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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I like Lexi so I'm side-eyeing the recast news. I hate to say it but KM does have a high profile and maybe she will bump the ratings up a bit? And if not, they don't have any problems shelving Kristina so the odds of KM staying long-term are small. 

I'm just relieved they didn't tap her for Lulu. 

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6 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I hate to say it but KM does have a high profile and maybe she will bump the ratings up a bit?

I hope it's not the expectation the bozos in charge have. Maybe they should focus on coming up and writing stories that the viewers enjoy and wanna tune in to watch. 

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7 hours ago, Artsda said:

If Lexi is doing other things what weight to throw?  She wasn't a contract cast member they fired.  She was recurring and barely on. 

He can't force her to not do other things and commit? Or force the show to not write a more front burner story for Kristina?

I wanted more for Kristina as Alexis daughter, a Cassadine, and Corinthos fighting against Carly's crew. She should have more and happy she'll at least finally get that. 

I guess it depends on what really went down behind the scenes. Obviously if she's truly fine with them giving her not much to do and then borrowing her idea to use for her replacement, then more power to her.

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On 5/4/2023 at 12:41 PM, jsbt said:

I had thought GH had completely given up on giving the Davis girls major material; I assume this recast with a popular soap star means I was wrong.

I don't hate Mansi but I think Lexi Ainsworth deserved more of a shot at bigger story. I assume GH will now develop total amnesia about Kristina being bi, as Mansi is what passes as a big daytime name in this day and age and they avoid controversial frontburner material like the plague.

Ugh, I mostly found Mansi unbearable during my brief stints watching Days, and Kristina as a character has often bugged.

And 100% agree on the show forgetting that Kristina's bi with Mansi in the role.

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10 hours ago, tessaray said:

I'm just relieved they didn't tap her for Lulu. 

Same. Her smug will be hard to take no matter who she plays, but as the daughter of Laura it would have been unbearable.

I'm still upset that Lexi was let go regardless of whether or not it was mutual. She's been with the show for a long time. Also, the women who play Sam, Kristina and Molly look like they could be sisters. KM looks nothing like any of them, or Alexis or Sonny.

KM's fan base will forever be a mystery to me, as it is with Carly, Michael, Joss, Sonny (pre-Nina), Jason, etc. She's one note, and not very good at that note either.

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5 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I guess it depends on what really went down behind the scenes. Obviously if she's truly fine with them giving her not much to do and then borrowing her idea to use for her replacement, then more power to her.

Rest assured, whatever good idea Lexi had, the writers will screw it up. 

It’ll be strange if new Kristina is in a triangle with Dex and Joss but I guess it’ll at least put to bed the notion that he’s Sonny’s son. I hope, anyway. 

Lexi was a great natural performer but GH did nothing with her. 

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Please don’t kill the messenger but we love gossip even if it’s not XOXO accurate! 

The story goes just like this… “A reliable source confirmed exiting #gh was not Lexi’s choice. She was contacted last week by Mark Teschner and told of Frank’s decision to recast Kristina. She is understandably shocked and devastated. Frank continues to disappoint #gh viewers.”

Soap tradition baby as old as soap itself! 

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Not a fan of KM at all, pretty much hated her Abigail, and like many of you quite enjoyed Lexi.

However, I did look at the picture of KM currently and it looks like she has dark hair now and with it, she does look similar-ish to KellyM and HP. And hopefully with the different style of GH, she'll be better than she was on Days. :shrugs: (Speaking of HP, I am binge-watching Dollhouse with a friend, and a young HP was in the Pilot episode. I recognized her right away. She looked and sounded exactly the same as now, just a smaller version. She was billed as Haley Alexis Pullos.)

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This morning I was thinking about Lexi leaving (these are the things I waste my brain cells on) and I thought even though she’s not a huge part of the show, she IS a huge part of the Davis sisters/family as a whole.  All those ladies (including NLG) have been working together a long time and it truly feels like they are all related.  They have such a great chemistry together.  The Davis coven is just not going to be the same now.

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5 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

This morning I was thinking about Lexi leaving (these are the things I waste my brain cells on) and I thought even though she’s not a huge part of the show, she IS a huge part of the Davis sisters/family as a whole.  All those ladies (including NLG) have been working together a long time and it truly feels like they are all related.  They have such a great chemistry together.  The Davis coven is just not going to be the same now.

This is not to slam Kate Mansi, as all she did is accept a job. But Lexi's exit - even with the careful positive framing of this exit - still seems massively shady to me. Frank sucks.

