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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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If you want a full frontal hug, you're gonna need to put a ring on it. So says JB. 

But what about Full Frontal Nudity ? 


Sorry, I drank all of the box wine from Julia's fridge and now I'm feeling very... defraud-y  :)


ETA: That commercial was 100-ways-to-Sunday the most Lifetime Special I've seen since I stopped watching Lifetime. They even had the soft, fuzzy camera effects and slo-motion. Blech.

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 5


I can hear Bin say to Jessa, "Jessa Lauren I got you this bootiful push present for having Baby Pebbles, don't you just love it?"

Jessa's response "No Bin that ring is used and ugly and that you got it free from my mother who hated it'"

Cue the crying.....from Bin because you know he is getting a beat down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 4

They sure are running with it. They found the angle they needed.

They sure did. In the Megyn Kelly interview they were condemning all the ebil lib'rals who were making such a big deal over nothing and now they're using the victim card to keep the gravy train running. So the angle is clearly Life After Scandal. These people are so predictable. Now all we need is the Joshley Madison redemption tour and the circle will be complete.

  • Love 7

Dumbest show title ever.

When they say "difficulties," I'm sure they are referring to the liberal persecution and media harassment, not the actual molestation or adultery scandals. Such victims!

How stupid that Jill is using the Doppler device on Jessa under a big old cloth. Like we all haven't seen Jessa in maternity clothes so tight you can count her freckles through them. I guess it's so she can't defraud Derrick.

Izzy is ginormous!

  • Love 17

Still pregnant, or she left a newborn for a couple hours to see this movie (or is it on Netflix? I've never heard of it). 




Oh no, Sean Astin no... Although tbh the message of Lord of the Rings wasn't much more progressive...

  • Love 2

Regarding the definition of a 'push present':

Another trend. I 1st heard about it 17 years ago when my niece had her twins. Her hubby bought her a ring for "pushing" out the twins.


I guess if people want to do that, that's fine for them.  Personally, I considered my babies to be my reward for pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

  • Love 13

I never understood the point of push presents, especially lavishly expensive ones...I thought that was what the baby is. No diamond jewelry (or whatever) is gonna help raise the kid. Unless you're pawning it at some point down the line..

I hate to think this, but it may be a new way for new moms to one up each other.

I'm cynical because I've been around awhile and have seen too much of human nature!

  • Love 4

First of all, this thread is not for calling out or attacking someone else because he or she does not agree with you. If you cannot be civil, do not post. Not everyone will agree with you in the internet universe, so I suggest getting use to that fact. Think before hitting the reply button. The mods suggest sending one of us a PM if someone posts something you do not care for or makes you uncomfortable, send a report to the report center, or use the ignore button. This is not a debate forum so trying to convince the others you are right and they are wrong is not a good idea. Also, do not engage the other person since this can add fire to the fuel. Warnings and hidden posts will be in the future if this problem continues. Thank you.

Pregnant Jessa, just STOP holding your bump! The whole world knows you had unprotected sex with your unemployed teen husband.

It looks like their standing in the same place Joshy is getting treatment. 


Nope. Not gonna watch and reward them for getting past the thing that was "not a big deal."

  • Love 4

So if they were on a commercial flight, and Jess went into labor, and a male doctor offered to help with the deliver, I would LOVE to see the expressions of all of the other passengers when they turn him down.  "NO he is not my husband!  He cannot see me 1/2 naked!"


The ring!  I forgot about the ring.  Sean Astin and talking about a ring in the same thread.  Awesome for certain nerds.

  • Love 6


I found a picture of it.  It's picture #3 on the photo gallery: http://okmagazine.com/photos/jim-bob-michelle-duggar-wedding-anniversary-ring-gift/photo/1001286373/


“That is all 19 of the birthstones of all of your children,” he said handing Michelle the massive rock. “I had that made for you.”


I thought that it was an unromantic gift for an anniversary; it would have been more appropriate for Mother's Day.  But then again, their marriage seems to only be about having kids.


Edited by Mollie
I hate to think this, but it may be a new way for new moms to one up each other.

I'm cynical because I've been around awhile and have seen too much of human nature!


