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S32.E13: With Me Or Not With Me

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1 minute ago, candall said:

Not reading anything because I just started watching the show, but if Jason had voted for Michelle last week--as the pre-credit scene shows Tai advising him to do--there would have been a 3-3 tie, Jason and Michelle.

I understand he was all bitter kitten about Tai, but he blew the vote that MIGHT have saved him by wasting it on Joe.

Ha. idiot.

Nope it would have been 4-3 and Jason still would have went home.

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16 minutes ago, mojoween said:

When they came back from one of the commercial breaks and Tai was holding Mark and the music was all ominous and shit I thought Mark was going to be the next medivac.  I was very nervous.

Cydney is so irritating.  "Oh noes Tai and Aubrey are having a chummy conversation and that pisses me off so now I'm going to go have a chummy conversation with Michelle and the situation is TOTALLY DIFFERENT."

I'm 30 years younger than Joe with the wrong plumbing so I really don't know, but can a man of a certain age know for sure that the prostate has gone wrong?  He was saying it like he was confident that was part of the problem, not that he was speculating.

If Joe has an enlarged prostate, he would be very familiar with the symptoms.   There's a strong urge to void, yet you have to strain to go and it starts and stops.  He also knows his sunken belly is somewhat distended.   It was interesting that Joe knew exactly what was going on and the doctor only confirmed it.  

I did find it interesting that basic IV fluids is an unfair advantage, yet Joe was given medications to treat his issues.  I wish we knew where the lines are drawn.  

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Oh my lord that was the most yammering I think I have ever seen on SURVIVOR since the early seasons where the focus was more on interpersonal interactions. The Tai night vision segment before the credits went on FOREVER. Then the Tai/Michelle back at camp alone segment was lenghty (but was interesting....until it was all undone by Aubrey whispering sweet nothiings to Tai and he caves into a fit of tears) and lastly Probst droning on and on when clearly Joe probably just wanted to get the F out of there being in intense pain.

What a humilating way to go just before the finish line with your bodily functions fodder for a national TV audience....worse yet after he left there was an expression of INSANE GLEE  on Jeff's face when he got to say this season had the most evacs ever,

LOL at Tai never actually getting the fun moment getting to play the Immunity Idol when asked.

Best shot of the night was when Joe was being examined by Probst and the Doctor and Aubrey closes her eyes and you just have to know she was thinking...."There goes my goat!"

Sitting at home Cyndey must have been unsettled to see the forces arraying against her...were it no for Mr Joe (as she calls him...like her respect) it looks to me like it would have been curtains. Which unfotunatly for my girls makes her surviving to the final tribal council next week even more unlikely.

One last thing CBS...I saw you Advertisment about the chance "at last" to buy some past seasons of SURVIVOR on DVD...I am quite content to go the rest of my life never seeing Cochran again. Thanks...but no thanks.

Edited by North of Eden
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Wow. Seeing Joe win RC was like watching Bartolo Colon hit his first home run weeks away from turning 43. And seeing Joe burn out was like if Bartolo had gone into the dugout afterward, gorged himself on meat, then finding himself unable to pitch, landing on the disabled list.

This has been a weird season. There's no obvious sacrificial goat to take to the final day. Nobody got to use their immunity idol. And we're on Day 34? 35? Which begs the question: will we get up to 39, or do the producers shorten the season in order to prevent "off days" with no competition or voting drama?

On the bright side . . . no Tribal Council means no Jason sitting on the jury. He probably got a "FUCK YOU TIE" tattoo after his ouster.

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1 hour ago, ChicksDigScars said:

I Tweeted that Peachy needs a headsmack for his "So, Joe. How does it feel to be so close, but lose it all because you're old as fuck?" I hope he reads everything hash tagged #survivor.

I don't know, Jeff, but I'll bet that it's similar to a swift kick in the nuts...can we find out right now? Hold still....


Oh, you got me with a swift kick to my funny bone.  I laughed 'til a tear rolled out!

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1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Tai will win if he makes the final.  I think a lot of his behavior comes from his experience as a Vietnamese boat refugee as a teenager.  He has learned how to survive under terrible real conditions and understands that trust is very fragile.

