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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I hate to say it but I kind of liked Rick and Maya today.  (KM looked very pretty, too.)  We needed more of that kind of scene in the big trans storyline but at least they are sticking with it.  And Katie and $Bill were good today.  Wyatt knows how to handle both difficult parents, I see. 


Steffy could not have made Liam look more ineffectual if she had tried.  {{Shudder}}  And Steffy?  I'm sure Quinn has an interesting assortment of accessories she could lend you...

Edited by tessaray
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Welcome back PsychedelicTrip !


So two seconds after questioning Ivy's firing, waffles starts dropping hints that they should fire Wyatt too ? Nice job bro.


Kudos to the writers, they've made me completely change sides on the Chicken vs waffles battle. If that was their intention.


"Leave you drawings." I don't think I've ever hated Steffy more.


For some reason $Bill's hair reminds me of Pip Boy from the Fallout games.


Hey!  Thanks so much <3 


I totally agree with you on the rivalry between Liam and Wyatt.  I never cared much for either, but lately I find myself rooting for Wyatt to crush Liam into dust.  I could tolerated Liam before but aligned now with Steffy I find I simply loathe him.   


Choke collar! Yes man! LMAO! You go, Katie and Bill!


The best line of the day.   Liam is nothing but Steffy's bitch and purse holder. 


Ugh. I can't either. I just wish I felt some sort of attraction to Liam, it would make his B&B romantic leading status so much easier for me.


If they wanted to recast CJ this would be a good time to do it.

I have never ever understood the appeal of Liam.   I think SC is an okay actor and he has his shining moments, but beyond that I don't get his appeal.   I have never ever believed in any orbit that any girl of Hope or even Steffy's status would be attracted to such a bland ordinary guy.   He's a walking sleep aide.   I would love for them to recast CJ, but if the latest casting with Thomas is any indication, I'm almost afraid to imagine who would play CJ. 



Boy you guys are on fire today with the wit and commentary.   I have to say today was one of the best eps I've seen in a while and it's in large part because of Bill/Katie.  I loved Bill and Katie reading Liam's wimpy ass and then leaving him slack jawed.   Steffy has completely emasculated Liam and this is something that has to be completely vulgar to a man like Bill Spencer.   I think if Steffy's face could have moved it would have cracked from the way her and Liam's asses were being served.



I didn't miss Rick or Maya, but it was sort of nice to see them.   

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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Ugh. Could Steffy be any more ugly? The Egyptian eyeliner, the hair, the lips, the cheeks? Not to mention her hateful, spiteful, bitchy persona. If the goal is to make us hate her, they've succeeded in spades! I really think it's a shame that this formerly attractive young woman has done this to her face. That reminds me of what Kim Kartrashian has done to her formerly lovely face. Do these people even have a mirror in their bathrooms?  Or anyone who actually loves them enough to tell them to just stop with this nonsense? Apparently not, more's the pity. 

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The Egyptian eyeliner, the hair, the lips, the cheeks?

It's bad enough that she has all those fillers, but as you point out, it's all further emphasized with the over the top makeup and hair.   She looks like a man in drag.   She should have learned after working with Hunter Tylo not to touch her face, but it's almost as if she's going for the same puffy distorted look.   

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I had to watch the Katie and Bill scene twice. I liked Liam having his ass handed to him. His petulant attitude towards Bill was a perfect illustration of what a nasty negative influence Steffy has on him. All that was gold I tell ya!


Steffy's face looked like a Kabuki mask today with that pale base and heavy winged eyeliner. Not a good look. But, I think she's running scared.


The thing that makes Steffy so detestable is that she has NO redeeming qualities. Ivy is vulnerable. She's in a new city, away from her family and friends and she unwittingly trusted Liam. That balances out her tough side. Hell, even Quinn has owned her flaws. There is no explanation as to why Steffy is such a cold bitch. She is so closed and guarded. The most we got is that she has/had "Daddy" issues about Ridge's ongoing vacillating between Brooke and Taylor when the Taytots were kids. She sucks all of the joy out of life -- including her very own. I'd think she'd be thrilled. She has the job, the man and got rid of her "rival" as well as the damning video. She's a spoiled entitled bitch!