And now a story LEXI pitched may be played under another actress?

Yeah. Complete garbage. This show could have used Lexi more. It chose not to.

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Spoiler warning. This is an article mainly with Kate discussing a new streaming show she is in that is coming out soon. (Which if we are being honest, I have been wanting to see for a couple of reasons. Now interested to see if she is any different from her Days time.) However, she does mention she has an upcoming project she couldn’t say who it was with but it is obviously GH. She does give a general idea of what the story Lexi was talking about. 

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28 minutes ago, ybrik said:


Spoiler warning. This is an article mainly with Kate discussing a new streaming show she is in that is coming out soon. (Which if we are being honest, I have been wanting to see for a couple of reasons. Now interested to see if she is any different from her Days time.) However, she does mention she has an upcoming project she couldn’t say who it was with but it is obviously GH. She does give a general idea of what the story Lexi was talking about. 

Oof, that's gotta be tough for Lexi to read.  Damn. 

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2 minutes ago, CeChase said:

Oof, that's gotta be tough for Lexi to read.  Damn. 

But it’s good that they are continuing with the storyline because it need to be told and bring greater awareness

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Except I don't think GH is the right place for it, given how badly it handles that sort of thing. And Lexi has said she doesn't agree with the direction the story is being taken, which leads me to believe it's the TFGH crap of minimizing things, à la Willow's "stage IV" leukemia.

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I think Lexi Ainsworth has been keeping her options open and not wanting to commit too firmly to GH. That comment about "beyond the industry" supports the hunch. I think she means beyond the daytime-soap industry, rather than beyond the world of entertainment.

I posted about this in some other thread a while back (maybe the "Actors in Other Roles" one?), but I was surprised to see her name in the credits of Nope, the Jordan Peele film of last summer, as part of the stunt ensemble. It seems to be the same person; it's on her IMDb and other lists of her credits as well. If stunt work is something she wants to pursue, that's a pretty good first credit. 

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Oh God.

Jackie is one of my first and strongest memories of this show. Even when she kept experiencing clear issues on-camera I was still rooting for her despite my teasing. I just adored her and Bobbie.

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13 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Wow I'm shocked she was just there for the wedding scenes.





I just read that. Definitely shocking and heartbreaking. I started watching in the early 80s and watched on and off over the years so I’ve known of Jackie for a long time. She was only 70. Her best stuff was the BJ heart transplant storyline

Edited by DanaK
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Very sad.  Bobbie as a character kinda disintegrated for me the last few years, but still, I was always happy to see Jackie Zeman in the mix, particularly opposite people like Kin Shriner and Lynn Herring.

I hate to say it, though, the cynical part of my brain is already dreading 1) the Laura Wright showcase the memorial episode for JZ/Bobbie will inevitably be and 2) the lame excuse they'll come up with to keep Lucas (who?) off-screen.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm not going to begrudge the show for featuring Bobbie's daughter in Bobbie's memorial tribute. That said, while it's probably unlikely I'd like to see them find a way to use Sarah Brown in whatever tribute they end up doing. The key scenes with her and Jackie in their original storyline together were a high water mark for the show.

They better get Ryan Carnes back as Lucas for it. I wouldn't be shocked if Tony comes back for this, either. He stopped JFP from canning her over 20 years ago.

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They could have the Carlys switch in and out like they did in that anniversary episode, I think it would be very nice for Sarah and Tamara to be involved.

I wonder if they'll hold until after the writers' strike is over.

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Yeah….I was just ranting about Bobbie and her awful daughter! 

I’m so sad to hear JZ died! Unlike with Sonya, I think they have to let the character pass too. They better do a good tribute to her! So sad!! RIP, Jackie!! 


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Saw this on Twitter. I still can't quite believe it. Bobbie may have become marginalized, but JZ still was a link to GH's great past.

Barbara Jean Spencer was a great bad girl gone good...or at least, a gray character.

May Jacklyn Zeman rest in peace.

And per the question above, another Tweet said it was a short battle with cancer. Damn.

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7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I hate to say it, though, the cynical part of my brain is already dreading 1) the Laura Wright showcase the memorial episode for JZ/Bobbie will inevitably be and 2) the lame excuse they'll come up with to keep Lucas (who?) off-screen.

Don't forget it will also be a showcase for Joss/Eden McCoy. Oh my god, it's going to be bad.

What a shame. RIP Barbara Jean.

