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S20.E04: Week 4


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Haven't we been down the "panic attack" road many times before?  Seems like that's almost required nowadays, along with the "surprise" helicopter ride and private concert.  I don't even understand what happened with Olivia.  It seemed more like an "embarrassment attack" after she was done and realized how ridiculous she was.  It actually could have been cornily funny if she hadn't performed it in such a schlumpy way.  

  • Love 12

Heavy sigh – the women squealing over the big message from “Ben” (or, in reality, The Intern Tasked with Creating a Big Lighted Sign in Las Vegas) was just too much; hard to take so early in the show. How embarrassing for every single woman alive on the planet. Ladies, when it’s a romantic gesture from ONE man to a DOZEN women, IT’S NOT ROMANTIC. Stop shrieking.


The table falling over when the helicopter arrived for Ben and JoJo’s date is one of the FUNNIEST things I’ve seen on this show. Laughed out loud.


Another hilarious (bizarre) thing was watching the women FREAK OUT with joy about a trip to … Las Vegas? Seriously? Any one of them could go to Las Vegas for a girls’ weekend whenever, right? It’s not exactly Monte Carlo or Macao or whatever. And the poor twins. “Oh, yay, we get to … go home! Yay!” (I do not think the twins are pretty. At. All.) (Is it a case of maybe they’re prettier in real life?)


[And I apologize for offending Las Vegas residents, but I hate Las Vegas with a tremendous passion. (Its very existence offends me – that desert is not meant to sustain life for that many people and businesses. What a huge waste of water and power and other resources … blah blah blah don’t get me started.)]


The talent show: My worst nightmare. What a terrible thing to do to people. There’s no way most of those women came up with something without producer influence – the twins and Jubilee (and I don’t know who else) had easy choices, but the chicken suit/poetry person, among other things? They had some guidance there. So I don’t know whether they chose to not “help” Olivia, or whether she rebuffed the ideas they gave her.


I’m sort of torn between thinking Olivia was rude, just mocking the whole thing, and then thinking, “yeah, this is bullshit. That’s what I would do, just act like a goofball.”


The wedding chapel date … I can’t even … Do people who choose to get married at a wedding chapel in Vegas (and I do have a good friend who did that and they’re happily married after 15+ years) really want to be married by The Bachelor? And have it filmed for a cheesy TV show? Uggggghh. Did they have to get permission from every couple shown onscreen? And couldn’t he TUCK IN HIS SHIRT and wear a GODDAMN TIE? Jeezus.


And how much money did they spend on that wedding dress that Becca wore for, what, a half an hour? Did they even say the name of the designer (which would have made sense, that it was just a product placement)?


Did Becca expressly say that her decision to stay a virgin was a faith thing in the last season? I liked the sliver of the conversation that she and Ben had, one of glimpses of “real” talks that seem to not be shown.


Glad they finally did something about the twins. Even though I like Ben a lot, the fact that he’s voluntarily put himself in this situation means that I have zero sympathy for him BUT but but but I really felt for him with the twins’ home visit. What an awkward thing to go through. (You know Emily walked back into the hotel with the other Bach’ettes and they were all like, “Heyyyy, youuuuu, you’re back, youuuuu … and your sister, the other one, she’s not here, but we’re so happy to see youuuuu …” and Emily has to be like, “I’m Emily.”)


(With their mother they look like triplets.)


Finally, I like Ben, but damn, can he just hold off on the kissing for five minutes? Any woman who hasn’t been kissed yet must be wondering what the hell is wrong with her. (How many has he not kissed? Three?)

  • Love 24

Even with her on-air experience, Olivia didn't come close to the panic attack impresario that was Kelsey Poe.  She set the bar so high, I think a contestant would actually need to slip into a coma to beat her. 


Loads of chemistry with Caila, Lauren B and JoJo.  Ben seems to really like the neck nuzzle with those 3.  


I really like the twins and think it was a nice way for them to let Haley go, at home with her mom.  Very sweet.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 13

This week was pretty boring and the dates were so cringe worthy.


