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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 hours ago, JNavarro said:

I wonder if Bill is ever embarrassed with the way both Wyatt and Liam behave.  Not that being like Bill and or being overly macho is the answer- it's not- but they're both so...unmanly

I know back in the way early days, he and Lame butted heads because Lame wanted to actually respect Hope's wishes to wait for sex  and didn't subscribe to Bill's brand of machoness. Like you said, Bill's BS is not the answer but I'm truly beginning to think Bell hates Lame as much as he does Hope. I mean fainting, really? Y'all couldn't come up with anything better?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I guess Thomas must have gotten to Brooke's place from a different direction, because he sure didn't mention seeing Vinny's carcass laying on the side of the road. Or maybe he did, but decided not to mention it. 

Would they please give Hope a friend, or at least a confidant, that is not Thomas or her Mommy? They were starting the strains of a friendship with Paris the other day, please complete the concerto. 

Bill and Liam scenes were really good, but really sad too. Bill has just run his son through the Easy Bake Oven. Liam has no way out now. And his guilt will not allow him to keep this inside. Liam is simply not wired that way, and in this instance I do feel for him because it was an accident, unlike him un-accidentally driving into Steffy's cooch. And also because fucking inappropriately is a far cry different from killing someone. 

I refuse to watch Mean Girl Wannabes Quinn and Zoey. They are horrible and they are disgusting. I didn't even tune in when Paris arrived because......reasons. I wonder what route Eric will take to forgive Quinn for this nonsense? He always finds a way. And fucking Quinn wonders why no one takes her seriously and why no one considers her the Forrester Family Matriarch. Proof is in the pudding. 

I have made the mistake of watching old episodes and clips on YouTube. Show has fallen so far. 

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I'm gonna go against the grain here and say that I really didn't care for all the Shouty McShouterson DD was doing yesterday and you know I love me some $ Bill but it was just too OOT and took me right out of the scenes. 

And I am over Liam's scrunched up sniveling crybaby bitch weasel face so that didn't help.

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Instead of having Liam faint, I would've had Bill trying to grab Liam's phone to keep him from calling 911. In the process of doing that Bill's hand accidentally connects with Liam's face and Liam gets knocked out. Then while Liam is unconscious Bill goes ahead and does all the stuff he did to the crime scene and putting Liam in the passenger seat. That way there's conflict from Bill punching him instead of Liam just being a wussy baby. Of course, then Liam would have to explain to people how his face got banged up and odds are he'd still have a hard time keeping the truth to himself. It'll probably be Hope who gets the story out of him, and Thomas will overhear.

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I find Liam's weaknesses and wimpiness a total turnoff.  No matter what, the right thing to do is call the police and report what happened.  He did not do that.  Why?  Because at heart he is not good.  He is a self-serving, bloviating crapfest.  I loathe him.  And Bell sticks him in almost every story.

Quinn is the Queen of Mean and disgusting.  Zoe is not much better.  That side plot was pitiful and silly.

I really wish somehow Thomas could truly be rehabbed.  MA and AN have great chemistry and I could root for a good story between them.  And I do not mean that Bell uses Thomas to cause Lope conflict and in the end Thomas is dumped for a hypocritical, cheating fool.

Finally I love Brooke but I HATE how Bell is using her.  I think he thinks that the writing is comparable to what was written for Stephanie but it lacks depth and finesse.  And KKL is just too soft to play miniStephanie.  It comes off as wacky and irritating.  KKL should be given other plots instead of micromanaging Hope's partners and rubber stamping a baby seller.

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10 hours ago, JNavarro said:

I wonder if Bill is ever embarrassed with the way both Wyatt and Liam behave.  Not that being like Bill and or being overly macho is the answer- it's not- but they're both so...unmanly.  

The irony is that this current version of Thomas is more in line of what a son of Bill would be than Liam or Wyatt.  Wyatt's shady tendencies come from his mother.


Would they please give Hope a friend, or at least a confidant, that is not Thomas or her Mommy? They were starting the strains of a friendship with Paris the other day, please complete the concerto. 

