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S06.E11: Please Welcome Erika Jayne!

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Only in Yolanda's world would it be insulting to have someone say her kids are fine or healthy.  There are thousands of people who have chronic illnesses that during the illness they could be described as fine or healthy.  Let's see Anwar got his driver's license recently-I would think given Bella "Crash" Hadid's inability to drive due to Lyme Disease, that would be a no-no.  Bella has been walking and doing photo shoots.  That would make one tend to believe she is fine.  I am thinking less and less of Mohamed, who is a seemingly intelligent man that he not only buys Yolanda's quack's diagnoses but pays for the BS treatment.  There will come a day these kids realize they were being treated for a non-existence illness as an attempt to garner sympathy for Yolanda.  Sounds a little like Munchausen by Proxy.  The difference being Yolanda is not trying to get attention from medical providers but from the world at large.


When Yolanda described the non-Gigis' symptoms I believe the only thing she cited was Bella inability to calibrate jumps on her horse.  Maybe she is just a shitty rider, or perhaps dreams of being an Olympian took a backseat once she got the beak and lips fixed.  I can't even remember what she said Anwar's symptoms were from Lyme Disease because she moved on to the next ailment silicone affecting their autoimmune systems.   

You ARE right, we really don't hear Yolanda ask anyone about themselves, their lives, their families or their businesses. She only tells them "how well THEY look" so she can remind them (and us) that she is SOOOooooooo sick. She needs to get off this show, I am so tired of her.

You forgot how they wear make up and jewels while being filmed.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 17
Where does one even get a "cunty"necklace?


Let me introduce you to Etsy: 




I was annoyed that Kathryn tried to tell Erika what words to use. But, it also annoyed me just as much that Erika wore the necklace purposely to flaunt it in Kathryn's face.


Agreed. I'm in the middle on this one. I personally don't like the word, but I'm not going to tell other people how to talk. On the flip side, while I also wouldn't tailor MY speech so as not to offend (because where does it end???), I also wouldn't intentionally try to rile. They can both have a seat. 


All of the women are very pretty, but there were many scenes in these last two episodes where Lisa V, Eileen and Kyle looked so beautiful.


I loved Kyle in her skinny jeans, brown leather jacket, and sunglasses when she met up with YoFo and LVP. 

  • Love 14

Does Erica/Erika actually have a necklace with the c-word in it? Gross!


And the misuse of the word vagina irritates me no end with these bitches. Your vagina is internal. No one can see it so there is no reason to spray tan it or groom it. The external part of the female reproductive system is the vulva and labia. Jesus women, learn the correct names of the parts of your damn bodies!! 


I am so done with listening to these women endlessly talk about who said what to who and when. There are cameras rolling recording everything. Why play the "she said she said" game??

That's why I actually like the word we are not allowed to use here.  See You Next Tuesday encompasses all of the lady parts.  I think my mind changed while reading Chaucer, and other old writings.  I edited this to comply with board standards.  http://www.alternet.org/gender/fascinating-history-c-word


Believe it or not, calling a woman a c... wasn’t always an insult. In ancient Egypt, an early form of the word was used as a neutrally connoted synonym for “woman.” (Egyptologists were pretty surprised to find it in the writings of Ptah-Hotep, but as writer Barbara G. Walker notes, “Its indelicacy was not in the eye of the ancient beholder, only in that of the modern scholar.”) Centuries later, Anglo-Saxons used it as a utilitarian term for female genitalia. The Oxford English Dictionary traces its earliest English usage back to 1230, when the street that made up London’s red-light district was called—not even kidding—Gropec..t Lane. And before long, the term started cropping up in English literature. Chaucer uses the Middle English variant “queynte” liberally throughout his randy Canterbury Tales, and though Shakespeare never used the word outright, he loved to use highly suggestive puns, as evidenced in Twelfth Night (“There be her very C’s, her U’s, and her T’s: and thus she makes great P’s”), as well as in Hamlet and Ophelia’s infamously entendre-crazed “country matters” exchange. These early literary uses were saucy and irreverent, but not exactly forbidden.


  • Love 8

Beverly Hills is officially more low rent than the OC.  I can't with this train wreck anymore.  I'm out.  See y'all in New York!




No!!!  I think I disagree with you on almost everyone in this franchise, but I really enjoy reading your posts.


Lisa didn't say anything other than Mohamed said the kids were/are "fine" and Mohamed agreed with that via twitter. Yolanda brought up her kids health not just once but twice ON camera and the blame of the kid talk is on her and her alone IMO.


Oh Yolanda's completely responsible for bringing up the non-Gigis' health, I agree.   That doesn't negate Lisa's faux pas in putting it out there that Mohamed contradicts Yolanda.  She also (unintentionally I'm sure) identified Bella as a liar, as I understand that she's now claiming Lyme.   It was a little careless, and I usually don't think that of Lisa.  But my greater point was that LVP has the relationship with the family, and therefore she's held more accountable for her words than Kyle.


Now if Kyle had already been told this information by Lisa off-camera, and she was trying to trick Lisa into repeating it on-camera, that's on Kyle.  But even in that situation, Lisa could have used discretion and refused to be baited.


