hers out, emphasis was put on something simple since she needed to wear gloves as a midwife.

  • Love 2

I watched the episode where they went dress shopping yesterday, and Guinn Seewald was having a discussion with Jchelle about how fast this was moving. Jchelle, being the ever sensitive lass that she is, made it all about herself for a minute and then got that crazy look in her eye and said something like, "just think, Guinn, a year from now, you could be a grandmother!!!" Guinn, like most people would, looked horrified at the idea of her 19 year old, uneducated and unemployed son as a father in a year's time.

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No way Eva Longoria is a 2 even in couture clothes. She's like 5'1" and 100 lbs., tops. That said, I don't think Jessa weighed much more than 110 before her wedding, and she's around 5'5". As GEML said (and I concur): she was much too thin. 

I'd believe Eva Longoria is a 2. I wore 2s when I was 5'0 and 100 pounds.  I also wore 0s depending on where I shopped.

I went to 4s when I got to be like 110 pounds.

Weight is very confusing when you are comparing the same "size" when two people are different heights.

So Gothard thinks adoption is wrong, and I'm sure he doesn't believe in fertility treatments, right? But people (women) are only Godly and worthwhile if their quivers are full. So if a couple can't conceive and adoption is not allowed, how are they supposed to fill that quiver?

Gothard just makes shit up as he goes along. I don't think fundie couples can afford ivf. Most are poor. And I don't think you can have 20 kids on ivf. I believe doctors do have a policy regarding this. Some fundie couples adopt embryos because they view ivf as abortion.

We all suspected this after seeing that photo of Jessa last weekend at the Women's Show. I suspect by the size of the pooch in last week's photo she's 2 months along or more. So disappointed they didn't wait at least a year or two. What is the hurry??

Gotta keep that money rolling in.

I just saw on Pickles and Hair Spray that Jessa is indeed pregnant.

I was so hoping she was secretly taking birth control.

Damn. Will any of these kids ever get the hell out and live the lives they should be living? I'm losing hope.


Pickles says "Jessa is pregnant... Maybe."  Pickles is basing it on the same picture that Free Jinger posted, which is the same posted here. There has been speculation based on various pictures that Jessa is pregnant.  Is she possibly pregnant?  Sure.  But until the announcement is made, no one knows for sure.

Negative sizes?? When did that even become a thing? I've never seen or heard of them. That's just ridiculous. Why would a clothing manufacturer not just label the smallest size they make a "0" and work from there? As I've said, the vanity sizing is getting nuts. I find I'm wearing a smaller size in many brands these days than I did a number of years ago even though I've gained way too much weight. But if I find something that looks good on me, I don't care if they call it a 14, an 18 or a 95. I'm 5'3", weigh about 190, and don't see the point to clothing being made into negative sizes just so I can claim I got into a size 10.

Funny how people keep getting larger, but the numbering on sizes keeps getting smaller..... I'd guess Jessa was a 4 at her thinnest, and a 6 on average. Jill has some wide hips, so I'd guess a 6 on top, 8-10 on bottom. Also, IMO bridal gowns (and I'm talking David's Bridal, not Vera Wang couture), still use more traditional sizes ranges, instead of inflated vanity sizes, so Jessa may have fit into a 1950s 10, especially if it wasn't super snug for modesty's sake, even if she'd be a small in regular stores. Also, they seem to love those knit maxi dresses and skirts, which usually run larger IMO, especially if you're wearing them sexy modest snug. (Yes, sexy modest is a buzz word, google it, and you'll find a lot of fundie and LDS girls who look just like the Duggars).


We all suspected this after seeing that photo of Jessa last weekend at the Women's Show. I suspect by the size of the pooch in last week's photo she's 2 months along or more. So disappointed they didn't wait at least a year or two. What is the hurry??

That's about the size of the PMS pooch I get now, especially in clingy knit clothes. She does look 10lbs heavier than her thinnest, and she looks really good without that taught smile. If she is pregnant, no shock. I dont' think Jessa is in a race to get pregnant like Anna and Jill were, but if you're not actively trying to prevent pregnancy, you're pretty much encouraging or at least accepting it. 