Yup, Hope needs a girlfriend. Then again the last woman of color who was Hope's loyal buddy ended up run off the road by Thomas so....


In the process of doing that Bill's hand accidentally connects with Liam's face and Liam gets knocked out. Then while Liam is unconscious Bill goes ahead and does all the stuff he did to the crime scene and putting Liam in the passenger seat.

Bill has decked Liam before with no problems over Skye (one reason why Brooke left him). I'd have no trouble believing that in the heat of the moment he'd intentionally knock Liam out to get him out of the way while he cleaned up a time sensitive mess that had no time for Liam's conscience. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Why are they yelling at each other? Even 6 feet away from each other, they shouldn’t have to yell. Maybe reduce the distance in their social distancing. 

I had to mute them.

Are we to think Bill lives alone with no maid, butler, cook, etc? Sure doesn’t seem they’re worried about being overheard. 

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56 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

Why are they yelling at each other? Even 6 feet away from each other, they shouldn’t have to yell. Maybe reduce the distance in their social distancing. 

I had to mute them.

Are we to think Bill lives alone with no maid, butler, cook, etc? Sure doesn’t seem they’re worried about being overheard. 

You just know Gladys, ahem, Katie is gonna overhear. 

Also how did Bill know that Vinnie was really, most sincerely dead? People who aren’t breathing and/or the heart has stopped beating can be brought back all the time. But nope. He just left Vinnie to rot on the side of the road. That changes things from accidental death to murder IMO with $ Bill as the primary perpetrator and Liam an accessory after the fact. 

It would be awesome if Vinny lived and was saved by someone else. 

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1 hour ago, Runningwild said:

Why are they yelling at each other? Even 6 feet away from each other, they shouldn’t have to yell. Maybe reduce the distance in their social distancing. 

I had to mute them.

Are we to think Bill lives alone with no maid, butler, cook, etc? Sure doesn’t seem they’re worried about being overheard. 

I had to mute them yesterday because it was like a yelling contest between Bill and Liam.  Each one seemed to be trying to outdo the other one for the Emmy!  


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Are we supposed to feel bad for Liam. 🙄

I love Bill when he is not mooning over Brooke. Much more entertaining. Even if he is dealing with his stupid off springs Liam and Wyatt. 

Hope summoning Finn to her place of work was weird. Their situation is not entirely the same. Finn hasn't spent years in the Steffy/Liam merry go round as Hope. So his advice isn't really helpful per se.  

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1 hour ago, Collinwood said:
7 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

sniveling crybaby bitch weasel face 

Is there any way we can make this Liam's official title?  Because it's perfect.  Truly perfect.

It is perfect! Though it's too much to type and he's not worth it lol. Lame is shorter and to the point. We can use the longer one on holidays. Earth day is coming up so let's all get ready to use Lame's second name! 🤣🤣🤣

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I love the Bill vs Liam shouting matches, although I thought Bill was gonna burst a blood vessel at some point.    

Liam might be a waffler and he's been called all sorts of names, but in this instance I really do feel sorry for him because he's in a lose/lose situation.   He's right in that the police are eventually going to find something, some kind of evidence to incriminate them.  On the other hand, if he goes to the police, Bill is right that the police will  immediately suspect Liam because he has motive, and his father would be in trouble for destroying evidence.

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Bill, you don't know someone wasn't nearby recording the accident on their phone. Someone like Thomas.

Hope, you should start an advice column. Only instead of you dispensing advice, you could tell random strangers all your personal business and ask them what to do. Because apparently you think the world revolves around you and everyone in your life is at your beck and call. Give them a break.

Heh, Finn's always walking into some mess involving Vinny at the hospital. If the cops question him he's probably going to point them right at Liam and Thomas. He better have a solid alibi himself though. Steffy too.