Is Olivia trying to be an extra? Cuz her loony performance was so over the top. 



I really like the twins and think it was a nice way for them to let Haley go, at home with her mom.  Very sweet.  

I thought that was an awful embarrassing way to let her go. Made even worse for her by the fact that it was on TV

  • Love 6

My biggest lingering question: What's the backstory on the parent-child (or grandparent-grandchild) double wedding with the grooms in tuxedo t-shirts and the brides in horrendously homemade wedding gowns? But with all the tight-lipped, awkward kisses, I think all of those couples were just actors.

I thought I was watching a Christian Mingle commercial with Becca and Ben's talk in the neon graveyard. They've filmed this show there before, haven't they? Or maybe that was Rock of Love...speaking of which, the twins' mom reminded me of a Rock of Love contestant where are they now special--with the ripped jeans and the flowy top, and I swear they had the same couch and wall decor (slightly less wrought iron crosses) as Rock of Love. At least we don't have to bother trying to tell the twins apart. I wonder whether Emily will have a listed profession other than twin now?

Olivia is the new Lace--tracking down Ben to talk again after a horrible talk in attempt to make things better--and she just makes it much, much worse. The final cocktail party talk seemed to go better, but they played the deranged carnival music... oh, the crazy part is she tells Jojo that she told Ben she loves him and that he reciprocated her feelings. These things did not happen; you ate cheesecake. The Golden Girls ate cheesecake every episode; thank you for being a friend(-zoned).

I thought for sure Olivia was a goner the way the entire rose ceremony was her voiceover. Fooled me, show! Well, there goes Amber (good riddance!) and the one who listens to all the girls cry and complain, though I don't recall ever seeing her talk to Ben.

Obvious front runners are Jojo and Lauren B. Can't believe Lauren is already talking about her deep feelings--and Ben didn't seem freaked out in the slightest!! Calia is in there, too, as Ben referred to her as "a sex panther," which I assume is positive. (Shrug and lol) Becca seems to be a favorite, too, but I refuse to endorse that one. I don't get what all these guys (i.e., Ben and Chris S) see in her. I mean she seems more peppy with Ben than with Chris, but this is on a personality scale from dead fish upgraded to got back into the water just in time, but it's half floating sideways, and you know it's not going to make it.

  • Love 18

My main thought: Ben is ordained to perform wedding ceremonies. Couldn't he at least tuck in his shirt and button it up? He looked like it was just a big joke (and maybe it was). Becca came across as very nice and kind to the couples.


Oh why did Ben call Olivia's name? It looked like he could barely choke her name out.


The talent show was a fun date to watch. I wish they would have showed more of the talent. I wanted to hear the rest of Lauren H.'s poem.


I'm almost beginning to feel a little sorry for Olivia - she is getting so slammed in her edit. Every woman could be saying Ben is going to be her husband, but Olivia's getting all the attention. She's ending up like Lace.

Were The Insecurity Olympics on tonight, or...?


A part of me was torn between feeling concerned about Olivia, and being completely put off of her. I know what it's like to feel insecure and believe that you need reassurance. I also know that when you seek it too many times, it can be a bit annoying. During the last time that Olivia approached Ben, I felt like he was straining to be polite to her. I shrieked when she got a rose.


I wonder what next week will bring.


Speaking of next week's episode, it seems like Jubilee's going to crack under the show's pressure. Tonight, although I understood she was being snarky, her snipe at Becca got on my nerves. Maybe it's just me, but mocking the "virgin" contestant(s) is practically a cliche. I'm tired of it. 


Oddly enough, as I make all of these complaints, the following is in the back of my mind: In another thread (last week's?) I was skimming and I read that the women are sequestered and kept away from technology, media, etc. I think more people need to know this. It might make it easier to understand some of the women's attitudes. 


ETA: The Bachelor(ette) is such a strange beast. Like most of us on this board, I'm aware of the pressure the contestants are under. We also know about the producers' and editors' tactics. I keep getting frustrated with the women, yet I know their performances aren't entirely their fault.