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It's bad enough that she has all those fillers, but as you point out, it's all further emphasized with the over the top makeup and hair.   She looks like a man in drag.   She should have learned after working with Hunter Tylo not to touch her face, but it's almost as if she's going for the same puffy distorted look.   

In stark contrast, Ivy's makeup and extra hair made her look especially fresh and fab today. Her pants were hideous, but I digress. I missed Rick/Maya. Good, balanced episode today.

Edited by tricknasty
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JMW going for the '63 Cleopatra look today kind of flattered her, KIND OF, but it also highlighted the unnecessary work she's had done--which gives me a Hunter Tylo (well, Archila now) flashback, and that's sad.  OTOH, however...considering Steffy's increasingly frosty-bitch persona, it actually also accentuates that.


The whole interlude with Rick and Maya was interesting, if a bit of a curve from the rest of the show.


And if I ever wanted a bonus scene from this show, it'd be an actual scene of Bill thumping his head against his steering wheel.  His nonstop "These people..." reactions are kind of the one thing saving this prelude to our new fashion house, and that coming after visiting Steffy and her "yes man" and before Jan Brady got his second pitch in genuinely needed to be shown.  Needed, I say!

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Steffy could not have made Liam look more ineffectual if she had tried.  {{Shudder}}  And Steffy?  I'm sure Quinn has an interesting assortment of accessories she could lend you...

I'm sure Steffy already has an assortment of strap-ons. Liam has a big jar of lube.

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I, too, loved Bill & Katie ripping Waffles a new one. However, his question was valid: Why would Bill give two hoots about Ivy getting fired? Enough to fork over $11 million to his #2 son and his girlfriend (not even a fiancee) to start a fashion business, for which they have no experience? This story is so stupid, it feels like it's being propped up on soggy toothpicks. And now $Bill is going to have money and involvement in THREE companies, when he can't even seem to keep his ass in a chair at one of them because he's too busy running around town, blustering and threatening people? I thought Katie was VP at Spencer Publications. She's not busy enough there? (Never mind that she has a baby, somewhere.) I'm exhausted just trying to count up all of the plot holes here.

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LOVED Katie and $Bill today (in spite of his horrid new hair) and I have never been a fan of Heather Tom until maybe now on any show---my hatred for Steffy knows no bounds and now I am not sure if it does not trump my hatred for Thomas who is just beyond stupid without the vindictive thrown in---I remember Scott Clifton from GH many years ago when I still watched and cannot believe he is now playing this candyass---UGH


Where the hell is Ridge? I know, I know--on some glorious honeymoon before all the secrets and Brookenasty tear it all apart but still---however from what I have seen he always supports his widdle baby daughter so no help from him---


So want to see Katie-Wyatt-Ivy kick some ass--PLEASE.


Come on Show---

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I'm exhausted just trying to count up all of the plot holes here.

Oh, I know, but I'm loving it nonetheless! Today's episode is going to live on my dvr for awhile. I'm loving the $Bill/Katie/Wyatt/Ivy grouping.

Waffles and Steffy are so unbelievably stupid. Even without Wyatt's plan, pissing on $Bill is a really bad idea. They needed his 12% to get control of FC, right? So if he sells to, say, Eric or Rick, they have the majority again?

I freaking adore take-charge Wyatt. Such a contrast to his idiot brother, who can't even decide for himself whether he should be offended by $Bill and Katie.

As for Steffy! I have the extremely unpopular opinion that JMW is still attractive behind that hideous makeup, but Steffy's personality is ghastly. If you could see s person's character, hers would make me turn away in horror. And how does she think firing Ivy solves her problems? That's just inviting more questions and more speculation. What's she going to tell Ridge? And the rest of the family?

