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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Stuffy’s dress isn’t half bad but it’s too darn tight for a pregnant woman. 

Welcome to the lambasting party Katie.  

Can TIIC, please stop with the very long time, in jail, unless they think 2 to 4 years, in jail, is a very long time. Even Vinny’s video mentions that Liam will be out of Hope’s life where Lurch doesn’t have to worry about Liam anymore. 

It was so obvious that once Bill said that he trusts Justin, that Justin will be the culprit to hide the evidence to get Liam and Bill out of jail. Now what Justin, are you going to kill Lurch to keep him from talking?  Wouldn’t you think that Lurch’s phone wouldn’t be backed up?  More insults to my intelligence especially with the LA county DA but I’ll stop there not no be political. 

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Katie said she couldn't believe she was visiting Bill in jail. Sweetie, baby, honey. Have you met Bill before? It's a wonder he hasn't already served time given all the crimes he's pulled. 😑

Hope and Steffy a united front. Ehhh, what could possibly go wrong? How about Liam gets offered a reduced sentence in exchange for a guilty plea and testifying against Bill? Hope won't want him to take it because it'll still mean some years in prison, but Steffy will. Fight!  Whatever, at least we now know Liam and Bill have been refused bail.

Bill said  he has total faith in Justin. But he's not a criminal attorney, Bill! I bet if something went wrong with one of your fancy cars you wouldn't take it to a general auto repair shop, you'd take it to an expert in the particular make of vehicle. Think!

Even though I sorta knew it was coming, I busted out laughing when Justin KO'd Thomas. Just friggin' hilarious.


there were zero repercussions from Vinny changing the lab results, leaving him lots of time to track Liam's every move to execute his suicide by car 

Thomas mentioned a while back that Vinny had gotten out of jail on bail. What he did with the paternity tests wasn't exactly a major crime where he'd be deemed a threat to the community. Seems to me though that his history of drug dealing would've made him get considered a likely bail jumper and they would've kept him locked up. 🤔

I read elsewhere that Vinny's last minute "I love you" to Thomas was Bradley Bell's lowkey nod to that portion of the fanbase who've imagined Thomas and Vinny were lovers in their youthful past, and that while adult Thomas has henceforth been only attracted to women, Vinny retained an unrequited adoration for Thomas. Yeah, a bit of a stretch perhaps but I can see Brad thinking this should satisfy all the viewers still wondering why a show set in the fashion industry in LA has no gay characters. He gave them one for about five seconds and then immediately killed the character in an implausible suicide. An "eff you" on more than one front, IMO.😒

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2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Since we snark on the ladies' hair, I'm sorry to say I have to snark on Justin.  I love him but I don't like the way his hair is trimmed in the back like a curve.  I'd much prefer that he keep his natural hairline back there with a neat trim, and not have it curved like that. 

Agreed. And while I like Thomas’ longer locks, he needs to do something with the fur on his face. 

34 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I don't even know why Katie bothered to visit Bill.  The last thing you'd want when you're in jail is someone coming in all stink-faced and angry.  She did warm up later, but damn.


If I had been Bill, I would have done an immediate about-face. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Wouldn’t you think that Lurch’s phone wouldn’t be backed up?  

I'm sure it is.  Zende's mention of "the cloud" was there for a reason. 

Justin will delete the video and someone will remember to check for the backup and, voila, case dismissed.  Except for all the after-the-fact criminality, e.g., fleeing the scene of a "crime"; disposal of evidence; obstruction of an investigation, etc.  But I'm sure that will all be hand-waved.  Dumb show.

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Hey y’all, sorry not to give this masterpiece of a show my full attention, but I seem to have missed why Justin hates Bill enough to want him sent away. Is it just the condescending way Bill orders him around or did something specific happen? Can anybody ‘splain it to me please? TIA

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1 minute ago, CountryGirl said:

Agreed. And while I like Thomas’ longer locks, he needs to do something with the fur on his face. 

Yeah, I agree about Thomas.  I don't know much about men's grooming regarding how often they have to get beard/moustache/goatee trims, but Justin's facial hair is so...exact he must have to groom himself every day. 

So yeah, Justin and Thomas are at opposite ends regarding hair grooming, lol. 

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That pink dress Steffy was wearing today would look really cute and appropriate on a 20 year old who weighed 110 pounds. Steffy looked ridiculous. Yeah, we know that you’re pregnant, girl. 

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have to snark on Justin.  I love him but I don't like the way his hair is trimmed in the back like a curve. 