I feel a bit bad for watching, but somehow I'm still interested. 


More importantly, I wonder what it will take for the public to get sick enough of this show's shenanigans before it gets cancelled. 

Edited by C76
  • Love 3

I want to know what the heck happened on the first date. We had a lovely helicopter ride in the bright sunshine and then suddenly it is night time and the strip is all lit up and they've gone to dinner. What happened the rest of the day - a rousing round of Cribbage?????? Criminy, could they go to Red Rocks or something??

And Olivia, please get over yourself and go home to save yourself from further embarrassment. No self-respecting news director will ever hire you after this performance.

  • Love 5

I cackled with glee when Amber was sent packing.  Could not stand her after last week.  I was kind of hoping that Ben would tell both twins that they could go to their rooms.  I don't see their purpose.


This week was super boring (I missed the helicopter shenanigans), but I continue to be impressed by Ben having real conversations with these women.  I feel like I know more about Becca tonight than I did during Chris's whole season...she's still very boring and can go home any time, but at least now I know she's boring instead of just assuming it.


Olivia, Olivia.  On one hand, I get the "I have no talent" feeling.  On the other hand, her crazy was showing through big time and Ben started to look equal parts annoyed and panicked whenever she showed up.  I halfway think he only picked her because he couldn't remember the other one's name at the end of the rose ceremony.  I kept calling her Ann.  Or Egg.

  • Love 7

I wish he had more time with Jennifer. She is pretty and seems low key.

All I can think about during Ben and Becca's conversation is that she needs some lipstick. Her lips match her bronze face and it doesn't look right. Do these women really think that Ben writes the date cards and plan these dates? Like the squealing over the sign to welcome them to Vegas. It was kind of pathetic. Hopefully it was staged.

  • Love 4

Immediate thoughts about tonight:


Ben is a really, really good Bachelor. Yes, granted the previous Bachelor was dumb, no-conversation Chris so the bar was not that high but this is one of the few seasons of this show that I don't find myself cringing for much of the conversations and dates and that's because of Ben. I think he's attentive, he tries to really make good conversation with the women, tries to reassure them, genuinely seems like a nice person and the way he handled that awkwardness with the twins was borderline masterful. So I'll definitely be sticking around for this season. 


What may make me stop watching though is Olivia. Okay it was funny for a few moments but honestly, by the first hour, I was over the continuous Olivia narration. And by the end it just felt like the producers having a field day with the editing in showing how utterly and completely oblivious and clueless this woman is to Ben's feelings towards her. Like I couldn't even find it funny by the end. I was just pained for her and pained imagining her watching this. Ben could not look any more sick and like he clearly had a producer in his ear, telling him he had to give that rose to Olivia. 


Ben and Jojo have some major sexual chemistry but he is still clearly most into Lauren B. in my opinion. I feel like he was restraining himself from wanting to just tell her "you are not going anywhere at all" but not wanting to because you're not supposed to do that until you make the choice (yes, let's ignore Kaitlyn's hot ass mess of a season). But you could almost see him wanting to send her messages through his eyes. See Olivia, those are signals. 


Jubilee is going to psych herself out of the situation and the scenes for next week do not look good for her chances with Ben. Meanwhile, Becca REALLY likes Ben in a way she did not like Chris at all. Wonder how old Prince Farming feels watching and it being so much clearer that she just wasn't that into him. However, Ben's not as into her in my opinion, so Becca may actually experience some real heartbreak on this show for the first time. Because let's face it, her "okay, sure whatever" reaction to Chris letting her go was not it. Not to mention he only didn't pick her because she pretty much made it clear she wasn't in love with him and had no plans to uproot her life for him. I do think Ben genuinely likes her as a person though. 


Finally, I don't know what it is, but something about Caila just bugs me. I don't know, I just find her phony and I can't pinpoint a specific reason for why I feel that way, I just do. And my gut usually steers me right so I'll just go with it. 

  • Love 17

More importantly, I wonder what it will take for the public to get sick enough of this show's shenanigans before it gets cancelled. 

