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S08.E02: An Intimates Affair

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Dorinda married rich, that's how she's got dough.  She said her father was an electrician, who only went to fancy joints thru the back door.  She ain't a blue-blood & it shows.


And as far as security goes, I pass by Sonja's joint every day on my way to the subway -- and going home too.  As I passed by it last nite, I so wanted to shout up to Sonja & ask if she wouldn't mind a get-together some Wednesday night to watch the new ep with the gang from Pre-TV.  But alas no, that just ain't my style.  Still, I bet Sonja would be up for it, as lonely & loony as she seems to be.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 15

Didn't Dorinda mention last year something about her grandfather making money and she is well off because of it?



Nah she's rich because of her dead and ex husbands.


The story about her... father? grandfather? was something about how her grandfather worked in Dorinda's Berkshires house decades ago, or something, and always had to come in the service entrance.  But then, she went and bought the house and now he could come in the main entrance.  I know I badly mangled that story - but the main takeaway is that Dorinda is rich. 

  • Love 10

Also last year we converted one of our shops into a lingerie store. My wife never measures. She just eyeballs the person and takes several pieces in to find the right fit. Every company fits differently. I recognized several of the brands including Prima Donna, Mary Jo and Simone Perele as bras on the rack. All of which fit differently even within the same company. The styles also fit differently. A balconet can be different than a deep plunge. So you should try them on. Bra fitting is an art not a science.


I always say bras are like shoes. You have a general idea what your size is but you really have to try them on. 


Oooh...how would your wife like to host a lingerie party for the PTV'ers??    ;-)    

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 5

Moaner said she took the drapes down to bring more light in and update the place. It looked like she bought a new bed and bedding too (understandable), but her place still looks like it is stuck in the 90s. 


Removing the drapes was a good idea but the furnishings and colors always reminded me of a common room or lounge/tv area in a nursing home. Perhaps an upscale nursing home but a nursing home nonetheless. 

  • Love 12

I don't like Dorinda, I certainly don't like John and I don't think I like Jules - and yet when the other women go after them, it makes me really pissed on their behalf! Maybe I just dislike Bethenny and Carol more than them. 


Carol has always had the body of an anorexic. Does that mean she is? No, anorexia is a disease and maybe she just has no interest in food. There really are people like that. But it's amazing to me that someone with Carol's body would talk about Jules potential eating disorder. And Bethenny gets SO pissed whenever someone tells her to eat a sandwich, but B is a hypocrite about literally everything. 


I always thought they didn't like John both because he's loud and gross and slimy (he's a literal mouth breather), but would overlook that if he were rich enough, which he's not. 


I don't understand why it's so hard for Jules to avoid shellfish. I hate seafood and manage to avoid it effortlessly. Strange.


She was in the audience last night on WWHL, and she told Andy that she thought the fried shrimp were latkes....well, I've never seen a fried shrimp look anything like a latke, nor have I ever seen a latke that looks like a fried shrimp. 

Hey, ya'll, did you know Jules was kosher? How many times.....


As often as we have heard this season that Yolanda has "the Lyme's disease".   

  • Love 12

I've never been to New York so maybe I don't understand, but Bethenny had to explain to her friend at the jewelry shop that Dorinda has a boyfriend from Queens, is that seen as a bad thing, to be from Queens?


Very generally, Queens is a working-class area, and some people, including some rich Manhattanites, would consider being from there or living there to be a bad thing.



The lingerie ladies are from Town Shop, a bra store on Broadway on the UWS (a few blocks north of Zabar's deli, in case you want to find it). On a trip to NYC I called in there as they had a sale on. A few weeks earlier I'd been fitted for a bra by Rigby & Peller in London (who make the Queen's lingerie, and who also fit you by sight), so I knew I was in the right size. All the salesladies at Town Shop were large, warm, motherly black ladies, and as soon as I walked in one of them said "Girrrrrl, I can see you're wearing the right size. 34DD." And she was absolutely right.