BIB, I also saw that look of disgust/contempt on Erika's face while hanging up on her husband ("the boss"). I wonder if he saw this episode and noticed that expression (maybe he is use to it). Not good Erika! Don't piss off the boss! very stupid of her to let that slip


I didn't really think she gave much of a look, but I do wonder how her posse treats her husband.  Does he have to come home from a long day's work and have to remove them from her ass and hot vagina?  Does he tolerate them underfoot in his (naked) wife's bathroom, closet, and bedroom.  They just seem so intrusive.

  • Love 6

IDK Purses are just a necessary thing to me but if I were really wealthy and viewed them as a status symbol, I'd drop some big bucks on them but I'm not and I don't. If you are and you do, have at it. I could not care less.

I highly doubt Kyle pays for her bags, especially the ones she wears on the show.  Designers probably send crates of them to her house for free to get the publicity of her wearing them.  And if she does ever want to buy one, she most definitely does not pay retail! 

Erika has real potential for this franchise imo.  She is the quintessential bored housewife who right now is hanging out in the gay scene but could probably be persuaded to stir up trouble in Beverly Hills.  She just has to learn how to play the game a little better than she did last night.

  • Love 7



And the misuse of the word vagina irritates me no end with these bitches. Your vagina is internal. No one can see it so there is no reason to spray tan it or groom it. The external part of the female reproductive system is the vulva and labia. Jesus women, learn the correct names of the parts of your damn bodies!! 





Yes! This has irritated me from the minute it started to be used so girls would have one word like boys do.  ARG!   It is wrong.  

  • Love 8

It's funny to me that all along, from her first appearance on this show, I've NEVER understood all of the "I LOVE Erika!" feelings.  I thought she was boring, could only talk in talking heads, and was a complete fake, her hair, her nails, her "career", just all of it was a woman I would never actually like IRL.  I don't mind that she married some old dude for money, that happens all the time.  I feel like that part was an even trade, her youth for his money (and yes, considering their age difference, she DID offer him "youth" no matter when they married or what she'd done before, her child, etc.)


Last night was the first time I ever enjoyed her on the show.  Keep in mind, this is enjoying her as a "real housewife" on Bravo.  At least she showed some animation in real time, at least she did SOMETHING, reacted in real time for the very first time on this show in my memory, and I'm not talking about her pathetic act or paid hangers on.  When she got pissed and lied her ass off, at least it was something.  I think, for the first time, we got a glimpse of the real person.  So, yay?

  • Love 8

I didn't really think she gave much of a look, but I do wonder how her posse treats her husband.  Does he have to come home from a long day's work and have to remove them from her ass and hot vagina?  Does he tolerate them underfoot in his (naked) wife's bathroom, closet, and bedroom.  They just seem so intrusive.

My thought right now is that the husband is fine with these guys taking up her time. I get the impression that Erika and her husband get along but both basically do their own thing.

Erika reminds me of a less crazy and more successful version of Sonja in a way. I'm surprised that it took me so long to see it. Erika isn't surrounded by interns but I get a similar vibe.

  • Love 10



Trash Talk's recap. 


Erika is doing a show called Pervert at a gay club called Riches. You can’t make this shit up. Pervert Riches. I’ve just typed her resume.

“Done gayt cloze do my cheeldrayn!” If you don’t want people talking about your children, you wouldn’t be hawking them out to every national news outlet in the land, cow. You can’t paste your “sick” kids all over Insta and put them on the RedCarpetLyme circuit and then get pissy when people talk to them. Please. You use your children as a retirement fund. If anyone needs to stop abusing them, it’s their pimp. I’d ask you to look in a mirror, but I don’t want to wait for you to adjust your sick eye shadow.


Kyle is thrilled. Vanderpump just got grilled and Kyle’s (again) off the hook when she’s the one who started all this. “We’ve never spoken about Yo’s kids!” Uh huh. Unfortunately, the editors don’t splice in Kyle asking over and over again about Yolanda’s kids fake diseases at her terrible BBQ. The. WORST.


Lot's more obviously, those who detest Yolanda will really enjoy this one.


ETA fixed tags

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 6

No!!!  I think I disagree with you on almost everyone in this franchise, but I really enjoy reading your posts.



Oh Yolanda's completely responsible for bringing up the non-Gigis' health, I agree.   That doesn't negate Lisa's faux pas in putting it out there that Mohamed contradicts Yolanda.  She also (unintentionally I'm sure) identified Bella as a liar, as I understand that she's now claiming Lyme.   It was a little careless, and I usually don't think that of Lisa.  But my greater point was that LVP has the relationship with the family, and therefore she's held more accountable for her words than Kyle.


Now if Kyle had already been told this information by Lisa off-camera, and she was trying to trick Lisa into repeating it on-camera, that's on Kyle.  But even in that situation, Lisa could have used discretion and refused to be baited.



I didn't really think she gave much of a look, but I do wonder how her posse treats her husband.  Does he have to come home from a long day's work and have to remove them from her ass and hot vagina?  Does he tolerate them underfoot in his (naked) wife's bathroom, closet, and bedroom.  They just seem so intrusive.

I can agree with you on that. You could see that Lisa regretted saying what Mohamed told her as soon as it left her mouth.




