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S08.E10: Unhappy Holidays

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Apparently that was Tom Season 1.  Which has nothing to do with the here and now 

I have to say his focus is on Ramona's friend Joni. 

Hey whatever happened to ole' Jonie?  You just know she was jonesing for a spot on the show, but I feel like we never saw her after Season 3  - or maybe 4?

Also, has it been confirmed-confirmed that that is really Lu's (and Ro's.. and Sonja's...) Tom in that Season 1 clip?  It really doesn't look like him to me in that picture above.  And I did watch the actual scene when they replayed season 1 last eekend, and it did not occur to me at the time that it was him.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Of all the whacko, rude and unkind things that went on in this episode, the thing that had me most upset was Sonja attempting to pack up a care package for her kid!  So many levels of Sonja Sadness at work here...1) not understanding the difference between a care package made up of all your kid's favorite things and sent with thought & intent vs. just ordering what you want from Amazon Prime 2) not understanding what should comprise a care package.  Used toiletry items, half eaten snack packs and random free samples you picked up in your travels do not mean "I love you.  I miss you.  I wanted you to know I am thinking of you." to a 12 year old girl away at boarding school.3) the embarrassment/pity for Sonja from her interns as she slapped together a box of detritus off her dining room table & wanting to hold back the ramen for herself "in case of emergency" 4) the embarrassment for the poor daughter when she opens that package o'crap in front of her roommate or friends. Just made me so very sad for the daughter, the interns and Sonja (in that order).

And, worse yet, it is on television for all to see!

  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

Bethenny's not demanding that LuAnn talk about her sex life in great detail on camera; in fact, I think she would rather set her hair on fire than listen tot he details of LuAnn's sex life. What she's trying to do is get LuAnn to stop condemning others for things that she herself does. In short -- stop being a hypocrite. You can call Bethenny a lot of things, but hypocrite wouldn't be a fair one to include.

Get her to stop? They keep using the same slight over and over again as if she just did it again that morning. It's over, move on but to hear Beth continue to ask Lu to own it all the while hearing Lu confirm on a regular basis that she's pretty much enjoying the company of men is the part that's ridiculous and bullshit. Look we all know what the grievances are with Lu. It's been covered ad nauseum season after season what bugs them about Lu but what's happening now is that Beth and Carole want to reserve the right to be NEWLY outraged over past slights over and over and over and over and over and over again just because seeing Lu ignites their mean girl. It doesn't work that way. Oh there's Lu, ready, set, go..... "OH MY GOD Lu you are the sluttiest slut whoever slutted and I'm tired of you not owning it. You screw married men, blah blah blah blah..." It's like fucking Real Housewives groundhogs day without the humor of Bill Murray.

Having bad blood about something that happened in the past is one thing. I can get on board with still having bad vibes, not wanting to speak etc. etc. but the problem is that Beth wants to be able to ACT OUT and use recycled shit as an excuse. That's like me smacking my brother upside is head AGAIN a week after smacking him upside his head for tripping me and continuing to smack him upside his head weekly using the original tripping scenario as my reason why I keep smacking him... Idiotic.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Carole...talked a great post game pile of bullshit by telling B had she called HER what she called Luann,  it would have been 'on'. 

Yup, and Bethenny responded in kind that she'd be done with Carole if Carole had ever called HER a slut or a whore...yet, wasn't it just last episode that Jules told Carole and Bethy that if someone called her a slut, she'd take it as a compliment, and they agreed? So they were either full of shit then, or they're full of shit now, or--my opinion--they are just completely full of shit and have lost all moral or ethical compass they ever may have had, and they just say whatever is most convenient for them at the time. No one is ever going to make them take responsibility for their words and actions, so why should they quibble over a little thing like consistency?

  • Love 14
20 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Jumpsuits, especially red lace ones, are NOT Lu's friend.

Nor anyone else's.  There's a reason it hasn't already been done. 

20 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Wait a minute. .. Did Jules say this episode that this has been the best 24 hours of her life?!?!? Isn't her dad in the hospital and really sick? Hell is wrong with this chick!!!

Yeah but between the kosher lasagne, kid free night and his downgrade from imminent death to hip replacement, this actually might be the best 24 hours of her life.  Lol.