Pretty sure the actor has hair plugs. The hairline on his neck might be related that.


That pink dress Steffy was wearing today would look really cute and appropriate on a 20 year old who weighed 110 pounds. Steffy looked ridiculous. Yeah, we know that you’re pregnant, girl. 

I'm finding it amusing that JMW didn't wear outfits like that on the show while she was actually pregnant. Bet as soon as little Finn Jr is born Steffy's stomach will be flat as a board.🙄

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

While Thomas didn't have a hand in stealing/trafficking Beth, he did play a role in keeping the truth about her very existence a secret for months. All so he could use that as leverage to keep Liam and Hope apart and worm his way into Hope's bed, if not her heart.

It's debatable if he would be considered an accessory after the fact - the length of time between the crime perpetrated and his finding out might negate that, but from a moral perspective, as someone who purported to love and care for Hope, he's certainly lacking any sort of leg to stand on and one could argue from that view, he did steal Beth as by keeping the secret, he stole the knowledge of her being Lope's child and time with her, time they'll never get back.

All of this. They grew up together FFS. Even apart from the revisionist history that Hope was The One™, he had the biggest moral responsibility to her AND Steffy to speak up. The other stooges don't know them from Adam but he's family.

4 hours ago, blackwing said:

Doesn't Zoe know that Thomas killed Emma?  It greatly irritates me that there have been absolutely zero consequences to Thomas for her death.

Oh, she knows the evidence Xander gave her. She just didn't care. 🙃

Emma was truly the most boring nothing burger of a character but she did did stand out in the end as the only person over the age of six in that story with a moral compass and for that she gets punished.

I hate it :|


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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I read elsewhere that Vinny's last minute "I love you" to Thomas was Bradley Bell's lowkey nod to that portion of the fanbase who've imagined Thomas and Vinny were lovers in their youthful past, and that while adult Thomas has henceforth been only attracted to women, Vinny retained an unrequited adoration for Thomas. Yeah, a bit of a stretch perhaps but I can see Brad thinking this should satisfy all the viewers still wondering why a show set in the fashion industry in LA has no gay characters. He gave them one for about five seconds and then immediately killed the character in an implausible suicide. An "eff you" on more than one front, IMO.😒

And did it during Pride Month! C'mon!

So now we have Thomas being paralleled to Liam in that upon being made aware of a crime/criminal situation has had their agency taken away from them (Liam by fainting/Bill while Thomas gets knocked out so it's more manly and by Justin) by someone else intent on covering up the crime only Thomas is legitimately being held in a cage and unable to get the truth out due to Justin's machinations while Liam was bullied by his father but free to turn himself in at any time.

Only, why did Thomas reveal this to Justin of all people? Why not call Detective Baker? Ridge? Hope? 

And no show. Unless Justin tortures Thomas ala Clockwork Orange brainwashing I ain't sympathetic to him; you played your card with Hopequinn on that score and while you have forgotten about Thomas's role in Emma's death, I haven't.  At the very least, he had a callous disregard for human life by standing over the cliffside, seeing that poor girl's crushed car and doing nothing but walking away. He can rot.

I get it Liam did bad by not coming forward sooner but in looking at the characters that canvas this show and the crimes they've committed? He's more than served his due in actually cooling his heels in jail and seems like he'll do more time than Flo! Not even QUINN got jail time for kidnapping and raping him when they had the kidnapping and witholding of medical attention dead to rights (Charlie and Wyatt both watched video of Quinn dragging a passed out Liam into his car and driving off with him -and they know she didn't take him to the hospital).



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34 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

And no show. Unless Justin tortures Thomas ala Clockwork Orange brainwashing I ain't sympathetic to him; you played your card with Hopequinn on that score and while you have forgotten about Thomas's role in Emma's death, I haven't.  At the very least, he had a callous disregard for human life by standing over the cliffside, seeing that poor girl's crushed car and doing nothing but walking away. He can rot.


Don't forget, his creepy smile when it happened.

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Katie said she couldn't believe she was visiting Bill in jail. Sweetie, baby, honey. Have you met Bill before? It's a wonder he hasn't already served time given all the crimes he's pulled. 😑

Come to think of it, it's the first time he's gone to the slammer, isn't it? He's managed to dodge it for this long.

5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I read elsewhere that Vinny's last minute "I love you" to Thomas was Bradley Bell's lowkey nod to that portion of the fanbase who've imagined Thomas and Vinny were lovers in their youthful past, and that while adult Thomas has henceforth been only attracted to women, Vinny retained an unrequited adoration for Thomas. Yeah, a bit of a stretch perhaps but I can see Brad thinking this should satisfy all the viewers still wondering why a show set in the fashion industry in LA has no gay characters.

