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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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They would have left ATL from F concourse due to the size jet needed to fly that far. If they landed at A or T from LAX, a car ride is necessary to get to F without riding the train.


Actually, if a golf cart picked them up at the gate, they could ride through the tunnel from the A terminal to the F terminal. I see people walking through the tunnel all the time, as well as golf carts. I would think it would be easier to do that than to go up and down a staircase outside.

  • Love 1

I gather most of the talk has been about Dubai, and I was struck by all that…the opulence -- and how , even in that setting -- the ladies can't stop (or drop) their bull shit conversations about you said what about whom and the circular discussions about….whatever…Kim, Brandi, LVP, Yolanda' disease, etc. Whatever they discuss…the topic never dies.


But to be honest I was most stuck by the Yolanda Lyme Disease scenes. 1) I was struck by Kyle's developing awareness. But 2) something I've thought for awhile also just really cemented itself. 


Yolanda has been sick. OK, no doubt about that. But once again this episode showed her saying to David comments like:

-- You married a lemon….this isn't what you signed up for…..I'm so sorry it's been like this I'll make it up to you…..you didn't think you'd end up being my doctor, etc.

I know you have to thank a person when they take care of you and you may del like a burden ….BUT, BUT, HER comments are the kind that can undermine the other person's thoughts about the situation. I know she was sick…I know chronic illness messes with you mind, self esteem, etc. But for her to tell David he "married a lemon" "this isn't what you thought it would be,"I'm not who you thought you we're marrying,  or that this isn't what he "signed up for" (first of all in MARRIAGE yes it IS what you sign up for, but people don't realize that…but that's another topic)…If you say those things.,…he MIGHT just start to wonder about that and think --uh you know what YOU'RE RIGHT…this ISN"T what I signed up for and you ARE a dud, and my life HAS been negatively affected…and I DO want out.


I have know idea WHY Yolanda and David broke up. But I also don't see how telling him she was a lemon, and not what he signed up for didn't help. Negative comments never HELP a relationship. I think that IF, IF, she could have been more positive…which is hard to to…..MAYBE they wouldn't have broken up.


I get what you are saying and it makes sense to me. I always thought it was a little bit of a dig toward him. It's almost like she's saying I know you married me for superficial reasons and see what a great martyr I am. Or something to that effect. 

  • Love 10

I wanted to vomit when Yolanda said that Kyle "gets it on a deeper level". Like Kyle's super deep and understanding now because she's acknowledging Yo's "journey" in the way that Yo wants her to acknowledge it. My thought is that Kyle just doesn't want to have to fight the crazy that is Yo so she's just going to be extra sympathetic from now on about all of the health stuff.


I think Kyle really did understand on a deeper level, but not the way Yolanda wants her to be understanding. The way I saw it, Kyle cried over the universal "don't talk about children" rule and felt bad for discussing the kids on camera and leveraging the non-Gigis to pick apart Yoyo's lies. Like many of us, I think she's just over it and not interested in dissecting the "limes" drama anymore, especially if it means involving the kids. I'm not sure she gives two shits about Yolanda's "journey." 

  • Love 16

I get what you are saying and it makes sense to me. I always thought it was a little bit of a dig toward him. It's almost like she's saying I know you married me for superficial reasons and see what a great martyr I am. Or something to that effect. 


She's says that, "you married a lemon" stuff because she is fishing.  She wants him to say, "No, no, my love, we are in it to win it, and I can't imagine being married to a more beautiful and wonderful woman!" 


She's barking up the wrong tree, though, because their marriage seems like it was a sham from the very first time we were treated to Yo's OTT My Love propaganda.

I think Kyle really did understand on a deeper level, but not the way Yolanda wants her to be understanding. The way I saw it, Kyle cried over the universal "don't talk about children" rule and felt bad for discussing the kids on camera and leveraging the non-Gigis to pick apart Yoyo's lies. Like many of us, I think she's just over it and not interested in dissecting the "limes" drama anymore, especially if it means involving the kids. I'm not sure she gives two shits about Yolanda's "journey." 


Yes, she cried over the kids at the gala, but then she was the first to pipe up in Dubai about how Yo told everyone at the gala that the non-Gigi's had Lyme.  So, she started the kid talk AGAIN.

  • Love 14


Is it that luxurious? Compared to the $40K/night suite I thought their travel arrangements were pretty pedestrian. Economy from LAX to ATL and then no footage of their 14 hour connecting flight? Porsches on the tarmac is a nice perk and maybe Bravo thought it would deflect from the meager flight accommodations.