19 hours ago, rehoboth said:

I did tune in later (after I was sure Tom's character was dead) and got to see more of Bethenny being mad and not wanting to talk to Luann or Sonja at the next party.  What is the point of this show if one bitches and complains about interacting with your castmates.  I mean suck it up Beth!  Later I was pleasantly surprised by Luann's apology.  I sensed a real change in her voice from the Berkshires apology - she sounded very earnest to me.  And if Bethenny did not accept it, I don't think I could watch this show again.  If Carol doesn't accept it, well I don't really care.  Does anyone?

I do.  If neither of them accept they can both kick all the rocks because like her or no, it's over.  And she acknowledged and expressed maturity and contrition and they need to do the gotdamn same and get on with their lives. 

18 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

I mean Kelly was a loon, but damn Bethenney is just relentless.

What a pain in the ass. How can you have a conversation if only one of you is talking.  I'll give her this though, as fast as it comes out, her ears are on the same speed, she can hear, respond and keep going faster than I can blink.  I just can't take the machine gun-ness anymore though girl, enough.

16 hours ago, film noire said:

Yes. And what a credit Bethenny is to her culturally appropriated background! I'm sure the NAACP is about ready to give her an Image award for being an honorary black woman who likes to slut-shame while her best friend yaps on about ‘LuMan’  (cuz trans-ref jokes are so funny). Just a couple of high society winners, these two; the Leopold and Loeb of the party season, a knockoff Bonnie and Snide.  Frankelstein savaged a woman  and then tried to spin it as speaking truth to power --  as if LuAnn were a cattle baron robbing the wimmenfolk of their dangnabbit farmland -- and Carole slithered right up to that pit of sick and drank deep and then tried to upsell Bethenny's whole shit-show by slapping the word "hypocrisy" on it. (Sidebar: I cannot stand watching Carole eat anymore. Some people are appetizing eaters to watch on camera, but that woman shoves vast amounts of food, machine-like, into her mouth, all of it turned into a giant food-ball wodged in a cheek when she starts snipping on about LuAnn while eating. It's like watching an angry, snorting horse burrowing through a feedbag.) And then they have the nerve to try and slip out the morning after, unseen (well, Bethenny had the 'nerve' - Carole is clearly the mouth-breathing Manson girl in their relationship). Just waltz away, trailing rage-farts in the air, their fine work done --  I acted like a morally depraved lunatic on steroids -- check! Slut shamed -- check! Made a woman cry -- check! Declared boundaries for everybody in the world regarding moral values and suitable conversations-- except for me -- check! Giggled about every disgusting thing I had done the night before, the next  morning - check check check!

What crap artists they are -- two snotty, wannabe big shot half pints, eager to humiliate other women by attacking them in ways we teach twelve year old girls to avoid at all costs -- I’d call them spiritual whores & soul sluts, but that would be an insult to sex workers & sexually liberated women everywhere.

Agreed with some of it, disagreed with some of it, but I just wanted to see it again.  Beautifully worded.

15 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Ramona's hair looked extra shitty at her party.

That's probably because it's a little out of place, what with it belonging to an anonymous Shetland in Beijing and all.   I gotta recuse myself about fake hair but Ro's length and application is all wrong.   It's the exact damn color as hers it shouldn't be that hard to hide tracks. 

15 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The 7 Habits to Healthy Fighting-

1 Stop insisting you are right

2 Don't engage in insults or name calling

3 Pick the right time

4 Never use absolutes

5 Don't kitchen sink it.  It escalates a single argument into a war

6 Listen without defending (she did try and pull that  one against Luann)

7 Reflect back on what you have heard

Does anyone know what this reference means: Luann did tell everyone she dated a bunch.  That's why I was repeating it by saying she was dating 60/11 guys.   What does the 60/11 mean?

This list is awesome, I'm saving to try to remember how to fight *healthy*.  

It's an exaggerated way of saying a lot.  60/11  50/11   Eleventeen - so many times that the number doesn't exist. lol.

10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I think these women need to realize that trying to talk to Lu is almost as bad as trying to talk to Sonja. Brick wall. It's not going to happen. She's never going to see what you're saying and admit to the hypocrisy you're calling her out on. It's better to just drop it and move on. You don't have to like each other. Just be cordial at functions and keep her at arm's length. I was glad that all involved apologized for their behavior, but no one is changing anyone's mind here. It's pointless. 

I will say this for Lu, while I usually agree with B's actual point, Lu handles herself much better. Bethenny gets too emotional and allows herself to lose her shit. LuAnn stays very calm and composed for the most part, and that alone can give you the upper hand. I did love when Ramona was all, "I can't bring any guys around you because you try to take them" and Lu replied, "Oh, like that bar owner in the Turks and Caicos that B and I were talking to?" Burn! Ramona totally took that guy away from them and then shut them out. Pot - Kettle, Ramona. 