People have been watching for 13 years.  The show always wins it's demographic.  It makes incredible amounts of money.  ABC will never cancel it unless it fails to make them money.  And it's always made them money.  It's not going anywhere. 

  • Love 12

People have been watching for 13 years.  The show always wins it's demographic.  It makes incredible amounts of money.  ABC will never cancel it unless it fails to make them money.  And it's always made them money.  It's not going anywhere. 

I know that you're right. Still, deep down I wonder if one day TPTB will make a mistake, or there'll be a scandal of some sort. ;)

I'm surprised at the excitement over Vegas, half of them probably live in LA and has been 14 times. It's only a few hours drive. I guest they had no choice but to act surprised. 


So the twins never been to see fireworks from a hotel in Vegas? Umm what? Vegas has the biggest NYE fireworks show that costs the city a million dollars. I live on the east coast, but has seen that show twice already (it's amazing I recommend it!), but 2 people who were born and raised in Vegas have not? I don't believe that for a second.


The 1 on 1's were both great. You could really tell the attracts are there with Ben and Jojo and Becca.


You could also really tell that Lauren B is in a league of her own. 


Olivia's performance was an embarrassment.  She's behaving just like Lace, or they're directing her just like Lace. 


Haley's room having all her photos of her ex out still was funny, makes me think he's still in the picture and she went on the show just for the twin twist. It was a classy way to choose between them, having it be at home.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 5

Tennis is on and my first priority, but did the girl with the overprocessed hair go home? Why are so many people crying on this show? Is that usual? I just want to scream to the tv "have some self respect and confidence!"

You need to be more specific. Over-processed hair describes half of them. But Amber's might be the worst, and yes, she went home. You must watch an awful lot of tennis. Tears and lack of self-respect is the backbone of this show. ;-)
  • Love 10

Imagine my surprise when I taped it last week and realized it was two hours? I watched a match and almost another full one and realized the Bachelor was still on.  Surely it is not crying for two hours?  It's like, "I agreed to come on the show and compete for a man and watch him date and kiss other women, but then I'm sad when it happens?"  If you are insecure, this is NOT the show for you!  Surely the girls that go on the show watch the previous episodes?  It reminds me of the court shows where the people always say, "I watch EVERY episode," and then you wonder why they don't have a contract, a promissary note, a receipt video or SOMETHING. If they are fans of the Bachelor surely they know what not to do....unless crying and needing constant reassurance from someone that just KISSED someone else has proved successful for other winners. 


Was hoping Jubilee would go out with dignity....but I knew better! 

  • Love 2

Have we ever gotten a definitive answer about the rules re: "steal you away"? It seems based on their behavior over many seasons that the bachelor is not allowed to refuse such a request, but I wish they would say it explicitly within the show.


I wish Ben would have sent Olivia away. Also, as soon as she went to Ben, I wish another girl got up and interrupted her!

  • Love 6

Heavy sigh – the women squealing over the big message from “Ben” (or, in reality, The Intern Tasked with Creating a Big Lighted Sign in Las Vegas) was just too much; hard to take so early in the show. How embarrassing for every single woman alive on the planet. Ladies, when it’s a romantic gesture from ONE man to a DOZEN women, IT’S NOT ROMANTIC. Stop shrieking.


I was embarrassed for each and every one of them. It was like they concentrated everything wrong with these women into one simple moment.

  • Love 2

Becca's teeth have reached Emily Maynard proportions. They're huge and white, and she licks and sucks them often, as Emily did, as if they're uncomfortable.

I'm thinking its Lauren B. She looks like Jewel!

Didn't even notice the chemistry with Jojo. She looks like a Kardashian!

Olivia is just embarrassing herself. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she was hired to play that role so she's relishing it. Ben looks very annoyed at her constant need for reassurance and attention.

  • Love 6

And the most important reason for not crying....I've never seen anyone that cries pretty...it's always an ugly cry....so why do that on television?  That may be someone I would envy...someone who could cry pretty....maybe they can teach me? 


