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S06.E04: The M Word

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Well, just like with Taylor last week, I'm not exactly upset that LisaR voiced what I've been feeling for a long time.  I'm just annoyed by her backtracking.  Now I'm wondering who she's going to insinuate that she will drag down with her, because so far I haven't seen anything to show that LisaV, Eileen, or Kyle were encouraging this train of thought.  Again, I will not be mad at anybody for expressing their doubts, but stand by it and don't try to weasel out of it.  Is it bad that my toes curled in delight when Eileen was spilling the beans during the preview?  


Overall, I enjoyed this episode, shades of the beginning of last season where I was able to just enjoy everyone living their lives.  I hung my head during the ear piercing thing.  No, I have no issues with getting ear piercings, but don't bring a needle that has to go into my arm near me.  The last time I had blood drawn was in college, and it was embarrassing. Erika is still ok so far, but I'll be glad to see her mix more with the other ladies.

  • Love 6

I still think the blind item about the HW who wants a spinoff is about Kyle. And seeing her stage-mommying Portia tonight makes me think so even more. I think Farrah is the hold out in that equation. Just like Ozzie Osborne's oldest daughter, Amy, didn't want to be seen often on their show.

I also thought it interesting when Kyle said that teenage daughters are manipulators, "especially Sophia", and here I thought that Alexia was her problem child.

  • Love 10

I have worked in an emergecy room for twenty years and rarely saw a patient with Münchausen syndrome if ever. Did see a few Münchausen by proxy. This syndrome is sad and children end up dying because of this.

When I was in college an adult survivor of Munchaussen by proxy came to speak in one of my psychology classes. I'll never forget it. Her mom managed to get her scheduled for explorative heart surgery through a combination of fraudulent documentation and good acting. The woman had actually begun to believe she was sick because she was constantly weak and dizzy--come to find out mom had been poisoning her to induce symptoms (yes, this was well before The Sixth Sense came out). While she was in the hospital she was fed food that was not poisoned and surprise she started to feel better. A nurse ended up figuring out she was being abused and the entire mysterious heart ailment was faked.

Anyway, IMO Yolanda is carried away with the idea of her own plight and being an activist, but I don't think she's faking sickness purely for attention.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 11

I'm so glad Lisa opted to keep both of the teeny horses together.  Realistically, these are not going to be pets that receive anywhere near the kind of attention and love that their dogs do because it's simply the way things work - the animals that live in their house are the snuggly companion pets, the ones that live in the yard are the animals that live in the yard.  The horses wouldn't be brought to live in that white house any more than the swans would.  I expect Ken and Lisa will visit them here and there, maybe daily when they are home, but no matter what Ken says, someone else is going to be taking care of those horses and all that they entail, and it's important for the horses to have each other for company.  They are certainly going to eat well...I'm sure Lisa has only the finest hay and oats brought in from whatever country is famous for the best hay and oats.


Speaking of eating well, Lisa brought up something that has always bothered me on this show.  She invites the women over, has the most spectacular food prepared for them, beautifully presented on fine silver, and none of them ever eat a bite.  Tuna Tartare? Um, YES PLEASE.  If I were at that horse party I would be stuffing my face with everyone else's share while Lisa R. was helpfully educating everyone on Munchausen Syndrome.  And maybe it says more about me than them, but I've known about Munchausen and Munchausen by Proxy for many years, I've read loads of articles about it, so it seemed strange to me that none of them were familiar with the syndrome at all.


And speaking of strange, I found the "Home Video" footage of David and Yolanda's B.C. vacation to be very odd.  Who was filming them?  Why were they filming mundane things like breakfast? Yolanda is even dramatic about coffee - the way she came out and said she made him such a niiiiiice cup of coffee, as if she did anything other than carry the cup out to him after one of the crew members made the coffee and poured it.  Also, the conversation where he asks her to take a walk and she has to go through the whole, "Every day you ask me, and every day I have to say I can't" drama was pretty ugh-worthy.  However, if I had been feeling poor for a long time and was lamenting to my husband about not being well enough to do things like take walks with him, I would be pretty pissed if his response was "It's hilarious!".  I don't think David was even listening to what she was saying, but the tone of her voice at the end sounded like MAYBE she had just told a joke, so he opted for that reply hoping it was the right one.  Someone should tell him that the proper response when someone is talking and you aren't listening is to say, "That's crazy." when you realize they are looking at you for a reaction.  It works for everything, especially if you say it with a period at the end and not an exclamation.


