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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

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Yeah, I listened again and heard Michelle say "hang in there". Jessa was probably really scared and Michelle was using that insane voice to remain calm and keep Jessa calm.

I know these people are a pack of loons but I'm glad both jessa and no name baby are OK.

Wonder if Jessa will do another home birth? I doubt it...

Depending what was going on, I wonder if she'll be able to have any more kids. Some of that uterine bleeding is no joke, especially if it was after the placenta passed. Hopefully she didn't need an emergency hysterectomy.

  • Love 2

The "hang in there" to me sounded like it was in response to "I'm massaging your uterus." That can't possibly be comfortable -- to have someone push down there moments after your uterus -- which might have been contracting for 12 hrs -- pushed out a 10 lb kid. It's possible Jessa was saying it hurts. The gap at the beginning of the recording was in response to "what's your address" -- pretty standard for that to be redacted out.


Ben doesn't look right in the first pic. How could he?? A 20 yr old father isn't celebrated anywhere except in this cult. The only thing I have to compare to is my friends who are new fathers -- they tend to look a bit scared $hitless in early pics having seen what their wife just went thru -- but otherwise THRILLED. Of course my cohort is in its mid 30s and mostly lawyers having kids that are very much wanted after a few years of marriage and almost a decade of saving. So while they may be scared of how much pain their wife is in or how they'll possibly manage a child who eats every hour -- they aren't worried about how they'll provide or whether they'll be paying off hospital bills for years or whether they can afford to have their wife stay in the hospital an extra day if the doctors somehow recommend that.


How is it possible that Ben and Jessa would have no insurance? Doesn't Obamacare require some baseline minimum for everyone now? Though even with that, if they have the absolute minimum plan, I guess it's possible to have a deductible in the thousands; a $5000 or $10,000 bill won't be easy to pay off, though if I were Ben I'd present it to my father in law -- I mean if he doesn't pay enough of a living wage for Ben to buy proper insurance AND it was Ben's fondling of his daughter that made another blessing which will squeak out at least another series of episodes of the show -- then that's the least JB can do.

  • Love 3

Unless Jessa & Ben or the Duggar's have specifically said they have no health insurance, I have to assume they have a policy through TLC. TLC legally has to cover their employees anyways. They surely must extend that option to their talent if they want it. Jessa could also still be covered under Jim Bob's family plan. I wonder if that's the biggest reason why Baby Bam Bam doesn't appear to be admitted to the hospital. He would not be covered in that instance.

Edited by Saylii
  • Love 1

And do the newborns get medical checkups?  I assume they don't get immunization shots, but I may be wrong.  Izzy must have gotten shots to go "overseas".


If the immunization schedules are the same as they were when I worked in pediatrics 15 years ago they start at the 2 week well-child visit.  But newborns get many screenings, hearing among them.

  • Love 1

The "hang in there" to me sounded like it was in response to "I'm massaging your uterus." That can't possibly be comfortable -- to have someone push down there moments after your uterus -- which might have been contracting for 12 hrs -- pushed out a 10 lb kid. It's possible Jessa was saying it hurts. The gap at the beginning of the recording was in response to "what's your address" -- pretty standard for that to be redacted out.


Ben doesn't look right in the first pic. How could he?? A 20 yr old father isn't celebrated anywhere except in this cult. The only thing I have to compare to is my friends who are new fathers -- they tend to look a bit scared $hitless in early pics having seen what their wife just went thru -- but otherwise THRILLED. Of course my cohort is in its mid 30s and mostly lawyers having kids that are very much wanted after a few years of marriage and almost a decade of saving. So while they may be scared of how much pain their wife is in or how they'll possibly manage a child who eats every hour -- they aren't worried about how they'll provide or whether they'll be paying off hospital bills for years or whether they can afford to have their wife stay in the hospital an extra day if the doctors somehow recommend that.


How is it possible that Ben and Jessa would have no insurance? Doesn't Obamacare require some baseline minimum for everyone now? Though even with that, if they have the absolute minimum plan, I guess it's possible to have a deductible in the thousands; a $5000 or $10,000 bill won't be easy to pay off, though if I were Ben I'd present it to my father in law -- I mean if he doesn't pay enough of a living wage for Ben to buy proper insurance AND it was Ben's fondling of his daughter that made another blessing which will squeak out at least another series of episodes of the show -- then that's the least JB can do.