I get what your saying, Tai has actually survived in real life and not on a reality show, but the beginning of the episode was uncomfortable for me to watch. Aubry and Joe did break his trust and vote for Jason, but I don't think that was where he should have brought it up. Michelle was right there! And instead of reassuring her or just keeping quiet about what happened he was talking about how it effected him that this person who is still here, right there, didn't get voted out. I felt bad for Michelle as she's trying to explain why her feelings are hurt and that he was asking everyone to betray her.

When he talked to Aubry and Joe separately at the fire, I was fine because he deserved an explanation from them if they told him something and did something else.  I was fine if he decided to turn on Aubry because she broke his trust. And also fine with the fact that he went back with Aubry after they had a talk and he re-gained trust in her.  

It was just the first part that really bothered me.

Maybe I feel this way because I like Michelle better than Tai.


Also have huge respect for Tai for surviving what he did, can only imagine what he went through.

Edited by dkb
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1 hour ago, riverheightsnancy said:

**Unpopular Opinion Alert** I think that Tai has played a very good game and I think that he can make a case to the jury of that. Sure, he emotionally flip-flopped (yeah, I didn't like the putting out the fire either-but if that is his only discretion, I can live with it), but I have also seen a lot of other people switch alliances when it suits their personal game and goals. Yet, it seems like Tai gets called out for it more than everyone. Generally speaking, if we have a straight Pagonging with one alliance of 4 from the beginning that dominates, the threads are full of people screaming about how no one shakes it up and takes a risk to change that dynamic. Yet, when Tai does exactly that, people (no one in particular) really hate him for it. It can't be both ways. Staid and boring, or being unpredictable. I think that if Aubry makes it to the end, she may have a hard time convincing everyone of the jury that SHE was the mastermind. Yet, Tai is out there and everyone would acknowledge that he was all over the place, but he played the game and was obvious about it. He found an idol and played hard and did well in challenges. If he gets to tribal and owns his game and apologizes to anyone that eh hurt, he could win. I think that the penis patrol will be more willing to vote for a male than female, just cause of the penis factor. So, even if Scott and Kyle are angry with him, they will feel ok about it, if he flatters them with the standard, "I had to vote you out, you were too strong. And I am sorry".  I think that Tai has been getting a winner's edit, but that is just me. MMV

Whatever he's done, Tai seems to be a sweet and likable person.  He got caught up with the beastie boys for a few eps, he got on a little power trip for one -- in the end, big deal!  As he said tonight, and does seem to understand, "It's a game."  I agree with you that he totally could make a case to the jury for a win, and because I think they all fundamentally like him, it could go well for him.  Or he could run his mouth and totally blow it!  IMO he's a real wild card to take to the jury because no one can predict how they will take him.

1 hour ago, ChicksDigScars said:

I Tweeted that Peachy needs a headsmack for his "So, Joe. How does it feel to be so close, but lose it all because you're old as fuck?" I hope he reads everything hash tagged #survivor.

I don't know, Jeff, but I'll bet that it's similar to a swift kick in the nuts...can we find out right now? Hold still....

I agree that the producers should be more vigilant about what they're offering these people as reward this far into the game. They're starving. They see food and start shoving it in. No good can come if they gorge themselves, and they probably don't realize that this much protein is BAD for you at this point. God knows that most of them are very uncomfortable after any reward, but perhaps limit the food offered on Day 35? 

And Cyd...YEAH. If you knew Joe was going to make himself sick, why didn't you say anything? He's 72 years old!  I'm sure your winnings will assuage any guilt you must be feeling.

If an adult non-meat eater decides to gorge himself on steak in the last week of the game -is it anyone's problem besides his own? I'm sure if I were in Cydney's shoes I would have been eye-rolling and keeping my trap shut as she did.  And I don't think it's production's fault either, or rewards would be nothing but more mangoes and a few fresh fish bits, with a side of rice.  I'll bet there's lots of "number twos" (as my little nephew calls them) going on out there after they get pizza, wings, burgers or anything else.  The fact that they affected a 72yo with prostate problems differently than most is just one of those things called bad luck.

1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe Cydney DID say something to Joe, but we weren't shown it?
Maybe Cydney said something to Joe, and he reacted badly?
Maybe Cydney has tried giving advice to Joe before, and he didn't react well to it?
Maybe Cydney saw how happy Joe was about the meat -- he insisted to Jeff that he had to try it because it was steak? -- and didn't want to tell a 72 year bossy guy what to do?

