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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Oh, my gosh. I'm shocked. It's almost as if they've been reading. (although I'm sure they haven't, except sermons that they don't understand). Anybody remember the kid in Anne of Green Gables named Moody Spurgeon Macpherson? He was certainly named after Charles Spurgeon and, probably, Moody of the Bible Institute. He became a Presbyterian minister and his name was kind of a joke through every book of the series he appeared in. Lucy Maud Montgomery clearly knew that you could get a laugh every time just by mentioning a kid named Moody Spurgeon.


I still like Resurrection Special Seewald.   (and his father -- Bin "My Pretension and Lack of Judgment Know No Bounds" Seewald)

Moody Spurgeon MacPherson is all I've been able to think of every time I see that silly name. Too funny.

Duggar pop culture, inspirational figures from about 150 years ago.

  • Love 7

So one dimensional that they didnt consider anything about the name and how it would relate to a boy or man, only how to honor a preacher. You wonder if Einstein made the short list.

oh please. An accomplished man of science? If they didn't see him riding a dinosaur in the dinosaur rodeo, he didn't exist.

I just can't with this name. I hope this sweet baby grows up to be a really surly teenager that sneers at them every time they call him spurgeon. He will have to spell that name to everyone his entire life. When this kid is old enough to read the evil internets and sees the having the name his whole life comment his rocket science dad made, I hope his first comment is no shit Sherlock.

  • Love 6

I must have missed it, but where did the in utero nickname "Qunicy" come from?

My daughter has a surname for a middle name. It's in honor of a friend who died while I was pregnant with her. It's a simple surname, however. Nothing like Spurgeon. She likes it.

Sounds like maybe Elizabeth for the first Baby Girl Seewald (arriving January 2017). think that was Ole Spurge's wife's name. But then, you'd have a normal name paired with a weirdo name.

They should go with Elliott.

If they adopt any pre-named blessings, will they change the name? I'm adopted and was called Judith the first three months of life. Always thought that was so odd to have once had a completely different name.

  • Love 2

So according to Amy's comment, they had his name already decided just after birth.  So if I am reading this correctly, they are big fat liars when it comes to taking a week to decide the name.


amyrachellekingThis little guy is named Spurgeon Elliott Seewald. @jessaseewald @ben_seewald Congrats you two, I wanted to post something right after he was born... But I wanted to wait until Ben and Jess had the chance to announce it first. ☺️


After hearing this horrible name, I have a feeling that Ben's sister was posting the name that she liked and hoped they would name him.  Who could blame her.  No one wants to brag that you have a nephew that sounds like a fish. 

  • Love 6

So according to Amy's comment, they had his name already decided just after birth.  So if I am reading this correctly, they are big fat liars when it comes to taking a week to decide the name.


amyrachellekingThis little guy is named Spurgeon Elliott Seewald. @jessaseewald @ben_seewald Congrats you two, I wanted to post something right after he was born... But I wanted to wait until Ben and Jess had the chance to announce it first. ☺️


I wouldn't take that to mean they were lying.  Amy very much seems like the type who wants to prove she was "in the know."  Or it might have been what they were planning on using but not 100%. I know a couple people who wanted to "use" their name for a few days once the baby was born to make sure they still liked it.


You know, when they posted a survey on her Instagram for name suggestions, I thought her commenters had terrible taste in names for the most part.  Who would have thought that those would have been improvements to what he ended up with!


I don't see anything unusual about Michelle and Jana staying with them for now.  It's really common for women to have help after childbirth, especially with complications.  Plus it might be like a mini-vacation for them - one baby instead of all the howlers!

Amy continues to famewhore. Why would it have been your right to be the first to post the name? Christ.


Oh, my gosh. I'm shocked. It's almost as if they've been reading. (although I'm sure they haven't, except sermons that they don't understand). Anybody remember the kid in Anne of Green Gables named Moody Spurgeon Macpherson? He was certainly named after Charles Spurgeon and, probably, Moody of the Bible Institute. He became a Presbyterian minister and his name was kind of a joke through every book of the series he appeared in. Lucy Maud Montgomery clearly knew that you could get a laugh every time just by mentioning a kid named Moody Spurgeon.


I still like Resurrection Special Seewald.   (and his father -- Bin "My Pretension and Lack of Judgment Know No Bounds" Seewald)


I worship that series, thanks for reminding me where the name came from. I knew I had heard it somewhere. What does it say about the name that Montgomery was able to make fun of it over one hundred years ago, when odder names were abound? For chrissakes, even Spurgeon himself had it as a last name.

  • Love 6

Ben knew he could've just taken the easy way out to honor him and just name him Charles, but I'll be you anything he likened that to "Christians taking the easy way out." And he's not like that. He's a Super Christian. So much so, that he has to prove it with the name Spurgeon. Poor kid is just a trophy and object to them. I'm impressed that any of the leg humpers have been able to act like they like the name when even their own family can't act like it!

