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S08.E08: All The Countess's Men

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I read before watching (west coast here) so all I have to ask is : is what happened to Bethany's  face when she was laughing at Luann a side effect of Botox or fillers?  One , it made me realize I don't think I've seen her really laugh.  It was Jack  Nickelson scary. 

When you have a dog that is not trained don't bring it. Leave it in your place to crap all over. I'm a big dog lover but that was insane. 

Mercy.  Do I have my cast members confused who used to have a jewelry line that was religious?  I could have sworn it was Romona and Mario. 

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3 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

If I had as much money, success, and fame as Bethenny and had to be such a nasty, vile, demeaning bitch to my friends, I'd rather be a regular person.

I pity someone with so much unleashed anger and resentment. Nothing could satisfy that woman. I used to be a fan, but I'm officially done with her.

Up until a few hours ago, I was always ok with Bethenny.  Understood why she might not be someone's cuppa, but didn't really "get it".  Ohhhh, I get it now.  I'm done with her too.  Nasty for the sake of being nasty, outright rude, delusional and positive that her opinion is the only one that matters.  Ick.  Just...ick.  I think once you see it, it can't be unseen, so Beth, we are breaking up.

3 hours ago, 100PercentPain said:

"If I hear loud voices I protect my facial and run for the hills." What the hell is Jules talking about? 

My guess is some PTSD reaction to some form of abuse in her past.  With the ED as well, it's a pretty decent guess.

2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Also, what was with that comment Dorinda made to Bethenny about Hannah's "transition" - what transition is she talking about?  

I thought perhaps maybe she was transitioning into one giant eyebrow.  But, you guys tell me she's just moving, so...Meh.  Let's all club together and get her a waxing gift certificate for a house warming gift.  

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My favorite part was Ramona just scooping a $100 of caviar on her plate by itself and than going back for multiple trips! I hate Bethanny but I would go to her party for the self served caviar!

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I love that Dorinda announced she wasn't inviting Sonya to the Bershires, soley for the fact it set Carole up to realize her place. When Carole said, "Well, I don't want to sleep under the same roof as LuAnn," w/out missing a beat, Dorinda says, "Well, that's going to be a problem." Love that extremely blatant display of friendship politics. 

I can't hate Ramona because she seems like just that crazy lady or crazy aunt that we all have. Or I do. Ramona telling her own stories, gobbling down caviar, and even her reenactment of the John hands in face fiasco was so funny. 

I love LuAnn also. I  never understood why people didn't like her. 

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

My goodness was Ramona obnoxious tonight. Her cackling about John and getting kicked out of the party when she was 100% wrong + or - 3%, which only accounts for the style in which John kicked her out. And then...and then...her dog. I was mortified that she both let her dog poop in Dorinda's house and didn't help clean it up. To top it off, she sat in the living room and waited for guests to come greet her. OK Lady Catherine de Bourgh, enough of your nonsense.

After watching Bethenny manipulate all last season to exclude and muscle Heather and Kristen out and deal with enemies (real or imagined), I found this episode to be very satisfying. Mostly because Bethenny revealed that her worst enemy is herself. Her arrogance. Her narcissism. Her smug superiority. People have been genuflecting and kissing the ring all season, but she cannot help but be nasty. Bethenny just Zarined herself. Bravo idiot! Even with production seemingly on her side, she cannot stop being a sour nasty demeaning cow. I look forward to watching Bethenny be oblivious and awful and vociferously defend her terrible choices on Twitter. Ya burnt yaself. Ya burnt yaself good bitch.

Yaas. Yaas. (Truth! )  Excellent ❗

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5 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

My favorite part was Ramona just scooping a $100 of caviar on her plate by itself and than going back for multiple trips! I hate Bethanny but I would go to her party for the self served caviar!

How about Jules licking off what was left on the blini after Ramona finished with it !?!

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Ramona is so jealous of Luann's sex life. She's really mad that Luann's one night stands turn into relationships. So of course she's going to make a big deal of Luann's boyfriend dating her first. Clearly one of them wasn't that interested or he wouldn't have moved on. I hope he's as nice as he seemed at dinner. Even though she can be "countess-y" Luann is sexy, sophisticated and funny all the things Ramona will never be. I mean picture Ramona at a high class dinner party or Guggenheim fundraiser--remember when she met the blind Governor of New York?

Carole and Ramona being jesters for Queen Bethenny was so pathetic.

