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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Ew, but how kind of them to provide links to tell the sponsors that have high-tailed it away from the Duggars, "Excellent Job"!


I was torn between not wanting to support the site, and the convenience factor of all the links being there. I was lazy and went for the convenience factor, but wrote to every one of the companies they listed thanking them for making the right decision and letting them know I'll support their company.

  • Love 8

I agree that Boob is ultimately the stumbling block (heh, see what I did there?) in whatever negotiations are going on. He probably wants a huge payout if the show is being taken off the air permanently, probably far larger than TLC is willing to give. Or he wants a piece of any spinoff and wants to appear in it. I don't see him backing down from any of these positions. I bet the TLC attorneys are ready to rip their hair out right about now. But Duggar Hubris, as we saw about a month ago as Boob proclaimed that the show would never be canceled because it was TLC's highest-rated, will eventually be his downfall.


In light of the scandal and all the backlash he's getting, I doubt JimBob is in a position to be making demands.  TLC owes him nothing.  If they don't announce the cancellation of the show soon, I'm going to be really pissed!

  • Love 4

Yea but between their reality show fame and Josh's job there are photos with him and a ton of GOP politicians. Unless he and Tom Cotton had coffee and chatted about feeling up their sisters I can't judge any politician for photos taken before this scandal broke. I'm extremely liberal, and dislike Tom Cotton immensely from what little I've heard about him, but it's very hard to judge politicians for photos taken when the family still had a clean image to most of the world.

i agree

I too am liberal but I don't blame politicians for cozying up to him before they knew about this. Mike Hucabee however....

  • Love 1


Are you telling me that Gothard actually used the "Color Me Beautiful" color system? I got a little confused about what was real and what was snark since almost nothing seemed even possibly real as relates to God's holy word.

CMB was a big help to me when I lost 80 pounds back in the 80s. Now that I know Gothard loves it, I want to disavow it and wear all my bad colors.

I had a friend, we were like sisters, who is an all-in IBLP person. She would visit HQ in Chicago; I have lots of stories. She got more and more ridiculous.

  • Love 4
I'm sure it is cheaper to film shows like my 500 pound scrotum, but why not aim entirely at the sorts of people who used to like Clean Sweep and What Not to Wear and The Little Couple. Even the Roloffs were kind of interesting.


Well, Jimbo and Josh might be able to qualify for that.  It takes a lot of balls to be in the public eye, say the inflammatory things that they have said, DO the things they've admitted to (Josh), and then try to minimize their culpability in molesting kids (Josh), and trying to cover it up (Jimbo and Josh).  I mean, that takes a lot of balls!

  • Love 4


And the plot thickens. These guys really do lurk on freejinger.

ETA: the article is about how Jim Holt may have been one of the elders Jim Boob and Smuggar confessed too.


Holt would have been a mandated reporter at this time. And he probably could have gotten Josh professional help.

Edited by dillpickles
  • Love 2

My apologies if this was already posted.




If ANY Duggar makes it back on TV in ANY way, shape or form except in the "news" or a segment of TMZ, I'd be amazed...no way in hell they'll be "showcased" in a TV series or "special"/"spinoff" program.  I may be wrong, but I don't think so.  The crime committed (and it was a crime) ---I don't care WHEN  it occurred... is just too egregious in comparison to the purported way that family led us to believe on national television they lived their lives.


Don't know about you, but I feel like I've been fucking DUPED!  



However, as another poster said, I truly would be absolutely devastated if anything bad happened to any of them as a result of (the revelation of) that fucking asshole's "mistakes."  

  • Love 5

That always bugged me, because Duck Dynasty wasn't an issue of freedom of speech, since A&E isn't the government. Depending on your state, your employer absolutely has the right to terminate you for remarks you make "offsite" if they determine that your comments will hinder your ability to do your job (or in the case of a TV personality, tarnish the brand, I guess). If I had said something racist, sexist, and homophobic and my comments had gone viral, my employer would have canned my ass in a heartbeat. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.