Guess this storyline is SC's Emmy run? The weeks of Liam agonizing over Steffy's baby and the state of his marriage wasn't enough it seems. Now it'll be weeks of him having panic attacks and yelling at Bill.😖

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Bill really did sound like he had been running. Or “on a jog,” which who talks like that? He was huffing and puffing and sweating for a good two scenes. Not that I’m complaining. 

Liam’s crazy hair was giving me life. 


As was his pillow fit. 


I did appreciate the more toned-down Bill in the last scene with Liam. Although Bill, you are gonna have to figure out how to keep Liam from spilling his guts. Because 30 seconds in an interrogation room and he’ll be singing like a canary. And Bill Will occupying the cell next to him. 

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What seemed like Vinny being hit in somewhere near Brooke’s neighborhood turns out today to be somewhere near Bill’s neighborhood. Again, what was Vinny doing in any of those upper echelon neighborhoods?  

Liam, you are definitely the schmuck of all schmucks.  It’s ok to lie, to the police, about how it happen but it’s not ok to lie, to the police, about how Vinny was hit in the first place.  A pig is still a pig no matter how much lipstick you put on the pig. 

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Although Bill, you are gonna have to figure out how to keep Liam from spilling his guts. Because 30 seconds in an interrogation room and he’ll be singing like a canary. And Bill Will occupying the cell next to him. 

He won’t have to. Liam’s gonna be blabbing to him about it ans someone will overhear. 

4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Again, what was Vinny doing in any of those upper echelon neighborhoods?  

Selling drugs. 


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51 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

That pillow fit?  Liam is an infant.  Can't believe he can tie his own shoes and feed himself.

From that still shot, those are slip on shoes.  HAHAHAHAHAA!!  I'm not even watching this dreck and just everyone's description is pissing me off.

Maybe SCBWF's battered brain will completely short out with the strain of holding in this (poop) secret.  Then we can all get a break from his histrionics about...EVERYthing.  

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Liam is right. He is pathetic.

I need a break from Hope. She has been on like every day. Always talking about the same things over and over. She is always using her place of work as her own personal therapist office about her marital problems.

Lol why would Finn tell someone about Vinny switching the results. Could lead to suspicion on himself.

The Bill/Liam scenes are redundant. How many times are they going to say motive.

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Maybe Hope can learn from the last couple of years and stop telling Thomas all of her marital business! Thomas loves her,  she knows this- he's not a neutral observer. Be civil, sure, but she needs to find someone else to be her confidant.

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Can Lurch just shut the fuck up. He just can’t help himself from bastardizing Liam.  I wish Hope would tell Lurch to shut the fuck up.  I got news for Lurch, his father is no angel either.  

A week of Liam graveling to Hope to forgive him and now we will have to listen to Liam ringing his hand moaning “Out, damn spot”.  This whole story line is bat shit stupid.

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2 hours ago, TVForever said:

Maybe Hope can learn from the last couple of years and stop telling Thomas all of her marital business! Thomas loves her,  she knows this- he's not a neutral observer. Be civil, sure, but she needs to find someone else to be her confidant.

Hope loves seeing Thomas slobbering all over her.  It would be hella interesting if Thomas met another woman and they developed a romantic relationship.  I'd love to see Hope's face break.

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"He was best friends with my fiancée's brother." Gee, Finn, that was quite a mouthful. Maybe you could also have mentioned that the sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. 🤯

What is with that Little House on the Bel Air Prairie dress Hope is wearing? You know it must be awful when Worn on TV doesn't bother posting it.

I'm getting a bad vibe about Thomas. He didn't seem all that surprised to me that Liam broke his lunch date with Hope.

Lol, Thomas went in on Bill! Hair dye and whitened teeth! For shame! 😹

Wonder why Finn didn't mention to the coroner that Vinny was a drug dealer? Finn knows about that, doesn't he? Vinny helped get Steffy addicted to painkillers.

But Bill, if the police come looking for your car, Justin's going to know you got rid of it all of a sudden, and that it was dented in the front. Guess you trust him to keep his mouth shut? 🤔

If Vinny was a former employee of the hospital they likely had his emergency contact info still on file. He probably had his girlfriend listed, or a family member. I think the coroner is bad at her job because for all she knows Finn might've killed Vinny and was manipulating her investigation.