Trash Talk's recap. 


Lot's more obviously, those who detest Yolanda will really enjoy this one.


ETA fixed tags

I am so glad that Trash Talk is calling Yolanda out about her kids, I wish more recaps/bloggers would do it as well.

  • Love 12

I just learned how to do these (make, upload, post) and I wish it was of something better~lol. Kind of fun.


Anyway, her expression isn't (as) contemptuous as I thought it was. Toward the very end, it's a little movement around her eyes that may go with how she says "boss" (no audio for the gif) to made me question it.

Maybe it was the way she said "boss" or something but the video itself seems ok.




  • Love 3

Random thoughts as everything I hated was covered:  

1)  As far as Eileen's shoes, I think she was going for the 70's look, to go with the denim jumpsuit.  

2)  Erica's make up dude, doing the Nene "Bloop" bothered me.  Not sure why, but it did.

3)  I though LVP asked Kathryn if she can get a handicapped parking pass.

This guy gives me Don Juan of RHoA vibe.  As they say he is way too thirsty for air time.

  • Love 5

I thought LVP's reaction to the overflowing dry ice when the guy first opened the freezer was very funny.  And, as someone else said, I loved her reaction shots when Yolanda accused her and then presented her with the kids' medical records.


On the tour bus there was a barely perceptible expression of contempt on Erika's face right after she hung up from "the boss".  It looked as though she was used to eye-rolling or even bad-mouthing her husband to her entourage, and was about to do just that but she remembered she was on camera.  


All of the women are very pretty, but there were many scenes in these last two episodes where Lisa V, Eileen and Kyle looked so beautiful.

I noticed that too, I told my daughter at the time that, "there is the real Erika & that's the real arrangement" 

  • Love 10

I seriously don't know how much more of this I can take with Yolanda. Even before she went rabid on LVP and Kyle, she was kind of deranged in the cryogenic chamber scene. She was pontificating about how it is her favorite part of the day and she does it every day?? Most of us call freezing winter and we do it once a year. She's just such a horrible self absorbed bitch. It's not entertaining at all.

  • Love 14

Lisa Rinna is a shit stirrer, but her tweets today are pure gold. But even better is the fact that the exchange with Yolanda has brought out the real bitch that Yolanda tries to conceal. I don't see how Yolanda can get the kid glove treatment at the reunion after her Twitter war with Rinna today.

I'm curious to see where Eileen ends up standing in all of this. She has appeared to be firmly on Yolanda's side, but she and Rinna's friendship has always seemed fairly genuine to me.

  • Love 13
When Yolanda described the non-Gigis' symptoms I believe the only thing she cited was Bella inability to calibrate jumps on her horse.  Maybe she is just a shitty rider, or perhaps dreams of being an Olympian took a backseat once she got the beak and lips fixed.  I can't even remember what she said Anwar's symptoms were from Lyme Disease because she moved on to the next ailment silicone affecting their autoimmune systems.


Or maybe she was just old-school malnourished, if Yolanda had them on a diet of lemons and almonds (not too many almonds, of course).  I wonder about that sometimes, with this family and their ailments that seem to be lack of energy and an inability to think clearly.  Are they eating actual food on a regular basis?


I forgot my favorite part of the Erika Jayne show: she closed by reminding the audience who she was.  Maybe I'm not hip, I consider that the sign of a lower-tier performer or an opening act, someone who's not the destination hence the audience needs to be told who they are.  I still enjoy her, 'cause she entertains me and that's all I need.  We'll see how next week goes, though.


I feel about as done with Yolanda's BH character as I was with Brandi's and Taylor's before her.  I am, however, learning a ton.  I had no idea a chiropractor could freeze people.  But I guess if just about anyone can inject you with poison to get rid of wrinkles it doesn't take that much skill to seal rich people in a box for a few seconds.  I'm glad it's reasonably priced, too, since it could well be a key element of the wellness plan Yolanda sells a few months from now.  


I've also learned that one can be a health advocate and high class whore at the same time, apparently.  Good for her.  Does anyone know- is that position independent, or do they just make sure all your doctors know what the others have prescribed?  Or...does she try to convince doctors to do what Yolanda wants (advocate on her behalf)?  I don't really get that.

  • Love 6

I thought Erika's performance was a little depressing. The woman is around 45, does she really enjoy strutting around in a costume that looks like one of Bob Mackie's designs that Cher used to wear back in the 80's? What ever makes her happy, I guess.  


One of the best things about Eileen is that she can certainly afford expensive handbags, she just doesn't give a rat's ass to have one. 

While I'm on the Eileen love train, let me say the woman is a stunner! Sure, she may have had some (or regular) botox and fillers along the way but that is the same gorgeous face I remember from the early days of Y& R. No overinflated lips, no frozen face, no eyebrows too high on her forehead and as far as my untrained eye can see, no extensions. Just keep being you, Eileen!

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 20

One of the best things about Eileen is that she can certainly afford expensive handbags, she just doesn't give a rat's ass to have one. 

While I'm on the Eileen love train, let me say the woman is a stunner! Sure, she may have had some (or regular) botox and fillers along the way but that is the same gorgeous face I remember from the early days of Y& R. No overinflated lips, no frozen face, no eyebrows too high on her forehead and as far as my untrained eye can see, no extensions. Just keep being you, Eileen!