I guess it's a skill honed with practice.


So I'm watching the show and I see the two women who were going to be doing the bra fittings, and the dark-haired one looks familiar.  Then I see the Town Shop bag in the background, and yes!  She fitted me there once several years ago.  The other time, it was one of the large, warm, motherly black ladies.


Probably every person who's never been fitted would benefit from dropping down a band size and up a cup size, but the women at the Town Shop really know their stuff.  I have no doubt they'd know a 34DD when one walked in the door.


If anybody is ever visiting NYC, even just sightseeing, I highly recommend a stop there. 

  • Love 8

John has always conjured up a quadrilogy (one more than a trilogy) of images to me that are borderline nasty. I can imagine John getting out of bed in the morning with his eyes half open as he plods down a hallway to the bathroom yawning, scratching his balls, while burping and farting at the same time.  You  know what I mean, the kind of guy that still giggles when he tells his girlfriend 'pull my finger', farts then laughs his ass off thinking it's the funniest thing in the world. He's just sort of Neanderthalish.


I really question the selection of Jules Wainstein by Bravo for this season. I found it odd that a woman that's been married for 8 years didn't know how to make the coffee and it just happened to be one of her first attempts at it on this episode. I know that's not a big deal compared to her obvious 'lack of hunger or appetite'. Look, I'm already protecting myself from being accused of body shaming, so I tried to avoid using the word 'anorexic'. Well, hell with political correctness, let that be damned because anorexia will be mentioned many, many, many times in reviews this season. That's a guarantee.


I had always thought Bethenny and Carole were anorexic but as Carole has said many times, I think they're both naturally skinny. Jules is skinny on another level, one that's not natural at all. I'm just not sure that Bravo made a smart choice with Jules because I just don't think she's representative of what a physically or emotionally healthy woman is. I know she will remind us at least a kabillion times that she's Japanese and Jewish and she keeps a kosher house but does touching shellfish with your fingers give you license to freely dunk your hands in the bowl of ice that the champagne is sitting in? Isn't there a restroom in that venue where you could wash your hands? That's not only rude, it's STUPID.


I think I'm going to miss the glamour and palatial homes of Beverly Hills. That apartment that Jules Wainstein and her husband has looks like a shabby apartment to eyes that are accustomed to seeing Lisa Vanderpump's mansion but that NY apartment probably costs an easy few million since it's in Tribeca where her neighbors are Beyonce and Jay Z, Gwyneth Paltro, Tyra Banks and many more. Ramona's apartment on the upper East side was listed for sale at $5 million. Ramona is offering her Hampton's house for lease for the season which runs Memorial Day to Labor Day for $320,000 for the season. She got the Hampton house in the divorce settlement from Mario


Last year, when we were first introduced to Dorinda and John, I felt that they would be better suited for RHNJ, because he reminded me of a blend of the two Joes and Richie Wakile.  I still feel the same way.  So far, John seems like an okay guy - just very rough around the edges.


I'm from NJ - I know lots of guys just like him.  They are fun to be around, like to party, and put everything out there - good and bad.  Would I want to be married or in a relationship with them?  Maybe or maybe not, but it's Dorinda's choice.  If he makes her happy, than friggin' be happy for her!!  

  • Love 12

Glad you mentioned Moaner's drapes, Scoobie.


Yes, the place did look much larger and just a tad more contemporary (if you didn't look at the furnishings). So my question is the place still for sale for $5 mil?  Maybe its just a pocket listing for the realtor; not officially for sale, but if the right deal comes along,..... That said, maybe Moaner's realtor gave her the advice to either totally remove the drapes as the place stages and shows much better without them; or maybe Moaner was in between new window treatments being added.


Somebody said upthread that her apartment always looked so 90's. I'd say, it always looked so lah de dah Dame May Witty in decor*. What Moaner thought old money looks like. Plus her house in the Hamptons was decorated the same way. Grandmotherly.