Perhaps luxury is in the eye of the beholder. I've only flown first class twice in my life (both times were free upgrades) and I've never had anything other than my feet ferry me to my connecting flight. So to answer your question, to me it seemed so. I fully understand that this may not be the opinion or experience of anyone else on the planet.
  • Love 4

LVP went IN on Rinna and Eileen in her blog:

Now if all I had to offer was to have my ass waxed on a dirty carpet or run my lines or even pulling down old curtains, maybe then I would feel the pressure to spend all season attempting to denigrate the character of my " friend," to validate my position as a Housewife, with bitter diatribe, which was a replica of their actions last season. Last season I naively believed that their intentions came, albeit aggressively, from a place of empathy, in regard to Kim. Now not so much.


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 15

And when they had to change planes in ATL, oh LVP, yes, it's such a bother to have to slog thru the airport, you need to have a Porsche pick you up. That was just stupid. THey had to climb up and down stairs. It actually would have been easier for them to get picked up at the gate inside and driven on a golf cart. But I guess Delta needed some advertising. I was really hoping they would fly Emirates with the beds and showers.

The Housewives were driven from gate F6 to gate F2. Only gate F4 is in between. Their Porsche rides must have been like under 15 seconds. And they were flying premium economy, isn't the gate transfer by Porsche thing usually reserved for at least business class, or even just for 1st class?

  • Love 1

I think that Yo can overlook Brandi calling Bella an alcoholic because she knows it is not true.  Whereas she gets angry and defensive about them calling her a liar/exaggerating her symptoms, etc. because she knows that that is true!

For me, lying about my kid, especially on national TV, is far worse than calling or pointing out that I am lying. You don't make up lies about my kid....period and that would be the end of any friendship I have with you...forever. Yolanda just has to always make it more about herself than anyone else. As long as Brandi stays firmly encased up Yolanda's a$$, she will tolerate anything she says about the kids. LOL


Funny, I saw a couple of women glamming Erika up, not the gentlemen who happened to be gay. Color me confused.

Erika's glam squad in NYC were 2 women but her glam squad that helped her pack for Dubai and that will be joining her there were 3 men.

ETA, Apparently, Erika is unable to "glam" herself up on her own. LOL 

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 12

I really think Lisa R is just seriously bad at reading an audience! Half the time, she sounds like she doesn't necessarily even think the things she says she thinks, and is saying them only because (a) she thinks she sounds profound and astute, and (b) she thinks the others will agree. Even her use of the word "enraged" seemed like she chose it so that the others would think, "Oh, if it had that much of an effect on her, it must have meant something I didn't pick up on."

I loved MuuMuu Vanderpump!

And oh my god, again with the "she said I have Munchhausen"! Lisa's a dolt but she did not! And now Kyle too is guilt-ridden because of merely hearing a conversation!


I don't like the overalls Eileen wears. Would those be comfortable for almost 24 hours of plane travel?


I don't either. I actually like overalls, the classic kind though--slightly loose and beat-up. Like me.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 11

There is something stupid about these 'unwritten rules' bullshit these morons pull.


All of the HWs with kid have put them on camera and there have been people that have commented, in one way or another, about them.


I have to laugh at the 'No Kids' rules.


It's like sunbathing on a cloudy day and not expecting a burn? Fools...


I have to laugh at the Lisa clips with Stanley (I can't remember her kid's name)


We saw him getting shit from Lisa and Ken because he was a ne'er do well.

The next  time we see him on camera was him finding out his birth parent's ID and how it affected Lisa - she is his mom, but he has another mom and will he go find her?

This time? He is invited to accept his new car....Hmmmmm, only clips that make Lisa look like she's a Mom of the Year?



  • Love 1

Maybe I'm totally crazy, but I actually thought this was pretty sensible.   Especially when you know you will be filmed/photographed, figure out exactly what you are going to wear and try it on/test it out first.  Then you don't over pack and still have exactly what you need.  The fact that it was all made into a "look book" is a bit silly, but I've been known to make spreadsheets for outfit combos when I travel.   Granted, I am often travelling for 2 weeks out of a carry-on bag, but Erika seemed to be bringing less luggage than the other women.  (Though maybe the glam squad schlepped all her eyelashes/contour/extra hair, that alone probably one full suitcase)   I think Lisa Rinna showing up with 3 suitcases and a tote for a five day trip is at least as over top as a look book.  