Society has long most past these token crumbs of thinly veiled queerness and Bury Your Gays. We were over it in Soapdom back when Natalie and Olivia weren't allowed to be hands on GL and Luke and Noah were the only couple not to reunite in ATWT's finale--after killing off Luke's *other* boyfriend to save the most current of Katie "Summer Newman but with five more braincells" Peretti's long line of boyfriends. 

Except this is even less regressive than those examples because they had their hands tied a lot by CBS and Proctor & Gamble and this was all in the mid 2000s, predating the juggernaut that was Glee FFS. No one is going to be happy with this "nod" in 2021: not the shippers, not anyone who likes these characters and feel they're being sacrificed to prop up Liam, not anyone with a single working brain cell wanting something on this show to make SENSE.

1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:


I get it Liam did bad by not coming forward sooner but in looking at the characters that canvas this show and the crimes they've committed? He's more than served his due in actually cooling his heels in jail and seems like he'll do more time than Flo!

As much as I hate his character for the whiny, pathetic sad sack that he is, this will forever piss me off.

It seems like this show likes to "redeem" him by putting him in situations that he legitimately had no ability to decide or consent to, then call it a day to get sympathy for him. It's tiring and this is why he's among the least favorite character on the show right now.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I would think that the police would already know about Vinny’s texts to Thomas because one of the first things they would have done is to subpoena his phone records in order to determine Vinny’s whereabouts leading up to the time of death as well as whether he had any enemies or someone with motive. I still think Vinny’s actual phone will turn up when found by a hiker or jogger in the area. 

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Holy Pissed Off Corporate Lawyers Batman! Justin got his thug on and knocked Thomas's lights out! 

And as said above now what? And what is the bigger picture here? Is it about Emma? Or is it about Bill? What it reminds me of is Caroline 2.0, who for years was sunshine, happiness, and a vanilla do gooder, who farted rainbows and unicorns. Then, one day, she became this shrill, snotty, elitist bitch, who simply couldn't be bothered, and developed a history of being a hand full and high maintenance. Are we going to find out that Justin has been playing Bill all these years? Justin has more goods on Bill than Amazon's entire network of Distribution Centers, so he could hurt Bill in any number of ways. I don't see how Justin can make this work, unless he punched Thomas so hard he develops amnesia. Given Thomas's history with brain trauma, I guess a case could be made for that. I guess a case could also be made for the bunch jarring Thomas's brain back into evil mode, and he would team up with Justin to bring Bill and Liam down. Because what else could happen? Thomas wakes up and tells everyone but doesn't have the proof? But then Justin's gig would be up. No, there is something else gonna play out; maybe like speculated above, Justin will kidnap Thomas. Now that would be a friggin hoot for sure. 

I am disappointed though, because Thomas was going to do the right thing. For some reason that matters more to me in relation to Brooke than anyone else. 

Surprise, surprise; I wasn't completely annoyed with Katie. HT did good work in those scenes. And Bill was right; she did look haggard, and tired. 

Well, just give me my picnic basket for one, cause I kinda liked Steffy's dress. I am partial to pink, and something about it just screamed summertime fun. 

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So did Justin just teleport Thomas to the utility room at SP? 🤨 

I hope this doesn’t drag on forever. I’m already sick of the “what are we going to do, etc” dialogues. And I’m beyond sick of sad sack Liam in jail.

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8 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

So did Justin just teleport Thomas to the utility room at SP? 🤨 

I hope this doesn’t drag on forever. I’m already sick of the “what are we going to do, etc” dialogues. And I’m beyond sick of sad sack Liam in jail.

Sure, why not?

Despite all of Thomas' rage, he is still just a rat in a cage.


Justin is a stone-cold mastermind and I'm not mad at it.


In fact, it's about damn time he got his own storyline instead of being Bill's Mr. Fix-It.


And I'm not mad at Thomas being behind bars of some sort. It's the least his murdering ass deserves.


Buttttttttttt I'm pissed beyond that Emma isn't even part of Justin's motivation. 


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Wow, I never knew this was all Bill’s fault and that Justin is a loyal friend beside the greatest lawyer. You could have knocked me over with a feather. 

So now it’s murder or manslaughter?  More shit being thrown against the fan for dramatic effect. Epic Fail!!!  