*Although maybe that better describes Sonja's place.

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 3

But the worst is apparent lack of manners. Not only was she touching all over this shrimp that she didn't eat, but then she thrusts her hands into the communal ice bucket, not only transferring the shrimp residue, but grime from every cab, door, elevator button, etc. that she touched on the way in there. Maybe she can take some of that private school money and pay for an etiquette class. 



I couldn't believe she was  putting her mitts directly on the food.  I am sure the caterers supplied the necessary utensils.  Why would an adult do such a thing?!?!  Plunging her dirty paws into the ice bowl just made the matter go from bad to worse.  I'm beginning to suspect she has been added to the cast simply to take some of the sniping away from the old-timers.  To me it seems like she is already getting something like a Cindy Barshop edit.

  • Love 11

Nah she's rich because of her dead and ex husbands.


The story about her... father? grandfather? was something about how her grandfather worked in Dorinda's Berkshires house decades ago, or something, and always had to come in the service entrance.  But then, she went and bought the house and now he could come in the main entrance.  I know I badly mangled that story - but the main takeaway is that Dorinda is rich. 

Ok thanks for remembering what I couldn't! Ha I rarely listen when there is a HW that I don't like and I truly don't like Dorinda. She makes me miss Heather and I wasn't crazy about her either.

  • Love 3

Very generally, Queens is a working-class area, and some people, including some rich Manhattanites, would consider being from there or living there to be a bad thing.

So I'm watching the show and I see the two women who were going to be doing the bra fittings, and the dark-haired one looks familiar. Then I see the Town Shop bag in the background, and yes! She fitted me there once several years ago. The other time, it was one of the large, warm, motherly black ladies.y

Probably every person who's never been fitted would benefit from dropping down a band size and up a cup size, but the women at the Town Shop really know their stuff. I have no doubt they'd know a 34DD when one walked in the door.

If anybody is ever visiting NYC, even just sightseeing, I highly recommend a stop there.

I don't get this about proper fitting, but I've heard it before. If you go down a band size, wouldn't it feel tight? And if you go up a cup size, what do you fill it with? Edited by nexxie
  • Love 5

Poor Sonja.  WTF did she do to Bethenny that she's getting shunted aside this season?  Sheesh, Satan Andy, you are so missing the boat with Sonja.  Instead of that tired/unfunny Grey Gardens shit (on WWHL), you should be following her around, while she's trying to pick up hot young guys at all the Bernie rallies goin' on now.  Dumb, Satan Andy, dumb -- didn't you realize you could get some of her leftovers, to satisfy your own appetite for the youngins?


Good grief, Bethenny, you're still holding grudges against Lu for shit I've long forgotten about from seasons 1/2/whatever?  What's next, Bethenny?  Burning the step-father alive?  Looks like from the previews, John is gonna get on Bethenny.  Good!  Go John!  Drop a house on her & let's see if her toes curl under it.  Sorry, just watched Wizard of Oz on TCM over the weekend -- and that wicked witch reminds me soooo much of Bethenny.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 17
She was in the audience last night on WWHL, and she told Andy that she thought the fried shrimp were latkes....well, I've never seen a fried shrimp look anything like a latke, nor have I ever seen a latke that looks like a fried shrimp.


Plus, unless the group is mostly Jewish, how often are latkes served at gatherings like this? I'm not trying to be snarky, but it seems like you wouldn't see that a lot. 


But they think they are better than John, with their harsh accents and neediness and screeching about Skinnytwat this and TruReNEW&A***l for fucking ever?  Noprah to that.  Nope.


I think Ramona thinks she's better than John, but I don't think that was the point with B. I think she is just over Dorinda being fake. It started with Dorinda showing up at her apt and saying she looked better because she hadn't been drinking that summer, when Beth had saw her plastered several times in the Hamptons. And what Dorinda seems to do, in regards to John, is act incredibly annoyed with him half the time, but then try to sing his praises to everyone else. And then she sat there and made these ridiculous comments about how Carole and Ramona shouldn't hang out, because of their different addresses. She was all, "I'm just being real". So then Bethenny said, "Okay, let's get real then". 