Unless Jessa & Ben or the Duggar's have specifically said they have no health insurance, I have to assume they have a policy through TLC. TLC legally has to cover their employees anyways. They surely must extend that option to their talent if they want it. Jessa could also still be covered under Jim Bob's family plan. I wonder if that's the biggest reason why Baby Bam Bam doesn't appear to be admitted to the hospital. He would not be covered in that instance.


I obviously can't say for sure, but I really don't think that they have insurance. Obamacare may require it, but there are plenty of extreme right-wingers who simply to refuse to get it as if going to the doctor were somehow implying support for the President. I definitely think that all of the Duggars would fall into this slice of the political spectrum.


I don't think that JB carries insurance on his family. It would be very expensive and, he has said in the past, that when the children are sick, they send one to the doctor and then give them all the same medicine. I think he pays out of pocket for J'chelle's care, and Josie's care was covered by the state.


It's my feeling (no proof) that he carries only the bare minimum of insurance in general (on the cars, the properties, as well as life insurance). Carrying a lot of insurance might imply that he wasn't God's golden boy -- and it costs money.


I don't think that they are "employees" of TLC, and I doubt that TLC offers them employee benefits. What TLC does offer them is plenty of cash which has allowed JB to pay their minimal medical bills in cash. I also think he might have simply paid Jessa's medical bill, and Ben may never see it. That's why I mentioned in a previous post that I hope they send the bill to Ben. A couple thousand dollars for a speaking engagement here and there might well seem like a lot of money to a teenager, but when you start looking at the real bills that real adults pay, it may dawn on him that he either needs insurance or a real job if his wife is going to be dropping a baby every year.

  • Love 8

Are we sure Michelle was the one who said "I'm massaging your uterus" and not that the midwife has a fundy-speaking style, too?  Because if Michelle was calling 911 AND doing uterine massage then what in the world was the midwife doing?

By the way, uterine massage is pretty standard in my universe and if you had an epidural you probably just didn't notice when they did it.  They should call it "Asian uterine massage" because it feels about like what I imagine those painful massages they show on the Amazing Race might feel like.

The more I think about the information that was given on the call, the more it's sounding like they were using an inexperienced midwife or not using one at all.  If you have a post-partum complication like trouble getting the placenta to detach, you go to the hospital, but that's usually not an ambulance ride level emergency.  If you're bleeding too much, the midwife can (look away, squeamish people) reach in there and clean out your clots or check for retained pieces of placenta, administer methergine, administer a shot of pitocin, and things like that before it gets to the point of needing to call 911.  That's assuming, of course, that she has the client obtain and fill those prescriptions from a collaborative physician ahead of time or otherwise has a way to obtain those drugs for her own set of emergency supplies.  If the midwife did those things and you're doing okay now but just need to "get checked out," then why would you call 911?  If the midwife did those things and you were still bad-enough off that you needed an ambulance, why in the world would Michelle be the one giving the information, and why would they not mention what things had already been done that had failed for the information of the emergency responders?

  • Love 10

Are we sure Michelle was the one who said "I'm massaging your uterus" and not that the midwife has a fundy-speaking style, too?  Because if Michelle was calling 911 AND doing uterine massage then what in the world was the midwife doing?

By the way, uterine massage is pretty standard in my universe and if you had an epidural you probably just didn't notice when they did it.  They should call it "Asian uterine massage" because it feels about like what I imagine those painful massages they show on the Amazing Race might feel like.

The more I think about the information that was given on the call, the more it's sounding like they were using an inexperienced midwife or not using one at all.  If you have a post-partum complication like trouble getting the placenta to detach, you go to the hospital, but that's usually not an ambulance ride level emergency.  If you're bleeding too much, the midwife can (look away, squeamish people) reach in there and clean out your clots or check for retained pieces of placenta, administer methergine, administer a shot of pitocin, and things like that before it gets to the point of needing to call 911.  That's assuming, of course, that she has the client obtain and fill those prescriptions from a collaborative physician ahead of time or otherwise has a way to obtain those drugs for her own set of emergency supplies.  If the midwife did those things and you're doing okay now but just need to "get checked out," then why would you call 911?  If the midwife did those things and you were still bad-enough off that you needed an ambulance, why in the world would Michelle be the one giving the information, and why would they not mention what things had already been done that had failed for the information of the emergency responders?