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I'm a little confused about Justin needing to do what he did to Thomas, for a few reasons:

1. Bill, bottom line, still acted improperly after the accident. Even if a crime had not been committed, he's still on the hook for intentionally leaving the scene of an accident, maybe abuse of a corpse (depending on state or county [?] guidelines) if he moved Vinny's body to conceal it, theft when he took Vinny's wallet and phone (we knew he had his phone on him when he got hit from the video), fixed his car to conceal damage and shipped it overseas (while not illegal in and of itself, he's impeded a hit-and-run investigation). I'm sure there's more stuff I'm missing that they could nail Bill for. Anyway, my point is that Justin could just play an incompetent lawyer and say "well, it was the best I could do, Bill!" and keep Bill in jail for a bit.

2. Even if Bill and Liam are in jail, Wyatt is still on the outside and would be running the company on his father's behalf. Wyatt's not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed based upon his devotion to Felony Flo, but he's smart enough to recognize (eventually!) that Justin would be dicking him over to take control of the company.

Also, I don't think that the wire cage Thomas is in could hold him. He looks like he lifts and his body weight alone could bend those wires enough to get him out of there.

No matter how this shakes out, I'm happy to get more arched-eyebrow Justin on my screen. He's fun.

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The more that Matthew Atkinson bangs on the cage door the more I realize how dumb this is. I think he could cut through the wire with his teeth. I appreciate a real metal door but maybe real bars would seem more believable. Also, is Aaron Spears going to do the whole storyline acting with his eyes? It was so annoying. It’s bad enough that he’s not talking but the eye acting was giving me a headache. Finally, isn’t dumb Wyatt next in line to the throne at Spencer Publications? How is Justin going to take over? Is Wyatt headed to the bird cage with Thomas? So many questions.

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The only thing I’m liking about this Tomass/Justin story is that it’s not repeating the same lines over and over and over re: Hope/Steffy; Ridge/Brooke; Katie/Bill; Hope/Liam. I really cannot understand why these writers are still employed. Any 3rd grader could write repeating words for every day of filming. 

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14 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

The only thing I’m liking about this Tomass/Justin story is that it’s not repeating the same lines over and over and over re: Hope/Steffy; Ridge/Brooke; Katie/Bill; Hope/Liam. I really cannot understand why these writers are still employed. Any 3rd grader could write repeating words for every day of filming. 

They do repeat a lot. Sometimes in the same clothes on the same set. A while back Quinn & Shauna were at the mansion discussing Quinn’s marriage for almost 2 weeks in the same clothes and sitting six feet apart on their respective chairs repeating the same dialogue over & over & over. Thank god Eric finally came home to break it up. This was when Eric couldn’t get it up for Quinn. So rude. 

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Charlie is all about parking lot crimes, but didn't see Thomas unconscious being taken from the building?

Kelly really is an afterthought to everyone. It's all Liam needs to get home to Beth and Douglas. Douglas isn't even his. 

Edited by Artsda
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Sometimes, I have to give these writers “credit”. They’ve managed to take an idiotic storyline (Vinny’s suicide) and make it submoronic. I was hoping the motivation was Emma, but if that’s not it, then I need to hit the ol’ dictionary and find out what’s dumber than submoronic.

How exactly did Justin sneak Thomas’ body out of FC? You know what folks… don’t even bother answering that.

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"An innocent man caught up in a troubling web of circumstances." Who talks like that? Certainly not human Bratz doll Steffy. Seriously, writers?

Why is everyone acting like Justin has control over the judicial system? And why do they keep saying he's Bill friend? Seems to me Bill treats Justin like a servant and Wyatt talks to him like one.

So, the DA thinks Liam planned the whole thing and deliberately killed Vinny over the paternity test scam. Does that mean they believe Liam was mad Steffy's baby turned out not to be his? How would they prove that?

Gotta love how Thomas got punched in the face hard enough to knock him out but today there wasn't a scratch on him. Justin's hand didn't seem to be damaged either. Maybe Thomas' face is made of marshmallow. 🙄

Ditto comments upthread, it's so stupid to me that Justin's motivation is control of SP and not vengeance against Thomas for what Thomas did to Emma.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

The only thing I’m liking about this Tomass/Justin story is that it’s not repeating the same lines over and over and over re: Hope/Steffy; Ridge/Brooke; Katie/Bill; Hope/Liam.

...so far.


It won't last because it never does, but such breaks are so few and far between that I'll take it.

34 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Kelly really is an afterthought to everyone. It's all Liam needs to get home to Beth and Douglas. Douglas isn't even his.

