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S32.E02: Kindergarten Camp

Tara Ariano
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One castaway goes to great heights to retrieve a hidden immunity idol

The mental giant?

two players on the beauty tribe become fast friends

Caleb and Tai?

a taxing reward and immunity challenge tests the teams' strength.

I hope this is not a medevac

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Wonder if the brawn tribe is sorry they got rid of Darnell.

Predictable and be Alecia? Will she remember to take the pen cap off again. Really hate that these two meat heads seem to be calling the shots.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Jenny, the key to blindside is play along with the original plan and keep your mouth shut.  And if you decide not to go with Plan B, don't open your mouth.  Here I was about to say 'free Jenny' because I felt sorry she was locked into an alliance with those meatheads.  I feel like they left a bunch of stuff out.


Jason is an ass.  Now I see why his wife is already doing damage control for his benefit. 


Did the brain tribe get the kerosene at the last RC?


Alecia may actually win this game if it keeps going this route.  Episode 2 and I'm running out of people to like, but she isn't so bad right now.

Edited by LadyChatts
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.... what the hell was this tribal? everything totally went to poop. Jennifer has a freaking big mouth. Alicia.... is quite the mental giant. Of course Jenny went out. I wouldn't want that drama in my life. (I feel I cursed her because I wanted her to win). and Alicia's little "yay!" and tongue stick out was cute. Brawn is stupid though

At first I was upset that Idols weren't as amazing as they were in Second Chance - but then I forgot that in filming, Second Chance came second so maybe they'll see how it was recieved (really good!) and continue with that moving forward


Caleb + Tai were fricken adorable. But curious that Tai (who says nothing should die) isn't vegetarian/vegan. Thought that would be something that would be brought up - maybe he is and just needs to eat whilst on the island. 


v. much liking this season so far. 

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Hey, Jason and Scot, "blondie" has a name.


Given how little air time Brawn received prior to the immunity challenge, I was sure they were safe for this week.


I don't even know what to say about Jenny.


Probst is probably shitting himself that Brawn has lost the first two immunity challenges.

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Jenny gets attracted to shiny things.

Don't like Jason or most of the cast.

Probably won't be back until after the merge. Maybe it's just the specter of all these medevacs that's keeping me from getting attached.

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I like it that they are making getting the idol tougher to get. Tai needs to wear shoes and a shirt from now on.

Debbie is really, really annoying!

I think the Brawn tribe is stupid. They got rid of Darnell, a physically strong guy. So they lose another challenge. Then they think about voting out another physically strong person (Jason). Why did Jennie stand up on the bench to plead faithfulness? Sit down girl! It didn't work and I don't blame them for voting her off but I believe she was a physically stronger player than Alecia and so far the challenges have been very physical.

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There goes Jenny's contracting business.  She is not someone I would want working on my house.


The smart move was to whack bounty boy.


I think Cydney would have been on board with that, too.  I was skeptical, but I think she might have gone along with the girls.  Jenny could have totally orchestrated an amazing blindside and sent that ogre packing.  Then again, I still feel like something might have been left out.

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Wow, Jenny really just destroyed her entire game didn't she? Maybe that bug did more damage than she thought.


I kind of liked Alecia this week. In fact, I liked almost everyone except Jason and the annoying lady on the brains tribe.

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Wow, the stupid was thick in this episode.  


Did belching, blistering Jason call Alecia "useless"?  Wasn't it Alecia who got fire going for them?  She eventually got one of those little "embryos" started, right?


And Debbie:  "I can tell just by looking at it whether water is safe to drink."  


And Jenny. So sad that she self-destructed like that at tribal.  I kinda liked her until then.

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Don't judge a book by it's cover just because Alecia is blonde... but then again, if it quacks like a duck and flies like a duck, it's a duck! The first in allll these seasons to not realize there was a cap on the tribal marker, and now "We almost had an embryo but it went out." I feel dumber having even heard that. Okay, and FIVE hours banging on a flint in the sun that has already devastated half your tribe? I mean good on her that she got it done but... wow.


Wow that tribal was... spectacular!! Down. In. Flames.

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I think Cydney would have been on board with that, too.  I was skeptical, but I think she might have gone along with the girls.  Jenny could have totally orchestrated an amazing blindside and sent that ogre packing.  Then again, I still feel like something might have been left out.

