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S06.E15: Objection, Your Honor

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So, NO ONE was thrown out! LOL Bravo preview editing tease at I best! LOL

As soon as LVP announced that they had to leave early I saw where that was headed.

Cripes Bravo, this season is non eventful that you had to show a teaser of Tom throwing someone out of the house, when it didn't happen.

Edited by mbaywife123
  • Love 15

Kathryn acted drunk as a skunk.


The two Lisas now at war.  OK then.  Love the Kyle and Lisa exchanging giggley emails about Yolanda and them manipulating Lipsa into bringing up the M word.  Lipsa sure gets "scared" a lot.  First Kim.  Then Brandi.  Then Yolanda.  Then Kathryn.  Now LVP?  Buck up lady.


Erika's expected to behave and her husband is mad at her now. 


Finally, an episode is delivering, other than Lipsa non stop gossiping about Yolanda.  Shut up, no one cares, find your own fucking story line hag.

  • Love 10

Tom Girardi reminds me a few lawyers I dated in the past-- super nice and friendly at first, and then a week later become psychos and their misogynist egotistical selves come out. Tom appears to expect women to be seen and not heard.  I didn't understand why Tom would be mad at Erika except if he is mad at her for talking shit about LisaV and then having it get back to her. So Kathryn sort of got Erika in trouble. 


When Erika was talking to Kyle at the picnic table thing she looked like she had a rough night and was crying. I've had crying all night nights and they are terrible. I actually feel really bad for her.  She should be able to be herself around her husband and not be punished that seems horror story stuff. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 21

These women should stop dining together, all they do is get into these big cat fights. And don't invite Kathryn anymore, she's annoying and has diarrhea of the mouth. And Tom did not kick anyone out of his house, the preview was punking us, Bravo you suck.

And they can't even do charity work without fighting. Shut up and paint the house! Geez!

And I'm so confused about who said what when and how and where and it's not my fault it's someone else's fault. I forgive you, wait, maybe not. My brain hurts after this show.

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 13

I called it in the predictions thread that no-one would get kicked out... It was obvious from the freeze frame that the whole table was laughing when Tom said it.

I love how Erika is putting all the blame on Katherine but Ekrika has been talking shit about Lisa with Yo this whole time and has to know it'd be on camera


This. I was ALMOST feeling sorry for Erika when she was talking to Kathryn, when I remembered that she shat all over Lisa Vanderpump in conversations with Yoda. Gurl, enjoy the grave you dug for YOURSELF.

  • Love 21

Yo, Eileen, and Lisar all have their blogs up. Lisar basically reiterates what she said on show, but goes into more detail about when she first came in the show and LVP still had a lot of bitterness about S4. The other women were horrible, blah, blah, blah. Lisar seems to say that she told LVP she would make her own decisions about everyone, but she clearly feels like she was used to an extent by LVP. She takes 100% responsibility for the "m" comment in her blog.

Eileen is going in for the kill (I hope she can take the fan backlash better than Kathryn can). She said that Lisar has shared with her on several occasions instances where LVP has tried to get Lisar to say/do things that she was uncomfortable with. Important to note that while Eileen doesn't agree with Lisar about Yo, she is fully supportive of her and I don't think this has impacted their relationship.

I think the reunion couches are set. Yo/Eileen/Erika on one side, Lisar/Kyle/LVP/Kathryn on the other. Lisar is the wildcard, as she has issues on either couch.

  • Love 7

I think all that mania Kathryn was exhibiting had some chemical help.

Very little Yolanda. THANK YOU.

And Ladies? If Eileen ever approaches you and says "You should talk to her." Run. Run far, run fast, and never look back. She is the finest sh!t stirrer I've seen in action in quite some time. She just drops the anvil, stands back like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth and watches the show.

I'm not convinced that Eileen means to stir the shit - she seems to always need things to be worked out, doesn't feel comfortable when people are at odds. Edited by nexxie
  • Love 7

This whole argument is surreal to me. No Kathryn should have never ran back and told Lisa and I wouldn't trust her with shit again either if I was Erika. But damn, Erika acts this would have never in a million years gotten back to Lisa, like she said it to a priest during a private confession. All this take about it was said in confidence, yet mere feet away:




Spilling the tea doesn't even begin to cover the things LisaR said on that beach and in her confessionals. Loved it. Believed every word. 


Hint to the ladies - it is only a web, if your ass is a dumb bug who gets caught up in it. I've seen LisaV's slight of hand since she and Brandi plotted to out Mauricio allegedly cheating on Kyle so none of this is news to me but I can say that I am finding it all quite interesting. 