I don't think these are crazy ideas.

Or that :)

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I am starting to understand why this season was postponed. It's not very entertaining and most of the players are forgettable. Visiting family members has always been a highlight.  I wonder why that segment was eliminated.  Hopefully, next season will be better. 

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Maybe Cydney DID say something to Joe, but we weren't shown it?
Maybe Cydney said something to Joe, and he reacted badly?
Maybe Cydney has tried giving advice to Joe before, and he didn't react well to it?
Maybe Cydney saw how happy Joe was about the meat -- he insisted to Jeff that he had to try it because it was steak? -- and didn't want to tell a 72 year bossy guy what to do?

I don't think these are crazy ideas.


21 minutes ago, princelina said:

If an adult non-meat eater decides to gorge himself on steak in the last week of the game -is it anyone's problem besides his own? I'm sure if I were in Cydney's shoes I would have been eye-rolling and keeping my trap shut as she did.  And I don't think it's production's fault either, or rewards would be nothing but more mangoes and a few fresh fish bits, with a side of rice.  I'll bet there's lots of "number twos" (as my little nephew calls them) going on out there after they get pizza, wings, burgers or anything else.  The fact that they affected a 72yo with prostate problems differently than most is just one of those things called bad luck.


Exactly. I'm not sure how this suddenly became Cydney's fault. She said she knew from personal experience that much meat would be a bad thing - i.e., he would have some intestinal issues for a bit, not that it would kick start prostate issues and put him out of the game. JOE should have known that much meat wouldn't be good for him. He probably did, he likely thought he'd just be uncomfortable for a while but it was worth it at the time. C'mon. Year after year people watch people drink and gorge, nobody says "hey man, you might not want to do that." They're all starving! Nobody is giving a damn, it's let hungry people eat what the hell they want to. 

Why isn't it Aubrey's fault for not advising him not to doit? He's her sidekick and she's the Brain. Cydney's just the Brawn.

On another note, I too dig her respectful ways with Miss Debbie and Mr. Joe. 

I was sitting here screaming, Let that man GO! Eff all that yammer, can't you see he doesn't give a damn about a game, all he wants is a jump start, a bathroom, and a plunger?

I'm not finding this season boring at all, I find myself incredibly into it, like watch live each week instead of 2-3 days later. It's unpredictable (for the first time in years) in the best way, and I like it!

Oh well Aubrey, too bad. There goes your  puppet. No disrespect meant, Mr. Joe. 

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Seriously, it's no one's fault but Joe's that he made himself sick on beef. 2 other people were on that reward and somehow managed to exercise common sense, despite having half the life experience as the "get off my lawn!" cranky pants.

I hope this doesn't screw Aubry's game. She's the only one I want to see win. She didn't need that advantage Tai won -and ultimately blew- as she's had an extra vote all season long in the form of Joe.

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For the first time instead of a goat they will bring a chicken to FTC. BTW Mark needs his own thread.

Loved that toughing eulogy Probst gave Joe as he was sitting there with "three feet" of meat backed up in his bowels. Let 'im go Jeff!!

But yeah another crap episode. *winks*

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Without all of the medevacs, this is a perfect season for me.  

Actually scratch that, take out Scot and Jason's bullying too.  How soon I forget trauma when it's over.  

I really didn't need to see Joe attempting to make it in the lake.  I felt really embarrassed for Joe, and sad for my eyes.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Two of the most miserable nights of my life each came about a week after my c-sections. I had been on non-solid foods for a few days. Felt ready, ate a solid meal that involved some meats, and then less than 24 hours later…well, let's just say I'm fairly familiar with how Joe was feeling (if I ever have major surgery again, I now know to stick with LOTS of fiber until my body is up and running). I *always* think of that whenever there is a food challenge and people who have not eaten for days gorge themselves on meat, chocolate, etc. It makes me uncomfortable just watching them eating, knowing what's possibly in store for at least a few of them. I feel bad for Joe, though, that THAT is the reason he was evacuated from the game. As miserable as I was those two nights, at least it wasn't playing out on national tv. And if I'd had Jeff Probst sitting there yakking at me, I may have gone just a little bit crazy. I'm impressed that Joe didn't stand up and tell him to STFU.

I'm back and forth on Tai, but overall, I think he deserves to be in that final four as much as anyone else. Can't accuse the guy of NOT playing the game.

