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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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9 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Mom and Pops Duggar are efficiency experts. When you send the exact same message to every person on every occasion for decades, you waste very little time creating those messages. 

Glad they informed me that this is a ministry team, though. I wouldn't have figured that out. I get that Jessa has encouraged us to follow Jesus's example of always allowing poop to marinate a couple of days on the furniture before disposing of it. But I wonder whose lives Jessa and Bin are investing in? 

I’m picturing Michelle standing at a desk, opening a Word template, probably “girlbirthday1.dotx”, and tabbing through the fields. Then select all, copy and paste into Facebook and she’s done. 

  • Love 18
8 hours ago, floridamom said:

Benessa's anniversary congratulations from Mom & Pops Duggar has to be the absolutely worst one they have posted yet. Absolutely awful. Yes, I agree that their post described Benessa's life together more as a ministry team rather than a marriage between two people who are sharing their lives together. Filled with the same old canned phrases....can they think of NOTHING to really say to their daughter and son-in-law? For heaven's sake, she lives right there ....Jim Bob & Michelle should know more about their day to day lives...considering Jessa is always at her parents' house.

I'm shaking my head in disbelief.


  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Lunera said:

Jessa's anniversary message to Bin. Her writer did a good job, used lots of big words and good phrases.  

Oh Jessa, you wish you wrote that, bless your heart. Who says, "I think the world of you?"

Jessa btw, last few times I've seen him, your "darling" looked like he wanted to put a gun in his mouth.

He was probably on his knees in the spare room dry heaving from the stench of baby shit and praying God would deliver him. 

  • Love 23

Wow. Somebody obviously bought Jessa a thesaurus. And a ghostwriter.

It’s not that I think Jessa’s dumb, because I don’t. She seems to be the sharpest of the adult Duggar offspring (I say seems because it’s not really possible to tell how smart Jana and JD are since they hardly ever say anything) but she’s so woefully undereducated that there’s no way she could have written that. It’s actually really sad to see Jessa and Jinger, who also seems to have some sparks of intellect, fumble their way through writing and speaking because I always think about how much different their lives could have been if JB and Michelle had either homeschooled them for real, with a challenging, age-appropriate curriculum, or sent them to school. They did all these kids such a terrible disservice. It’s maddening. 

  • Love 24

Yeah... no.  That was totally ghostwritten.  Jessa simply doesn't put together parts of speech in that word order, i.e. sentence construction.  Especially considering her primary teacher, was that other fine specimen of individual wordsmithing whose work we see featured here, Michelle.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Lunera said:

Many a time I have walked into the spare bedroom and discovered you there, kneeling beside the bed, in prayer... and it's brought tears to my eyes. 

How in hell do they have a spare bedroom?? So Bin, Jessa and the two kids all share a room? Why would you cram 4 people in one room just so you could have a "spare"? Makes no sense.

  • Love 17

A spare bedroom????? There are 4 of them in a 2 bedroom house...please don't tell me they have a 'family bed'? Can't Jessa EVER sleep appropriately? What's wrong with Ben for not putting the boys in their own bedroom. Mine had their own from the first night home from the hospital. It's a small house..I'm sure she could hear the baby cry at night from her room...doors are left open for that purpose.

Jessa's posts are always too long. I don't think that situation is a 'happy and wonderful' on a day to day basis is she always has to write that much about everything.

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Janarella said:

Jessa's anniversary letter to Ben reads like it was written by someone who is not sentimental trying way too hard to sound sentimental and the result is sickly sweet. For that reason, I absolutely believe that she wrote every word of it herself. In fact, I have never seen any evidence that these people employ ghost writers for their social media posts. Their education sucked, sure, but they're not illiterate. 

I kind of tend to agree with you. From what we have seen of Ben, he does seem as though he is of a more naturally idealistic personality, and drawn a bit more toward the aesthetic than Jessa. He probably does have a Thesaurus, and even if Jessa did lean on it to compose this, at least she seems to be enriching her vocabulary, so that's not a bad thing. But the tone of it, as you say, is the sickly-sweet of someone who was aiming for sentimental, but just doesn't have a warm enough nature to pull it off instinctively.