What Luann should have used for leverage in salary negotiation is 1) she's the only one who can truly stand up to Bethenny 2) Bethenny is incapable of making friends so they can't just keep getting rid of people she doesn't like. Slut shaming the Countess is clearly producer driven since even Sonja is getting in on the act in her talking heads.

Dorinda is going to quit in a spectacular way. She doesn't really like these women and the show isn't really doing her any favors. I don't believe she's fragile; I think she's pissed she can't say exactly what she wants because of the cameras hence all the crying.

The dinner party with Dorinda, Jules and Luann was really nice until stupid John made that tasteless joke. Actually until John made that remark it was the nicest dinner party on this show in a while.

Completely agree with whoever said Bethenny, "Zarined" herself; she's being as big an egomaniac as Jill. 

I want to know who gave the story to the Post--John??

Edited by MaryTylerMoore
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Ramona claimed John did in her blog.  How would she know?  What does it matter to Ramona?  The Post story was very close to what we saw.  I often wonder if it isn't a producer. Same with the Sonja Tipsy Girl.

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I like bushy eyebrows. They are back in style because of this one model... can't remember her name. I'm actually trying to grow mine out after years of waxing. 

If Dorinda wanted to have a nice party she should have NOT invited Bethanny. What was she thinking? Bethanny has major problems with Luann. Also, LuAnn DID say SkinnyGirl first, and bethanny just will not give her any credit, she'd rather have the whole place erupt in flames and watch Dorinda burn on a stake than admit that LuAnn gave her the idea for the name. I mean, it's on TV, it was taped. How can Bethanny deny it? Instead, why don't you just scream, then the ever competitive Ramona is also going to want to scream too, and then you are going to have both Ramona and Bethanny screaming, the other girls running to Dorinda to "tell" and then Dorinda bursting into tears and just sending everyone home because she'd rather not admit that she made a terrible mistake by not inviting Sonja and inviting Ramona and Bethanny instead. 

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24 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Ramona claimed John did in her blog.  How would she know?  What does it matter to Ramona?  The Post story was very close to what we saw.  I often wonder if it isn't a producer. Same with the Sonja Tipsy Girl.

They were also filming and the fight spilled onto the street. It could have been anyone.

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25 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Luann is hanging with Sonja because she's freeloading off her.  Luann can be just as judgmental.  She mocked Sonja last season for her delusional businesses.  She also joked that Sonja didn't leave her home because she was afraid it would be repossessed.  She cackled when she made that comment.   She's a true stealth bitch. 

Sonja and Luann go back and forth. The house rumor was started by Ramona.  Remember the facialist and how ticked Luann was? The pirate one night with Luann the next with Sonja?  Harry Dubin and with Sonja and then leaves with Luann.  Sonja and her trying to make out with Luann? Sonja saying LuAnn's fashions were for the masses not the classes?  It is strange two years ago Luann could do no wrong, then all of a sudden she is the target.  It kind of seems that Andy or someone wanted a storyline that featured the two of them together.  Cheap filming.  One thing about Sonja and Luann when they are talking they talk like girlfriends.  Luann saying mentor was the wrong word, same age companion.  At least Luann gets Sonja home safe.  They are now in a filming position where Sonja and Bethenny won't film together, so without Luann her screen time would be restricted.  

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3 hours ago, ichbin said:

How about Jules licking off what was left on the blini after Ramona finished with it !?!

I was hoping that Ramona would reveal that prior to licking the blini that she had some prosciutto or other pork. I would have given good money to see Jules realizing she needed a mikvah and her lapping at Cookie's water bowl, rather than drinking a glass of water.

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Bethenny *thinks* she's her father, but what she really is....is her mother. Her Dad was a respected, very tough take no prisoners business man who started from nothing. I think she fights and she's a ball  buster because she thinks that's what tough is. Instead she's the relationship-less unstable shrew -seasoned with food issues, alcohol and adderall- she describes that is her mother. 

We did not need to almost see Luann's squirt gun coming down the stairs in the townhouse. Did everyone else get a Lime a Rita commercial right before Luann came down calling for Sonja Rita?

Man I loved that scene furs and lingerie and the hangover gravel voice reading The Post. Sonja dancing because they got their names in the paper. 

Honky dory! Ramona's retell of the story was like a child. So so so far off, only her reality, she did nothing wrong. 

