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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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And the new colonel doesn't have "wee, beady eyes" although he may still have a "smug look on his face".  I'm sure there's still an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes you crave it fortnightly.



So I Married an Axe Murderer!  My daughter and I quote this scene frequently.

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I swear they drag out this Ford commercial every year and it always drives me BANANAS!  It's got some country band (not that there's anything wrong with that) and they are singing "I Love My American Road, Red white and blue"  and then "I Love my American car...".  They play this vershlugginer commercial about 8-10 times per HALF HOUR SHOW.  AAAHHHHH!

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Supposedly the drug also helps re-thicken the walls of the vagina, thereby helping alleviate two causes of pain - thin vaginal walls and dryness.


Another issue is the vagina walls lose flexibility, which may be related to thinning of the walls (not a medical person). It was the issue I had and it was painful in a nauseating sort of way. It's difficult to describe.

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i swear, it is as if Liberty Mutual is on a globe-circling mission to find the LEAST likeable people ever.  Now there is a spot that features some woman extolling the virtues of having researched and researched and researched before she settled on her new car purchase.  Then the dumbass runs it into a tree.  Still suffering from terminal smug, she says she maybe should have checked out her insurance company a little more.  Or just maybe been watching where the fuck she was going.   

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I hate the Toaster Strudel commercial right now.  The woman's breathy voice makes me rage. I know they're going for the "loving mom" angle, but her voice is miserable. I hate the way she pronounces gooey...it's like /go-wee/ (rhymes with Joey). The child needs to be taught to take smaller bites because he's about to choke on the enormous amount of Strudel he stuffed in his annoying face. 


Edited to add: If she loved him so much, she would have gotten him a proper haircut.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
  • Love 7

This person needs to get off my TV right now!!  I'm so sick of her:



The hair made me think of Reese Witherspoon, and then the voice made me think of Jenny McCarthy, both of whom I'd like to see punched in the face for different reasons, but it isn't either of them. is she famous, or is she just a random annoying person?

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Heard a new commercial today for Xfinity, staring the Minions. I wasn't watching the commercial, but I heard the words. I nearly dropped my skillet because I swear I heard the Mimions say "Suck Ass" and "Tough Shit". So, not seeing the video with the sound, I had no idea what they were supposedly saying. Then the next day, I saw the whole commercial, which is for Xfinity's DVR. Minions were fighting to see which TV show they were going to watch---soccer (suck ass) or Top Chef (tough shit). Because of the weird way the Minions speak, that's the reason why it sounds the way it does.

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The hair made me think of Reese Witherspoon, and then the voice made me think of Jenny McCarthy, both of whom I'd like to see punched in the face for different reasons, but it isn't either of them. is she famous, or is she just a random annoying person?

I'm so out of it that with the sound muted I thought it was Vanna White.

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That Minions commercial is so ubiquitous (or maybe there are several of them), I finally had to look up what the hell Minions are.

I commented on the minions on FB today - I find them annoying, I don't watch animated movies, just don't care for them, but I certainly got raked over the coals by most of my friends and family. Thankfully I have a friend who agrees. I treasure him.


The gelato commercials the the child asking for some & dad says you wouldn't like it, I'm a grown up. I usually yell at him that he's an asshole and just to give the kid a small dish and then send him back to bed.

  • Love 8

I hate it, but also give props to Häagen-Dazs for bypassing the barely subtle innuendo typically used in commercials for chocolate by just going full throttle and using Etta James' "I Just Want To Make Love To You" in their latest commercial

They should really go all out and use Alice Cooper's "Cold Ethyl."

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The child needs to be taught to take smaller bites because he's about to choke on the enormous amount of Strudel he stuffed in his annoying face.


This is just the latest in a line of recent commercials I hate - why do advertisers think that showing close ups of someone stuffing food in their face will get me to buy their product?

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There is an ice cream commercial where they have a bunch of people noisily licking and slurping their ice cream cones with ice cream smeared on their faces and clinging to their nasty, dirty mouths. It's disgusting and makes me want to vomit every time it comes on. Why would you want me to associate your food with that feeling?

  • Love 10

This is just the latest in a line of recent commercials I hate - why do advertisers think that showing close ups of someone stuffing food in their face will get me to buy their product?

Yeah, I finally saw the Panera commercial that has been noted on this board recently. The girl eating the lettuce out of the bowl is like a rabid rabbit. I've never seen somebody go to town on a bowl of lettuce. Pretty funny.