That's it exactly. I'm trying to remember what the trend was when my kids were born twenty years ago--it might have been fancy strollers or something. 


ETA: That commercial was 100-ways-to-Sunday the most Lifetime Special I've seen since I stopped watching Lifetime. They even had the soft, fuzzy camera effects and slo-motion. Blech.


Thanks for taking one for those of us who can't bring themselves to watch it. There are so many things wrong with this I don't know where to start. 

  • Love 2

The ring!  I forgot about the ring.  Sean Astin and talking about a ring in the same thread.  Awesome for certain nerds.

I'm open to the Mount Doom option.

That's it exactly. I'm trying to remember what the trend was when my kids were born twenty years ago--it might have been fancy strollers or something.

Baby carriers. Those $150 navy blue baby carriers with vaguely nautical decals.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

I never understood the point of push presents, especially lavishly expensive ones...I thought that was what the baby is. No diamond jewelry (or whatever) is gonna help raise the kid. Unless you're pawning it at some point down the line..


This reminds me of when Kate Gosselin wanted a ring with stones representing her children surrounding a larger stone representing her.  Did she ever get that ring?  And where did sperm doner/manny John get represented?  Maybe a few sperm-like squiggles engraved on the outside of the setting?

  • Love 1

Jessa had to have had the baby. Michelle and Jim Bob are having a ton of questionably consensual sex at Fort Rock.

Pairs worked on “team building activities” while “rekindling, reviving and renewing” their relationship in private cabins.

http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/jim-bob-duggar-michelle-duggar-marriage-crisis-reality-stars-enter-relationship-rehab/ Edited by FakeJoshDuggar

Michelle has never worn flashy jewelry so that ring was the most impractical, useless gift Boob could have gotten her.

Circling back to Jessa, I agree she's already had the baby. She's probably waiting until her and Quincy look a little more camera-ready before they make the big announcement. Jessa Bless ain't going on tv looking a sweaty, disheveled mess the way Anna did after Mack and Michael were born.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 2

Jessa had to have had the baby. Michelle and Jim Bob are having a ton of questionably consensual sex at Fort Rock.


They go to these things every year, not because their marriage is shaky, but to show off to the other couples.

  • Love 2

I just can't see Jessa and Jill being interesting enough for more than one very special episode, much less three. The only way I would consider watching it is if I record it so I can ff through any sightings of Michelle and/or Jim Bob.  I just hit the link for the commercial.  I have no words. None.

  • Love 3

They're playing the victim card for all it's worth. Even though it was nothing.

To me it seemed like they were playing the same card they played with Meghan Kelly - they are victims of the MEDIA, not their brother. The way Jessa said "We were devastated. You have to wonder, 'how does this happen?,'" there's no way she's talking about her brother's actions. She's totally talking about InTouch getting the police reports and releasing them. So I'm sure still does believe the Josh part was "nothing," but the aftermath of the world finding out about it, losing their TV show (and probably their brother's OTHER misdeeds), that's what's devastating to Jessa.

  • Love 10

They go to these things every year, not because their marriage is shaky, but to show off to the other couples.

Oh, their marriage isn't in trouble. But they sure are making themselves scarce when Jessa is "due" any minute. And if reports are to be believed Jill and her posse have gone back to their poverty tour.

  • Love 2

To me it seemed like they were playing the same card they played with Meghan Kelly - they are victims of the MEDIA, not their brother. The way Jessa said "We were devastated. You have to wonder, 'how does this happen?,'" there's no way she's talking about her brother's actions. She's totally talking about InTouch getting the police reports and releasing them. So I'm sure still does believe the Josh part was "nothing," but the aftermath of the world finding out about it, losing their TV show (and probably their brother's OTHER misdeeds), that's what's devastating to Jessa.

And they're so blankly confused that anyone would think that there was anything unusual or particularly unfortunate about a teenaged boy sexually molesting, say, a five year old or five different people over years. Leaving aside that based on the police report, they're pretty much lying about what happened.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 14

To me it seemed like they were playing the same card they played with Meghan Kelly - they are victims of the MEDIA, not their brother. The way Jessa said "We were devastated. You have to wonder, 'how does this happen?,'" there's no way she's talking about her brother's actions. She's totally talking about InTouch getting the police reports and releasing them. So I'm sure still does believe the Josh part was "nothing," but the aftermath of the world finding out about it, losing their TV show (and probably their brother's OTHER misdeeds), that's what's devastating to Jessa.