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8 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

So I hate Bethenny again this week. It's a love/hate thing that changes like the wind! 

Why did she serve up the caviar in its tin? That's not why I hated her during this episode, btw! I think she let her mean flag fly too high for my liking.


Same. Bethenny can be a harsh but fair taskmaster and those are the moments I like her. But when she gets into over the top cruel territory it makes me uncomfortable. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I'm not finished watching the show, but I hate people like Dorinda --  I'm not inviting Sonja to protect her.  What a hateful woman.

Beth, what have you done to your eyes?

Ramona, take your shit and your little dog and get off my screen.

i feel very bad for Sonja.  She and LuAnn were also not invited to Beth's holiday party.

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Hodown in the Berkshires!!!!

And it's looking like LuAnn. I think this'll be the high (or low) point of the season. If it's just Bethenny's health scare to come. .I doubt it's in the Big Ang league, probably just a Kim Kardashian elevated blood pressure during pregnancy league scare. Next episode sounds like the apogee.

WHAT was the last of Jules' list of creepy words? It went moist, ointment and then? ? Anyone? 

Ramona jumping to pontificate on Sonja's need for alone time was way too much as her gross animal hunched and clenched all over the hostesses immaculate home. And cherry on the top, she tracks it all over and was she washing her disgusting shoe in a kitchen sink? While Dorinda ran around with a roll of towel and spray and wipe? And Sonja is sent to Coventry? 

There was glee in Bethenny's face as she started on LuAnn. And you can tell starting was all this was. Has LuAnn getting remotely more solid with a place to stay and a regular punch unsettled Bethenny? Soiled exRamona goods though he be and who would want that? It'd take years of therapy before he was any kind of catch. Platonic my arse. Dorinda described him as someone who liked to party, go out and have sex. Yeah, sounds platonic. 

I prefer this to BH also. So over 'my journey' and Kim Richards always hovering in the background and smarmy squealy Kyle. Bring on next week, wish I could see WWHL here! 

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5 hours ago, ichbin said:

Dorinda:  "For me, this is my opportunity to really show who I am."  ... and an immediate cut to the Big Lots-esque Christmas decorations.  Then the camera person following the pooping dog around the house.   The editors clearly enjoy themselves sometimes.

Preview for next week looks like a goody:  "If no one can behave themselves, then you all go home. 'Cause I decorated, I cooked, I made it nice.  I'm  ashamed!"  Please, let this be Dorinda's new tagline next year.  

Thank goodness I'm not the only one wrt the Christmas decor. I thought it looked like the Wal Mart Christmas Dept threw up on her house. Super tacky. 

As for the pooping dog, I assume the drive from NYC to the Berkshires takes hours. So instead of letting the dog do his business when they arrived, stupid Moaner takes him right into the house. Of course the dog needed to poop. He had been in the car for hours. My guess is that the dog poops all over her apartment unless she has someone taking him out regularly. 

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2 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

Thank goodness I'm not the only one wrt the Christmas decor. I thought it looked like the Wal Mart Christmas Dept threw up on her house. Super tacky. 

As for the pooping dog, I assume the drive from NYC to the Berkshires takes hours. So instead of letting the dog do his business when they arrived, stupid Moaner takes him right into the house. Of course the dog needed to poop. He had been in the car for hours. My guess is that the dog poops all over her apartment unless she has someone taking him out regularly. 

On WWHL Dorinda said that not only did Ramona not offer to have the rugs cleaned but that her dog was not responsible for the poop - so glad the eagle-eyed cameraman stayed focused on the pooch and got the scoop!

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Oh, I forgot the caviar. Could you shovel any more in their Ramona? I've known women like her. Wealthy, socially connected types who would've done the same thing: they are utterly shameless about being grabby with freebies. It's tacky and it's classless. It's Ramona. 

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I just thought of something.  Didn't Sonja and Luann start the season a few episodes late because they were holding out for more money?  Maybe Bethenny is thinking, how dare those two think they can make as much money as me!!  Maybe that's why she has it in for them.  She showing them who the real queen is (or who she thinks is queen anyway).  

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Just now, queenjen said:

Oh, I forgot the caviar. Could you shovel any more in their Ramona? I've known women like her. Wealthy, socially connected types who would've done the same thing: they are utterly shameless about being grabby with freebies. It's tacky and it's classless. It's Ramona. 

I agree... Grabby Ramona.

