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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Thank you @louannems for posting that. I would be ashamed to put such a display of photos like that out on social media. Truly gross. I get that some things can get behind and I’m not beyond a dish or two in the sink if I’m having a lazy day or so busy that I’ll get to it later. She’s going to have company in that room? They need a hazmat suit or at least a mask. She may change the air filter, but I fail to understand why when doing that she neglected to clean the grate. You can get sick from stuff like that. 

What an eye opener! 

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3 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

I mean, I get that the diaper pile accumulated in a matter of hours, rather than days or weeks, but she should really pitch as she goes rather than waiting to throw everything away at the end.

I don't get stacking dirty diapers. I had a special diaper can in the bathroom, and it only took a second to fold and toss a diaper. I had a full time job and two babies, and I'm not the neatest person around. Smelly diapers left on the dresser? How busy is Ms. Jessa?

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I can understand some mess.  I'm messy by nature.  But I'm also doing a million things and always did. Jessa's life seems very simple.  She certainly has time to cook and clean a bit more. 

If I live to be 100, that dirty diaper post will always puzzle me.  She had NO CLUE there would be harsh and rough comments??????  That makes me think Jessa is not as shrewd or calculating as we perceive her to be.  She is a bag of rocks if she didn't see that one coming.  

Or she truly has zero clue that normal people don't save up poopy diapers and photograph them as "real life".  That's not "real life' but rather "real gross". Hello? Jessa?

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24 minutes ago, Marigold said:

If I live to be 100, that dirty diaper post will always puzzle me.  She had NO CLUE there would be harsh and rough comments?????? 

No, she had no clue. She was trying to emulate the "mom confession" post and went too far, especially with the diapers and admitting that things were this dirty for days or weeks. If she had shown pictures of a wastebasket overfilled with diapers, a messy kitchen, the clean laundry, and the blocks with a post that today was one of those days that got finished because the baby wouldn't sleep for more than 15 minutes at a time and as soon as she picked up one set of toys Spurgeon dumped another, she would have gotten the response she was after. Instead, she admitted to sleeping in spit-up for days at a time, proved that she doesn't understand the concept of diapers and trash cans, and showed pictures of filth that had been there for who knows how long.

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She is probably trying to prove how hard it is be a mom of two young boys. News flash sweetie! You are not the first mother with two young children with a house to clean and a husband. I know cleaning is not one of life's fun job, but you and your husband are at home a majority of the day with no jobs, no volunteering or other things besides Ben's college classes to keep you busy 24/7. Other women have part or full time jobs, attend classes, do volunteer work, help their parents out without being famewhores or trying to prove how tough their lives are because *gasp* they have children. No offense to the wonderful mothers on here. I applaud all mothers who have young children at home, teenagers or kids are out on their own. The only ones I feel sorry for are Spurge and Henry. I am sure Ben and Jessa love them, but still...

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Even IF your Diaper Genie broke and you had a rough day with poopy diapers  DON'T POST IT.  


I'm sure we have all had gross situations in our homes with kids or pets.  Do we post it?  NO!  Why?  Because we know that it's a gross mess and common sense tells you not to advertise these things. 

It shows how poorly raised these kids are.  They are unaware of what is basic common sense to the rest of us.  Jessa (and Jill) have no clue.  No awareness of how dysfunctional a large part of their childhood was. I do realize as children they didn't get it.  I'm truly surprised that Jessa, and Jill, are still so lost in regular society. 

Ben must say to Jessa, ten times a day,  "uh, that's kinda weird, Jess".   And Ben isn't a worldy kinda guy either but it appears the Seewalds are way ahead of Jim Bob & Michelle. 

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19 hours ago, Nysha said:

I was a stay at home mom & my house was always 3 steps away from being showcased in Hoarders--still does. That's because I'm a pack rat, I was married to a pack rat, and raised 5 pack rats. None of us are (were in the case of my late husband) capable of throwing away or giving away anything that might conceivably be needed at some point in the next 30 years. Plus, I hate cleaning house and have horrible homemaker ADD--start to load the dishwasher, realize the washrag is dirty, take it to the laundry hamper in the bathroom, see that the cat vomited again, wipe it up with toilet paper and go to get the mop, spill the laundry soap that's stored in the same closet, sweep up the laundry soap and realize the garbage needs to be taken out, take out the garbage and get the mail, realize I forgot to water the outside flowers, water the plants and see my neighbor, stop to visit a while, then go to make lunch and realize I'm exhausted and I still haven't loaded the stupid dishwasher.

However, in my defense, I NEVER had diapers sitting around the house and smelly ones were immediately taken out to the trash bins.

I so identify with the homemaker ADD.  I'm famous for starting a task, and noticing something else that needs done, so I do it, and if the original thought gets completed in the same day, I call it good.

I do have mild OCD for which I take medication (also for depression) so it's probably all connected.  Like you, I never had diapers or anything stinky just sitting around.  Those things get disposed of quickly.  