The look book was a great idea but while watching it I kept thinking that's what your phone is for. Selfies are probably used by many people to organize their wardrobe but its just not called a look book. Still a good idea for her team to be organized and I expect things like an over the top look book from a wife. That's the fun...

  • Love 5

The comment Brandi made about Bella is one of the few areas I am on Brandi's side. She was wrong to bring up Bella's name in a negative light on TV to draw attention away from her own alcohol abuse, but I think the whole "Brandi called Bella an alcoholic" is just the narrative the wives wanted to paint. IMO Brandi's muddled delivery was trying to express that after Bella got the DUI tabloids were reporting that she was an alcoholic but that it wasn't true, just like people have labeled Brandi as an alcoholic and it isn't true (except it is). Also, Brandi was right. Tabloids WERE saying Bella was an alcoholic, because they had the e-mail from Yolanda wherein Yo claimed Bella's car was littered with prescription pill containers, empty vodka bottles, and a used tampon. I think the reason why Brandi was so sketchy about her sources ("People are saying..." "What people?" "...People.") was because she didn't want to say the source was Yo's hacked e-mail. It always bugged me that the other wives were so insistent that NO ONE was calling Bella an addict when TMZ and The Daily Mail were running headlines like "Bella Hadid's Downward Drug Spiral". 


IIRC Brandi immediately tried to clarify what she was saying but Yo wasn't hearing it. I would assume by now that if Yo and Brandi do have any sort of real friendship they've worked this out between themselves.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 4

It's a good idea to carefully pronounce your name whether or not the person speaks English. Names aren't words and the person's looking it up. It's courtesy, not condescension, at least when I do it.


She did look weeblish, though.

I agree with both. I always spell my last name. It is one with several spellings. Recently I had to give my maiden name which is Williams. I started to spell it until the woman looked at me funny. It is one name everyone can spell. 

  • Love 3

I saw camels on the previews - since the camel didn't throw the Cntless De Lesseps the last time the HWs were in the M.E., will he get a another chance to drop one on their head?

I saw camels on the previews - since the camel didn't throw the Cntless De Lesseps the last time the HWs were in the M.E., will he get a another chance to drop one on their head?

  • Love 2

Quoting: You are right about the courtesy, and I am sure it is courteous when you do it. I found it condescending and assumptive- that gal knew who they were it probably took them hours to set up the lighting. "I can give you the other names..." Dude she had them. Bad acting Kyle.



Maybe she was just trying to be polite. Yes, they probably did know exactly who she was, but it's rude to assume, and there are probably tons of famous people, many of them much more so than the RHs, passing through that hotel on a regular basis.

I FFd through most of Yolanda's scenes, but I did notice how she flagrantly adores GiGi in front of her other children. Someone needs to have a word with her about that.

  • Love 8

LVP went IN on Rinna and Eileen in her blog:

Now if all I had to offer was to have my ass waxed on a dirty carpet or run my lines or even pulling down old curtains, maybe then I would feel the pressure to spend all season attempting to denigrate the character of my " friend," to validate my position as a Housewife, with bitter diatribe, which was a replica of their actions last season. Last season I naively believed that their intentions came, albeit aggressively, from a place of empathy, in regard to Kim. Now not so much.

Yassss Queen! Read. in my LLANA (broadcity) voice

  • Love 10

The Housewives were driven from gate F6 to gate F2. Only gate F4 is in between. Their Porsche rides must have been like under 15 seconds. And they were flying premium economy, isn't the gate transfer by Porsche thing usually reserved for at least business class, or even just for 1st class?

Did they say they were in coach? Because it looked like first class, the thicker leather seats, etc. They were likely in the first class seats going to Dubai that turn into beds for long flights.

  • Love 6

The comment Brandi made about Bella is one of the few areas I am on Brandi's side. She was wrong to bring up Bella's name in a negative light on TV to draw attention away from her own alcohol abuse, but I think the whole "Brandi called Bella an alcoholic" is just the narrative the wives wanted to paint. IMO Brandi's muddled delivery was trying to express that after Bella got the DUI tabloids were reporting that she was an alcoholic but that it wasn't true, just like people have labeled Brandi as an alcoholic and it isn't true (except it is). Also, Brandi was right. Tabloids WERE saying Bella was an alcoholic, because they had the e-mail from Yolanda wherein Yo claimed Bella's car was littered with prescription pill bottles, empties, and a used tampon. I think the reason why Brandi was so sketchy about her sources ("People are saying..." "What people?" "...People.") because she didn't want to say the source was Yo's hacked e-mail. It always bugged me that the other wives were so insistent that NO ONE was calling Bella an addict when TMZ and The Daily Mail were running headlines like "Bella Hadid's Downward Drug Spiral". 