A girls alliance taking out Jason was a good tease.  Editing is always the mysterious wildcard.  They talked a little bit about how the women would be less targeted in the upcoming switch/merge. 

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Good grief...the Brawn tribe is a disaster.  Bets on how quickly there's a tribe shake-up to save them??


Going into this episode, I was afraid for Tai, who I kind of liked even though I thought he was a bit of an idiot for obviously going idol-hunting right off the bat.  But it looks like he might have a bit of an alliance going with Caleb now, so perhaps he's not in as much danger as he was last week.  At least now when he goes idol hunting by climbing a tree, it's nothing that's going to seem out of the ordinary for him.


And if I was the brains tribe, I'd throw the next challenge just to get rid of Debbie.  I tried to tell myself that she wasn't doing anything the other players who were sitting out a challenge did by cheering on her tribe...but then there were the pom poms.

Edited by wallflower75
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Usually I hate the annoying people, for the first time I find Debbie hysterical.

I was impressed Alicia was smart enough to let things unfold at tribal without drawing a lot of attn.

I've seen a lot of tribals where the person in her spot is almost safe but they blow it and turn attn back to themselves.

Edited by cleo
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I don't even know what to say about Jenny.



Well that was one of the worst self implosions I have ever seen.  My sarcastic side wondered if the bug did more damage than we thought.


So ready for Jason to leave just on aesthetic value if not his attitude.  I'm sick of looking at him.  And yeah, he's a dick.


So Caleb either learned something from Big Brother about how he came across or the editing is his friend here.  I think it's the latter.

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Now I know why Jenny was on the brawn tribe: in mere seconds, she managed to completely cover herself in shit, and she didn't even use a shovel!


Now that's impressive.


And Alecia may be a glassy-eyed dumb blond right out of central casting, but she hacked away at that damn flint for five friggin' hours while the cavemen snoozed.  And she got fire.  And she had enough cunning to sit back at tribal and let someone else just blather their way right out of the game. 


Damn, woman.


So Debbie is this season's Agent Phil?  Oh, her poor tribemates.


I did NOT expect the Caleb - Tai scene to go the way it did, I have to admit, and I loved being wrong.  What a great reality TV Odd Couple.  Can you imagine those two doing The Amazing Race together?


So far, a real fun season.


I was thinking more like Shirin, but maybe the love child of Shirin and Phil?  If Brawn loses again, and if anyone starts going off on how worthless Alecia is, I hope it is brought up how much she has contributed.  Right now she's done more than bounty meathead.


Caleb hasn't been irritating me like I thought.  I couldn't believe how he sprinted in that challenge.  I agree with the above poster, that maybe it was the BB environment that brought out the worst in him.  He seems to be more in his element and enjoying himself this time.  I love his bromance with Tai.  The beauty tribe is my favorite (minus Nick).  They seem to really be enjoying their time and getting along.  Not the drama we are getting from the other tribes.


Since Jason is such a jerk, I'm glad he's been on the losing tribe so far.

Edited by LadyChatts
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 Jenny could have totally orchestrated an amazing blindside and sent that ogre packing.  Then again, I still feel like something might have been left out.


Same here; that vote spread seemed too calculated for a spur-of-the-moment flip.

Personal suspicion: Muscles ratted out Jenny's potential flip to the guys, and they split the vote in case either Felecia or Jenny had found the HII and/or passed it to the other.

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I find it interesting that we have seen no evidence whatsoever that the Beauty tribe is struggling with the conditions out there like the other two tribes. Doesn't appear to be much conflict yet either.

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I find it interesting that we have seen no evidence whatsoever that the Beauty tribe is struggling with the conditions out there like the other two tribes. Doesn't appear to be much conflict yet either.


According to some of the S31 Survivors, the beauty camp is where Bayon was.  Maybe that beach just had really good vibes?  I am surprised that beauty seems to be getting along quite well.

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I am really loving that Beauty tribe they are so much fun. That tribal council gave me a headache though I really had high hopes for Jennifer, but man she dug her grave tonight big time.... I really need to rewatch it because there are some things Im still not clear on like the whole argument with joe and Liz what was that about? I hope Joe isnt gonna be a grumpy old man. 

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the whole argument with joe and Liz what was that about?