And speaking of drama, here we go again with Yolanda referring to her battle as something she will either win or lose. Life or death. "If I lose this battle it won't be because I didn't stick with the program." So, if she ever accepts that she has had an entire life of perfect health and feeling AMAZING, and then she got sick, and older, and her body was changed in some ways as a result, and maybe she won't ever feel perfect again but can still live a long, happy and fulfilling life while learning how to adapt to any limitations she may have, just like everyone else on the planet has to do, is that what she considers "losing the battle"?

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 21

Oh, and Yo's claims about Lyme in her blog:


Lyme has been shown to be a chronic persistent infection. This has been proven in multiple published scientific studies, including recent studies coming out of John’s Hopkin’s University and Northeastern University showing “persister” bacteria. The NIH also sponsored studies on those suffering with PTLD (Post Treatment Lyme disease) last year (Dr Adriana Marques), which showed that some patients like me had positive DNA tests (PCR) despite classical treatment. This again implies persistence of the bacteria, contributing to my long term illness.


This just isn't true.  It hasn't been proven in multiple studies.  There are theories looking at it but there is just as much out there that question it.  And it's 'Johns Hopkins', not 'John's Hopkins'.  And even the CDC questions the PCR tests because the tests only measure bacteria - dead or alive.  God, this woman just bugs the heck out of me.  And I see that next week we have to view her death wishes to her children and mother. 

  • Love 22

I'm so glad Lisa opted to keep both of the teeny horses together.  Realistically, these are not going to be pets that receive anywhere near the kind of attention and love that the dogs do because it's simply the way things work - the animals that live in your house are your snuggly companion pets, the ones that live in the yard are just animals that live in the yard.  I expect Ken and Lisa will visit them here and there, maybe daily when they are home, but no matter what Ken says, someone else is going to be taking care of those horses and all that they entail, and it's important for the horses to have each other for company.  They are certainly going to eat well...I'm sure Lisa has only the finest hay and oats brought in from whatever country is famous for the best hay and oats.


Speaking of eating well, Lisa brought up something that has always bothered me on this show.  She invites the women over, has the most spectacular food prepared for them, beautifully presented on fine silver, and none of them ever eat a bite.  Tuna Tartare? Um, YES PLEASE.  If I were at that horse party I would be stuffing my face with everyone else's share while Lisa R. was helpfully educating everyone on Munchausen Syndrome.  And maybe it says more about me than them, but I've known about Munchausen and Munchausen by Proxy for many years, I've read loads of articles about it, so it seemed strange to me that none of them were familiar with the syndrome at all.


And speaking of strange, I found the "Home Video" footage of David and Yolanda's B.C. vacation to be very odd.  Who was filming them?  Why were they filming mundane things like breakfast? Yolanda is even dramatic about coffee - the way she came out and said she made him such a niiiiiice cup of coffee, as if she did anything other than carry the cup out to him after one of the crew members made the coffee and poured it.  Also, the conversation where he asks her to take a walk and she has to go through the whole, "Every day you ask me, and every day I have to say I can't" drama was pretty ugh-worthy.  However, if I had been feeling poor for a long time and was lamenting to my husband about not being well enough to do things like take walks with him, I would be pretty pissed if his response was "It's hilarious!".  I don't think David was even listening to what she was saying, but the tone of her voice at the end sounded like MAYBE she had just told a joke, so he opted for that reply hoping it was the right one.  Someone should tell him that the proper response when someone is talking and you aren't listening is to say, "That's crazy." when you realize they are looking at you for a reaction.  It works for everything, especially if you say it with a period at the end and not an exclamation.