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If they are on the parenthood train already, Bin better figure out how to start making money doing something other than being Boob's lackey. I think he fancies himself a preacher, but he has absolutely no public speaking skills. I have no idea what else he's qualified for. Maybe Derick can help him get a job stocking shelves or cashiering at Walmart. If he thinks he can coast along on TLC money indefinitely, he'll be in for a rude awakening when the show is cancelled and the public loses interest. Jessa's been brought up to think she has no other option but to pop out babies whether she truly wants to or not. She's just doing what's expected.

Indifferent mother. Teenage father who scrubs toilets for Boob. What a depressing situation to be born into.


Yes, but Grandpa Boob will spin it so Ben is now "director of property maintenance" for Boob Realty Inc - instead of the janitor he really is.

  • Love 2

Gothard just makes shit up as he goes along. I don't think fundie couples can afford ivf. Most are poor. And I don't think you can have 20 kids on ivf. I believe doctors do have a policy regarding this. Some fundie couples adopt embryos because they view ivf as abortion. .

Gotcha. I know some religions discourage IVF, IUI, etc because conception is taking place outside of the marriage. I guess since Gothard has really strict rules about everything else, I thought this would apply. But I should have known that anything necessary is allowed when it comes to married couples conceiving white Christian babies.

More than the "is she or isn't she?" pg speculation that I think the Duggars enjoy, why not an honest talk about Bin's future? What are their plans? If he is going to be a minister what steps is he taking to do this, besides posting sermons? If she does plan to get pg soon, how will they support the baby? Do they plan on living on the compound indefinitely? These are the questions they should be answering.

Edited by Mrsjumbo
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Actually, I was quite impressed with Ben's artistic ability and his creativity. It's not usual that a guy designs his own wedding ring for his fiance'. That is not only thoughtful, but talented. This boy is still a kid and it's a darned shame that he won't be given the opportunity to pursue his talents and really make a good living doing what he is good at and obviously seems to enjoy. Yes, I, too, thought that his sketch of the wedding band was quite good and he definitely showed a natural talent in drafting. Shame on the Duggars for not only limiting their own childrens' opportunities but that of their "children in law" as well.

Mrsjumbo: I'm with you; good points that ALL need to be addressed soon. This is the meat of their situation and they really need to give some answers.

  • Love 5

I'm so disappointed that she's probably pregnant already. I like kids, but Ben needs to get a real job, (and I would say Jessa does too but she can't, she couldn't get a good job anyway) before they think about starting a family. I was really hoping they were using some form of birth control. I don't care what kind, just using something! She is a grown ass woman who needs to learn how think for herself. As for Ben, I like him, he's not the brightest, but he's nice and sweet and thoughtful. I do think him and Joy would have been better, age wise and personality wise.

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Sorry, I'm a skeptic and this marriage will not last. I think Jessa has convinced herself that she loves Ben because he's her ticket to freedom and independence. They're in the honeymoon stage now and fucking like rabbits, Im sure. Reality will hit them hard soon enough. I can see her becoming the next Jessica Simpson. Nice,Southern virgin who saved herself for marriage and got married young to her "hot" Prince Charming. Then she decides that she's outgrown him, they divorce and she ends up dating around. Has two kids with some other guy out of wedlock.

A 22 year old marrying a 19 year old in this day and age is a joke.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 11

I was hoping that Jessa would be the one to try to be a little individual, and not be pregnant 5 minutes after she's married. She showed such promise of going in that direction during her wedding planning, with "no cake" "no white dress" etc.  I kinda let my heart hope we would see one Duggar child escape that life of never ending drudgery of child care of siblings and housekeeping.  I think they need some outside influences of a strong positive role model of a female accomplishing other things (and still being good people) They have none of those people around them. The only ones they do have are paid by their parents, so that's no help.


God help Ben. I hope he doesn't start to get that panicked look Josh got when Anna said",  4 kids is a good start" and he said, ..."A good start!"

I'd believe Eva Longoria is a 2. I wore 2s when I was 5'0 and 100 pounds.  I also wore 0s depending on where I shopped.

I went to 4s when I got to be like 110 pounds.

Weight is very confusing when you are comparing the same "size" when two people are different heights.

I wore 0's and 2's at what I believe to be Eva's size 20 years ago. Vanity sizing has changed all that, and Duggar girls aren't wearing couture clothing, in which the sizing runs smaller...ie. runway model clothing is uniformally size 4, couture. Models weigh about 110 lbs. They too would be 0's (or less) in off the rack clothing. So would Jessa, in most cases. She is average height, but she is TINY. 