Joe, channeling his inner Rudy, and with backing by the 'water savant' declared their water safe to drink and Liz made the unreasonable request of boiling it before she drank it; which I guess it's "Kindergarten" to want safe water in his opinion.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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According to some of the S31 Survivors, the beauty camp is where Bayon was.  Maybe that beach just had really good vibes?  I am surprised that beauty seems to be getting along quite well.


The one thing I want to know about the Beauty tribe is what is the deal with Nick? Nobody talks about him (other than Michele saying he was good looking).  We have seen the 3 women aligning together. We have seen them discussing whether or not they should bring Tai or Caleb is as the 4th. We have now seen the "bromance" develop between Tai and Caleb.  What about Nick? Does he have any role on this tribe whatsoever?  He is just there.

Edited by LanceM
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Sucks for me to be named "Jason." Bad enough the first Jason on this show was a complete dumbass ("it's a stick"), but now I have to deal with the dumbass bounty hunter. The tribe definitely should have voted out Alecia on Day 3. Instead, they're down two people, and the twit is still in the game because somebody else had to stand up and make things worse. All that was missing from Jennifer's performance was covering herself in kerosene and lighting a match. And thanks to her, we're stuck with the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos.


Damn, it looks like the producers have finally Russell-proofed the idols. Tai gets points for finding the right spot, but then he had to climb a tree. And he's not Ozzy. You have to feel bad for Tai losing skin on the tree. At least he's found a friend with Beast Mode Cowboy.


Debbie is totally the new Shirin. I wonder if her tribe heard her throughout the challenge. Surprised Peter didn't tank the shots just to get rid of her.

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I love the bromance between Caleb and Tai.

I didn't watch Big Brother, but I read enough on here to be apprehensive about Beast Mode Meatslab.  But so far I've found Caleb kind of endearing.


It's wouldn't surprise me if the other shoe dropped soon, but this affability is nice to see.

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Okay....first of all the continual calling of Alecia dumb was so hypocritcal when you consider they COULD have kept Darnell....scummy Jason and NBA goon are the ones not looking bright....


Jenny...I think her erractic behaviour can be explained easily: It whas Khan controlling her through that thing in her ear. Well it has to be the Ceti Eel because what other reason could there be for somone talking themselves INTO being voted off when all they had to do was sit back and chill and let nature takes its course. I will credit her with a clever lie that she was just saying that to make Alecia's last day better. It's almost believable. And Alecia to her credit did make a good point that there was nothing she did that made them lose. With all that said though...keeping Jenny probably would be the smarter choice.


Syndey is mystifiying because you can't really be sure what she was thinking. She seemed non-committal on the All Girl Thing. If Jenny hadn't changed her mind I don't know if Sydney would have done it.


Neal continues to stoke my dislike for him. He's clearly prejudiced against older people....you could see him lying the ground work to try and vote out Joe if they lost. He's a loser. Meanwhile I cheered Joe when he mocked Liz about the "pathogens" and she went all sulky. If I had to guess a woman with a body like that and looks to match probably is use to getting her own way and having the way greased for her so it;s no doubt a shock to encounter someone like Joe who is immune to her charms. Joe is absolutly a combination of Rudy and BB from the classic first season.


So happy that Nick was reduced to an non-speaking extra.


If hadn't watched BIG BROTHER I would just assume he was a good natured cowpoke. I will say no matter what happens he's already survived the most grueling experience someone could have to go through.,.locked in a house for an entire summer with the hyper-obnoxious Frankie Grande!


Tai on the Black Palm was the closest thing to a live action Hanna-Barbara cartoon I've ever seen.


Long live Debbie...lord have mercy if she doesn't remind me of the female half of Alf and Ralph Monroe from GREEN ACRES with a liberal dash of Cliff Clavin from CHEERS.


The season is off to a great start!

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I didn't watch Big Brother, but I read enough on here to be apprehensive about Beast Mode Meatslab.  But so far I've found Caleb kind of endearing.


It's wouldn't surprise me if the other shoe dropped soon, but this affability is nice to see.


Methinks Caleb benefits from the lack of non-edited coverage.  :)

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Sucks for me to be named "Jason." Bad enough the first Jason on this show was a complete dumbass ("it's a stick"), but now I have to deal with the dumbass bounty hunter. The tribe definitely should have voted out Alecia on Day 3. Instead, they're down two people, and the twit is still in the game because somebody else had to stand up and make things worse. All that was missing from Jennifer's performance was covering herself in kerosene and lighting a match. And thanks to her, we're stuck with the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos.