Bethenny and Carole leaving the next morning was so tacky. I don't care that they wanted to leave right away. Things were awkward and I'd want to get the F out as well. But they were totally not planning on saying goodbye. They only did so because they were caught. I don't care how uncomfortable you are, you say goodbye to the host and thank her. Again, there's something about those two when they get together - very catty and immature. 

Did anyone else hear that bacon yell, "Who are you to get me wet?" when Ramona spilled water on it? 

The highlight of the sleepover at Dorinda's was when she busted out Twister with Jules, amidst all the shouting from the dining room. I did love when Jules said how uncomfortable all the yelling made her, and Dorinda agreed. Haha, you mean when YOU'RE not the one yelling? 

Back in the city, Jules once again cannot do anything. She can't make eggs, can't make coffee, can't get her kids to and from school. How on earth does anyone function without a nanny??? (Oh, that's right, they make their housekeeper fill in.)

What was up with the outfits at Ramona's holiday party??? LuAnn, my grandma called, she wants 20 years worth of her Christmas poinsettias back. Bethenny looked like she had been up all night bedazzling her jacket with the ghost of Michael Jackson. Carole was a lost member of Devo. Too much. 

It pains me to ever say this, but I was really with Sonja. I hated how all the other girls were trying to force her to make up with Bethenny. Sonja is usually very delusional. So if even SHE knows it's a bad idea to try and talk to B, that should tell you something. Bethenny was very very clear, and there is absolutely no point in chasing her. Why do these women always insist on "making up"? Sometimes you just can't go back to the way things were. You don't have to be friends with everyone. They berated Sonja so badly about it, it was just ridiculous. 

LOL!!!  Love this whole post but heart you for the bolded Ghoulina.

5 hours ago, ladle said:

Is there some mental chip in reality show characters that renders them pathologically incapable of pronouncing the plural of the word "text"? 

In this episode, I think even Carole was saying "text-sees." 

Sweet Baby Jesus it was driving me nuts.  My sister came in when I started screaming Texas is not multiple messages it's the state next to Louisiana!!

Every once in a while Sonja makes me root for her to win.  This right here:

Lu:  there's a time and a place to discuss this

Sonja:  yeah, at DORINDA'S HOUSE

Girl, werk!! Lol!!

By the way, who the hell leaves just as bacon is ready?

Please, Dear God, not another trip, these heffas can barely make it, stateside.

Shit, ya'll are all I've been paying attention to all day, lemme go do some work.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
apostrophes are important
  • Love 19

Something that has not been touched on is the fact that Sonja seemed to be with the texting during the 30 hour period the ladies were in the Berkshires.  I though the plan was Sonja was to go when the others left.  I was worried for the old bird when she could not entertain herself for one evening.


Sonja really opens up in this interview and still believes Bethenny just misunderstood her because the others were around her over the summer. Sonja also claims Bethenny is supportive of her.  (Sonja the delusional)  http://allthingsrh.com/exclusive-sonja-morgan-says-dont-expect-loyalty-ramona-singer/ 

Classic Sonja she is mad a Dorinda and Ramona because the Berkshires trip wasn't just one night but two episodes.  Wasn't the trip still just one night regardless of the number of episodes milked from the stay?

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Sweet Baby Jesus it was driving me nuts.  My sister came in when I started screaming Texas is not multiples messages is the state next to Louisiana!!

Hahahaha! Exactly! My main Direct TV receiver is on the fritz, so my husband was kind and let me watch NYC in the bedroom. His main takeaways were - LuAnn makes bad fashion choices and none of these women can say "texts". He asked, "How do you watch this every week?" 

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Classic Sonja she is mad a Dorinda and Ramona because the Berkshires trip wasn't just one night but two episodes.

See?  No one is allowed to call Bethy out on anything.  B is the reason Sonja wasn't invited, and B is the reason this one night was covered on two episodes because B went on her godzilla rampage against Luann, and tried to continue it at Ramona's party, and B is the reason she won't be going on the next trip to Mexico.  But she blames everyone but Bethy.  Just like Dorinda yelled at Ramona but was never mad at Bethy for going hard after John on camera and accusing him of doing coke with Dorinda.

This is so fucked up, and not entertaining.  If the Bully always gets her way and can do anything and no one is allowed to say peep about the Bully, it's neither fun nor interesting.