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4 hours ago, Daisy said:


Wait. Joe doesn't eat meat - and he ate all that meat? 
(sigh). Cydney, why didn't you speak up?

Joe is 72 years old, and Cydney isn't his nursemaid. If he's dumb enough to scarf down all that beef, that's kind of his problem. Besides, he has been bossing people around all season, and Cydney made it clear that she doesn't like to be treated like that. Why would she treat him in a way she doesn't like to be treated? 

Anyway, I'm sorry Joe was in pain, but I am glad Aubry didn't get to take two goats to the end. It wasn't even a case of taking people who were goats because their game pissed people off, which I can at least understand and enjoy watching. It was taking goats who would have no case because they didn't play. She admitted as much. 

Tai's whining and treatment of Michele was so gross. She was part of the alliance while he was putting out fires, hiding tools and acting like an asshole at TC with his badly tattooed buddies. Then, the crying over it. I can only imagine what the reaction would be if an older woman stabbed people in the back, acted like an asshole when she had power, then cried about the game. Y'know, like Dawn. 

It was pretty telling that he admitted being the one who had refused to give her a chance on the Beauty tribe. He was too busy being creepy with Caleb, I guess. No wonder he didn't have a tight alliance with the rest of the tribe after Caleb left. 

Anyway, nothing happened here that made me stop pulling for Cydney and Michele. If one of the two can take this, it will have been a good season. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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If I were Joe, I would not have been so kind to Jeff.  "How does it feel, after thirty. Six. Days. to go out like this?"  "Well, I have a cement truck in my colon and enough piss in my bladder to relieve California's drought.  Fuck off, Peachy."

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Cyd knew enough to say something to the cameras behind Joe's back. She admitted it herself tonight, saying, "I'm just going to agree with what the rest of you say and not make trouble and I won't be on anyone's radar." Was this part of that? Even if Joe blew her off, she could have said, "Hey, Mr. Joe, all that protein is not going to be good for you," and if Joe didn't listen, that's on him. But, she said nothing until the camera was on her and Joe was off squatting. That's a bit cold.  It should be obvious, even to them, that when it comes to nutrition, working out, and taking care of your body, Cydney just might know what she's talking about. They might actually listen to her.

There have been many times that I've thought that the show was way too careless in the name of good television. Eating rats in season one was something I never need to see again. Elisabeth holding hand fulls of her own hair, because they were literally starving to death in Australia. Perhaps that is why there are so many food rewards, now. No one needs to see rat stew and actual starvation in a game. But, perhaps by Day 35, hand them each a plate, instead of a trough? That's all I'm saying. Even the food auctions are for a plate of food, not an all-you-can eat buffet.  The man ate THREE FEET of beef skewers? 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I'm a big Cydney fan but definitely seems she made a strategic choice in not saying anything to Joe. Remember Cyd's words being played as she was side-eying Joe chowing down:
"Mr. Joe was loading up on beef and beef and beef and it was bad. I knew from MY personal experience that Mr. Joe wasn't going to be in a good place later on."

It would have been easy to say 'hey Joe, from my experience you'll be in pain tomorrow if you eat too much of that after how we've been eating out here' - I'm certain he'd have reacted to that and noshed something else instead. Feels a bit dirty.

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Bad episode.  When I watch Survivor, I want to see challenges, alliance, and immunity.  I want people backstabbing and blindsiding at Tribal Council.  
I do NOT want to hear about prostates, constipation, and urinary issues.  There was 15 to 20 minutes worth of discussion on JOe's medical issues, then shots of Joe going into the water to try to poop.   What the hell show is this?  

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I find Michelle easy to watch, but hard to listen to. She's a beautiful woman, who more than holds her own in this tricky-ass game but, DAMN!, that nasally voice is killing me. 

I go back and forth on Cydney, just when I think she's playing too emotionally, her instincts are usually right. I mean, it was true that Aubrey had pulled Tai back in. She wasn't wrong to think she might be targeted. Plus, I dig her respect for the older players in the game. 

I didn't like Aubrey at first, but now she's my favorite. I do hope she wins, but I'd be ok with either of the other two ladies. 

I'm over Tai, but he'll always have a special place in my heart for breaking up those two douchebags from brawn. 

Cydney owed Joe nothing, IMO. She'd actually been putting up with his being bossy for some time. It kinda surprised me how emotional she was over his departure. 