It does give a bit of insight into their lives, though...So Ben is the one who does a lot of the cooking, presumably a good part of whatever cleaning gets done (because if he irons while she does  not, one would think that he likes things to look a certain way, and she doesn't contribute toward it), and he is the meek one who is willing to take the compromising stance in their disagreements. He actually sounds like a very sweet guy aside from the excessive religious fervor. I hope that's not just his way if dealing with the whole situation. On the other hand, if he's not using it as an escape, that would mean he actually is that excessively religious in any case, which is not something that I would find remotely appealing, so I guess it's good that they have something in common.

  • Love 9
17 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

Do they have a random Jesus Word generator app that they just throw in names and it spits out a message filled with God word salad?


Yes. As a matter of fact at some point they had Meechelle's brain (such as it was) replaced with a Random Jesus Word Generator. When you spin her head, a new message pops out. (or a sort of new message at any rate)

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, Lunera said:

Jessa's anniversary message to Bin. Her writer did a good job, used lots of big words and good phrases.  

Oh, ugh.  So phony and of course ghost-written.  "It'll be okay, Babe, just take a deep breath."  Yeah, you have a lot of problems.  Especially money problems (see dinner dates, steak, latte.  When I was a new Mom I couldn't even afford the McDonald's you love.  Ran out of milk?  Why?  Too busy at work?

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

So Ben is meek and calm while Jessa is a hangry sloth?

I think that sums it up.

6 minutes ago, sheshark said:

Oh, ugh.  So phony and of course ghost-written.  "It'll be okay, Babe, just take a deep breath."  Yeah, you have a lot of problems.  Especially money problems (see dinner dates, steak, latte.  When I was a new Mom I couldn't even afford the McDonald's you love.  Ran out of milk?  Why?  Too busy at work?

Maybe that's after she reads one of Derick's tweets and she can see her dollars vanishing.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Lunera said:

Jessa's anniversary message to Bin. Her writer did a good job, used lots of big words and good phrases.  

In which we learn that, just like his fellow adjacents Der and Jer, Bin is full-on into this new Calvinism thing and (based on who and what he's reading) has the same ambitions -- bible-based preaching, unchurched college students as "mission field," etc. Unlike Der and Jer, he may have absolutely nothing to fall back on for a job when this impossible dream finally goes bust. (not that they'll have much) .... Worst thing that ever happened to these three guys is getting the idea that they could get big religious careers by marrying Duggar girls.

8 hours ago, Annb67 said:

Oh Jessa, you wish you wrote that, bless your heart. Who says, "I think the world of you?"


I'm thinking some elderly leghumper must have volunteered to be Jessa's ghostwriter. She probably said that she needed PR help so they could stay on TeeVee, and the leghumper was only too glad to comply. 

7 hours ago, louannems said:

It seems to be mostly about food!  Pregnant and hungry, maybe?

I still don't understand these public announcements of love!


Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Dear Benjamin,

Thank-you so much for being my wonderful meek, gentle cooking and ironing helpmeet. Thanks for understanding the food issues I still have from growing up with 18 siblings. Now that I see Jeremy buying all these books I'm okay with you buying them too. I always thought you were sleeping in the spare room because our bed is crowded and you were avoiding diaper changing time, but no, you were praying! And praying on your knees!

Happy Anniversary!

PS I hope no one notices that 5 of the 15 paragraphs are about food. 

Obviously, Bin has learned to sleep on his knees, leaning against the side of a bed. Pretty clever, Bin. More than I would have given you credit for. 

  • Love 11

I don’t think she’s illiterate but she definitely has someone reviewing and editing her social media posts. The style and language just dont match what she put out there before. It might even be Ben! 

This puts her in line with all the other D-list reality / social media personalities and shows, to me, that she’s putting in the work for her brand. If she wants to survive in the SM / reality world for a little longer, she definitely needed to up her game. Maybe she saw the lack of (paid) interest in Samuel and realized that having baby after baby wouldn’t support her forever. 

  • Love 14
27 minutes ago, Mojitogirl said:

I don’t think she’s illiterate but she definitely has someone reviewing and editing her social media posts. The style and language just dont match what she put out there before. It might even be Ben! 