  • Love 23

I watched this show and The Americans last night and they both intruded my dreams.  I dreamed of Russians, orphans, and at one point I was walking around with a huge red hair piece in my hand, pretending it hadn't fallen off of my head.  It was so bizarre. 

I try not to talk much about Jules's body, but her obvious unfamiliarity and bumbling around wasn't the only shocking thing in that kitchen.  She twisted and turned as she spoke, and she was alarmingly tiny.  I'm talking more petite than a skeleton hanging in anatomy class.  I'm a nurse, and I honestly don't think I've ever seen a human being that thin.  This isn't hyperbole.

1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

Of all the whacko, rude and unkind things that went on in this episode, the thing that had me most upset was Sonja attempting to pack up a care package for her kid!  So many levels of Sonja Sadness at work here...1) not understanding the difference between a care package made up of all your kid's favorite things and sent with thought & intent vs. just ordering what you want from Amazon Prime 2) not understanding what should comprise a care package.  Used toiletry items, half eaten snack packs and random free samples you picked up in your travels do not mean "I love you.  I miss you.  I wanted you to know I am thinking of you." to a 12 year old girl away at boarding school.3) the embarrassment/pity for Sonja from her interns as she slapped together a box of detritus off her dining room table & wanting to hold back the ramen for herself "in case of emergency" 4) the embarrassment for the poor daughter when she opens that package o'crap in front of her roommate or friends. Just made me so very sad for the daughter, the interns and Sonja (in that order).

Don't forget the questionable sex toy that Sonja rubbed all around her butt crack before putting it in the package.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, HoosierJen said:

This is what I wonder - do the producers of this show think all of the fighting is entertaining? Seriously, it makes me feel like I'm on a road trip with a couple of squabbling pre-teens in the backseat. Constant fighting over nothing, which just serves to make everyone around you miserable.

I miss my old show, where the women just hung out in New York City and I got to see how the other half lives. I liked watching them shop and go to fashion shows and decorate their houses. Sure, there were conflicts, but they were smaller - like Ramona being rude when Simon came to the 'girls' dinner.' Now everyone just seems so mean, ugly, and immature. I think I'd rather they just do a clean sweep and get a whole new cast and start over.

Shahs of Sunset came on after the RHONY repeat last night and I just had to turn the TV off and I haven't turned it back on.  I couldn't even handle it for background noise.  All the fighting and yelling was too much.  It's exhausting to listen to.

1 hour ago, pbutler111 said:

Bethenny's not demanding that LuAnn talk about her sex life in great detail on camera; in fact, I think she would rather set her hair on fire than listen tot he details of LuAnn's sex life. What she's trying to do is get LuAnn to stop condemning others for things that she herself does. In short -- stop being a hypocrite. You can call Bethenny a lot of things, but hypocrite wouldn't be a fair one to include.

Except a hypocrite is exactly what B is if all the links talking about her dating a married man are true since that's one of the things she went in on really hard with Lu.  I think it is also hypocritical of her to be "SkinnyGirl, Skinny Cow, two totally different names, but SkinnyGirl and Tipsy Girl are identical." (of course I'm paraphrasing)

  • Love 14

That red lace jumpsuit brought back memories of the plastic doilies and dresser scarves that used to be popular in the discount stores decades ago.  Made me wonder if Luanne used to shop in Mammoth Mart with her mother as a child and was feeling nostalgic when she added that catastrophe to her collection.  The woman has a fantastic figure and could probably wear anything...so why pick that?!?  It looked more something that would be worn by Lola Falana or Joey Heatherton during one of their old Las Vegas shows.

Jules is starting to remind me of Abby Elliot's character on Odd Mom Out.  Just because one is wealthy doesn't have to mean that person must be a ditz in the kitchen or unable to deal with children.  

  • Love 8
50 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Something that has not been touched on is the fact that Sonja seemed to be with the texting during the 30 hour period the ladies were in the Berkshires.  I though the plan was Sonja was to go when the others left.  I was worried for the old bird when she could not entertain herself for one evening.


Sonja really opens up in this interview and still believes Bethenny just misunderstood her because the others were around her over the summer. Sonja also claims Bethenny is supportive of her.  (Sonja the delusional)  http://allthingsrh.com/exclusive-sonja-morgan-says-dont-expect-loyalty-ramona-singer/ 

Classic Sonja she is mad a Dorinda and Ramona because the Berkshires trip wasn't just one night but two episodes.  Wasn't the trip still just one night regardless of the number of episodes milked from the stay?

