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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I love the universal reaction of , "what the ......"

They thought they were being so edgy and unique meanwhile 80 year old grannies are laughing hysterically over it. It's not even in the same realm as Apple or North West. This is both pretentious and ridiculous. It's perfect.

  • Love 11

Does anybody else remember the guy who named his son Adolph Hitler and ended up (I think) having the child removed by social services? Naming this child after someone who preached the evils of Catholicism isn't much different to me. Hatemonger Seewald would be easier to spell. #Freefishstick

And somebody up thread said they hoped Jessa's blood transfusion came from a lesbian. I'm hoping a Catholic.

Or an atheist.
  • Love 3

I can't help compare the look on Ben's face with that of Chad (Erin's hubby).  Chad looks adoringly at the baby and Ben looks like a deer caught in the headlights.  I wouldn't want to be married to a man who depends on my own father for his income.  Call me old-fashioned but I like a man who thinks it's his responsibility to at least contribute to the support of his family.  If his wife wants to/has to work, then fine!  But don't be a damned leech.

I think Chad is like 26-27. Has a degree in finance - from a fundie college but whatever - better than what Ben has. And works as a finance manager for a local metals company in Tenn. He rents (I think) a little 2 bedroom cottage and he is Mr. Fix It -- constantly adding decks and tearing out floors. Frankly if his finance manager gig didn't work out, he could be a contractor and support a family just fine. Unlike Bin, he has a yearly salary this is NOT provided by his father in law, as well as health insurance which allowed his wife to do as many doctors visits as needed as they tried for a VERY wanted child thru a high risk pregnancy.


Compare that to Bin -- 20 yrs old; 2 yr AA degree; no work experience bc he refuses to get any bc he thinks that getting with his wife will keep him on the TLC gravy train forever, which he will just supplement speaking at conferences about marriage; ministering via instagram; and cleaning toilets for his father in law. Screw those grown up things like health insurance or saving to buy a house or for retirement. Ain't no one got time for that -- the Lord will just provide those things.


Erin is about Jessa's age and Chad is probably 5-6 yrs older than Ben and the differences between the couples are night and day. I think it helps that Chad (and all the Bates sons in laws thus far) married into the family knowing it was a very average (financially) family in the mountains of TN, so the sons in law would be 100% responsible for providing for their wives and kids bc they could no expect a few thousand here or there from TV royalties or speaking engagements.

  • Love 10

So many questions -- too bad I had to go to work unlike the Duggars -- it left me out of the loop all day.


How do we know family member aren't calling him Spurgeon? Is he Elliot to them? Which family members?


Just saw the People article -- WTF, they're calling each other mom and dad to make parenting realities set in?? Did pushing that kid out, breast feeding every hr, and waking up constantly not make those realities set in?? And shining a flashlight in a newborn's face -- who does that?? When you're getting up like that on the hr, why not just sleep with lights or at least a small lamp on? I mean the kid doesn't care and you're probably tired enough that it doesn't matter.


Grandma is staying over to help at night? Who makes their 70+ yr old grandma do that? Even if she says it's ok, she needs her rest more than the 20 yr old parents. She should get to come over, hold him for a while until he cries, and give him back -not have to do any work for him!

  • Love 11

Jessa and Bin are the reason you should need a license to breed.

Really, Jessa? You and your non-working husband need TWO people at your house full-time so you can get your beauty sleep? God, they are such insufferable twats.

Okay, so I can ALMOST excuse Jessa because clearly it was a difficult delivery for her. Although I note she can be in full makeup and hair done for the Atrocity Announcement a week later.

But WTF did Ben do that requires catching up on his sleep? Did he push a ten-pound baby out of his nethers? No? Then suck it up and take care of your child. Guys your age can stay up for three nights in a row playing freaking video games...you can damned well watch a sleeping baby and change a diaper a few times.

  • Love 18


Okay, Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel of Southern Charm just named their baby St. Julian Rembert. Not a good week to be pseudo celebrity spawn.

I have known several people with the surname "St. Julian" so I will give them a pass on this especially if it is a family name. I guess it was a boy so he'll probably end up being called "Julian." If it is a girl, "Julie."


"Charles Spurgeon Seewald' would have been an okay name,  Spurgeon as a first name, with no family connection, not only sounds unusually awful, but it doesn't lead into any decent nickname. I hope they call the child Eliot.  The nickname "Izzy" for his cousin is okay, I guess, but I can just imagine Jill or Jessa calling the two cousins: "Izzy and Spurgy, time for dinner."  Quincy is sounding better by the moment, So too is Bam Bam Fish Fry Seewald, for that matter.


Well, if Jessa follows her parents and home schools and limits the child's access to the outside world, maybe he won't have much explaining about the name.  I have heard of Spurgeon, but I don't have a clue about what he wrote or thought. 


I was hoping this was a trial balloon and they would change it if people reacted negatively.  


  • Love 1

Okay, so I can ALMOST excuse Jessa because clearly it was a difficult delivery for her. Although I note she can be in full makeup and hair done for the Atrocity Announcement a week later.