That said, I agree with you that to a lot of people, Duck Dynasty was about freedom of speech (even if they had the idea wrong)... not so much with the Duggars. It's not like the Duggars are (potentially) getting canned for their anti-LGBT bigotry; I do remember that one petition to cancel the show for their hatemongering and so many people were whining about the First Amendment and freedom of speech then, too.

I don't think people understand this. First freedom of speech protects you from the government. A&E is a network. They employee people. Duck Dynasty is an employee. If Phil had said he hated blacks or made racist comments then a & has every right to fire him. Just like homosexuality. Most fans of dd are white conservatives. All Phil had to say was Jesus then it's all right. The only reason why are didn't cancel was money. Once the ratings go down which they are it's bye bye

Now with tlc. I'm surprised tlc allowed the Duggars to show their beliefs so openly. Tlc is like any other network. It's all about money. Unfortunately society hates child molesters. That's the worst crime a person can do.

I'm not a huge Oprah fan by any means, but I'd LOVE to watch her have a go at them! That would be must-see TV for me.

Me too. Oprah doesn't hold back. She's willing to go there. She asks the hard questions

  • Love 3

CMB was a big help to me when I lost 80 pounds back in the 80s. Now that I know Gothard loves it, I want to disavow it and wear all my bad colors.

I had a friend, we were like sisters, who is an all-in IBLP person. She would visit HQ in Chicago; I have lots of stories. She got more and more ridiculous.

O/T, sorry. I did the same thing in the 80s lost weight and used CMB for my new wardrobe. But, unlike the Gothard folks I wasn't thinking about having people focus only on my countenance. That booklet has exposed the oddest underbelly of America. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 2

I agree that Boob is ultimately the stumbling block (heh, see what I did there?) in whatever negotiations are going on. He probably wants a huge payout if the show is being taken off the air permanently, probably far larger than TLC is willing to give. Or he wants a piece of any spinoff and wants to appear in it. I don't see him backing down from any of these positions. I bet the TLC attorneys are ready to rip their hair out right about now.



I think Michelle is another big stumbling block. She loves being a TV star and she has always been jealous and resentful at any attention directed towards the girls (including Anna) and away from her. The idea of her pretty young daughters starring in their own TV show, a show in which she will not be allowed to appear at all, must be driving her over the edge. Especially since such a show would mostly revolve around the girls getting pregnant and delivering babies, which has always been Michelle's territory.


Jim Bob may ultimately be willing to allow a spin-off that doesn't include him and Michelle, partly because of the money and partly because he would see it as leaving the door open a crack for him to eventually get his mug back on camera. But I don't think Michelle's narcissism will permit her to allow it. And despite all the wifely submission bullcrap, I think it's Michelle who rules the roost. No decision is ever made without her being on board.

Edited by Albanyguy
  • Love 3

Maybe it's my computer, but your links just lead back to forum.previously.tv.


Well, isn't that special? It's probably because I copied and pasted them from a post of mine a ways up from this one -- at 4:35 pm yesterday. Guess that doesn't work!


Here they are, fresh. Try these (or the post above):







  • Love 1

I waded through the DuggarFamilyBlog for all the contact information and emailed each of the companies. The one they didn't have listed I found I hope the link works its for Behr


I now have to go shower. I'm so glad for this site and being able to come here to people who realize what Josh did was wrong.  That it wasn't a cute little 'oops' or teenage mistake. Thank you all so much.

  • Love 5

Hi!New poster here, but long time lurker.....just saw on duggers facebook that jb and oMichelle are going to pour their hearts out on Megyn Kelly show.....fauxnews of course...

Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

-Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

I'm sure it will be quite a hard hitting no holds barred interview (eye roll).