They aren't exactly well prepared people. I imagine their prep for home birth is putting down some towels on the floor and bed so as not to ruin their second hand mattress, grabbing some towels to wrap the baby in, and boiling some water when the time comes. Telling these 2 morons -- you need to go to the dr and obtain prescriptions for x, y, and z bc we need to have it on hand seems like fool's errand. I can see Jessa and Bin just ignoring it for a while as they are do busy posing for selfies and getting speaking engagements, then running it by the medical authority that is Jill who would pooh pooh the idea, only to have Michelle join in and say I NEVER needed such drugs, you'll be fine, we'll pray. And then you get to delivery day without the drugs on hand that you need.

  • Love 12

Depending what was going on, I wonder if she'll be able to have any more kids. Some of that uterine bleeding is no joke, especially if it was after the placenta passed. Hopefully she didn't need an emergency hysterectomy.

When my son was born, he weighed 9 pounds 9 ounces (I had no drugs), he got stuck coming down and when they pulled him out with forceps they tore my cervix, I laid there and hemmoraged for 7 hours before they realized something wasn't right. They opened me up, "fixed" the problems then told me I wouldn't be able to have more kids. Thankfully, he was my 2nd, I already had a daughter and wasn't planning to have more, but it still sucks when the decision is taken out of your hands.

I'm happy to hear Jessa and the baby are doing well. I know many people have done them but I would never have a home birth. My daughter had a lot of complications with her pregnancy and she and my grandson would have died if they hadn't been in a hospital.

  • Love 7

This whole thing is making me feel protective of Jessa, something I never saw coming. My baby is 7 months, and like Jessa, I planned a homebirth (but with certified midwives! FFS, Jessa, MICHELLE??), and like Jessa, I had severe postpartum hemorrhage. It was very, very scary (for my husband and my mom, mostly--I was preoccupied watching my baby) and very serious; I was on bed rest for about six weeks. I feel for her and think she looks tired and lovely and like she's just been through hell.

I also, for the record, think she's way too immature to have a baby.

  • Love 9

Uterine massage is standard after delivery. It hurts quite a bit too if you're not numb. I'm seven months pregnant with my second child and this whole thread is reminding me how much labor hurts and how frightening the bleeding, etc. afterward can be. I feel terrible for these girls that they were raised to believe that giving birth in a hospital is somehow lesser. If Jessa had been born into a normal family she probably would have been in a hospital and the bleeding could have very easily been dealt with. I can't even imagine how terrified she was lying there in her bed completely helpless.

  • Love 4

Why won't these fools just go to the hospital. Or use real midwives.

Because it would break the magic, Gothard spell ! It would upset the balance of the fucknuts leghumpers who insist that Jessa is soooo pretty, despite having to be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance so she doesn't bleed to death. But she's still pretty, y'all !


Because it would break the concentration of those who struggle to find a positive, smiley, sparkly touchstone in the deadly, deathly circumstances the Duggar girls keep putting themselves into. But everything is still okay, y'all !


Because it would limit the amount of people directly involved in the postpartum/post-production pics and videos ! We're not saying who is where, or who is good or bad, so check out the baby-brown-towel pictures in front of the massively overflowing closet. But make sure to follow up on People Magazine, y'all !


This is all so, so FUBAR. I'm out of words. 

  • Love 15

I guess the homebirth/midwifery is Anna's devious influence. According to duggarfamilyblog.com (the leghumpers): only Jinger and Joseph were born at home, and they had a doctor for Jinger's birth.

As the mother of 19 children, many people would call Michelle Duggar a "baby expert." So what does this experienced mom say about hospital births versus home births? Her first five children were born at a hospital, but after talking to friends, she and Jim Bob decided to try a home birth. Jinger, baby number six, was born at their house, brought into the world by a doctor and a midwife. Michelle loved begin able to walk around during labor, and she recovered in record time. A few hours later, she was up and able to take care of her new daughter and her other kids.

Joseph, baby number seven, was also born at home. Although Michelle loved the idea of having a home birth with Josiah, baby eight, the Duggars decided to go to the hospital. However, they did not forget about all of the helpful techniques taught by their midwife. By continuing to use these strategies during the births of her other children, Michelle has learned how to make labor easier and more comfortable.

