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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

They may do better staying in LA if they're still there. Laredo is very close to the incoming hurricane.

Looks like Harvey is going to turn north and miss Laredo other than getting some rain from the far outer bands. They should have no problems geting home that is IF the pastor has spent his 35-40 hours crafting this week's sermon between the expository preaching semnars and trips to the observatory, coffee and bookshops. 

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Still in LA. Will they be back in Laredo by Sunday for him to speak at his own church?

You know, I'm pretty sure that all three of those(identifiable) pictures on those book shelves, the two to the right of Jer (can't make out the top one) and the one to the left, are pics of Charles Spurgeon. .... Bin must be eaten up with jealousy .... Also -- wonder if the owner of the bookroom also named his child "Spurgeon." ... Thinking not. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 11

WeStill in LA. Will they veback in Laredo by Sunday for him to speak at his own church?

5 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

You know, I'm pretty sure that all three of those(identifiable) pictures on those book shelves, the two to the right of Jer (can't make out the top one) and the one to the left, are pics of Charles Spurgeon. .... Bin must be eaten up with jealousy .... Also -- wonder if the owner of the bookroom also named his child "Spurgeon." ... Thinking not. 

You are correct. One if the comments said he was in a shrine to Spurgeon, or words to that effect.

Edited by Sew Sumi
I don't know what the hell happened, but I can't delete it.
  • Love 2

I'm close to 60 and my standard non-work outfit is jeans and a tee shirt, with sandals or Chucks (or bare feet).  If I had long hair and lived in Texas, it would be in a ponytail any time the temperature gauge went above 80.  Jinger can't help having youthful looks.  So I have no problem with what she wears or how she looks.  As long as she likes it, that's all that matters.

  • Love 19

Since Laredo isn't in the path of the hurricane and they're just getting a bit of rain, I'm curious to see if the Vuolos return to Laredo to open their church to residents in the path that need to vacate and have no where to go? Wouldn't that be the real Christian thing for a pastor to offer? I bet they don't.

  • Love 9

Serious Question:

Would Jeremy have access to the "famous" John MacArthur if he didn't marry a Duggar?

Can any preacher get to meet all the special people and go to the fancy executive library etc.?  I"m looking at their posts and Jeremy seems like he is buddy buddy with a lot of important Jesus guys. 

Why can't Ben go and meet these guys and take pretentious pictures in a library with Spurgeon's shrine?  Why does Jeremy have such Jesus mojo? 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Marigold said:

Serious Question:

Would Jeremy have access to the "famous" John MacArthur if he didn't marry a Duggar?

Can any preacher get to meet all the special people and go to the fancy executive library etc.?  I"m looking at their posts and Jeremy seems like he is buddy buddy with a lot of important Jesus guys. 

Why can't Ben go and meet these guys and take pretentious pictures in a library with Spurgeon's shrine?  Why does Jeremy have such Jesus mojo? 

I'm thinking maybe Jeremy's dad may have some connections. 

  • Love 4
50 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Serious Question:

Would Jeremy have access to the "famous" John MacArthur if he didn't marry a Duggar?

Can any preacher get to meet all the special people and go to the fancy executive library etc.?  I"m looking at their posts and Jeremy seems like he is buddy buddy with a lot of important Jesus guys. 

Why can't Ben go and meet these guys and take pretentious pictures in a library with Spurgeon's shrine?  Why does Jeremy have such Jesus mojo? 

Is Chuck Vuolo a Grace Church pastor?  I'm wondering if Jeremy is using his dad's connections for access to those guys.  Meeting with John MacArthur and doing that Master's Seminary is playing really well with some of his instagram followers, they're writing he has a solid theological base.  I don't know if the Duggars' Gothard background would be a good thing for those pastors to be associated with.  If anything, I think that the Duggars through Jeremy are boosted by the association and look more mainstream to some of the Calvinist fundies (or whatever denomination MacArthur/Grace Church are associated with). 

I can see a situation where MacArthur gets featured on the show and Jeremy/Jinger use him to show further distance between the Vuolos and Duggars. Or Jeremy may use his connections to help Ben get into the Jesus club. 