That spoiler about Hope rushing to the hospital to identify a body was misleading. She only went with Thomas because she's a busybody. Meanwhile, again, Thomas didn't seem all that surprised to me to see Vinny's corpse.

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I found the conversation with Hope and Finn curious because Finn seemed to be trying to be careful of exactly what she was asking before he answered. Maybe it’s nothing, but it made me wonder if Finn might know something about what happened with Vinny and/or might have been involved with Vinny being injured before being hit by Liam and Bill. Maybe he wanted to see what Hope knew before he committed to an answer and then when she went down the forgiveness path he was relieved. He certainly seemed surprised when he saw Vinny at the morgue, so who knows? I have no spoilers so I’m just speculating. 

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Why would Hope want to identify a dead body? Seems like a weird to do. I thought she might wait in the corridor ready to comfort Thomas, but to actually go into the morgue?

When Thomas was bad-mouthing Vinny for switching the paternity results, and saying how he blocked Vinny from his life, all I could visualize was this shot of him after he ran Emma off the road and left her to die.


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I am so irritated with all of it. 

Why Vinny, when there were other, more deserving characters? I liked Vinny, sure, he was a criminal, he sold drugs, but he wasn't mean, and evil, and one dimensional. Even if he messed with the paternity test, something I am beginning to doubt, he was only trying to do his friend a solid. Vinny has shown glimpses of a decent person, he has shown he can be sweet and caring, and he has shown common sense when Thomas had none. He could have been easily redeemed and used as needed. I think he and Steffy would have been interesting, certainly far more than her and Finn, who is a complete snore. 

But alas, they chose to kill Vinny off, and leave us with the likes of Zoey and Flo. One, a stalkering, entitled, selfish, snot nosed brat, who wants to blame her sister for her bad choices, and the other a worthless POS baby selling bitch. I couldn't hate either of them more. And not only were neither of them selected for termination, but one continues to carry on as if the world owes her something, as well as continuing to terrorize her sister, and the other is being glorified with acceptance, love, jobs and last names. 

I cannot express how much it bugs that I am going to have to continue to watch these two. I swear when Flo had the audacity to try and work Hope? I never wanted to rip out someone's tongue so damn bad. And that is how it is gonna be you know. The fucking Flo show, watching that useless twat twitter around like she is all that and a bag of chips. Flitting around the halls and offices of Forrester with her barely shadowed Va Jay Jay, while still making her daily appearances at Spencer. 

Then you have the whole Liam/Bill thing. Oh my, where to even begin? Bill's logic is full of holes. First of all, it was an accident, and you would have been a witness to that Bill. So what if the Po Po thought Liam had motive? There are ways to reconstruct these things, like where was the damage on the car in relation to the road? How far was the body from the car? Also Bill, how could Liam have known in advance the person who suddenly materialized in front of the car was Vinny? There could have been no premeditation because there is no way in hell Liam could have known who it was. Also, the only person Liam expressed his hatred to was Hope, but so what? Steffy and Finn where pretty upset too, as was Thomas. But the burning question Bill, is what was Vinny doing there in the first place? He did not live in that area, and why was he walking? 

I'll tell ya why, because there is more going on here. I want to know why Finn needed to suddenly go to the morgue. Of course, we haven't seen much of his life at the hospital, but is that common practice for emergency room doctor's? I think he went to see if the hit and run was Vinny. Maybe I am way off the mark, but that is what my gut is telling me. Somehow I think when Finn learned Vinny had made bail, he sought him out, and Vinny told him he had lied about altering the paternity test. Vinny tells Finn that he panicked after being ganged up on by him and Thomas, and just told them what they wanted to hear. Finn explodes in anger and either drugged Vinny or beat him up, or both, and either left him in the middle of the road, or waited for an oncoming car and threw him in front of it. There was no way he could have known it was Liam driving Bill's car, even if he knew it was Bill's car; at the same time I would love it if he was deliberately setting Liam up. I think Finn hates Liam, and wants him out of the picture, especially after learning Vinny hadn't messed with the paternity test. And I think that is what Vinny was trying to say to Bill and Liam, he was trying to warn them about Finn and tell them he hadn't messed with the test.  Like I said, I could be way off track, but it would certainly give Finn some damn color and dimension. 