  • Love 2

Gosh, what drama. You'd think with all the previous history, one of them would be smart enough to go into Hospital and not try to mess around at home.


I think that reality has hit Bin very hard indeed - he was and is a teen with no experience of anything. Now he's had to put up with Missy Jessa aka Miss Self Entitled for 9 months of pregnancy which surely wasn't easy AND a very traumatic birth. Welcome to the real world honey!


You don't win Brownie points being at home. The only thing on your mind should be the wellbeing of both Mother and child.


And now to reality - babies are loud, messy, annoying at times, dirty, fussy........nights of interrupted sleep, perhaps a fussy eater, health problems. Having a baby is not all sweetness and light and I doubt that even Jessa knows how much work they are. Even MEchelle took care of her babies for the first few months I believe.


It'll be a wake up call for the both of them, perhaps they might just get some sort of sense and not breed indiscriminately. They don't have the money for that anyhow.


I wonder if Bin is freaking out inside

  • Love 12

Hmmm, I wonder whether there'll be an epic catfight between Anna, Jessa and Michelle for Jana's services. Someone needs to be around to grease Josie's hair and keep her from licking the counters. But wait, Hannie's ten now, right? She should have no problem working the graveyard shift at Jessa's. I think Jinger and Bin click a little too well for Jessa Blessa's liking so she's off the table. The Duggars are running low on spare J'slaves these days.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 20

You'd think Michelle would know 911 calls are public domain, and can be released. Someone else, someone sane, could've called. Oh wait, this is Michelle! There goes the big People/Counting On plot line.

I'm sure she knew - thankfully I'm not remotely famous, and it's still occurred to me when calling that a call is recorded and could be released and/or evidence. She was probably more able to self-edit and keep it to the necessities and bits they can live with being public (why she needs to be checked, "but doing better now," without referencing passing out or using phrases like "blood everywhere" that will become headlines) than anyone else present.

Very glad Jessa and baby are alright.

  • Love 6

Unfortunately, neither Jessa nor Jill will be considering their deliveries when planning for more kids. They were raised to believe that children are blessings and using any kind of birth control is wrong. Neither have given any indication that they're not following the Gothard way.


And anyway, I think women are hard wired to forget the real pain of labor & delivery, because most would only have one if they weren't.

  • Love 8

Someone on Instagram said that in a homebirth, the midwife usually calls the ambulance because they can give the most accurate medical information.  Or at least, they would be the ones to explain to the operator what is happening.  Is that true?

Well I would think that their Dancersize Midwife packed up her leg warmers and got the hell out of Dodge before the 911 call.

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 6

Someone on Instagram said that in a homebirth, the midwife usually calls the ambulance because they can give the most accurate medical information.  Or at least, they would be the ones to explain to the operator what is happening.  Is that true?

Meccchelle wouldn't willingly give up screen time to an extra.

  • Love 7

Well I would think that their Dancersize Midwife packed up her leg warmers and got the hell out of Dodge before the 911 call.

There was an episode where Jill and her master Venessa "delivered" a baby that had an omphalocele. Venessa instructed Jill to just dial 911, and that's how midwives learn their skill (at dialling a phone). Neither of them had any idea what the hernia looking thing was.
  • Love 5

So 17 out of 19 of JB & Michelle's kids were actually born in the hospital.  Now all of a sudden 'home births' are OK for their daughters - even though their daughters made them thousands or rather millions over the years.


Also I thought that getting stitches (the kind that dissolves on it's own) is common practice after giving birth.  I know I had them.  Did Jessa even have a midwife with her or just random family members waiting for photo ops?

  • Love 14

So 17 out of 19 of JB & Michelle's kids were actually born in the hospital.  Now all of a sudden 'home births' are OK for their daughters - even though their daughters made them thousands or rather millions over the years.


JB and M have a strong 30-year marriage... because they dated like normal people before tying the knot. 


JB and M spent the first 3-4 years of their marriage establishing themselves financially and maturing emotionally as a young couple before starting a family... because birth control afforded them that opportunity. 


JB and M have 19 babies who avoided life-threatening complications at birth... because they received professional medical care. 


But then they turn around and preach to their children: "Do as we say, not as we do... even though what we did clearly worked like a charm."


I will never understand that. Boggles the mind. 


If the Duggar girls continue to birth their children at home without proper care, either Jessa or Jill is eventually going to have a tragedy on their hands. And IMO, a lot of the blame will fall to JB and M for putting these ridiculous expectations onto their children that they never even met themselves. 