We are pack rats, but unlike a lot of people on Hoarders, garbage gets taken out at least daily.  Clutter is one thing, filth (and room to walk around the house) is quite another.

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6 hours ago, PoshSprinkles said:

She said in a follow-up post their Diaper Genie had broken and they were getting a new one shipped via Amazon Prime. I'm not sure how one breaks a Diaper Genie or if she was referring to needing more of the bag cartridges. 

With one baby my must-cleans daily are the dishes, laundry, nursery, and common areas. It usually gets done at night, but it gets done and it's so nice to wake up to a clean house. 

Even if she was waiting for a new bin or whatever, how hard is it to take the used nappy to the bin, I had three in cloth nappies and managed to not have dirty nappies laying around. 

I cant understand why they weren’t thrown away 

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After seeing the pictures posted today, I wonder if Ben has ever been to an allergist and had lung function and skin allergy testing. He can look like his allergies are bad enough to seek some type of treatment plan. I still chuckle when I think about the nurse asking me if I wanted to be tested for possible horse, rabbit, and cattle allergies, but I am glad I went in. Ben might benefit from allergy shots and finding out what he may or may not be allergic to and having better answers on how to treat and deal with his possible allergies on a daily basis.

Edited by bigskygirl
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17 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

After seeing the pictures posted today, I wonder if Ben has ever been to an allergist and had lung function and skin allergy testing. He can look like his allergies are bad enough to seek some type of treatment plan. I still chuckle when I think about the nurse asking me if I wanted to be tested for possible horse, rabbit, and cattle allergies, but I am glad I went in. Ben might benefit from allergy shots and finding out what he may or may not be allergic to and having better answers on how to treat and deal with his possible allergies on a daily basis.

Good point.

Henry seemed to have had/has some dairy or gluten issues?  Allergies can be hereditary. 

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5 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I wonder if Mike Seewald realizes he screwed up by pushing Bin into early marriage and that's why he's done a complete about-face with his daughters. Jessica's a cop, Danielle's in cosmetology school and the teenage sister works at Chik-Fil-A. If Bin hadn't married Jessa, he probably would've gone to the U of A and married a regular Christian girl. Instead he's stuck with a Captain No Fun wife and a pack of feral in-laws.

^^Great turn of phrase. And so true. Love it!

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On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 11:59 AM, Sew Sumi said:

Ben had to do community outreach as part of his schoolwork. He chose to go back to the football gridiron and "coach."


First of all it is they did well, not they did good. Drives me crazy when people say good instead of well. Second, the video was painful to watch. Third, Ben has nothing, repeat, nothing in common with the other coaches. And last but not least, Ben could have went out and do some other community outreach services like helping out at a food bank, domestic abuse shelter, and yes I say children who were molested or abuse by others. I guess he and TLC are trying to prove he can work with the male coaches and pretend to know what he is doing.

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I truly dislike  Jesssa's voice or tone perhaps. She always sounds midly amused, distanced, somewhat condescending. There never is any warmth to her words, not even when she's talking to her sons.

None of the Duggar girls is accomplished at anything, not even at the most basic things most of us will pick up once we live alone.

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On 9/5/2018 at 12:36 PM, Marigold said:

I've decided that Jessa reminds me of my young teenagers.  Sometimes my daughter will post something that SHE thinks is funny but as an adult, I see that it is really stupid or might be taken the wrong way.  I tell her "take that down right now" and explain why posting XYZ is a bad idea. 

Basically, Jessa has the common sense of a 14 year old girl. on social media. 

Jessa even talks like a kid too.  If you showed her TH and clips to someone, I bet they would guess about 16 to 18 years old.  No one would guess she is in her 20's., married with two children.  This is why poopy diapers are funny.  She has poor organizational skills and can't seem to cook, clean or get it together.  It's like when I leave my teens alone. Not one thing gets done except taking a shower and eating. Funny, because Jessa's kids are typically clean and fed. 

I would guess Joy at about 15.  (no explanation needed but a pleasant 15 year old)

Jinger at about 19 to 20.  (she reminds me of an unsure young adult really trying to grow up and get it all right!)

Jana at about 23 to 25.  (a young woman who is maturing and developing herself)

Jill at about 16 to 18.  (total ding dong and I was nice with the 16-18)

Okay, I'll play! I agree with the estimates of Jessa and Jana's emotional ages. I would put Jinger at about 23 to 25 as well, especially after being married to Jeremy for a while. I would put Joy a little younger (13 - 14) and Jill at about 12 - 13. 

The thing is, I would place all of the Duggar daughter-in-laws (and Abbie) a little older compared to most of the daughters. But with the possible exception of Anna, none of the daughter-in-laws are very active on social media, so it's hard to judge their maturity beyond the show. 

In terms of the sons-in-law, I believe that all of them act their age (even Ben), with the exception of Derick, who is a professional student perpetually stuck at 20 or 21 years old. 