 Yes, all of this. Except, they are probably more devastated that "their brothers' OTHER misdeeds" also came to the attention of the press. They only care because it got discovered and then the show got cancelled. I doubt they really give a rat's ass.


And, boo f-in' hoo about the tears. Really, Jill? Again?


And, after seeing the big tented thing (was that Mullett's nursing schmatta?) over Jessa as Dr. Jill fake does whatever she does, there is NO WAY ON EARTH that Jessa will let TLC film her panting and blowing and screaming. No way. She's probably be "in the other room" and Bin will be out to give updates. In other words, It will be staged after the real birth.

  • Love 12

To me it seemed like they were playing the same card they played with Meghan Kelly - they are victims of the MEDIA, not their brother. The way Jessa said "We were devastated. You have to wonder, 'how does this happen?,'" there's no way she's talking about her brother's actions. She's totally talking about InTouch getting the police reports and releasing them. So I'm sure still does believe the Josh part was "nothing," but the aftermath of the world finding out about it, losing their TV show (and probably their brother's OTHER misdeeds), that's what's devastating to Jessa.

I agree!  Also, all the news reports lately seem to say that Josh molested 2 of his sisters.  Their copying and pasting of one another's articles is incorrect!  It's 4 sisters, isn't it?  And one babysitter.  Not that 2 is an acceptable number when it comes to sister molesting! 


I suspect that when dabbing her eyes, Jill pokes at her eye with the kleenex to keep her eyes red and the tears flowing.  I don't trust these people!  

  • Love 2

They don't even realize how diluted they sound. Just saw the commercial and the whole theme seems to be -- our lives are shattered, but there's so much to live for [cue clip of Derick and Ben holding Iz], we will get thru this fire with God's grace [cue Jill wiping fake tears].


No sweetheart -- YOUR lives are not shattered. That would be if YOUR husbands cheated on YOU with multiple hookers. It's ANNA whose life is shattered. You can continue on with your fundie husbands doing whatever it is they do for a living while you birth a child yearly. Now maybe they meant to say . . . our lives are shattered bc our TLC gravy train came to an end abruptly and we were really counting on that for at least 5-10 more yrs since we don't want to develop marketable skills [ben] and don't feel like we ought to have to hold down 9-5 jobs like the rest of the world [ben and Derick] -- do you know how little 3 VSEs pay compared to a whole season??


Just looked Jessa's IG pic where she went to coffee with her mother in law and her sister in law painted her toenails. I kind of wonder what Guinn is REALLY thinking. I mean I know they are fundies who believe in God's army -- but they realize their son is 19-20, is not developing any kind of career or trade, and the TLC gravy train that he had attached himself to is pretty much done except for a few residual VSEs here and there. The Seewalds "only" have 9 kids and seemed to have had the normal big/fundie family financial struggles (as I recall Mike was doing something w real estate and when that business folded in 2008, his only choice was to repair windshields 60 hrs/wk to provide for the family), so they may have been ok if their 19 yr old son didn't make a baby in yr 1 of marriage and instead get a bit more settled. And when they were getting married, crazy Michelle was the one who said "you could be a grandma at this time next yr," and Guinn was horrified and pretty much said -- back that train up, one thing at a time . . . . Wonder if they are worrying about their son's decision making, like Cathy worried about hers; though the difference is Cathy's son -- while he is in full Duggar mode now -- DOES have a college degree in accounting and a yr of work experience at a Fortune 500. Push comes to shove, if everything falls apart, Derick CAN find some kind of accounting job somewhere in the U.S. -- even if it isn't the highest paying or requires a move a few states away.

  • Love 13

Jessa had to have had the baby. Michelle and Jim Bob are having a ton of questionably consensual sex at Fort Rock.


