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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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1 hour ago, bad things are bad said:

This was a clue on Jeopardy last night: 

"TV hasn't been the same since this government agency relaxed its rules on prescription drug marketing in 1997"

So thanks, FDA, for cluttering up our airwaves with skeevy drug commercials, most of which make this forum. 

And for driving the cost of drugs up to unaffordable cost.  Someone has to pay for all that advertising.

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43 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

I am so sorry, peaches. Watching someone you love fade away like that is heart breaking. I am hoping never to see one of those Bright Star commercials again because when that woman says that her father made her promise to keep Mom at home, I say, "Well, your dad was a dickhole for making you promise that!"

It's back in rotation and it sends me into a blind fury every time it comes on. That dad was a monster.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

And for driving the cost of drugs up to unaffordable cost.  Someone has to pay for all that advertising.

But it's not always the consumer. Price is generally a function of demand, so successful advertising will pay for itself in more sales at higher prices, but ad campaigns don't always work, so drug companies sometimes have to eat the costs. And that's when they hit up Congress.  :-)

  • Love 2

So sorry @Peacheslatour I cannot imagine the heartbreak and sheer drudgery that must be involved. I hope it is not all on your shoulders. You know, "a burden shared is a burden lightened" At least that is what they say. I hope you actively seek out any help available.


And yeah, I hate that Bright Star commercial.

  • Love 5
On 10/10/2018 at 5:42 PM, Brattinella said:

Nope, no sarcasm here.  I only had periods until I was 25 or so, and I subscribed to several glamour and teen mags.  That's where I saw ads for these products.

Ah, well, I menstruate on a regular basis and haven't read a teen magazine or fashion magazine in years.  I'm sure I'm not alone. :)

Edited by janie jones
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

Go fuck yourself, Metro by TMobile or whoever the fuck your are.  Migrating wildebeasts  being attacked by hungry crocs is SO not Ok; and your bridge joke is SO not funny.

I hate, therefore I am.

I came here to talk about this same commercial. I hate it. Can’t imagine anyone would have thought this was a good idea to advertise anything!

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, Neurochick said:

We were talking about this commercial today and ugh, it still ticks me off.

WHO rides around with the car door unlocked?  And I doubt a dude with a CAR PHONE would be so easy-going about some guy from ABBA taking a short cut through said unlocked car. You can tell what a dickhead he is by the way he pulled up so close to the car in front of him.

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Go fuck yourself, Metro by TMobile or whoever the fuck your are.  Migrating wildebeasts  being attacked by hungry crocs is SO not Ok; and your bridge joke is SO not funny.

I hate, therefore I am.

I find it mostly disturbing, but am mildly amused about the bridge at the end.

  • Love 1

I don't have Liberty Mutual insurance, but I do have AAA, and boy howdy did that pay off in spades today. I filled up my car with gas, and it wouldn't crank. I called the people who take care of my car to see if I could have it towed there - of course! Called AAA and was so impressed with how efficient they were. After I finished talking to the AAA rep, they texted me updates, and got me a tow in about 35 minutes. I was also impressed with the number of folks at the gas station who wanted to know if I was okay and did I need any help. Turns out it needed a new starter and is already fixed!

  • Love 12
26 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

I don't have Liberty Mutual insurance, but I do have AAA, and boy howdy did that pay off in spades today. I filled up my car with gas, and it wouldn't crank. I called the people who take care of my car to see if I could have it towed there - of course! Called AAA and was so impressed with how efficient they were. After I finished talking to the AAA rep, they texted me updates, and got me a tow in about 35 minutes. I was also impressed with the number of folks at the gas station who wanted to know if I was okay and did I need any help. Turns out it needed a new starter and is already fixed!

When i got a job 20 miles away from home I decided to get AAA. They are dirt cheap and provide a fantastic service. I've used them a couple times in the last 10 years. Totally worth it.

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Go fuck yourself, Metro by TMobile or whoever the fuck your are.  Migrating wildebeasts  being attacked by hungry crocs is SO not Ok; and your bridge joke is SO not funny.

I hate, therefore I am.

Yes, thank you.


And @walnutqueen , please don't ever change your avatar, it makes me smile every time I see it. :)

  • Love 3

the Match commercial with the dark-haired gal (Lisa?) who keeps saying she "definitely" wants this and she "definitely" wants that...i think i know why she might be having trouble getting a relationship going.  


oh, and there's an ad running for some diarrhea med that features 2 "moms" describing their different vacay experiences where one took the med and the other didn't.  the one who didn't of course got sick and spent the entire vacation [whisper voice]"in the bathroom"[/whisper voice].  the diarrhea mom is perfectly casted...she truly looks like a person who suffers constant poop issues.  good job whoever chose her!

Edited by Zevious Zoquis
  • Love 3

I really and truly do not want the I-Fit Trainer to fall in my lap. I've seen the ad a zillion times, it basically annoys me but tonight was the first time I heard that line. I think it's the same one that has the guy waving at the crowds along his run. I am not sure how those things work, I don't go to a gym, I don't look at the ads, I have no interest in any kind of trainer or treadmill but I thought they had some kind of screen that was connected to a program on the internet. But, I have been on a treadmill or two, no online screens, but I'd have to be surrounded by the scenery and feel the breezes and smell the ocean or whatever to believe I was doing anything but using a trainer or treadmill.