However, again I ask... Why did Bethenny dish the caviar up in the tin? THAT is tacky too! Is it to show off the brand? Is it just being tacky and lazy? Can't be that.. as the tin was precariously sitting in a nice dish. This is the big question of the episode for me! Why the tin? Why???

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
Extra words
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Ugh, there were no winners on this episode. I thought the majority of them were behaving awfully. 

First we have Ramona, rushing into B's apartment, because she cannot WAIT to tell her story about John. And she just has to tell it before Dorinda gets there. But then she conveniently leaves out how Rey was acting, who he was, and just WHY he was kicked out. She acted like John was just being a dick for no reason. 

Then there's Jules, who is basically harmless, but can never seem to form a coherent thought. I'm not trying to be mean, but she has got to be one of the most inarticulate people I've ever come across. She was there, she knew what really happened. I was SO waiting for her to drop some truth bombs and throw Ramona's lying ass under the bus. But it was all hemming and hawing and letting herself be railroaded by Ramona. 

Sonja won't turn on the freaking heat for anyone. So we've got the Countess shuffling around in a fur and old slippers. Jeez, Sonja, how about skipping the placenta facials and paying your gas/electric company!

I think Lu and Tom are cute together, and he seems like a nice guy. But is he really 58? I'm known for being bad at guessing ages, but he does not look that old to me! Do not care that he may have gone on a few dates with Ramona. I get the whole "girl code" thing, but it seems like since her divorce from Mario, Ramona has been trying to date EVERY guy on the UES and then some. So finding a guy she hasn't dated might be hard. 

John was so foul at that dinner with his moist comments. Not only was that tacky as hell, but it literally made no sense in the context of the situation. I could not deal with that guy. 

Bethenny, who I normally like and take up for, was a catty bitch this episode. I do think the idea of LuAnn mentoring Sonja is a bit silly, but so what? They're adults, they're having fun. Let it go. No need to laugh like a condescending ass. 

But the winner of the "no winners" episode was Dorinda, by far. I just think it was horribly unfair of her to not invite Sonja to the Berkshires. She is totally doing it to suck up to Bethenny. FTR, I'm sure if she invited them all, there's a good chance B wouldn't go. And that's her prerogative.And I get that Dorinda might like B more than Sonja and didn't want that to happen. But the proper thing, IMO, would be to invite them both and let the chips fall where they may. 

Her reasoning was just so flawed. Yes, there is tension between those two, but there is also tension between you, your man, and Ramona. And you're inviting her! Carole and B both have tension with Lu, and you invited her! And we can clearly see from the previews (and it wouldn't take a psychic to predict) that shit goes down anyway. Oh wait, you KNEW there'd be drama, but Sonja is too fragile right now to be in the middle of that? You're protecting her? Bullshit. Sonja is a big girl and as much as I agree that she drinks too much and puts herself in vulnerable situations, you have to let her make those kinds of decisions. And I just don't think sloppy drunk Dorinda is in ANY position to make calls on other people's behavior. It was just a bunch of crap, and as much as I really don't even care for Sonja, I felt badly for her. 

Edited by ghoulina
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1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

I'm not finished watching the show, but I hate people like Dorinda --  I'm not inviting Sonja to protect her.  What a hateful woman.

Beth, what have you done to your eyes?

Ramona, take your shit and your little dog and get off my screen.

i feel very bad for Sonja.  She and LuAnn were also not invited to Beth's holiday party.

They weren't invited because they were holding out for for more money on there contracts. Also why we have the FAKE Luann living with Sonja. It's all about the Benjamin's.

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Speaking of etiquette re serving caviar in the tin....

Anyone else catch the Countess dishing up a nugget of etiquette gold during the couples dinner? Can't remember it specifically, but I recall thinking "huh, the Countess and her etiquette lessons are still entrenched in Luanne...she can't help herself!"

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16 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

They weren't invited because they were holding out for for more money on there contracts. Also why we have the FAKE Luann living with Sonja. It's all about the Benjamin's.

By the time Bethenny's Christmas party happened, both Luann and Sonja had signed their contracts. Bethenny was/is trying to freeze out both women IMO. Both Luann and Sonja get paid each time they film, so if they are not invited to an event, they don't film, therefore they don't get paid and Bethenny (who is rumored to be an EP of the NYHW show) is well aware of this. She is hurting them where it counts the most, their paychecks.