That was Sonja's way of letting us know not being included cost her money, a smaller paycheck, without breaking the 4th wall rule.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Bethenny is a fool and thinks the rest of us are stupid that we won't find this out.  I don't get why Andy likes her at all, what is she doing, sucking his dick?  I can't get why anybody with a brain would like Bethenny.  As for all her "hard work," okay, I'll give her some of that, but about 60% of that was pure luck, had she not been on Housewives, she still would be standing in Food Emporium selling her wares to an empty supermarket.

Well that was rude.  I like Bethanny and I assure you, I do have a brain.  I find her funny, honest and witty.  Her behavior on the sleepover was shameful, sure, but I still enjoy watching her and love her talking heads. By the amount of likes on the rare post saying the same, I'm fairly certain I'm not alone.

  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

That was Sonja's way of letting us know not being included cost her money, a smaller paycheck, without breaking the 4th wall rule.

And that probably helps explain why Ramona and Luann were so desperately trying to get Sonja to talk to Bethenny at that party.  They know how hard up she is for money (I mean that care package was tragic) but know until she drops Tipsy Girl and comes crawling that Bethenny won't film with her which means no airtime and no cash. 

Edited by Castina
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, pbutler111 said:

Bethenny's not demanding that LuAnn talk about her sex life in great detail on camera; in fact, I think she would rather set her hair on fire than listen tot he details of LuAnn's sex life. What she's trying to do is get LuAnn to stop condemning others for things that she herself does. In short -- stop being a hypocrite. You can call Bethenny a lot of things, but hypocrite wouldn't be a fair one to include.

I can only assume that you've somehow missed this tidbit....


  • Love 14
10 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Y'all have covered the ridiculous jumpsuit Luann wore at Ramona's party, but what about that bedazzled Michael Jackson circa 1989 backup dancer "outfit" Bethy was wearing?  Someone could lose an eye on the shoulder pads alone.  And this, from a woman, who criticized a guy for wearing an autumn orange fleece at an outdoor autumn party. 

The Bethy/Lu argument is just so, so tiring.  So, it comes down to what Lu wrote in her book 7 years ago?  She can't change her ways?  Seven years ago, Beth was BFFs with Jill and tried to give away shitty baked goods in grocery stores.  No one is asking Bethy to publicly disavow shitty baked goods.

There had to be some weird time/truth bending with Jules' scenes because no competent doctor is going to do a hip replacement on a guy who just was delirious with pneumonia a day or so earlier.  I've been through aftercare with all sorts of joint replacements with my parents, and they screen the shit out of you before cutting because post replacement infection is so common, even under the best of circumstances.

Carole has reached Cindy Barshop levels of irrelevance.  I'd rather watch Sonja pack care packages for the troops than see what she's up to.

I liked B'e dress.  The others, not so much.  

I'm surprised she hasn't marketed Enema Girl, since she keeps referring to Skinny Girl enemas and wine enemas, like when Dorinda gave her the giant wine glass.  I don't think I've ever found occasion to reference enemas along with drinking. 

5 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:

Descended from wolves. ;-)


That's insulting to bully breeds of all kinds!   I believe they have disavowed all relation to Bethenny, real or imagined.

  • Love 12

For the love of God, will someone please shut Bethenny up by cramming that ass kisser Carole down her throat?

Would that be sanitary?


"Medical marvel" -- I died!  Too good.  I think the "soft-boiled" was a play off of Lu saying that Beth said she had "no hard feelings" comment.

Is THAT what she was saying?  I thought it was "soft foil," which made even less sense.  But it was Sonja so...I rolled with it.   


I can't help it, I really do like Asian Jewish Jules.

Jules is Jewish?  And Asian??

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, izabella said:

That's insulting to bully breeds of all kinds!   I believe they have disavowed all relation to Bethenny, real or imagined.

I agree!  Plus, pit bull puppies are just about the most adorable thing on earth.  I would know, having raised one myself.  Precious, extremely loyal, and incredibly loving.  Before the gang bangers got their hands on the breed, they were considered the quintessential family dog. 

  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, izabella said:


That's insulting to bully breeds of all kinds!   I believe they have disavowed all relation to Bethenny, real or imagined.

Now, now, how can you say that!? Note the quixotic tilt of the head! The forthright gaze! O, Izabella, how do you not see the similarities between these extraordinarily loving, fiercely loyal, and huggably jowly -- um, uh oh....