  • Love 14

That poor little child. Even Michelle's breathy little baby talk voice can't make that name sound pleasant.

I just hear it in that Mr. Burns accent, the way he says "Exxxxcellent."

Spuuuuurrrrgeon!!! Get back on your blanket, Spuuuuurrrrgeon!!!!

I can't believe I waited almost a week for this.

I hear Richard Burton in "Who's Afraid of Virgjnia Woolf?" saying, "Buuhgun."

  • Love 2

Ok, I just had to ask.....Just how clueless are they? They had it right in front of them....Gabriel Elliott Seewald...now, that would have been a classically beautiful name for a son....These two took a week to come up with that monstrosity of a name? I feel for that little boy already. They also chose somewhat of an incomplete spelling, Eliot, instead of Elliott, which is complete. I think Jessa was still on her pain meds when she agreed to that name. I thought Jill and Derick held the trophy on the worst name possible in this family, but NO,,,, pass it along now to Jessa and Ben. They truly do live in their own bubble, as don't they realize that this child has to live in this world with that stigma of a first name? I hope they didn't put that in ink on the birth certificate...still time to change it. No taste, no class Duggar/Seewalds strike again!

  • Love 7

Ben knew he could've just taken the easy way out to honor him and just name him Charles, but I'll be you anything he likened that to "Christians taking the easy way out." And he's not like that. He's a Super Christian. So much so, that he has to prove it with the name Spurgeon. Poor kid is just a trophy and object to them. I'm impressed that any of the leg humpers have been able to act like they like the name when even their own family can't act like it!

MTE. God forbid they name the kid Charlie and people assume that he was named after something like Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

  • Love 2

This is hilarious. I'm waiting for my 88 year old mother to be up and about this morning so I can call her and get her reaction. She hates ridiculous baby names. This is really going to get her going. 


The Onion had an article this week that within minutes of being born babies can tell whether or not their parents are losers.  Looks like ol' baby Spurgeon Seaworld's picture should be edited into that article right about now.  


Also, isn't this cause to check Jessa out for brain damage from all that blood she lost?

  • Love 17

Well, she squoze the kid out, so.......... Not a nice name, but it obviously means something to these two half wits. Attention. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, they just need attention.

What if you named your kid Sturgeon and nobody noticed......

Edited by kathe5133
  • Love 1

I just keep trying to envision any kind of real world scenarios for this name...I can't even figure out how you'd abbreviate it. "Spurgeon, come back here before the truck hits you!" "Spurgey, stop licking that Bible!" "Spur, don't hit your grandma, I don't care if she scares you!"

Nope. Can't do it.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 10

All I can think about is the article where Ben and Jessa said that he chose to take the semester off before applying to college/seminary in order to prepare for the baby. This name is a textbook example of majorly overthinking something to the point of ruining it. Ben should have stayed in school and devoted less of his time to trolling for obscure names of 19th century theologians. Maybe then, the kid would've had a normal name. 


I just flang my cat off my lap, laughing.


On my behalf, my feline headship extends an apology to your feline headship. 

Edited by Guest

When their own righteous family members don't use the name, you know it's bad. Sounds like he is called: baby dear, Quincy and Eliot. Please let them legally change his name to Quincy. Didn't the Bates legally change one of their daughters names for some reason?

Michael / Michaela or something.  I think they named her after Michael, David's wife, in the Bible before realizing that's not exactly an admirable character so they changed it.  I could be getting it wrong though.


Not a huge fan of Quincy, but it's better than Spurgeon.

That's like Derick quitting his job after Izzy was born. Do these morons realize life doesn't stop because you have a kid? What exactly did Bin need six months for to "prepare"? He could have completed a semester's worth of college work or stacked up some money if he had a real job. I wish they'd just own up to the fact that their life plan is to coast off Daddy Duggar and reality tv. Jill and Jessa hit the loser jackpot with these two.

  • Love 6

Spurgeon. Okay. Well, visually, the first thing my brain registered (due to my conditioning as an adolescent) was Spungen, as in Nancy. The next thing I thought was the fish. The next thing I thought was that it sounds like a euphemism for something super gross. Great name choice, guys! So far Jessa is doing everything straight out of the reality TV famewhore handbook. 

  • Love 9

If they had just reversed the 2 names...Elliott Spurgeon Seewald isn't too bad.

As for the Elliott part: Jim Elliott was a missionary to the Auca Indians in Ecuador back in the late 1950's. After the Indians killed him, his wife Elisabeth wrote a book about his life called "Through Gates of Splendor." He is highly thought of in the evangelical Christian community.