I wasn't watching during the Rick/Maya reign of terror, so I'm not predisposed to dislike them, but they were really cute together today. Hopefully they get a non-PSA story soon.

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Oh no he didn't! Someone should clue Liam into the fact that you never bite the hand that feeds you. Wait a minute, what am I saying? Of course you do, cause it makes for great viewing! I was howling as Bill and Katie read those two knuckleheads for filth. And little wimpy man, unable to own his rotten shit, is gonna ask dad if this is about Wyatt? Well, DUH? Ya think? Cause seriously, 1+1=2 right? And then going to protest when Bill ask him about his choke collar and getting confused about Bill's concern for Ivy. No, Bill has never said he liked Ivy, but then he has never said he didn't. The fact of the matter Liam, is that dad has always wanted you with Steffy, and no one else was ever going to be good enough. And since when does Bill do anything based on who he likes? He hates Ridge, but he didn't hesitate to crawl into bed with him in order to get Ridge that coveted CEO spot. One would think Liam understands how Bill operates; pushing his buttons and tinkering around with his balls isn't going to help his cause. 


And then there was my little Lemon Head. Normally, all I want to do is wipe that self satisfied smirk off of Katie's face; but today? HA! I found myself opening a box of those sour little candies, and silently offering them to the tv. I could watch Katie spar with Steffy all day. What is better, is Katie didn't say a word directly to Steffy. Nope, she managed to crack Steffy's face without so much as looking at her. Doubling my enjoyment, was my little Sourpuss getting her snark on with Liam. Priceless! How I loved their shared looks of bewildered befuddlement as dad and stepmom left the office. You know, Liam and Steffy should really have a discussion with Quinn and Deacon about dominance and submission, and that delicate line that takes it to domination and subjugation. 


Cruella may think she has solved all her problems, but I don't agree. Now Miss Bossy Britches has a lot of splaining to do. Here is my thing, you want to take the Face of Forrester away from Ivy? Ok, I get that she hasn't earned it, but then neither have you my girl. No, if anyone deserves that title it would be Caroline or Quinn, you know, ladies that have actually contributed to Forrester's success? But you didn't need to fire her, that was just pure spite on your part, and of course an effort to keep Liam away from Ivy. And please, don't talk to me about trust and blackmail, because you have proven you can't be trusted by breaking the agreement the four of you made about VideoGate, and you wrote the book on manipulation and blackmail. And there is also that little fact about how you didn't earn your current spot either. Nope, from what I remember, you got that due to a hostile takeover that your lapdog dreamed up, and the man you just dissed and insulted put into motion. And you are supposed to be the smart one? The savvy business woman? Bill didn't sell his shares in FC's to Liam, and he can withdraw control of them whenever he wants. And these two buffoons think antagonizing him is helping their cause. I have this weird feeling that Bill is going to be so disappointed and angry with Liam, that he may do just that, and give control of his shares to Wyatt, and give him the President spot, because I am not getting any type of vibe that Bill is sold on the whole competing fashion house thing. 


I do not like Rick and Maya, but I dislike bigotry and blind hatred more, so in this instance I will support them. And I have to admit that they really did come off as a newly wedded couple. Now if the show had been more like this; the everyday challenges of being a famous transgender, instead of pushing a nonstop PSA, and trying to shove the greatness and wonder of Maya down our collective throats; I think I would be much more supportive of this pairing. Oh yes, and if they hadn't been such bullies. 


Is Jacob Young beefing up? He looked much bigger in the chest area yesterday. 