As I said earlier, I don't like calling people out 1. At their own events and 2. When there are people there to help/wait on you. It's just rude. But I didn't get the impression that Bethenny thought she was superior to John. 

  • Love 8



Bethenny and Ramona are so gross.   Dorinda can't handle her distilled potatoes but damn!  Such bitchery over nothing.  Bethenny spent a little while shoving her businesses in folks' faces, and Ramona, on-air, interviewed college-aged girls for an assistant's position and made cruel comments about the skin of an applicant, offering unsolicited acne advice.  But they think they are better than John, with their harsh accents and neediness and screeching about Skinnytwat this and TruReNEW&A***l for fucking ever?  Noprah to that.  Nope.  I'd bet John and Madame Paulette's is better-run in every way, with minimal employee turnover.  So their arrogance and high-handedness is just bizarre.

I thought Carole's '5 summers' comment was a little funny and self-deprecating about her remaining bikini years and the fact that Adam wants kids.  She's being realistic about their particular relationship.  She seems like a romantic with her feet on the ground.

Ramona, good god.  Okay.  The boobs look gross, those eyes are looking yanked, her styling is off and she is a HAM as often as not.  The shit with deliberately bringing up the Viagra comment on camera three separate times (Sarabeth's with Bethenny, phone with Bethenny, at the Gansvoort during the bra party) is so bitchassed with a side of twuntery.  She worked *hard* to make sure that she would embarrass someone she's been pals with for 20 years.  She's such a fucking asshole.  I need Dorinda to 'party' (and honestly, Bethenny is such a snatchmonster!  The bitch needs to start wiping her nose and winking when she says 'partying' because WE GET IT, Dorinda and John use drugs.  We get it, we get it!) and spill allllllll about Mario and Ramona.  I mean, we already know it - Ramona is miserable because Mario finally decided an expensive asset-split was fucking worth it to chew his leg free from the bear trap and go and do what he wants.  But I need it in detail on camera, just as Ramona does to people she claims to care about.  Scumbag foobmonster.



I humbly bow to the great wordsmiths here. Midnight cheese, ZOW

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 7

Dorinda might drink a bit too much, but why is everyone faulting her for having her boyfriend's back and sticking up for him? It's way disrespectful for the other women to constantly trash John to Dorinda and behind her back as well. They're entitled to their opinion, but they shouldn't be surprised when Dorinda wants to hear none of it and stick up for her man. I also think John is disgusting and that Dorinda could do eons better, but if she wants to be in that relationship, they either need to be her friends and stfu about it or choose to end the friendship and move along. The bottom line is Dorinda is a grown ass woman who can date whoever the hell she wants, and I think it's admirable that she shuts the others down with their BS and sticks by her guy. Good for you, D! Even if I agree with Beth I think her approach sucks and that it was disrespectful of her to treat Dorinda like that at an event she was hosting. Plain and simple.

  • Love 9

John is gross, and I think Dorinda has to be drunk on her ass to "like" him.  She's obviously embarrassed by him when she's even slightly sober.


It's not John's appearance.  It's his words, his rudeness, his odious behavior.  If he looked exactly as he does, talked with the same accent, all of it, but was kind, considerate, interesting in conversation, or even just fun?  His appearance wouldn't matter.  He's just an overall sleaze, none of it is appealing. She must like the money, the 6 hour sex (sorry, but even at my best I'm pretty over it by hour 3) and to have a lush as drinking buddy.


As for Jules and if she's "naturally thin" or has a problem?  Check out her profile photos on Facebook, or one of the shots of her in a bathing suit or shorts with bare legs on her Instagram.  She's got that starved body, hip joints out, inner legs completely hollow, top of her thighs nearly the size of her ankles thing going on, bones showing on her back.  Girl has issues.