  • Love 2

I personally am perfectly okay with Spurgeon.  Why, you may ask?  You NEED to read the man's quotations:


"The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation."

"There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write 'damnation' with your fingers."

"Pride is the devil’s dragnet in which he takes more fish than in any other, except procrastination."

"Give yourself unto reading. The man who never reads will never be read; he who never quotes will never be quoted. He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains, proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read."

  • Love 19

I've been wondering same.

Aren't transfusions a pretty big deal? It's not rehydration, it's serious.

ETA that poor little thing will pretty much always be BamBam to me. But Towel is good.

I had 2 transfusions after my hysterectomy last summer. I was in the hospital for a total of 2 nights only. Was not a big deal.

  • Love 2

Ben's unrestrained religious sectarianism is gonna alienate too many viewers. He alternates between offensive and boring. The spin off is fucked. It was always fucked, but if that dickhead was willing to saddle his kid with the name Spurgeon, purely as a religious/political statement, there's really no hope of him biting his tongue, he just goes all out.

Does anyone know where that video was filmed? The kitchen does not look like the mold house, or the TTH, or Jill's Mc Mansion. There's a big dent in the fridge. ( A Jim Bob bargain purchase maybe?)

Recently purchased pool house.
  • Love 14

Does anyone know where that video was filmed?  The kitchen does not look like the mold house, or the TTH, or Jill's Mc Mansion.  There's a big dent in the fridge.  ( A Jim Bob bargain purchase maybe?)


It's their new house with a pool down the street from TTH. We have speculated that JB may have bought it for Josh, Anna, and M'kids. 

If they had just reversed the 2 names...Elliott Spurgeon Seewald isn't too bad.

As for the Elliott part: Jim Elliott was a missionary to the Auca Indians in Ecuador back in the late 1950's. After the Indians killed him, his wife Elisabeth wrote a book about his life called "Through Gates of Splendor." He is highly thought of in the evangelical Christian community.

Maybe it would have been best to honor one hero, and give the kid one name of his own.


Jessa used to be my favourite. I liked her sass and really thought she was a free spirit. WRONG. She is only risky when it comes to fashion, even then I realize it's just a tight shirt to show off her preggy belly. This name might as well be, Gothard Yourwillburninhellwewon't. It speaks volumes about Jessa that she allowed it.


There is nothing original about how they decorate their homes: a few pinterest crafts, just like their sisters or mom (you could walk into anyone's house and it could belong to any of them, from what we've seen) They are a hive. They aren't individual families, they are all for JB. They eat at the same restaurants, they wear the same clothes, they do their hair the same. I realize that is some cult think. Ben took time off school for a few hours of labour? Or because Jessa can't be alone? He sure didn't do it to help with the baby, but dollars to donuts we will see  Jessa swoon over how how Bin is so helpful with little SPURGE and then their trademark awww as Bin lisps something out like a little girl while waiving his hands around like Howie Mandel. He actually seems to think he is profound when he explains things while looking for reassurance from Jessa the entire time. Ugh. I am so disappointed in Jessa. Well now Hannie is my favourite. Hmmmph. (arms crossed)


  • Love 11

He actually seems to think he is profound when he explains things while looking for reassurance from Jessa the entire time. Ugh. I am so disappointed in Jessa.

Realistically, I thought I was pretty damned profound at that age too.  I lacked the perspicacity and maturity to realize that I was neither as clever or insightful as I thought I was, and that was with a real ebil librul college education and real world work experience. 

  • Love 14

If they had just reversed the 2 names...Elliott Spurgeon Seewald isn't too bad.

As for the Elliott part: Jim Elliott was a missionary to the Auca Indians in Ecuador back in the late 1950's. After the Indians killed him, his wife Elisabeth wrote a book about his life called "Through Gates of Splendor." He is highly thought of in the evangelical Christian community.


Elisabeth Elliot also wrote a book (maybe 2) about purity aimed at young women, so I'm sure the Duggars are big fans.  


I dislike the name but I really hope Jessa had a say in it and the delay wasn't her trying to change her headship's mind.  I have a fundie cousin who doesn't like one of her kid's names, but her husband wanted it and as he's the head, she didn't feel she had a say.  I think that's sad.  

I personally am perfectly okay with Spurgeon. Why, you may ask? You NEED to read the man's quotations:

"The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation."

"There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write 'damnation' with your fingers."

"Pride is the devil’s dragnet in which he takes more fish than in any other, except procrastination."

"Give yourself unto reading. The man who never reads will never be read; he who never quotes will never be quoted. He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains, proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read."

Wow. So Ben worships this guy but has no real idea what he was about. Except maybe ew, Catholics.

I wish you would purpose to post this on their Instagram. It would sound totally sincere and maybe someone somewhere might grab some fragment of a clue.

  • Love 11
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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