But WTF did Ben do that requires catching up on his sleep? Did he push a ten-pound baby out of his nethers? No? Then suck it up and take care of your child. Guys your age can stay up for three nights in a row playing freaking video games...you can damned well watch a sleeping baby and change a diaper a few times.

Well said Older!!

  • Love 3

Okay, so I can ALMOST excuse Jessa because clearly it was a difficult delivery for her. Although I note she can be in full makeup and hair done for the Atrocity Announcement a week later.

But WTF did Ben do that requires catching up on his sleep? Did he push a ten-pound baby out of his nethers? No? Then suck it up and take care of your child. Guys your age can stay up for three nights in a row playing freaking video games...you can damned well watch a sleeping baby and change a diaper a few times.

Most guys his age will start pull all nighters soon after thanksgiving to study for those pesky college finals - many of them balancing it with on campus jobs and many fly across the country to get home the night before Christmas. Yet Bin needs his beauty sleep.

  • Love 4

Nothing but leghumpers on Jessa's FB page loving on the name and saying how precious the baby is. PUKE on the love of Bam Bam Fish Fry's real name. Seriously when Bin wakes up from his  fog he needs to realize what a horrible name the little fellow has.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 2

Most guys his age will start pull all nighters soon after thanksgiving to study for those pesky college finals - many of them balancing it with on campus jobs and many fly across the country to get home the night before Christmas. Yet Bin needs his beauty sleep.

Just let's hope he doesn't figure, Hey! If we have more babysitters, er, I mean kids...

Over at Pickles they are calling the baby Spud.  I kind of like that.

I thought Spud too.  But I'm marked down for fish because of the sturgen thing.  But Spud would be cute.  If it's good enough for Dolly Parton (a Duggar approved person) it should be good enough for Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber.

From People Magazine:

After baby name comes nickname, and Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and her husband Ben Seewald have already chosen one for baby Spurgeon.

Their 1-week-old son, whose full name  Spurgeon Elliot Seewald was revealed Wednesday, will be called Quincy.


 I would bet good money that family members refuse to call the baby, "Spurgeon" because they hate the name, but are afraid or too polite to come right out and say it.

  • Love 6

I swear to FSM, if "Spurgeon" surges in popularity like Bently belonging that Teen Mom, I'm going to get stabby.


Bentley at least can go by Ben, which he does IIRC. This kid's only hope is Elliot, and even then I remember what John Cusack said about that name in The Sure Thing: "Elliot? You're gonna name the kid Elliot? No, you can't name the kid Elliot. Elliot is a fat kid with glasses who eats paste. You're not gonna name the kid Elliot. You gotta give him a real name. Give him a name. Like Nick." (No offense to any Elliots on here, that quote has always killed me).


Seewald is a pretty cool last name and deserved better.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 5

Wait until little BBFF has to sign his legal name on any document. "Oh, his name is Spurgeon Eliot Seewald, but we call him Quincy." That'll go over well with the doctor's office, the dentist's, the pharmacist at the local Wal-Mart, whatever. I'm sure they just love dealing with anyone who doesn't go by their legal name.


Perhaps someone should tell "Mom" and "Dad" that young Spurgeon will be picking out their retirement home at some point...

  • Love 9

"Elliot? You're gonna name the kid Elliot? No, you can't name the kid Elliot. Elliot is a fat kid with glasses who eats paste. You're not gonna name the kid Elliot. You gotta give him a real name. Give him a name. Like Nick." (No offense to any Elliots on here, that quote has always killed me).



Our cousin is a drama llama. Guess what her son's name is? And there was family pushback on "Elliott" as well...

  • Love 1

Wait until little BBFF has to sign his legal name on any document. "Oh, his name is Spurgeon Eliot Seewald, but we call him Quincy." That'll go over well with the doctor's office, the dentist's, the pharmacist at the local Wal-Mart, whatever. I'm sure they just love dealing with anyone who doesn't go by their legal name.


Perhaps someone should tell "Mom" and "Dad" that young Spurgeon will be picking out their retirement home at some point...

What retirement home?  Look at Grandma Mary! 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 4

Baby Spoodge could end up with a litte brother named Oral!

Oral Roberts is way to progressive for this bunch. Can't go naming one of their kids after a guy that didn't have a problem with women in ministry. As far as Binjermin is concerned, that'd be like setting the kid up for a life of sin. 

  • Love 2

I normally don't post this much, but for some reason this whole business bugs the everylovin' shit out of me.  First the drama over having the baby, then the name, now the drumroll for the nickname.  This kid is not the crown prince of fundie land.  It's just the baby of two immature, ignorant, pompous, obnoxious people who have mastered the art of famewhoring.  


The problem with famewhoring is there always a bigger, better famewhore just around the corner.  It's a short temp job at best.  By the time Fishstick II arrives, no one will care one way or the other, let alone a People cover.  Binjermin will have put his foot in his dopey mouth big time by that point and bye bye Seewalds.  At least I can hope. 

  • Love 20
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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