I can't help it, I still like Eileen with her messy ass. She looked so naturally pretty in the beach scene with LisaR. 


That is at least the 3rd time Tom has checked Erika in public like she was a child. I would not be averse to marrying for money as long as there was some basic respect and attraction there. But damn, don't be that old, gnome-like and disrespectful in public to boot. 


Erika must have pre-gamed before dinner. 


I do think LisaR has a relationship issue with food.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 24

Boy this episode should had been called "Messy-R-Us"!  It was as if Lisa R nd Kathryn were competing for whwo could out throw their castmates under the bus.


Let's start off Lemonlymes decides to skip another party because of her illness.   Not complaining the less bs about her Lymes the better the show is.


First the dinner was so awkward, weird, and disrespectful especially on Kathtyn's end.  I swear her rudeness was nothing more but Aviva Drescher-lite.  She kept over talking people at the dinner table of Erika's home.  I'm not crazy about Erika but she should had dismissed Kat from her home.  I don't know where Kathryn's behavior came from, but what I do know there was no place for it.  Both the Lisas had their moments but Kat just out did herself.


Then this hot mess at the beach.  Lisa R, WTF, chile!  Did she really try to sell to Eileen and the viewers that LVP/Kyle basically put a gun to her head and make her do the things she did this season.  Get real LisaR!  Even if LVP/Kyle were questioning Lemonlymes illness, it didn't stop you from doing your own internal investigation about Lemons!  Then she goes on to throws Lemons under the bus about her skipping out on Erika's party to be with Brandi/Kim.  Now this had my ears perk up.  Erika and LEmons all season have been claiming they are good friends but it sure is becoming more apparent each week this was some manufactured friendship for the cameras IMO.  


Last we get the habitat for humanity drama.  I can now see where LVP's early tweet in the season about how these women are yet again banding together to try and take her down is now becoming obivious.  LisaR/Eileen/Erika/Yo are showing they want to be part of the "we don't like LVP" club (which I predicted since the Hamptons episode).  Erika had a right to be blunt about KAthryn's behavior as she tried to skate around what she did at her home.  But the real kicker was Lisa R's talking head when she called KAthryn a shit stirrer and yet here she was on the beach 15 minutes prior telling Eileen things about the cast and throwing them under the bus.  I just found this to be pot calling the kettle black!


Overall good episode.  

  • Love 20

Exactly! And why is Erika chastising Kathryn so much for making it impossible for her to be friends with LisaV now? Why do you want to be friends with someone you think is a manipulative web spinner? If you want to be friends with someone, you don't go around talking shit about them behind their back. Erika can lose me with her bullshit!

I don't know about that. Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I've said things behind someone's back to someone I trust when I am still trying to figure people out. I don't think this is that unusual. When I first moved to Michigan and hosted a neighborhood holiday party, afterwards, I chatted with a gal I had known longer about several of the people who I was just getting to know, and some of my comments were harsh (I think he is a sexist, what is with her hair, does that chick always drink so much, etc). Many of the people I chatted about have become close friends over a dozen years as I got to know them. Some of my initial impressions proved correct, some of them did not. The reality is, Erika's words were filmed and LVP was going to see them. However, had they been allowed to get to know each other and develop a friendship, LVP probably wouldn't have felt the same way when she saw it later. As it stands, Kathryn got in the way of that.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 15
Exactly!  And why is Erika chastising Kathryn so much for making it impossible for her to be friends with LisaV now?  Why do you want to be friends with someone you think is a manipulative web spinner?  If you want to be friends with someone, you don't go around talking shit about them behind their back.  Erika can lose me with her bullshit!



Am I to understand in this ep that Erika was trying to say that when she called Lisa a sniper from the side etc. and that Kathryn shouldn't trust her...she didn't mean that in a bad way? How is she pretending this was good? That spin makes Lisa and Kyle's version of the dinner convo about the kids seem like they were  taking up a collection to help the family!

  • Love 18

I'm surprised by the almost unanimous Kathryn antipathy because, while she initially lost me with her prevarications at the beginning of the episode, she won subsequently won me back, if only because the rest of this peculiar cohort of "ladies" ultimately behaved even more nonsensically and insufferably than her ( . . . and then she kind of lost me again when she hugged Erika).


Obviously, Kathryn didn't conduct herself unimpeachably. But while she indeed have some chemical assistance vis-a-vis her messiness at the supper, her nemesis seems to have even more notable biochemical influence by way of an imbalance or a personality disorder ordinarily.


