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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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There's a new dish liquid that's in a spray bottle (Dawn I think), and the woman just sprays the greasy pan and then wipes and is finished. Which seems pretty neat. But . . . why is this woman doing dishes by hand, in the sink? She appears to be in a good-sized, modern-looking kitchen, and I don't know of anyone with a newer kitchen that doesn't have a dishwasher. Nor is that the only thing she had to clean . . . she's doing all her dishes by hand. 

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

There's a new dish liquid that's in a spray bottle (Dawn I think), and the woman just sprays the greasy pan and then wipes and is finished. Which seems pretty neat. But . . . why is this woman doing dishes by hand, in the sink? She appears to be in a good-sized, modern-looking kitchen, and I don't know of anyone with a newer kitchen that doesn't have a dishwasher. Nor is that the only thing she had to clean . . . she's doing all her dishes by hand. 

We always do pots, pans and fine china by hand.

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On 2/24/2020 at 12:41 PM, Ubiquitous said:

I remember when Reese's candy was created by someone holding a chocolate bar bumping into someone holding an open jar of peanut butter!  

“You got peanut butter in my chocolate!” “You got chocolate in my peanut butter!”

”Two great tastes that taste great together.”

Edited by smittykins
WTF, autocorrect?
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On ‎02‎/‎21‎/‎2020 at 1:37 PM, njbchlover said:

No - it doesn't make sense because rabbits don't lay eggs, as much as Cadbury (and now, Reeses') would like us to believe differently. So even IF we were to see a bunny and a jar of peanut butter really going at it, as you say, it's still non-sensical.  

It's an animated chocolate bunny & an animated jar of peanut butter.  Them getting it on to Marvin Gaye and creating Reeses' peanut butter eggs make as much sense as anything else involving animated inanimate objects.  Personally, I find that one amusing, but to each, their own.

On ‎02‎/‎22‎/‎2020 at 5:53 PM, AuntiePam said:

I don't get the need for an entire panty when a panty liner (or some Kleenex) would accomplish the same thing

For some of us, a panty liner is nowhere near enough sometimes, and a bulkier pad would show more than a panty would.

On ‎02‎/‎22‎/‎2020 at 2:20 PM, janie jones said:

The motivational speaker one is poorly conceived, in my mind, though I could be overthinking it.  It's not clear to me what they are saying is the reason he's a bad motivational speaker.  His nose is growing because he doesn't believe the things he's saying.  So can't he just change his spiel so that he's saying things he does believe?  Is that what makes him a bad motivational speaker?  The fact that he can't even come up with a pitch he believes?

Or is it that the people in the audience have no potential, and the "lie" is external to whatever Pinocchio believes, so these people are exposed as failures in life even if Pinocchio doesn't think they are?

Or are they saying that all motivational speakers are liars and Pinocchio can't do a job that requires lying?

And also, was this his first time doing it?  If not, why continue this endeavor if your nose keeps growing?

To me, it's clear that he doesn't believe that any of the people in the room have untapped potential, and that's why his nose grows.  I've always assumed it was his first time.  And yes, I think all motivational speakers are liars.

On ‎02‎/‎24‎/‎2020 at 2:36 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

I saw a new Chobani Flip commercial over the weekend that annoyed the crap out of me.  The premise is laughable at best where a person is eating a Chobani flip as a healthy alternative to sugary snacks and a snack demon or devil is tempting them to eat a more unhealthy snack and the demon fails.  Not the greatest premise, but this commercial is rage inducing.  The person eating the yogurt is a college student studying at night at the library.  The snack demon somehow conjures up some doughnuts and sugary cereal to temp the student from one of his books.  No idea if that is his textbook or a library book.  The student shrugs off the offending snacks by wiping them off of his book onto the table.  Now, I know 21st century libraries are not what they used to be.  I work in a public library.  We do turn a blind eye to casual drinks and snacks as long as the patron does not leave a mess.  But, once you pull out food or drink that looks like it will damage our books, we do step in.  We will not turn a blind eye to you pulling out a cup of yogurt to eat while studying especially if you are using a library book.  I just want to know who is cleaning up the mess left in the library.

Plus, if you want a donut, Chobani yogurt is not going to do.

20 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Not to discount your actual complaint, but is there anyone who still has a phone plan where it matters whether a number is long distance? If so, you need to contact your carrier and renegotiate immediately!