  • Love 11

Pretty sure we won't see the Megyn Kelly that actually asked Jeb some "hard" (but obvious) questions.  Fox is in protection mode of the Duggars.


Speaking of possible continuation or spin-offs for the Duggars - do any of the church-cable-stations do reality?  Because they'd probably be free and clear on one of those- or frighteningly they could go on to try to establish their own ministry for televangelism. 

Fox News. Figures. But other than it's sure to be a softball interview, what is really to be gained from this? Fox News demographics skew only slightly younger than dead and viewership has been steadily declining.

Do they think this is going to create a sufficient groundswell of support among their departed sponsors to get their show back?

  • Love 14

Hi!New poster here, but long time lurker.....just saw on duggers facebook that jb and oMichelle are going to pour their hearts out on Megyn Kelly show.....fauxnews of course...

Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

-Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

I'm sure it will be quite a hard hitting no holds barred interview (eye roll).


Thanks. Here is the link, no details as to when.    http://www.duggarfamily.com/2015/5/next-week  

Even if these media efforts regain half of the viewers who have said they'll never watch again, I have a hard time thinking that the show could ever return to being the ratings powerhouse it once was for TLC. I also doubt that all of the sponsors would race back to support the show. And since it's about money, money, money for TLC as well as for Greedy Jim, I would give a revised show and/or spin-off with the daughters one year at most.



  • Love 7

Eh.... Megyn Kelly *can* be quite the delightful bitch when she wants. I mean wasn't she the one who went to Karl Rove on election night and asked him if this was the math Republicans did to feel better about themselves as he was throwing a fit over the Ohio count? I also don't think it will help Megyn to appear soft on the topic of child molestation. The reality is that the Duggars are part of a fairly creepy subset of Republicans... I mean these people probably don't watch Fox News because it's so liberal.

  • Love 6
Pretty sure we won't see the Megyn Kelly that actually asked Jeb some "hard" (but obvious) questions.  Fox is in protection mode of the Duggars.



They aren't protecting the Duggars, they're protecting Mike Huckabee, who has been always been a huge part of the Fox News operation. If Huckabee had taken a measured, distanced approach to the Duggar scandal (like Rick Santorum), instead of being an apologist for Josh molesting his sisters, Fox probably wouldn't care so much about helping Jim Bob and Michelle rehabilitate their public image. 

Edited by Albanyguy
  • Love 12

Even if these media efforts regain half of the viewers who have said they'll never watch again, I have a hard time thinking that the show could ever return to being the ratings powerhouse it once was for TLC. I also doubt that all of the sponsors would race back to support the show. And since it's about money, money, money for TLC as well as for Greedy Jim, I would give a revised show and/or spin-off with the daughters one year at most.



I think the most fundie of their viewers will stick with them and many of their very young and elderly viewers.  I think what they will lose are the more evangelical and fundie-lite viewers along with many of the non-fan viewers.  I have neighbors who are on the fundie-lite to evangelical range and they are appalled.  They have called asking what the scoop is and how long have the rumors been out there.  They might watch a Jessa gives birth episode just to see the baby, but they are done with it as regular program.  They also are not buying the saying Josh confessed so what is the big deal now line.  They believe the Duggars should never have gone on TV with such a scandal being so recent and even not really over when they began talks about the first special.  They generally feel the Duggars have tarnished the reputation of Christianity and they feel deceived.  Of course, my neighbors are not a scientific sampling.  :)  

  • Love 14


But Duggar Hubris, as we saw about a month ago as Boob proclaimed that the show would never be canceled because it was TLC's highest-rated, will eventually be his downfall.


When did he say this?  I am just curious as I think I saw all of this season except the one that showed all the births, and I don't remember it.  Actually, I am usually folding laundry and not actually watching, but I am sure I would have heard that and thrown a wadded up towel toward the tv.  And they will be on with Megan Kelly next week? I don't think I can stand to watch it. As it is I can't stand JImChelle in their talking heads which I often mute which may explain how I missed that obnoxious statement that the show would not be cancelled.  Maybe in 10 years they can do an update.... or not.