The pear-clutching from Rinna over Kathryn's dinner performance was especially odd considering Erika had recently literally screamed in her face when she was a guest in Erika's home. So, per the Girardi ethos, some tipsy abrasiveness is unacceptable as a guest, but completely sober and high-decibel lunacy and shouting are totally copacetic as a host?


Likewise, Erika's insistence that Lisa would never trust her because of Kathryn's machinations devolved into pure Jabberwocky jibberish. Erika never protested the content of her remarks and it's a ridiculous premise that referring to someone as an assassin in their personal relations is a compliment.


After watching old man Tom shush his wife again on camera and her disgruntled, tight-lipped silence in response, maybe we know why she's so angry and practically seethes about women with whom she's not even acquainted.


Eileen continues to offend with her "who me?" faux innocence. She completely instigated the confrontation at the Habitat construction, and it was weird to watch her and her two lieutenants scold Kathryn for playing runtelldat while Erika was shouting, cursing, and sticking her finger in someone's face at a charity event. It's fortunate that none of the woman on this franchise save Brandi have a propensity toward physical emotionalism because all of the perennial finger pointing would inevitably end much less auspiciously for these gals in certain other cities.


And even if she did disingenuously pretend to make amends with Erika at the end, Kathryn will never approach Rinna's sloppiness. I initially expected her to turn on Kyle and Lisa because of the blowback that momentarily subsumed Shannon Beador and Meghan Edmonds before their vindication but now I just think she wants as much conflict as possible with any- and everyone in order to ensure that she's the focal point of the narrative. She and Eileen are really working in tandem with a good cap, bad cop (or, more accurately, bad cop, worse cop) dynamic.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 13

This whole argument is surreal to me. No Kathryn should have never ran back and told Lisa and I wouldn't trust her with shit again either if I was Erika. But damn, Erika acts this would have never in a million years gotten back to Lisa, like she said it to a priest during a private confession. All this take about it was said in confidence, yet mere feet away:




Spilling the tea doesn't even begin to cover the things LisaR said on that beach and in her confessionals. Loved it. Believed every word. 


Hint to the ladies - it is only a web, if your ass is a dumb bug who gets caught up in it. I've seen LisaV's slight of hand since she and Brandi plotted to out Mauricio allegedly cheating on Kyle so none of this is news to me but I can say that I am finding it all quite interesting. 


I can't help it, I still like Eileen with her messy ass. She looked so naturally pretty in the beach scene with LisaR. 


That is at least the 3rd time Tom has checked Erika in public like she was a child. I would not be averse to marrying for money as long as there was some basic respect and attraction there. But damn, don't be that old, gnome-like and disrespectful in public to boot. 


Erika must have pre-gamed before dinner. 


I do think LisaR has a relationship issue with food.



Lisar at the beach:  first I hated her when she was throwing LVP and Kyle under the bus and then I loved her when she finally said what we've all been thinking about Yolanda being the biggest manipulator of all.  Anyway, Lisar can't say crap to Katherine about her telling LVP what Erika said because she just did the exact same thing.  Except when Lisar had these alleged conversations with LVP and Kyle they weren't being filmed like Katherine and Erika were so what Lisar just did was much worse.  Nobody ever needed to hear any of that....if it's even true.


SO.....Yolanda was in bed all day and trying to make herself better for Erika's dinner party?  Lisar then pops out a pic of Yolanda that very same day hanging with her two bff's.  HA!  Busted!  Loved that!


Also loved when Erika was telling Kyle that her husband was angry at her  and then it showed Kyle's TH saying Mauricio would never tell her what she can and can't say..."trust me".  She took the words right of my mouth because I was thinking the same thing that very moment about my husband.  Let him ever try to shush me or tell me what I can or can't say and how I should or shouldn't act.  That would NEVER happen!  lol



BIB---OMG, this is why I watch the show. Yolanda exposed (at least a tiny bit exposed....bring out the 2014 Lyme Timeline from reddit). I adore Rinna...she called out Kim and she called out Yolanda (and bg). I need to re-watch this episode...I got so high off of Rinna saying Yo is manipulative and uses her illness that I just couldn't process everything. She knows Yo is sick...sick in the head as in crazy or insane in the membrane...or she had a migraine and later turned it into Munchausen/Factitious Disorder.

  • Love 19


And even if she did disingenuously pretend to make amends with Erika at the end, Kathryn will never approach Rinna's sloppiness. I initially expected her to turn on Kyle and Lisa because of the blowback that momentarily subsumed Shannon Beador and Meghan Edmonds before their vindication but now I just think she wants as much conflict as possible with any- and everyone in order to ensure that she's the focal point of the narrative. She and Eileen are really working in tandem with a good cap, bad cop (or, more accurately, bad cop, worse cop) dynamic.