Except that she just might have extensions in. If you read the latest BH blog on Trash Talk http://www.trashtalktv.com/02/10/rhobh-recap-the-tour-bus-don-rickles-ball-sack-rented/379247/about halfway done the page is a photo/screen shot of possible extensions (bad ones at that) on Eileen. LOL

  • Love 7

Except that she just might have extensions in. If you read the latest BH blog on Trash Talk http://www.trashtalktv.com/02/10/rhobh-recap-the-tour-bus-don-rickles-ball-sack-rented/379247/about halfway done the page is a photo/screen shot of possible extensions (bad ones at that) on Eileen. LOL

Eeeek! You might be right! 

Hilarious recap, by the way

  • Love 2

I love a good handbag, although I won't spend a few thou for one because it's not in my budget, I will save for what I want and I enjoy what I have. The LV's I've purchased are timeless and will last a lifetime, it's money well spent imo. I thought Eileen's reaction and thoughts about her lack of carrying an expensive handbag was refreshing and awesome in a town where just about everyone is superficial. She's a successful woman and more importantly well-grounded and from what I've seen doesn't place as much importance on material goods as much as the rest, and instead values relationships and putting her energy into her family in a very hands-on way.

I did notice Lisar's gorgeous set of iconic LV luggage when packing for SD -- love it.

Regarding the way Erica relayed to her crew about her husband's call on the bus, it wasn't so much the way she looked when she said 'the boss is calling' so much as the way she said it, she seemed annoyed, almost as if he was checking up on her. I agree, her husband is financing her singing "act".

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 5

I agree, her husband is financing her singing "act".


I wouldn't be surprised if hubby's money bought EJ's 8 number one hits. I can't see any way she got them otherwise. The gays at her performance looked as bored as I was. I remember thinking while watching "Hubby should have paid the audience to look a little more interested". The whole necklace thing was hilarious as I thought the whole time it said "Pussy" and thought that is why Eileen thought it said "Candy". But then I have never heard the word "Cunty" so there is that.


Erika totally lost what little interest I had in her with her decision not to own up to what she said to Yolanda. It put a damper on her post show gathering, and a well deserved one.


I love Eileen a little bit more everytime I see her. I started watching the show when she came on as I have never like the character Ashley on Y&R and wondered how I would like Eileen. I freaking love her and as a result now like Ashley as well. The whole purse thing was hilarious. I have many purses as I change the one I carry regularly, but they range in price from $30 to $150. I recently had a purse stolen and was looking to replace it. I saw one that was $320 U.S. (I was on vacation) which in Canadian money at the moment is a gazillion dollars. I just couldn't bring myself to pay that and then found an almost identical one regular $150 on sale for $75. Nothing makes me happier than a good deal - lol.

  • Love 5

I had to laugh at my 'seeing' things the second time around?


The fake cameras in the 'pat the pussy' routine. Really? I'd think that she'd record every performance, so she can improve the next time?

I guess "Vogue the Vulva" might be next?


Getting rubbed down without a mitt or towel is to show us that people (men) actually want to touch her, Having her sidekicks actually laying hands on her

is totally unprofessional and so is Erica jayne!


Wearing a necklace with the 'C-word' on it, just to bother someone is probably equal to wearing one that says "Asshole"?


​Do the dancers get to travel on the plane with Erica Jayne or do they share the plane with her alter ego?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 10

I highly doubt Kyle pays for her bags, especially the ones she wears on the show. Designers probably send crates of them to her house for free to get the publicity of her wearing them. And if she does ever want to buy one, she most definitely does not pay retail!

Kyle is probably not getting free bags. Designers need publicity, but 50% of the time Kyle's style is a damn mess so you wouldn't want your bag photographed anywhere near her. She's just not famous enough to be getting free bags on the regular. She only has a million followers on Twitter and Instagram.

JLaw gets free bags. JLo gets free bags. Taylor Swift gets free bags. All of Kardashian/Jenners get free bags. Gigi gets free bags. I bet even the other one gets free bags (actually I know she is because she's one of uncle Karl's muses), but Kyle...probably not.

Plus everyone knows how much Kyle loves Chanel. Uncle Karl is enough of a snob that he would sniff and sneer about not knowing who this nobody was and then ban them from giving her anything. If Kyle is getting bags for free, she's getting them the same way Lindsay Lohan and Snooki are getting them--sent by the designer's competition so that she won't be photographed with their bag. So it's quite possible that Dior, Hermes,YSL, and Prada are keeping Kyle in all of the Chanel her heart desires.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 4

Funny.  I thought I'd tuned in to the RHOBH, but I got the Erika Jayne Show instead. 


I was thrilled beyond words to see how cleverly they worked the c-word into the episode.  The shocked, astounded, giggly reactions to the word by these innocent housewives was so authentic.  Nevertheless, Kyle stole the scene by twirling her mane, something we haven't witnessed since the last time she did it.  Honestly, it's been like a trip down Memory Lane with Kyle doing the splits in the previous show and her mad hair trick in this one.  She is a marvel.