As far as the Munchhausen thing, I took them to mean that they'd never heard of it described as simply "Munchhausen", vs "Munchhausen by proxy", which is what I was familiar with from the tons of true crime tv that I watch.  It never occurred to me to think of it as far as a person just making themselves sick.


As for the bolded, this cracked me up.  I personally go for the "Mmm hmm, I know, girl" response.

Edited by Rina99
  • Love 7

This was seriously boring as hell. Spending 3 damn episodes talking about some horses is just ridiculous. I need someone to throw a glass of wine or something and wake these ladies up, especially since they can't seem to do much without bringing Kim/Brandi into it somehow. When is the last HW going to show up so we can get this season rolling finally.

  • Love 10

But did you see the quantity and velocity of it's pee?! Lisa's rose garden isn't big enough to mask the odor of 2 horses urinating all over their yard. I just think buying a mini horse for a 70 year old man is irresponsible. They live 30+ years.


I found this fun article:   http://www.guidehorse.com/housebreaking.htm

Housebreaking a horse


Housebreaking horses is similar to the training done with dogs.  The Burleson’s Guide Horse prototype, Twinkie, was fully house trained in less than a week. 

Janet Burleson explains that in working with the Miniatures she and Don realized that the horses can learn to empty themselves at appropriate times and can hold elimination for up to six hours.  They can also develop a habit of eliminating in a specific area.  “There’s lots of difference between these small horses and the larger ones,” she says.  While large horses tend to eliminate approximately every 45 minutes, Miniature Horses tend to eliminate every three to four hours.  “It’s normal for them,” she says, and that makes house training for longer periods of five to six hours possible.  The horses are taught to paw at a door or nicker when they need to eliminate.


Guide horses are so successfully housebroken that they commonly fly in the passenger cabin of commercial aircraft and can reliably go on trips for up to six hours.


These little guys aren't dummies!  With all their property, Lisa and Ken can probably train the horses to use a particular area away from the house.   Awwwww...now I want one!


ETA:  Have you seen this ad?  Love it!

Edited by Lisin
Fixed embed
  • Love 12

I have worked in an emergecy room for twenty years and rarely saw a patient with Münchausen syndrome if ever. Did see a few Münchausen by proxy. This syndrome is sad and children end up dying because of this.

I don't know that you would have seen many Munchausen patients. It's not really that common. I work for a state mental health agency and we'll get a couple of them from time to time. They'll usually present as anxiety disorder or borderline personality disorder. And from the ones that I've seen, they never let their manipulation get so out of control that they need to be admitted through the ED. However, they do present as voluntaries whose bizarre symptoms and indication of underlying mental illness get them transferred into a psych hospital.

I've said this about as inarticulately as possible. With my health system, we get them when their specialist doctor gets them admitted to a medical hospital without involving the ED. And then a social worker or whomever notices that there is something a little bit off. They then get a psych consult and into the mental hospital.

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 9

I liked this episode, it was nice and chill and the little stories were fun and not too stressful. Lisa R reading her thing about factitious disorder was either 1) completely scripted or 2) Her being sort of a psycho. She just viisited that woman last week and now she's throwing her under the bus saying she has a mental disorder?  


I don't think Lisa and Harry have sex. I think they are both gay. Just putting that out there. Weird that she is never with him and she seems star struck by him, like she doesn't really have him. She just seems like she is trying so hard to be this Hollywood star and she's just a weirdo with nasty lips. She doesn't seem that into her kids either, and they don't seem to really like her that much.  Lisa needs to focus on her own mental issues and relationships and not distract with bringing up other people. Why hasn't see changed the haircut? 


Kyle seemed fine. She likes doing things with her daughters and she is immature, so so are her kids, but she never really grew up herself. Kyle is still really stuck in the past, always talking about  her mom and her family and her sisters. She doesn't seem to want to let go what once was. Porschia is adorable.


I think Ken is stressed that he will have to keep an eye on the grounds and constantly be telling someone to pick up the horse poo. Though those horses seemed a lot more healthy than the weird pot bellied donkey thing from Ohio. That poor creature was a disaster and I still hope the people breeding those horses are punished and fined and out of business asap.


