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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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I think you all might be onto something.

If Meri did have difficulty as a child transitioning into a plural family with little or no support, building her own plural family could have tickled some unresolved issues. Its like pouring salt into wounds you didn't know you had. It doesn't usually consciously open old wounds, it more amplifies current difficulties. Often times when we overreact to things we attribute to being tired, hungry or stressed, while that can be true, it also could be unresolved feelings about an old unidentified issue piling on to a current and similar issue.

Meri seems to have very strong needs to have things in order, things to be fair and likes to have a voice in all matters. Maybe her childhood was chaotic, unfair and powerless.

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14 hours ago, Meowwww said:

I am concerned.  I’m starting to like Meri this season. She shut mumbling, dead tone Robyn down.   I don’t know what to do with this lol.  Her filtered pics still bug me, I’m her age and there’s no shame in aging. 

I believe those filtered pics are a result of LulaRoe lives. I looked at some other ladies'  lives, and there are similarities -facial expressions, phrases ("hello hello", HELLO Friendsss"). 

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On 9/21/2023 at 9:51 AM, Scarlett45 said:

Cheating doesn’t grind my gears as much as the typical person. I totally understand if it’s not acceptable to someone and trust is broken, but to me it’s not “the worst” (outside of criminal behavior)- I think financially infidelity is way worst than sexual infidelity. 

However, if Kody couldn’t let it go, that’s his right, but it doesn’t give him the right to treat her like crap until the end of time. Either forgive and move forward, or end the relationship (outright, not “quiet quitting”). I understand why Leon was upset because Meri just didn’t listen to them (over and over again), but Leon loves their Mom and got over it with time. 

If Meri doesn’t have as many close relationships in the family as she would like it’s her own damn fault. It’s not Kody’s fault or the fault of Janelle/Christine but Meri’s. I think she knows she has to live with that, and I hope she’s building a community for herself for her own emotional well-being. 

It's not cheating for me. It is the way she twisted the story around to her family, the cameras to flip her as a total victim. And to do what she did to her bio  child!! 

Meri- keep my secret. I found love. I'm leaving for him.

Leon -you're being cstfished.

Media storm. 

Meri- Leon you need to believe me. I have procured other victim  testimonies. You'll have to forgive me on camera. It's for the ratings. Think of the show money, think of the family. Think of...college!

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On 10/6/2023 at 3:22 PM, ginger90 said:

Meri’s brother Adam passed away. Using the spoiler because the post is long.

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About 5 weeks ago I got a text from my brother saying he had made the decision to not continue his chemo treatment, due to the rapid progression of his cancer & deterioration of his body.

Yesterday, Oct 5, 2023, just 2 months short of his 55th birthday, we lost him.

I have so many good memories with him over the years, because, siblings. I also have some not so good memories with him through the years, because, siblings. 😆

Shortly after I learned that Adam's cancer was terminal & that he potentially had only weeks or months to live, something hit me like a ton of bricks.

After his passing, I would be the one remaining from the original four.

We lost Teresa, our sister just younger than me, to cancer in 2006. We lost our oldest brother Marc to heart issues in 2015. Now Adam to another type of cancer.

That leaves me.

Now, I understand that it's not just me. I still have 3 younger sisters with us, the 7 of us just mom's kids. Plus many other siblings from our large family structure.

I don't yet understand why his passing, and leaving me as the one remaining of the original four, is impacting me like it is.

The only 4 that were born in CA and have memories of our young childhood there?

The only 4 that were in existence before we moved to Utah where mom & dad began their lives as a plural family?

Maybe because we were born in closer succession, with only 1-1/2 to 2 years between us all? Even still, Elaine, child number 5, was only 3 years later. 

I don't know what it is, but there's always been something about the original 4. Not better, just different. Not closer, just different. 

Maybe I'll figure it out someday, maybe I won't. Only time will tell.

Regardless, (and you have no idea how bad I want to type in 'irregardless' there, in honor of him & our many arguments about whether that is even a word) I will move forward living, loving, forgiving, remembering.

The relationship I had with him taught me many things, and I have no doubt will continue to teach me things. I remain open to those lessons & look forward to them with anticipation.

For now, I remember him with honor, kindness, & love.

PS Adam, I have the last word. And that is REGARDLESS 💙


Oh Meri. I am loving you more and more these days. What a sweet remembrance to your brother. Please find the courage to be happy and get away from Robyn and Kody. You deserve a happy next chapter of your life.

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9 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

I went through this 2 years ago. My sister was 52. I had the same feelings--will I die early too? Why isn't she here? Although time makes everything hurt less, this one has been slow to go away. I think of her ever day and catch myself wanting to share stories.

I blame Covid from keeping her from getting care and keeping me from seeing her before she died alone 5000 miles away. 