I feel that we owe Erika a standing O for showing us her naked body once again.  Anyone can tell how embarrassed she must be, but she always goes the extra mile.


I thought, just as an olive branch to LisaV, Erika might have incorporated a couple of midget ponies to the act, but it was not to be.


IMHO, this episode went a long way in showing us how hard the writers work at outstanding dialogue, how intensely the stars keep their minds focused on good, quality conversation topics, and how proud Bravo must be to put out a product like this one to entertain the public.  I would never have known the price of a good handbag had I missed this episode. 




  • Love 12

Only in Yolanda's world would it be insulting to have someone say her kids are fine or healthy. 


I can't recall anymore if it was last week or this week but what I thought was really telling was that Yolanda's first reaction to finding out that they were questioning whether her kids had Lyme was basically they (LvP, Kyle, etc) have time to question whether her children have Lyme instead of supporting Yolanda and being affronted by the lack of attention to her trials and tribulations (more so than doubting her word).

I love a good handbag, although I won't spend a few thou for one because it's not in my budget, I will save for what I want and I enjoy what I have. The LV's I've purchased are timeless and will last a lifetime, it's money well spent imo. I thought Eileen's reaction and thoughts about her lack of carrying an expensive handbag was refreshing and awesome in a town where just about everyone is superficial. She's a successful woman and more importantly well-grounded and from what I've seen doesn't place as much importance on material goods as much as the rest, and instead values relationships and putting her energy into her family in a very hands-on way.

I did notice Lisar's gorgeous set of iconic LV luggage when packing for SD -- love it.



This all day long.


I know nothing about bags or fashion, which frustrates my husband, who works in the industry.  Several years ago I was on the hunt for a good bag. Something I could travel with; throw my laptop and makeup in for my weekly travels, yet still use as a purse when I arrived at my destination.  A fashionable co-worker had this great bag, and I asked her if I could take a picture of it, since it was exactly what I wanted.  I showed the picture to my hubby and told him that was the thing I wanted to find. Maybe we could go to Macy's or JCPenney over the weekend to see if they sold it? He smiled and said he could take care of it. A couple of weeks later, on Mother's Day, there was an LV bag on my bed, with what I would later discover was something called a "Nerverfull" in the bag. It was huge and it was perfect, and I suspected that it cost more than the $60 bags I usually bought at Kohl's with my coupon, but other than that, I was without a clue. I still have zero idea what it might cost, but am sure not what Kyle pays for her bags. Regardless, it is the most precious thing that I own, and I am confident that I will have it forever. Good for Eileen if she doesn't care. I never did, but I am really glad that I have it.  

  • Love 11

I've been keeping up with this thread for the most part but I missed the twitter war between LisaR and Yolanda. ETA: I will be eternally grateful to whoever posts a link.

Rinna is currently on my list but if it's between her or Yolanda, I'm more than happy to watch her call that sour and phony cow out.

Speaking of calling that smug lemon out---that's actually one of the main reasons I find her to be too frustrating to watch anymore. Nobody has the nerve to truly call this woman out on all of her nonsense because everyone fears the idea of being perceived to be insensitive to Yolanda's absurd "journey". There isn't one person who is going to tell this woman 'nobody puts your children's personal business out there more than you do.' 'Why were you able to do x, y, and z if you had no brain function and had to stay in bed for 9 months?' 'Why does your story keep changing?' 'Why haven't you tried to stick with a treatment?' 'Why did you pretend that Kyle should already know that your children have LD when she obviously had no clue?' 'Why not admit that Erika is your primary source of info on the Housewives?' 'How do you feel about your child getting implants when they've caused you such problems?' 'Why don't you wear organic makeup?' 'Why are you still color treating your hair?' 'Why is it okay for you to talk about other housewives when they aren't present?'

That's just scratching the surface with this annoying woman.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 21

Finally got a chance to watch;

Eileen - loved her for all the reasons already stated. Seems like she's back to the HW I enjoyed last season: the one with common sense.

LisaR - she doesn't really bother me, and I did feel bad that sourpuss was complaining about her "apology", and for her getting blamed for the non-Gigi's lack of Lyme. Let's face it, she was damned in sourpuss' eyes whether she apologized or not. I also loved the jumpsuit.

LVP - the tea sipping cracked me up. She also seemed at ease at the club, being playful but not disrespectful. I was surprised she didn't tell sourpuss that when some people (hello Kyle) tried to keep talking about the kids' Lyme, or lack thereof, she refused to continue. Looked better in this episode.

Kyle - stop with the hair twirling: even Portia doesn't do that. Was it just me, or did she do a pretty spot on imitation of Kim without realizing it? That dress and lipstick were hideous! Does she own a mirror? Has she gained weight,mor was that dress' cut even worse than I thought?

Kathryn -

Erica -hypocrite! Or should I say hippo-crite? She was chunky in the tanning scene, and why do you need full body tanner if you're covering it up with black netting? Unnecessary and gratuitous. Lost my interest.

Sourpuss - lookin' mighty healthy during lunch. I think she was upset because people,are,figuring her game out, not because her kids have Lyme. I live in the state Lyme got its name from. People around here have it but not the millions of dollars she's spent, and they haven't "lost their lives". Big 'old crybaby and attention seeker. Sucks the life right out of every scene she's in.