I like Vince, but he does seem a bit like a kid, however, his job is hosting poker so it's not that much of a surprise that he gambles. I like his Kevin Costner hair and the 80's Spicoli vibe, of just going to the beach and surfing and smiling a lot. 


Interesting comments about Munchausen's syndrome. Also putting it out there that I DON'T think Yolanda is faking, I think she legit feels unhealthy and doesn't know what is wrong. She never said she was bedridden. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 11

Is taking selfies or having ones picture taken while in the hospital (Kim) or getting IV's Yolanda a Beverly Hills thing? I can't imagine taking a picture of my husband while he was dying with cancer and posting it on the Internet. Now if had wanted sympathy for it....... ? Nah, not a chance. That is just bizarre to me.

Unfortunately that's just how it is nowadays. I have friends on FB who selfie almost everything including being in the hospital. Hell people are taking selfies like 5 minutes before/after giving birth.

  • Love 9

Yolanda said she was unable to leave her room for "eighteen months" between season three and four; that's synonymous with "bed-ridden" from my perspective. She also mentioned today that she had spent "months" consigned to the confines of the condo . . . I'm not exactly sure that Yolanda is consistent with Munchausen because I am uncertain whether or not she's literally making herself physically ill; if she is, she's certainly done so judiciously considering her extensive travel schedule to Vancouver, Amalfi, Istanbul, and the other far-flung locales to which she jets. But here's the thing: immunotherapy is no joke. Treatments can be corrosive to the point of creating other health problems like joint deterioration; side effects can be severe; and resistance can be a major concern. So if she's dosing Bella and Anwar with the vials she posted to Instagram, it's child abuse that could potentially yield serious issues. Coupled with the multiple ziplocs of dozens of pills that the Evening Standard recounted Bella imbibing for lunch (and thus the hepatic and renal strain involved in processing out so many different medications) and we're definitely well into MbP territory.

  • Love 10

I would have marched both of them right out of there. If my kids had wanted ear piercings, and I was willing to indulge them and pay for it, and then they started acting like they were being forced to have teeth pulled without anesthesia? Oh hell no. Kyle flapping around and coaxing and cuddling them like they were terrified of having a life-saving rabies injection was ridiculous.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Those girls were so annoying, if they can't handle getting a quick little piercing, then take them home and don't bring them again until they are ready.  


Harry Hamlin has had his cottage in Muskoka for decades and Lisa R was talking about a bear entering.  I find that odd. Not that there aren't some bears around in cottage country, but you never hear of them going into a cottage on the lake.  Perhaps the fridge was outside, in the woods, somewhere.

  • Love 4

Looking at Sophia was like looking into a mirror, good lord. I'm also deathly afraid of needles and had to have a friend with me when I got my nose pierced (turned a 10 minute ordeal into 30), so I completely get it lol.

There are no needles involved in ear piercing. I'm with the posters who would have just left because they were acting like big babies.

  • Love 9

I don't know that you would have seen many Munchausen patients. It's not really that common. I work for a state mental health agency and we'll get a couple of them from time to time. They'll usually present as anxiety disorder or borderline personality disorder. And from the ones that I've seen, they never let their manipulation get so out of control that they need to be admitted through the ED. However, they do present as voluntaries whose bizarre symptoms and indication of underlying mental illness get them transferred into a psych hospital.

I've said this about as inarticulately as possible. With my health system, we get them when their specialist doctor gets them admitted to a medical hospital without involving the ED. And then a social worker or whomever notices that there is something a little bit off. They then get a psych consult and into the mental hospital.

I agree with you about it presenting as borderline personality disorder as I now work in a short term psychiatric hospital and I do see that. And of course many are somatic simply because they want lots of medication. BPD are very hard patients to deal with too. The book " I hate you, don't leave me" is a good book for understanding the disorder if anyone is interested.
  • Love 5



I don't care about Erika or Erika Jane.  


I don't either.  She really loves herself, and I find her boring.  And no, not every woman wants to be "Erika Jane".  She's dead wrong about that.


Ugh. I don't know if I'm going to make it through this season with Erika constantly referring to herself in the third-person.