My landline won't do out of state calls - it costs too much.  Of course, on the few occasions where I have to call out of state and can't do it from work, I use my cellphone.  But I try not to do that too much either, because it's a prepaid cell and those calls cost more money.


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10 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

My landline won't do out of state calls - it costs too much.  Of course, on the few occasions where I have to call out of state and can't do it from work, I use my cellphone.  But I try not to do that too much either, because it's a prepaid cell and those calls cost more money.

If you haven't lately, it can't hurt to check your landline provider's site for their current offerings.  I did that maybe 15 years ago and found that they had an "unlimited" plan (including long distance) that was cheaper than the plan I currently had.  Same for my mother's plan, a few years later, different provider, different state.  In either case, they had no problem switching to the better plan, they just don't come after you and offer it if you don't ask.  Or check their competitors, if they have any.  Others may be able to comment on porting your number to an internet-based plan, assuming you have internet access in your home.

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On 2/22/2020 at 11:56 PM, Maverick said:

 The ad where the daughter has locked herself in her room and the dad is sitting outside on the floor bugs on so many levels.   Apparently the daughter was pissed about something so the dad writes 'I am so so so so............sorry' on an entire roll of TP and passes it under the door.   I don't care how thick the TP is, it's not that easy to write on much less so neatly.   And I really hate ads where parents grovel to their kids.   

I agree about bratty kids and the way they talked to their parents, or adults or anyone else, for that matter.   However, it is kind of sweet (to me) that maybe the father is being apologetic for something and a little kindness would  be the sign of a good relationship between them.   I could be way off base too, of course!

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On 2/24/2020 at 2:36 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

I saw a new Chobani Flip commercial over the weekend that annoyed the crap out of me.  The premise is laughable at best where a person is eating a Chobani flip as a healthy alternative to sugary snacks and a snack demon or devil is tempting them to eat a more unhealthy snack and the demon fails.  Not the greatest premise, but this commercial is rage inducing.  The person eating the yogurt is a college student studying at night at the library.  The snack demon somehow conjures up some doughnuts and sugary cereal to temp the student from one of his books.  No idea if that is his textbook or a library book.  The student shrugs off the offending snacks by wiping them off of his book onto the table.  Now, I know 21st century libraries are not what they used to be.  I work in a public library.  We do turn a blind eye to casual drinks and snacks as long as the patron does not leave a mess.  But, once you pull out food or drink that looks like it will damage our books, we do step in.  We will not turn a blind eye to you pulling out a cup of yogurt to eat while studying especially if you are using a library book.  I just want to know who is cleaning up the mess left in the library.

Odd that you wrote about being a library worker just now.   Last night, I watched a movie from Netflix (via mail, not streaming) called PUBLIC.  Never heard of it before, but I like weird movies anyway and had read a review of it.    It was about a Public Library in a big city that saw a lot of homeless people during the day in the winter months in particular.  The staff knew them all by name  and cared about them, without getting mushy about it.   On the coldest night of the year, the shelters were all full and one of the patrons asked if they could stay all night to keep warm.   Opened up a real bag of worms so to speak.   I won't spoil the details in case you want to watch it.  Had an interesting cast and was eye opening, I  enjoyed it.  Any one else see it????

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On 2/24/2020 at 12:51 PM, lorj said:

i hate the mayhem commercials with tina fey. 

Hate is not even enough. I loathe, detest, abhor, despise, abominate these ads.* The one where Fey hisses "You're an old woman" at Mayhem (who is playing her mother-in-law) is incredibly offensive. Fuck you, Tina Fey.

*this is from a poem I remember from a poetry book my dad had during my childhood 

"I loathe, abhor, detest, despise,
Abominate dried-apple pies.
I like good bread, I like good meat,
Or anything that's fit to eat;
But of all poor grub beneath the skies,
The poorest is dried apple pies.
Give me the toothache, or sore eyes,
But don't give me dried apple pies.
The farmer takes his gnarliest fruit,
'Tis wormy, bitter, and hard, to boot;
He leaves the hulls to make us cough,
And don't take half the peeling off.
Then on a dirty cord 'tis strung
And in a garret window hung,
And there it serves as roost for flies,
Until it's made up into pies.
Tread on my corns, or tell me lies,
But don't pass me dried-apple pies."