  • Love 10

Erika was definitely cunty this episode. Personally, I don't like "Erika Jayne" as an act, not my thing, but she has the money to act like a popstar and found an audience, so good for her. I have no idea how much money she makes from everything, but if she owns the recording company, then she is the one paying for all the expenses. Or her husband owns the recording company which is why she calls him boss. I'm sure she is making some money or the boss wouldn't have invested.


Elieen was so funny this episode. I love how funny and lighthearted she is. And how she still hasn't caught on to LisaR at all. 


LisaV, Kyle, and Elieen really seemed to have fun this episode and I like them. Kathryn was okay but what is up with her telling everyone how to be a woman? That's tacky. She dresses like a 1980's DC call girl. 

  • Love 6
I can't recall anymore if it was last week or this week but what I thought was really telling was that Yolanda's first reaction to finding out that they were questioning whether her kids had Lyme was basically they (LvP, Kyle, etc) have time to question whether her children have Lyme instead of supporting Yolanda and being affronted by the lack of attention to her trials and tribulations (more so than doubting her word).



Didn't she even literally say that instead of talking about her they should use that time to "take care" of her? Like she really thought they should be at her side doing something to care for her, probably anything from rubbing her feet to giving her a ride to the doctor's on a jet.

  • Love 8

OK, Kyle's purse may be very expensive, but DO NOT put that dirty thing on top of the table at the restaurant. Also, quit it with the helicopter hair move. Tired.


I think I've just seen the least sexy thing in my life. No, no Erika Jayne, it was Lisa Rinna gyrating that skinny body and pursing those baboon butt lips. Just no. Oh, and Rinna, it's much "ado" about nothing. Not much "to do" about nothing. Crack a book. (This mistake would not be such a crime if it weren't Shakespeare and if it weren't the title of the play.)


I would love to be as pretty as Eileen. It must be nice to sit there looking pretty from every angle your whole damn life. Who needs an expensive purse when you have a face like that?


Amen to all of this!  Kyle would look so much more attractive if she got her hair trimmed.  Shoulder length would take years off her face.  And I've always found her tastes completely tacky.  She is an attractive woman who could look so much better if she toned it down a little bit and found something in between a kaftan and a bandage dress (although I thought the bandage dress was a slight improvement).


Eileen is a great looking woman.  Love her attitude about the superficial things.  However, someone please give her better highlights.

  • Love 1

she did what most people do when confronted and I can't blame her for it because admitting what you said and apologizing will not make the situation better. 


Maybe that's what some people do in real life, but certainly not everyone.  And this isn't real life, so there's even more reason not to do what she did.  If I knew I had been filmed saying something, I absolutely wouldn't deny it.  Because it comes back to bite you in the butt much harder and you look like even more of a fool when it ends up on national television.


Also, I thought her response was ridiculous for someone who is always telling us how she proud she is of herself and her own behavior, and that she "owns" and stands by everything she says and does.  If someone doesn't like her, she's said, that's their problem.  If they don't approve of her, she's said, she couldn't care less.  And then we see her doing what she did last night.  Not the ballsy, "I own everything I do" woman that she relentlessly has told us she is.  Not by a long shot.  

  • Love 13


I guess "Vogue the Vulva" might be next?





With "Smooth the Snatch" on the flip side?


Rinna normally makes me nuts with her insane cackle and overly enthusiastic approach (an insidious condition global health specialists and chiropractors refer to as "Marie Osmond Syndrome") but, damn, she just may win me over.


I finally realized who Katherine reminds me of: the Season 1 cast of the OC HWs -- no screaming, no hysteria, no wild cussing -- just a bunch of well-preserved and not terribly deep women into heavy self-maintenance who went out to lunch, played tennis, shopped, decorated and overall, lived affluent lives in the sun. Ahh, those were the days . . . 

  • Love 8

Maybe that's what some people do in real life, but certainly not everyone.  And this isn't real life, so there's even more reason not to do what she did.  If I knew I had been filmed saying something, I absolutely wouldn't deny it.  Because it comes back to bite you in the butt much harder and you look like even more of a fool when it ends up on national television.


Also, I thought her response was ridiculous for someone who is always telling us how she proud she is of herself and her own behavior, and that she "owns" and stands by everything she says and does.  If someone doesn't like her, she's said, that's their problem.  If they don't approve of her, she's said, she couldn't care less.  And then we see her doing what she did last night.  Not the ballsy, "I own everything I do" woman that she relentlessly has told us she is.  Not by a long shot.  

Here is Erika's blog, note the title of it and her first sentence! LOL   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/blogs/erika-girardi/erika-girardi-i-am-not-a-pussy-or


I love how she claims the others were trying to "detract" attention away from what they said/did. YET she was the one yelling, she was the one that lied/denied/lied, she is the one that didn't tell Yolanda the truth OR the entire story/conversation AND she wasn't the one getting blamed for something someone else did. LOL

  • Love 11

Here is the thing about the "C" word. It has a history of being used to demean women in relation to domestic violence. If you were someone that had been called that word as you were spat on and had your eye blacked, well then you would have strong feelings about the word.