I want to hug my sisters.  I don't know how I would survive losing them.  Hugs to you and goofygirl.

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Obviously,  Meri's life would have been very different if she had been able to have more children. Bringing in two more wives who were Uber fertile made her life more difficult complicated by the fact there was no money for that many mouths to feed. But she was more interested in being the matriarch than in being a provider once her child was in school. 

There's an interesting study to be written about the dynamics of this family. In fact this forum comes closer to the study than the TV show does. 

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I have nothing but sympathy for Meri for the loss of her brother. Losing friends and siblings cuts differently. 

And yes, with the holidays coming up memories are going to be flooding in her grief. It’s hard. May she have comfort and support during this time from her friends, remaining siblings and Leon. 

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12 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I have nothing but sympathy for Meri for the loss of her brother. Losing friends and siblings cuts differently. 

And yes, with the holidays coming up memories are going to be flooding in her grief. It’s hard. May she have comfort and support during this time from her friends, remaining siblings and Leon. 

My heart goes out to Meri. Yes, she has made many bad decisions in her life (who of us hasn't?). Why does she feel the need to keep a house in Flag? I get Parawon may be too small. Buy a condo in Salt Lake City. Easier drive, big city, fresh start. There's nothing for her in Flagstaff.

Absolutely loved what she wrote about her brother. You could feel her love for him. Come on Meri, leave all that nonsense and be happy.

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9 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Did Meri actually get another house in Flagstaff?  We know she said she was in the episode, but we also know the episodes are not always completely accurate factually.  Or perhaps she planned to get another house, but due to following events changed her mind?

If she did it would be foolish imo. She can film in Utah. I doubt she’d be traveling back to Flagstaff for any other reason. The way these people are with money, who knows. She’d be better off in a hotel on the off chance she did travel there.

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One thing I have noticed, because I follow Hunter on IG, is that he "hearts" Meri's IG posts.  To me that indicates that Hunter, at least, either wants to remain Switzerland within his family, or he actually does have a decent relationship with Meri, which I find to be a good thing.  Despite all of the things Meri has supposedly done (if we are to believe Kody), I don't think she deserves to be shunned by everyone in that family who isn't just after her paycheck.  She's just as damaged as anyone else related to Kody Brown.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

One thing I have noticed, because I follow Hunter on IG, is that he "hearts" Meri's IG posts.  To me that indicates that Hunter, at least, either wants to remain Switzerland within his family, or he actually does have a decent relationship with Meri, which I find to be a good thing.  Despite all of the things Meri has supposedly done (if we are to believe Kody), I don't think she deserves to be shunned by everyone in that family who isn't just after her paycheck.  She's just as damaged as anyone else related to Kody Brown.

I don’t think Meri is shunned by everyone. Hunter being the oldest of the “second group” of kids probably has a lot of good memories living in close proximity with Meri and growing up with Leon. 

Like with anything else, people’s individual personalities play into who they are close with etc. in a family that large and more than one maternal figure, there are going to be kids that really like Meri, kids that are fine with her and others that can’t stand her. 

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23 hours ago, Teafortwo said:

Okay so this is hilarious: Meri (and of course Jenn) are doing a virtual "haunted house" tour at her b&b on Oct. 30, on Facebook. But you have to buy tickets on the b&b website first.

The tickets are TWENTY-FIVE dollars! LOLOLOLOL

It's a VIRTUAL Haunted House tour??  What in the fresh hell is THAT????

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4 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

So it's an old house decorated for Halloween and Meri and JustJen in costumes giggling like teenie boppers. And maybe some orange krispy treats.  All for the low, low price of $25.


And the $25 Virtual viewers won't even get any "treats"...may be a good thing more I think about it! LOL

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5 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

So it's an old house decorated for Halloween and Meri and JustJen in costumes giggling like teenie boppers. And maybe some orange krispy treats.  All for the low, low price of $25.


I certainly wouldn't fork over 25 bucks of my hard-earned money for a virtual haunted house tour, but you know there are probably some Meri fans out there who will.  At least she continues to plug  away at bringing in an income and doing all she can to keep her B&B's name out there to attract future customers, unlike Robyn who doesn't do any work at all (did she even work at her Sister Wives Closet online jewelry shop, or did the other 3 wives do all the work?).

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3 minutes ago, kimaken said:

I certainly wouldn't fork over 25 bucks of my hard-earned money for a virtual haunted house tour, but you know there are probably some Meri fans out there who will.  At least she continues to plug  away at bringing in an income and doing all she can to keep her B&B's name out there to attract future customers, unlike Robyn who doesn't do any work at all (did she even work at her Sister Wives Closet online jewelry shop, or did the other 3 wives do all the work?).