  • Love 10

Jules is half Japanese and there are a lot of Japanese, and other Asian women, that are very slender naturally.  Her height, which she probably got from the other side of her family, exaggerates her slim build.  Her hair seems shiny and healthy, and it's not so easy to fake healthy hair if you're anorexic.


To me, frankly, Carole looks the least healthy and most anorexic and dried out from lack of nutrition.  And B is a very close second.  Yes, she works out so she has a bit of muscle, but everything else about her screams Adderall. 

  • Love 13

I don't get this about proper fitting, but I've heard it before. If you go down a band size, wouldn't it feel tight? And if you go up a cup size, what do you fill it with?


As someone posted upthread, it is generally assumed that a 32D is equivalent to a 34C, although I think it's a little more nuanced than that.  But a C cup on a 32 band is not the same as a C cup on a 34 band--the C cup on a 32 band will be smaller. 


And yes, it does feel tight when you go down a band size.  There's a technique for getting your breasts and other areas situated in the bra (the Town Shop women will help you with that--they will be hands-on if you let them), and even though it felt tight at first, once I got myself all nestled in there properly, after a couple of days it felt secure and not tight.

  • Love 5

Jules is half Japanese and there are a lot of Japanese, and other Asian women, that are very slender naturally. Her height, which she probably got from the other side of her family, exaggerates her slim build. Her hair seems shiny and healthy, and it's not so easy to fake healthy hair if you're anorexic.

To me, frankly, Carole looks the least healthy and most anorexic and dried out from lack of nutrition. And B is a very close second. Yes, she works out so she has a bit of muscle, but everything else about her screams Adderall.

There is actually a separate BMI chart with different requirements for people of Asian heritage. They become overweight/obese at a lower weight, so being more slender than people of other races/ethnicities is actually normal. And I agree about Carol.

  • Love 6

As someone posted upthread, it is generally assumed that a 32D is equivalent to a 34C, although I think it's a little more nuanced than that.  But a C cup on a 32 band is not the same as a C cup on a 34 band--the C cup on a 32 band will be smaller. 


And yes, it does feel tight when you go down a band size.  There's a technique for getting your breasts and other areas situated in the bra (the Town Shop women will help you with that--they will be hands-on if you let them), and even though it felt tight at first, once I got myself all nestled in there properly, after a couple of days it felt secure and not tight.

omg, I never knew that a C cup changed sizes depending on the band size! How did I miss this all these years - send me back to a training bra!!
  • Love 6

That was very interesting. I would never have thought the Countess of snottery is worth the least and Carole is worth the most. I guess ol' Lu really does need someone else's place to sleep off her hangovers when in Manhattan. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 3

I'm fascinated by the bra pros here!  I live in a small town, and the nearest "big city" is really 2 hours away, and frankly, even that one isn't that big.  5 hours each way for a major city.


So, is the measuring thing they have on line basically bunk?  How to find the right size fit on our own?


I'm failing at it, then again, I've always hated bras, and until a few years and a few pounds ago, never really needed one.  As Carole said, "they are for fun."  Or were.  Now I need one and I'm stumped.  I found one that seemed OK, but they no longer make it.  I'd like more side support for one thing, and would probably need to order on line, but what are the tips for measuring that would actually work?



  • Love 3

32C here... I consider myself small chested, but would never go Sans Bra like Carol. If she isn't lying/exaggerating about that... no wonder her boobs look so saggy.  I know that is mean, but they really don't look good... she has no shape at all up top.  I think she looks so flat because she is sagging so much, not because her boobs are THAT small.  

Edited by Htm222
  • Love 4

Love all the bra fitting discussion on a tv show forum! The most surprising, and helpful, fact I learnt about bras is what StatisticalOutlier mentioned: not all A, B, C, cups are the same size! On a 32B bra the cup is not the same size as a 40B bra. Both Bs but the 32 cup is smaller than the 40 cup. I guess it's a cup size proportional to a woman's body.