Do the women get a clothing budget?  Do they have hair and makeup staff ?  The Daily Beast had an interesting article from three minority contestants from previous seasons.  They all correctly said Jubilee has no chance, but my goodness based upon comments and calls if Olivia doesn't go with her, then I don't know about fairness! 


It would really be terrible to have to go home and wait to see your crazy play out on national television....and stress out about how other people will react to it. What if you were interviewing for a job or something?  

  • Love 1

....And how much money did they spend on that wedding dress that Becca wore for, what, a half an hour? Did they even say the name of the designer (which would have made sense, that it was just a product placement...,

The wedding dress was hanging up with a bunch of wedding clothes behind Becca near the end of the chapel segment--it's probably just a random outfit that customers can rent. It looked good on Becca's nice bod. The people who get married at the Elvis wedding chapel aren't expecting a classy experience and they probably got their ceremonies for free in return for being filmed--but nobody put a gun to their heads and said they had to do it.

I can't look at Becca without thinking that she has a virgin hoohah. She really is bland -- that is the only thing "interesting" about her.

Do the twins have jobs?

So over the top about going to Vegas. The Aria is the only hotel I've stayed in so it was fun to see a little of it, but Vegas isn't very hard or expensive to visit.

I continue to be impressed with Ben.

  • Love 3

You might call this a 'bridge' episode getting from the cattle call stage to the contender stage.  Unfortunately, Olivia has crossed the bridge with the rest and is one of the most obvious producer 'give her a rose' directives in the history of the show.  Ben, even his nice-guy way, is repelled by her as would any guy who constantly got the 'you have to give me a do-over' speech, as well as her annoying interruptions.


Nice to see that people seated in the front row of a Vegas show on the Strip have worn their finery:  flip flops and Indian head black t-shirts.  With the daylight streaming in through the doors at ground level I'm guessing that admittance was free and the doors thrown open since a) it was merely a backdrop for shooting the episode and b) there was precious little entertainment on offer.  Did you spot the autocue display through the window in the stage floor?  Did you spot Terry referring to it during his introductions?  Has the Mirage slipped badly in terms of headliners?  They were once synonymous with Siegfried & Roy and magnificent beasts...now the main attraction is a puppet show.


 For a tense moment it appeared that Olivia's costume was caught on the hinge of the giant birthday cake and that cartoon-like inadvertent nude humiliation would follow.  Sadly, it wasn't to be and we were all aghast at her sheepish bizarre bent-knee kicking routine. Don't monopolize the panic attacks, love - we feel like having one every time you're on screen.


It was always going to be interesting to see if the twins would be separated and how it would be done...fair play to the producers who did it in a very orderly, believable way with all in agreement that doing it literally at home would be the least painful.  Twins are a fascinating proposition...when you meet them you swear they are indistinguishable but days or weeks later their differences are very apparent.  In this case, Haley acted awkward, even embarrassed and Emily didn't.  Interesting that their mother confirmed our impressions and Ben's about their respective personalities.


JoJo is a bit of a late breaker but has, to employ a cliche, an earthy sensuousness that Ben finds almost edible - as he demonstrated by nuzzling her neck and ignoring a massive fireworks display.  They've got the sort of intertwining body language that tipped Catherine and Sean as the final match in the previous season.


Lauren B still knocking it dead in her tightly-tailored clothes.


Why is Lauren H still there?  Hardly in the top tier of attractive birds and her FLEEEAAAT MEEEESHIGAN EEEAACCENT is tiresome.  She is four-square in the Friend Zone and therefore an easy choice to send home.


Jennifer was rightly frustrated at being marginalized most of the trip and then having Olivia intrude but Ben is obviously interested. She has a Mona Lisa smile that is part confidence, part come-hither and seems light-years beyond most of the pack in terms of emotional maturity and Ben seems drawn to her despite his duties elsewhere.  For her sake I hope they don't leave the single date too late because even suitable women can be undone by attachments the Bachelor makes early in the process.