In other news, Radar picked up that stupid picture, which I found out was actually taken on 2/5, so almost 7 weeks ago, FFS! 

If Ben is artistically inclined, why not see about being a jeweler's apprentice (is there such a thing?), or take graphic design classes at the school he supposedly goes to. Aspire to be something besides Jim Bob's toilet scrubber and THEN think about having children. 


I have a friend who designs jewelry for one of the national jewelry store chains. She told me the minimum requirement to apply for her job was a BFA in metalcraft & jewelry, although she had completed her MFA before she went jobhunting. She has no idea whether they'd hire someone without a degree but she doubted it. She told me it would be REALLY unusual for someone without any formal training or years of extensive experience to have a portfolio good enough to override the no-degree factor. "The guy would have to be a kind of jewelry savant..." were her words.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4

Gothard just makes shit up as he goes along. I don't think fundie couples can afford ivf. Most are poor. And I don't think you can have 20 kids on ivf. I believe doctors do have a policy regarding this. Some fundie couples adopt embryos because they view ivf as abortion.

I met a pair of "snowflake baby" twins a few years ago at a party our fundie ex-neighbor held. The ex-neighbor couldn't wait to tell everyone attending that the couple had saved two more precious baybeeeeees from the holocaust of abortion. I congratulated the new mother, picked up my purse and headed toward the door. I'm happy for the family involved. I am also sick inside for the approximately 250,000 children still languishing in foster care in the United States.


And yeah, Gothard changes his policies on a whim.


  • Love 10

If Ben is artistically inclined, why not see about being a jeweler's apprentice (is there such a thing?), or take graphic design classes at the school he supposedly goes to. Aspire to be something besides Jim Bob's toilet scrubber and THEN think about having children.

But how can he do this while supporting a wife (and probably soon to be family)?

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But how can he do this while supporting a wife (and probably soon to be family)?


I wonder if Ben thinks the show & any assorted media flotsam will be his income? Personally I really wonder just how much longer this show will last. When I first saw it I didn't think it would go longer than a year or two, so to be here 10 years out is amazing to me. Does anyone - besides the Duggars of course - think it will still be around 10 years from now? Five?

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I wonder if Ben thinks the show & any assorted media flotsam will be his income? Personally I really wonder just how much longer this show will last. When I first saw it I didn't think it would go longer than a year or two, so to be here 10 years out is amazing to me. Does anyone - besides the Duggars of course - think it will still be around 10 years from now? Five?

Good question! I'm sure they have five more years in them. They seem to do anything that the production asks of them, all for the almighty dollar,$$. I think Ben and his parents know if they do everything JB's way, he will benefit from the family's success, and may even get a show of their own.  There wan't any rush to get to the altar, they could''ve waited a few years to make sure they were both mature, and this is what they wanted. I'm surprised they didn't. Why is that? With all the chaperoning they sure didn't need a quickie wedding! LOL!

There was a rush to get married because Ben's father put out a blog post on the dangers of not marrying very young.  But the baby part right away I don't get.  After all, JB and MEchelle had no kids for the first couple of years.  They got that time that they want so desperately to deny their own kids.

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I think Jessa's friend Anna on the recent show highlighted for me why I still think Jessa isn't a 24in pant size. Anna looks 23-24in/00-0. Jessa does not, imo, unless we're talking size 0 mall store/vanity sizing pants. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if she had size 0 dresses...but I don't think they're Rag and Bone or even higher end. I think she could squeeze into some that contain spandex, but they aren't going to be too comfortable, imo. She might fit in a Seven brand 24in. They run baggy. But, considering I think she has some hips, I think she could pull off a smaller size dress better than the same size pants. If Jessa came to Nordstrom with me to buy jeans, I'd pull 25, 26 off the rack. Anna would get the 24.

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The size isn't important to me.  I'm the one with virtually no rear and no hips so I buy mall store smallest size and spend ludicrous amounts for alterations or go to places with very high prices and get 00.  Just the way it is for me, unless I get a child's jean, that often doesn't fit all that well other places, since I'm not a child.


I suppose you know Kim Kardashian wears very small sizes but has several assistants to help her squeeze into them plus uses lots of body grease.  There is somebody with a totally different idea from mine of what looks good.  It must be why she wears so many cutout clothes, so she has to stuff herself into less material.  But she's a train wreck.  I'd rather be me.