This puts her in line with all the other D-list reality / social media personalities and shows, to me, that she’s putting in the work for her brand. If she wants to survive in the SM / reality world for a little longer, she definitely needed to up her game. Maybe she saw the lack of (paid) interest in Samuel and realized that having baby after baby wouldn’t support her forever. 

Yeah, I was mentally blaming Jeremy or Ben as author.

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, PinkyCupcake said:

The pinnacle of your love? Ben has taken you from the moutain of dirty diapers top up into the clouds? Give me a break.


Lmfaooo, right? There is absolutely nothing in their demeanors or interactions with one another that leads me to believe their days are filled with romance and passion. Half the time Bin looks like he wants to walk out the door and never come back, and Jessa can't even be bothered to throw diapers in the trash. Hardly a love story for the ages.

I look at that post as typical Fundie one-upping. These girls have nothing else going on so they constantly humblebrag about how amazing their lives and husbands are. It doesn't matter if 90% of it is fiction. If it makes a single girl like Jana feel like shit, then mission accomplished.

  • Love 21
12 hours ago, Annb67 said:

Oh Jessa, you wish you wrote that, bless your heart. Who says, "I think the world of you?"

Jessa btw, last few times I've seen him, your "darling" looked like he wanted to put a gun in his mouth.

He was probably on his knees in the spare room dry heaving from the stench of baby shit and praying God would deliver him. 

Actually the thought that popped into my head he was um, having personal 'ministry' time and she interrupted him.  

6 hours ago, floridamom said:

Perhaps Ben was praying to God that Jessa would clean that filthy house.

Its probably the only place he could sleep without having to sleep in the Henry spit up.

  • Love 15
15 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

And why do they publicize such a private letter?  I get it, really, from their point of view, look how great we are, etc., but if Mr. lookeyloo ever did that I would think all the sentiment was for others and not for me. 

Annnd....you would be exactly correct.

All of this syrupy crap is “pay no attention to the filthy crowded brain-smothering baby factories behind the curtain, we’re super happy and so special. Go Jesus!!!”

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 14

When I wake in the wee hours of the morning to tend to Henry and you're not beside me in bed, I know that you're already up reading and studying your bible. 

If he's already up, why the hell doesn't he tend to Henry?  God'll wait.


”Lovey?” He’s Thurston Howell III now?

Supposedly Jill started that with Derick.  Everybody else thought it was cute and followed suit (because none of them have ever had an original thought).

Edited by Angeltoes
  • Love 9
36 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

And why do they publicize such a private letter?  I get it, really, from their point of view, look how great we are, etc., but if Mr. lookeyloo ever did that I would think all the sentiment was for others and not for me. 

I expect the named addressees of these notes the Duggars write to us think the same thing. But I wonder if that's really true or whether they somehow take them seriously. Can't imagine that they do .. but still ... They do tend to reciprocate in kind. So does everybody realize that they're all phony-baloneying for PR purposes constantly. That that's just part of the job. Or what? 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Angeltoes said:

If he's already up, why the hell doesn't he tend to Harry?  God'll wait.

Supposedly Jill started that with Derick.  Everybody else thought it was cute and followed suit (because none of them have ever had an original thought).

Were they even allowed to watch Gilligan’s Island?

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, floridamom said:

A spare bedroom????? There are 4 of them in a 2 bedroom house...please don't tell me they have a 'family bed'? Can't Jessa EVER sleep appropriately? What's wrong with Ben for not putting the boys in their own bedroom. Mine had their own from the first night home from the hospital. It's a small house..I'm sure she could hear the baby cry at night from her room...doors are left open for that purpose.

Jinger's just continuing what she learned as a SisterMom. Babies and toddlers slept in the girls' room so their sistermoms could take care of them at night.

  • Love 1

If Mr. Xword ever posted something like that, I'd be embarrassed.  Honestly, this is so syrupy and phony, and like a previous poster said, it's fundie one-upping and complete bullshit!  Trying to make single people (like Jana) feel bad just looks like mean-girl passive-aggressive junior high school behavior.  "Haha, I have a guy and YOU DON'T!  I win!"  Jessa really is a little bitch.

  • Love 9
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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