Jubilee is a poor sport, period.  She did little more than count floor tiles and cracks in the sidewalk, literally bent over staring at the floor in group settings ignoring the others.  It's not being deep, layered, conflicted, or mysterious...merely rude.  Why he wastes his time on her is a mystery and it appears that next episode will foist another 'I'm unlovable' Jubilee lament on us.  Say it enough times and don't be surprised when Ben decides to believe you and spend his finite energy elsewhere.


Caila may be cute to the female onlookers but the males recognize clingy and desperate and their flight response typically kicks in.


A bit surprised to see Rachel go - I thought her looks would keep her in the game.  Leah is now the dark horse and she got my attention with her Naughty Secretary glasses.  Amber is more than a bit of a tomboy and just not cut out for this Disney princess palaver.


Las Vegas offensive?  Tacky to be sure but if we're going to start having a go at every human outpost that requires a perfectly balanced supply of natural resources and year-round temperate weather conditions our choices will be extremely limited, not to mention crowded.  The blooming of the desert in NV, AZ, NM is one of man's great scientific and engineering achievements. Hoover Dam represents the kind of clean power generation present-day self-described environmentalists claim to want - and it was built 80 years ago during a depression.  Lake Mead provides a water supply and a vast recreational area where nothing but a meandering rivulet and a barren nothingness existed before.  Neither the dam, the lake, the cities, the economic activity, the tourism nor the lives lived by residents are a 'waste'; rather, they are the logical and laudable products of human ingenuity, perseverance and the desire we all have to satisfy any and all levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.


Ben is doing well but perhaps a bit too well...as others have said he's Cub Scout-eager to please.  It can be tense when a rose is denied but those Bachelors were at least willing to make a difficult decision and stick with it.  A 'lonely rose' may be in Ben's future but right now it's difficult to envision with his puppy dog enthusiasm.


And then there's Boring Becca, whose V-plates are an endless source of fascination to some but certainly no substitute for intelligent conversation.  Her vocal fry threatens to set off sprinkler systems.  Nice pair of legs but her stint as a mostly-mute coat-holder at a quickie wedding chapel nevertheless managed to put a strain on her limited vocabulary and personality.


As with Bachelor In Paradise, Mexico sounds exotic but its most important quality to the producers is that it's cheap.  We can only hope that Olivia makes an early return from south of the border.

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 14

I loved the way Ben was so certain when he was reassuring the women he was actually in to. The difference between his conversations with Lauren B and with Jubilee, as compared to his with Olivia, is just startling. With Lauren and Jubilee, it's like he's got so much energy in his effort to communicate. If he can't say "I'm really into you" directly, he's forcing it out of his pores and his eyes. It's in his every word, even though the words aren't technically allowed. And they are clearly getting the message, though Jubilee seems to lose sight of that message the minute she's away from him. Lauren seems to be able to keep her mind on what he's saying to her, even as he pays attention to others.


With Olivia, it's like he's going "Oh, my God, I have to reassure her again, and I don't even believe what I'm saying." He could not have meant it less when he told her that she shouldn't be embarrassed. Though, I did believe it when he said repeatedly that he didn't want her to apologize. I can't imagine having to hear again and again that she's not like that, and be expected to come up with something suitably reassuring and bland to say in response. His life would be a lot easier at this point, if she'd just lay off the apologies.


I also appreciate the actual serious discussions that he's having with the women. Really talking to Becca about her beliefs, asking great questions of Jojo. He's doing a remarkable job staying in the moment and hearing the responses, and following up. I'm still really impressed with Ben.


And taking the twins home so that Momma can support her poor girl... I'm glad he did that too. I wish more of the women on this show had a mother's shoulder to cry on, when they're cut. 


One other thing... I hate that floor/plexiglass stage, or whatever it was they were standing on for the rose ceremony. Man, I just kept waiting for a wipe out, with those heels and that slick surface!


ETA: Jojo's top was a really terrible choice for a helicopter date!

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
  • Love 11

Have we ever gotten a definitive answer about the rules re: "steal you away"? It seems based on their behavior over many seasons that the bachelor is not allowed to refuse such a request, but I wish they would say it explicitly within the show.