Edited by WireWrap
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5 hours ago, bravofan27 said:


I like bushy eyebrows. They are back in style because of this one model... can't remember her name. I'm actually trying to grow mine out after years of waxing. 


They are in style and they can look very nice, if done right. I don't see that with Hannah. Hers look too untamed, but mostly too dark. They just seem overly done and way too artificial. Very distracting. 


5 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Luann is hanging with Sonja because she's freeloading off her.  Luann can be just as judgmental.  She mocked Sonja last season for her delusional businesses.  She also joked that Sonja didn't leave her home because she was afraid it would be repossessed.  She cackled when she made that comment.   She's a true stealth bitch. 

Exactly. Lu is working with what she's got. If she were in a better position with the other women, in a better position financially, she would be just as disdainful of Sonja as the others. 


2 hours ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

So I hate Bethenny again this week. It's a love/hate thing that changes like the wind! 

I'm right there with you. That's why I think this franchise is my favorite. One minute I really like someone, next week I don't For the most part, I get Bethenny, but she is a real person with flaws and sometimes her behavior is just atrocious. 


56 minutes ago, queenjen said:


Oh, I forgot the caviar. Could you shovel any more in their Ramona? I've known women like her. Wealthy, socially connected types who would've done the same thing: they are utterly shameless about being grabby with freebies. It's tacky and it's classless. It's Ramona.


Even though it wasn't in this case, I really wanted to yell at her - "That caviar is a garnish!" You've Got Mail, anyone? 

My memory is foggy, but wasn't there an issue with her and caviar before? 

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1 hour ago, queenjen said:

WHAT was the last of Jules' list of creepy words? It went moist, ointment and then? ? Anyone? 



I fall firmly in the group that loves this season.  I'd much rather an in your face style cattiness than nice to your face and griping in the talking heads.  Give me realness warts and all.  Every single one of these ladies is providing entertainment value for me.  Some provide it through bad behavior, some through good, but I am laughing way more at/with RHoNY than I did with RHoBH.

Sane and sober Dorinda (my preferred version) said something that I adored.  Paraphrasing her, but it was something to the effect of living by the rules that she dies by.  That is my philosophy and part of my problem with many other housewives. Hypocrisy is one of my biggest pet peeves, and even if she gets sloppy drunk sometimes or disinvites Sonja to a weekend, I will admire her for maintaining the same standards that she sets for those around her.

Edited by JenFromCincy
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While I agree that Dorinda's main motivation for not inviting Sonja was to stay on Bethenny's good side, (or Bethenny's behind the scenes refusal to film with Sonja) I though she had a point about how unpleasant it would have been for Sonja if Bethenny went in on her at the dinner party. Dorinda genuinely seems to hate that kind of thing, so I give her some credit there.

Sonja's incredulity about Ramona saying Sonja was embarassing -- Sonja points out that she's been hearing the very same thing about Ramona for 25 years, but she'd never say that to her because it would hurt her feelings. Instead she says it on national tv.  I found that rather Rinna-esque.

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5 minutes ago, Jel said:

While I agree that Dorinda's main motivation for not inviting Sonja was to stay on Bethenny's good side, (or Bethenny's behind the scenes refusal to film with Sonja) I though she had a point about how unpleasant it would have been for Sonja if Bethenny went in on her at the dinner party. Dorinda genuinely seems to hate that kind of thing, so I give her some credit there.

I still think it's Sonja's decision to make. She knows how B is. She was in her office. She could choose to go or not, if she didn't think she could handle. But it would have been nice to have that option. It seems like B is going to totally launch into it with LuAnn, so it's not like Dorinda is saving her party from any drama. 

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14 minutes ago, SistaLadybug said:

Bethenny is a steamrolling shrew.  Ramona is a delusional mess who intentionally makes everyone around uncomfortable.  Sonja is a drunken fraud (and yes, she would hurt a fly to the tune of millions of dollars).  Luann is a truck stop floozy in a Countess' furs.  Dorinda is a lonely, grieving widow who's trying to soothe it with a greasy dick.  Jules is a Jewish Asian dingbat with a still raging eating disorder.  Carole is lazy hippie with an age complex.  They are a collective flaming hot mess.

The three I have bold-ed are the ones that really tick me off, the others to me are harmless.  Sonja's act is, "what, who meee?"  she's all smoke an mirrors.  The others...