It's interesting to see Jeremy steadily build his brand.  He actually has the drive to use the Duggar fame to his advantage. I think that he does love Jinger, but can now see how opportunistic he is. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Marigold said:

Serious Question:

Would Jeremy have access to the "famous" John MacArthur if he didn't marry a Duggar?

Can any preacher get to meet all the special people and go to the fancy executive library etc.?  I"m looking at their posts and Jeremy seems like he is buddy buddy with a lot of important Jesus guys. 

Why can't Ben go and meet these guys and take pretentious pictures in a library with Spurgeon's shrine?  Why does Jeremy have such Jesus mojo? 

Maybe that also depends on what level of clout Chuckie Vuolo has? And I have no idea. .... My impression of Chuck is that he's impressed with himself just as Jer is impressed with himself. And I do know that people tend to take others at their own valuation.

So maybe CV has convinced a lot of people that he's all that, and when you combine that with Jer telling people that he's all that (after all, we know that he's clearly still bragging about what looks to be not a very bragworthy pro soccer career) -- and having whatshisname as a "mentor" (even though Jer hasn't listened to a word the guy said, as far as I can tell) -- and having the Duggar TeeVee fame to trade with as well, Jer can now open every door? ....

I'm convinced that he'll leverage everything that he possibly can to get the big "big ministry" future that I'm convinced he envisions for himself. (and that has basically zero to do with his poor little oft-ignored church plant in Laredo.) 

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

My husband and I enjoy browsing around Barnes and Noble on a lazy Sunday, but I can't imagine telling Mr. Bitter Apple to whip his smart phone out and take pictures of me artfully posed and pensively contemplating the latest James Patterson novel. How do these people take these kinds of pictures and not feel absolutely ridiculous? Maybe I'm just getting old....

I'm getting old with you then

  • Love 16

Jeremy is really weaseling his way around.    Like Churchie said, if you project it, people will believe it!  

Jeremy learned a few things in his business classes at college.  He is really running a strategy and it's actually working! I didn't think he would get this far.  I thought he would land up in dump church in some swamp after getting sucked into the Duggar Vortex. 

  • Love 3

This week in LA sounded a lot like a conference. Why else would they stay for an entire week? The pics with McArthur et al. could simply be photo ops. Just because they took a picture together doesn't mean that Jeremy is tight with the guy, just that they've met a couple of times. They met the guy initially with Ma and Pa Vuolo sometime around March. Chuck's church is New Life Community, so I don't think it's a GCC plant, or that Chuck knew McArthur prior to that meeting. 

I think it's more of a "we met a (fundie) rockstar!!!!111 Let's take a picture!!!!!111" 

Kind of like how the Rodriguii act when amongst the Duggars. 

  • Love 6

Self-absorbed and self-entitled is Jeremy, me thinks.

I agree with previous posters; for Pete's sake, who is that vain and feels the need to post the minutiae of one's life, and travels, and one's own face all of the time?

TV evangelists that got themselves into hot water years ago would have done the same thing, nowadays.  No wonder he went after a Tee-Vee "star."

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Self-absorbed and self-entitled is Jeremy, me thinks.

I agree with previous posters; for Pete's sake, who is that vain and feels the need to post the minutiae of one's life, and travels, and one's own face all of the time?

TV evangelists that got themselves into hot water years ago would have done the same thing, nowadays.  No wonder he went after a Tee-Vee "star."

56 minutes ago, Fuzzysox said:

Oh Jing has the same dress as Jill. It actually  it fits her correctly.

So ... Anna and Joy have the same dress. .... Jingle and Jill have the same dress.........(And somehow everybody has the chevron maxiskirt and the mustard cardigan, of course) .........Is this another piece of purely-Duggar weirdness, or is this typical of big fundie families? Do they go to some Christian warehouse and buy in bulk or something? 

2 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Definitely not humble. I thought that was a quality they claim to aspire to.

Sort of like that "servant's heart" that they also claim to aspire to. 

  • Love 8
13 hours ago, BitterApple said:

My husband and I enjoy browsing around Barnes and Noble on a lazy Sunday, but I can't imagine telling Mr. Bitter Apple to whip his smart phone out and take pictures of me artfully posed and pensively contemplating the latest James Patterson novel. How do these people take these kinds of pictures and not feel absolutely ridiculous? Maybe I'm just getting old....