Hell, Liam was adamant about not adopting Douglas because he didn't want another avenue for Tom-ass to manipulate Hope a year ago--despite "my hero" being the SOLE reason he has Beth back. Am I the only one that remembers this?

Liam isn't the worst dad on the show but when Kelly starts in on the same script given to Steffy about Daddy playing favorites with Hope's kids, she'll have far more of a claim for this than her mom ever did.


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Bill always treated Justin like a dog but Bill does that to everyone. I guess he (Justin) had his breaking point. Although, he didn’t know any of this was going on. Bill didn’t even tell him (which I had forgotten about). It’s too bad Spears was wasted all these years and now gets a juicy storyline but it’s to basically ruin the character of Justin so Liam, Bill & even Thomas (who doesn’t really have any character) look like heroes in the end. 

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Just now, LittleIggy said:

Noticed that Paris is in the opening montage now and Zoey is gone. 

Oh God, just a few more episodes left before we're free of Zoe for good! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Paris is okay, apart from her inconsistent writing, but with big sis gone soon, they're gonna need to step up her stories if she's gonna stick around for any length of time.

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28 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oh God, just a few more episodes left before we're free of Zoe for good! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Paris is okay, apart from her inconsistent writing, but with big sis gone soon, they're gonna need to step up her stories if she's gonna stick around for any length of time.

If TIIC are going to step up her story It probably be with Zende and we will have to endure to actors who are a boring as watching paint dry.  

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I don't think Justin has thought this thing through. Someone will eventually come into SP,s basement and discover Thomas, so unless Justin plans on killing Thomas or moving him, I think putting him there presents some problems for Justin. He could shoot Thomas using a silencer, but then you have all the clean up and disposing of the body. Maybe he will attempt to kill Thomas by starvation and dehydration? If he plans on moving him, I think Thomas would give Justin some trouble; Thomas is buff and certainly not a pushover. I guess Justin could hit him with a tranquilizer dart or something. Another thing I find strange, is that Justin is supposed to be savvy about shit, and even the most unsavvy person knows about the cloud, and that the video was probably backed up to Thomas's cloud. Maybe Justin will force Thomas's silence by demanding Thomas give him his password so he can delete the backup video, and he will let him out, but only if he doesn't tell, and if he does Justin threatens to kidnap Douglas or Hope. Going that route might give Justin an out if things fall apart; he could say he didn't know anything about the video and Thomas is lying. Who will Bill believe? Everyone will see it as Thomas's way of securing a future for him and Hope. But there is still Wyatt to contend with. I have noticed some changes in Wyatt; he is dressing much more corporate, and has been on the attack. Justin can't just "take over" Bill's company, but he can sure change paperwork and official documents. I don't know if that would ever stand up in court with Bill in jail, but Justin certainly has the means to do it. And he could get Wyatt to sign something detrimental too. Just like all those years ago when Ridge pulled the fast one on Brooke and tried to get her to sign away her rights to BeLief; Justin could get Wyatt to sign something bogus. Of course Brooke was in love with Ridge and trusted him implicitly, while Wyatt appears to be side eyeing Justin. 

And Vinny's phone is still out there.

Yes, how did Justin smuggle an unconscious Thomas out of FC's? Will Charlie break the case by seeing something on a security video? I mean, he has been all about parking lot violations of late, so he must be spending a lot of man hours perusing those videos. 

And the new round of circular conversations have begun. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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15 hours ago, Artsda said:

Charlie is all about parking lot crimes, but didn't see Thomas unconscious being taken from the building?

Kelly really is an afterthought to everyone. It's all Liam needs to get home to Beth and Douglas. Douglas isn't even his. 

Agree at the ridiculousness of Justin being able to abscond with Thomas with no one the wiser.

I don't see Kelly as being an afterthought. Hope expressed concern for Kelly and for all of their "children" and their "daughters."

Douglas isn't his biological child but Hope is his mother in the eyes of the law and he's Liam's stepson. Liam, understandably, had reservations about Hope adopting Douglas because of the obvious Thomas factor, but that has no bearing on his feelings about the little boy himself. A child he cares deeply for, particularly after they bonded after Douglas revealed the truth about Beth being alive.

15 hours ago, nasir jones said:

Sometimes, I have to give these writers “credit”. They’ve managed to take an idiotic storyline (Vinny’s suicide) and make it submoronic. I was hoping the motivation was Emma, but if that’s not it, then I need to hit the ol’ dictionary and find out what’s dumber than submoronic.