I mean what is a "floozy?" a woman who enjoys sex?  What's the matter with that, LuAnn's single, so what?  I think Jules is pretty smart, she's a lot smarter than some women I know who have babies with men who can't even afford to take them to Wendy's.  Carole isn't that lazy, but she does have an age complex, however this is a society that tells women they can't age, while men are told they look "distinguished"

Edited by Neurochick
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7 hours ago, athousandclowns said:


When you have a dog that is not trained don't bring it. Leave it in your place to crap all over. I'm a big dog lover but that was insane. 


Does anyone know what breed Ramona's dog is?  

My son's ex-girlfriend had a little shih tzu, and whenever they would bring him here, or I would watch him, he would poop on my carpet.  Every single time!!  This dog was well trained at home, and they would walk him before bringing him into my home, but that didn't matter.  Within three/four hours, I would find a "present" somewhere on a carpet - ALWAYS on a carpet - never on the hardwood floors!!

I'm not excusing Ramona and her dog, but I wonder if some dogs just get nervous about change in surroundings?  Or, maybe some dogs are trained to bark at the door when they need to go out, and they can't figure out where the door is in a home different than those they're used to? 

7 hours ago, ichbin said:

How about Jules licking off what was left on the blini after Ramona finished with it !?!

Yes - that was gross - and scary, considering that Jules probably figured that little tiny bit of caviar was her dinner for the day.

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7 hours ago, ichbin said:

How about Jules licking off what was left on the blini after Ramona finished with it !?!

Is caviar kosher? Honest question -- I know shellfish isn't, but I'm not familiar with all the rules. 

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I'm dying to hear what it was that Luann was saying to everyone that Bethenny referenced in the previews.  So I see the ratings are up and they are going to be up next week cuz I want to hear this.  I am gobsmacked that Luann continues her 'I came up with Skinny Girl' in the face of actual clips that show all she did is say 'I'll have that too'.  But then they all know how to work social media rumors.  Andy has sat in his chair and swore that B is not a producer and if she was it would be required in the credits.  But that one is still out there.

The whole Lu and Son being at this event and not that is confusing.  I get they are appearance paid only but I'm used to them being at everything.  So when they are not there, is it producer driven, is it pre contract, is it mean girl.  Sheesh, this isn't working.  But they need those warm bodies.  Four housewives get old real fast.

The tweeting last night was interesting as well.  B noted that the term 'dry cleaning magnate' gives the source of the Post article.  She said the one person spoken well about is always the source.  Although it was cute how excited Sonja was that she got her name in the press.  I also plan on this being my Halloween costume.  I'm going to bring a bagel, toasted with garden veg cream cheese as well.  I figure it will cost me $20 at Goodwill for the whole outfit.

And speaking of Sonja's house.  The view of the back garden shows the top two floors are higher than the parking garage.  I wonder if there is a view?  I for one might buy that place (if I was living in NY with money) because I could get the square footage at a discount due to the parking garage.

I love Dorinda in the talking heads.  Good clothing choice, good make up, really top drawer.

Anyone else think that caviar girl dressed like that because she KNEW RHNY was filming?  That she was hoping for an invite to Andy's clubhouse? 

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12 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Does anyone know what breed Ramona's dog is?  

My son's ex-girlfriend had a little shih tzu, and whenever they would bring him here, or I would watch him, he would poop on my carpet.  Every single time!!  This dog was well trained at home, and they would walk him before bringing him into my home, but that didn't matter.  Within three/four hours, I would find a "present" somewhere on a carpet - ALWAYS on a carpet - never on the hardwood floors!!

I'm not excusing Ramona and her dog, but I wonder if some dogs just get nervous about change in surroundings?  Or, maybe some dogs are trained to bark at the door when they need to go out, and they can't figure out where the door is in a home different than those they're used to? 

Yes - that was gross - and scary, considering that Jules probably figured that little tiny bit of caviar was her dinner for the day.

It's possible the change in surroundings is to blame, but Ramona should know this. For whatever reason, she seems to be bringing the dog around this season. She brought it to Beth's deal as well. I don't remember her doing this in past seasons.  For me, it's not so much the poor dog's lack of training or whatever, it is Ramona's reaction to it. I would be mortified. Instead, according to Dorinda, she denied that her dog was the one pooping around the house. 

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1 hour ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

I agree... Grabby Ramona.