  • Love 5

There is an ad for Coke, I believe, where people are mentioning things that are great to eat with Coke (actually, the answer is none, because Coke is sewage) and one cat says “with hummus!” and discount Sam Elliot says “hum-what?”

Look.  I’m not from the South, and if I’m being perfectly honest, I’m a little bit Northcentric.  But fuck’s sake, Coke.

You dress the guy up like the fucking Marlboro Man, give him an accent, then make him spout that line like hummus is some weird food that floated down from Mars?  It’s insulting.

  • Love 10

Back in 1972 there was an ad for a decaffeinated coffee (can't remember what brand) where the man tells the woman it's okay to drink it. won't keep her awake, because it's decaffeinated. She looks at him and says "De what?" Poor little lame brain woman can't possibly say such a big word let alone know what it meant. I had just graduated from college and was starting my career. I was so pissed I wrote the company (only snail mail then) and told them how offensive I found the commercial and it was demeaning to women. I got a snail mail response saying they were sorry I was offended and they had tested the ad in focus groups and no one objected to it. What they didn't say was the genders of the focus groups.

  • Love 10

Why are there so many annoying commercials these days?  I think they really always were quite annoying, but my TV viewing habits have changed.  I tend to keep one channel on to watch program "marathons" thus the commercials repeat for hours which make them 20 times for annoying.  I wish the advertisers and broadcasters would change things up and do at least different versions of these commercials.  


I live where people come to die, so every other commercial is for a medicare health care plan.

  • Love 11

OMG I just remember another commercial that is playing in my area that just grates.   I can't recall the exact name, but it's for a CPAP cleaner and it just goes on and on with various testimonials from people that came from the back woods of the deep south.  One is a female nurse, who exclaims that she should have known better and it never dawned on her that she might be breathing in bacterial-filled gunk all night long.  Then there's another guy who pronounces "sanitized" in such a glorious way, that's really all you hear.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, chessiegal said:

I got a snail mail response saying they were sorry I was offended and they had tested the ad in focus groups and no one objected to it. What they didn't say was the genders of the focus groups.

Age and where they were from probably would have mattered more. Also, did they see the final version? And, what else did they see? The group may not have seen it as demeaning if they saw versions with a variety of actors playing dumb, and how dumb that was could have changed before airing. If the company was accustomed to using the same group over and over, the people could have been jaded after seeing far worse.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, BigBingerBro said:

OMG I just remember another commercial that is playing in my area that just grates.   I can't recall the exact name, but it's for a CPAP cleaner and it just goes on and on with various testimonials from people that came from the back woods of the deep south.  One is a female nurse, who exclaims that she should have known better and it never dawned on her that she might be breathing in bacterial-filled gunk all night long.  Then there's another guy who pronounces "sanitized" in such a glorious way, that's really all you hear.

SoClean.  My dad has one.  They're over $300.  He said he only bought it because he had leftover money to spend on medical stuff and he was intrigued.  My husband and I both use CPAP, but their claims of breathing in dangerous stuff are greatly overblown, unless you use tap water in your humidifier (distilled is recommended).  The bearded dude you referenced gets on my nerves.  "The AIR SCHMELLED SCHANITIZHED!".

  • Love 10
On 10/16/2018 at 3:20 PM, spiderpig said:

Now we have a spot for curled fingers, as if we didn't have enough to worry about.

I wish there was someway to filter this onslaught of pharmaceuticals commercials.

I have had the curled fingers thing. It’s called Dupuytrens Contracture. My ring finger on my left hand curled into my palm and I had to have surgery to correct it. Apparently, it’s hereditary as my mom had the same thing on the same finger on the same hand years ago. The recovery was painful and I had about 4 months of physical therapy ( 3 times a week) plus another 6 months of exercises at home. This is no joke, folks. Surgery is not a promise that it won’t return. In fact, mine is starting to pull again. Sigh.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I have had the curled fingers thing. It’s called Dupuytrens Contracture. My ring finger on my left hand curled into my palm and I had to have surgery to correct it. Apparently, it’s hereditary as my mom had the same thing on the same finger on the same hand years ago. The recovery was painful and I had about 4 months of physical therapy ( 3 times a week) plus another 6 months of exercises at home. This is no joke, folks. Surgery is not a promise that it won’t return. In fact, mine is starting to pull again. Sigh.

I'm sorry for your condition, GAM2.  I really am.  I'm not making fun of it. I can deal with endless car and toilet cleaning commercials, but why won't pharmaceuticals put their advertising budgets toward reducing copays for sufferers?  They always say "ask your doctor".  As if any doctor worth a damn wouldn't already know about something that might help..

I've been treated for 15 years for major visual issues in three of the best medical areas in the world.  It just annoys the hell out of me that the pharms bombard us with this crap 24/7.

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