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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I just saw a gagworthy picture of Mommy and Daddy matching omelettes. Certainly, Jana made them and wrote on the paper plates (don't they have a dishwasher?). It's only two plates and forks! 


You honestly expect them to wash dishes? They just had a baby for Gothard's sake. (sarcasm)

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But would she have declined help if she'd had it offered to her?  Because I think many women would love the kind of help Jessa is getting from Jana.  


I guess it just isn't that big a deal to me, especially considering what Jessa has been through.  Ben is a big dumb kid boy and I can't imagine him being of much help.  And it's just been a few days.  It's not like Jessa has Jana chained up by the ankle in the cellar and is forcing her to wetnurse the baby against her will.    


As long as what's being done is not really harmful (as in interfering with bonding or something), I don't see what the big deal is.  Not at this point, anyway. 

It's really hard to see this from their point of view. They are both from big families and being alone isn't in their experience. In this case, from my own perspective, I would kick everyone out to be alone with my new son and his father. It's a real bonding moment for a family. They could visit, meet the baby and go home. This family is just a tiny piece of a much bigger puzzle, so it may seem sensible to them.

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I think Jessa is a lot like Kim K. They're the type who like to go shopping for cute baby clothes, do photo shoots and post about how uh-mayyy-zing motherhood is on social media, but have zero interest in any of the real work.

I would give Jessa a pass if she hadn't done the People photoshoot. She was well enough to slap on makeup, take pictures and collect her check, so she should be able to find the strength to get up in the middle of the night and change a diaper. Bin gets no sympathy from me. He doesn't work and he's certainly not the only first time father who's had to learn as he goes. Newborns eat, sleep and poop. It's really not that complicated.


Spot on with the Kim K. comparison.  But wait I am sure Ben has been told he is the king and he doesn't have to do jack to feed/diaper/etc. the baby...that is women's work.  But then this is a guy that cleans toilets for a living...sometimes...


I could almost give a pass having a relative to help out the first few days/week.  But that usually is like cleaning or cooking, sometimes holding baby to give a break but the rest is up to the parents, especially the feeding.  All for bonding and such.  Sigh.

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The video doesn't play for me. Is that seriously his name: Spurgeon Elliot Seewald -- maybe I'm just out of step with today's naming trends, but I think Brown Towel Seewald was a little better. If course he won't have to worry about being mocked on the playground since he will never go to school, but it's a little sad.


ETA: I found this little nugget on-line which makes it a bit clearer for me:


Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a British Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers".

Edited by cmr2014
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Spurgeon Elliot Seewald


 Oh my, an unfortunate name for an unfortunate child.  Cute baby.

Where, what, how the hell did they ever get that bizzarro name? I don't get it. I find it completely sad that the poor child will be saddled with that. And this is coming from me that has an uncovnventional birth name.

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I can't get the video to work, but I was unfortunately eating dessert when you guys started posting the name. Ben and Jessa's terrible baby naming nearly caused me to choke to death on a piece of pie.

If they were dead set on Spurgeon, why couldn't they have made it a middle name? That poor innocent baby. I don't even think Dickens would have saddled a character with the name spurgeon seewald. :(

Edited by Zella
  • Love 17

I can't help but think that it took so long to announce the name because any number of well meaning grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc. were trying to convince them to not name their human child Spurgeon. Yet another reason why teenagers don't need to be parents.

I think it took them that long to figure out how to spell Spurgeon. No little license plates at ToysRUs for this poor kid.

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I agree with one of the People commentors. With all the heroes they could have put on the cover for Veteran's Day, the idiots at People chose Benessa. Baby No Name's birth should have been listed in the Passages section like everyone else, not given the cover & an article. What more can be put in the arcticle? All Jessa's comments about not realizing how hard labor is, wanting drugs, etc. have been uttered by almost every mother. What makes her special? I still love seeing Benessa's age difference in print. Like someone else posted, not a big deal in the real world, but may mean something in the Fundy world. Will they mention an occupation for Ben in the article?

Happy Veteran's Day to our true heroes. Thank you for your service.


Barb - you should send a copy of your EXCELLENT comment here to People.  Let's see if they'll include in the Letters to the Editor section within the next few weeks. Every word you said is right on the money, and it would be truly sweet to see this comment in the mag. 

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Spurgeon Elliot Seewald. WTF??


Why not Elliot Spurgeon Seewald? Or as Ben helpfully explains in that video, Spuregon's first name was Charles -- why not Charles Elliot Seewald?? I didn't realize they were calling the baby Quincy during the pregnancy -- thought we made that up here; frankly Quincy isn't a bad first name.


Though I guess it doesn't matter much -- their kids don't go to school, don't play on sports teams -- so it's not like all the Bradens and Jadens of the world will make fun of him. They also don't go to college or hold down jobs, so none of the resume bias as interviewers try to figure out what ethnicity Spurgeon may be.

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Hate to say it but you always see couples whose life is going no where, who decide that having a child is the only highlight of their life and thus their kid won't have an "ordinary" name like John or Mike but will be unique and different. Hence -- Spurgeon. They kind of overshot the mark -- Jaden, Braden, Mason, or Carson would have been the normal "unique" route.

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That poor little child.  Even Michelle's breathy little baby talk voice can't make that name sound pleasant.


I just hear it in that Mr. Burns accent, the way he says "Exxxxcellent."  


Spuuuuurrrrgeon!!! Get back on your blanket, Spuuuuurrrrgeon!!!!


I can't believe I waited almost a week for this.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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