I would say that Kathryn is much more sloppy than Lisar. Kathryn didn't bother to build any relationships or to make the audience give two shits about her. She just wanted to get close to the Queen Bee - LVP - and didn't really think it through. Sloppy to be sure. Lisar is very well aware of what she is doing. She didn't have that conversation on the beach by accident.

  • Love 15

I don't really like Kathryn or Erika but I felt bad for Kathryn when Erika was shouting at her with Rinna and Eileen chiming in....not quite bullying but definitely a ganging up. I wish Kathryn had told Erika to f*ck off but understand why she couldn't (she has to work/film with them or be iced out; she was ganged up on; she couldn't break the 4th wall). I'm not saying Kathryn or Erika handled anything about sniper/web-gate well since both were wrong imo. But I don't like gang ups and Eileen has been pissing me off this season with her pot stirring and insane vendetta against LVP. I guess she doesn't care that Yo is hanging with bg who was the one who bought up the cheating/affair in the first place. I guess Eileen also doesn't know that just a day or two ago, Erika and bg were all buddy buddy. I guess Eileen will be the next one all buddy buddy with bg and she will be back (I won't watch if bg is back)

  • Love 9

Outside of Yolanda, I find myself getting enjoyment from everyone at this point.  LisaR spilling the tea on the beach was wonderful.  However, and I say this as someone who has been on to LisaV since season 1, she can miss me with the "I was manipulated" stuff.  She made the decision to bring the "M" word on camera, and that's on her.  Do I believe that LisaV and Kyle emailed each other Yolanda's ridiculous selfies that made no sense and were all "Dis bitch, tho!"  "I know, right?" about how confusing they were?  Absolutely.  It was hard for me to believe that NONE of them had questions about Yolanda after all this time, and with her contradictory behavior.  I do believe that they think similarly to LisaR, in that they think she's ill, but uses it to her advantage.  


Kathryn, girl, get it together.  She was just a mess, but a hilarious one, though.  Eileen once again makes sure that there's some drama as she stands off to the side and watches it all go down.  

  • Love 16

I'm not convinced that Eileen means to stir the shit - she seems to always need things to be worked out, doesn't feel comfortable when people are at odds.

Well, that's what she keeps saying. But given the fact that every single time she gets someone else to buy into her "go face-to-face and put it all out on the table" strategy of conflict resolution, the conflicts get exponentially worse, she'd have to be dumb as a post to think her strategy is the way to improved relationships among the group.

I don't think she's dumb. And since her behavior is consistently successful at getting the pots to boil (no matter how much she insisted she's trying to make things better) I vote she knows what she's doing and it's what she intends to do.

  • Love 18

According to Eileen's blog, she knew that LVP had been getting Rinna to say/do things before their beach convo when she got Rinna to come clean...which when you think about it is not all that different than LVP getting Rinna to disclose the Munchausen comments about Yolanda. Eileen is every bit as controlling of Rinna as LVP. That being said, I think Rinna's feud with Yolanda is going to still be much bigger than her feud with LVP.


If this is true, Eileen's talking head comments were very disingenuous - big eyed in shock, whispery voice - "Wow!  That's inflammatory".  That has the makings of a set-up, followed by a throw under the bus.  I wonder if Eileen, at the time that TH was taped, had distanced herself from Rinna.  Makes me think they'll be on separate couches.

  • Love 8

Well, that's what she keeps saying. But given the fact that every single time she gets someone else to buy into her "go face-to-face and put it all out on the table" strategy of conflict resolution, the conflicts get exponentially worse, she'd have to be dumb as a post to think her strategy is the way to improved relationships among the group.I don't think she's dumb. And since her behavior is consistently successful at getting the pots to boil (no matter how much she insisted she's trying to make things better) I vote she knows what she's doing and it's what she intends to do.

Could be, but for me it's too early to call. (Can you tell I'm watching election results?!)
  • Love 1

I loved everything LisaR said about Yo at the beach. I agreed with her, especially when she somewhat said that no one will really question Yo, because of said illness. I cracked up at her whipping out the picture of Yo having lunch with Brandi and Kim, when she supposedly was resting all day so she could go to Erika's dinner.


It could have been editing, but the reactions of some of the ladies when Tom scolded Erika was funny to me. Was it LisaR that said something in her TH that Erika acts all independent and such, but is basically a shrinking violet when around Tom?

  • Love 20

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