Edited by Rowan
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32 minutes ago, ChicksDigScars said:

Cyd knew enough to say something to the cameras behind Joe's back. She admitted it herself tonight, saying, "I'm just going to agree with what the rest of you say and not make trouble and I won't be on anyone's radar." Was this part of that? Even if Joe blew her off, she could have said, "Hey, Mr. Joe, all that protein is not going to be good for you," and if Joe didn't listen, that's on him. But, she said nothing until the camera was on her and Joe was off squatting. That's a bit cold.  It should be obvious, even to them, that when it comes to nutrition, working out, and taking care of your body, Cydney just might know what she's talking about. They might actually listen to her.

There have been many times that I've thought that the show was way too careless in the name of good television. Eating rats in season one was something I never need to see again. Elisabeth holding hand fulls of her own hair, because they were literally starving to death in Australia. Perhaps that is why there are so many food rewards, now. No one needs to see rat stew and actual starvation in a game. But, perhaps by Day 35, hand them each a plate, instead of a trough? That's all I'm saying. Even the food auctions are for a plate of food, not an all-you-can eat buffet.  The man ate THREE FEET of been skewers? 

Three people were there eating. Two were smart enough not to do that to themselves. If the show needs to hold the hands of people to the extent of telling them what and how much to eat, it might be time to pack it in.

Cydney was also clearly talking about the game when she made her comment about keeping her mouth shut. Even if she hadn't been, if he doesn't have any more sense than that, it's really no one else's responsibility to play mommy for him. I mean, I know he couldn't figure out how to vote without Aubry telling him, but he should at least be able to figure out how to eat. 

On a side note, considering how shitty he was to Liz when she argued for fire to get clean drinking water, I have serious doubts he would have listened to anyone, anyway. 

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It's a game.  He ate a lot of beef and made himself sick on it, even though he's not a meat-eater.  I'm honestly surprised people think it was Cydney's responsibility to stop all of this just because she made a statement to the camera about it.  Joe cared about keeping the fire going and little else in this game, including the well-being of his own intestines.  He was one-track-mind the whole way.  Remember guys, he's in his 70s.  I'm extremely careful about what I eat and I'm landlocked.  You learn your lessons.  You should see how cautious I am when I eat outside of my own country!  I've gotten food poisoning in all the area codes... 

For example, I'm extremely lactose intolerant.  Imagine I win an ice cream challenge and start gorging on the stuff.  I don't think I'd blame my competitors for not tying my hands behind my back....

I'm no doctor - could the meat have killed him or seriously damaged him?   (Could natural laxatives have helped him?)

Oh my god I just realized, it's the Dr. Peter / Dehydration debate all over again!  Except this time, it's Beef Dr. Cydney!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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6 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's a game.  He ate a lot of beef and made himself sick on it, even though he's not a meat-eater.  I'm honestly surprised people think it was Cydney's responsibility to stop all of this just because she made a statement to the camera about it, but I'll try to let it go. 

I don't think it was a 'responsibility' of hers, so much as a human thing to do. It's not like she just was noticing it, but that she specifically said from her personal experience that she knew he'd be messed up the next day. So, that's kinda cold to not say anything.

Where I'm torn is this: it was a good strategic decision to make, and this is a game. If this was Bench or ShitForTats, then I'd understand it better - they'd intended for the others to suffer physically (no fire, no food) and maybe deserved some physical punishment. But Joe was never cruel, just a bit crotchety. I'd have felt better if she'd said something, that's all.

Edited by Cynna
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Oh gawd, enough of the Tai Show already.

Enough of his asshole crying, his asshole whimpering, his asshole brokenheartedness, his asshole "I don't understand why she [fill in the blank]," his asshole need for a Survivor soulmate, and his asshole delusion that he's a nice guy.

This was a terrible episode.  No immunity challenge, no tribal council.   And too much talk about constipation and enlarged prostates.   It was like an infomercial on daytime TV.

I'd be fine with either Cydney or Aubrey winning.

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1 minute ago, millennium said:

  And too much talk about constipation and enlarged prostates.   It was like an infomercial on daytime TV.