How exactly did Justin sneak Thomas’ body out of FC? You know what folks… don’t even bother answering that.

I'm guessing he rolled him up in a rug or a big swath of fabric. What he'd be doing with either of those things or at FC at all is beyond me but at least camp it up for us.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I don't think Justin has thought this thing through. Someone will eventually come into SP,s basement and discover Thomas, so unless Justin plans on killing Thomas or moving him, I think putting him there presents some problems for Justin. He could shoot Thomas using a silencer, but then you have all the clean up and disposing of the body. Maybe he will attempt to kill Thomas by starvation and dehydration? If he plans on moving him, I think Thomas would give Justin some trouble; Thomas is buff and certainly not a pushover. I guess Justin could hit him with a tranquilizer dart or something. Another thing I find strange, is that Justin is supposed to be savvy about shit, and even the most unsavvy person knows about the cloud, and that the video was probably backed up to Thomas's cloud. Maybe Justin will force Thomas's silence by demanding Thomas give him his password so he can delete the backup video, and he will let him out, but only if he doesn't tell, and if he does Justin threatens to kidnap Douglas or Hope. Going that route might give Justin an out if things fall apart; he could say he didn't know anything about the video and Thomas is lying. Who will Bill believe? Everyone will see it as Thomas's way of securing a future for him and Hope. But there is still Wyatt to contend with. I have noticed some changes in Wyatt; he is dressing much more corporate, and has been on the attack. Justin can't just "take over" Bill's company, but he can sure change paperwork and official documents. I don't know if that would ever stand up in court with Bill in jail, but Justin certainly has the means to do it. And he could get Wyatt to sign something detrimental too. Just like all those years ago when Ridge pulled the fast one on Brooke and tried to get her to sign away her rights to BeLief; Justin could get Wyatt to sign something bogus. Of course Brooke was in love with Ridge and trusted him implicitly, while Wyatt appears to be side eyeing Justin. 

And Vinny's phone is still out there.

Yes, how did Justin smuggle an unconscious Thomas out of FC's? Will Charlie break the case by seeing something on a security video? I mean, he has been all about parking lot violations of late, so he must be spending a lot of man hours perusing those videos. 

And the new round of circular conversations have begun. 

Once once again TIIC is insulting the viewing audience by writing such an implausible plot. 

First, how can Justin make Lurch just disappear without a trace. Ridge would move heaven and earth to find him? Second, why hasn’t  Det Chief Hot Dog subpoenaed Vinny’s phone records to find out why Vinny was in Bel Air?  Third, if Liam committed murder, how would he know Vinny was there in the first place?  Lastly, even if Justin could actually delete any back up to the video, Lurch’s phone company would still have his phone records. 

Come on TIIC, stop shoveling shit on us, we are not mushrooms 🍄

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Am I the only one who wondered how Vinnie sent a video to Thomas after he died? It wasn’t Facebook live, & if I remember correctly, he said “Vinnie out”, & committed suicide, on camera (we even heard Liam’s/$Bill’s dialogue after hitting him) in the least believable way possible. So, how did he send it to Thomas, when he was dead? Also, how did he know that being run over would kill him? Sometimes, people survive that, it’s just ridiculous all the way around. The one gem is seeing more Justin, finally. I still think they should’ve hooked him up with Sally, but at least he’s temporarily on-screen more. I can’t see how his character continues after this, but we’ll see.

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@nkotb, the only explanation is:


Also, with Vinnie's professing his love to Thomas and seeming to indicate it was not in a brotherly/BFF fashion, did they really have a character finally be revealed as gay (or bi) and then have him commit suicide? And during PRIDE month???

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I've been on lurk mode a while now mostly because Hope's dumbass took Lame back, despite her having no real reason to believe his bitch ass won't cheat again, but I suppose that's always been the case...But holy fuck I had to crawl from my corner that is safe from shit writing to witness this. 

So Vinny committed suicide. In the stupidest way possible. For the stupidest reason possible. The lengths this show will go to just to keep Lame's hands relatively clean never ceases to enrage me or disgust me. My god can Lame ever be just...dead wrong? There is always an excuse or a reason or a manipulation. They had the chance with Hopequinn but noooooo they had to drag Hope's "relationship" with Tomass into it as a justification for him to fuck Steffy though no one pointed out that he was running around town jealous of Finn hoping to reclaim his territory over Steffy well before Tomass had a relapse and fell in love with a doll.  But I digress. Which by the way why would Vinny think that him being "murdered" by Lame would bring Thomas and Hope together? If Dope isn't bright enough to leave Lame after his latest fucked up choice to cheat on her (not to mention all the other times he's cheated). Why would Lame being sent to the big house for homicide wake her slow behind up? Bold and the Beautiful writer Logic everybody. 🙃