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That Minions commercial is so ubiquitous (or maybe there are several of them)


I realize that movies require a certain amount of cross-promotion to get financed, so all the marketing and tie-ins are inevitable.  This summer, however, it seems like they've gone too far.  I was really looking forward to seeing Inside Out and Minions on the big screen, but I've demoted both of them to "wait 'til redbox" status.  There are too many commercials that get played too damn often way before the movie's release date.  I had to be hypervigilant about where the tv remote was at all times, because I didn't want to have to demote the new Avengers movie over that offensively stupid Nesquik commercial (soccer mom pretending to be a computer hologram, imaginatively encouraging her kids to drink their sugary breakfast supplement).

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The gelato commercials the the child asking for some & dad says you wouldn't like it, I'm a grown up. I usually yell at him that he's an asshole and just to give the kid a small dish and then send him back to bed.

I yell at him to tell the kid to get his nosy little ass back in bed. Adults can eat whatever the hell they want to. And yes, life goes on even when you're in bed, little hell spawn.

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This is just the latest in a line of recent commercials I hate - why do advertisers think that showing close ups of someone stuffing food in their face will get me to buy their product?

Especially the ads where it's clear that the actor isn't swallowing it, or even doesn't like it at all and wants to spit it out.

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Yoplait has a whole series of ads with the annoying French-accented woman. Nothing wrong with being French, everything wrong with being her. It makes me sad because Yoplaits Greek whips are delicious and the only yogurt I like.

This dog treat commercial for Greenies or somesuch is so annoying. The voiceover guy says something like kids don't get excited over good dental care but dogs do while this lady holds up a treat that a Jack Russell is jumping up for. Well for cod's sack, OF COURSE he's going to jump for joy over it, shithead. Any dog who wants a treat is going to jump up and down if you hold it up.

  • Love 4

There is an ice cream commercial where they have a bunch of people noisily licking and slurping their ice cream cones with ice cream smeared on their faces and clinging to their nasty, dirty mouths. It's disgusting and makes me want to vomit every time it comes on. Why would you want me to associate your food with that feeling?


At least they aren't eating it out of their heads.

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Yoplait has a whole series of ads with the annoying French-accented woman.

I'm not sure what the idea is behind these commercials. People will buy Yoplait because the word sugar when spoken in a French accent sounds so much more appealing? And why does she look like a kid who's just farted and made the adults in the room laugh about it?

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Especially the ads where it's clear that the actor isn't swallowing it, or even doesn't like it at all and wants to spit it out.

It always make me think of the Krusty Burger ad from an early Simpsons episode.  Krusty takes a bite of the burger in the commercial.  The second that the camera is off, he starts glugging booze and screams, "Some of the juice went down my throat!"  I assume many of these actors feel the same way about the crap they are shilling. 

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I hate the commercials I think it's for the lottery. This guy is invited to go to a Halloween party. Then it shows him in costume ringing a doorbell, to be revealed that he has the wrong house. And the people laugh at him. Then he goes and plays the numbers in the lottery. So the end is huh? But it's unrealistic because no one would have got the door and if they did they would have just said that he has the wrong house.

I detest that commercial too.  He was given the correct address but HE went to the wrong address.  So why go play the lottery?  Why not just go to the right address, you know, where the party is?

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There's a Honda ad campaign that's been ticking me off for quite a while now. I don't know whether it's regional or national, but it features Uncle Sam and Thomas Jefferson as a couple of scummy frat-boy types, and they're just oozing over the Honda Whatever-It-Is using trendy and annoying slang. If Jefferson had really been like that, he would have listed party kegs and panty raids as constitutional rights.

  • Love 2

There's a Honda ad campaign that's been ticking me off for quite a while now. I don't know whether it's regional or national, but it features Uncle Sam and Thomas Jefferson as a couple of scummy frat-boy types, and they're just oozing over the Honda Whatever-It-Is using trendy and annoying slang. If Jefferson had really been like that, he would have listed party kegs and panty raids as constitutional rights.


They run those ads, usually with Ben Franklin, (which makes no sense) and George Washington, during Presidents Day.  This is the first time I've seen them running them for 4th of July.

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Can't stand the Trip Advisor commercial with the dog saying "Book!" He sounds weirdly mechanical, like there's a keyboard clicking in the middle of his "Book!"



I finally figured out why it bothers me so much. I haven't had a dog for a while now (RIP Bear) but I can still remember the alarming noise he made right before throwing up and it sounded just like that "Book!"

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In general, I like the recent Army recruiting campaign showing Americana (picnics, baseball, fireworks) but this one annoys me.