Seriously, if she said, "Erika Jane" one more time, I was going to open my terrace doors and scream.  She said it over & over & over, and if it was a drinking game I would have been unconscious on the floor.  We get it - She's trying to stir up publicity for this Erika Jane character.  But there are certainly more subtle ways to do it.  I was actually laughing at how often she said it.  (It may be Erica Jayne or Erica Jane or Erika Jayne or Erika Jane.  I have no idea how it's spelled and I don't care.)


I wonder if watching themselves ever results in a positive change.  Like when Vince and Eileen were bickering over lunch.  All he's saying is "don't come at me first thing in the morning".  Eileen heard it as "don't bother me with family shit".  If they both watch that, maybe it will sink in and they can work out a compromise. 



Yes, I noticed that too.  Also, last week when he was doing something on his laptop and she kept talking to him.  He nicely told her he only had a few minutes to get it done, and it was clear he was trying to concentrate.  But she just kept babbling on and on, speaking directly to him when he had just explained why he needed a few minutes of quiet.  That surprised me because I like Eileen and it seemed really out of character for her not to give him the few minutes he asked for.  And then she acted as though he was the bad guy.   And yes, their conversation this week too.  I don't think in either case that his requests were unreasonable.






Interesting comments about Munchausen's syndrome. Also putting it out there that I DON'T think Yolanda is faking, I think she legit feels unhealthy and doesn't know what is wrong. She never said she was bedridden


She has said several times that there are many days she cannot get out of bed.  And she also said that she was unable to leave her house for 18 months.  Which we know was not true.  She also claimed just a couple of episodes ago that she forces herself to get out of bed for the sake of her children.   We also see her now spending a whole lot of time in bed, and only shuffling out of her room for a few minutes at a time before she feels the need to lie down again.  So the whole bedridden/housebound thing has been carefully manufactured by Yolanda herself.  

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 22


IMO the fact that Yo found out this summer that she had a leaky implant, had the implant removed, and then had many/most of her symptoms disappear answers a lot of questions.  Whether she wants to admit it or not.  Count me on board the "Yolanda's a liar" train anyway, and I'll add this to it tonight - she said in tonight's ep that she was diagnosed "a minute after" she married the King.  But they have been married since before she started this show, and in that time we have seen her climb heights of stairs to paint tiles, work out with her trainer, throttle another fitness professional in some class they took, manhandle poor old Ken, run like an Amazon through her scavenger hunt, dive off a boat with Kyle in the Mediterranean, and I'll stop there because I can't remember anything else.  (But I know there was more :) 



Yes to all of this!  


I'm not saying she doesn't have medical issues.  Or had medical issues.  But I agree that she's a liar.  And not a very good one.  She's lied so much she can't even keep track of what she's said.   Hence, the numerous contradictions and inconsistencies.  I really think she's unaware of how obvious it is.

  • Love 19

Interesting comments about Munchausen's syndrome. Also putting it out there that I DON'T think Yolanda is faking, I think she legit feels unhealthy and doesn't know what is wrong. She never said she was bedridden. 

Yes, YoFo has definitely mentioned being bedridden on more than one occasion. Even her daughter, Gigi, has mentioned it.




Lyme disease is a tick-borne bacterial infection whose symptoms include neurological problems, joint pain, flu-like symptoms and chronic fatigue. Foster revealed on previous episodes of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills that she was bedridden for 18 months after being diagnosed with the bacterial infection.


Gigi Hadid's comments:




Regarding Vince and his gambling, FYI his late father was passionate about gambling. Dick's grandfather was a bookie. I remember reading magazine articles about Dick Van Patten and his love for horse races, gambling, and how he spent time at the Playboy mansion for poker night. Growing up, I remember reading magazine articles about the Van Pattens and how Dick taught his boys how to play poker and other card games. Vince is a professional and he hosts poker tournaments. This is not a guy who has a gambling problem. It is a passion that has been brought down from his father. Here is an article about Dick Van Patten which happens to mention his love for many things including gambling:



Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13

Also, she went about her investigation all wrong! She needed to call all the places Yolanda has been treated pretending she too has Lyme Disease. Perhaps the dentist who removed Yolanda's crowns is an impostor! Maybe the South Korean place doesn't even do stem cell treatments and she was just there for a bubble tea. Call Megan PI, Lisa. You're an amateur.