Maya looked quite beautiful; I like the new hair, and loved her outfit. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I've gotta hand it to Steffy & Liam. Even when they're technically in the right, they still manage to make themselves look worse than Wyvy, separately and together.  Steffy & Liam are like Raya 2.0. When it comes to Steffy,Liam's more whipped than Lupita N'yongo in 12 Years A Slave. It's like Liam has not only built his whole world around Steffy, it's like he couldn't think for himself if his life depended on it. Liam didn't even try to talk Steffy out of firing Ivy nor having Security kick her out like a common criminal. At one point, Liam not only loved Ivy, not too long ago he was even briefly married to her, which should have been reason enough for him to have at least considered trying to talk some sense into Steffy by saying something like, "You called security? Really? This is Ivy, not Quinn."  By standing there and doing nothing to stop Steffy from firing Ivy, having her thrown out of the building and keeping her designs, Liam has shown that he's utterely and completely incapable of even the tiniest,  most microscopic glimmer of independent thought when it comes to Steffy, especially where Ivy's concerned. As for Liam's claim that he "[doesn't] let Steffy walk all over him," Ivy, Wyatt and now $Bill & Katie would very strongly disagree. While I hate $Bill some times and am meh on Katie, now I heart them both for not only putting Ping-Pong & Cha-Cha on blast for their arrogance, I love their willingness to support Wyvy on starting a rival fashion house, which is a stroke of genius on several levels: it gives Wyatt & Ivy the chance to prove themselves, it gives Katie something to do, it gives $Bill the chance to stick it to the Forresters and best of all, it makes Steffy & Liam suffer.


  Lest I forget, there's Steffy's part in all this. She's not only a hypocrite, a liar and a killer, she's also a bully. After Steffy basically browbeat Ivy into doing what she wanted, she punished Ivy anyway, like a typical bully-taunting their victims until they get what they want and torturing them even worse for giving it to them. Steffy & Liam have had a karmic smackdown coming for a long time & what makes it even better is that it's their own doing. Steffy has the power to hire & fire people, but only up to a point. Firing, say, Loading Dock Guy is one thing, but shit-canning an actual designer without Ridge and/or Eric's permission is going to bite her & Liam right smack-dab in the middle of their soon-to-be-sorry asses. Then again what else can be expected of the bimbos who dared to dis $Bill, who helped them get their current jobs in the first place? Cha-Cha & Ping-Pong are gonna have some serious explaining to do to Ridge & Eric when they find out that their actions have not only hurt the family and the company, they now have another rival to worry about-which could lead to them getting fired for firing Ivy, which would serve them right.

Edited by DollEyes
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After reading about it here, I fired up the DVR to watch Waffles and ChaCha get read for filth. Thank-you, fellow posters. Just...thank-you.

It was like a magic cupcake frosted with delight and sprinkled with joy. I might have to watch full-time again. Less Creeper Thomas and more Waffles in the deep fryer, please!

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I too had to tune in yesterday just for $Bill's shining moment calling out Liam and Steffy for the losers they are, and (for once!) the show did not disappoint. Priceless. This is my favorite version of Bill - using his assholeishness for good instead of evil. JMW is just painful to look at anymore, and as you've all pointed out, the makeup department isn't doing her any favors.


I could point out what BS it is that, in the world of Bell LA, Wyatt has many years of business experience and all Liam seems to do is stand around looking uncertain, yet Bill gives cushy executive jobs to Liam and acts like Wyatt doesn't know up from down. But it was just fun seeing the Terrible Two getting called on their crap, so I won't bother to point out the (many) plot holes in this.


Line of the day was definitely Katie saying that Bill wouldn't come in because he was too busy banging his head on the steering wheel. LMAO!

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This time Ivy would have been within her rights to play the "Not a Real Forrester" card since Steffy was so hateful. Ivy is part of the Forrester bloodline not Bratz. I wanted to slap the smug off her face, but I would probably break my hand on the fillers and implants.


I actually don't get Ivy's whole "this is my family business" bit.  Eric is her uncle.  Eric's wife Stephanie bankrolled FC.  Eric's son Ridge has been an enormous contributor to FC.  Eric's other children have contributed to FC's success to varying degrees.  Eric's brother John Forrester has contributed exactly nothing to FC.  He's never been involved in, or worked for, FC.  


You can't just walk into your uncle's business and claim entitlement.  I'm sure some of us have uncles.  How would that go if we were to walk in and declare it our family business?