No, in 1776 "we" did not declare that we are all equal. A group of white, property owning men did. Everyone else was out of luck. To a large extent the history of America is one of the expansion of what the "we" in "We, the people" means.

  • Love 14

OK I'm majorly pissed right now.  I really hope this isn't the future of web commercials:


I went to play a video and of course, the ad comes on - it's Mayhem from Allstate in an ad I'd never seen before.  I click on "Skip Ad" and the ad stops, but another box opens inside it and taunts, "You can't skip Mayhem!  If you do, you'll get more Mayhem!"  Then I see the actor laughing like the devil, or see him scratch his nails on a chalkboard until I click the button that says, "Play Ad".  I literally was held hostage by a stupid ad and I couldn't even skip it to watch what I wanted!!!! 

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It always make me think of the Krusty Burger ad from an early Simpsons episode.  Krusty takes a bite of the burger in the commercial.  The second that the camera is off, he starts glugging booze and screams, "Some of the juice went down my throat!"  I assume many of these actors feel the same way about the crap they are shilling.


To be fair, I worked in advertising for a number of years and can tell you that when people are supposed to eat something in a commercial there is a spit bucket right next to them and after the director yells "cut" they spit the food out into the bucket. And that's because they have to do so many takes that if they swallowed the food on every take they'd eventually get sick from eating so much of whatever it is.


There's a horrifying commercial for some kind of snack food (I think) where a woman is on an airplane seated between two other people and her stomach is grumbling then all of a sudden an eagle bursts its head through her stomach all alien-style. Then she feeds it some kind of snack and it goes back into her stomach. WTF?

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I hate it, but also give props to Häagen-Dazs for bypassing the barely subtle innuendo typically used in commercials for chocolate by just going full throttle and using Etta James' "I Just Want To Make Love To You" in their latest commercial

They should really go all out and use Alice Cooper's "Cold Ethyl."


I vote for Nine Inch Nails, "Closer." Complete with spinning head on table.


Does the woman on the Panera bread commercial actually say that lettuce should be dirty? I know she says strawberries should sing, which, um, no, they should not, but dirty lettuce? I guess the point is that Panera's lettuce is somehow better and natural because it was grown in dirt? As opposed to lettuce grown in concrete? Or a test tube? Anyway, yeah, sign me up for some delicious e.coli!


Speaking of bacteria, every time I see Minions in a commercial, I puzzle over why there is a commercial for a bacillus-shaped bacteria outbreak. Have they escaped from Activia and are now taking over the world? Should I be concerned or just eat them?

Edited by potatoradio
  • Love 6

Does the woman on the Panera bread commercial actually say that lettuce should be dirty? I know she says strawberries should sing, which, um, no, they should not, but dirty lettuce? I guess the point is that Panera's lettuce is somehow better and natural because it was grown in dirt? As opposed to lettuce grown in concrete? Or a test tube? Anyway, yeah, sign me up for some delicious e.coli!

I heard the Panera commercial yesterday (because I try to pay as little attention to commercials as possible, so I wasn't watching). She definitely said "lettuce should be dirty and dressing should be clean". Me: "Huh?"

  • Love 1

In general, I like the recent Army recruiting campaign showing Americana (picnics, baseball, fireworks) but this one annoys me.




No, in 1776 "we" did not declare that we are all equal. A group of white, property owning men did. Everyone else was out of luck. To a large extent the history of America is one of the expansion of what the "we" in "We, the people" means.


America's Army did that, and has done every year since then?  I guess the other Armed Forces haven't helped.

I never get ads with videos, do you have anti-ad software?


I use AdBlock, but some online pages resolutely refuse to run unless you turn it off.

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There's a horrifying commercial for some kind of snack food (I think) where a woman is on an airplane seated between two other people and her stomach is grumbling then all of a sudden an eagle bursts its head through her stomach all alien-style. Then she feeds it some kind of snack and it goes back into her stomach. WTF?


They had a series of them last year, I think.  One with a wolf, the eagle one you saw, a couple of others I'm not recalling off hand.  The reminded me of the original Alien movie...probably not what they were going for.

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No, in 1776 "we" did not declare that we are all equal. A group of white, property owning men did. Everyone else was out of luck.

You're misquoting the ad, which quotes a historical document with a certain context. It talked about rights which were supposed to be respected for everyone and mostly were. But, people will always take into account how powerful or respected someone is in deciding whether they're likely to get away with screwing them over, so saying that white property owning men had a distinct advantage is true, but it's not like no slave was ever given a fair trial, either.

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