Yeah, I want just once, for a B to say, "We're in the middle of a conversation.   Why don't you wait a bit, and you'll get your turn." 

Because if I started a conversation, and someone "stole him away", I'd be tempted to walk away, count to 5, and come back to "steal him back." 

  • Love 18


I loved the way Ben was so certain when he was reassuring the women he was actually in to. The difference between his conversations with Lauren B and with Jubilee, as compared to his with Olivia, is just startling. With Lauren and Jubilee, it's like he's got so much energy in his effort to communicate. If he can't say "I'm really into you" directly, he's forcing it out of his pores and his eyes. It's in his every word, even though the words aren't technically allowed. And they are clearly getting the message, though Jubilee seems to lose sight of that message the minute she's away from him. Lauren seems to be able to keep her mind on what he's saying to her, even as he pays attention to others.

I noticed that too. It was so obvious he was genuine in his trying to reassure them as opposed to Olivia. It's becoming so apparent that Olivia must be a producer plant because he looked so fed up with her and seemed pained to call her name at the rose ceremony.


I can't double quote but to the poster who asked why Lauren H. was still there. I totally agree. There seems to be no chemistry between her and Ben. I don't like her snooty attitude and her accent is grating on the nerves.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 5

"Ladies, that wasn't good enough. We're going to need more energy from you when we announce the Vegas trip."

"Ladies, again, that wasn't good enough. More energy when you see the sign Ben's intern wrote for you."

"Twins, come on now, talk more twinly...and finish each other's sentences. That's it...now get on the treadmill together."

"Olivia, can you give us some more crazy? Just take it over the top. Yes, hold that pose with your finger in your mouth. Oh, and throw in some sort of panic attack. Perfect!"


I cringe at how awful this episode was. Nearly everything seemed coerced and unnatural. The talent show was not entertaining and full of second-hand embarrassment. The date with Joelle could have been interesting, but they didn't show us any of it. The Becca proposal fakeout came across as slightly cruel to Becca, who was the only person naive enough to think something important was happening. And all of the Olivia moments and narration generated a big eyeroll. Stop insulting me! I know she's playing a character at this point, so just spare me the filler.

  • Love 9

Have we ever gotten a definitive answer about the rules re: "steal you away"? It seems based on their behavior over many seasons that the bachelor is not allowed to refuse such a request, but I wish they would say it explicitly within the show.


Have we ever gotten a definitive answer about the rules re: "steal you away"? It seems based on their behavior over many seasons that the bachelor is not allowed to refuse such a request, but I wish they would say it explicitly within the show.

I've wondered about that, too.


If the bachelor is required to let himself be stolen, I would think the "stealing" would be never-ending. I wonder if it's just that they only show us the times when the bachelor allows himself to be stolen.

I think if Olivia jumped out of the cake and owned her performance a la Beyonce it would have blown Ben away. Instead we saw a bizarre osteoporotic mummy shuffle and at one point she looked like she needed help off the stage. Was she covering her butt because she was wearing a thong?


Jojo and Lauren B. are pulling so far ahead of the other girls I'd be surprised if they weren't the top 2.

  • Love 12

Was I the only one who noticed when he was talking to one of the twins and Olivia was lurking that he had his hand over his mouth and told the twin to "keep going" and "don't look." It was hilarious!


Ben is the best Bachelor they have had in a long time. The chemistry with JoJo was almost uncomfortable as a viewer. He was kissing her ear and ignoring the fireworks. She is absolutely beautiful too. Lauren B and he also are clearly at a different level. He is kissing others but he's not into it. 


I thought his casual outfit at the wedding chapel was appropriate. Did you see what half those people wore? And it's a Vegas wedding chapel for God's sake. 


I love Vegas so much and would have been excited too. Especially with that amazing Aria suite. Wow. I love that hotel. 