Yes. Bubble tea cleanses. That's it.

  • Love 4

Also, she went about her investigation all wrong! She needed to call all the places Yolanda has been treated pretending she too has Lyme Disease. Perhaps the dentist who removed Yolanda's crowns is an impostor! Maybe the South Korean place doesn't even do stem cell treatments and she was just there for a bubble tea. Call Megan PI, Lisa. You're an amateur.

Where Lisa went wrong in her Billie Reed detective work is when Lisa V and Kyle didn't pile on she knew they didn't take the bait and it made her look embarrassed. Kyle and Lisa V are pros now at a good production set up at this point, so Lisa's little detective work fell flat.

  • Love 8

I still think the blind item about the HW who wants a spinoff is about Kyle. And seeing her stage-mommying Portia tonight makes me think so even more. I think Farrah is the hold out in that equation. Just like Ozzie Osborne's oldest daughter, Amy, didn't want to be seen often on their show.

I also thought it interesting when Kyle said that teenage daughters are manipulators, "especially Sophia", and here I thought that Alexia was her problem child.

Ryebread when a blind item is put out there for discussion the person posting the blind item knows the answer.  The blind item was answered by the author as Yolanda.  You missed the most important part of it and that was having their adult children dating famous people.  Kyle's kids don't date famous people.  Kyle has a show that features her children RHOBH-she focuses on her family as opposed to her effing Lyme Disease and illness.

  • Love 15

There have been so many spelling of Munchausen [syndrome] that I had to look it up.  Munchhausen (two h's) can refer to an actual person or surname.  Also, if I heard correctly, I'm appalled by Eileen's husband calling her an idiot.  That would never be allowed if I were in a relationship.


Lisar is so full of crap. She's sitting there suggesting to Lisav and Kyle that Yolonda might have Munchhausen but then she cries to Eileen that she felt bed for engaging with someone who said Yolonda might be faking. She's trying to play it both ways and it's making her look ridiculous. If you think she's faking just say she's faking. It's not that hard! I think Yolonda is the fakest fake that ever faked. See?


Kyle has never heard the word Munchhausen?


I got the impression that Kyle has heard of it, but not in regard to Yolanda. 


There are no needles involved in ear piercing. I'm with the posters who would have just left because they were acting like big babies.


I think what's being referred to is the part of the gun that actually pierces the ear, even if it's not technically called a needle.

Edited by Talented Tenth
  • Love 3

The whole Erica Jane thing annoys me.  How very Garth Brooks/circa 1999 of you.  


Yo's constant need for people to prove their love/friendship to her.  She needs David to write her a note every day and the only way a "real friend" can show their love and support is to come see her constantly.  Women like that annoy me.



  • Love 14

I can't come down too hard on Rinna for gossiping about Yolanda because I think it's human nature to gossip. I suppose there are individuals who never talk about anyone else but those people are few and far between. The rest of us spend our lives talking about other people. Yolanda's way of dealing with whatever is going on with her is particularly gossip-worthy. It's plain strange to move out of the house you share with your husband and move in with a full-time "health advisor" and spend insane amounts of money on treatments which seem to not be working for you. It was clear to see that everyone was dying to talk about it, even as they were scared of being accused of being mean or catty. 


As for Yolanda, I think something is wrong with her but her mental attitude probably isn't helping. She seems to be clinging to this illness for some reason, almost as if her fighting it is making it worse. There's too much going on around this illness, and it's muddying everything up. There was no way her marriage to David Foster could survive that along with the TV cameras she brought into their lives. It is awkward to watch scenes between them now, knowing that despite the intense amount of affection she is showing him, the marriage has failed. Makes me sad because I always felt Yolanda had the best philosophy towards marriage of any of the women.  When I watch the show, I almost want to unplug her from everything, get rid of the enabling "health advisor" and any wacky pill regimens and focus on the mental health aspect of her wellbeing for awhile with a professional. 