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If Hope had any sense at all (which, apparently, she doesn't) she could see how unhinged, and yes, evil. Thomas really is when he was railing about Vinny.  Sure, his friend was killed but Thomas was acting like a madman.  Which he is.  But nooooooo, she just stares at him with her wide-open, dumb as fuck eyes.

Flo sitting there with the other Logans and chirping in with her input just made me want to throw something at the tv.  The nerve of that bitch.  I want her and Katie and that damn kidney to wind up in a ditch somewhere.

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Ugh, so boring and predictable. 

@RuntheTable, your post was a thing of beauty and truth, like always! Just to clarify. Finn initially went to the morgue to get Dr. Ricks (later introduced to Thomas and Hope as a pathologist) because they were supposed to go to a compliance training class. (I will let the irony of that scenario sink in for a moment!)  Dr. Ricks had to bail on the meeting because of the "John Doe" who was brought in. 

First of all, wouldn't a huge major city like L.A. send bodies to the city/county medical examiner or coroner? Since the hospital is "University Hospital," I am going to S-T-R-E-T-C-H and assume maybe it's also a public teaching hospital, so it could be possible that autopsies are done there, but in reality, that seems highly unlikely. We know all too well how loosely B&B writers research even the simplest police and medical procedures, if they even bother to at all

I live in Kansas City, Missouri, which isn't a big city by any means, and even we have a dedicated medical examiner and building/morgue.

.As well, since Vinny was a hospital employee, wouldn't it make more sense to check HR records first, to get some basic ID then call in Thomas? 

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This was a very weird ep with Thomas  losing his mind over Vinny's death and the three of them just hanging out in the morgue with a dead body. The camera came in so close that we got to see that Thomas has two red dots on the tip of his nose. 👀

But even weirder were the Flo, Brooke and Katie scenes. They actually talked about "what Thomas did keeping Beth from Hope" and Flo even threw her own comments in. She should have slithered out of the room as soon as that convo started, but she just reclined in her satiny pink dress and opined on the subject--as if she wasn't the one who sold Hope's baby for money!

tv land teacher GIF by Teachers on TV Land

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18 minutes ago, bannana said:

But even weirder were the Flo, Brooke and Katie scenes. They actually talked about "what Thomas did keeping Beth from Hope" and Flo even threw her own comments in.

This fucking show! I just can't even anymore, wow


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2 hours ago, nasir jones said:

So Thomas doesn’t remember when he ran that girl off of the road and caused her death?

Thomas's rant made me so mad I couldn't see straight.

How he didn't choke on his own words was a mystery.

That he wasn't self-aware enough to acknowledge how Emma's family was in this exact same position years ago feeling the same thing- only righteously in their case.

How could Hope stand there and watch him say this and not suddenly snap at him and check his ass that this is what Thomas did to Emma when the poor girl was on her way to tell her that Beth was alive. Forget the distracted text driving nonsense- they know his car was on that road, stopped at that cliffside and that no calls were made to 9-1-1 to help her. 

Vinny suffered what Emma suffered. Whatever Thomas wants done to his killer, should be done to him as well.

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Yes Liam has to tell the truth, Vinny is dead, and Lurch can’t act for shit.  Is Lurch is going to question what Vinny was doing in Bel Air in the middle of the night?  Yes Lurch, you are trying to defend him.  Lurch, you hypocritical piece of shit, did you try to help Emma when you ran her off the road. I don’t remember you even calling 911.  Now you are going to find out who did this even if the police can’t?  

I love Brooke’s hair. It makes her younger.  At first, I thought Brooke was Donna. 