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On ‎9‎/‎7‎/‎2018 at 7:43 AM, madpsych78 said:

Okay, I'll play! I agree with the estimates of Jessa and Jana's emotional ages. I would put Jinger at about 23 to 25 as well, especially after being married to Jeremy for a while. I would put Joy a little younger (13 - 14) and Jill at about 12 - 13. 

The thing is, I would place all of the Duggar daughter-in-laws (and Abbie) a little older compared to most of the daughters. But with the possible exception of Anna, none of the daughter-in-laws are very active on social media, so it's hard to judge their maturity beyond the show. 

In terms of the sons-in-law, I believe that all of them act their age (even Ben), with the exception of Derick, who is a professional student perpetually stuck at 20 or 21 years old. 

I would put Jinger in the 16-18 age group. In fact, Jeremy reminds me of a older man who marries a young girl he can make into the perfect little wife and mother who thinks he is so wonderful and perfect and would not dare question his authority. Kind of like an older man running for office, and his campaign manager picks the right young woman who makes the candidate look good and can be paraded around at fundraisers and other political events with the right amount of coaching.

Jessa and Ben remind me of a younger version of JB and Michelle before they started with the Gothard movement. Ben is kinda of a nerdy teenage boy who got the hot cheerleader just like the nerdy JB got the hot cheerleader Michelle. I could picture Jessa going around saying she was mowing the lawn while wearing a skimpy outfit which lead her next door neighbor to leave his wife.

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I was just thinking that. Jessa just lets them be. Israel seemed so much happier running around with Spurge without Jill constantly nagging him and trying to get him to perform for the camera. 

Funny that she spends so much time trying to draw some sort of "correct" (in her mind) responses from him, trying desperately for him to be "on" whenever he is on camera, but when it comes to random snapshots there seems to be less than no thought put into composition, surroundings, interest or even  general appropriateness.

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8 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I was just thinking that. Jessa just lets them be. Israel seemed so much happier running around with Spurge without Jill constantly nagging him and trying to get him to perform for the camera.

I agree. Jessa's videos and her pictures that include Henry and Spurge are generally kids being kids. Jill's videos not so much. Also, Jessa's videos do not seem to be the long (or what feels like long), meandering, pointless videos that Jill puts out.

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To paraphrase some UK cleaning show, “if you have time to lean you have time to clean.”

Some people are genuinely blind to mess. Jessa sees it just fine, but instead of spending the five minutes most of those messes would take to clean up, she hauls out her phone instead.

 I just do not get it.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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On the show, when Jessa had the expectant ladies over for lunch, I noticed that TLC must have sent one good cleaning crew to her house and CLEAN IT. Her house never appeared like that before. I'm sure it's back to normal at the Seewalds' house by now.

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When I was little and watching the figure skaters during the Olympics, I'd always get my ice skates out (really my brother's hand-me-down hockey skates) and go skating. Every 4 years I came to the same realization, that skating is so much harder than the Olympians made it look.

I wonder if Jessa has had the same experience with her boys after watching her mom raise have 19 kids.

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On 9/11/2018 at 10:41 PM, galaxychaser said:

Henry ovaries exploded 

There was a definite poof of dust from my ovaries as well! He’s a cute little guy trying to keep up with the “big” guys. ❤️

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How much did that ski trip cost? Who paid for it? This is not in reality for a 'frugal', poor Christian family who lives modestly. Get off it, already, Duggars and TLC and admit that you are not the family that TLC found showboating modestly over to the voting polls those years ago.

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They all took this trip in March (it was all over SM), yet it's supposed to be commemorating JD and Jana's birthdays. Their birthday is in early January. It's not like they had prior engagements to keep them from going closer to their actual birthdays. 

I can't believe people fall for this shit. 

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On 9/11/2018 at 3:35 PM, BitterApple said:

I was just thinking that. Jessa just lets them be. Israel seemed so much happier running around with Spurge without Jill constantly nagging him and trying to get him to perform for the camera. 

To be fair, it’s all Jill knows. In her formative years she was made to be a performing seal. Her identity is wrapped up in being a teevee star. She was followed around by a camera crew being asked inane questions. Jill is living out what she knows. 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

They all took this trip in March (it was all over SM), yet it's supposed to be commemorating JD and Jana's birthdays. Their birthday is in early January. It's not like they had prior engagements to keep them from going closer to their actual birthdays. 

I can't believe people fall for this shit. 

I am curious to see if Elijah, the poor guy that actually does all the work - like running the landscaping and fixing G'ma Mary's roof and does the grilling for both Mother's Day and on the ski trip (Jessa's IG showed him grilling steaks for them) will actually be shown on the show at all.  Hmm.  Why March?  Did they get a discount I wonder?  JD's birthday "party" was over at Joy and Austin's house in January, while Jana was being humiliated by Boob in Australia.  I guess birthdays are on Duggar time.

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