Damn, it looks like the producers have finally Russell-proofed the idols. Tai gets points for finding the right spot, but then he had to climb a tree. And he's not Ozzy. You have to feel bad for Tai losing skin on the tree. At least he's found a friend with Beast Mode Cowboy.


Debbie is totally the new Shirin. I wonder if her tribe heard her throughout the challenge. Surprised Peter didn't tank the shots just to get rid of her.


Well Jason is his last name so if I were you I'd just call him Kyle.


I don't think they "Russell proofed" the idols, I think they "woman proofed" the idols.  Yeah there are some women who probably could climb that tree but it seems to me that is geared more towards a man being able to do it.

Edited by LanceM
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I don't think they "Russell proofed" the idols, I think they "woman proofed" the idols.  Yeah there are some women who probably could climb that tree but it seems to me that is geared more towards a man being able to do it.


I would respectfully disagree.  Ozzy's monkey arms notwithstanding, that kind of vertical-angled climbing is much more legs-oriented than upper-body-oriented.  Anyone with sufficiently strong legs should be able to do it.  JMO

Edited by Nashville
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continual calling of Alecia dumb was so hypocritcal when you consider they COULD have kept Darnell


And back to Darnell who went home because he "lost" a challenge for them... funny how that voting out criteria went by the wayside when it was 'one of them' that admitted to losing the challenge. Mr. "I missed the shot." owned up and nobody gave a second thought to voting him out for it. I love when the "people in power" make up and twist/break their own rules as they go to suit themselves.


Anyone with sufficiently strong legs should be able to do it.


They might also be helped by, what's the word I'm looking for?? Oh yeah, shoes.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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Just bc Tai weighs 90 lbs doesn't make his relentless endless firting with Caleb any less creepy than Caleb focusing his unwanted affection on Amber in BB. No doubt, this is Caleb's karma probably but Tai is still a creepster.

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I don't think they "Russell proofed" the idols, I think they "woman proofed" the idols.  Yeah there are some women who probably could climb that tree but it seems to me that is geared more towards a man being able to do it.

I think that the show wanted to encourage people to not keep the idol secret. A physically weaker player would need to enlist a stronger player to climb that tree.

Also interesting that Scott got rid of Darnell because it was his fault they lost immunity challenge. But this go around Scott admits it was his fault, yet no one targeted him.

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Jenny is an all around idiot. Maybe that worm did something to her brain as well. She could have easily dodged Jeff's question about female alliance. Women should no longer think about doing a female alliance because 99% it just doesn't work at all.  She needed to go.


Jason is also an idiot saying Alecia is like an ostrich a bird that can't fly because ostriches don't fly. 


That older woman on the brain tribe is annoying standing there cheering during the IC. I wanted her to shut up. Barack needs to shut up too with the 40 cats things. Not every lady over 40 has millions of cats.


My friend thinks that there is a twist and that people are secretly on tribes that they shouldn't be on like Tai should be on brain, Caleb on brawn, and Alecia on beauty. I don't think so but she's been watching Survivor longer than me. 

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caleb is a magnet for creepy gay men....that troll from big brother and now Tai.  he's used to the creepiness.  that troll on big brother was way more aggressive.  caleb is losing his appeal when skinny.  dont get too skinny, caleb.


debbie....oy vey.......

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Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. You should never say more than the minimum needed to answer Jeff's questions, preferably just "yes" or "no." Wow. I've never seen a contestant dig her own grave so quickly.


That was something.  I wouldn't have believed it happened if I hadn't seen it for myself.  I don't blame the guys for switching the votes to get her out after that total meltdown at Tribal.  You can't trust a person who is that unstable.  I know a lot of the times the show is edited to make you think that votes switched at Tribal when in fact people's minds were already made up.  This time, however, I don't think it was the editing.  Jenny basically talked herself into getting voted out.


I'm not a big fan of Alecia, but I can't stand how condescending and derisive those two guys are of her.  Not cool, guy.  And I don't care how ditsy she may be, that took guts to keep trying to make fire for 5 hours straight until she got it done.  Meanwhile those "strong men" were laying down in the shelter.  I hope she outlasts them both.


I love Cydney so far... too bad she's stuck on the Brawn tribe with all those losers.  It will be tough for her to get something going in this game since the tribe is such a mess.

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