Unpopular opinion alert: I'm glad that Finn isn't responsible because I think what some don't realize that if Finn were psycho or a murderer it would just vindicate Lame being jealous and suspicious. And I don't want that sniveling, waffling, indecisive, hypocritical,  cheating pos validated for anything ever. At the moment, Lame just looks like the jealous, bitter, flip-flopper, ex that didn't want Steffy move on even if no one mentions it. Finn being dangerous changes all of that and I for one would not be here for it. (With that said I could deal with him being the only normal person from a family of psycho murderers or something like that) So, good on Justin for taking that opportunistic step! Bill kind of deserves this from Justin (as Bill deserves alot of comeuppance if you ask me), but the fact that it isn't about Emma just makes it fall flat, but that is par the course for B&B SL and character dynamic/motivation. 

On 6/22/2021 at 11:07 PM, Anna Yolei said:

It seems like this show likes to "redeem" him by putting him in situations that he legitimately had no ability to decide or consent to, then call it a day to get sympathy for him. It's tiring and this is why he's among the least favorite character on the show right now.

QFT. Seriously not to go off topic but this is such a huge problem in the media and has been for years. Fandoms and writers misunderstand redemption to the point it can make writing and being a part of a fanbase tedious and unenjoyable. The point of redemption arcs and SL is for the character who made a bad choice that hurt others to make amends by fixing and undoing (if possible) the damage done to those people and even more to suffer the consequences of those choices. No excuses are made, there is no victim-blaming and the character who did harm is determined to do better even if they aren't forgiven. A choice has to be presented to the character and instead of making a choice to hurt someone again they make the right choice. Forgiveness from the hurt individuals isn't supposed to be the goal of redemption, if it happens fine, but change is the real goal. Just change, a change of heart, mentality, and ACTIONS! Putting a perpetual fuckup character like Lame in a situation where he lacks autonomy doesn't redeem him for the actions he took when he had autonomy, the situations don't match. The audience nor Hope have any reason to believe that Lame would behave differently if he were presented with the opportunity to get with Steffy again. Lame's words and pity plays aren't worth a damn. 

Edited by TeamGabi
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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam, understandably, had reservations about Hope adopting Douglas because of the obvious Thomas factor, but that has no bearing on his feelings about the little boy himself. A child he cares deeply for, particularly after they bonded after Douglas revealed the truth about Beth being alive.

Yes, this, but Douglas is also the biological son of his cousin.  (Liam and Caroline were cousins, right?  I don't want to work through how they were related).

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Ridge doesn’t have the morals either to cast the first stone or any stone after that but he’s breaking all the windows in his glasshouse.

Justin I’m sure you were very well compensated for all you have done for Bill and now your revolting because your feelings were hurt. If you had any misgivings, than you should had resigned. 

I rather listen to Liam weeny wine or even Lurch declare he will always be there for Hope than Justin and Ridge pontificating and acting like their shit doesn’t stink.  

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15 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Yes, this, but Douglas is also the biological son of his cousin.  (Liam and Caroline were cousins, right?  I don't want to work through how they were related).

Yes, they were first cousins as Liam's father (Bill) and Caroline's mother (Karen) are siblings; so Douglas is Liam's first cousin once removed.

Edited by drtslim
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1 hour ago, TeamGabi said:


Unpopular opinion alert: I'm glad that Finn isn't responsible because I think what some don't realize that if Finn were psycho or a murderer it would just vindicate Lame being jealous and suspicious. And I don't want that sniveling, waffling, indecisive, hypocritical,  cheating pos validated for anything ever. At the moment, Lame just looks like the jealous, bitter, flip-flopper, ex that didn't want Steffy move on even if no one mentions it. Finn being dangerous changes all of that and I for one would not be here for it.

As boring as Finn is at the moment, I have to agree here. Boring can be improved upon, but unless one's character is played by a particularly charismatic actor a la Michael Muhney, full psycho is much, much harder for fans to move past. And as you said, Liam does not deserve one single kudos for "knowing" Finn was a bad hombre because he didn't, he was mad she'd moved on, the way he pissed when she and Hope both went after Wyatt and I'm sick of it.