  • Love 11

Kyle is familiar with Munchausen by proxy, but she has never heard the word "Munchausen" before? I think I know what she meant, but she's such a dummy that sometimes it's hard to know.


Yolanda says she was "locked up" in the condo all that time. Poor dear. Did she have an actual jailer?

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 9


Rinna calling her husband 'Harry Hamlin' is about as cute as Tamra Barney calling Shannon, 'Shannon Beador' and Heather, 'Heather Dubrow'. Sorry Rinna, TamRUH did it first. It wasn't cute then, and it isn't cute now. No matter how many times you say it.


This!  It's not like we have more than one Harry and we can't keep track.


Things I thought were funny: 


When Lisa said "my little pot bellied pig" and the camera flashed to Ken. 

The replay of Kim saying how selective she was in the roles she took and then the clip from Sharknado. Splat!


What I didn't understand was the scene between the Fosters and the Giradis (?).  Was David going to be performing for the Pope?   I just had trouble following it.   And Erica - sorry - you don't refer to the Pope that way.  You just don't.


I'm over Yolanda entirely I tune out the the whole "is she sick" stuff .  Didn't we do that on Orange County?  Boring then, boring now.

  • Love 11

I doubt Ken does anything around the house. Once they "filmed" him trying to plant some flowers, but if he does anything, it's for the show.

I agree, and I also hire out jobs I hate.

Lisar, you big dummy, your gorgeous husband and daughters are on vacation and you need to stay behind to deal with QVC and gossip about Yolanda. Please!!!

Kyle, we have had to watch you boo hoo over Kim for years, quit acting like a victim if her name is uttered.

Eileen, I love you but Vince is an asshole.

Lisa V, thanks for allowing us into your life. Your house is fabulous!

Erika, tone it down. Blech!

Yolanda, I loved you, you bore me, your love scenes are fake.....fast forward!!!!!

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 9

So Ken ended up getting a mini horse anyhow - TWO mini horses! I'm still not sure what I think of the whole miniature thing, but they were darn cute. And it really does seem like Lisa V takes very good care of her pets. I know they'll be pampered in that house. 


I still don't get/like Erika. She calls her husband 4-5 times a day??? I thought he was a busy lawyer, how does he have time for that? My husband is a construction superintendent and he's very busy. We only talk on the phone when he's on the way home. If there's something I need to ask him I either text or email, depending on how urgent a response is. At any rate, I guess if they're both happy with the arrangement, it's none of my business, but it just seemed odd. 


Also, I bristle at her insistence that deep down every woman wants to be like her alter ego. If I found out I had "a little bit of Erika Jane" inside me....I'd call for an exorcist. 


I continue to love and relate to Eileen so so much. No, I'm not a glamorous soap star, haha! But the dynamic between her and her husband rings so true. When she said she'll just be trying to express herself and he views it as an attack - I wanted to give her a high five through the TV! Same thing here, girl! She is my spirit animal, for sure. 


Wow, Sophia's ear piercing. I don't even know what to say. I'm sure she will be thrilled that made it on TV. Her reaction was even worse than Portia's! Speaking of Portia - I don't have a problem with Kyle getting her acting lessons if that's something the child truly wants to do. But mama needs to hush up over there in the peanut gallery. Let the instructor instruct. Please don't be a stage mom, Kyle. Please. 


Yolanda. That chick is just a mess. I don't feel comfortable commenting on how sometimes she seems so ill and other times she seems full of life. I know little and less about her disease, so I have no idea if it's possible to have good days and bad days. But it was really sad to hear her basically admitting she would try any and every remedy someone recommended. She thinks that makes her look thorough and determined, but it really just comes off as crazy. And, as was pointed out several episodes ago, if you're getting colonics  and vitamin C shots and eating bark and hanging out in barometric chambers....how do you know WHAT is working??? How do you know what is hurting??? I'm not opposed to homeopathy. I'm the mom who rubs thieves oil on my kids feet every night and gives black elderberry syrup for a cold/flu. But you can't just try 50 things and once and hope something sticks. 