Ericka wants to make it a fun word, hey ok, but the history of the word is still there in relation to domestic violence. I'm surprised this aspect of the word has not been brought up. Maybe this is a push to take the ugly power away from the word. I mean I can remember a time when bitch was not used other than in a derogatory fashion and that is not the case in this day and age. The "C" word has a long way to go before it is mainstream in this manner however IMO.

I wasn't impressed at all with Ericka's performance. Dare I call it dull? Even less impressed with her lack of honesty

I'm not diggin Kathryn either.

Can Yolanda please have at least one conversation that isn't all about her. God, I swear she is the most self absorbed woman I have ever seen. She also had makeup on except around her eyes where she has the dark circles. Hmmm. So why would someone wear makeup but not cover up their dark circles? Still I am not willing to say she is not ill but something is way off with her.

I thought Rinna's blog was well written. Too bad she can't be that well spoken on the show. It was very logical and forthright.

Applause! Applause!  Applause!  And thank you!

  • Love 3

 Maybe YO should apologize to her kids for talking about their medical history on national TV, and giving their records to a non-family member to read through. Just gross. 





Exactly!  She's really infuriating.  For someone who claims that her kids are the center of her world, blah blah blah, you'd think she'd give a little thought to their privacy and feelings.   Who are these histrionics actually helping?  Yolanda, of course.  She'll do anything to get attention/sympathy, including using her own children.  Mohammed apparently doesn't think that the health of their children should be made public, which is appropriate.  It's unfortunate that Yolanda doesn't feel the same way.  I have no idea why LisaV was supposed to apologize to Bella and Anwar, and it was pompous and ridiculous for Yolanda to even suggest that.


As someone else posted (sorry, I can't find the post to quote it), Yolanda is killing this show.  Drama is one thing, but this is just rehashed versions of the same refrain over and over.  She's boring because it's always the same bullshit with her.  I don't care about her "journey", and I don't want to hear about it anymore.  She sounds like the Charlie Brown teacher to me at this point.  Just noise because I've heard it all before.  I've known people with incurable, far more serious illnesses who did not carry on like this.  She's not interesting, she's not fun, and she adds nothing to this show.  



You have never been alone!  I have been by your side from day one.   :>)  


I have been there too.  I vividly remember posting here after Erika's first appearance on this show, and I was very much not impressed with either version of herself.  It looks as though the tide is turning, and many others are now feeling the same.  Welcome!!!  :-)

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 17

Just to clarify, and unfortunately there's no video clip on Bravo (no surprise) but what happened at the BBQ dinner was they were talking about Yo.  Kyle asks Lisa, "What's going on with Anwar and Bella's Lyme Disease?".  Lisa's response was that she never heard that, so....  Kyle's response was what do you mean you never heard that?  Lisa then says if she says that (referring to Yo)...  Then Kyle asks what does Mo say?  Lisa's response is that Mo says no.  Yo is the only one with Lyme.  It was later in the conversation that Lisa says that Mo says the kids are fine.  It's an important slip up on Lisa's part.   


IMO, I think Lisa may well have had candid conversations with Mo about the kids' Lyme and just was frustrated, as well as everyone else, with Yo's convoluted statements.  After she said it, she realized she may have violated a confidence and backtracked.  In between, we have the mute Erika who later in her TH's is laying it on strong with her condemnation of talking about Yo's children.  Then she tattles to Yo with an inaccurate account.


Bottom line for me is that Yo put her kids' medical problems out there.  There's nothing wrong with someone inquiring about their health or discussing it.  Yo opened that door.  You can't do that and then set the rules of 'discussion'.  Maybe, Yo has a huge problem with this is because she wants everything on 'her terms'.  She has Lyme, the non Gigi's have Lyme, and what she wants is sympathy but no discussion.  Sorry Yo, but that's not the rule.  If you put it out there, other people can discuss it and say how they feel.  If you don't want it discussed, then shut up about it. 

  • Love 10

My two cents on purses, pocketbooks, etc.  I have a few designer ones.  I'll admit they do make me feel 'special'.  And they are nice.


Everyday living....I like a good bag. I buy one a year.  I'm talking Dooney and Bourke.  I usually just change out with the change of season unless I need to match better for an event....   I'm very picky.  It has to have a pocket on the outside for my cell phone and keys...otherwise, it goes back on the store shelf.  And enough storage for my necessities. 


I don't have the shoe gene.  I like nice shoes but I'm not going to pay exorbitant prices for them.  I gave up platforms when I reached my thirtieth birthday.  I'm 5'7".  Two, three inches, is more than enough for me.  I don't need walking to be any harder than it is naturally. 


With that said, I don't think Kathryn was being judgmental or obnoxious with Eileen regarding the pocketbook.  I think they were being just playful.


What do you call it?  I call it a pocketbook or a bag.  My younger twenty something daughter calls it a purse.  Purse always reminds me of my mom and grandmother.  I guess what's old is 'new' again...


Forgot to add...I have a LV wallet.  I've had it for almost 30 years.  It's worn to say the least but I still get compliments on it from young people behind the counter who recognize it.  I think I got my money's worth.  It's never gotten boring.   I love a classic.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 8

Oh.  Oh.  I forgot to add to my pocketbook requirement.  It has to have a shoulder strap.  I need hands free.  I cracked up about the ladies room dilemma of the 'hook' being missing or just not there.  With a shoulder bag, you just hang that puppy around your neck and you're good to go....