  • Love 2

I think Jessa's friend Anna on the recent show highlighted for me why I still think Jessa isn't a 24in pant size. Anna looks 23-24in/00-0. Jessa does not, imo, unless we're talking size 0 mall store/vanity sizing pants. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if she had size 0 dresses...but I don't think they're Rag and Bone or even higher end. I think she could squeeze into some that contain spandex, but they aren't going to be too comfortable, imo. She might fit in a Seven brand 24in. They run baggy. But, considering I think she has some hips, I think she could pull off a smaller size dress better than the same size pants. If Jessa came to Nordstrom with me to buy jeans, I'd pull 25, 26 off the rack. Anna would get the 24.

R&B, Paige and J Brand jeans have some stretch in them. so if Jessa is a size 2 then 25-26 may be a good fit for her.  I'm not sure if Anna is a 23/24 (size 0) though.


off topic:  if anyone has a TJ Maxx nearby with a Runway section they usually have an extra 50% off clearance on their already 50% off clearance yellow tag the last week of January and August.   maybe a little earlier or later depending on the location.  I've gotten R&B, Paige and J Brand Jeans for $15 each and they usually run $150 and up.


Edited by abseedee

R&B, Paige and J Brand jeans have some stretch in them. so if Jessa is a size 2 then 25-26 may be a good fit for her. I'm not sure if Anna is a 23/24 (size 0) though.

off topic: if anyone has a TJ Maxx nearby with a Runway section they usually have an extra 50% off clearance on their already 50% off clearance yellow tag the last week of January and August. maybe a little earlier or later depending on the location. I've gotten R&B, Paige and J Brand Jeans for $15 each and they usually run $150 and up.

No way in hell is Anna a size 0. Maybe when she met Josh, but not now.

  • Love 1

If Ben is artistically inclined, why not see about being a jeweler's apprentice (is there such a thing?), or take graphic design classes at the school he supposedly goes to. Aspire to be something besides Jim Bob's toilet scrubber and THEN think about having children. 


Another good career if he's artistic is to become an illustrator for textbooks or a scientific model maker (detailed fake skulls, detailed fake brain molds, ect.). You can make decent money if you can get attached to a reputable textbook company or university. 

I hate to say it, but looking at the recent photo of Bin, Jessa and Jill, I do think Jessa's pregnant. Her face looks totally different to me, and I remember noticing the same thing in a friend of mine right before she found out she was expecting. I'm sure she'll be making an announcement after Wonder Baby is born.

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While I can see why people are saying Ben should pursue an artistic career like jewelry design or drafting, the reality is that those creative careers are a struggle even for well educated people -- you need higher education and still may not land a job in your field. It would be an option for a normal 19 yr old -- get a BFA or major in graphic design, do as many internships as possible, hustle, and hope a job offer materializes. But he's 19 with a wife and presumably a kid on the way. This is why normal people don't encourage their boys (or girls) to marry at age 19 in the yr 2015 -- it closes all kinds of professional doors as you suddenly have to think about being practical and making money and can't pursue random dreams to see if they work out.

Honestly if he really likes art and jewelry design, the best he can do now is to get hired in a retail job either with the mom and pop shop where he got Jessa's ring -- as they may be ok doing a favor to a Duggar son in law -- or at a national jewelry store like Zales. That would allow him to be around jewelers, pick up the lingo and some technical knowledge, and who knows maybe he gains enough knowledge to design and sell a few pieces on the side for added income.

  • Love 3

The size isn't important to me. I'm the one with virtually no rear and no hips so I buy mall store smallest size and spend ludicrous amounts for alterations or go to places with very high prices and get 00. Just the way it is for me, unless I get a child's jean, that often doesn't fit all that well other places, since I'm not a child.

You may already know this but American Eagle Outfitters has some 00 jeans & maybe others pants. My youngest wears them & they even come in talls. She is all legs & very thin so I've done a lot of searching. I keep an eye on sales & have even gotten some jeans for $10-15.

On topic of Ben/Jess: I'm hoping that the pregnancy stuff is just rumor. I'd love for them to get a little time to be married & live as just the two of them. Grow up a bit.

Edited by ramble
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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