What was with Moaner not having her air con on until she and Dorinda were at melting point?

  • Love 1

I have to agree with those who think Jules has an eating disorder. I just finished re-watching ep. 2 and I have no doubt that there is something very wrong with the way she eats (or doesn't). I saw bones under skin. No muscle nor fat at all. More like a sagging skin off the bone thing. It made me a little sick to look at her. I have 2 younger women in my family who both have had anorexia and they were so scary to look at. Now that they are years past it they are still thin but not gaunt and sickly looking as in skeletal. I have seen it and I recognize it. Whether it's from stress or intentional or illness (I have no idea) that woman is skinny beyond what is healthy and I don't care if she's Asian or African or European. The woman is skeletal and there is no denying of it. And what is this body shaming thing everyone is dancing around? Body shaming or life saving-cause you are not going to live to see your kids become 18 if you starve your body (or use food as therapy and eat yourself into 300 pounds)! I'm not playing the PC game especially with a RH's show. 


Carol is so annoying. I find her snotty, above it all attitude tedious. She is on RHONY. She chose to do it. Her behavior is haughty. Give us a break. It is not cool to be 50 plus and behave like she does. I don't think it's cute that she rides on younger guys' bike handle bars. I don't think it's cute that she has a dog called Baby. Arrested development as well as being stuck in the past-her own past. She can move on any time.


Dorinda is a bit of a hot mess. I don't understand the attraction to John. Not.At.All. Hiding from reality maybe? 1 husband dies another one she divorces (or vice versa) and it might be safer to be with someone you will never marry-ever. Just guessing here but after last season and just 2 episodes this season he is making me gag. IF they are doing drugs-please let them grow the hell up. Is that what being in your 40's or 50's has come to? Are we not all over that drinking and drugging BS from our teens and 20's? She has a daughter and she is a rotten role model for her. Even her own child can't tolerate the man! It's ridiculously obvious that this is really tawdry. And the rages she falls into are not particularly attractive. Provoked or not, it's gets ugly really fast with that woman.


The rest of them I have a soft spot for. NY is my favorite franchise. I look forward to it since season 1. I enjoy Ramona/Bethanny/LuAnn/Sonja. They are flawed and messy and somewhat screwed up. There wouldn't be a NY HW show without it.





  • Love 8

That was very interesting. I would never have thought the Countess of snottery is worth the least and Carole is worth the most. I guess ol' Lu really does need someone else's place to sleep off her hangovers when in Manhattan.

I wish we could pin this at the top of the housewives thread, but those numbers are completely fucking wrong. Like they have so little basis in reality. Carole's father in law was notably destitute. He'd been dining out on his reputation and name for years, but was flat fucking broke. Lee Radziwell is the ghost of Sonja Morgan future because she's got few skills, a name, and enough friends who will help her out with money. The only inheritance Anthony ever got was from Jackie and it was only a half million.

Sonja's debts have been documented in court records. She has negative money.

Kristen and Josh have nowhere near that amount. Kristen was never famous enough to make real money as a model. Josh has a start up that might be doing ok, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't he pulling in a million dollars a year. Literally the only housewife who has ever sustained herself on her modeling was Cynthia Bailey who worked up until she joined RHoA.

LuAnn's number is probably about correct, but she's comfortable in a way that Sonja can never be. LuAnn has property that is fully paid for. She has no mortgages and bankruptcies. And she might even still be getting alimony from the count until she gets married.

  • Love 9

I don't know if Jules has an eating disorder or what.  Jules seems a lot taller than the other women, also her hair is very long and straight, making her look even thinner.   If Jules were about four inches shorter, it would not be noticeable.  