And blood has nothing to do with this.  Even if his name were Ridge Marone, he's still been a huge part of FC as have his children, particularly Steffy.


I think Ivy's just cracked on this one.

Edited by Cool Breeze
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Well, I got punished for tuning again.

Brooke: Stop. Just stop.

Oh, the suffering I endured watching Steffy and Liam reinforce each other's monstrous egos and whacking big senses of entitlement. I never thought they'd air a mutual ass licking on daytime television, but It's a brave new world out there, I guess. Fly back to the Island of Misfit Douchebags where you belong, assholes. Ivy is wrong; Liam does one thing on his own and that's expertly mimic a steaming log squeezed out of a canine's hindquarters.

Thomas is still disturbing, and I just realized that I hate his eyebrows.

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I actually don't get Ivy's whole "this is my family business" bit.  Eric is her uncle.  Eric's wife Stephanie bankrolled FC.  Eric's son Ridge has been an enormous contributor to FC.  Eric's other children have contributed to FC's success to varying degrees.  Eric's brother John Forrester has contributed exactly nothing to FC.  He's never been involved in, or worked for, FC.  


You can't just walk into your uncle's business and claim entitlement.  I'm sure some of us have uncles.  How would that go if we were to walk in and declare it our family business?


And blood has nothing to do with this.  Even if his name were Ridge Marone, he's still been a huge part of FC as have his children, particularly Steffy.


I think Ivy's just cracked on this one.


Yes, this.  And also that Liam owes Ivy something because they were once married.  That marriage wasn't out of love.  It was because Ivy begged Liam to marry her so she could remain in this country, and once that was no longer a threat, Liam served up annulment papers on the spot.  To me, this means Ivy owes Liam; not the other way around.  And Steffy is now a killer and a bully.  Maybe she shouldn't have fired Ivy, but Ivy played the bully card first with the blackmail crap.  And Steffy is not a killer in the usual sense.  It was self-defense and accidental.  I'm just not able to follow the logic of all this.   Okay, I'll show myself out.

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Finally, Ridge called the doctor to book an appointment. However, Brooke got a point, it has to be Caroline who will be at the hospital with Ridge.

Fortunately, according to the spoilers, Ridge come clean with Caroline about his vasectomy. At least, this looks promising.

Thomas has the creepiness of James Warwick but lacks the wisdom. James was actually a very complicated character. He cared great deal about Taylor. This Thomas seems to be a chameleon. He is jumpy and uncomfortable around Caroline and vise versa, act like a smug and obnoxious ass around Nicole, and being a "conspirator" around Brooke. I really don't know what to make of this guy. His evil grin and knowing smirk make him disturbing.

Bill's hesitance is spot on. Start a new business that requires huge investment not to mention competing with an long established, world class and successful fashion icon is very risky.

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I wonder if Steffy has to change Liam's diapers?  He's such a dolt and probably isn't toilet trained yet.  


Did Bill and Rick go to the same barber?   That "fade" cut has been out for some time now.  They both have the obvious part, and a bit of a pompadour going on at the top of their heads.  

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I love their willingness to support Wyvy on starting a rival fashion house, which is a stroke of genius on several levels: it gives Wyatt & Ivy the chance to prove themselves, it gives Katie something to do, it gives $Bill the chance to stick it to the Forresters and best of all, it makes Steffy & Liam suffer.



Word!  I actually watched all of Thursday's episode, no FFing.  This storyline has huge potential.  Don't blow it Bradley!

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Today pretty much peaked with "I want to make us all rich.....-er!" and Jan Brady indeed going full Jan Brady when Bill shut him down after that (which opens the door, I suspect, for Katie as his benefactor--isn't she sitting on a shitload of money herself?).  Ivy as Wyatt's George Glass calming him down and Ridge getting in a small zinger on Yenta Mode Brooke was just a bonus, as was Steffy's ponytail (JMW really needs to stick with those) and her gently tugging on Liam's choke collar to make sure he was still obedient.