IIRC Brandi immediately tried to clarify what she was saying but Yo wasn't hearing it. I would assume by now that if Yo and Brandi do have any sort of real friendship they've worked this out between themselves.

See this is what I find so painfully obvious. As much as these women want to hate on Brandi, the point is that

Yolanda has moved passed the whole Bella issue. ESPECIALLY if she's come to the same conclusion we both have which was Brandi was saying that as a point and not declaring that Bella is an alcoholic. It was supposed to be an example of how people can make wild accusations all over the place doesn't mean it's appropriate or even true. That is what Brandi was pointing out in that conversation about Bella. Do I think it was the worse example to try and use? Absolutely but like Yolanda has said, she has obviously come to terms with and it doesn't seem to be a deal breaker for her that Brandi is pretty much unfiltered. To Yolanda, she finds it more of a positive than a negative cause, and I have to agree with her here, whatcha see is pretty much whatcha gonna get. Good bad ugly.


I sorta agree with Yolanda on this about friendships. I'd rather know up front what I'm dealing with and trust I can accept you at face value then realize down the line that you've presented your friend persona representative to me to my face but still reserve the right to go in on me with other people when I'm not around. And hey it happens but when it gets as messy messy messy as it has in this crowd I sorta like Yolanda's iron fisted way she deals with them. She's annoyed about something she lets em know. She doesn't ask permission or take polls or worries about the PR aspect of it she just expresses it and why shouldn't she? I love that about her. She calls you out and doesn't fell the need to get her feelings over something approved by some consensus to determine whether or not she does indeed "have the right" to be annoyed by it. I know the stuff about her Lyme is messy whatever I'm talking about how she just puts it out there and gives zero fucks if people think she should or shouldn't be in her feelings about stuff. That's where I think her and Brandi are similar hence the friendship. It's like fuck that, I am who I am, this is how I like things to flow in my life, my friendships, my relationships, I have takers who don't mind so I don't have to apologize about it, take it or leave it. Which I think is a beautiful philosophy all around. Life's too short.


Look Yolanda isn't hurting ANY of these women. She isn't causing them issues in their families. She's not framing them for white collar crimes. She's not toilet papering their homes. She's not secretly beating their children. Not prank calling them on the phone. Kidnapping their pets. She's speaking her mind about her name coming out of their mouths in unfavorable ways and unfavorable situations. THAT in itself is enough for the woman to be in her feelings about THEM. In my world I find out XYZ went down, yeah Imma feel a certain kinda way and probably not like the fact that my name is continuously brought up in such sketchy ways EVEN IF a part of the conversation is relatively benign. If nothing else it's just plain rude. Rudeness is something to be unhappy about last I checked so I'm with Yolanda all the way. Sick selfie, healthy selfie, jet ride to NY, to Ohio, to the moon and back. Whatever, I find it completely ridiculous and utterly ticklish that all of this dramatic angst and Lisa Rinna's  potential institutionalization is based on the moronic fact that they are JUST annoyed with the woman... ANNOYED that's it! Come on, for Christ's sake.



Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

The Housewives were driven from gate F6 to gate F2. Only gate F4 is in between. Their Porsche rides must have been like under 15 seconds. And they were flying premium economy, isn't the gate transfer by Porsche thing usually reserved for at least business class, or even just for 1st class?

OMG that is hysterical. I have taken off from both F6 and F2. It's like 500 feet away!


BTW Delta One is first class for long haul flights 

  • Love 2
Erika looks like a transsexual hooker in the preview for WWHL tonight.

 Add her son's work hat and cuffs, and she's Kyle's worst nightmare.


Yolanda claiming to not have used Botox in three years...as her wrinkle-free forehead refuses to move.


Anwar seemed to hold his head down in shame when his mother lied announced that he's been diseased for years.


Negative comments never HELP a relationship. I think that IF, IF, she could have been more positive…which is hard to to…..MAYBE they wouldn't have broken up.

Being positive isn't a part of Yo's journey. When she came out of surgery, David commented that the silicone was all gone, and that she would now be getting better. She replied all sighingly something like, "maybe, we'll see". Her pessimism is enough to make Debbie Downer want to eat a bullet.