Lisar was very brave to bring up Munchausen on camera. It's out there now. You can't take it back. Again, I don't really know enough to comment, but my gut tells me it's not exactly Munchausen. I think she truly is sick. But I do think she is overdoing it a bit to try and gain sympathy. Additionally, I think Kyle might be on to something with the depression. And that might be making matters worse. The mind is powerful, but I don't know that it's intentional. We shall see how this all comes to a head. 

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If Yolanda wasn't in the show, it would have been an enjoyable show for me.  She just drags everything down.  The rest of it was nice enough to snark about it but not dark enough to drive me away. I am so glad there isn't all the fighting and name calling - so fake and stupid.  There is enough petty crap that it keeps me entertained.  Portia is cute but not enough personality to be a child actor but I am sure she will get some parts just on her name.  Lisa Rinna's children are more than a little spoiled and are rather unpleasant.  I would love to see more of Erica with her husband than as her dancer personality.  I find him interesting.  David;s comment to him about his wife answering for him too was so telling.  David made a mistake with this wife - I bet he is already scouring for wife #5 and one that won't answer for him.  Poor Ken, he so didn't want those horses.  They were cute but who wants a petting zoo at your suburban home - a little to Michael Jacksonish for me.  More Eileen and less Vincent - I loved him as a kid - loved him in Apple's Way but you don't call your spouse an idiot ever. 

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Well, just like with Taylor last week, I'm not exactly upset that LisaR voiced what I've been feeling for a long time.  I'm just annoyed by her backtracking.  Now I'm wondering who she's going to insinuate that she will drag down with her, because so far I haven't seen anything to show that LisaV, Eileen, or Kyle were encouraging this train of thought.


Agreed. In fact, I actually thought they looked a bit uncomfortable when they realized where it was going, especially Kyle. When Eileen got there, Lisar actually kind of portrayed the conversation differently. She was acting like she just had a conversation about Yolanda and felt bad about engaging with a doubter. She didn't reveal the full scale of being the one to actually look up Munchausen. 


I was skeptical before when Yolanda said she had "zero brain function"...until she came up with the "great idea" that Erica Jane should perform for the Pope with Andrea Bocelli.  Now, I believe her.


Bahahaha! Now you owe me a new keyboard. Thank goodness it was water, not orange juice. But seriously....wow. Even Erika knew that was a bad idea! 


Weird that she is never with him and she seems star struck by him, like she doesn't really have him.


Re: Lisa and Harry. It's so odd to me that she always calls him "Harry Hamlin". He's your husband! They've been together, what? Almost 20 years? You'd think she'd get over being star struck by now. Or is just trying to remind all of US who he is? Either way, it's just odd to me. 


I was going to post this very same thing!  His reaction looked to me like, "Shit!  She's actually gone and found a damned horse and there are two of them!"  The look on his face was not joy.  LOL!


I think Lisa noticed too. She made some comment about him being "speechless", as in being so touched he didn't know what to say. But yea, I think Ken was definitely thinking, "crap". I think Lisa got those horses more for herself than her husband. 


Kyle is familiar with Munchausen by proxy, but she has never heard the word "Munchausen" before? I think I know what she meant, but she's such a dummy that sometimes it's hard to know.


I don't know, I thought it was quite plain what she meant. I know of both, but I think straight up Munchausen is a lot less common and it wouldn't surprise me if people had only heard of the "by Proxy" version. 


I admit, I find this fascinating.  It's all about narrative, who controls the narrative, whose story resonates, who can use narrative to control the people around them.  These chicks in BH are playing this game at a whole other level.


ottergirl, your entire post was brilliant and you are making me look at this in an entirely new way. Who needs Megan King Emunds to suss out truths when we have this kind of reasoning going on???? Also, kudos for your "machiavellian throwback to season one!

  • Love 13

Someone over on Lipstick Alley called Yolanda.................................................Lemon Lyme......too funny!!!!

I think that is what the title of her forum on TWoP used to be.

In all likelihood Munchausen is not less prevalent than Munchausen by proxy. It's just that cases of Munchausen by proxy is much more likely to make the news.

Edited by HunterHunted
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