Dried Apple Pie, anyone? 😄

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To that poet, wow, don't hold back, let us know how you really feel :D.

Seriously, that's an entertaining poem. That's the kind of rant that comes from somebody who likely had to eat a lot of something they hated as a kid :p. 

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I actually hate apple pie. I find them to be very revolting. I rather eat cream pies. They're also fun to throw at peoples faces & you can't do that with an apple pie.


Speaking of revolting, I'm tired of seeing those KFC Colonel commercials. They all suck, he's not funny or charming, & their food sucks. Those commercials are also mocking & desecrating the real Colonel Sanders. The real Colonel Sanders wouldn't even think about putting something disgusting like fried chicken & doughnuts together. Its bad enough that Vomit Bowl is still around at KFC. He would be very angry seeing how much KFC is crashing & burning today. He would also beat the crap out of those KFC Colonel imitators that are currently mocking him.

Edited by Magog
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23 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

If you haven't lately, it can't hurt to check your landline provider's site for their current offerings.  I did that maybe 15 years ago and found that they had an "unlimited" plan (including long distance) that was cheaper than the plan I currently had.  Same for my mother's plan, a few years later, different provider, different state.  In either case, they had no problem switching to the better plan, they just don't come after you and offer it if you don't ask.  Or check their competitors, if they have any.  Others may be able to comment on porting your number to an internet-based plan, assuming you have internet access in your home.

Thanks, I'll check that out.  They might have something cheaper now - it's been years since I checked.  I refuse to have an internet-based phone plan, though.  I don't trust it to work when I need it.

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On 2/24/2020 at 12:41 PM, Ubiquitous said:

The one that annoys me is the bride and groom doing a "viral dance" b/c I hate when people try to make that shit happen.

OMG, I'm glad I'm not the only one irritated by that one.  First of all, she's wearing the most frumpy mother-of-the-bride dress I have seen, so if she's that lacking in style, how in the hell would she know those dance moves so perfectly?  I know that sounds bitch eating crackers, but please.  Also, are there really that many women out there missing out on dancing at weddings due to incontinence?  If so, I'm very sad to hear that.

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The Keeps commercial with the guy who takes his hat off.  His face bothers me.  Loke annoys me to the point where I want to punch him in the face.   His whole face is off center, nose kind of to the side.  And he talks on one side of his moth with thos half grin.  Ugh!

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8 hours ago, littlebennysmom said:

The new Cover Girl vegan foundation commercial with Lili Reinhart drives me batshit.  The product is called "Skin Milk" which she pronounces "Sken Malk". Multiple times.  *shudder*

This brings up another point.  What the heck is vegan foundation?  Is foundation normally made of meat or dairy?    I refuse to buy Cover Girl products.  Their ads are ridiculous and they only recently stopped animal testing.

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1 hour ago, Suzysite said:

This brings up another point.  What the heck is vegan foundation?  Is foundation normally made of meat or dairy?    I refuse to buy Cover Girl products.  Their ads are ridiculous and they only recently stopped animal testing.

I guess it depends on what they use for oil.  baby seal oil?  I would hope not. But, if it's animal tested, it wouldn't be considered vegan, so I'm thinking that's what they probably mean.  Maybe?

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1 hour ago, Suzysite said:

This brings up another point.  What the heck is vegan foundation?  Is foundation normally made of meat or dairy?    I refuse to buy Cover Girl products.  Their ads are ridiculous and they only recently stopped animal testing.

The copy with that commercial cracks me up.  While there are a few pigments used in cosmetics that are sourced from animals like carmine, they usually aren't used in foundation.  The trend in cosmetics is vegan so of course CoverGirl is touting this as being vegan.  They are also touting this foundation being sulfate free.  Sulfates are not found in foundation.  But, sulfates are now "bad" so they add that to make their product look "good."  

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2 hours ago, Suzysite said:

This brings up another point.  What the heck is vegan foundation?  Is foundation normally made of meat or dairy?    I refuse to buy Cover Girl products.  Their ads are ridiculous and they only recently stopped animal testing.

I've never used Cover Girl. All their shit smells like Noxema.

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And is the new Cover Girl foundation gluten free?