2 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

Seriously not to go off topic but this is such a huge problem in the media and has been for years. Fandoms and writers misunderstand redemption to the point it can make writing and being a part of a fanbase tedious and unenjoyable. The point of redemption arcs and SL is for the character who made a bad choice that hurt others to make amends by fixing and undoing (if possible) the damage done to those people and even more to suffer the consequences of those choices.

Agreed fully. Even in soaps there are many examples of redemptions done right for characters who have done far, far worse than anything Liam's done. Michael Baldwin is now considered an upstanding citizen after an entry story as Christine Blaire's stalker. But that came after years of hitting career setbacks due to his prison stint and cumulated with him showing Cricket he'd changed. He wasn't forgiven just because Phyllis kidnapped him for a few days.

But really what does anyone suffer on this show? Not even Brooke, the only character who still gets her sins cast against her, has seen any lasting effects of her behavior: Bridget's forgiven her, Hope was as angelic as a kid raised in LA could be (a virgin at 20 in those circles would be considered damaged goods, let's be honest) and while Ridge has done her dirty far more times than she's done him, he'd been well in his rights never to speak to her again after Possé Wall Boink of 2010.

And that's the character Brad loves to punish the most.

Short of Jill Fire'em Phelps taking over or Clifton quitting the show (which I wouldn't blame him for but steady work is rare in Hollywood) we're stuck dealing with Liam as the show's dull golden child who somehow gets pulled by the nose more often Ridge, even.

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I didn't know people in jail got exercise time. Seems like the show is sort of conflating jail and prison, no?

Ridge flailing as he fell out of that helicopter into the sea is still hilarious to me.

Oh, Thomas does have vestiges of a shiner under his left eye.

Steffy's sausage casing dress is cracking me up. I bet when she goes into labor all she'll have to do is bend over and the baby will shoot right out. 🥳

Aw man, everybody stop yelling at Justin! I think he wants to do the right thing but he's still caught up in his revenge fantasies.

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6 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Aw man, everybody stop yelling at Justin! I think he wants to do the right thing but he's still caught up in his revenge fantasies.

Justin had me cracking up.  I was half expecting Aaron Spears to go off script and call Bill a "muthafucka!" when he was ranting to Thomas.

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It did seem to me today that Thomass was getting to Justin when he said that Liam/Hope/the kids, etc shouldn’t be punished for Bill’s sins. Can we hope that this story line doesn’t last forever like they usually do on this sorry soap?

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You know your life has gone off the rails when Thomas Forrester is the voice of reason. It’s such a wasted opportunity that Justin is not bringing up Emma right now. It would have made this storyline more impactful. While I do think Justin is justified in being angry at being looked over and not treated well, this was the wrong way to address it. I’m glad Justin is getting a storyline, but not at the expense of completely ruining his character. The writers are treating him worse than $Bill. 

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It’s such a wasted opportunity that Justin is not bringing up Emma right now. It would have made this storyline more impactful. While I do think Justin is justified in being angry at being looked over and not treated well, this was the wrong way to address it.

To me it strikes me like the writers just tossed this out because they had no idea what they were really going to do with Vinny's death. I mean Justin should be tired of Bill treating him like crap - fair enough. But quit! Or go get a job at Forrester to really get under Bill's skin like everyone else has done at some point or another. Anything is better than whatever the hell this is supposed to be.

I'm still not over the concept of Vinny killing himself so Thomas can hook up with Hope. I swear my brain is just stuck on the stupid with that.

I definitely do not want Finn to turn out to be evil or insane. Nope, Because that only leads to one place - Liam declaring how he knew Finn was a bad guy blah blah. Liam is just an awful character and I will never understand why the writers have made this waffle a leading man.

Quarter .... Quarter .... where art thou?!?

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Miss me with the Justin "Bill caused a lot of pain" rant.  Yeah, when he was targeting people like Liam, Sally, Wyatt, etc. (so, actual family members) Justin wasn't just a bystander, he actively helped him do it.  Justin does have legit reasons to despise Bill for taking advantage of him, but it's coming off like it's just his ambition and not actually caring that Bill has been an asshole.  Sorry, given everything he abetted, I don't really think Justin is any better than Bill.  

Yeah, Thomas, I think Liam would in fact do the same thing if the roles were different.  The guy admitted to an accident that would send him to prison when he didn't have to, pretty sure he'd at least do what you're trying to do.  

Thought the Ridge scenes were interesting, and a nice touch to outright state that Ridge is still shook. 

I've been completely fine with Steffy the last few days, Austin Powers outfit aside.  Personally, I'll easily take this dopey version of her with Finn over the whole Miss Thang/Independent Woman town heroine angle.  


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