My other peeve, chairs that are rounded in a restaurant.  These must have been picked out by a man.  What the heck am I supposed to do with the pocketbook.  Um, no, I don't want to put in on the floor... or the table.  I want to hang it on the corner of the chair. 


Even worse, last weekend, the husband and I were sitting at a bistro table with bar stools that had no 'back'.  What?  What am I supposed to do with my coat?  Apparently, I'm supposed to sit on it and then what am I supposed to do with my pocketbook?  Think designers.  Think.   Sorry but this is a big pet peeve with me. 

  • Love 12

Here is Erika's blog, note the title of it and her first sentence! LOL   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-6/blogs/erika-girardi/erika-girardi-i-am-not-a-pussy-or


I love how she claims the others were trying to "detract" attention away from what they said/did. YET she was the one yelling, she was the one that lied/denied/lied, she is the one that didn't tell Yolanda the truth OR the entire story/conversation AND she wasn't the one getting blamed for something someone else did. LOL

I love the way Bravo posted the video of Erika in her suite with the ladies denying she said anything to Yolanda after the BBQ with an immediate cut to her admitting she DID report to Yolanda, right over her blog.  What a frickin liar.  And she's a coward!  She's afraid of the ho's.  She's all tough talk in her THs but when it's face to face she can't handle the truth.  She is a pussy.  My favorite part of that scene was Eileen demanding the truth.  All those years on a soap, she can really bring the drama.

  • Love 11

Just to clarify, and unfortunately there's no video clip on Bravo (no surprise) but what happened at the BBQ dinner was they were talking about Yo.  Kyle asks Lisa, "What's going on with Anwar and Bella's Lyme Disease?".  Lisa's response was that she never heard that, so....  Kyle's response was what do you mean you never heard that?  Lisa then says if she says that (referring to Yo)...  Then Kyle asks what does Mo say?  Lisa's response is that Mo says no.  Yo is the only one with Lyme.  It was later in the conversation that Lisa says that Mo says the kids are fine.  It's an important slip up on Lisa's part.   


IMO, I think Lisa may well have had candid conversations with Mo about the kids' Lyme and just was frustrated, as well as everyone else, with Yo's convoluted statements.  After she said it, she realized she may have violated a confidence and backtracked.  In between, we have the mute Erika who later in her TH's is laying it on strong with her condemnation of talking about Yo's children.  Then she tattles to Yo with an inaccurate account.


Bottom line for me is that Yo put her kids' medical problems out there.  There's nothing wrong with someone inquiring about their health or discussing it.  Yo opened that door.  You can't do that and then set the rules of 'discussion'.  Maybe, Yo has a huge problem with this is because she wants everything on 'her terms'.  She has Lyme, the non Gigi's have Lyme, and what she wants is sympathy but no discussion.  Sorry Yo, but that's not the rule.  If you put it out there, other people can discuss it and say how they feel.  If you don't want it discussed, then shut up about it. 

Yolanda kids are all public figures and not just because of the show they are all working lucrative modeling contracts.  Ronnie L. said it best, "Lyme Disease is not a family business."  Just because Yolanda is all up in a fluff about Lyme Disease doesn't mean the other RH have to embrace, study and regurgitate her cause.  Since she can't claim any relief from Lyme Disease what exactly are they suppose to be talking about? The health of one individual?  Geographically it is pretty rare for Californians who number almost 40 million people and there were 82 cases reported in 2014. http://www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/vbds/Documents/VBDSAnnualReport14.pdf   Ithink Yolanda has gone from raising awareness to turn the channel territory. 


First and foremost if Yolanda wants her other RH to support she needs to be a friend first.  It is something she has yet to be able to do with any consistency.  People she has had battles with Adrienne, Camille, Faye, Joyce, Ken, Kim, Kyle, Mauricio, Michael, Lisar, LVP,  and Taylor, she lacks any capacity whatsoever in the self-awareness department.  It is not a lack of understanding of Lyme Disease of her frigging condition it is that fact she is a self-centered bitch who thinks nothing of suppressing anyone's right to a contrary view on anything in life with her.  Now for extra insurance she brings her poor little children in.  Her children aren't really children anymore they are very determined to be in everyone's view.  Bella obviously has no issues putting out ludicrous claims about Lyme Disease, maybe it is something they need to shut up about.  The Hadid/Foster awareness campaign has cross over to oversaturation.


I often wonder had LVP said, "Oh the kids are doing fine, according to Mohamed," if Yolanda would still be up in arms. 

  • Love 10

1) I am totally disappointed in Erika. I liked her so much until this episode. I don't like liars. Can't abide them. And one thing that will make you drop you fast is if I think I can't trust you and you have no integrity. BUt I suppose we've all lied about somethings we've said in life. I'm just disappointed…mostly because of the way Erika has presented herself until now….as a take no prisoners stand up person.


2) I am totally on Yolanda's side. If some bitch said her kids weren't sick I don't blame her one bit for wanting find out who it was, nail that down -- and SHUT it down. Damned right!

  • Love 2

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