Edited by Guest

So, baby is born at home (brown towel pix), mommy and baby and a whacked out MommyDearest 911 it to the hospital (bonus photo op), Jessa stays in the hospital with mullethead but baby comes home, gets put in his prison garb (who picked that??) for more photos?

And Michelle sounds so... you've all better put into words what I can't.

It sounded like she had some side conversation while waiting for EMS. Did anyone catch it? Don't have my aux speaker and couldn't pick it up.

Uterine massage. Good grief. I have officially learned far far far too much about the birthing process.

'His prison garb', oh man I am going to be laughing about that one for a long time to the point where people are going to look at me and say what's wrong with her? Prison garb for a baby.LOL.

  • Love 4

Someone on Instagram said that in a homebirth, the midwife usually calls the ambulance because they can give the most accurate medical information.  Or at least, they would be the ones to explain to the operator what is happening.  Is that true?

It's probably different if your midwife has no license to practice in the state or has a sneaking suspicion she's made some horrible error. ... Or if there's somebody else on the scene who's grabbing every possible opportunity to get featured on an upcoming reality show.


Just sayin.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10

My good friend just had a baby in a birth centre with midwives and started to bleed out after the birth. The midwives stabbed her with some sort of shot, and massaged her, and stitched her up from 2nd degree tear. No need for an abulance. I bet they did another free birth or whatever they are called. They are insane!!!!!!!! They take midwife courses and then they don't even use a damn midwife. They just figure that Michelle had 20 kids she'll know what to do. WTH is wrong with these people!!!!!!!!!????????

  • Love 5

I really hope those of you who think MEchelle was trying to stay calm and reassuring during the 911 call are correct. Personally, I just don't get that feeling at all. To me, she is definitely drugged and in a situation way over her head and either too ignorant or too drugged (or both) to realize it.

MEchelle seems to be talking to someone other than Jessa in the call. It is almost like she repeats what is said to her by the operator for the benefit of a third person. It sounds like she has to repeat aloud what is said to her to comprehend it herself. I don't know, it is so hard to describe.

I have been the voice of calm in many situations and witnessed others serve that role and never heard anything like that call.

These morons are playing a dangerous game and if they keep it up a tragedy will occur. Their arrogance and ignorance will eventually have dire consequences

Edited by whydoiwatch
  • Love 12

Yea, if anyone thinks these two or Jill and Derrick are stopping after one kid or even waiting a few years between kids I think you are sadly mistaken. If these were people willing to space out their kids they never would have had their first one within the first year of marriage. These people are going to keep popping out the kids until they can't anymore. Which might happen before any of them are ready if they keep up this trend of shoddy midwives and home births.

Are they eligible for Medicaid? Probably not but I doubt they have any real insurance. I've been dealing with my own insurance woes. I refuse to go on Medicaid and my insurance has jumped from $481 to $1,500 month. I'm not eligible for the deduction through Obama care because I'm eligible for Medicaid and the only reason I'm eligible for Medicaid is because I am pregnant. All that to say-we live comfortably middle class, my husband works 60 hour work weeks and this is a going to be a huge struggle for us. I can't imagine Ben's toilet cleaning job allows him to afford insurance out of pocket.

But damn. I've never heard of a home birth going right. I know it happens but in my circle of peers every single person I know has had something go wrong (particularly with that first kid). No way in hell would I do it. I'm on my third pregnancy now and will eat ramen noodles to afford my ridiculous health insurance costs so that I know me and my baby will get the best possible care throughout pregnancy and delivery.

ETA: while I Have delivered two children I have no clue what goes on down there. I leave that up to the dr's. The fact that Michelle has had 19 means nothing to me.

Edited by Mountainair
  • Love 8

 Oh, darn, you make me think I need to defend Michelle.  Isn't Jessa's birthday Nov 4, the day before the delivery? So 23 is on her mind, but she can't remember if she is 22 turned 23, or 23 turned 24. I will give her a pass on that. Now if she had her confused with Josie's age, then I would think she had a real problem.   I sometimes have to do math to figure out the age of my son and daughter who are both adults. When they were younger and in school or college, it was much easier to remember as I could match it to the grade they were in .  That is, A is in third grade so she is 8. 