  • Love 5
40 minutes ago, escatefromny said:

I am no fan of Martha Stewart but boy, she really had Bethany's number.  Watching yet another "what the fuck is wrong with her" performance by Bethany made me think Martha must still be patting herself on the back for distancing herself from this shit show of a person.  (If you don't recall, Bethany's first reality TV turn was on Martha Stewart's horrible version of the "Apprentice".  Bethany was a "finalist" and lost to a smarmy, reality tv villan stereotype.  She is that awful).


The person who laid into Bethenny was OMAROSA!   Bethenny wasn't ready for her.   Granted Omarosa isn't wrapped too tight but she is just as smart,  if not smarter,  than Bethenny.   This was sucha classic.

You make cupcakes,  I worked in the White House!


Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 18
5 hours ago, weaver said:

Agree, its possible that is what the $22mil was.  We'll never know.  

Ooooh I think we will find out what was in that will eventually and if B was a beneficiary at all. She had the money when she got married, I don't know what NY law is- but she had that $ before the Beam sale and who knows if Jason gets some. Jason Hoppy knows, the people who own the retired TB racehorse farm that was founded know, other connected people in the racing world know, and probably Bethenny's staff who B believes are her friends know. We will find out. B was pregnant when her father died and he knew it. I am sure there was a Trust set up for Bryn also. I would bet on it. 

5 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

250 bonus points for working "Squeaky" into your post.




Thank you, Helter Skelter is a good way to describe that crazy bitch. Bethenny. No offense to Squeaky. 

If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you. Adumb dated Luann's niece and they broke up it was luck with Nicole that he could get some teevee HW action to promote his career, he got the chance to cook for  Luann getting him on camera at her dinner party in the new house, and then dated Carole. It's hipster Slade Smiley territory, really. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think Luann knows that if Sonja doesn't kowtow to Bethenny on camera then she risks loosing her Apple/job next season. Luann doesn't want to loose her job either so she puts up with Bethenny's nastiness.

As you said, the others refused to film with Brandi in between seasons and not during the season. Brandi threatened Kyle several times during her last season and she slapped LisaV in the face as well, so there were legit reasons to want her gone, at least to me. This freezing Sonja out is only happening because Bethenny got her panties in a bunch over Sonja being the face of TG to earn a few pennies, not because Sonja threatened to physically hurt her or that she slapped her in the face.

Agreed. I'll add that Luann was pushing Sonja to make it up with Bethenny because, not only does she know that Sonja is on the verge of losing her apple but Luann doesn't want to be stuck being the main target of Bethenny's over the top wrath. 

Luann may have secured a victory in terms of being permitted to go on the trip, but she knows it's going to feel anything like a vacation because she's going to continue be targeted by Bethenny and Carole and Sonja won't be around to take some of the heat off of her. 

I think Luann wants Sonja around for next season because if Sonja is kicked off and Bethenny succeeds in getting Sonja fired then she'll be gunning to get Luann sacked next season. 

Ideally, next season they'll bring on somebody will be winning to stand up to Bethenny or won't have B's seal of approval for whatever reason. And no, I don't want it to be Kelly or Jill. Somebody new and confident who will make Bethenny feel insecure and isn't financially dependent on making this opportunity work.

  • Love 9

Thanks BlackMamba for the Omarosa/Bethany clip!  Goodness, I forgot she had a talk show.  I know opinions vary, but I just never found Bethany all that compelling and think there are plenty of other spunky NYC girls out there who would enhance the show and who don't carry a steamer truck full of hostility and negativity in the same way Bethany does.  It is painfully obvious, and Bethany admits it, she behaves like someone who was raised by wolves.  

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Carole is a fucking mirror, she reflects all of B's bad manners and twattery by going along with whatever B suggests - without questioning the etiquette of  her actions. She talked a great post game pile of bullshit by telling B had she called HER what she called Luann,  it would have been 'on'. 

Yeah, I can see Carol going MMA on someone, Idiot....Please.

Someone said it best last night.   Me-Thenny is her trainer 

And of course Carole needs to do this more often with her boring self

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, escatefromny said:

Bethany admits it, she behaves like someone who was raised by wolves.  

That's inaccurate and an insult to wolves. The alpha male and female of the pack are the only ones to breed, and the whole pack devotes themselves to feeding, protecting and raising the alpha pups. The alpha male and female are also monogamous and mate for life.

  • Love 9

After the Bethenny shit fest, they wake up the next morning.

Bethenny: "How did that come out of me? I felt disgusting"

Carole the annoying little follower then goes "so did I". 