  • Love 2

Or the Duggars turned the firm down and it saw an opportunity to get its name out there. Frankly, making a statement about a potential client seems highly unprofessional to me.

I agree. For all we know they couldn't agree on a fee and decided not to do business. It happens all the time and doesn't mean anything especially nefarious is going on.

As far as TLC, I think they're smart by pulling repeat episodes but not making any drastic decisions to cancel the show for good. Love them or hate them, the Duggars are TLC'S number one show. A&E basically made fools of themselves by jumping the gun on Phil Robertson only to have to let the show continue as is. Granted child molestation is infinitely worse than hate speech, but two months from now nobody will care about this. It's just the nature of the news cycle.

Edited by BitterApple

Lily and Ellie (mother and daughter team) are so far up the Duggars' asses that they can see out of Jim Bob's eyeballs. 


They don't take dissenting viewpoints well at all, and of course they don't realize that they are protecting a child molester with their idiotic stance with the advertisers. I've always said fundies don't understand irony; this is yet another example of irony in action. 

Well thank you for giving  Discovery's email address.  I sent my opinion of the hypocrite Duggars.  The advertisers are next.

  • Love 2

I have no interest in watching the show ever again. Sorry, but the toothpaste is out of the tube, as the saying goes. The innocence of the show is forever tarnished as is the Duggar image. I did watch the last interview show after the molestation story broke and I was sad because I knew it was the last time I would be seeing the family and after watching them off and on since their specials first aired years ago, I've grown to have fondness for the kids at least, especially the younger ones. My heart goes out to all the kids and Anna. I feel bad that Josh was not given the appropriate help when he needed it, but that's as far as my sympathy goes. He is a child molester no matter how you spin it and I'm shocked at comments that I've read of people saying, "It was X number of years ago, get over it." I don't care how many years have passed, it was still wrong and hurtful and the lives of his victims are forever changed. Honestly, I wouldn't feel right watching the show again knowing what we now know. I don't want to see a spin off either. They should retire from the spotlight and get the appropriate help for their family.

  • Love 13

Hi!New poster here, but long time lurker.....just saw on duggers facebook that jb and oMichelle are going to pour their hearts out on Megyn Kelly show.....fauxnews of course...

Next week we will sit down with Megyn Kelly on Fox News to share our hearts with you about the pain that we walked through as a family twelve years ago, the tears we all shed and the forgiveness that was given. We appreciate the outpouring of love and prayers for our family at this time.

-Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar

I'm sure it will be quite a hard hitting no holds barred interview (eye roll).



Deadline had more information about it. It's going to be just JB and Michelle. It will be pre-taped to air during Megyn Kelly's timeslot (9 PM ET). There will also be a one-hour special of The Kelly File on Friday that will be devoted to the Duggars.



  • Love 3

Fox News. Figures. But other than it's sure to be a softball interview, what is really to be gained from this? Fox News demographics skew only slightly younger than dead and viewership has been steadily declining.

Do they think this is going to create a sufficient groundswell of support among their departed sponsors to get their show back?

I wondered about that. Does TLC skew that old? Maybe the Duggar watchers. But, still, are there a great many people who believe any sort of reward or support should be given to a family that ignored what sounds like (if I'm reading correctly) digital penetration of a young child? 

  • Love 4

Eh.... Megyn Kelly *can* be quite the delightful bitch when she wants. I mean wasn't she the one who went to Karl Rove on election night and asked him if this was the math Republicans did to feel better about themselves as he was throwing a fit over the Ohio count? I also don't think it will help Megyn to appear soft on the topic of child molestation. The reality is that the Duggars are part of a fairly creepy subset of Republicans... I mean these people probably don't watch Fox News because it's so liberal.