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She looks like a man in drag.

She looks like a man in bad drag. RuPaul would probably point and laugh at Steffy.


JMW going for the '63 Cleopatra look

This look? If so, massive fail on her part.



This storyline has huge potential.

Yep. I don't see a big problem with a publishing company going into the fashion business. Vogue magazine has had Vogue Patterns for decades. It's not directly the fashion business but it's in the neighborhood, IMO.

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I have a multiple choice question.

1. Bill didn't want another rivalry between his sons

2. Bill doesn't want to be know as a dress maker

3. Bill thinks about not having enough time with Katie and Wil

4. Bill still has the hots for Steffy and doesn't want to piss her off

5. Non of the above

What happened with the Hope For The Future Diamond? Is it still in Hope's possession? If Wyatt has it than why doesn't he sell it for seed money to start his own business. I don't thing this is over though not if Katie has the last word.

Once again we have a Steffy and Liam mutual masturbation of their egos. This is probably more satisfying than the sex act itself. How many times do we have to hear Thomas and Caroline confirm this is a secret that Ridge could never find out before Caroline is pregnant before Ridge has his reversal. And speaking of a reversal, how is Ridge going to keep that a secret since is b... sack will be bandaged and hurting. Working on it, as Caroline wants to; will be a big problem for Ridge.

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That might be some unintentional comedy gold: Ridge trying to put off a frisky Caroline.  Might, anyway.


This look? If so, massive fail on her part.




JMW isn't a pimple on The Liz's gorgeous 60s rump, certainly, but she and the makeup folks at least tried to get there.  And anything that keeps her poofy Taylor-esque extensions away from...her...is a very good thing.

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I'm going with #4 on your question Waldo13.


I'd have more respect for Steffy's "I can't trust her" excuse if she had not talked about firing Ivy before she knew about the video.


When will TPTB learn that a couple constantly kissing each others asses is just irritating ? Look at how much better Rick and Maya come across when they're not just telling each other how great they are.


At least there's one character I feel strongly about on this show, even if that feeling is hatred. Thanks Steffy !

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Listen to Steffy backpedal now, "Oh, I really didn't want to have to fire Ivy, but... but... *sputter*"  I think that deep-down, Steffy was jealous of Ivy and Liam (given Liam's history of staying close to his ex's) and felt threatened. (After all, in the not-so-distant past, he turned down Steffy flat to remain loyal to Ivy.) I'm sure she wasn't please to hear Liam say that he had reservations about Ivy being fired.


"Keeping peace between the brothers," my ass! I think Bill turned down Wyatt to keep on Steffy's good side (whatever that may be.)


Did Bill buy Katie a boob-job? I hate to sound sexist and crass, but she was really busting out of that python-print dress on top today.(I typically don't pay attention to other women's bosoms, but I couldn't help but notice.)


It was nice to have somebody (Brooke, of all people) finally acknowledge Caroline 1.0. Ridge kind of acted like he didn't know who she was talking about at first. (Well, I guess this version didn't.)

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I gotta say I was disappointed today that Bill shot down the fashion house. Setting the plot holes aside, I was really looking forward to the drama it would bring.

I like Caroline and Ridge together. Their chemistry works for me so now I am dreading the fallout of their secrets.

So yeah, earlier this week, I had hope for some good story lines I could get behind and now I feel deflated. Big fat bummer. : (

And why oh why doesn't someone convince Steffy to lighten up on the makeup. It is way over the top and IMO not flattering at all. I just don't get it.

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Yeah, I think Waldo hit the nail on the very unpleasant head with his number 4 option. Bill, somewhere in his machismo soaked lizard brain, thinks he might still have a shot at Steffy, and now he sees that Liam is spineless enough to forgive him if he ever slept with her.

I suppose I should be happy that Steffy and Liam are being punished with lackluster sex and each other's insufferable company, but somehow it's not enough.

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Bill and Katie's hair looked stupid today. Steffi's outfit was straight out of Fredericks of Hollywood.