Lulu is getting an upgrade, she´s the queen of New York. She drowned them all in class and niceness. It was a lesson in "kill them with kindness 101". I´m giving Dorinda a pass on her passivity, she´s just incredibly scared of the B.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, izabella said:

See?  No one is allowed to call Bethy out on anything.  B is the reason Sonja wasn't invited, and B is the reason this one night was covered on two episodes because B went on her godzilla rampage against Luann, and tried to continue it at Ramona's party, and B is the reason she won't be going on the next trip to Mexico.  But she blames everyone but Bethy.  Just like Dorinda yelled at Ramona but was never mad at Bethy for going hard after John on camera and accusing him of doing coke with Dorinda.

This is so fucked up, and not entertaining.  If the Bully always gets her way and can do anything and no one is allowed to say peep about the Bully, it's neither fun nor interesting.

And Bethenny knows none of the others are going to take her on.  Bethenny must have an apartment up her butt, with Andy in residence, along with Dorinda, Carol, Ramona  and Sonja - and now LuAnn crawling up.

For starters, if anyone was to be "uninvited", it should have been Bethenny.   The same Bethenny who has continually gone after John (that's his name, right?). But who knows, it's probably in their contracts that they have to invite her to everything, because Andy thinks she's such a witty little prize.  Once everything got underway, Dorinda had plenty of chances to attempt to shut Bethenny down, but no.  Maybe that's in their contracts too: "Bethenny shall not be shut down".

She's really messed this show up.  My dislike for her is now so intense, I am afraid if I ever watch a rerun of Scary Island, I'll end up siding with Kelly.  That's bad.

  • Love 16
4 hours ago, BananaRama said:

Bethenny and Ramona insist that Luann is a man-stealer, but I don't recall ever seeing Luann steal a man from someone.  If she has, it hasn't been captured on camera.

I was shocked at Ramona's blog this week, years of animosity are finally coming out about Luann.  What is breaking the dam of silence Luann had from all of them about her?  The Pirate thing?




When Luann asked for an example of how we don't trust her around our men, I gave her one. Luanne had to switch and bait and talk about me in Turks and Caicos conversing with the owner. If he wanted to speak with the other girls, he could have but was completely engaged conversing with me for two hours. A year ago I was speaking to a man at the bar of a restaurant in NYC. He later came to the table and sat next to me conversing with me exclusively for an hour. When I came back from the ladies' room, Luann was snuggled up to him and refused to move. I just climbed over the booth and pushed her away, LOL. Sonja has tons  of stories of how Luann would be with the men Sonja was with...

As far as Luann goes, everyone is open game, whether they are married or not. Luann has kissed married men, and everyone has witnessed this. The most notorious was when she was still married and attended the Rome wedding in Southampton, which was reported byNew York Magazine. She kissed a woman's husband in front of his wife and actually said to the wife,  "Get over it " when the wife asked what Luann was doing. Bethenny had a date at the wedding. We told Luann he was wealthy and next thing you know she was all over him and grabbing his crotch on the dance floor.


I think she's also subtly saying Tom is after publicity?  Or would be, if she had a subtle bone in her body...


Luann knew I was dating Tom as she told me she saw the article in the press. Luann knows I am very private with  the press about who I date. Luann said it was put in by Tom's friend Anna who is in PR. The article was more about what and who Tom is than about me, LOL.


3 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Of all the whacko, rude and unkind things that went on in this episode, the thing that had me most upset was Sonja attempting to pack up a care package for her kid!  So many levels of Sonja Sadness at work here...1) not understanding the difference between a care package made up of all your kid's favorite things and sent with thought & intent vs. just ordering what you want from Amazon Prime 2) not understanding what should comprise a care package.  Used toiletry items, half eaten snack packs and random free samples you picked up in your travels do not mean "I love you.  I miss you.  I wanted you to know I am thinking of you." to a 12 year old girl away at boarding school.3) the embarrassment/pity for Sonja from her interns as she slapped together a box of detritus off her dining room table & wanting to hold back the ramen for herself "in case of emergency" 4) the embarrassment for the poor daughter when she opens that package o'crap in front of her roommate or friends. Just made me so very sad for the daughter, the interns and Sonja (in that order).

That was so sad!  For the first time I wondered if some of what Ramona has been saying is true about Sonja.  The saddest was that her daughter had to ask her mom to send her something because the other girls all got packages from home and she didn't.  It reminded me of that first Harry Potter book when the mail owls came dropping things for all the kids except him.

Then, the hell?  The crap she put in there, and was that a used sexual toy? 