Dorinda and Bethenny:  I don't really like John and I think Dorinda seemed to get too upset; it made me feel like how an abused wife defends her husband.  I could see Dorinda telling Bethenny something like, "oh, sorry you feel that way."  Because what Bethenny wants is a reaction, so you don't give her one and watch her go insane, she'll start looking like the nutcase if you don't give her the reaction she wants.


I keep thinking though that if John were super rich and European, they'd be falling over themselves trying to impress him.  


Carole and LuAnn's feud sounds like something from middle school.  "She was nasty to my boyfriend...I hate her."  I just roll my eyes and say, "next year you will be best friends again and that boy will be dating another girl."  I wonder if Carole is dating Adam more as a , "see folks, we're still together!"


I hate to say this but, I like watching Sonja and LuAnn more than the other wives.  

  • Love 7

Jules does look very thin. I find it ironic that Carole and Bethenny of all people are the ones making insinuations about the degree of skinny she is. Both of them are really skinny. Jules was pretty disgusting dumping her hands in the ice. I'm sure the area had a bathroom that she could have gone to. Besides, I find it odd that someone with dietary restrictions would not familiarize themselves with ingredients that they can't eat so they know to avoid it when they are at gatherings outside of their own home. 


I'm glad that Carole has been honest with herself when it comes to her relationship. It's hard to invest in a person only to find out your wants are too much different to build a life together. People change their mind so it's not like it can't ever happen.


Bethenny and Ramona are pretty clueless. Dorinda has a quick temper and I thought given her nature, she took in Bethenny's comments as well as she could but she lost it on Ramona and I totally get it. You can't try to do what Ramona did and make it seem like it's coming from a good place. If you're so concerned with how that reflects on your friend's character, why in the world would you mention it on camera, in front of a group of women at said friend's own event? In that moment, Ramona's mouth works much faster than her brain. She saw an opportunity to add to the John bashing but didn't stop to consider that what she was going to say would be far more hurtful to Dorinda than it would be damaging to Dorinda's opinion of John. 

  • Love 2

I think it is incredibly telling that both Bethany and Carol, said Jules looks "like there is an issue." Carol looks like there is an issue, Bethanny HAS looked liked there is an issue (she looks better this season), but for all people to complain-- takes one to know one they say.

Dorinda and Ramona seem completely uninterested in Jules size. They have probably had their starving years and know they aren't remotely interested in going back to that and don't really care.


I REALLY want to see what happens next episode. This season is really juicy already! I love Sonja and LuAnn as friends as well, they are funny together. 


Maybe I'm a disgusting person but I didn't have a problem with Jules and her hand dipping. I think she was sort of trying to get attention and just doesn't really have anything interesting to say except that she is Jewish. Big whoop. 

Edited by bravofan27

After she mentioned the other Housewives being old enough to be her mom, I had to re-check on Jules's age and I was SHOCKED - she's only 34?! I thought she was a nicely preserved but too-taut 50 or so. I'm generally pretty agnostic on the whole eating disorder issue, but if your face is that gaunt and tight at 34...something of some sort ain't right.

Edited by itainttippithebird
  • Love 8

32C here... I consider myself small chested, but would never go Sans Bra like Carol. If she isn't lying/exaggerating about that... no wonder her boobs look so saggy.  I know that is mean, but they really don't look good... she has no shape at all up top.  I think she looks so flat because she is sagging so much, not because her boobs are THAT small.

Yeah, I had to rewind the dvr for that one, because I was like C cup? What the what? She does know your cup size is not correlated with your first initial, right? I can't imagine anyone with a C cup going bra less most of the time.

And if Ramona should be a DD and is wearing a C, how does she not have boob muffin top constantly?

I've discovered that almost every episode I spend 90% of the time annoyed at Bethenny and then she says or does something that makes me laugh out loud and I forgive her. This week, it was the commentary on Ramona telling the Viagra story after Dorinda was already heated. Abort! Abort!