I just realized Joe's second career: TV spokesperson for colon-blow pills.  ;P

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3 hours ago, Eolivet said:

From the producers of Caleb's original medavac: Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty vs. Beastly heat/boneheaded challenge planning...

and Neal's epic sequel, Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty vs. Bacteria (tm Fischbach)...

comes the final chapter in the medavac trilogy...

Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty vs...Bowels.

39 days. Three medavacs. One happy-not-to-be-sued...Survivor.

I literally have tears in my eyes!! I can just hear Jeff shouting this script from the top of a mountain as a medevac helicopter segues into the opening credits. Crying!!

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[KimberStormer dreams a few thoughts after being put to sleep by the boringest of episodes]

Have we ever had an episode without an immunity challenge before?

I hope this puts paid the bizarre conviction that the evil Beauty Girls deliberately and maliciously excluded Tai with such intense force of irrational dislike that they were bound and committed to vote him out as soon as humanly possible, to the destruction of their own game if needs be.  Tai didn't like Michele (and presumably the other two gals) for no reason whatsoever but 'chemistry', by his own admission.  I found it almost unbelievable that he was playing the victim with Michele, even while the others were on reward, saying "oh I'm still hurt by what you said though" etc.  But I feel for the guy; he is flailing but he's trying very hard and is obviously getting towards the end of his tether, bursting into tears so suddenly.  Less than a week, Tai!

To me Jeff's pontificating, while hilariously tone-deaf and poorly timed, was not all that bad from a moral standpoint, because Joe's condition didn't seem to be that serious or time-sensitive.  Frankly it seemed to me like Joe quit more than was pulled from the game.  He didn't seem upset or even to care and he moseyed unhurriedly into the evacuation boat or whatever it was.  So he has to sit through a big Probst Paean about how inspiring and incredible he is, cry me a river.  I feel sorry for his discomfort but only in the way I feel sorry for anyone who's constipated, which is thousands of people at any given moment.  As a character on Survivor he was utterly worthless, a waste of a spot like few before him, so pathetic a follower that he couldn't even choose his own reward partners, and while he managed a humorously tedious reward challenge win (what a terribly designed challenge that was) he also brought us an hour of poop and prostate talk, to remember him by.  And his leaving, obedient goat that he was, opens up the game a little, since Aubry no longer has a better Advantage than Dan, Tai, or Stephen won, because she could use 2 votes perpetually, plus bring her 2nd Vote Idol to the end to get no votes and bring her the win; and she won this Advantage basically just by being picked for the blue team by the casting crew.  Good riddance.

[wakes up with a start]

Oof I'm mean tonight.  I don't really care who wins out of this F4 but that's kind of cool.  Hopefully it will be an interesting finish.

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Why didn't Aubrey let Tai in on the vote last week? It wouldn't have changed the results and she would have kept him as a very strong ally as they all know Tai is emotional. Even if she knew what his advantage was, it still makes no sense to me.

I now realize that with Joe gone, I don't care who of the 4 wins, though emotionally I would perhaps like Tai to and hope he's in the finals. Whoever manages to get there deserves it IMHO.

As for Joe, sorry he was in pain, but glad there will not be a true goat and hope he got relief soon. His only real influence in the game seemed to be as Aubrey's vote. 

A boring episode. I really missed not having an IC or Tribal.

Edited by InfiniteMystery
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At least producers spared us the groaning and moaning that would have come along with Joe's predicament. Was this their idea of some sort of public service announcement about the perils of gorging on steak when you're not a meat-eater and you've had no food?

At this point, Mark is the only entertaining one in the bunch.

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4 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Oh my god I just realized, it's the Dr. Peter / Dehydration debate all over again!  Except this time, it's Beef Dr. Cydney!

Well, I wasn’t going to be the first one to say it, so I am glad you did. Haha 

This was my exact thought, and I have the same feeling about this one that I did about that one. 

And @KimberStormer, I wish I had a dozen little hearts to give your last post. Pretty much sums up my feelings about Joe, Tai, Aubry and the Beauty women. 



But Joe was never cruel, just a bit crotchety. 

He was cruel enough to have Liz in tears and not give a shit about it. But even that isn't why I don't think anyone needs to save him from his own stupidity. 

Edited by azshadowwalker
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1 hour ago, azshadowwalker said:


He was cruel enough to have Liz in tears and not give a shit about it. 

Pun intended?  Haha.

As for Aubrey, I think she spent so much time worrying about who her friends are that she lost sight of potential enemas.