I realize that this is partly a post-iPhone-generations thing. But even the Millennials-and-after that I know don't post photos like this. I'm pretty sure the Dugg and Dugg-adjacents social-media habits have more to do with their own group-and-individual pathologies than they do with age. I mean, they do some things that seem typical, but a lot of it strikes me as fairly singular. .... Like maybe driven by their largely delusional I-am-a-celebrity-and-one-of-the-world's-Christian-elite stuff? And, of course, none of them seems to have even a smidgen of a sense of humor. Because if they did, I expect a lot of their posing and posting would make them laugh in the middle of it and we'd get a quite different set of pictures/posts. 

But maybe I just know an atypical group of younger people? I don't think so, but it's possible, I guess.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 5

I am not a millenial, and most of my Facebook friends are my age or older. I am off Facebook because I got so annoyed with the documenting of the minutia (and politics).  Ugh, I cannot look at another selfie.  Jinger and Jeremy are posting just like most who are big into social media - especially instagram. It has nothing to do with age or generation.  More like need for gratification of "likes."  Now get off my lawn. 

  • Love 21
8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Classic case of Millenialitus. 

Here's a new axiom for them: "If you post it, they will come. If you Tweet it, they will follow. If you Instagram it, they are yours." 

If Jeremy is smart, he'll set things up so he can "sermonize" to his flock from anywhere in the world.  Who says he needs to be there in person if his little hovel church installs a big enough video screen and a kick-ass Wi-Fi hookup?  

It's ALL about the streaming, Baaaabe!

Being there and in person is soooooo last decade. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 14
34 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Here's a new axiom for them: "If you post it, they will come. If you Tweet it, they will follow. If you Instagram it, they are yours." 

If Jeremy is smart, he'll set things up so he can "sermonize" to his flock from anywhere in the world.  Who says he needs to be there in person if his little hovel church installs a big enough video screen and a kick-ass Wi-Fi hookup?  

It's ALL about the streaming, Baaaabe!

Being there and in person is soooooo last decade. 

100% correct.

JereeME is all about that youtube streaming!  He has more subscribers on his youtube channel than his actual congregation (from what we can estimate). So, JereME is playing to his biggest audience. Social Media. 

Can you even imagine?  "jing, take my picture, I look good like this, quick!"  "jinge, let's make it black and white for the dramatic effect"  "jinge! we looks so good together, babe!" 

And Jinger is truly impressed with JereME and thinks he is as great as he thinks he is. They are the perfect match.  Both in love with Jeremy Vuolo. 

I can see JereME squealing every time his "likes" go up. 

  • Love 13

Swinging by, ninja-style, to offer my two yuan: dynastic ministries are pretty common in patriarchal strains of Christ?ianity and in some cases, really profitable.

Look up the mansion of RC Sproul of Ligonier Ministries and then see how his recovering-alcoholic son RC Jr., has dodged bullet after bullet thank$ to some pretty fine lawyering on Dad'$ dime and even now could be posed for a redemption tour if it's deemed saleable.

Then there is the Billy Graham family assortment of son- and grandson-preachers (including one daughter, curiously); a son of the disgraced and disgraceful Doug Phillips of the bygone Vision Forum had been hooked up with some other family's ministry (CRS nor details this morning).

It's a very clubby and generational business and I have no doubt that Vuolo, Sr., is doing anything he can to give Junior a boost.

To Jinger's style: I'm really clothing-disinterested, however, I'll say if she wants to catch up on her missed teen years belatedly in wearing some fun, teeny-bopper things now that she doesn't have siblings to raise and is out from under her parents' piss-poor authority, let her dress any ole way she wants. 

I only hope Jana, Jessa, Joy and the lost J-girls can (eventually) do the same. Snide Jill, I can't get worked up about.


Praying for those further north.

Farther north, Rev.Jer. 

Farther is for distance; further is for ideas.

Here's an easy reminder at no extra charge:

You chAse a bAll fArther;

you pUrsUe a sUbject fUrther. 