  • Love 5

After she mentioned the other Housewives being old enough to be her mom, I had to re-check on Jules's age and I was SHOCKED - she's only 34?! I thought she was a nicely preserved but too-taut 45 year old. I'm generally pretty agnostic on the whole eating disorder issue, but if your face is that gaunt and tight at 34...something of some sort ain't right.

Who said that?


If you mean Bethenny, she said Jules reminded her of her own mother, and I'd assume she meant when her mother was Jules' age.


I've actually read a couple of Bethenny's books WAY back when, and she struggled with food herself, still does, so I think the editing was wonky there, she says she's healthy about it now, but had some bad years when young.  Her mother was nuts about weight, and either bulimic or anorexic or both, according to Bethenny.  I believe her about that.


Carole is probably too thin too, but that girl chows down.  I think she's just one of those people uninterested in food, she doesn't cook, and only eats out, well, probably in now as well, since her boyfriend is a chef.  She just doesn't strike me, nor have I ever seen her, worry about portions (save me some of your egg whites with one yolk!) way, and she's ladled on the salad dressing instead of asking for a lemon to squeeze. 


They are all thin, but there is thin, and then there is skeletal...


Speaking of skeletal, there is a cute photo on Jules' instagram, lots of them really, but the one that made me laugh is this.  She's about to give birth, and one of her friends has crawled under the hospital sheets and is poking her head out of the bottom, as if Jules has just birthed a full sized female.  I don't know why but that was adorable, and she seems to have friends (although that could have been a sister) still, kind of fun.


Beth arriving at the bra party, reacting to Dorinda teasing her that they play Anything you can do, I can do better."

"I had a birthday in this room. It's just the truth. . . Jesus."

Did you hear the contempt and disdain with which Beth muttered "Jesus"? Wow.

Actually team Bethenny on this one.  Dorinda did it in a previous scene as well, and that weird comment about them being twinsies in outfits?  Hello!  Just no, there was nothing similar about what they were wearing.  That would bug me too.  I thought the "Jesus" was perfect.  I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine Bethenny copying Dorinda.


If a friend or acquaintance said "I had a party in this exact room a few years ago!"  My response would be something like "Small world!  That's NYC for you!"

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Dorinda knows that John is sleezy.  She sure lets him know that when it's just the two of them.  She's a protector - I can say whatever I want but don't you say anything.  Funny part for me is that I find Dorinda, Sonja, Luanne, Romona and Bethenny just as sleezy in their own way.  None of them are classy.  I don't put Carole in the sleezy catagory because she really isn't trying to be 'better' than anyone else.  Funny because she is a princess and actually has been in the inner circle of 'society' by marriage.


Ro's 'new' decor is 'I don't know what to do so I'll just pick beige' because I have no imagination.   Beth is the same.  No warmth whatsoever but she has gone out on a limb with Skinnygirl accents.  Very revealing, IMO.  Sonja needs to realize she can't afford to maintain that town house or maybe she likes living in the fantasy world of Grey Hey Gardens.  It's sooo depressing.  And why the heck would you buy a townhouse next to a parking garage???


Why did they pick Jules?  I'm waiting to see.  It's like a total Kristen replacement - two kids, a coop in lower Manhattan, etc.  Oh wait, did you know she's 'kosher'?  The scene with her washing her hands in the ice cube bucket was ridiculous.  And...yuck.  I've known a number of people who are kosher.  If she's sooo kosher, why didn't she have a problem with the restaurant?  Obviously, the restaurant wasn't kosher.  I guess she follows 'selective' rules.  And yeah, I know many Jews who do this but freaking out about shrimp on her hands?  Enough to not go to a rest room sink?  Give me a break. 

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Why did she put her hands all over food she would never, EVER eat?  The day that girl eats a latke or anything remotely resembling a potato, let alone fried in oil I'll buy a lottery ticket.  YUCK with touching all the food, and double YUCK that they made Dorinda a drink with those hand-washing ice cubes.  Of course, obviously Dorinda would drink anything anytime...

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