However, again I ask... Why did Bethenny dish the caviar up in the tin? THAT is tacky too! Is it to show off the brand? Is it just being tacky and lazy? Can't be that.. as the tin was precariously sitting in a nice dish. This is the big question of the episode for me! Why the tin? Why???

I thought this, too, but for me, the big question was "why the need for the Elsa caviar girl", if the women were going to serve themselves out of the tin?  I thought the caviar girl would be circulating among the guests with the caviar and toast points/blinis, and other else accompanies caviar.  

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58 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

By the time Bethenny's Christmas party happened, both Luann and Sonja had signed their contracts. Bethenny was/is trying to freeze out both women IMO. Both Luann and Sonja get paid each time they film, so if they are not invited to an event, they don't film, therefore they don't get paid and Bethenny (who is rumored to be an EP of the NYHW show) is well aware of this. She is hurting them where it counts the most, their paychecks.

I believe if they are getting paid other than a season paycheck, they get paid per day of filming.  So even if Bethenny does not invite them, they get paid for their dinner, their times together at Sonja's.  Bethenny is not an Executive Producer.  It doesn't matter though has she has certainly been handed the reins.  So I don't think their paychecks suffer.  NY needed Sonja and LuAnn for the season as the rest of the cast would have been a snore.  They tried wiping out most of the cast and ratings suffered.  Last time Luann held out and had broken up with her boyfriend, she came back and carried the season.  I don't think either of them would settle for a pay for play contract.  It sounds like BS Ramona feeds the press these rumors.

1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

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10 hours ago, snarts said:

Pissed me off to see Dorinda kowtow to Bethany

I don't know that Dorinda completely kowtowed to Bethenny.  I do believe that Dorinda knew that raging idiot Bethenny would have jumped all over Sonja, creating even more shrieking and accusations and Heaven knows all what else.  Dorinda also recognizes that Sonja is, indeed, fragile emotionally and, whether Bethenny wants to believe it or not doesn't make it false, Sonja is trying to recover from a financial disaster.  Bethenny could've been the hero here, but that's a whole other response.  I think Dorinda was trying to minimize the hostility and protect Sonja to some degree from the F5 tornado that is Bethenny.

I mean, look at the attack Bethenny did without Sonja here.  The girl thinks her story line is fighting with everyone.  Were it I, I would be avoiding this girl like bubonic plague, I don't care what Andy pays me.

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10 hours ago, coops said:

Bethenny is just kind of mean. A cacklingg witch. It really comes to something when you come off looking worse that LuAnn. When Bethenny was sniggering at LuAnn at dinner that would have been the one and only time I would have loved to see the countess to burst into song, singing 'money can't buy you class' over the table at Bethenny.

Seeing as it seems there is plenty of drama still to come maybe, just maybe, Dorinda should have isolated Bethenny from the rest of the girls, not Sonja. Because clearly Bethenny will always find someone to pick on.

I will take your "kind of" and raise it to "over the top, relentlessly, and unnecessarily." She managed to come off worse than Ramona in this episode.  And that, my friends, is a tough task indeed.  I'm far from a Countess apologist, but the way she went in on Lu at the Berkshires house was almost scary.  She's a cold, hard, stealth dead-inside bitch.

8 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Remember Bitchenny you didn't create Skinnygirl!  Proof.

I'm STILL confused by this.  I thought I heard Beth say "I call it a Skinny Girl's margarita" first? 

8 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I read before watching (west coast here) so all I have to ask is : is what happened to Bethany's  face when she was laughing at Luann a side effect of Botox or fillers?  One , it made me realize I don't think I've seen her really laugh.  It was Jack  Nickelson scary. 

When you have a dog that is not trained don't bring it. Leave it in your place to crap all over. I'm a big dog lover but that was insane. 

Mercy.  Do I have my cast members confused who used to have a jewelry line that was religious?  I could have sworn it was Romona and Mario. 

Nope you are correct - it was Ramona and Mario who had the "True Faith" tacky jewelry line.

7 hours ago, bravofan27 said:



WHAT was the last of Jules' list of creepy words? It went moist, ointment and then? ? Anyone? 

I don't remember, but I honestly think "schmear" should be at the top of that list, yet Jules and everybody else seems to love saying it. Ugh. *fullbodyshudder*

(sorry for the weird formatting - I know the quote above is NOT from BravoFan27, but I can't get it un-quoted!)

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