  • Love 19

It's hard to say who "we" refers to.  It could him and Jinger or him and his flock or him and the whole town of Laredo, because the hurricane isn't predicted to hit them as much.  Corpus Christi is clearly a harder area and therefore he mentions those people. Probably if he and Jinger had to evacuate, his flock would have too.  

Given the limited character space I think tweet is fine. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Marigold said:

100% correct.

JereeME is all about that youtube streaming!  He has more subscribers on his youtube channel than his actual congregation (from what we can estimate). So, JereME is playing to his biggest audience. Social Media. 

Can you even imagine?  "jing, take my picture, I look good like this, quick!"  "jinge, let's make it black and white for the dramatic effect"  "jinge! we looks so good together, babe!" 

And Jinger is truly impressed with JereME and thinks he is as great as he thinks he is. They are the perfect match.  Both in love with Jeremy Vuolo. 

I can see JereME squealing every time his "likes" go up. 

Didn't he say IN one of his MEtube videos that people should NOT simply use the internet and must find a local church?

  • Love 2

I can't imagine Jeremy is talking about anyone other than Jinger and himself. 

If you didn't know from these boards, you wouldn't realize is an actual pastor of a church. 

1 minute ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn't he say IN one of his MEtube videos that people should NOT simply use the internet and must find a local church?

He certainly does! He has a disclaimer in the beginning of every video. 

Jeremy knows the "rules". 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

I imagine many of the poorer residents that might attend his church don't have access to good wifi access.

That is why Jeremy can be on the screen AT his church, while he's physically somewhere else.  People without Wi-Fi access can still go TO the church to watch, and those with access and devices can stream him where they are. 

I work at a very large Catholic hospital.  Every day at 11:30 am, Mass is said in the chapel.  For patients that can't attend it in person, they can view it on the TV in their rooms.  Or, for those with tablets and smart phones, they can watch the stream from anywhere on the hospital grounds.  That can allow an employee on a 15 minute break to enjoy some devotional time without having to use 10 of those 15 minutes getting from their work area to the chapel and back.  It's VERY common to see the younger clinical associates, in their scrubs, sitting outside in one of our gardens watching the service on their tablet.  

Using technology to bring in and retain church members is a huge thing in social media right now.  Jeremy may try to be careful about how much he uses it, but it's going to happen with or without him. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 10


Jeremy is just using YouTube to gain an internet following, which is all the rage with pastors in 2017. Highly doubt he is actually doing YouTube for any other reason.

What you're describing makes sense and benefits so many people. Using technology to help people have some spiritual time/instruction when going to the service/meeting is not possible. I've benefited myself from that use of technology.  (I write a lot of reports for work and often have youtube on, listening to all different things, many of them are spiritual)

Jeremy has a strategy...he is a man with a plan. Plus, he loves hearing himself talk. 

  • Love 2

I think there is a misconception here about "poor residents" not having wifi access.    One thing I have learned since working with lower income peeps, wifi is definitely accessible for everyone.  Almost everyone has a cellphone too.

They may be hungry, on the street, homeless, but they wifi.  The wifi at our library is free and the homeless take advantage of it on the computers.  

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

I think there is a misconception here about "poor residents" not having wifi access.    One thing I have learned since working with lower income peeps, wifi is definitely accessible for everyone.  Almost everyone has a cellphone too.

They may be hungry, on the street, homeless, but they wifi.  The wifi at our library is free and the homeless take advantage of it on the computers.  

Yes, every gas station, fast food, bus stop (literally), etc in my area has free wifi. You can't walk around virtually any place with a business, and not get free wifi. Inconvenient, not having it at home, but accessible to virtually veryone with motivation.

  • Love 5

My niece takes a selfie of her and her son almost every damn morning. She's 10 weeks pregnant, so every week for the last 4 weeks she's posted naked belly pictures. She posts pictures of dinner, dad & son playing/sleeping/staring at stars/stupidshitnoonecaresabout. And then, she reshares the old stuff whenever Facebook shows it. She's that mom at the park, staring at her phone while her kids run amok.

Smart phones can be bought pretty cheap & even if you don't have money for minutes, you can still access free wifi with it. I know quite a few poor & homeless people and they all have smart phones.

Edited by Nysha
  • Love 3
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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