Well, we know they weren't there over the weekend, since Boob/Mechelle and Jessa/Ben were pictured at the airport on Saturday seeing Muffy and Derick off to this installment of Voluntourism. Mechelle wore that horrible shirt she wore to Famy's wedding in the picture from Fort Rock;  she wore a different (wine colored) shirt at the airport. Since she's not one to change her clothes, I'm going with different days. 


So yes, Jessa hadn't had the baby when they were all at the retreat, but no, she was still pregnant as of all the airport pics that hit the internets on Saturday. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

They don't even realize how diluted they sound. Just saw the commercial and the whole theme seems to be -- our lives are shattered, but there's so much to live for [cue clip of Derick and Ben holding Iz], we will get thru this fire with God's grace [cue Jill wiping fake tears].

No sweetheart -- YOUR lives are not shattered. That would be if YOUR husbands cheated on YOU with multiple hookers. It's ANNA whose life is shattered. You can continue on with your fundie husbands doing whatever it is they do for a living while you birth a child yearly. Now maybe they meant to say . . . our lives are shattered bc our TLC gravy train came to an end abruptly and we were really counting on that for at least 5-10 more yrs since we don't want to develop marketable skills [ben] and don't feel like we ought to have to hold down 9-5 jobs like the rest of the world [ben and Derick] -- do you know how little 3 VSEs pay compared to a whole season??

Just looked Jessa's IG pic where she went to coffee with her mother in law and her sister in law painted her toenails. I kind of wonder what Guinn is REALLY thinking. I mean I know they are fundies who believe in God's army -- but they realize their son is 19-20, is not developing any kind of career or trade, and the TLC gravy train that he had attached himself to is pretty much done except for a few residual VSEs here and there. The Seewalds "only" have 9 kids and seemed to have had the normal big/fundie family financial struggles (as I recall Mike was doing something w real estate and when that business folded in 2008, his only choice was to repair windshields 60 hrs/wk to provide for the family), so they may have been ok if their 19 yr old son didn't make a baby in yr 1 of marriage and instead get a bit more settled. And when they were getting married, crazy Michelle was the one who said "you could be a grandma at this time next yr," and Guinn was horrified and pretty much said -- back that train up, one thing at a time . . . . Wonder if they are worrying about their son's decision making, like Cathy worried about hers; though the difference is Cathy's son -- while he is in full Duggar mode now -- DOES have a college degree in accounting and a yr of work experience at a Fortune 500. Push comes to shove, if everything falls apart, Derick CAN find some kind of accounting job somewhere in the U.S. -- even if it isn't the highest paying or requires a move a few states away.

If Guinn didn't want grandchildren, she shouldn't have encouraged Bin to get married. I should say, she shouldn't be part of a cult that pushes teens to get married and have babies ASAP. She could have suggested that he wait until he saved up some $$$ and obtained his bachelors degree/trade before getting married. Oh yeah, and suggested birth control.

  • Love 9

I really want one of the girls to get birth control on the down low and STOP THE CYCLE of 10 babies in 15 years. I'm thinking Jessa is shallow enough that she might not appreciate power breeding's effects on her body, sleep, grooming time, and Jessa time. Especially if she stops getting attention on TV for every pregnancy and birth. A girl can dream!

  • Love 6

I'm a little late on this but I told my husband that people are getting push presents and told him what it ment. He told me that if anyone asked him for a push present he would give them a plunger. I think ice cream shot out of my nose from laughing so hard

I'd rather have a husband who makes me laugh out loud than a big jewelry collection. 

  • Love 21

Jessa had to have had the baby. Michelle and Jim Bob are having a ton of questionably consensual sex at Fort Rock.


JimBo has put on weight, and his hair is noticeably gray.

If Guinn didn't want grandchildren, she shouldn't have encouraged Bin to get married. I should say, she shouldn't be part of a cult that pushes teens to get married and have babies ASAP. She could have suggested that he wait until he saved up some $$$ and obtained his bachelors degree/trade before getting married. Oh yeah, and suggested birth control.

Is that part up there that I bolded supposed to be a joke?  As if any parent has any right to say to their children, "I don't want grandchildren, don't get married."

Edited by OhioMom
  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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