I enjoyed Wyatt.

Brooke is still pitifully obsessed with Ridge. Get a hint and some dignity.

I still love CarRidge and find their secret keeping out of character. From the beginning they were all about sharing secrets and honesty.

Caroline's abs are terrific . They need a spot on the opening credits they're shown more often than Donna and Thorne. Haha.

I'm still not watching because as I said I'm super fucking pissed they killed Aly. I caught Rick and Maya's wedding and thought everyone looked just ok. I absolutely love the actors that play Maya and Nicole's parents. They are great!

Caught a few other bits and today accidentally. I really hate how Aly's death became all about Waffle peen and some stupid ass ego stroke "job". Really agreeing with and enjoying the posts yall have been making the past few weeks : )

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Caroline's abs are terrific . They need a spot on the opening credits they're shown more often than Donna and Thorne. Haha.

Both Caroline and Ivy have been sporting the bare midriff look lately, yet neither has toned abs. And that wedding dress did Caroline no favors since it highlighted this.

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Both Caroline and Ivy have been sporting the bare midriff look lately, yet neither has toned abs. And that wedding dress did Caroline no favors since it highlighted this.

This is probably because I'm an old lady, but I think that look needs to go away. And get off my lawn!!!
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I was kinda joking since Caroline is wearing the belly shirts daily now. But I do think she has a fine figure. I liked some of her dressier outfits she's worn before esp in the Rick era. She has a nice style.

I think a rival fashion house would be great. We haven't had one since Jackie M. If they hasn't killed Aly senselessly for a dumb blackmail story she could have designed there and had some comedic scenes with Bill (who didn't like her). Bridget would be nice to include also.

Steffi is very annoying and feeling herself way too much but I don't think Hope coming back is going to help matters. Hope has a way of infecting the entire canvas.

I really don't like Liam anymore either. He's very weak and basic bitch.

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Steffi is very annoying and feeling herself way too much but I don't think Hope coming back is going to help matters. Hope has a way of infecting the entire canvas. 

Very much, this. At least we get a few days off from Steffy and her BS which is more than we got when Hope was on the canvas, every day, for months at a time. KM would've been the first celebrity where I wouldn't have have assumed "collapse from exhaustion" was code for drugs with the schedule she had to have.

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I think that Ivy and Caroline look better in the Kardashian-inspired clingy midriff tops and midi skirts than the actual Kardashians do!


Typically, I'd welcome Hope coming back to shake up Steffy. In this case though, Wyatt would also be involved and Ivy would probably get dumped again. I know Wyatt said he divorced Hope and has moved on, but still... we've all seen how well that strategy works.

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Ya'll know I'm a Liam defender, but darned if Bill and Katie's smack down and Liam's reaction weren't hilarious and on point. When Bill gets that look on his face that explicitly says ' you are such a bleepin idiot.' It's always gonna be good.

Bill likes strong women but he also expects a man to be a man so when Steffy chirped up asking Bill if he was going to let Katie talk to Liam like that and Liam did nothing, you could feel Bill internally puke.

I especially loved Liam's 'did she just say that to me?!' shocked look when Katie called him out.

Still, Wyatt isn't any better. Bill rightfully called out the whiff of 'You owe me, daddy' that Wyatt keeps trying to use and answered honestly about why Liam had the bigger house (he found me first) and why he had a better job ( he asked).

Liam may have grown to be entitled but that took years. Wyatt showed up expecting the keys to the kingdom from day 1. Bill just doesn't hand crap out. Liam (when he came on) was a reliable (for a soap) worker bee who may not be a ball swinger like Bill but gets the job done. Which makes sound business sense. Which is partly why he's been rewarded with promotions. Wyatt is a risk taker to the point of stealing diamonds and planning thefts and framing people (inadvertently, but still) AND nearly got caught (the worst sin) and while his risks can pay off, he can also lose big and be a big liability. All of Forrester had to lie to cover his ass and theirs for the Hope diamond fiasco.