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You have to be smart and that's all on you.  If I ever went on Survivor and won an ice cream reward, I would have to give it away or suffer really gross consequences.

The previews spoiled who won the reward.  Well who lost it, anyways, because I would never dream in a million years that Joe would win.

Do you think they knew if you ran out of little bags you had to wait?  Because I would have been a lot more judicious with my throws if I knew it would come down to that.

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This week reminded me of a criticism of one ep of The Walking Dead - "Too much action. Not enough standing around talking."

But in reverse.  It was obvious early on that there would be no time for an immunity challenge as they dragged out the reward part and then let everyone talk amongst themselves for the rest of the show.

Team Mark!!!

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4 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

Have we ever had an episode without an immunity challenge before?


I don't think there was an immunity challenge after Skupin fell in the fire back in Australia.

I agree that this was a very...boring...episode.  My mom--who is normally riveted to the TV and was furious when thunderstorms knocked out our cable a couple of weeks ago--fell asleep halfway through.

Edited by wallflower75
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When Aubrey was crying about Joe's condition all I thought was that those tears were for the $1,000,000 she just lost. Cynical me, I know.  But I really do like her, she had me at the spit. 

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I'm still rooting for Cydney to win it all, but I won't be brokenhearted if Aubry takes the million.  (Although there's something about her that reminds me of Lena Dunham/Hannah Horvath, which I've tried not to hold against her all season.)

And Joe brought his problem entirely on himself, Cydney had absolutely zero moral obligation to tell a grown man who doesn't eat beef to stop eating so much beef.

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It's been an okay season. Not great and not horrible. Had there not been no medical evacuations I'm not sure if the season would have been very interesting though. Also, none of the idols got played. That's another thing that affects the game but not this time. All in all, it's a lot of what if's for me.......

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7 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's a game.  He ate a lot of beef and made himself sick on it, even though he's not a meat-eater.  I'm honestly surprised people think it was Cydney's responsibility to stop all of this just because she made a statement to the camera about it.  Joe cared about keeping the fire going and little else in this game, including the well-being of his own intestines.  He was one-track-mind the whole way.  Remember guys, he's in his 70s.  I'm extremely careful about what I eat and I'm landlocked.  You learn your lessons.  You should see how cautious I am when I eat outside of my own country!  I've gotten food poisoning in all the area codes... 

For example, I'm extremely lactose intolerant.  Imagine I win an ice cream challenge and start gorging on the stuff.  I don't think I'd blame my competitors for not tying my hands behind my back....

I'm no doctor - could the meat have killed him or seriously damaged him?   (Could natural laxatives have helped him?)

Oh my god I just realized, it's the Dr. Peter / Dehydration debate all over again!  Except this time, it's Beef Dr. Cydney!

Cydney suspected that Joe would have GI issues, but she could in no way anticipate that his distended bowel would impinge his already prostate-compromised urethra.  And yes, to someone upthread who asked, pretty much all men his age have an enlarged prostate, and many men start seeing the signs of this, such as slowing of their urine stream, etc., in their 50s.

I know someone who had a similar prostate issue (without the constipation) and he went into kidney failure pretty quickly.  After hospitalization, he recovered only 30% of his kidney function, and something like 10 years later had lost pretty much all kidney function and had to begin dialysis.  So you don't mess around with or wait on a bladder that doesn't empty.  (Jeff!)

All Joe needed was a catheter to empty his bladder and something to get the blockage out.  If his kidneys haven't been compromised, he should be pretty much good to go.

Edited by Special K
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8 hours ago, GaT said:

I now know more about Joe's bathroom habits than I ever wanted. 

Yes, this season we have learned more about heatstroke, infections, constipation and prostates than I care to know.

i just watched Joe's Ponderosa, he's ok, will be on the jury. 

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As Joe was talking about all the meat he was eating - I thought man he's going to be making a lot of trips to the ocean the next day (without Cydney's help)....How could he NOT have thought that?  

Maybe Joe thought it would be something more along the lines of sliding into home instead of binding him up.   

It's Joe's fault for not using moderation instead of gorging on meat.  

IMO - Tai is really coming off as a manipulator.

ETA:  IMO - It is super rude/tacky to come back from a reward and talk about all the food available and how much you ate.  I know it was Joe's first reward and he was super excited - but still.

Edited by Boilergal
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