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Just woke up around 2 AM only to find out this wonderful actress just passed away yesterday. I know that GH almost sent her away on permanent basis but she’s loved by many fans. It’s sad to think that some scenes may never be filmed ever again. My condolences to the GH family 🙏 

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Very sad.  Bobbie as a character kinda disintegrated for me the last few years, but still, I was always happy to see Jackie Zeman in the mix, particularly opposite people like Kin Shriner and Lynn Herring.

I hate to say it, though, the cynical part of my brain is already dreading 1) the Laura Wright showcase the memorial episode for JZ/Bobbie will inevitably be and 2) the lame excuse they'll come up with to keep Lucas (who?) off-screen.

I could see that but sincerely hope not. Honestly Carly coming to town was kind of the end of Bobbie as a major character. Once that reveal happened, she was mostly relegated to propping Carly. It would be a shame if they went that route considering that she had so many memorable SLs before that time period. I would consider it a serious disservice to someone who was part of the reason that GH was as big as it was during its heyday and whose always been such a cheerleader for the show despite their lack of interest in her character for the past few decades.  

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4 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Shocked by the news, especially since she was on screen like last week. This is brutal news to wake up to. Does anyone know if she was sick?

As indicated a few posts above, a short battle with cancer

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Very sad to learn of JZ’s death, and my condolences to her family.  Her daughters lost their mother far too soon. 

Forty-five years with GH should merit a full tribute episode.  Given the writers strike, they could fill the entire thing with flashbacks to honor the actress and her character, and then give Bobbie a proper sendoff when full production resumes.  

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Moved my post here to say I’m so sorry to hear of Jackie Zeman’s passing 😢.  My heartfelt condolences to her loved ones.  
Here’s hoping GH does a really lovely tribute with lots of flashback, minimal Carlys, and lots of Genie Francis, Kristina Wagner, and Lynn Herring

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I am surprised and saddened to hear the news, as others have already said. 

Wendy commented above on the marginalization of the character. I don't think Bobbie/Jackie Z. ever had it as good in the post-Wendy Riche period. To my recollection, the last major Bobbie story was in 2001: her relationship with Roy DiLucca and the triangle with Roy's ex, Melissa, who came to town and worked at the hospital as another nurse. After the early innings, even that wasn't about Bobbie. JFP and Megan McTavish were giving the big push to A Martinez and Jensen Buchanan. 

Following that, she was mostly in a supporting role. I remember in 2001 she gave an interview and said she expected this to happen eventually. She pointed out that she was in her fifties now, and while there's always going to be romance for your character on a soap, you can't expect it to be front-burner story forever. (Fast-forward to today, and fiftysomethings and even older actors have front-burner romances all over the place. Laura Wright, Cameron Mathison, Maurice Benard, Cynthia Watros, Maura West, Finola Hughes, James Patrick Stuart...Donnell Turner recently joined the club, and Brook Kerr will later this year.) 

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Her tribute at the Nurse’s Ball seemed heartfelt, but a last minute addition. I wonder if the show knew.

Glad the actress got some in-person kudos though. Her character was foundational in the show in the 1980s-90s, and in spite of her storylines becoming more and more superficial and Carly propping, JZ always showed up to do the work.


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I've been watching Bobbie Spencer since I was a child, I got hooked while watching with my grandma who watched us after school.  I'm so shocked.  I used to love Bobbie back in the day.  And by all accounts Jackie was a truly lovely woman.  Very shocking since we didn't know she was ill at all.  RIP.

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Wow. I’m speechless. As we all know the character went downhill a long time ago, but Jackie Zeman was such a huge and legendary part of the show. I liked when they involved her with the other vets, even though Bobbie was insufferable, ha!  She’s just…always been there.  Rest in peace to someone who is truly irreplaceable. 

I also want to comment how much I love this little corner of the interwebs. I saw the news elsewhere and first thought was to come straight here!  You guys get it!

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I’m gutted by this news. Like most everyone else, I’ve grown weary of Bobbie and felt JZ’s acting had gone down hill in recent years. But I had absolutely no idea she was sick! RIP Jackie 😢

whatever they do for a tribute, it will likely be several months before it airs, depending on how long the writers’ strike ends.

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1 hour ago, Desperado said:

Her tribute at the Nurse’s Ball seemed heartfelt, but a last minute addition. I wonder if the show knew.

My guess is yes. At the time, I thought it was strange that the show would do such a tribute for a character who was (as far as we knew) not leaving the show. I think she must have told the show about her illness, and this was their way of paying tribute while she was still alive to see it. 

And that’s a good thing, because depending on the length of the strike, whatever they do to honor Bobbie and Jackie could be a long way off.

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