Bill sees all of that. And while it may seem like a cop out, I truly believe that he doesn't want to add to the war between his sons. If BILL is saying this, you know that it may be a bad idea.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Wyatt showed up expecting the keys to the kingdom from day 1.

Yes but I think a lot of that attitude was nurtured by Quinn. I feel like the Wyatt thing is going to blow up one day because Bill never had a DNA test done, did he? Didn't he just take Quinn's word for it that he was Wyatt's father?

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I don't think Bill gives a soaring sex act on a tumbling torte if Liam and Wyatt engage in sibling rivalry. I think he cares that Wyatt engages in it against number one son (who is actually a piece of number two). Liam, much like a tumbleweed, can only move when acted upon by an outside force, a quality that I cannot believe Bill admires or respects. However, Liam does have a penis with free tickets to Steffyland, a penis Bill can pretend is his own.

I also think Bill holds Quinn against Wyatt, which really isn't fair to Wyatt.

Bill shut down a potentially very interesting fashion house rivalry, leaving us with Rapey Eyebrows Thomas, meddling Brooke, smug Steffy, and the secret of the sperm-stifling snip, with Nicole and Zende commenting in the background. What an ass.

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Today pretty much peaked with "I want to make us all rich.....-er!"


While I love the idea of a rival fashion house - and I do because this show has really needed it since Spectra went away - this was ridiculous to me. Because sure starting a fashion house is no big deal - we'll be rolling in the bucks instantly!! Hilarious.


I loved, loved, loved all things Katie and Bill this week (okay except for the hair). Though i wish we could have seen Bill hitting his head against the steering wheel! This is the Katie and Bill I enjoy. The two of them basically giving Liam the business was priceless.


Liam and Steffy. I don't understand what is going on here. Is this a couple the writers think we should be pulling for?!? They remind me of Rick and Maya's reign of terror and that's not a good thing. It's also not something I find appealing in a pairing.


Shut up Brooke. Just shut up. I have never liked this character and now? She's even more irritating.

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If I took a drink this last week every time I said "Shut up Brooke!"  you'd be reading my obit right about now (and I can hold my liquor).  Damn, woman....get a new life.  There maybe one or a million eligible men out there.  But it does amuse me how quasi-incestuous this show is.  How many times have Brooke/Ridge been married?  How many Forresters/Spencers has she slept with/married?  I've only been watching just less than a year and have a lot of questions.  I've seen a couple of clips of her back in the day and she was in her prime.  She's still good looking but needs to drop the I can have any man "like that (snap)".  Uh, no hon they may have moved on.


Loved Bill & Katie shading Liam/Steffy.  Where is Eric, Rick, Ivy's dad to reign these asswipes in? 


Sorry...it's my day off....got my homework done and the wine is fine...;-)


Enjoy your day....

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Did Bill buy Katie a boob-job? I hate to sound sexist and crass, but she was really busting out of that python-print dress on top today.(I typically don't pay attention to other women's bosoms, but I couldn't help but notice.)


No need to. Heather Tom has always had an ample bosom, more so post-baby. There is the possibility that her recent boob-tacularity is due to the cut of the dress, combined with a different support system. A new bra can do a world of good .. one underwire at a time.



And why oh why doesn't someone convince Steffy to lighten up on the makeup. It is way over the top and IMO not flattering at all. I just don't get it.


Very often post-surgical/ post-filler procedures cause discoloration and swelling that linger, and the only way to cover it up is with pancake contoured with airbrushed makeup application and dramatic eye makeup (to draw the viewers eye up and away from the mattefied facial features), add glamour lighting to her staging and she just looks over-done. The few scenes she's had in exteriors are deliberately altered post-production because in natural light you can see the work done on her face.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Since Bill Spencer doesn't want to "make pretty dresses", maybe Bill Spencer Designs could hire Kanye West as head designer.

Since Bill Spencer doesn't want to "make pretty dresses", maybe Bill Spencer Designs could hire Kanye West as head designer.

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