I believe Day-Un was doing some of MSWC's work.  Christine was giving it away or including a piece of joolry for a while, with her LuLaRot sales.  Sobbyn tried to guilt Janelle into working on "plus-size" clothes, but I'm pretty sure that never happened.  Janelle called it a hobby business.  Sobbyn also guilted Meri into not going back to college, to help her (what a fool.)  Sobbyn told Kootie she couldn't have another baby unless she had "help" (slave labor) to sell that overpriced crap.  

What Sobbyn wanted, she usually got.  Moving to LV and then Flagstaff was orchestrated by her.

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15 hours ago, General Days said:

It's in person for $50, but virtual for $25. I think she overestimates how much anyone wants to see the B&B online.

I mean she TRIES to hustle, but just chooses some strange items to hustle.

These overpriced b and b retreats, haunted whatever, etc. are not too far from the Sister Wives Closet mess in the sense that these people are so insular and I don’t know, naively arrogant? They presume things that are of high value to their very niche market are worth something to the general public.
I get this is your heritage home and has sentimental value to you. It does not have sentimental value to anyone else. To the rest of the world it’s an overpriced, under services, badly decorated b and b. Same with that joory line. The designs were very specific to one family and expensive for what they were. Then none of them knew how to market what they had, and they wondered why it failed? 

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6 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I mean she TRIES to hustle, but just chooses some strange items to hustle.

These overpriced b and b retreats, haunted whatever, etc. are not too far from the Sister Wives Closet mess in the sense that these people are so insular and I don’t know, naively arrogant? They presume things that are of high value to their very niche market are worth something to the general public.
I get this is your heritage home and has sentimental value to you. It does not have sentimental value to anyone else. To the rest of the world it’s an overpriced, under services, badly decorated b and b. Same with that joory line. The designs were very specific to one family and expensive for what they were. Then none of them knew how to market what they had, and they wondered why it failed? 

I think that motivational speaker she was linked up with several months ago gave her the confidence to think she can ask ridiculous money for what little she actually has to offer as a business. I'm sure it was like, hey, you're MERI BROWN, from SISTERWIVES, use it girl! People will come!

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1 hour ago, Teri313 said:

I think that motivational speaker she was linked up with several months ago gave her the confidence to think she can ask ridiculous money for what little she actually has to offer as a business. I'm sure it was like, hey, you're MERI BROWN, from SISTERWIVES, use it girl! People will come!

Do you think Meri PAID that motivational speaker??  Just curious.  Or do you think she bartered a SKEERY Halloween trip to Parowan???

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7 hours ago, renatae said:

I haven't been watching too terribly long. Would anyone care to explain to me the "wet bar" and the cat fishing? Thanks! 💕


When the family was having the Vegas homes built, Meri was obsessed with getting a wet bar and thus had to have a big, giant house with a gazillion rooms. The wet bar came up a lot. 

After Kody and Meri legally divorced so Kody could marry Robyn, Meri got herself caught up in a very public, very humiliating catfishing scandal whereupon she thought she was going to run off with a super rich, handsome, tall dude named Sam who turned out to be a very sick and malicious woman named Jackie who eventually released a lot of Meri's voicemails, etc. 

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2 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

When the family was having the Vegas homes built, Meri was obsessed with getting a wet bar and thus had to have a big, giant house with a gazillion rooms. The wet bar came up a lot. 

Actually they bought in a very small development with one approved house plan with about four or five options.  Meri wanted the wet bar for family gatherings and I'm guessing their LIV presentations.  To get the wetbar, she ended up with the extra room behind the garage I think it was.  The size of the house was mostly pre-determined when they chose to buy in that development.  

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I remember her being kind of a diva about the whole build. She was nit-picky and foot-stompy, and she wasn't going to let anyone tell her that she couldn't have what she wanted, and that wet bar was something she really wanted, probably because no one else had one. I think she saw it as some kind of status symbol. So out in the viewer-sphere it kind of took on a life of its own.

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4 minutes ago, Teri313 said:

I remember her being kind of a diva about the whole build. She was nit-picky and foot-stompy, and she wasn't going to let anyone tell her that she couldn't have what she wanted, and that wet bar was something she really wanted, probably because no one else had one. I think she saw it as some kind of status symbol. So out in the viewer-sphere it kind of took on a life of its own.

Didn’t she, the sister wife with the smallest family, end up going over budget and having to dip into someone else’s money?

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I think there was some side factors that let Meri finally get her wet bar. First she only had one child running around and her house was probably the tidiest because of that. It gave them (Kodouche) a place to give his Liv Water presentations that was fairly professional looking. So it did indeed benefit them all in a small way. I think Kodouche just wanted Meri to stew about it before "giving in" to her. 

And yes, @Elizzikra, I think she was the one that went over budget. I have a feeling Kodouche wanted it to look like Meri was being greedy/stubborn, but it did benefit his business....

Edited by Gramto6
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