What the hell is wrong with Sonja?

3 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:


Yeah but between the kosher lasagne, kid free night and his downgrade from imminent death to hip replacement, this actually might be the best 24 hours of her life.  Lol.


Every once in a while Sonja makes me root for her to win.  This right here:

Lu:  there's a time and a place to discuss this

Sonja:  yeah, at DORINDA'S HOUSE

Girl, werk!! Lol!!


How do you make "kosher lasagne?"  I guess leave out all meat?  That reminds me, it cracked me up that Dorinda has a jar of Kraft Parmesan Cheese on the counter.  I mean come on now, I know how pricey real parm is, it's my splurge these days, but with all that money?  Kraft???!!

Yeah that was a beautiful come back by Sonja'!  Loved it!   I wish she'd come to the Berkshires too.  I don't know if she's the straw that stirs the drink anymore, but I do think she really adds something to the show. 

Mess with the bull you get the horns though.  No one is buying her poor little "I didn't know" about Tipsy Girl and promoting it on the same show.  Big mistake.  Big.  Huge.  /Pretty Woman.

2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I watched this show and The Americans last night and they both intruded my dreams.  I dreamed of Russians, orphans, and at one point I was walking around with a huge red hair piece in my hand, pretending it hadn't fallen off of my head.  It was so bizarre. 

I try not to talk much about Jules's body, but her obvious unfamiliarity and bumbling around wasn't the only shocking thing in that kitchen.  She twisted and turned as she spoke, and she was alarmingly tiny.  I'm talking more petite than a skeleton hanging in anatomy class.  I'm a nurse, and I honestly don't think I've ever seen a human being that thin.  This isn't hyperbole.

Don't forget the questionable sex toy that Sonja rubbed all around her butt crack before putting it in the package.

Ha!  I immediately switch over to The Americans too, my favorite show on TV hands down.  I didn't get any cool dreams though! 

Yeah, I'm glad she's admitting she has (not had) an eating disorder.  She's using Kosher to cover things up, but that woman still has major issues.  I hope she's getting help.  This week's blog she again talks about stuffing candy into her kids mouths on the reg too.  Is that because she hasn't had a piece of candy without purging in years?  That's just whack, for the kids too. 

OMG, poor Sonja's daughter when she gets that package! 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

I loved the early seasons of The Apprentice franchise! I would highly recommend catching up on the Martha season to anyone interested in catching a different incarnation of ol' B. You can usually find the whole series posted to Youtube. The conflict is practically quaint compared to the ear-splitting, magpie-like screeching of present. Bethenny basically lucks out in getting shuffled onto a triumvirate that runs game but is clearly outmatched by eventual winner Dawna Stone (escatefromnewyork, I don't remember her being a villain but rather blandly hypercompetent). Bethenny almost gets fired in one task and gets read by a panelist who happens to be an old chum of her dad when she can't even get furniture delivered from Crate and Barrel on a project that's basically entirely about . . . furnishing a hotel suite. 

  • Love 4

She's really messed this show up.  My dislike for her is now so intense, I am afraid if I ever watch a rerun of Scary Island, I'll end up siding with Kelly.  That's bad.

That´s too scary for me, I love psychological horror but that´s just beyond! I really hope Bethenny ends up in the gutter....

Hearing Ramona talking about Sonja´s problems like she´s so concerned is also really obnoxious, and seeing the others engaging in it is trying.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I do too.

It's not fair. 

If Bethy really thinks that Sonja is a threat she's even more delusional than I thought.

Not to say Sonja is weak but compared to the other strong personalities in the group she's definitely not like them.   Me-Thenny has found her prey for the season and like a lioness in the African Safari she is ready to stay low to the ground and mull and destroy Sonja any chance she gets.   I feel it now the reunion is going to be brutal Sonja when it comes to Me-Thenny's vocal dictator assaults. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, PreviouslyTV said:

Just when it looks like nothing will top the Berkshires, Sonja ups the rage-fueled ante and introduces the world to the opposite of 'staircase wit.'

View the full article


Special props and thanks to a great recap of a messy episode PTV!  Thanks especially for deciphering the whole texts controversy, I tend to think Sonja was non-stop sending texts to the Berkshires, but honestly, I think my mind was looking forward to The Americans at about that point in the show so I missed some of that fight.  I did love Sonja's dramatic exit though.  She knew that would get her screen time/pay check, but still, felt real to me.

Also great?  The screen caps!  Luann what were you thinking in that get up?

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