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Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I take it this is another Plexus trip?  Wonder if Christine is going?

Wasn't Janelle in Spain not too long ago?

I continue, despite my love of MLM documentaries and podcasts, to not understand how these people afford to go on so many destination trips just for shilling pink sludge.  I mean, these are BIG trips, not just jaunts to Des Moines or Milwaukee.  It's the same questions I have about Meri making money and taking trips selling LuLaNo.  At some point, the scheme has to get so big that it's like a snake eating its own tail.  And yet, they all seem to be doing just fine - or they are massively in debt because their attendance is expected, on their own dime, while they make us think that their respective pyramid schemes are footing their bills.

Her and her sister went to Portugal with the pink stuff.  That might be what this trip is too.

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The way to make money in the MLMs is to have a huge downline - which is easier for someone "famous" like Janelle or Christine. Not so much when you are just selling product.  A good podcast to hear interviews with people who were in MLMs, where they share the nitty gritty details, is From Huns to Humans. They have some interviews with people who were selling Plexus

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3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I know, when she was musing over possibly still wanting to be a part of a polygamous family I wanted to *SMACK!!!!” Her upside the head and scream “Snap out of it!!!!!”

50 yrs old and she’s gonna move in with a new group of crackpots and when that falls apart she’ll be 60+ and have no home of her own or anything to show for it.

I think we can safely say that Janelle isn’t smarter then your average Brown.

Such good points.
I feel like this hAs to be a lie on Janelle’s part. I mean, we all know she could go into a family tomorrow. Her excuse sort of reminds me of when Robyn was lying about all that new wife stuff.  Shady.

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1 hour ago, Just Wondering said:

Such good points.
I feel like this hAs to be a lie on Janelle’s part. I mean, we all know she could go into a family tomorrow. Her excuse sort of reminds me of when Robyn was lying about all that new wife stuff.  Shady.

I don’t think she wants to go to a new family at this time.    She commented in another interview that she might marry ten years from now.  Out of the four wives, she ( and Robyn according to Robyn) still feel part of the AUB church.  So in order to marry in  the church, it’s marry into polygamy. She would have to renounce that AUB membership to marry monogamously. 

It’s a thought process similar to marrying in the Catholic Church, even though the particulars are different. For Catholics to marry  in the church, it used to be you marry another Catholic and you don’t marry a divorced person.  I had a friend who divorced his wife and she still considered herself married to him based on her religious beliefs.  

I think Janelle would have been gone a few years ago except for her religious beliefs. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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On 9/11/2023 at 9:16 AM, Joan of Argh said:


I think we can safely say that Janelle isn’t smarter then your average Brown.

Absolutely @Joan of Argh- but I applaud her for finally telling Kody the truth. Christine was calm and rational. Janelle is all emotion and fire, and I'm loving it. 

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On 9/11/2023 at 10:16 AM, Joan of Argh said:

I think we can safely say that Janelle isn’t smarter then your average Brown.


I keep wanting to suggest "Janelle: Broker than Your Average Brown," but it feels mean and I like Janelle.

I have enormous sympathy for all of the OG3. I just want them to be free, thrive, and have a full life with their kids and their friends (and hopefully a job that exploits the gullible a little less). 


2 hours ago, BAForever said:

Absolutely @Joan of Argh- but I applaud her for finally telling Kody the truth. Christine was calm and rational. Janelle is all emotion and fire, and I'm loving it. 


I find it satisfying to see Janelle so fiery, because she does tend to keep everything in and even disassociate from stuff that might otherwise upset her. Seeing Christine or Meri emotional doesn't pack the same sort of punch, just because they've let us in on their emotions more over the years (and Meri's emotions are often too much, and Christine's sometimes feel a bit put on).

I do wish Janelle had laid out an argument before she talked to Kody (had the big fight), though. I felt bad for her, because I think she was really out of her comfort zone having that sort of scene with him, and his mouth is a little like a machine gun. He just rat-a-tat-tats her to distract her, then interrupts her, to prevent her from making a point that he (or the audience) might have to consider.

Edited by General Days
awkward wording
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12 minutes ago, MamaGee said:

It just occurred to me. If Janelle was originally married to Meri's brother and she was "just LDS", why didn't he practice polygamy like his sister, especially since we know Meri was raised in it?