  • Love 9

Yeah, the only ones he's really into are Lauren B, JoJo, and Caila (which kind of came out of nowhere because he didn't seem that into her during her 1-on-1, but he couldn't stop kissing her this episode). I think he was into Olivia and Jubilee initially but you can tell he's growing tired of them both. It'd be exhausting to have to keep reassuring someone of the same thing over and over and it came across as fishing for compliments from the both of them when they wouldn't stop complaining about how insecure they are. 


I thoroughly enjoyed Ben in this episode. You can tell he's loosening up and becoming more comfortable in the role - or maybe he was just drunk. Either way, it was the most personality we've ever seen from him. It's also kind of laughable to think back to Kaitlyn's season and realize just how not into her he was - he was always tense while kissing her, never held her face, never opened his mouth, ect... yet he's engaging in full blown make out sessions with Lauren, JoJo and Caila, complete with thigh grabbing and neck kissing. And you can tell he's not into Becca romantically at all, so I'd hedge a bet that the producers want him to keep her around because they want her to stay long enough to get an 'I love you' out of her for the drama. She's not making it to hometowns unless all the other options crash and burn though - he had more romantic chemistry with the puppet than he had with Becca. 

  • Love 12

This was the Olivia show.  Even as an obvious plant there's way too much of her-and she does a bad acting job.


Jubilee lost points with me Ep 1 by going for a pity rose off the bat.  She's still a neurotic pity sponge.  It's shame because she is extremely cute. 


Ben is an incredible bachelor!!  He could have a career in TV as a host of something. He's smart, thoughtful and adorable.


I'm rooting for Becca.  I liked Lauren B but she's starting to sell herself too much, like Whitney with farmer Chris.  I like JoJo but I thought she was going to boil over when Olivia told her her 'love talk'  was reciprocated from Ben.  She's naive to buy Olivia's bull. JoJo has a very competiive streak. She may start acting desperate.

  • Love 1

Was I the only one who noticed when he was talking to one of the twins and Olivia was lurking that he had his hand over his mouth and told the twin to "keep going" and "don't look." It was hilarious!


I definitely saw that and rewound it a couple of times.  It sounded like a dumb story too (something about traveling and puppies) but anything's better than talking to Olivia again.  I loved that he couldn't keep the annoyance out of his voice when they started talking.  "What are you doing?"


I was completely annoyed with Jubilee during her cocktail party talk with Ben.  "I'm just so complicated."  OK GIRL.  We spent all of last week on this.  Move on.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 5

My husband and I were married in Vegas and I had no problem with what Ben was wearing.

Was watching with the closed captioning on, and Amber was identified as "Jubilee." Oof.

I am starting to get uncomfortable at the show's contempt for Olivia. Maybe if there was a Big Brother-style live feed I could tell if her cluelessness is more willful, and due to her arrogance, or if it is more due to manipulation, but I think I like this show better when it doesn't necessarily take a hard position on the contestants and instead lets the viewers snark as they see fit. Olivia may in fact be the worst, but it's starting to feel mean.

And no way am I proposing a Bachelor live feed. Just making that clear.

  • Love 5

I think if Olivia jumped out of the cake and owned her performance a la Beyonce it would have blown Ben away. Instead we saw a bizarre osteoporotic mummy shuffle and at one point she looked like she needed help off the stage. Was she covering her butt because she was wearing a thong.

I think it was Leah who said something very similar - that basically if Olivia had just owned it and had fun with it, it would have been fine but she was so clearly awkward that it made the whole thing awkward and uncomfortable for them watching.

I liked Lauren B but she's starting to sell herself too much, like Whitney with farmer Chris. I like JoJo but I thought she was going to boil over when Olivia told her her 'love talk' was reciprocated from Ben. She's naive to buy Olivia's bull. JoJo has a very competiive streak. She may start acting desperate.

That stare off Jojo had with Olivia was hilarious. Girl looked intense while Olivia's continuing her delusions about Ben. Jojo and Lauren B are starting to give me shades of Emily and Chantal in Brad's season. Ben seems really attracted and into Jojo sexually like Brad was with Chantal but with Lauren B you just feel like he almost wants to tell her already that it's her, just like Brad was with Emily.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

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