Yes she is. And my first thought was that the Duggars may have made a BIG mistake. Sometimes I think Megyn Kelly likes to show backbone to prove she's not just a pretty face, and if the Duggars try to softball her it might backfire.

If, and it's a big if, Fox News wants to protect Huckleberry, they can also do so by proving the Duggars are huge liars who can't keep a story straight. Toss 'em under the bus for being charlatans and Huckleberry gets an opening to backtrack.

Though it's all wishful thinking, I am sure they will softball the whole interview.

  • Love 3

Even if these media efforts regain half of the viewers who have said they'll never watch again, I have a hard time thinking that the show could ever return to being the ratings powerhouse it once was for TLC. I also doubt that all of the sponsors would race back to support the show. And since it's about money, money, money for TLC as well as for Greedy Jim, I would give a revised show and/or spin-off with the daughters one year at most.




I agree. And what premise for a revised show could actually reel viewers in? "A couple of pretty uninteresting young couples with one kid each cope with the same stuff everybody else does?" Huh? Doesn't have anything like the appeal of -- "How do you manage life with 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 ,19 kids?'""" Now that was a premise.


I also think a lot of people have liked this show because it would appeal to their children and was "safe" for kids to watch. (I personally find that watching massive misogyny is NOT really safe for kids, but I think most people missed that part, and I do get the rest of what these parents were probably thinking)  But I don't see that the "young adults" show would be nearly so kid- or parent-appealing. So there goes another chunk of potential audience.

  • Love 4

Yes she is. And my first thought was that the Duggars may have made a BIG mistake. Sometimes I think Megyn Kelly likes to show backbone to prove she's not just a pretty face, and if the Duggars try to softball her it might backfire.


That was my thought as well, she has some bite when she wants. Plus, if she is doing a whole show on them BUT Jimbob and Michelle are only doing a taped statement - it will either be an hour of apologist fluff (entirely possible - complete with the Jesusy forgiveness angle) or... Megyn might go after them.

  • Love 2

I've seen some pretty smack down interviews with Megyn Kelly. I've even seen her interview some people she obviously liked, but she didn't cut much slack. I'm not so sure why we'd think she's suddenly going all soft on the Duggs. I hope not, I hope she has on her special pointy hat, and that her broom is parked in plain view. Fingers crossed. Don't let us down, Megyn, go get 'em!!!

  • Love 5

If the conservative reaction had been overwhelmingly supportive of the Duggars, the interview would definitely be softball. Fox News serves to reinforce its own agenda no matter what. But now I don't know. It's been nice to see pieces like Michael Reagan's. Honestly it's the first time I can remember in many, many years where there has been an air of genuine agreement between the chief American political parties. Which is, of course, in itself stupid, since child molestation is not a political issue. At first, when Huckleberry wasted no time in letting his idiot flag fly, my heart sank because I thought "Really? Even a child molester they'll defend? REALLY??" but happily, Huckleberry has been in the minority and what I've seen is that the vast majority of Americans agree--diddling kids=bad. THANK GOD. Point being the delusional Duggars COULD (fingers crossed) be in for a little ride. I mean Megyn Kelly IS a mother.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 6

Of course the Duggars are going to appear on Fox of all networks. [insert rollingeyes.gif here]

Point being the delusional Duggars COULD (fingers crossed) be in for a little ride.

From your lips to God's ears, but what has me worried is how comparatively little time Fox has spent on this controversy compared to the other networks. Makes me think they're interested in trying to gloss over the whole thing.... not necessarily because they're such huge fans of the Duggars, but it's no question that the Duggar scandal has put a huge dent in the religious right's reputation with respect to the hypocrisy of their moral superiority, and I don't think Fox wants to address that. (Not to mention their connection to Huckabee, as others have already mentioned.) Of course, they might just denounce the Duggars as bad eggs, play up the no true Scotsman fallacy, and cast them aside, but if they weren't willing to do that before... 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 5

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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