He might not have been interested or felt that religious conviction. I’m not sure on the stats but I don’t think most of Meri’s siblings are in plural marriages. It seems to be mix of plural, monogamous and single people. 

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On 9/11/2023 at 9:46 PM, mythoughtis said:

don’t think she wants to go to a new family at this time.    She commented in another interview that she might marry ten years from now.  Out of the four wives, she ( and Robyn according to Robyn) still feel part of the AUB church.  So in order to marry in  the church, it’s marry into polygamy. She would have to renounce that AUB membership to marry monogamously. 

Can she simply “remarry” within the AUB? I thought those marriages were for life, unless you are formally unsealed from your husband? And doesn’t that require permission or a blessing from their AUB leaders? 
I guess going through such trouble only matters if you wish to remarry within the AUB. Otherwise she could just do a “Christine-Divorce” and declare herself single.

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The thing is, I don't think the are formal members of any church.  The AUB divorced themselves (pun intended) from the Brown Clowns when they hit the airwaves.  Kootie did some sort of (apparently very boring) preachings from home but that was eons ago. No mention of religion has been made in years except to make up crap to support the Ordained Word of His Lordship in Curls.

I saw a clip of him yammering at the kids with some sort of book in hand and the crowd looked like they were completely tuned out.

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39 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:


I saw a clip of him yammering at the kids with some sort of book in hand and the crowd looked like they were completely tuned out.

I recall that scene.  Looked like they draped fabric over cardboard boxes to give the apperance of a podium. 

If this was routine for them, surely they could have rustled up some sort of lectern for him to impart his words of wisdom.

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2 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

The thing is, I don't think the are formal members of any church.  The AUB divorced themselves (pun intended) from the Brown Clowns when they hit the airwaves.

Janelle still refers to it as their religion.  She mentioned in last week’s episode that a ‘divorce’ in their religion was called a release and was not a quick process.  

In last December’s one on one show, she also commented that under the terms of their religion, she would have to agree to work on their marriage if  Kody asked her to.  She was hoping he wouldn’t ask.  

I think she wants to follow the church process 

Edited by mythoughtis
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31 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Janelle still refers to it as their religion.  She mentioned in last week’s episode that a ‘divorce’ in their religion was called a release and was not a quick process.  

In last December’s one on one show, she also commented that under the terms of their religion, she would have to agree to work on their marriage if  Kody asked her to.  She was hoping he wouldn’t ask.  



I think she wants to follow the church process 

That church sure hasn't helped her AT ALL.  I'd be thinking about changing my religion.

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Janelle still refers to it as their religion.

Religion vs church.  Lots of people call themselves christians but do not attend a church or follow a certain denomination.  Only Janelle knows what rules she's referring to; certainly not the Church of Curly Locks since he changes rules depending on his whims.

Edited by Orcinus orca
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I would bet that TLC had them tone talk of religion down to nothing. Janelle seems to be serious about her beliefs, and I think Robyn is, too, kinda sorta. Not sure about the other OG wives and Kody is in a class all by himself.

Janelle was a convert to polygamy, remember, and converts often know the rules and procedures of their new faith better than those who grow up in it.

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Religion vs church.  Lots of people call themselves christians but do not attend a church or follow a certain denomintion.  Only Janelle knows what rules she's referring to; certainly not the Church of Curly Locks since he changes rules depending on his whims.

Does Janelle say "faith" or "religion?" I can't remember but to me, she could have great faith and not be a part of any organized religion.

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16 hours ago, altopower said:

Janelle was a convert to polygamy, remember, and converts often know the rules and procedures of their new faith better than those who grow up in it.

Boy howdy, and dogmatic as well. I saw lots of it while living in Utah for 35 years. (Convert co-workers, convert neighbors and the convert fambly my daughter married into).

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On 9/24/2023 at 5:24 PM, Gam2 said:

I just saw the Christmas Day with Kody, Robyn and the kids. That house was a hoarder’s nightmare. I’ve never seen so much junk in one huge room. I couldn’t stand to be in that house.

OMG!  I was getting twitchy.  I cannot deal with random shit strewn about.  No order at all.  Maybe that is contributing to the madness in the house.

Does Kody remember Sol isn't that much younger than Truley?  Does he realize Robyn's older kids should be learning some self reliance?  The only one of that bunch I have zero concerns about is Dayton.  