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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Yes Liam has to tell the truth, Vinny is dead, and Lurch can’t act for shit.  Is Lurch is going to question what Vinny was doing in Bel Air in the middle of the night?  Yes Lurch, you are trying to defend him.  Lurch, you hypocritical piece of shit, did you try to help Emma when you ran her off the road. I don’t remember you even calling 911.  Now you are going to find out who did this even if the police can’t?  

I love Brooke’s hair. It makes her younger.  At first, I thought Brooke was Donna. 



I hated Brooke’s hair. When did she become 15 years old? When she had it cut shorter and it was so healthy looking, she looked beautiful. Please let Flo get run over like Vinny!! Cannot stand that character. Katie is a no never mind, in my opinion. I wouldn’t even notice she was gone if they wrote her out.

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Day 7,184 of the accident aftermath argument between Liam and Bill. No end in sight. 🙁

Gee, both Finn and Thomas are looking sus to me. Why is Finn even there? He doesn't work in the morgue and could be trying to cover his tracks if he was involved in Vinny's untimely demise.

How does Flo know how to do a market analysis? Did she watch a YouTube video or something? Whatever, please tell me she isn't lowkey trying to horn in on Hope for the Future. They'll have to change the name of it to Felonies for the Future.

Flo, you need to keep Hope's name out of your mouth else Hope slaps the taste out of it again. 😠

Apparently Hope needed to be there to witness Thomas having a major sad about his dead bestie. He'll have her in his corner if he's ever considered to be involved in Vinny's death because she personally saw how upset he was. He can't fool her! He's honest now! 🙄

Why would Brooke have thought Vinny was shady? She didn't even know him except by gossip.

Thomas, 🎶instant karma's gonna get you🎶. That is if Emma's ghost has anything to say about it.

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Was Brooke getting married today? With the dress & the hair looked more like wedding wedding wear than work wear. KKL looked awful. HT looked great & Flo was, well, Flo. The actress doesn’t stand to me in the looks or acting department. I know it’s bad to say but she’s just another blonde on soap with B&B has had a million of. I’m still shocked that she was the one who wasn’t killed because she & Wyatt are beyond boring. 

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How can the Logan’s sit there criticizing Thomas for “keeping Beth away from Hope” and pretending that Felony Flo wasn’t the one who gave her to Steffy in the first place? Thomas didn’t tell Hope that Beth was alive!?  Neither did FLO!!! 

Edited by Runningwild
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3 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Apparently Thomas also forgot that Vinny gave Steffy the meds that made her OD, but I guess we’re just supposed to forget about all that. 

Does Thomas know that Vinny was the one that gave Steffy the pills? I may have missed the reveal.

*We* know that Steffy found the pills in the teddy bear gift he sent via Thomas but she hid them from Thomas. We also know Thomas saw Vinny drop a bottle of pills in his office but I don’t recall Steffy saying where she got the pills or Thomas putting two and two together onscreen. I feel like if he had he’d have actually tried to kill him.

And now that you mention it, that’s a good motive for Thomas and/or Finn for killing Vinny- if they found out in addition to the paternity switch that he was the guy that supplied her when she was using. Thomas would be pissed Vinny used him as an unwitting mule for Steffy’s drug habit. Finn would want to clobber him because he sees himself as Steffy’s protector. 

For the first time I yelled at the tv screen for Wyatt to save himself and leave Bill and Liam to their sordid business. Then I remembered who his fiancé and mother are and his enabling of said women and shrugged my shoulders. There are no rootable people on this show at the moment, no gripping storylines to stay tuned for, and the plots feel shortcutted with no sincere effort for things to make logical or emotional sense and no respect towards the audience. 

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48 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

How can the Logan’s sit there criticizing Thomas for “keeping Beth away from Hope” and pretending that Felony Flo wasn’t the one who gave her to Steffy in the first place? Thomas didn’t tell Hope that Beth was alive!?  Neither did FLO!!! 