  • Love 15

I am proud to say that, back in my early 20s on an impromptu and ill-advised camping trip, I invented that with an old funnel in the back of my friend's truck! I am not proud to say that (A) I never tried to market that thing, and (B) we all got kicked out of that campground in the night, not because of my invention, but because of my other friend's refusal to use only the designated fire pit in favor of a natural and rather large divot. Also, the drinking...which is probably what prompted the funnel invention in the first place.

  • Love 4

Just an FYI, the porsche ground transportation at the airport is real.



"During a typical day more than 100 high-value customers are transferred from gate-to-gate at Delta's largest hub in Atlanta. Transferring select SkyMiles Diamond Medallion customers with Porsche vehicles is just another way that Delta delivers exceptional customer service for its most valuable flyers while providing a unique travel experience."


To put this in normal human terms "money talks and bullshit walks".

  • Love 5

I am proud to say that, back in my early 20s on an impromptu and ill-advised camping trip, I invented that with an old funnel in the back of my friend's truck! I am not proud to say that (A) I never tried to market that thing, and (B) we all got kicked out of that campground in the night, not because of my invention, but because of my other friend's refusal to use only the designated fire pit in favor of a natural and rather large divot. Also, the drinking...which is probably what prompted the funnel invention in the first place.

Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

Drunkeness is the Father of Eviction?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 7

She's says that, "you married a lemon" stuff because she is fishing. She wants him to say, "No, no, my love, we are in it to win it, and I can't imagine being married to a more beautiful and wonderful woman!"

She's barking up the wrong tree, though, because their marriage seems like it was a sham from the very first time we were treated to Yo's OTT My Love propaganda.

Yes, she cried over the kids at the gala, but then she was the first to pipe up in Dubai about how Yo told everyone at the gala that the non-Gigi's had Lyme. So, she started the kid talk AGAIN.

Well, Yo's girls are past eighteen, and living apart from Yo, plus didn't one or both verify their illness at the event themselves? This issue has been discussed in this company and was still unresolved. Kyle cited the facts, that Yo mentioned her children's Lyme to a roomful of rich strangers, therefore....Case closed. (They are not really children, except for the boy. Yo puts them out there with no shame. We discuss it here, why shouldn't the HWs?)

See, when these people are in a group, they won't talk poetry, art or music, because that is not their thing. And what they have in common is each other, so they often discuss the absent one. It really makes sense to me.

  • Love 7

I believe that Yolanda has/had Lyme. I also believe that she does use it to get attention and to get out of things. I highly dislike her holier-than-thou personality and think she would be pretty awful to live with.


The Bella and Anwar thing seems totally sketchy.


I know about Lyme. Have had tick bites and I tested positive on ELISA and Western Blot. But then, yes, doctors did try to talk me out of it and tell me that even with positive results, I did NOT have Lyme. Lyme is a strange thing in the medical community. My story went in a different, strange direction but I don't want to write about it here. Anyway, Lyme is a very confusing illness. It perfectly mimics MS in symptoms by the way. So one wonders....are MS and Lyme one and the same? Food for thought.....

  • Love 2

I agree with both. I always spell my last name. It is one with several spellings. Recently I had to give my maiden name which is Williams. I started to spell it until the woman looked at me funny. It is one name everyone can spell. 


Don't be so sure! When my last name was Cooper, you wouldn't believe how much paperwork I got for Mrs. Copper. 

  • Love 4

The Housewives were driven from gate F6 to gate F2. Only gate F4 is in between. Their Porsche rides must have been like under 15 seconds. And they were flying premium economy, isn't the gate transfer by Porsche thing usually reserved for at least business class, or even just for 1st class?


I think that was for Lisa V.  She always wears heels and she always has trouble walking in them.  It's painful to watch her teeter and she never seems to wear proper shoes.

  • Love 3

I fell down a pinterest hole last Sunday and somehow winded up on a site about luxury plane travel and good Gawd, is that the way to fly if you have extra tens of thousands of dollars laying around!!




This! don't believe she is bald or anything but yes,  I can believe she has wigs. Even though her hair is short and should be easier to style, the cut demands labor intensive styling and the fact that it always looks exactly the same, we never see her edges or a hint of scalp .... hmm. 


Yolanda's Lyme is like the horror movie It Follows


Yo is exhausting but I must say she looked great at the charity event and that is what I picture NYC elite mega galas to look like and I enjoyed the glimpse even though I side eye any org that would give Yo an award. 