There is a PSA commercial that shows endlessly on my AT&T Tv that makes me want to scream. It shows this nerdy neck beard who can’t seem to put down his phone for anything.  All the while this commercial plays some song that repeats “never gonna let you go” ad infinitum.   It shows him asleep with it in his hands, ignoring his wife @ breakfast, taking someone else’s coffee at a coffee shop while he glares at his phone, during a meeting he seems to be presenting, he’s giggling at his phone while his boss stares in disbelief.  Final shot, he &His wife/girlfriend are in the car getting ready to drive somewhere and he hands her his phone.  The message: text and whatever, just don’t  text and drive. 

seems like someone this far gone needs more of an intervention than in more than the car. 

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The new Cover Girl vegan foundation commercial with Lili Reinhart drives me batshit.  The product is called "Skin Milk" which she pronounces "Sken Malk". Multiple times.  *shudder*

Yeah, I love Lili, but I cannot stand how she pronounces milk.

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19 hours ago, littlebennysmom said:

The new Cover Girl vegan foundation commercial with Lili Reinhart drives me batshit.  The product is called "Skin Milk" which she pronounces "Sken Malk". Multiple times.  *shudder*

Also, I have to wonder, if your big selling point is being vegan, why would you put “milk” in the name?

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On 2/25/2020 at 8:50 PM, Ashforth said:

Hate is not even enough. I loathe, detest, abhor, despise, abominate these ads.* The one where Fey hisses "You're an old woman" at Mayhem (who is playing her mother-in-law) is incredibly offensive. Fuck you, Tina Fey.

*this is from a poem I remember from a poetry book my dad had during my childhood 

"I loathe, abhor, detest, despise,
Abominate dried-apple pies.
I like good bread, I like good meat,
Or anything that's fit to eat;
But of all poor grub beneath the skies,
The poorest is dried apple pies.
Give me the toothache, or sore eyes,
But don't give me dried apple pies.
The farmer takes his gnarliest fruit,
'Tis wormy, bitter, and hard, to boot;
He leaves the hulls to make us cough,
And don't take half the peeling off.
Then on a dirty cord 'tis strung
And in a garret window hung,
And there it serves as roost for flies,
Until it's made up into pies.
Tread on my corns, or tell me lies,
But don't pass me dried-apple pies."

Dried Apple Pie, anyone? 😄

Tina is talking to herself in that ad. We are quick to complain about rude kids in commercials bur rude seniors citizens get a pass. I think she should have left Mayhem on the side of the road. 

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On ‎02‎/‎26‎/‎2020 at 8:15 PM, BigBingerBro said:

OMG, I'm glad I'm not the only one irritated by that one.  First of all, she's wearing the most frumpy mother-of-the-bride dress I have seen, so if she's that lacking in style, how in the hell would she know those dance moves so perfectly?  I know that sounds bitch eating crackers, but please.  Also, are there really that many women out there missing out on dancing at weddings due to incontinence?  If so, I'm very sad to hear that.

People can be into dancing but not into fashion.  And if you have to run to the bathroom a lot, you might miss out on a lot of dancing at weddings.

But I do hate those commercials because I hate that viral dance shit.  So glad no one whose wedding I've attended tried to do that.


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On ‎02‎/‎26‎/‎2020 at 11:37 PM, littlebennysmom said:

The new Cover Girl vegan foundation commercial with Lili Reinhart drives me batshit.  The product is called "Skin Milk" which she pronounces "Sken Malk". Multiple times.  *shudder*

I object to anything vegan being called "milk" - if it didn't come from a lactating mammal, it isn't milk.  And yes, her pronunciation is very annoying.

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2 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

I object to anything vegan being called "milk" - if it didn't come from a lactating mammal, it isn't milk.

Much as I hate to defend advertisers, "coconut milk" has been around as long as I have, and that's a pretty long time! 

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2 hours ago, Brookside said:

Much as I hate to defend advertisers, "coconut milk" has been around as long as I have, and that's a pretty long time! 

Are they still working on the Dairy Pride Act or is it officially dead?  This might not affect make up since you don't drink it, but I'd still be hesitant to name a new non-dairy product "milk" just to have to change it.

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18 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Are they still working on the Dairy Pride Act or is it officially dead?  This might not affect make up since you don't drink it, but I'd still be hesitant to name a new non-dairy product "milk" just to have to change it.