Seriously? I didn’t hear that because I ff through any scene Felony Flo is in. If FF had gone to the police when Buckingham proposed the scheme, Beth would never have been taken from her parents. What bull💩!

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Thomas is mad that the driver just left after hitting Vinny.  I get it.  I mean for Thomas, what you're supposed to do is leer over the dead body , smirking like a self righteous evil creep and THEN leave and never tell anyone. 

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I just don't know what I am watching anymore. 

@TobinAlbers summed it up perfectly:

8 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

There are no rootable people on this show at the moment, no gripping storylines to stay tuned for, and the plots feel shortcutted with no sincere effort for things to make logical or emotional sense and no respect towards the audience. 

Trying to cut through the endless triangle/relationship non-drama with a "Murder Mystery" that is actually more of a stupid move by Bill is not cutting it. 

I had a full on rage blackout as I watched that shit going down in the Forrester Communal Office. How can Katie and Brooke do this to Hope? Expecting Hope to forgive Flo, but questioning her ability to forgive Thomas? Hope has known Thomas her whole life; she has seen him at his best and his worst. She knows that even though he has been a total asshole, there are still good parts of him. All she knows about Flo is that she is the person who helped sell her newborn child, then proceeded to become her friend and confidant, and watched her suffer and did nothing. Oh, nothing except horning in on the Logan, Forrester, Spencer lifestyles. Hope should tell her mother and aunts to shove it. To fuck the hell off with their acceptance and forgiveness. I swear, I have loved Brooke since day one, when she ran into her little house in the valley, in her torn and tattered blue dress. She spoke to me immediately, and quickly became my favorite. But after thirty years of love and support this horrible Flo bullshit has got me on the brink of turning coat on my girl. I am heartbroken and so disillusioned.

Additionally, there are more characters on Show that I detest, don't like, or could give a shit less about, than those I actually enjoy watching. Yes, of course, having your baddies is part of the soap equation, but there needs to be a balance. There should be some characters that you can root for, and some characters that are neither here nor there, but you still like them, and don't find them flaming idiots. 

Brooke - Has lost her sizzle and spark, has become Ridge's doormat, Has no reasoning ability and makes terrible choices

Ridge - His arrogance and self involvement have become his mantra. And he likes to yell at people.

Eric - Who?

Quinn - A sixteen year old grown up. Mean spirited and evil. Enjoys hurting others both physically and mentally. Has no impulse control. 

Wyatt - Once rootable and likable guy who has become ugly. Chooses to cohabitate with a baby selling felon, when he had a wonderful red head who adored him. I could care less about Wyatt now. 

Hope - Sugary sweet. Tries to be a good person, but like her Momma, lacks good judgement.

Steffy - Easily summed up: Bitch

Thomas - Lying hypocrite

Bill - Has become a cartoon caricature of his once impressive self. His male manliness has been gobbled up by Batie. Has lost his edge in his hottness as well as his business

Katie - A Nosey Nellie crybaby; mostly unlikable, unless she is with Wyatt

Donna - Wasted as a character to babysit the Hopelets. Pair her up with Carter or Eric please

Carter - ??????????

Zoey - An unlikable, stalkering, sniveling, lying, waste of space. 

Paris - A character I do like. Nothing bad here for this viewer

Zende - Don't really know about this version of Zende yet

Finn -  Doofus and a snore. Milquetoast purse holder for Steffy. Nothing to see here. 

Shauna - Grifting, gold digging wannabe, who fucked with my girl and her happiness. Quinn's best friend. Was part of the "Alliance" to keep Beth from Hope. Not likable at all. 

Flo - The dredge of the earth. Worthless, pointless. 

Outside of Paris, the only truly rootable characters are Douglas, Beth and Kelly

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13 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

There are no rootable people on this show at the moment, no gripping storylines to stay tuned for, and the plots feel shortcutted with no sincere effort for things to make logical or emotional sense and no respect towards the audience.

Ain't that the truth. B&B has had an issue of balance for the last decade but never this out if whack.

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