Normally, I would never tell anyone to be anything other than true to themselves, however, I really hope Erika's gay squad butched it up in Dubai. 


Dubai looked amazing and I will have to live vicariously through the BH ladies because I am too scared to go to a place where failure (whether innocent or not) to conform to culturally strict rules could land you in jail for an extensive period of time. Getting side eyes from a Parisenne in Paris for being a loud or rude American is one thing and I can deal with that, but being thrown in jail for holding hands or reporting a sexual assault... are you kidding me!


Lisar said they were going for 5 days which would be $200k just for that room. No way is Bravo shelling out that much!

I hate people that post stuff like I'm about to post.

It's extremely hypocritical of Andy Cohen as executive producer of the show to send the women to Dubai and show only the glossy, privileged surface of the place.  He regularly calls out the housewives and their husbands on anti gay rhetoric and slang and yet he chooses to focus positively on a country that jails and kills people accused or caught practicing homosexuality.  There's no way that Erika's glam squad could "butch it up" enough to pass walking down any street in Dubai.  I was noticing last night they all have a ton of filler in their faces and probably botox.  They'd be safer donning burkas and trying to pass as women.  I'm not joking.  What they did do almost certainly is stay within the confines of the hotel and even there keep a low profile, and I'm sure they were fine and had a good time.  They were able to do this because they are protected by the great wealth of the women on the show and the huge double standard that is applied in cases like this to the have and the have nots. 

There was a big kerfuffle a few years ago among the Beverly Hills and Holly wood  elite when it came to light that the Beverly Hills Hotel was owned by the Sultan of Brunei who had enacted Sharia law.  The hotel was boycotted. Well guess what?  Dubai has Sharia law as well.  So what's Andy doing producing the show over there?  What's Lisa, queen of the LBGT community doing enjoying the luxury over there?  Would Lisa go to China and swish around in a muumuu?  Are dogs more important than people?  Are these people big ol' hypocrites?

  • Love 21
She's says that, "you married a lemon" stuff because she is fishing.  She wants him to say, "No, no, my love, we are in it to win it, and I can't imagine being married to a more beautiful and wonderful woman!"


That's EXACTLY why she says those things. She wants him to refute her. But he never does. Still she lauds him during her speech as this wonderful, supportive husband. Okay then. 


Gigi's little dig in her speech about how some people didn't believe her mother because of how good she looked was clearly intended for Kyle and was surely planted in her ear by Yolanda.


I'm probably evil, but I thought the entire speech was probably written by Yo. 

How much do I love this? His name escapes me, but I remember the beautifully wrought fashion.


Christian Siriano. My favorite PR winner of all time. 

  • Love 16

Look Yolanda isn't hurting ANY of these women. She isn't causing them issues in their families. She's not framing them for white collar crimes. She's not toilet papering their homes. She's not secretly beating their children. Not prank calling them on the phone. Kidnapping their pets. She's speaking her mind about her name coming out of their mouths in unfavorable ways and unfavorable situations."

Yeah, this.  This is what I don't get.  Frankly, even if I personally don't think that Yo's health problems stem from lyme only, or even if she was legit ill and then played it up - what's the BFD?  She addressed something that LVP said that Erika repeated.  Sure, she led the girls to believe that Rinna said it, but it's old news at this point. If Rinna is so chafed that Yo isn't filming with the other ladies (which seems like the real issue in a roundabout way), the quickest way for Yo to be off the show is not to get air time.  If she doesn't attend their events - poof, no air time.  The whole 'is it or isn't it lymes' BS has GIVEN Yolanda the air time she wouldn't have had otherwise.  She's the topic of conversation even when not present - talk about a gift to her ego!  She's obviously earned her check for the drama, so now, let's move it along?  If you don't talk about her any longer then it would be a non-issue.  Rinna continuing to bring it up is having the opposite effect that I believe she thinks it has.

Btw, I also noticed that LVP was certainly interjecting on Rinna's conversation 'you thought this...' and leading her around as well - just as previously pointed out she tends to do.


  • Love 2

That's EXACTLY why she says those things. She wants him to refute her. But he never does. Still she lauds him during her speech as this wonderful, supportive husband. Okay then. 


That was a dig at him. If the relationship was done a while back and she insists on making him sound like he's the greatest guy on the planet at this point? She is/was setting him up to take the fall/making him sound like HE is the bad guy. Her constant cooing about how much she is in love with him is just a smoke screen and a way to deflect from the fact that she is the nutjob in the relationship.

  • Love 18

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