I cannot believe I just defended Ma Duggar. I am going to lie down now.

I have a hard time remember ages, but I remember birth years.  So I'm always doing a lot of quick subtraction in my head!  Ages change.  Birth years don't!  I'll give Michelle a pass on this because Jessa just had a birthday and this was a 911 call.  She may have sounded calm for Jessa's sake, but who knows how she felt inside? 

  • Love 4

Home births 'go right' all the time; you wouldn't really hear about those ones. Home births are statistically as safe as hospital births, and in fact England's National Institute of Health recently released the recommendation that women with normal pregnancies don't go to hospital for birth at all, instead opting for home- or birth center-births. (Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/behindtheheadlines/news/2014-12-03-nice-recommends-home-births-for-some-mums/).

If Jessa elected to have to an unassisted home birth without education and without qualified help, that's a problem. Home births themselves are not.

Edited to speculate: my perception of home birth in the US is that it's far from mainstream, and seems to have been pushed to the fringes. Midwifery is far more commonplace in other developed nations, and of course in the developing world; I wonder if this marginalization is what contributes to its bad rap in the states?

Edited by Pachengala
  • Love 11

I honestly don't think Michelle is encouraging any of her girls to do home births. I think, like someone stated above, the obsession with having a natural, home birth probably stems from seeing Anna have success at it, plus all the midwifery stuff Jill has gotten into it. For some reason it's the "cool thing" to do with them.

On the other hand, I also don't necessarily think Jill and Jessa's home birth debotchery will deter the other girls from eventually having home births. From a probability persepective, you would think at least one of them would have easy births like Michelle! And with that aside, they all get married and pregnant when they're still in the "nothing bad will happen to me" phase. So even though they see their sisters have awful pregnancies, of course they won't!

  • Love 9

I had to deal with on and off uterine massage for 12 hours after my first was born. I bled out so much that the doctor was considering an emergency surgery. Then the bleeding slowed down enough that they let me go. Eight weeks later I was back for a scheduled dnc surgery because I was still bleeding too much. My point is simply that I feel for Jessa right now. It was agony and I had pain meds to help. She will be very sore for the next several weeks, between the stitches and the bleeding. Childbirth even at its most perfect is hell on the body.

As for smiling for pictures, I did too even while bleeding profusely. I don't knock her for taking pics with her new baby and husband. I do, however, think it's deeply ridiculous that they are withholding the name.

  • Love 7

"A few hours later, she was up and able to take care of her new daughter and her other kids."

That may be the saddest thing I've read in a while.


Agree.  No time off for you!  Dinner needs to get on the table!


Someone a few pages back said we should all come her and see what the baby's name is and not give People the foot traffic.  One of us can take one for the team and read the article.  I purpose to wait and read the most glorious name here.

  • Love 7

With all respect, I think $5000 is too low, at least in the US. Fifteen years ago I spent about 5 hours at the emergency room one night, with severe abdominal pains which eventually resolved before they could figure out a diagnosis. A trip to radiology, a few drugs, a doc's exam, resting in bed under warm blankets, and then I was released.

I saw the itemized hospital bill (at the time, thank dog, under my HMO plan, my co-pay was $100). It was staggering - north of $7,000 - and I wasn't admitted, nor did I get the kind of attention that a woman giving birth would.

I had an unmedicated, complication free hospital birth last year and it cost over $9,000. The only interventions we had were tylenol after birth. It was insane. They showed us in advance what a c section would be and that started close to $20,000. Thank god for insurance.

  • Love 10

Jill is 24 so Michelle just got their ages mixed up that's all.  Probably happens all of the time with all of her children.  Jessa did just turn 23 the day before, I mean come on. One kid is just interchangeable with another at this point.  Trust me Michelle would know her own age without having to give it a second thought.

  • Love 3

I'm getting ready to announce my first baby's name, too. This very special, precious blessing is twenty years old (or nineteen, twenty-one, I don't know, maybe that's the other one...), sixty-two and a half inches long, and declines to have her weight disclosed to the entire freaking world, thanks. We've chosen a very special, precious, beautiful name for our precious angel, and we so look forward to sharing it with our adoring public who have waited so long for this moment. As soon as we make a profitable arrangement with a major media outlet, we'll have a super special announcement for y'all. And remember, the Lord loves our baby more than yours! XOXOXO



So special! So precious!

  • Love 2
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