Is the Dairy Pride Act sponsored by gay dairymaids and milkmen? Is there a parade? Curious minds want to know.  😉

Edited by Brookside
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1 minute ago, Brookside said:

Is the Dairy Pride Act sponsored by gay dairymaids and milkmen? Is there a parade? Curious minds want to know.

It's a bill in Congress that I will fully admit I don't know if they've voted on it, f it passed, if it was defeated, or it just died.   The Dairy Farmer's Association feel that things like Almond MIlk and Coconut Milk confuse consumers and that they think it's actual milk so they want it illegal to label a product milk if it doesn't get milked out of an animal.

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2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

It's a bill in Congress that I will fully admit I don't know if they've voted on it, f it passed, if it was defeated, or it just died.   The Dairy Farmer's Association feel that things like Almond MIlk and Coconut Milk confuse consumers and that they think it's actual milk so they want it illegal to label a product milk if it doesn't get milked out of an animal.

I like to milk an argument.  Maybe I can bottle it?  Whole Foods would probably be a good first vendor.  (Again, tongue in cheek here.)

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33 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

And what of Coffee Mate? How is it "triple churned" if it's non-dairy?

Right?!?? I just recently saw that one. I guess you could churn any liquid you wanted to, but it wouldn’t do much for it. And if it was dairy, and got churned (triple or otherwise) it would be butter, wouldn’t it?

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From what I can find online, it looks like the Dairy Pride Act has been sitting in committee since last March. Good grief, how stupid do they think people are? Food is already required to have the ingredients on the label.. Now I'm going to have to read the labels of coconut and almond milk.

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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

The Dairy Farmer's Association feel that things like Almond MIlk and Coconut Milk confuse consumers and that they think it's actual milk so they want it illegal to label a product milk if it doesn't get milked out of an animal.


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On 2/17/2020 at 11:32 AM, sempervivum said:

Oh, no. The Cricket 'Hi-eeee' 'By-eee' ads are back.

Ugh. I haTe when companies try too hard to make something stupid like that catch on. Fail.

same concept for daisy sour cream and their stupid sour cream songs. 



Stupid smug lady, it's not "me" and "all of our neighbors" or whatever. Poor grammar at best, incorrect grammar at worst. 

Edited by seasons
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On 2/28/2020 at 7:08 PM, chessiegal said:

From what I can find online, it looks like the Dairy Pride Act has been sitting in committee since last March. Good grief, how stupid do they think people are? Food is already required to have the ingredients on the label.. Now I'm going to have to read the labels of coconut and almond milk.

Actually, I was discussing this a while back with some friends.  And I said something like "everybody knows almond milk isn't milk."  And one of my friends said "I thought it was almond flavored-milk."  So, I'm glad I didn't use the word stupid in that convo.  

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On 2/29/2020 at 10:27 AM, Colleenna said:

But bunnies  don't  lay eggs 😁

Regular bunnies never lay eggs.  However, the Easter bunny is a completely different animal (literally).  The Easter bunny is a boy and he lays cream-filled chocolate eggs.  But, he doesn't do this just at Easter.  He does it all year long to stock up a supply. He also clucks like a chicken.   Then he takes the eggs and puts them in baskets and hippety hops all over the place leaving them for kids.  Everybody knows this.

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30 minutes ago, Katy M said:

The Easter bunny is a boy

You know I'd never really thought about this, but you're right. Every Easter brunch buffet I've been to (and it's quite a few), has had a human-sized bunny hopping around, and they are always male. Huh.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I'm the dishwasher, always have been.   I have never had any interest in owning a dishwasher.

I have a dishwasher which I use about twice a year, just to see if it's working. 😃 

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13 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I'm the dishwasher, always have been.   I have never had any interest in owning a dishwasher.

I am going to have to try the new Dawn, and see if like it. 

I do like the Dawn Helps Save Wildlife commercials.

I had a dishwasher used it about once a week, it died several years ago. I live alone and hand wash the few dishes I use...the dishwasher is a great draining rack!

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16 hours ago, dleighg said:

You know I'd never really thought about this, but you're right. Every Easter brunch buffet I've been to (and it's quite a few), has had a human-sized bunny hopping around, and they are always male. Huh.

How can you tell?

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