On 9/25/2023 at 4:27 PM, mythoughtis said:

Janelle still refers to it as their religion.  She mentioned in last week’s episode that a ‘divorce’ in their religion was called a release and was not a quick process.  

In last December’s one on one show, she also commented that under the terms of their religion, she would have to agree to work on their marriage if  Kody asked her to.  She was hoping he wouldn’t ask.  

I think she wants to follow the church process 

According to Robyn, all she has to do is 'the business' with someone else.  Seems like a pretty expedient solution.  🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:


Does Kody remember Sol isn't that much younger than Truley?  Does he realize Robyn's older kids should be learning some self reliance?  The only one of that bunch I have zero concerns about is Dayton.  

According to Robyn, all she has to do is 'the business' with someone else.  Seems like a pretty expedient solution.  🤷‍♂️

I don’t think that Kody really remembers he has any other children besides Robyn’s kids. He only remembers Janelle’s boys because they are a convenient outlet for his righteous anger. 

I think Robyn’s notion of how to consciously uncouple is faster and way more fun than whatever bureaucracy a church would require…

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On 9/25/2023 at 2:46 PM, LilyD said:

Otherwise she could just do a “Christine-Divorce” and declare herself single.

Since according to Sobbyn, Janelle would have to schtup someone to become 'divorced'. My question to that is: would a vibrator suffice? If so, someone give me Janelle's address, I'm happy to oblige!

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On 9/26/2023 at 10:17 PM, Elizzikra said:

I don’t think that Kody really remembers he has any other children besides Robyn’s kids

I think that at Christmas 2021 he absolutely forgot that he had a daughter named Savannah Brown. When Janelle brought up that he had not called or seen his daughter in 6 weeks not even on Christmas day he looked almost surprised as if to say oh gee I forgot about her. 

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9 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

I know that look and experience so well!

We've all been there. In the pre-cellphone days I remember my dad sending me to the local hardware store for a widget.  I had that same look before I finally broke down and hunted up a guy - who then asked if I wanted a ZX widget, or a YJU widget, or a widget with wings.  I gave him dad's phone number and left it up to them to duke it out.

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11 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

We've all been there. In the pre-cellphone days I remember my dad sending me to the local hardware store for a widget.  I had that same look before I finally broke down and hunted up a guy - who then asked if I wanted a ZX widget, or a YJU widget, or a widget with wings.  I gave him dad's phone number and left it up to them to duke it out.

Now I just hand the staff person the cell phone and let them talk to my husband.  Who should have come with me and picked out his own stuff. 

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22 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

We've all been there. In the pre-cellphone days I remember my dad sending me to the local hardware store for a widget.  I had that same look before I finally broke down and hunted up a guy - who then asked if I wanted a ZX widget, or a YJU widget, or a widget with wings.  I gave him dad's phone number and left it up to them to duke it out.

I skip the step of actually looking or making the phone call and immediately go say, "My husband sent me for this. Can you please show me where/what it is?"

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

I skip the step of actually looking or making the phone call and immediately go say, "My husband sent me for this. Can you please show me where/what it is?"

Can't all these husbands/boyfriends/fathers/etc. order online and then just have you pick it up?

44 minutes ago, ginger90 said:



What a good kid. 

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I just watched Janelle's video where she goes on about the trailer being a mistake and failure, she over estimated the amount of time she would have to spend in it and the amount of work involved, she's hoping to use it more in the future with Caleb, Maddie and their kids.

I still can't believe she plunked down all that money on it when she didn't own a truck large enough to pull it and had zero experience pulling a huge rig like that, I guess that's why she wants Caleb involved, he can do the driving etc.

Plus add to that the fact that she's BROKE, wtf was she thinking spending all that money on something you can't even live in year round and she has to pay for winter storage. 

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3 hours ago, Dustbunny said:

Plus add to that the fact that she's BROKE, wtf was she thinking spending all that money on something you can't even live in year round and she has to pay for winter storage. 

I don't think Janelle is broke. She's panicking about money, because she failed to secure property/an estate for herself apart from Kody, and the other marriages. Coyote Pass is her major asset, but because she shares it with them, she doesn't have the freedom to do with it as she sees fit.

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